5 Canva Text Effects You NEED to Know | Canva Tutorial 2023

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Here are 5 amazing Canva text effects  to level up any of your designs! Ready? Let’s do this! hi my love you people  it's Natalia and welcome back to my channel   where help you create better content and grow on  social media let's jump right into the tutorial   the first one is a fun way to recreate a stencil  effect in canva it's so cool because you can use   it in many different ways be with bold headlines  that really help you get noticed or promotional   posts that attract attention let's start with this  branding for a florist this florist shop is called   Snowdrop and we've got a logo for it and let's  say I want to transform this logo and create a   stencil from it I will just duplicate this page  and I've got all of my elements grouped just so   that it's easier to maneuver what I'm going to  need first is a circle so I'm just going to hit   C and that pulls up that shape I don't need to  go to elements I just can do this and I'm going   to just grab a color from my logo just to create  that uniform effect I'm going to just drag it to   the sides by holding alt like this and to create  an ellipses now what I want to do is to actually   create a border so I'm just going to add that  border from the top panel in here like this you   can see the black kind of coming in and that's  going to be the basis of my outline now I can go   back and actually use that same color in here and  then go back to the color of the fill and go for   no color and that creates that outline um what I'm  going to do now is to just hold alt and duplicate   that same element and just make it smaller like  this I might need to kind of drag the sides but   I want to also just make that border a little bit  smaller so I'm just going to go to border weight   in here and just create that very thin line I can  just kind of balance it out to make the space even   just like this we've got the stamp in here but  now we want to make it feel a little bit more   more organic given that we need that effect that  it was actually kind of stamped it doesn't need to   be perfect it needs to be kind of dusted through  some you can search by you know stencil texture   something like grungy I'm going to go for dust  texture which I find gives me kind of the most   Variety in here now I want something that is a  little bit on the denser side so something like   this would not possibly work just because it it's  not giving us enough of that kind of dust effect   so maybe I should go for something like this in  here to see if this is going to work I think it   should and now the trick is to actually use the  same color as your background so I'm going to go   for the color and actually choose the same one  that was used before and you can see in here now   that it's actually creating that stamped effect  now of course from here you can make it kind of   smaller make it bigger make sure that you're using  something that really works for your type of an   image um I'm just going to cross drop it slightly  so it's just easier to maneuver across my design   just like this and I think if you want something  a little bit more um dense or something a little   less dense like this I think this is something  that potentially looks really good so I'm just   going to use it like this and from here you can  also just select all of them and group them once   you know this text effect you can use it for  so many different things you can create kind of   classic stamps like this you can create kind of  logo variations or it's very useful for mockups   of any kind when you're creating designs with  letters with tote bags certificates Etc so it's a   very useful effect to know text effect number two  warp text the second effect is achieved through a   free app available within Cana it's called typec  craft and allows you to go beyond the classic   text effects found through the text box features  normally you wouldn't be able to really manipulate   the text to change its shape but with this one  you can it's great for more abstract designs   where you you need something a little bit more  kind of trippy and this wordp text is perfect   for it I'll show you how to do it based on this  collage perfect so let's say we're starting with   this collage in here and it obviously lacks a bit  of text so what I'm going to do is to go to the   apps and search for typecraft now from here you're  going to see this icon just click on it and you'll   see this panel right here now the first Box gives  you your text options I'm going to go for mindset   just like in my finished example and Below you're  going to be able to choose the different fonts now   this is a bit of a limitation of this specific app  because it's not really allowing you to use all   the fonts that are available through canva but  you still have quite a variety in here you can   just scroll down you see the name of the font and  then below what it looks like so you can take a   look and see what's going to work for your design  specifically now I know exactly what I'm going for   so I'm just going to search for rainfall and and I  have this kind of black font in here so I'm going   to just choose this one and I can actually go for  different effects for unfilled for an outline so   that gives you a bit of variety in here but I just  want none of the effects none of the Styles and   I'm going to go for my color in here very useful  tool is to know the specific hex code that you're   looking for so if I wanted to match it to this  specific color then I could just pull the hex code   from here but for now I'm going to just disregard  it to just add this text to my design and as you   can see it just added it like this and from here  um you can always kind of go back in here and   start manipulating your text so for my first one  I want to create something a little bit more like   this um I'm going to just kind of drag the sides  like that to create a bit of that warped effect   in here and I'm going to do the same thing in here  what I'm trying to maintain is that straight line   in here cuz I don't want the letters to skew too  much on either side so I'm just trying to make   sure that this remains semi straight you can use  these lines in here as well just to manipulate the   curvature of this text as well so I can go kind  of a little bit higher up in here for a more kind   of slanted look I can do it like this a little bit  and I can just add it to my element I can just go   for update and that's going to give me that effect  in here now what I'm doing in here as well is to   just duplicate that same thing so I'm holding  alt and dragging the same element down below and   as you can see you can go back and jump to that  effect within the app to manipulate it further so   from here I'm just going to drag this one a little  bit down and create that curvature in here because   I want to make sure that kind of matches this line  in here so it's creating that dent above the text   so let's go for maybe something like this in here  here just like that and I'm going to try to update   and you can kind of go back and forth try to find  the best curvature for this I can kind of make it   bigger maybe less of a slant in here let's update  the element and this is how I'm working out that   specific effect that I want to achieve within this  app let me move both of them and I'll just keep   doing this for the rest of my text just like this  and another tip from me in here again you don't   want these sides to of these letters to skew too  much as I said keep these lines straight but also   make sure that this middle dot in here is really  aligned roughly with the bottom one because that's   going to kind of affect how slanted the text is um  in here so I'm just going to go for something like   this now that I've got all of them sorted I can  start changing my colors so again I can go back to   typec craft and actually just paste that hex code  in here um and just like this this that should   update my element like that as you can see now for  this one I want to actually create that outline   effect it's actually called unfilled with this  one so again I'm going to change the color of the   outline to the same color like this and you can  change the Border WID from this panel right here   again update element and my last color is going  to be this one so just applying it now of course   I want all of my elements selected I can make them  smaller or bigger and I'm just G to move it kind   of across like this and I'm going to position  them differently so I'm from the top position   and I want them underneath that um butterfly and  the woman in here this is a very useful effect   to know for you know things like collages for  t-shirt designs and any other kind of like social   media designs that need a bit of that visual edge  and a bit more of that abstract feel to them text   effect number three transparent outline this text  effect works amazingly well for videos but can be   used for static images too it looks pretty cool  so it's great to add it to your Arsenal again   especially since it's so versatile first what  we need is some frames so we're going to go to   the elements tab here in the left panel and then  scroll down for frames not to mistake them for   grids grids are for something slightly different  but we're going to go for frames in here and you   can actually go ahead and search for letter just  like this and you'll see all sorts of different   letters and there are actually different f F so  do pay attention to which fonts you're choosing to   not mix them too much because you want to go for  the same effect um as you can see these ones in   here are very very similar but this R in here or  this e in here belong to a different sets of fonts   um so you can kind of scroll down and see what you  like as you can see this one is um capital letter   but if you scroll down you're going to be able to  see the lowercase ones now for this design I want   a seraphon something a little bit more elegant so  I can just scroll scroll down and as you can see   this one matches my style so I'll go for um this  s right here and I just will add all of my frames   just to create that text and I can start pulling  them apart just like this and making sure that   I'm adjusting the sizing and as you can see this  one is actually the same size as the p and we all   know that this is not how it works I'm just going  to align it slightly with this lower Edge in here   just like this and you can keep doing it with the  rest of the elements now that they're all properly   sized I'm going to select all of them and just  make them smaller together so that maintains that   sizing that I've just created now from here I can  again arrange them properly so I'll start with my   S now the next thing to pay attention to in here  is the letter spacing the king so you need to make   sure that all of them are balanced nicely together  so I'm just going to drag it by nudging it with my   arrow keys of the keyboard and just to bring them  a little bit closer or further apart and to kind   of balance them nicely um just as they would be  in any um proper design I can move it all to the   middle just like this and we're sorted with the  arranging of the frames part now for this design   I want to use a video so I'm going to go and  search for soft plate just like this just to   find something um for my specific design let's see  maybe something like this or something a little   bit more Dynamic like this one so I'm just going  to click to add it to my design like this and I'm   just going to drag it kind of to the middle now  what I want to do is to position it to back and   here I'll show you a simple lining trick that  you can use to design all sorts of frame based   Graphics now if you want to retain that position  for all of the different letters in here what you   want to do is to then grab this layer below and  then by holding alt again just duplicate it and   drag it to our first letter now from here I'm  going to double click on it and what you want   to do is to make sure that it's aligned the same  way as your previous layer and since I filled the   canvas with that video specifically so I just need  to find the edges so I'm dragging it to the edges   like this and as you can see this should perfectly  align hopefully obviously this is a video and it   started playing so it's not on the same frame so  it might be useful to go back and to actually kind   of revert back to that first frame so I can always  kind of go back in here and just to kind of retain   that frame and as you can see this letter just  disappeared and this is exactly what we want now   what you could do to make it easier for you is to  just lower the transparency and I've actually as   you can see chosen a background we've started with  the background color of this nice Orange in here   so you can see that's below and what I can do is  to just slightly lower the transparency and I'll   be able to see how well this letter aligns and  obviously these letters will be visible so I'll   copy another one just get the transparency up put  it back in here and again align this is something   that you want to keep doing for every single one  of those letters so I'll just quickly do that in   the background and I'll get back to you in a  second this is a really great trick to align   all of your frames perfectly using the edges as  the point of reference you can also just remove   that layer if you want that sort of an effect but  I want to retain it and drop the opacity of that   background video to um kind of um a level like 20  for example so that when it plays everything still   is kind of smooth and lined now of course contrast  is very important for legibility and to make sure   that everyone can actually see what's happening on  the specific design so another trick that I've got   for you is to go to edit video in here at the top  of course if you're using photos for this just go   to edit photos and from the adjust tab which is  the second tab here at the top you can then drop   the brightness or up the brightness if you're  using a darker background and then maybe kind   of change the contrast to a lower bit just like  this just so you are having a bit more of that   contrast created between your background and your  foreground and from here you can then use it as   is or add any other elements to your design just  like this um you can always go back and change   the color of your background like this to maybe  something lighter in this case and then go back   like this you can maneuver kind of the different  styles um the way you want um as you can see here   in my example I've got the previous one I've  added some of the kind of different uh little   Graphics in here so you can do a lot of things  with it and then if you want to see it cuz this   is just a static design that I've got if you want  to see the video play from here I can just go to   my pages view like this and then hit duration just  like that and from here I will be able to play it   and show you how perfectly aligned everything  is and I think it's a really fun thing to use   whether for kind of organic social media posts for  your ads anything that you really need this effect   for it's really versatile and of course this works  brilliantly with static images as well you could   use it as the basis for your other designs so  it's a really cool kind of not only an aligning   trick but also a cool text effect to have in your  Arsenal text effect number four negative letter   this is a brilliant way to highlight a portion  of an image with text creatively granted it's   kind of tricky to design since you have to choose  the right word the right font the right image and   create a Synergy between them all but hopefully  this mini tutorial will show you exactly how to do   it now for this one what we need first is a really  strong word this type of a text effect tends to   work better with very distinctive letters o is  of course something that's very easy to replicate   but I can't imagine it going well uh with things  like a U or a y anything that really gives you a   bit of that edge so you can actually overlay this  bigger letter over the smaller one I'll explain   that while designing so I'll add my text first so  I've just hit T and I'm going to go to the top in   here and actually search for something specific  I think I've got this one in mind this is boru   so this is the font that I want to use for this  design and I want to make it as big as possible   now I'm going with the word flow to recreate that  same design I'm going to move this one to the side   like this and keep adding other text so I'm going  to just do duplicate it and add L the key here is   to really have small spaces between letters and  then to make the negative one slightly bigger   than the rest so I'll show that to you in just  a second I will for now just retain that o like   this and I'm just going to add W now what we want  again is that overlap so I'm going to send this o   to the front and from here just kind of overlay  it on top of my other um other letters just like   this and I've just change the color to make sure  that I see it now what I want of course is a frame   because we are using frames for this specific  design so let's go back to frames and we know   we need to look for a specific letter now from  here of course you won't have the same exact um   font that you've got so it's very important to  choose the letter that really matches the style   of your font so I'm going to go for this kind  of classic o in here just add it to the front   like this and then from here a of course you can  see that it's not matching but don't worry about   this cuz we're looking for that edge a lot more  than we're looking for the inside so what we want   is for this Frame to be just slightly larger than  the rest that we've got this this curvature here   on the side I'm going to just remove that o From  Below you can see that L peeking from behind so   we just want to kind of move it ever so slightly  maybe just like this okay I've repositioned it   slightly just to make sure that this L is not  really visible now we want to find the perfect   image for it I love to highlight people with it  but of course use it creatively using for other   um types of images and I'm going to just find  that yoga photo now I found the image so I'm just   going to send it backwards just like this and as  you can see I'm trying to align it to that frame   so that the majority of the image that I want to  highlight is actually retained within that shape   of the frame just like before what I need to do  is to actually grab that image duplicate it and   then insert it into my frame of course this image  was actually larger so I've cropped it so now I   cannot really use uh these edges to help me align  them perfectly I can try to do it manually I think   it's going to be absolutely fine the key here  is to line them together and just when you see   those fuzzy edges just make it slightly bigger  slightly smaller and then try to align it as   best as you can just like that and um there is a  bit of an artifact in here but again spend a bit   more time on it than I am and you've got your text  effect in here another great way to make sure that   this letter is actually slightly visible is to go  to elements and search for a shadow from here you   need to find something that's slightly kind of  circular maybe something like this would work   and I'm just going to align it perfectly like this  underneath that frame then position it backwards   so that it's it's kind of below um our text and  from here I can drop the transparency um to this   now I don't necessarily like it for this design  because it's quite minimalistic but for this   one I think it works especially with this kind of  silhouette style of a photo so you can use it for   this um you can see in here that's another way of  using this o of course o is the go-to because it's   got the most curvature out of all the letters  but if you do use something like a U or uh you   know again other letters with this curvature make  sure again to position the letters close to each   other and then overlay this Frame to take a bit of  that space so that this letter is actually visible   effect number five text outline this is a great  way to pair a brand image with a strong message   not only does it add visual interest but it's  also quite a versatile effect too the text can   be partial or go all the way around the subject  and work works for all sorts of fun designs too   a collage included the important step here is to  choose the right font that first matches the vibe   of the design but also works well for this type  of movement around the subject for this type of an   effect what I like to do first is to start with my  text I'm hitting t for the text box and then I'm   pasting over my quote of course you can just use  a single word you can use all the different things   in here so um just kind of adjust it to what you  want but if I start with something little bit   longer an actual kind of line of text I prefer to  have it all laid out first I'm going to change um   the font to helvetica to my classic I'll go for  something like 36 and I'll make it bold so I'll   go for something like this and now what I like  to do is to just kind of make it smaller like   this because we want to work in parts we never  want to have whole complete sentences and then   to adjust them because you want to make sure that  your following the line along your subject so this   is why I like to have it on the side like this I  prefer to have it aligned to the left now for my   first one I'm just going to duplicate this one and  then remove um this portion and now what you want   to do is to go to effects and go to shape here at  the bottom and use the curve now what you want is   to slightly curve all of your letters just so that  they match kind of the Curve again of this subject   now the more edges that you've got in here the  smaller text you're going to have to work with   I can see already that this on is going to be way  too much for this effect in here so I'm just going   to go With Ur um you can choose whatever distance  you want I want to work at a slight distance in   here so I'm just going to go with u just in here  and go to effects and again play around with   this curve in here and see if there's something  specific that you can kind of find that matches   that edge perfect I've got R so I can go back  to here or I can pull from here I can go for on   copy this one and just paste this on now I know  I need a very small word in here just because I   need that curvature to really speak kind of  volumes in here it's a very very small word   so I'm going to go all the way back like this and  sometimes you may need to adjust the spacing so if   I go to spacing here at the top and adjust letter  spacing I may sometimes need to make it a little   bit bigger than the previous ones just because  when you add a bit more of that curvature those   letters can kind of overlap and this is not what  we want so I can just add a bit more in here I've   got this on then I need the eve now I think I can  go for the Eve off let's see if this whole thing   is going to fit I think it's going to be again way  too much so this is how you work off of it bit um   but just like this I think this may work I might  ever so slightly adjust again the effect from   here and making a little bit more curvy just like  that and make sure it matches the previous text I   think this is a bit too close so again I can use  my nudge so my keyboard arrows just to make sure   I'm placing it very precisely now a little bit  more in here cuz I want this Eve to um kind of   really go in here so I'm just going to go like  this maybe and then again nudge it into position   again I think there's a bit too much of that curve  so there is a lot of kind of coming back and forth   a lot of trial and error for these you may need to  also rotate the text um in different ways so that   it matches perfectly and I think this is something  that I can work with Okay let's move on to another   line a complete and I'm going to again duplicate  that one and paste it over go to effect and   usually you're working kind of with the balance  so one is curving kind of inner inwards then   the other one is curving outwards this is usually  how this whole effect goes and I have a sneaking   suspicion that for this one I'm going to need  to actually break it in two um let's go back to   effects and see if I can actually kind of Salvage  it a little so I can have a bit more of this but   I can already see that this will be way too long  for um this spefic spe if it effect so I'm going   to go for a complete and then maybe from the leit  I'm going to move it back just like this and again   from here I'm going to duplicate the other one  cuz it's going to be easier to work with this um   kind of other side of the curvature um just like  that and again nudge it slightly into place try to   retain um the more natural kind of letter spacing  this is how I'm going to go all around this   subject again by copying little parts and then uh  moving them around uh this lovely woman in here   okay so this is now completed of course I needed  to go back and readjust slightly kind of this side   so that all of my text can fit in here of course  after I was done I removed that text from the side   cuz I didn't need it any longer um my tip from  here is that if Midway you find yourself lacking   um that space that you need to finish all of your  sentences all of your text you can always always   just select all of your text from one side nudge  it with the keyboard arrows to the side so that   it creates a bit more space for you to then kind  of have more of that curvature and finish off your   design of course you do need to balance that space  around your subject so it's pretty much kind of   um the same and equal everywhere but you do have  some leeway like you can see in here that there's   a bit more space but it still works for that type  of a design now this text is a little bit longer   there are fold sentences in here so you do need  to make sure that you have enough space around   it but just to test out this text effect you can  also work with singular words um I've actually   had a partial in here just like this so you can  see that I'm not really bothered with the whole   word being visible cuz I've got that creativity  here at the top and what I've actually done for   this one you see that I can just remove um this  layer at the top and I've just duplicated that   background like this position it forward and then  I just drag Dred it from the sides cuz it's a nice   kind of even line um and I've just covered this  text just so that it aligns with that barrier   so again it's you can be very very creative with  this text effect I'm just going to go a little bit   um more precise in here and you can have fun test  it out see how it works on shorter words and then   once you're a bit more advanced you can move on  to longer sentences if you haven't seen my full   Cav tutorial then watch it now since it will make  you more confident with canva and if designing   still takes you way too much time then check out  this video right here too now drop a comment down   below saying which one of these text effects is  your favorite And subscribe to my channel for more   canva tutorials and content like this thank you  so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Natalia Kalinska
Views: 25,704
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Keywords: canva typography tutorial, canva text effects, Canva Text Effects You NEED to Know, Canva Tips and Tricks 2023, canva tutorial, canva, natalia kalinska, how to use canva for beginners, canva design tutorial, easy canva tutorial, canva for beginners, how to use canva, canva tutorial for beginners, how to use canva tutorial, Canva Tutorial, canva tutorials, tips for canva, canva tricks, canva design, canva pro, canva tutorial 2023, canva tips, canva tricks and tips
Id: zRWCMjCPkgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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