Canteen Cup Tuesday, Eggs and Grits, Ova Easy Egg Crystals vs Fresh

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come on everybody it's bear look here it's Tuesday Tuesday morning hurry it's breakfast time so we're gonna do some eggs and some grits but not just any eggs okay look here I got some other easy crystal eggs so we're gonna compare them I'm gonna scramble up some actual eggs and we're gonna scramble up smoothly easy and we're gonna see how they rank if y'all see these all right so y'all I just ordered these I got them off of Amazon and it's the over easy egg crystals supposed to be fresh tasting it's made with real eggs easy to use it does say that they've taken out the glucose to help with stability so on the back here it gives us some instructions for one egg we need two tablespoons of the crystals and three tablespoons of water gives us some instructions one of the things I like about it is even once we open it and start using it we don't have to refrigerate it we just seal it back up and we can use it for our whole camping trip without any refrigeration the ingredients is simply whole eggs egg yolk dried egg whites that's it that's all the ingredients in it so United States your country of origin it's manufactured by let's see here neutron so there you go Oh a wind let's see to keep things simple for my measurement flashing over my thing I'm gonna put a little water in this cup to dip my tablespoons out of see here it says to cut along this here dotted line [Applause] because if there's this way to seal it I don't want to cut past that seal don't think there is I think we need to get this heat seal on the top of the package [Applause] there's our egg crystals and yeah there's no way to reseal this package so you're gonna want to have a ziplock or something with you when you go camping now we're going to two eggs here so we need four tablespoons of the powder it's one four four tablespoons of the egg crystals now we need six tablespoons of water and the other nice thing is it's just cold water so we don't have to preheat anything six I think I can kind of tell what they mean by removing the gluten it doesn't have quite the elasticity of regular scrambled eggs now let's get a couple eggs in here she wigs I didn't do a good job with the the shell y'all trying to get myself a surprise well here's one benefit into the egg crystals right away alright moving right along alright I'll see a little bit of difference there and what I want to do is I'm gonna attempt to cook them in this that's why I keep my two halves separate and sooo we've got real quick we're just gonna hit this guy with a little a little quick cooking spray all right for my ribs today my utilize and alcohol stove yeah let's go ahead and get those guys cooking I need a cup of water to my grit [Applause] all right I threw my bricks in the pan this stove I'm pretty low arctic air they're talking about must be on its way in this little spatula I cut it off to go in one of my cook kits this is a dollar store fine it's a great place to get cooking utensils for camp if something happens to it no big deal there's the real eggs and there's two over easy eggs I should have done one egg apiece my only easiest seem to be cooking up just a touch faster I do not recommend cooking him in this pan like this I'm doing it but this is not the right pan for the job pull these and start to burn up my eggs and that's not what we want to do [Applause] [Applause] all right let's get down here and plate this stuff up [Music] [Applause] all right up top here these are regular eggs and down this side oh the easy crystals so their measurements are probably just a touch smaller and two large eggs let me get these phone with a little pepper a little salt can't overeasy regular eggs yeah you know I get a bike before they get ice-cold we're trying to move easy first baƱo you know what that's really good [Music] totally acceptable those are great camp pigs we're gonna do some recipes with these on the one disc experimenting we're a try making some omelets of stuff so y'all can look forward to that future cuz that's a really good option for Camping's and I'm sorry about the wind it's just your all fault ignoring their color sending is that arctic air today my hands back on supposed to back down in the 20s did y'all see that the arctic blast just blew my camera off the table at work I can't see the screaming son of a god I have to do it GoFundMe it's a sad day in the life of bear today on his journey but I'm a figure now and look here we'll see you on the trail
Channel: JourneyofBear
Views: 2,182
Rating: 4.8800001 out of 5
Keywords: Canteen Cup Tuesday, trail food, trail cooking, Bushcraft, Hiking, backpacking, camping, Camp Cooking Tuesday, Camp cooking. camp stove, camp stoves, emergency stove
Id: LDCfmUda3xQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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