Overcoming Offense | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

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this program has been made possible by the friends and partners of joyce meyer ministries [Music] hi everyone and welcome to enjoying everyday life today joyce is continuing her wonderful teaching on one of the most important issues in life and that is forgiveness if you have lived you have needed to forgive forgiveness is a choice it's not a feeling and it's something that we need to ask god to help us to enable us to do every day over and over it is the power that fuels our christian life and it will change us in the most astounding ways now here's joyce to talk more about how offense and unforgiveness can stop us from growing spiritually and why we need to keep our love walk toward other people stirred up you talk about getting an upgrade in power in your life man you just start living free of anger and offense and see what god does for you you know why you know why he'll honor you because he knows it's hard but if you wait on him to be your vindicator people will never get by with hurting you god will always bring it back around and reward you but only if we do it his way actually there's a scripture in hebrews 12 15 that says help one another secure grace so that you do not get bitter when you're hurt are mistreated burnt but not bitter so he's actually saying here that it's our job as brothers and sisters in christ to kind of watch over one another in this area and we need to be wise enough with our friends and the people that we're around instead of when you're having coffee with somebody and they're telling you this long tail about what somebody did to them and how upset they are don't just sit there and agree with them try to talk them out of it try to help them understand that it's a waste of time a waste of god's time a waste of their time and it is not in any way shape or form going to solve their problem [Applause] otherwise you know what happens what they tell you gets inside of you now all of a sudden you don't like this person that didn't even do anything to you first of all you're not even supposed to believe anything you hear except in the mouth of two or three reliable witnesses so we got to stop just believing gossip and getting mad at people because somebody said something that we don't even know is true amen come on if we're going to study the bible let's live it otherwise we're just playing games we're just being counterfeits what good does it do to underline in your bible if we're not going to do now you know we all fail we all make mistakes and we keep getting forgiveness and we go on but we've got to be serious about this we are living in very serious times and i would imagine that you are fairly serious or you wouldn't have taken a friday night to come here and fight the traffic you fought to get in here some of you traveled a long way you've paid for hotels you're gonna be back here all day again tomorrow and you know it takes a lot to put on one of these things i mean we probably brought 50 people with us seven semi trucks fully loaded i mean it takes a day to set this whole place up this is serious business god goes to extremes to get his word to his people this is not just an event [Applause] this is not just a hope i want to see what she looks like in person compared to tv you can get all the pictures of me you want you don't need to come out here just to do that but please listen to me this weekend i believe this is a word from god for your life and this can turn some people's lives around if you'll get a hold of this [Applause] some of you this is an actual divine appointment i mean god sent you here because you desperately need this word and let me tell you something if you make a choice to forgive somebody and you don't feel any different don't let the devil deceive you into thinking that you did not forgive how you feel has nothing to do with it if you pray for them you don't gossip about them you speak well of them and if there's a need that comes up that you can meet you meet that need that is the full force of forgiveness because people can have gooey feelings about somebody and do none of that hebrews 12 15 see to it that no one falls short of god's grace that no root of resentment springs up and causes trouble and many be defiled by it don't just try to forgive people pray that god will enable you to forgive and you don't even have to wait until you're mad at somebody to pray that prayer why not pray that every day god the minute that anybody offends me grant me the grace to forgive quickly help me realize what a mess i am and how often you forgive me please god help me the longer the feelings continue the more deeply rooted they become and bitter roots always produce bitter fruits second corinthians 1 10 forgive to keep satan from getting an advantage over you how much plainer can it be don't open doors for the devil by staying mad studying the nature of the devil is just good for all of us every once in a while because you talk about sneaky i mean oh the stuff that he does and we just let him get by with it we're just not paying any attention to what's going on pray that god will show you yourself and that he'll show you truth and then hang on to your seats now i love this scripture colossians 3 19 because it says husbands love your wives with an affectionate sympathetic selfless love that always seeks the best for her how many of you ladies like that i like that [Applause] and husbands do not be bitter are resentful toward your wife because of the responsibilities of marriage i was thinking that over i thought now what in the world does that scripture mean well first of all i mean the same thing goes for wives it this just happens to talk about husbands and i'd rather talk about husbands and wives and since i've got the platform that's what we'll do okay maybe um she has not met all of his expectations do you know i don't think it's what people do that make us so upset is what we expected them to do and a lot of times we have unrealistic expectations of people why i expect you to keep me happy all the time i used to get so mad at dave because he wasn't keeping me happy he'd go play golf now i wasn't happy and dave needed to make me happy and god said why don't you take responsibility for your own joy it's not dave's job here's the see that right there might set some woman free no maybe could be come on are you are you expecting somebody else to keep you happy all the time it's an unrealistic expectation and you'll end up being bitter about something god's never going to give you because he doesn't want you depending on other people for your joy he wants you depending on him he feels trapped he's been married 30 years now he has all these responsibilities and he isn't happy you know what maybe if he lived to make her happy he'd be happier all right if she lived to make him happy she'd be happier uh you like the he part better bitterness often begins with several small offenses little things that we never bring closure to little things about that other person that just bug you don't have a file in your computer where you store all the little things that you don't like about somebody the word offense comes from a greek word scandalon and it was actually the part of a trap on which the bait hung that lured the animals into the trap for slaughter so when satan dangles the temptation to be offended in front of us it's an invitation to just run right into his trap do you know how many people today are offended i have never seen a time when people are more touchy i mean it's like people get mad at you for breathing you don't you don't even know it's like what paul said that he really worked with god to make sure that his heart was void of offense toward god and man i honestly think this is something that we could deal with every day in our prayers god am i mad at anybody if i am show me who it is have i not completely forgiven somebody am i do i have any offense in my heart how much better do you think your day would be if maybe you'd take care of all that early in the morning and just get dough with come on matthew chapter 24 is a chapter in the bible about the sign of end times and you've got all these wars and rumors of wars and famines and earthquakes and divers places and all these different things but there's a couple of scriptures verse 10 and verse 12 that i don't think we pay enough attention to and there are also signs of the end time and verse 10 says in the last days many will be offended and they will stumble and fall jesus called himself a rock of offense over which men stumbled and what that meant was people could be going along and growing in their walk with god but then when they came to something that was hard for them to understand are hard to do and it offended them like in john 6 when he said your forefathers ate manna in the wilderness and they they were excited because of the miracles but i want to deal with you a different way i want you to take me at my word eat my body and drink my blood and they were like i'm out of here and it actually says that many of them went back to their old associations they didn't stick around long enough to let him teach them what they're really saying so they stumbled when we get offended we can't grow anymore you understand that as long as you're angry you're not growing spiritually as long as you're offended you can go to church six times a week you're not growing spiritually you can hear all kinds of good stuff but you can't keep it on the inside of you because this is a very important issue i would actually go so far as to say that i think that this business of being mad at people and angry and bitter and resentful is probably one of the most important lessons that jesus came to teach us and if we never get this one right then none of the rest of it's ever going to go right either [Applause] amen [Applause] and then verse 12 says the love of the great body of people will grow cold in the last days and that's what satan wants he wants a strong hold of cold love he doesn't want us to love each other because that's where our power is at and he tells us to love each other unconditionally and to do that you got to be good at giving mercy amen sometimes we say well i'll forgive you but i'll never forget it well here's a little story there was a priest in the philippines who carried the burden of a secret sin he'd committed many years before he had repented but he still had no sense of god's forgiveness in his church was a woman who claimed to have visions since which she spoke with christ and he said to her and he was with her so the priest however was skeptical about this woman but to test her he said well the next time you speak with christ i want you to ask him what sin your priest committed when he was in bible college so the woman agreed to do so a few days later the priest asked well did christ visit you in your dreams yes he did she said and did you ask him what sin i committed while i was in bible college yes i did well what did he say he said i don't remember [Applause] come on i don't remember see and that's actually possible if you let go of things real quick i'm asking you to get a master's degree in forgiveness i mean just be the best of anybody at forgiving don't waste any more your time i mean if you really stop and think about it if you go home and think about this for 10 minutes tonight you'll realize that staying mad at somebody does no good it doesn't change them but it does change you so we have to keep our love walk stirred up first peter says above all have fervent unfailing love for one another if i didn't have to record different things for television i could go everywhere that i went and preach on love what it really means to love love is not just a sermon it's not just a word it's not just something that we say to people but it's action love is doing things for people it's helping people that are hurting it's building people up it's taking time with people something we don't have much of today we don't have much time for people relationships are going to pot because nobody wants to take any time to talk to anybody we'll just send a text and they'll answer back k and that's it [Applause] not that you probably would get a text from me but if i sent you a text do not send me back a message that says k i mean if we're too lazy it lazy to even say okay sometimes i ask to ask what does this mean how many of you agree [Applause] we're in such a big hurry now we can't even write out a whole sentence above all have fervent unfailing love for one another because love covers a multitude of sins it overlooks unkindness and unselfishly seeks the best for other people there's an updated version of the amplified bible out which is what i use and they use the phrase in their own self that love unselfishly seeks the best for other people love is shed abroad in our hearts by the holy ghost but we can either keep it stirred up or we can let it grow cold and this has been very important to me in the last 12 or 15 years of my life and i share it in a lot of my messages and i don't intend to stop if you want to keep your love stirred up there's certain things you have to do number one ask god every day what you can do for somebody else don't wait for three prophecies and two trumpet blasts and an angelic appearance now god if you really you really want me to help them god i mean like really you want me to listen to what people say they want need and provide it stop asking god to do things for people that you could do and just don't want to god mabel's behind on her rent she needs help well how about if you get 100 bucks out of your pocket and help her well i have plans for my money come on am i telling the truth i'm telling the truth and you know what the only way i know this is because i've had to take this from god first before i get to dish it out to anybody i'm not pointing fingers at anybody else this is how god has dealt with me some of the things that he's taught me and really all i'm doing is just letting you eat off my plate set aside an amount of money each month beyond your regular giving now come on i'm giving you a homework assignment set aside an amount of money each month beyond your regular giving and it's not going to be money you're going to get a tax write off far you know this is going to just be money to bless people with it may be somebody that's poor but it doesn't have to be just because somebody's not poor doesn't mean they don't need to be blessed i mean the richest person you know may need a blessing worse than anybody else that you know because when people have a lot people are usually always wanting something from them and nobody thinks about giving to them come on am i right [Applause] look for opportunities to be a blessing i mean get determined say i'm not going to let one day of my life go by that i don't bless somebody every day i i don't get i don't get around to it every day but every day i try to give something away something something out of my closet you know how much stuff you got laying around your house that could be a blessing to somebody else and you're keeping it just in case and if in case ever comes you won't know where it's at and you'll go buy another one anyway come on i'm telling you the truth you doing okay out there galatians 6 10 says be mindful to be a blessing especially to the household of faith now here's what i'm saying if i if i could sum this up instead of being mad and bitter and offended and angry even like secretly angry i love you with the love of the lord but every time i see you it's lying [Music] you know it's a feeling we get isn't it it's just like oh did you have to come i wouldn't have went to that baby shower if i'd known you were going to be there and i'm sure not going to sit by you [Music] can i tell you something god is not nearly as interested in your little sunday morning visit as he is and how you live the rest of your life all week long i mean i'm sure god's proud of you that you came here tonight you took a friday night to come but to be honest you have wasted your time if you don't go out of here and put some of these principles into practice [Applause] i don't want to be mad at anybody being mad is hard work the bible says in proverbs 19 11 good sense and discretion make a man slow to anger and it is his honor and glory to overlook an offense without seeking revenge and harboring resentment okay here's the kicker you know what the word glory means it's his glory to overlook an offense it means the manifested excellence of god so if i can translate this properly it's an honor and will produce the manifested excellence of god in your life if you overlook a transgression or an offense and don't seek revenge and harbor resentment come on are you waiting for god to do some big things for you how many of you are waiting for god to do some big things for you i mean you really want big time favor well i do but you know what i know that i'll never have it if i don't stay free from this stuff you can't let it get you it's the devil don't let it get you well you're laying around in bed at night about to drift off and here comes the thoughts every once in a while i find myself just being you know like empty-headed and then all of a sudden i'm thinking about some specific thing my dad did to me that i detested and you know what i'll do i'll say no come on open your mouth and talk back to the devil just say no i'm not going there there is a place called there and you used to live there but you're not going there anymore amen [Music] fight for your life well we definitely all have a lot to learn we all need to learn to do things god's way and that means living free from anger and offense and to be walking in forgiveness i know that you've probably been through some really hard things and you're thinking i i don't know if i can forgive this issue but we can receive the forgiveness that god offers us therefore we need to offer that forgiveness to other people it's how it works and it's also what will help you in your pain most of all joy soy says do yourself a favor and forgive we have um an offer that will help you really delve into what god's word says about this to help you do it like we said it sometime is an everyday walk so these teachings called burnt but not bitter include three hours of teaching from joyce that will answer a lot of those questions that you were thinking about all of those reasons in your head that pop up and say but what about this but what about this how do i do this god's word answers every one of them and this teaching from joyce will help you walk through it that's why we are offering it to you for a gift of any amount it is so important that you get this into your spirit that you get this into your life and that you can begin that process of making the choice to forgive so please do your best today contact us and get this resource to help you you can get it as a regular physical resource or as a digital download we are praying for you we love you and we are so glad that you are here with us today have you been burned by someone or something and now you're struggling to find healing learn to forgive quickly and avoid the trap of a fence with joyce's three-part teaching series burnt but not bitter you know the first step to healing take 100 responsibility for your life right now and you might say well it's not my fault that i'm in this situation it may not be your fault that you got here but if you don't take responsibility for it you'll never get out of it don't get stuck in your pain move past it and into a new beginning with god's help this series is available for your gift of any amount just visit us at joycemeyer.org or call us toll free at 1-800-727-9673 so the bible is god's manual to help us navigate life but life often gets in the way of knowing the bible finding the time knowing where to begin and discovering what this all means to you we understand and we'd like to help at joycemeyer.org study you'll find free resources to help you get more out of the bible whether you're a new christian or have been walking with christ for years so jump in today the word it's free it's mobile and it's tailored for you at joycemeyer.org for more information visit joycemeyer.org this program has been made possible by the friends and partners of joyce meyer ministries
Channel: Joyce Meyer Ministries
Views: 170,373
Rating: 4.845407 out of 5
Keywords: joyce meyer bible study, joyce meyer, joyce meyer ministries, joyce meyer youtube, joyce meyer sermons, joyce meyer teaching, joyce meyer preaching, joycemeyerministries, joyce meyer 2021, joyce meyer sermons 2021, enjoying everyday life, joyce meyer enjoying everyday life, joyce meyers, joyce meyers 2021, how to overcome offense, overcoming offense, why being offended is bad, what does being offended mean, living free of offense, dont be touchy, being touchy
Id: HnstHr6wT3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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