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all righty how's it going YouTube how's it going stackers welcome back we are doing another garbage picking video and today's video we are trying out to yes to new towns that is doing garbage day today so today's Thursday it's about Thursday night it is currently 7:15 at night the Sun is going down and we're going Garbage Pail might try out these two towns I know a lot of people have been requesting to do more garbage picking videos I came out one yesterday and you know I promised that I ever got a new van and got a more reliable van I definitely try to find a way and make it possible to do more garbage picking videos in more town so thank you to everyone who supported the channel let's get out there and try out some new towns for garbage picking this is it's a new town it's a new adventure I honestly don't have any ideas anything about regulations how's it go all right garbage thank you they're going to the flea market yeah that night guy from an auction I don't know what auction Ronnie I know a bunch of options around here don't know where I know that guy from I'm this person down here has a bunch of stuff so we're gonna take a gander down here now this town is very narrow roads it's one lane it's both ways but it's one lane so I can't really park in the middle Leyna stuff all right so what I have seen so far is there is a lot of garbage out so you got stuff on the right just core board boxes so nothing of importance this this this this place there's a lot of one one-way ropes that's kind just messing me up a little bit messing up the flow it's kind of like in the other town that I do my garbage picking in our this is community library right here and I donated so many more books them one year I don't need it I don't know 30 boxes because they always said to hey you can always drop off donations and then they put up a sign that said that you were required to stop in beforehand before donating books rehren and just leave it now they put up a whole sign because i donated so many and i got upset with me about it funny story so whenever somebody says things about donating books the library keep that in mind to that donate 30 bucks is all at once cuz i'm not gonna be too pleased pallets over there free pallets I see some treasure across the street hello alright just grabbing some stuff yeah I guess you can call it that yeah I saw the free market burning okay already like house where stuff like this yeah I'd grab that all right thank you all right pulling up to a pretty big trash probably the best possible way I can make sure break this other stuff radicular an option recently somebody said this is press deal underneath here and just coated I don't think that's true I think it's like novice cos I think the Magnum would stay close but we'll find out someone grab this it slices in a bunch of pieces right got ourselves creeper it's missing one wheel how to bring a treat some time just like a motor or something to motor there's all the pieces down there they look like bearings like bearings of something maybe off the lawnmower sorting tester [Music] have some climb tool tester so his chair it's torn fortunates torn so nice hot you stick in there if I'm not like dig through the whole thing that metals gots cables she hides her ways lino ain't flying waste more than that one weight bench does all right so we got right here looks like we got a WoW was this it's a nice bucket looks like copper and we have a milk can or milk jug I don't know this might be a creamer can this looks like copper we're gonna find out right here if it's copper and is copper but it also is cracked on the bottom so that's no good but it's good scrap and the handle is iron so that's gotta come off and then we have this milk can that's the easy 15 20 maybe 25 bucks at the flea market that's a good piece itself no idea how bad shape this thing is how bad of a shape this thing is in but where will I see what it's like some treat me it is wicker wouldn't look well I'm on a handbook on a hill so it doesn't really help the old book series how you doing no not yet hey what's going on man yeah you're the guy who collects all New York the flea market you say well they aren't worth yeah so you want to see this probably in a couple days you're probably see this in a couple days oh thank god auction catalog yeah what'd you put on eBay I try I try to box them up you know I put ten and get 20 bucks and you know but I have a bunch - I don't have Sotheby's I have a Christie's Christie's doesn't sell in fact in the 80s I sold so much stuff to Sotheby's I got catalogs really really are these all just garbage garbage not really not you see what I sell stuff for you know yeah stop back there sweet girls all right yeah they look really good free really okay I'll tell you what I start with I think they fit my car I try to stop by they don't depend you know yeah if not no I said someone's gonna take that right away oh yes I'm gonna figure out later yeah no ill be that I want to tell number two around here I just left the first town which was amazing what we got on left we got some trash and some trash all right that's that recycles are out in full force got over here got a pallet scrap and pallet man would be excited for that I might have some wire down there on the ground so we'll stop go over there take a gander I've got some fresh board furniture over here Oh don't of course I don't have my uh my Clippers with me I'll have to go back and clip that cord this usually is aluminum as well so find clip that chorim will be on word stuff auction stuff camcorder better grab this that's aluminum where and this is something I don't know if this looked really nice John will take it'll sell myself another day to fun there's a name on it made in Japan nope I think okay so garbage picking is done for today came across a lot there was a dog in that car I don't want a dog one anyways I'm getting pizza here everyone asked me what do I usually eat I eat like a five-year-old I have probably pizza six days a week at this place so the guy in here you just I just walk in he's I know well you want the usual I'm like yeah let me get the usual so that's pizza and fries like I said I eat like a five-year-old it's probably the pros and cons of being a single dude when we come across this guy gave me a bunch of auction books as a bunch of Christie books in there as well I weigh a lot them up and sell them on eBay awesome awesome fine right here this is a 1520 piece easily at the flea market these always sell if not I can bring it to a tailgate auction these I think are really really nice they're kind of glazed in a way but they don't have a name as you see it says consignor here this is a local auction company that does those stickers and obviously in a strawberry flat it would be an auction thing a lot of people have also recommended that I use banana boxes at the flea market I don't like banana boxes kind because it gives that auction feel I know if you're not really familiar to the auctions you might be like well I didn't really know banana boxes are in auctions but they're at pretty much every auction and I don't know I just like buying stuff from people when they just it feels like it came out of a house it didn't come out of an auction they're not just buying to sell it but that's more of a mental thing overall great day we got this nice copper pot down here there it does have a huge crack on the balm so I probably scrapped that I seen them often at the scrapyard and that's because they do have a lot of weight to them and because of the weight it's probably worth it more to scrap it then I just try sell it outright what else we grabbed a bunch of hardware and stuff a bunch of scrap metal overall it was a great great day of picking hopefully you guys did enjoy this video I know it was kind of fun to get out and try something new it really was a great day awesome awesome fine with that awesome find the bucket just just a great overall day hopefully you guys have enjoyed it if you did you stop in for a first time you want see more garbage picking videos just like this definitely subscribe to channel and as always have a great day keep living the dream boost [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 91,424
Rating: 4.9374328 out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, Garbage Picking, Garbage Pick, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, The Junk Man, Junker, Junk Man, Found in trash, found in garbage, dumpster dive, dumpster diver, dumpster diving, dumpster hauls, dumpster find, dumpster dive ulta, scrap man, scrap metal recycling, scrapper, antiques, restore, recycle metal, recycle, restore furniture, diy, save the earth, going green, go green, clean landfill, reduce garbage, trash, garbage, garbage men, found, exploring, abandoned
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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