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all righty welcome back you too welcome back stackers another beautiful day to go garbage picking very very warm out very nice out as well nice and sunny finally get a nice clean day to do some garbage picking no rain and nothing in the forecast today just came back from a flea market it was a very successful day got away got rid of a lot of big items so I have a space to buy or space to pick up some bigger items and hopefully some good items today guys a new day a channel what we do on today's video is we go out it's trash day drive around when people throw out their trash see if there's anything cool or interesting they lay out we grab it if we can resell it take it to a scrap yard or reuse in any way so uh let's get into it let's see what's in the trash today so we got this washing machine here this is gonna be throwing the first parts of the video come back in the flea market say oh well this works hope I have space there I danced about space this dog is relentless what is that it looks like some aluminum good ol aluminum shooters nope there are but still gonna grab them it's actually pretty nice I mean these work yeah I might even keep these for no all right I'm gonna keep these for myself probably put this on the porch or something might work out for me yeah they're pretty nice they're in good shape minor rusting at the bottom round there but other than that these are some pretty nice chairs a box truck I would probably get 10 or 15 for the pair all right I don't know what this is but look pretty interesting that's like an old chandelier all right oh yeah like all right let's see whoa so you've got a whole pallet of goodies over here dogs every day or dogs wow that's a shame not only guys saw that burly that's not fixable me you guys might think you can clue that just it's really unfortunate I came as usual look at all these cookie cutters I'm someone who would always grab that regardless but that is just you can't use it you know you can't you can't do it they and all these things what are these like traps of something now you might be making a mistake by grabbing all these cookie cutters gonna do this nice thing to see this would thing down this singsong I'll grab the ones aren't completely this isn't I don't think an old one either it's got a name on the bottom burly clay so it is what it is now if that wasn't cracked if that wasn't cracked I would grab it I managed it if it wasn't completely broken if it was cracked at a hairline crack on rabbit and among whose bike which may or may not need a new change nice wicker piece but I guess we'll just take this that I think was a table the glass piece we got organized a little better this is life so I can put this bad boy sideways like so anyone knows the kind traps those are let me know there's gotta be something there's no pile doesn't look like it though lots of cardboard mulch put down the phone it's actually that's really nice look so he has a cord on oh wait what I'm we just assumed there's no bees or anything in there what am i what my neighbor's was asking if I had an extra small grill don't know if this will work for him but if it does I'll just give it to him the trick with anything with wheels it is you can't let a wheel around now we got all these all this good metal so if you ever wonder where your razor blades come from garbage I saw a ladder over here not going to take the wood liar because they do not sell but I don't know if this our stuff is oh yeah these things they don't sell so not grabbing that the LA mailbox and aluminum ladder which if this is in good shape I might keep it for myself I don't have many small letters no box kind of old need wood fence that will do it so we got a got a motor here this one's pretty nice that's not Brass it just polish breasts but that's also a motor all right it's plastic can't use that too much that's gonna be tomato problem grabbing this thanks guys wait to it this is deceptive tell you what you paint that white you paint that why it's easy 20 25 bucks at the flea market I'm not grabbing that it's too big it's too bulky and realistically they only sell for about 5 bucks the flea market so for how much space that takes up I'll leave it for something else these ladies here all will grab it we'll see we'll see it wouldn't be a taco stacks video if it wasn't for a couple of these now in the winter I find Cedars everywhere and in wow there's a lot here in the summer I find these screens everywhere these aluminum screens they can find their place every video I feel like oh wow just smack my head crazy I think I've seen some ballasts over here as well these are all screen so that's nice nice a copper wire and then the ballast stone by themselves or uh yeah it's an old door right there it's pretty neat it's not for me though so that thing right there is called a ballast as a sign or is this just a sheet of metal just a sheet of metal let's take up much space Wow it's a nice piece of red brass right there it's gotta be 2 or 3 bucks now I do have a question so if the person will ask him so that stuff right there is that garbage or the plastic don't worry about it take that that's full of gas so not a nice little bit I don't know because it's like that's where the garbage goes I mean I think it's kind of weird you throw it up forget about it's not worth the hassle I think I had one of these once at the flea market in so I think this is for like for the beach going out all in this thing should be flipped over always keep your rake like that so I don't need those cuz I know they're not gonna sell then we got a book sale out here deserts better home sweep did see a vacuum cleaner over here the court has already been clicked and he have some truth an assortment of stuff yeah are you doing how you doing alright I saw something very very intriguing I was all the way over there so I have pork somewhere safe [Music] it's like it's kind of like it's metal and plastic it's broken on the top but I know this would self if it doesn't sell there would sell the tailgate auction now if anyone knows what this is besides a fake gas pump let me know cuz I have no idea no idea what this might be in terms of a prop house grab this lamp it's kind of nice lamp this one is so swans got something in it and it's a metal box so it doesn't work alright grab this that must be the bucket for think this stuff is aluminum I don't think it's I don't think it's final no I was like very very very thin aluminum they'll Smits it's a good piece that's easy five ten bucks so that's gonna kind of wrap it up here overall great great day figured like this man was full but I guess this man does pack a lot of stuff when the old van probably went up to that top piece right there so this would be pretty much close to about third of a van load but there's a lot of good items here got a lot of aluminum some fan motors cooler all that kind of stuff if anyone knows what kind of traps these things are they got to be a trap of something see what looks like a wasps nest baby on top of that so I don't know maze like some sort of bee contraption for bees don't know nice jewelry cabinet or the side table and table it's not jewelry cabinet but a lot of great great things today it's a fun day that one bucket of scrap back there was wasn't bad where were all those who there dinner all these older cookie cutters it's a whole lot of them that's a good flea market item gas things pretty good overall great great day lots of good treasure to be had I'm most importantly a lot of treasure that's not going to the landfill yeah very very fun day got some nice red brass down there which is uh he's always nice to pick up but it was fun very very fun save this stuff from the landfill and hopefully make a little bit of money as well hopefully you guys have enjoyed this video it's been a treasure trove of a day lots lots of fun I know a lot of people like that the treasure hunts up these garbage videos only try to keep on getting out great day hopefully guys enjoyed it if you did smash that like button until next time have a great day keep living a dream whose [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 120,321
Rating: 4.9293141 out of 5
Keywords: Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Dumpster Diver, Dumpster Dive, Dumpster Dive Ulta, Found in trash, found in garbage, treasure hunting, treasure hunt, recycling, recycle metal, trash day, garbage day, scrap metal, scrapper, scrap man, junking, junk man, junker, landfill, salvage yard, salvage, trash man, garbage men, finds, haul, dumpster diving haul, found in dumpster, dumpster dive gamestop, reseller, resell, found money, finding money, river diving
Id: b36ro3TDxZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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