BEST TRASH PICKING FIND EVER?! - Garbage Picking Ep. 425

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all right so uh yeah today's the day today's the day we go trash picking so yes again we are going trash picking for another adventure um today's the day where i combine the two towns into one video and i gotta say the first town i did very very well so i found this really cool item uh and i'll include those clips first and then after that we're trash picking a normal town tonight in today's video so let's make it a fun one try find some treasure trash picking out at night combining two days into one let's do it holy cow holy smokes how is this out here how is this out here [Music] so [Music] i mean they're used but best score of 2021 by far so the funny thing is was this it was this house oh man that brings me back earlier days of resale is this the other no that house down there that corner this uh this house i was talking about this greenhouse it um they had online auction i think i bought the contents to an attic for five dollars it wasn't that bad just kind of kind of crazy like you know you go by these places brings back memories some furniture over there but nothing too crazy i just see oh over here it's like a steamer so i've picked up i can't tell you how many of those and i have not sold one they have picked up six now still have not sold one crazy in it also very cool fine first day now we're back into the second day there's like a steamer over there check out what's over here too it says free but i don't think i'm going to grab any of it that's about it all right all right i kid you not i was just at an auction they had two rockers sold for i think 60 bucks but they were really nice this one's like composite it looks like however these things are sweet these like parlor chairs are awesome it's got a little uh cracking down there and the other one that's red duct tape still pretty cool i like them but yeah tracy hills with the uh crazy deals with the uh rocking chairs that's not a crazy thing about auctions i mean those things usually sell for like three to five bucks maybe they don't sell then they go for a gazillion dollars out of nowhere never know of auctions so yeah we're in town those clouds up there look a lot darker than what they appear on camera those look very storm like always going to say i love this bank here that is a pnc bank but uh used to be a really old bank like this is the town hall from 1909 but i'm hoping that doesn't start pouring on me because i don't have a sweatshirt but we are in town too trying to find some more treasure i see uh oh probably might have to go back down that way what street was that don't even remember that's the one before that one all right we will find it what's that over there holy smokes there's treasure everywhere i miss something on my right i don't know why am i still driving this way probably should turn around treasure everywhere it's a nice rug now it's not it's all no i thought it was a nice rug this thing's kind of cool see what this thing's all about over here i kind of like it i think this would be awesome if you paint it paint it white or paint it black oh it's broken missing your leg that rug could have been something really good but all the uh the colors all worn away it's all worn out all right nope harder than i thought battled out with the amazon guy not going to say it's like the same house as doorway stuff every week but it's pretty close i'm pretty sure that was the house i stole away a bunch of kids stuff pink some blues toys tell you what those amazon trucks are going to be for sale everywhere in a couple years okay always skeptical notches always skeptical of picking these up but that's definitely a scrap the whole casing is all melted it has holes in it and i'm referring to the uh lawn longer there's like holes in there and then well what are the odds not only do we find another grill as per trash picking uge it's the same exact girl we found last week ironically in the same exact town what are the odds i think that's for dog blues that's what i think this is for thanks to jackie this also has a very nice dog bowl that's plastic lennox gardens this reminds me of wrigley the chair reminds me of wrigley field huh whether the attack of stacks video without a couple chairs and it's currently raining not pouring but raining this is a pretty nice church over here and surprisingly surprisingly they never uh they never have rummage sales in this one rummage sales rummage sales remember sales they have been popping up here uh but not in full swing like they were two years ago how the heck am i going to move this i literally don't know do you think it this is like one of those things that you never use and takes up a ton of space and you're like you know what let me just throw that out because in reality i mean i have one of those myself i use it probably once every eight to ten months i can't lift that thing up good throw i put on top of this oh my god it'll be amazing be amazing if i figure this and has no wheels oh and it's greatly heavy huh maybe if i'm lucky enough i can fit it like right here and then just like flop it on top of that i just tie it like that and just drive off probably should right tell me that doesn't look good wow look at that pack job i don't think uh should be a pro i should write a book all right i almost missed this that's why i'm walking back up this hill wondering if i playing that uh radio arm saw i think that's what it is um did it fold back onto my door where i can't open good thing i stopped for that do you think you folded it back to oh wow there's premium insulated wire inside here too it's conduit do you think i can open up this door without this thing falling on me that is what we'll decide hasn't moved so that's about five dollars i would say in wire if i really want to rip out the wire out of this which it's [Music] probably not too difficult but i have to cut it in half it's probably uh probably like six dollars six dollars in wire there which is a foot long at subway because i have uh coupons and just on cue i managed to rip my coupons so that's great but i still got the 5.99 foot long wow what an insane video what an insane day i don't have the drum set in here but you guys saw the drum set in the first part that was crazy um did a little bit of research on it it's worth a couple hundred dollars i think in that shape i know just the uh the symbols the hi-hat symbols probably get around 40 to 50 on ebay a piece for them uh so that was a really good score insane best fine ever it's up there it is up there not really uh not too often do i find a whole set or a whole drum set or anything like that in the trash a lot of people ask me about musical instruments well there you go uh aside from that today was another spectacular day lots and lots of metal getting recycled given that it did rain how ironic it didn't rain here at all i trash picked all the way down that way which i would say the clouds look darker over there but a trash picked probably about 30 minutes ago 45 minutes ago i grabbed some food um so the clouds have probably moved but uh yeah shocked there right here very very nice bench maybe i'll even paint it it's one of those things though like i know if i paint it it will definitely sell if i just leave it like this it most likely will sell it's just do i want to put in a little bit of work do i want to slap some paint on this we don't know but yeah great day all around lots and lots of treasure hopefully you guys enjoyed yet another fun treasure hunting video just like this if you can go ahead and hit the like button for me uh if you guys want to see more videos just like this subscribe down below share the channel with all your friends let them know about taco stacks i will continue to push out these trash picking adventures and until next time i'll catch up with you guys next time until next time have a great day keep living a dream peace [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 28,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, Garbage Picking, Trash Find, Found in Trash, Found in garbage, Best trash picking find, scrap pallet man, trash picking rich neighborhood, garbage picking rich neighborhood, garbage day, trash day, scrap metal, scrapping, junking, dumpster diving, dumpster diving find, dumpster diving finds, dumpster dive found, recycle metal, dumpster diver, dumpster dive gamestop, speedy diver, texan picker, garbage pick up, garbage truck
Id: IjzrdSshhZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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