TRASH PICKING ON TRASH DAY! Look What I Found In The Garbage Ep 68

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all right how's it going YouTube how's it going stackers welcome back another beautiful day to go garbage picking I just got back from the flea markets you guys are new to channel what we do in these kind of videos is we go around on trash day when everyone throws out their trash they try to pick up things that are interesting that we can reuse resell or take to the scrap yard trying to save the earth one piece of junk at a time let's get into it let's see what's out there alright so see something sets free on it but I can't read it because I'm half blind oh that's what it is free printer scanner works 2 years old just needs ink it's got a rock and everything I don't have to pass on that I don't even use a printer anymore I use a dime old label printer so for eBay Etsy all that I don't even use a printer like that kind new inks most expensive part cheaper just to buy a new printer it has to buy ink very very funny about this guard the fence looks like a cabinets and a vintage does not vintage computer that's a vintage it's like one of those small televisions that were kind of hot in a 2000s not really vintage that was a Mac computer like an apple vintage Apple here I will grab it but a television there's not that much desire for that all right check out this thing this is pretty cool it's got a hole on the bottom that's where I should put your toys [Music] it's kind of homemade ish but I probably just unscrew off Ollie it smells like a dog it's kind of humorous in a way but it's probably unfortunate wise things out here so old a Holly it's going to be repurposed someone else could use and I think somebody would buy that a dog toy box like that and would I just gotta take off take off the previous dog's name quick I'll be good yes Jack get up there I see some scrap it's a jacket no it's a bottom of a it's not even wire it's of iron it's a vacuum cleaner chords are a clips household garbage a lot of PVC pipe that's been cut might be poured on a lion aluminum that's questionable this is wood this is alright alright what do we have over here got a suitcase empty some pillows just assigned Garcia maybe now that this says something car Co the it's Garcia but it says Garcia dragoo drag goo it's perfect on the top it's not chipped or anything might be a good piece no you can't see that house but it's a really nice house over here I don't know if these are plastic or tin metal [Music] another metal all right [Music] I don't know what arrow this would be it's probably mine just be scrap but they're metal so I can still scrap them they smell awful like mold and mildew and see it I think that's all mold right there are milled I don't know it just stinks there's sometimes my cell I want to keep those cuz they smell so bad but if it's just gonna be recycled into metal then I'll grab and for the new people might not know you can take stuff with like a little bit of extra plastic or padding or whatever it might be and that goes as light iron my general rule of thumb is like around sixty to seventy percent of it has to be metal in terms of weight I doubt this myself puts a nice little stand it's in that press board up no it's broken all right what a ground - even though his pressboard but it's broken also gonna have to pass alright smoker all right now we have a microwave which seems to be a touchy subject and the reason why I say that is cuz some scrap yards around here no longer take microwaves which just makes a monster holy cow one thing with microwaves are sometimes they have a disk this one is a trait so I don't know how much money don't know how many more of these are out here or out there but sometimes you can get 20 25 bucks a piece for just a tray alone on eBay that's because microwaves aren't cheap that's because microwaves aren't alright come on microwaves are not cheap enough all you need all you need is the tray why go out and spend 200 $300 for microwave when you just need a trade it's 20 25 bucks right I don't know if these are antique chairs or not can't tell cuz I got trash I don't think they are they might be and they are not an teachers always with no name got no name these are kind of nice this is annelids our stuff like is what it is whatever that is you know I think it's a rain dial not rain dial water something the sprayer heater some other kind of apparatus engine Christmas tree I don't [Music] these are Shepherd hooks they should be really hot at one time now I can't give them away I might try the cleaner ones there's two here Aaron clean all pencil top so you guys might be able see us out now while this shows up let's think wow it's all beat up that cat bags these are scrapped upside down I can tell these are scrapping or not oh they're not actually the garbage cans that they use because this town doesn't use these anymore why I can't tell you guys I want to take these little flea market try to get five bucks apiece I'm taking the cat thing because it just so outrageous I don't know what I'm going to do at this you find the weirdest things in the trash I've never seen why these in my life that looked like this what that'd be great for a cat owner fan Oh so here's going to a flea market daren't it there feel pretty much brand new but they don't feel like they're good condition like high quality they were very thin they look nice supposed to go over there miss Danski she might still work I don't see any thank you for this song sometimes guy throws away good stuff in the in here got some newspapers some roots nothing today what this would be oh you know it is it's like a hit around for baseball that's empty you put it like on the ground like that and I knew hit it and then spins around and then comes back to you and they hit it again a homemade jobber all right so that's going to kind of wrap it up here picked up a bunch of scrap metal as you guys can see these chairs are very nice but they're ironed they're not aluminum and they are not antique unfortunately they are nice I assume these are priceless you get a key Mart for I don't know 100 120 bucks for the pair with the padding it must come with it like a table it's kind of my hypothesis with that that cat thing we got that cat thing is awesome this is definitely going to the flea market I might even now I guess I can't put on facebook I don't know what the laws are we're trying to sell this kind of stuff at the flea market anything kind of goes but cat tree whatever you like to call it it's that's funny that's funny and then of course the trash cans which I'll probably take to the flea market maybe keep one for myself I can always use another trashcan or recycling cuz I find out I thought mind pretty quick as for like a really good item I don't know if this is a good item it's kind of has that Roseville Hall kind of feel to it I still can't figure out the name on it ciacco I really don't know I see a sea and then at the end at CCO then the bottom looks like pry goo or a drag ooh oh maybe you can get in the right way maybe yeah come on there we go who's in I don't know if you guys can what does that look like I don't know don't know what it is I don't I don't even know what this would be called I don't think it's called a planter you know I think that's what was used for but yeah very very interesting day lots of cool finds I know there's a lot of metal but that cat thing is really cool and also you know all these other things are great to save from the landfill because otherwise if I don't pick it up and no other scrapper picks it up we're just filling up the landfill bit by bit if you guys are new you guys want to see more videos just like this check out my playlist I have a whole playlist of all these garbage picking videos definitely subscribe for more in the future you come out about once a week and until next time have a great day keep living the dream whose [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 47,155
Rating: 4.9428797 out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, Dumpster Diving, Dumpster Dive, Dumpster Finds, Trash Day, Garbage picking, scrap metal, recycle, recycling plant, recycling, landfill, salvage, junk yard, junk man, junk collector, junker, scrapper, scraper, found in the trash, garbage men, found in the garbage, dumpster diving ulta, dumpster dive ulta, found, free stuff, found curb, reseller, resale, scrap yard, make money from trash, trash to cash, bulk pickup, garbage man, job, vlog, pickups
Id: lG9Pxzgzao8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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