LOOK WHAT I FOUND IN THE TRASH This Week! Silver?! - Trash Picking Ep. 99

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all right ground is frozen absolutely frozen here we are another day another garbage picking day episode 99 one more to 199 straight garbage picking videos not including compilations not including auction days ninety-nine straight garbage picking videos and nothing but garbage picking guys are new to channel what we do in today's video is we go out trash in a couple towns we try to see if there's anything cool we can reuse resell or take to the scrap yard essentially same in the earth one piece of junk at a time lots and lots of fun last week I know we picked up a couple cool items including lamps and stuff like that we haven't checked out that video make sure to subscribe and check out my garbage picking playlist ah should be fun very chilly about 25 degrees you might be able to see my breath a little bit let's go out there let's see what's in the trash today let's do it a lot of beeping going on kind of trying to pull off chatter it looks like we have what might be a sewing machine in this thing now it is it's a singer you know and I wish I had hardware so this is all pressboard and it's it's pretty gone yeah this is pressboard that maybe it's not no it's wood but I mean it's all peeling a husband ear on it that's a shame so these don't sell it's like that's a fake chore get all the song pieces just like a coin it there you know I'll take these drawers that is exactly what I'm doing they're out that's great let's just take the whole thing I'll forget something do a fit let's neck spray wow that thing's really gonna be that might not happen why is this thing oh I think I know why cuz it's frozen in the ground now what just fell everywhere something did I'll probably buttons we'll figure out something trying to flip around here I seen a piece of furniture on the other side for now it's on it's gonna be on the other side there's also USPS truck which is United States Postal Service I'll probably get to them before all right good from the left good form the right come down this way see if there's ain't trash over here there's not all right so that truck last week that was like $20,000 and I was finished $23,000 it was right there I wasn't I say it's in their driveway what's on their driveway all right so we have what looks like to be some sort of furniture on the left it's kind of nice Oh tip it's missing old top piece that's a postal service truck that's just like my truck I know box truck a lot of trucks in that statement box truck guys said that they had those in the post office and I've never seen one so that was the first time I ever seen one now I believe him they do look pretty nice but he was saying they always have problems which is no different than mine because it's the same exact truck put that parking brake on the window put some gloves on says it treat me I don't know if what that is Metropolitan Police er I'll go up front I don't put a lot of things up front but that thing is sweet got a warning can in there this is for water I think that's like recite I mean that's scrap metal but it's like recycling stuff what's in here it smells like water got me I don't know if you're supposed to take the can turn on I don't know it's all scrap metal but it's not supposed to say anything about taking the can so I don't want to take the guys can if it's maybe expects you to dump it out into something else which I couldn't dump it out into that bin but they don't have a bed that to carry other things to find other things seen a metal can down here I don't know if it's chip can or a pretzel can or a gas cannon oh it's a gas can not scarce in Canada scrap this probably sure grab that bucket of metal stuff but know some nice-looking fans across the street and although looks like a register oh man you got skis in there and everything bomp bomp bomp these are nice fans hopefully it work because come flea market season these are 5 10 bucks each I'm considering its 20-something degrees out it's very possible he's working he's just like you know I just want get rid of them I would go back over there but there's a kid now playing in the yard you don't wanna be that guy don't be that guy and what I mean by that guy me and that guy who's in a van walking up to a little kid skyla an unfortunate situation you put yourself in nope can't put this thing in Drive get them with the double whammy here this might be a little bit of a walk don't go away all right there we go seen it oh wow that's all way down there all right whatever a little bit of hustle Oh can't forget the piece of concrete looks like one of those lamps firm was at Pixar the old Pixar lamp all right usually don't grab these but didn't want to see if there ain't nice ones this one's got enough I like that one for some reason that one's kinda nice now it's really old where would you put that oh wow it's cold that they is oh it's all broken up there do you think that wouldn't matter I think that would matter it's broken up there as well mirrors are like a tough sale these are really old that one I know is definitely old someone grabbed this one you know it is cracked it's complete chip there it's cracked there it's got weight on it you know what not outward on this one there's also an oldie in ourselves a couple years I don't know we'll try it well experiment nothing wrong with experimenting nothing wrong with experimenting if it doesn't work it doesn't work you learn from it and then I gotta wait six seven months though until I can sell it but or try got nice kids bike here need some air in the tires possibly on your bail there's a scrapper right there oh geez all fun and games all fun and games let's go ahead and just take this if you want this I mean I even load up for him know what this is this microwave door scrapper just drove right by that's it's funny funny stuff he had a virgin on our fridge he had a washing machine in the back I see some sort of festival thing over there you guys might be able to see it do a guy festive stuff me out over here that's not festive that mommy stuff is good I was like a baby thing and a Wickard piece of wicker with a laundry basket guys but fun and chill for a while know exactly what wicker is wicker is quicker quicker to the garbage that is all they got over here looks like you've got a couple chairs a couple wood chairs cardboard box with me it probably has a part of a doll swing around I saw some other furniture a little bit down the road so we'll see that all right yeah a small chair and a reclining kind of chair freebie I know those are E's those like B's instead of chairs if you need a set of chairs feel like there's always sets of shares out here always got to think of a good purpose a good way you can reuse those because they are not easy to sell and because of that it's kind of hard to reuse them because I don't really need more chairs myself looks like someone had some fun on this road it's actually a nice one this one looks like it's the oldest one this one I like but it's split padding's kind of looks like newspaper padding [Music] [Music] we got a tip typical taco stacks Pat job today but it won't be a taco stack video if it wasn't for that right but wow this one's I think I'm just getting weaker cuz everything's just heavy to me I [Music] might stop by my buddy's place he has a here's a barn and he's always having people over so like stuff like this would be perfect for him so I asked if he wants it I don't charge him for this kind of stuff it's more like if you can use it just take it I'm Emily I get like a dollar a chair and scrap by the set of four in this condition it's borderline sleep it's borderline fleamarket something like this style with so much better so if you had like this was in better shape set of two set of four I would always sell the fleamarket these are a little bit tougher so some like this four of these you can ask 3040 bucks and probably sell it for some weird reason bar stools are very sought after all right another scrapper going up the road scrapp life is definitely heavy out here I'm going to stop off of my friends house see if he could use those barstools all right so it's gonna wrap it up here my buddy wasn't home so I didn't stop by and see if you want these barstools but I want to test those fans see if they work because those are those fans are great and they're definitely great flea market items and I say a lot about scrapping things rather than Samford a flea market those fans sell then they sell pretty quickly up there especially during the summer if it's hot out those and air conditioners problem air conditioners are sometimes they they do all sorts of weird things my old air conditioner that I had this year fun fact today this whole summer I did not have air conditioner I did not have an AC in my house after the first like three or four days of summer because my AC every time it went on it would trip the circuit breaker so I just never ended up buying another air conditioner that's why I don't really uh I don't resell them because they always cause issues but fans are very very good microwave a lot of this stuff will be a lot of stuff will end up being scrapped some of this stuff it's going to experiments and that's the best thing with this channel is I try to show you guys exactly what sells and what doesn't sell obviously you know things sound different markets not just flea markets different markinson's terms in terms of demographics and locations across the world some like this does not sell at the flea market by me antique one 1900s 19 teens 20s does sell mid-century mid-century sewing-machine cabinet does not sell so everything is different in every area that's something I know I might sell the parts and stuff like that but the cabinet itself it just doesn't move in my area it's very cool to kind of see what works and what doesn't work but overall one day of trash picking if you guys haven't already hit that subscribe button so you don't miss a more trash picking videos in the future I think next episode should be a hundred hundred episodes if you guys haven't checked out my playlist definitely check out the trash picking playlist it's pretty much been a fun two years of trash picking I know this year's kind of wrapping up guys enjoyed the video smashed out like but I know YouTube is kind of rewarding youtubers by having more likes for some reason it's in the algorithm system so smash that like button if you enjoyed this video and until next time have a great day keep living the dream peace [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 75,743
Rating: 4.9403772 out of 5
Keywords: Found in trash, Found in dumpster, trash picking, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, found gold, trash picker, dumpster diver, speedy diver, dumpster dive ulta, scrap metal, scrapping, scrap metal recycling, scrapper, scraper, junker, junking, the junk man, trash picking town, trash picking taco stacks, taco stacks trash, resell, reselling, recycle aluminum, aluminum cans, make money, trash to cash, scrap man, found by garbage men, bulk pick up
Id: IMyUr_rxudM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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