Canik TP9 Elite SC

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all right guys are gonna be running this canik tp9 today have a little bit of fun this is a compact model one of the newer elites lets us shoot it a bit talk a little bit more as we go alright let's do it alright guys welcome back this is Eric here with Iraq veteran 8888 we got one of these new TP 9 elites in 3 Big Daddy unlimited and a man what a cool handgun you know it's it's been really interesting to see the sort of development of this pistol you know over the years and sort of the rolling changes that they've made to it I remember we got a hold of one of the really early can except that the kind of baby puke green one that we did that initial video on like way back in the day and then we had the other one that was like the the pro model like they had different versions of this pistol that kind of came out over the years and they kind of slowly improved it and changed it and I've even seen like race gun type versions of these can exit are like sort of a I guess three gun ready sort of package for folks that are trying to shoot three gun or a competition like on a budget right so this elite pistol here sort of comes in in the realm of being a very compact subcompact category handgun so obviously small and the intended market for this pistol is more of a concealed carrier out of course and they drop this thing in with some really interesting features okay that are head-over-heels vast improvements over the original article of these pistols that came out century does import these and you know they're Turkish produced it's polymer frame it is a lock breech pistol you have ambidextrous slide stop okay and the profile of those slide stops is not too terrible they do protrude a little bit out the side of the pistol but not too bad you have forward cocking serrations rearward cocking serrations you got this nice kind of hammer gray finish which is really cool there's a loaded chamber indicator on top of the slide right here that pops up when there's a round in the chamber you can see right there and it does have a little bit of red paint on it looks like okay you have an rmr cut on this which is nice the sights on this particular gun are just kind of a you know basic tangent style of sight that has the serrations cut on the back of the slide and the striker plate back here that holds the guts in and that's to prevent glare okay the front sight is you know very high visibility and you know it's actually a very usable set of sights on this particular pistol the bore axis is kind of high and at first I thought you know maybe this thing wouldn't be very comfortable to shoot it is very comfortable to shoot it really is not a bad handgun at all you do have a very short amount of rail section here if you want to add accessories and things like that it's got some relatively aggressive texturing but not overpowering you know not something's going to dig into your hands or whatever and one of the best features of this gun is this fantastic trigger that's on it I mean you've got that initial take up but the brake on it is nice and clean super super clean trigger this sucker breaks at like less than three pounds and the reset on it is super super super short you know so you've got a little bit I mean absolutely no creep in that trigger fantastic trigger it's got a little bit of take up when you're when that plunger assembly is getting pushed up just similar as to what it does on the clock it's got the same exact type of plunger assembly that is to prevent the firing pin from going forward and you're feeling that getting pushed out of the way as that that's being taken up but then right when you meet the resistance I mean that trigger probably moves not far maybe three millimeters like using the metric system like it supposed to be smart I'm not smart but it moves a very small amount right maybe an 8 them an inch a little over an eighth of an inch and then on that reset I'm gonna leave it pulled to the rear you let off that reset very smooth distinctive reset and not a lot of movement in that trigger make those follow-up shots super super fast makes you want to shoot fast really another interesting feature too is when the pistol is caught when the striker is cocked and you have round in the chamber or or otherwise you've got this indicator here that lets you know your strikers to the rear so if you have it dropped you know that that pistol is not cocked now in theory I guess that would mean you have empty chamber but always obviously make sure your guns is loaded or empty whatever you need to know you need to know the condition of your weapon so that's not a problem but it is a subcompact variety of pistols so very you know small on the grip size all right we got some federal 124 grain ball ammunition we are going to be running this with a variety of ammunition today just to make sure that we're putting this thing through its paces and see what it's all about it does come with two magazines alright a 12 shot with the small base plate which just has a small finger rest on the bottom which is super comfortable and then you've got a 15 shot magazine with an extended you know base plate on the bottom that gives you a little bit more grip on the pistol and I'm going to mention something about that in just a second let's shoot it some more and that pretty much gives you most of the high points of the talking points there but really cool we're gonna shoot this thing and have some fun I was going kind of fast there in the intro but this thing will shoot pretty good groups let's see not terrible 4 ball ammo I'll take that ok now when the extended magazine is in the pistol one thing that I'm glad they didn't do I'm glad they didn't add like one of those funky base plates you know some manufacturers when they have their extended base plates they put that like base plate that blends the backstrap into it I guess just because aesthetically it looks better I don't know or gives you a little more purchase but I like the fact that that's missing back there because it's not going to print quite as badly I think you know so definitely not not as prone to printing when you're carrying it if you do want to carry it with that you know larger base plate in there speaking of carrying it actually does come with its own holster which is kind of cool you know it's just a basic Kydex holster but that's kind of cool for a gun to come with a its own holster especially for the price point these things they're selling for I mean they're they're really fairly priced handguns it's a good budget handgun alright we're gonna keep shooting here alright loaded chamber indicator who can seize up it looks good alright I'm rushing a couple of my shots but not bad okay so that was our federal and we have been shooting a little bit of the Fiocchi alright here we've got some this is some Norma hexagon this is match grade ammo alright so this supposed to be a little bit more accurate maybe I'll use that as a crutch perhaps I'll probably shoot just the same as what I just did but let me try to slow down maybe I'm rushing my shot but look thing is if you're in a self defensive type situation I mean that plate right there is about 20 yards away that's way further than you're ever going to shoot a handgun in the defensive situation especially that those would all be valid shots right where they needed to be and I was really kind of rushed and wasn't even taking my time so it's an easy gun to shoot fast I guess what I'm trying to say I'm gonna shoot this plate on the left let's just see what it'll do I'm gonna try to take my time yeah for a for defensive unit that's a adequate accuracy as far as I'm concerned all right this is Gekko 115 grain ammunition we're gonna run all the ammo we got and try to really see if we can make this thing stop or choke up and we are gonna run some defensive ammunition out of it as well all right I feel like I'm feeling it venturous enough now to maybe take out some sodas all right so let's see if I can clear our soda rack back here a little bit more in 20 yards away so let's see that double I got one swinging let's see I think that got it all right got some soda on the ball that other one there there we go man come on for a compact you know what that in some circles that's what I'm about to say could be considered blasphemy so hope people aren't gonna bother me on this but I have to say it probably shoots as good as my Glock 26 maybe even a little better and I'll tell you it's got a fantastic trigger in it okay this is 124 grain federal HST standard presser alright it's a little defensive ammo let's see if we can defend ourself against the Gopher down there gopher Everett all right yeah got him or I got a popper back there at 35 oh yeah 35 yards back there I I'm gonna try a long-range shot I mean this is a short little pistol but see if we can lob a defensive low back there at 75 yards there we go I don't think I'd want to get in a gunfight at 75 yards with a handgun but you know it's nice to know to lob it in there if you need it - all right we're gonna switch back to the Norma NV all right so this is a pistol caliber carbine optimized load but obviously it'll run in handgun - so let's test this and we're just trying to see if there's any ammo we can come across to make this thing stop I know just a few mags isn't a super good indicator but we're just trying to get idea here we're gonna run as much as we can all right man that's a fantastic group just kind of wrapping them out of there not bad at all not bad at all I'm happy with that all right Norma hexagon 124 grain this is a little bit less velocity now that Envy's clocking in at 1345 that's probably out of a carbine length barrel or whatever or longer barrel but it's definitely a good bit more velocity and look even that hotter NV ammo out of this thing very good accuracy I'm very happy with that good stuff all right just have a little fun here not bad I'll take that okay get back to the Fiocchi 115 grain ammunition what seems to be eating everything all right got a little small popper back there about 30 yards away it's pretty challenging shot with a tiny gun let's give it a shot see if we can hit it oh yeah I'm just barely missing that sucker right over the top all right not too bad there I'm gonna load up a couple of mags and we'll keep shooting here all right so we've got more of the 124 grain HST I'm gonna shoot this up have a little fun here I'm gonna try to pick up the pace guys Fiocchi 115 grain yeah 20 yards with a compact pistol fantastic accuracy you know seems to shoot just fine look I'm going to take these ten rounds I've got ten rounds of this HST left I'm just going to stuff in the Mac here I've only got two magazines for the gun guys I apologize we we got to get the ammo ferry train working here to get some of this ammo downrange but you know the trigger is excellent the sights are usable the bore axis is a little tall in terms of where the sights it but you know really for the money fantastic pistol I've been very impressed with it and it's it's really cool to see how things have come along for this brand of pistols you know what I mean they've really improved these things a lot so really cool to see that in motion especially when you see it from where it all started like the really early Kanaks you know they can be kind of crude and I know they had some like early safety issues with early Kanaks you know with like the strikers drop-in and all kind of random stuff so it's cool to see that um that they've come a long way with these uh-oh alright so the striker dropped and we got around in the chamber so let's see if we got a light strike okay so yeah the striker dropped and didn't even impact the back of the room interesting now I wonder if maybe well it chambered around so it didn't short suck and I felt good on that trigger squeeze and nothing felt weird that's why we shoot these things guys let's just see maybe that was just a fluke issue or I don't know let's keep shooting gosh accurate man that defensive ammo I mean the guns accurate it's got a great trigger and we're what like maybe 300 rounds in we've had one minor stoppage I could possibly chalk that up too no tell them what won't shoot your guns guys you know if any time you buy a carry gun doesn't matter if you buy a Glock 26 doesn't matter what you buy take it out and shoot it make sure you understand what's going on in and whatever ammo you plan on running buy it in quantity by about three or four boxes of it bite the bullet spend the money test it make sure it works right cuz flukes happened right and that's why in a situation where you're carrying a gun for self-defense let's just say that that was my defensive gun just now alright well my first shots work but what if the first one did that what if that striker dropped and you hear a click no bang that's why it's important to practice to be able to perform immediate action on pistols right because you never know when you need to get that gun back in the fight second fractions of seconds matter alright but man you know accuracy wise the trigger the sights I mean this is a fan stick pistol let's see oh yeah shoot man coming out of the holster with this bad boy close range yeah this was ten yards it's probably way further than you'll ever shoot in a defensive situation now just kind of wrap it firing him out right there all right that was the hexagon 124 grain match-grade not really uh showing any mass great accuracy there that rapid shooting but uh you know shooting fast is definitely a skill set right you know you can shoot accurate you can shoot fast you can shoot fast and accurate so there's nothing wrong with that but I try my best but I'm more of a kind of look at the target and do my thing you know I tried like with pistols I'm not like a tiny group kind of guy if I can shoot some small groups with a handgun awesome I would love to do that but I'm really more concerned about that the gun is a tool and what it can do for me alright this is Norma envy all right we got a little bit more ammo to run guys just having a little fun here now look okay if I can shoot any handgun like that rapid-fire I'm good I'm happy I'm very very pleased with that accuracy and a carry gun especially for a subcompact not bad I'm not shooting slow either guys I'm trying to kind of pump them out here I mean I'm engaging targets out 275 yards with a subcompact I mean I'm no Hickok all right you know Oh Hickok he can do just about anything and Greg if you're watching we love you man we're not trying to give you a hard time Greg is the kind of guy everybody can look up to because everybody does look up to him he's so physically tall you you have to look up to him just give me a hard time pal don't don't shoot me all the way from Tennessee all right I don't want to be sitting on my front porch and catch a Whitworth round okay I'm just kidding all right I mean other than those couple of shots that just went right over the corner of the puck of that plate outstanding accuracy all right we had that one little fluke with a chesty room I don't know if that's ammunition or a lady thing but why in the world with that striker fall and not impact the the the primer maybe this live is out of battery you know it's why it's important to break their guns in guys break them in shoot them take whatever ammo you're going to run run it don't buy a gun and just stick it in holster guys take it out put at least you know four or five hundred rounds through it get used to it you need to understand your guns a tool as well right you need to understand your tools anyway all right good good day oh yeah I got you I have got you this is so fun to shoot rapidly really nice trigger all right right in there right very cool stuff all right guys well thank you so much for watching today's video we hope you enjoyed it I know we did a lot of shooting in this video and I know sometimes these videos can be a little long but we want you guys to kind of see what we're experiencing as weird you know you're seeing it as we we're seeing it right if we run into a problem or an issue he wants you to see as we see it so we try to just you know these pistol videos we like for it to be sort of a journey that you take with us and learn along with us and we sort of maybe discern what's going on if we have an issue we can try to figure out why the issue occurred but you know what pretty good gun for the money these things are like sub 400 bucks that's a great Buy and they did a great job with this pistol I would not hesitate to protect myself with one and I have to say man solid shooter very solid shooter all right got a couple of straggle arounds here to get rid of let's do it yeah easy to shoot fast guys thanks so much for watching we want to take a moment to thank all of our patreon supporters those of you who purchased Mankins over on the website or if you you know purchase merchandise and shirts over on ballistic inc all those funds go right back into supporting the channel thank you so much for watching we hope you enjoyed it this has been the canik tp9 elite SC that's a mouthful and yes it's on the gun this is a giant billboard there but anyway been a great day thanks for watching we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 172,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, canik, canik tp9sa, canik tp9 elite, handgun, concealed carry, ccw, canik tp9 elite sa review, federal, norma, canik sub compact, sub elite, sub compact, canik subcompact, 9mm, 9mm handgun, 9mm canik
Id: rCmwigfIa84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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