Why The 43x MOS is Glocks Best Concealed Carry Gun

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all the ammo used in this video was brought to you by nosler maker of the most innovative most accurate and most effective bullets and ammunition in the industry [Music] so i received a question somebody asking me what is my favorite concealed carry glock so for all of you who've been following me for a while you knew that before it was my glock 26 um that has been knocked off its pedestal now by my glock 43 x and largely because i think the glock 43x is the best glock in their lineup for concealed carry at least for me and i'll tell you what started from the bottom up so i have my gun set up in a very particular way for reasons that i'm going to tell you now so starting from bottom up with the shield arms magazine i get 15 rounds along with a metal base plate that has an indention on the bottom which if i find myself with a malfunction on my gun i can rip that magazine out easily then you have the shield arms magazine well on the bottom here which helps with the speed of my reloads so people underestimate how much a magazine well can improve the speed of your reloads it does a great job of doing that but then on top of that on top of that it doubles as almost aiding in my ability to grip the gun better because this little bump right here causes almost like a corkscrew effect where the gun feels more secure in my hand because of this little wedge here so then you have of course you know stock grip i didn't want to change anything on the grip largely because i think this does a good enough job if i did do it it'd be purely for aesthetic um let the magazine magazine release pretty stock i am going to change that to a metal magazine release from showed arms uh they do recommend doing that so i'm going to be doing that soon also the trigger i kept stock and the reason why i kept it stock is because anybody who knows anything about glock triggers you get a stock glock trigger you're going to get one in the two ends of the spectrum either going to get really good or really bad in this particular case this glock has a really good trigger i like this trigger a lot because you have a nice clean take up a nice definable wall and a crisp break that's all i can ask for as far as a stock trigger is concerned um and i will say that the more you shoot glock triggers they do improve over time so let's go further we have a light rail here um on this particular 43x and i this is the mos 43x and i got that specifically for the fact that of course i want to be able to put a red dot on there but then also i have a light rail here so if i want to get a miniaturized light say like a surefire xsc or something of that sort i can run that on my gun as well whenever i wanted to now let's go on to these iron sights these iron sights are suppressor height sights the reason why i had those is because i wanted to be able to co-witness these sites with my red dot and so while also having night sights so if you look on the back here you have these two circle night sights on the rear and then one in the front they're the same color during the day they look clear at night they glow green and they do what they're supposed to do on top of that also i was going to actually get a threaded barrel for this gun and i still am i'm just not going to really run it like that most of the time whenever i do decide to carry this gun largely because since i carry appendix i don't i want to keep this slide as short as possible um because when as you know with the pinx carry the length of the slide plays a bigger part in comfort more so than the length of your grip when you're carrying in three o'clock the grip plays a bigger part than the length of the slide um so for me i just like a shorter slide with a longer grip setup i've always liked that but i'll get to that later i know you were just watching the video i just want to take a quick second to thank the sponsor of this video which is europtic right now they are killing it with their red shipping program so thank you europtic for supporting the channel um so when i do carry this gun i carry it with a raven concealment vanguard 2 holster now theoretically speaking this really ain't a holster it's more of a trigger guard cover but it does the job of a holster minus the ability to re-holster you can re-holster i just wouldn't recommend it so what this does is it keeps the gun as minimal as possible because a lot of times you get holsters that are very functionally good but they add a lot of bulk to the gun i don't like that i like to carry minimal style guns generally speaking um whenever i can and so with this particular holster it keeps it minimal covers the trigger guard also gives me a clip to run on my belt and it gives me a wing to even minimize the footprint of this gun even more so by pushing it against my body so the 43x for me is a great gun especially considering the capacity that i get with the showdown magazines is because it is a little boy that can do big boy duties and what i mean by that is his gun shoots a lot bigger than it really is when i'm shooting this gun i don't feel like i'm shooting a small gun i see like i feel like i'm shooting a bigger gun now sure i could probably shoot better with a bigger gun but i don't mentally as far as my confidence and comfort this doesn't make me feel insecure from the standpoint of hey i rather have had a bigger gun in this particular situation i have the same capacity generally speaking but i just have a smaller footprint gun and the shooting characteristics of this gun honestly are pretty much on par with its bigger brothers like the 19 the 19x the 45 uh the 48 i just generally speaking like the setup of a smaller slide with a longer grip personally that's just me and i can run this gun fast i can run this gun accurately and draw and another thing too with having the longer grip is when i go to actually draw the gun i can find the grip easily instead of having a grip that's a little too small and i have to go hunting for it so that's something that i also kind of think about too whenever i decide to carry a particular gun is understanding that the smaller you go the harder it is for you to get to that gun quickly keep that in mind but you know shooting fast shooting slow shooting from far shooting from close 43x kind of does it for me in the glock lineup um i don't with this i don't really honestly have a desire to have a 19 or uh a 20 or 22 or anything like that i still have them but if i had to pick one glock this will probably be it um not only just for concealed carry but just kind of general purpose if i'm just going to be honest because it's to me the most versatile gun in their life so that's my 43x um so to answer the question what is my favorite concealed carry glock in their lineup it's going to be this 43x mos for the reasons i basically just told you guns aren't political that's why i need your help getting this message to spread on youtube by clicking the thumbs up button leaving a comment to let me know what you think of the video then subscribing to the channel but most importantly click that bell symbol for products featured in this video click the links in the description
Channel: Colion Noir
Views: 1,017,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Colion Noir, MrColion Noir, Concealed Carry, 2nd amendment, second amendment, 2a advocate, the right to keep and bear arms
Id: rkx8KNIVfzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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