Why I Stopped Carrying A Glock - Canik TP9 SC Elite Blackout for Executive Carry

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hey all right I want to tell you why I stopped carrying the Glock as an everyday carry gun I know I'm gonna get a lot of lip about this but there's there's a couple actually a three reasons a swing of really good reasons I've stopped carrying a Glock it's probably none of the reasons that you think but before I give you my opinion because I know I'm gonna get some it's some bad feedback about this I have a private protective license to the executive protection here in Tennessee I also have a QA security license to be able to do security evaluations on homes and commercial buildings we also have a type 7 manufacturing license so we manufacture online of firearms and we have an SOT special offense attacks where we can build and sell we're going to sell flee automatic weapons but we can build fight and build suppressors and fully automatic weapons so we know a little bit about guns now am I the best expert on guns there's guys that know more than I do but I have a very specific niche that I want to dress today and that is executive Terry and why I stopped carrying a Glock every single day first of all I'll show you what I started carrying before I'll tell you why it's up your Glock this is now considered the best personal protection 22 mm okay I would never carry this for personal protection except maybe as a pocket denim as a backup I'm kidding up that's a joke this is a Glock 17 as a matter of fact that look like Glock 17 my also he probably found with one of them I was cooking a lot 19 anybody I'm no longer have a Glock 19 and it was kind of accidental that I've stopped carrying the Glock because I decided I want to get a new 19 anyway somebody wanted my gun worse and I did I had ordered several guns that were in our safe and so I did not have another Glock 19 uh but I just ordered one this was January 2020 I think and shortly thereafter we sort of having the coded issue I put a Glock on water I'm not been able to get one I've not been able to get a Glock since January so what I had in my safe was I had this the gun that I'm carrying every day now I never considered carrying it I bought it as a deal because it was available it was a good deal and I thought these are these guns have pretty good reviews I'll buy them it looks like they're moving pretty well about five of them and when I saw my Glock 19 I didn't have any DC I didn't have an everyday carry gun in there and I carried my Glock 17 a few days and it's just too big if anyone is ever sure they bought 17 it's a full size gun that's a big gun carry of it especially when you have 17 rounds and one in the chamber that's a heavy gun you will never ever hear me say anything bad about a Glock 17 as a matter of fact it's not CQB gun or is our team done it's going to be a Glock 17 or a Glock 19 19 but we're talking about executive or everyday carry I now carry this gun and I'm going to share with you why this is a canik tp9 SC elite blackout now let's [ __ ] with him for the amount of chirps in the day I don't even I was carried he said your chin what he's me where this guy was formal Special Forces v group and those more about guns than then you were probably ever will about told me I was no longer in o'clock nineteen he's the one that got me started hearing Glock 19 is about six or seven years ago but I didn't have one to carry the Glock 17 was too big so I thought I've got these are not safe I think [ __ ] so I went to my field have a steel target go ring in the middle had never shot this gun before and I had 11 rounds loaded loaded in I run the center of the target every single time from about 25 yards heaven never shopped again I had personally never liked sights any more than I like what I see on this gun but that's not one of reasons I I changed the very first thing that I noticed about the canik tp9 SC is that the trigger probably has the shortest reset I've ever seen as a matter of fact if you can watch this if neither he mounted whether that's an incredibly short reset that was thing one if the sights were not even the issue I didn't notice what I looked at at the sights all that much it was special about the science but I told a friend of mine about it as well Ron and who you are maybe you'll see this actually Ron and I are supposed to do videos Sunday on this gun because we want to do a follow up Ron went out and bought one he did the same thing I did to hit the Cerner target every single time he's about the same I can't forget what it is but that gun shoots great so here's the second thing that was thing one right recycle II don't countess thing one I'm the unload this magazine because I know I'm gonna get get your finger on the trigger here's thing - I like the way a block fits my hand the Glock 19 that my hand well I'm not found an other another carry gun that I like it fit my hand well I'll tell you I've tried the CP 360 I mean the signal 365 I've tried the Glock 43 I've tried about forty three exits out the top 48 obviously I was trying to find the Glock I just didn't like the way they fit in my hands this fits in my hand very very well if you're watching this and go that's not gonna fit my hand you may be right that's why they have shoes in different sizes and they have guns and different sizes as well I have medium size hands no jokes please and for whatever reason that cannon fits my hand like a glove I've not had a gun ever get any more comfortable then this one fits in my hand so for me fit was another one I really loved the way the can it just nestled right into the right into the groove between my thumb and forefinger my fingers right on the bottom of these smaller mag you put in the larger bag we've got a little more grip to it with somebody new like it comes with a 12 around and a 15 Batman so the other reason is just it fits so well in my hand and I cannot argue with the way it shoots I have not shot ever now I shoot as good with my Glock 17 as I do with this but it's a half inch longer the barrel is a half-inch longer on the grip it's a bigger gun it's it's heavier it's more to carry that panic has been the best carry gun I have ever had it eats metal I don't shoot steel metal but I had some to try I've tried federal I've tried CCI I've tried a blazer I can't think of a type of brass or steel ammo that I didn't have that how to do it eats it just like a block does now here's another huge reason why I like the gun and I'm not gonna be able to show you this because I don't really want to put a loaded magazine in here I'll take a couple of pictures after 6:00 so you can see there's actually two safeties on this gun well yeah three really it has a very similar trigger to the Glock safety and in the very middle so that's that's consider 1 2 is there is a red dot on the back of the gun that is very easy to see when it is chambered okay and on the very top there's also a raised dot much like the block has on the on the side where it pokes out slightly this has a raise on the side that also shows red whenever the gun is chamber there's really three things that tell you whether or not you've got around ready to roll and I'm telling you when you pull your gun out it's really important to know now I don't care it Unchained a lot of people do for the seasons have children those types of things in the heat of the moment you plot your gun you want to know that it's changing well the great thing about this you get two things a finger right off the bat whether or not you have a round chamber just such a wonderful shooting gun you may not find it fits as well as it hidden me if you don't shoot as well with it as I did maybe it's your shooting I don't know but great gun I highly recommend the canon TP 9sc elite blackout so I'm gonna have a red trigger I love that gun and we're going to do a follow-up video front of our on we both are in private protective services we're going to shoot it for you this Sunday and kind of a follow-up thanks you
Channel: Security AllStar
Views: 72,838
Rating: 4.7113118 out of 5
Keywords: security, diy, home, self-defense, cameras, automation, qolsys, interlogix, 2gig, brinks, alula, tactical
Id: KFGVcewIOf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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