Gun Gripes #326: "No, Your Gun Isn't Registered"

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welcome back everybody this is eric and chad here with iraq veteran 888 today we've got another gun gripe episode for you and this one is a real doozy and i actually am shocked that we have not done a video on this particular concept yet because chad and i have complained about this for years and i don't know how it's eluded us this long but we're going to be diving into the concept of are your guns registered all right there seems to be a lot of misinformation floating around about the subject and uh believe me for folks that are in the know or folks that have been gun owners a long time uh it really irks a lot of folks that uh you know you see this blatant myth getting passed around we're gonna try to clear the air and dispel any rumors that might be floating around out there but before we get started i would like to thank our friends at sonoran desert institute for supporting gun gripes if you're looking for a career in gunsmithing technology you want to learn about reloading more on the business side they are a great distance learning group certainly a great school to look into they've got some wonderful instructors awesome programs great financial incentives so you want to start your career in the gun world check out sonoran desert institute sti and tell them we sent you okay so it here's the thing is when you're dealing with the second amendment right when you're dealing with gun rights it would seem on the surface right that there are you're only going to deal in absolutes right the black and white the you know it either is or isn't and everything like that unfortunately when it comes to the way that not only the legal structure of how our countries ran in terms of you know all the different laws that are out there both federal and state and all the local laws and everything there's a lot of random areas that the law will dip their toes in and those ripples as they spread uh they cross contaminate each other's pools in many situations if you will so i would like to think that where this discussion lies is probably more in the gray area that it isn't black and white and unfortunately in our society it seems to be a reoccurring theme that many things occur in the gray zone rather than what should just be blatantly black and white and we're going to kind of dive into this concept a little bit and talk a little bit more about it but holistically there is no such thing as a glowing big brother looking over your shoulder gun registry okay on a federal level on a federal level okay but we're going to dive into this a little bit now but i think the gripe the crux of the gripe is that people always say where you hear a relative go hey uh i just bought a gun i want to know where i need to go to get it registered like they they think that there's some glowing you know registry that they've got to be a part of just to simply be a gun owner and there's just been a lot of misinformation spread about it everybody that's that's sort of what prompted this conversation getting started again but you know we haven't been at moss in a long time we used to work there on a regular basis and you know a lot of customers would come in and they'd go to purchase a firearm and they would ask like okay well where do i need to go get this registered and we have to explain this to numerous customers it's just like a broken record it's like well there's there's no gun registry in georgia you know you you fill out a 4473 and you your background check comes back or your care permits good uh you leave with your firearm and that's the end of it um but you know recently i had a friend of a friend of my in-laws you know asked me about purchasing a firearm and the same thing and you know i had to go through this topic like four times with her you know trying to clarify the fact that no you don't have to go and register your gun in georgia what she was misinformed about is that you have to go to the probate court in order to get fingerprinted for a carry permit so she thought getting fingerprinted for a carry permit was the same thing as registering your firearm now as we discussed like there's no global gun registry on a federal level in the united states now there are certain states that do require registration okay such as like california such as new york such as like maryland the district of columbia some of those places only require the registration of like handguns or what they call assault pistols or they might say assault rifles you know scary black rifles but there is a such thing as gun registry on a state level so but let's sort of just uh jump real quick to this simple thing here right the 10th amendment right this is where some of this comes from you can kind of get this idea so the powers not delegated to the united states by the constitution nor prohibited by it to the states are reserved to the states respectively or to the people so essentially states all 50 states have a right to pass whatever laws they want as long as they don't like step on the toes of federal law in any sort of way so you know we've talked about this in previous videos we're not going to spend a lot of time on it but the reason that that's important to know is because all right remember when we we did the bill or you know the the video where we talked about the uh marijuana legalization and how certain states are just turning a blind eye to it although federally okay it is unlawful cannabis is unlawful federally but certain states go oh we're going to decriminalize it now it doesn't mean that the federal uh police won't go in and raid you or give you a hard time or enforce federal law but that the states are going to turn a blind eye so likewise just like the states can let's just say turn a blind eye to a federal law and we're not talking just something like um you know illicit substances or firearms or any type of other regulatory headache right it could be anything states can also go oh well we actually want to have maybe something a little bit more than what the federal government provides in terms of regulation now i personally cannot see why in a million years anyone would want more regulation when we've already got so much already so but the point is to credit what chad is is getting out here the 10th amendment does give the states the ability to go oh well you know what this particular area here we want this very specific way of handling it and yes some states do have like now it's being like challenged in the supreme court we're going to see some really interesting supreme court cases coming down here in these next few years arguably maybe even these next few months right where you know things like the illinois floyd cards and some of the really strict licensing requirements uh such as like the state of new york or the city of new york and things like that so there are some things that where these states have said oh we want this really crazy draconian you know super super strict um you know gun policies and things that are being challenged but states do have the right to regulate those items in any way they see fit and that's something we're granted under the 10th amendment the difference though is that whereby the 10th amendment can alright if it's a free state all right look at florida or you know even georgia right now we're pushing for constitutional carry right um if you live in a free state where the people running the place are cool people and they're you know doing good things and using states rights in a way that is going to enhance the lives of the people that live there well then that's a good thing that makes sense right yeah we obviously want the states to be able to regulate uh our own existence the way we want outside of the federal government's uh you know influence right but where it does get a little swirly is when people take that 10th amendment thing and go okay well we're gonna we're gonna make it worse right we're gonna we're gonna make it more strict we're gonna make it harder we're gonna make it more obtrusive more infringing and i think with a lot of gun owners that tends to be a major issue that people have you know when they live in you always hear people say oh i live in a free state or i live in a in a communist state or whatever they want to say right like oh well i don't live in a free state what does it mean when they say that well yeah certain states have really strict gun laws that even supersede what they're even have to deal with at the federal level so something to to think about there um one thing with many of these states that require registries it kind of goes back to the 94 crime bill and the original assault weapons ban many of these states just took that federal legislation and copied it like literally copied and pasted it to their state legislature passed a state level law and they have just continued on with that sort of assault weapons ban mantra over the past you know 20 plus years but you know like i mentioned georgia all right georgia has a law in place that prohibits the registration of firearms okay so there's several other states that are in that club delaware florida idaho pennsylvania that's long guns only it specifies rhode island south dakota tennessee and vermont so all these states prohibit the registration of firearms but as i mentioned certain states do require the registration of like pre-ban assault weapons 50 cal rifles or even like large capacity magazines like 30 round mags california connecticut hawaii maryland new jersey new york all the usual suspects where we know that gun laws are extremely draconian so if you are in one of those states then yes this video isn't really relevant to you because yes your guns are registered to a certain degree and there's even provisions in some states where if you move to that state you have to inform law enforcement of your firearms that you are in possession of like you have to give them a physical list of the firearms you own when you go and move into that state which is totally totally crazy and it is tyrannical and it is unconstitutional and like you mentioned all right these laws these laws that are passing these states they've been getting a lot of fight lately from organizations we always say like gun owners of america like firearms policy coalition they're taking these fights to the courts you know for these unconstitutional draconian laws that have been on the books for years and years and years and even new things that have just passed they might go through the legislative process they might pass the governors might sign these bills but does it make them right does it make them constitutional on a state level no absolutely it doesn't and that's where these battles are going to be fought moving forward we've already said it it's going to be in the courts and we're going to see a lot of new precedents set in the courts mostly the lower courts but hopefully the supreme court over the coming years that that doesn't allow these laws like this to even gain muster in committees and be able to get to the floors of these states four votes and get to the governor's desk they'll just die in the water before they're even thought about you know it's really thought provoking to think about it that way because you know the supreme court really is going through they are going through a trial by fire right now uh that list that you pulled up with those states that don't ha that prohibit a gun registry i find it interesting that vermont was on that list correct okay so i got a funny story this is sort of related to the same exact thing uh that chad was talking about where his you know he had a uh a family member that said oh where where do i need to go to register look to be honest all right she was originally from new york but she's lived in georgia for like 20 years okay just so you know but that that's her you know her home state is new york and obviously the draconian laws that are there they kind of carried with her so it was just ignorance to the new laws that are in georgia of course so just a little bit just like you had that similar situation happen with you i was having a discussion with my aunt who lives in vermont and uh i don't want this to be a long story but i promise it is relevant to this and i think that you will understand where i'm coming from but by the end of this it's about maple syrup it is about maple syrup so my family runs a maple syrup farm in vermont okay and they make all of these different you know not not a shameless plug or anything i'm not even going to tell you the name name of the business but they run a sugar farm and they make all different kind of treats and everything like that so the area of vermont that they're in you know like it's weird because vermont is one of those kind of states where you've got the outdoorsy dudes and you've got all the hunters and people that hunt and everything and and all of the outdoorsy people and and the outdoors is a huge thing up there i mean people love to hang out outside and do all kind of cool stuff but there's also like this this kind of like quasi-hippie thing going on mm-hmm right so it's like yeah everyone yeah everyone's real liberal and and you know oh you have to you know check every single box or you're going to be outcast from society and i find it strange that you would think that a state like vermont based on let's just say the demographics the kind of people they are their political beliefs you would think oh well they should they would have the strictest laws of all but to think that that's a relatively short list of states where they're not allowed to have some sort of a gun registry you wouldn't think vermont would be on that list and it's just so funny to hear my aunt talk about oh yeah well well these karen's uh walk you know aids karen's walk into the into my shop and buy my 14 pint ice cream they had the ceo of ben and jerry's come in and taste their ice cream and he said look you know i thought about buying this recipe from you but we can't make this ice cream like it we can't make ice cream of this quality right and she sells these bougie little pints of ice cream for like 14 and those cairns come in with coolers and they buy every scrap of it because it's all you know the you know no gmos and all organic and gluten and random grass-fed and every little bit of organic mess they massage the cow yeah i mean it's everything you've ever wanted in a tub of ice cream so but the point is here in my aunt talk about how people you know conduct themselves up there where it's like there's two very different subsets of society you know once you just get out of the basic cities everybody's rednecks so that's what's interesting and i think that there are a lot of legislatures and in these various uh states and there's a lot of lawmakers and elected representatives in these states you have to ask yourself do they really know who they're representing i mean we've said this in other videos before but you know could that do they really understand the people that they're supposed to be representing and what they really want and that's a pristine example vermont it might as well be a polar opposite of georgia florida but there they are and they have you know decent gun laws they're they're full of independence so there's a lot of moderates up there that will sway one way or the other pertaining things but you know a lot of these laws are on the books are kind of like yeah but freedom's freedom it is they want free release yeah for sure want freedom but a lot of these laws that are on the books are typically pretty old laws i mean just like the the one law that we've got in kennesaw georgia so that that law's been on the books for decades you know about every fire or every household has to have at least a firearm in the house uh you know it's a physical like mandate in the city of kennesaw you know but it's not really enforced it just happens to be on the books and it's been there for like i said decades and nothing's really ever been done about it because it's just it's a deterrent i mean so anyways but you said something very provocative though and it's that these laws are old they've been on the books a long time it's important for people to remember that people like common sense back then well what's important to remember is that the the political landscape was different 25 35 40 years ago or however long ago right some of these these laws these anti-gun laws that are at the state level on the books are all lost they've been around forever you know the overall thought process was different back then the threats that people perceived was different back then the culture was different back then the amount of people that owned guns was different back then the identity of people who owned guns was different back then so it really does these you know state level legislatures and all of your elected representatives and all the state level battles they're they are also going through a trial by fire because they're going to see that these old dusty laws that they can just go and keep reintroducing them and trying to get them past that ain't going to fly anymore that ain't that is not sitting well with a large majority of people and you're being spoon-fed this lie right that oh an overwhelming amount of people want you know extended background checks or an overwhelming amount of people want stricter gun laws that's not true they're lying to you right so and i think it's getting harder and harder for them to maintain the lie right what my grandpa used to say used to say if you tell one lie you have to tell a hundred right there they can't cover up for themselves much longer like they're eventually going to have to face the bull in the room and grab it by the horns and go you know what we're going to have to do what people want or we're not going to be elected anymore so and you have to understand that one thing they very much care about is getting reelected so if you if you tickle that heart string you you've got them so that's one thing they do care about is getting rid of little that little taste of power you know corrupts what do they say uh what is it about power and corruption absolute power corrupts absolutely yeah so it's a it's crazy to think about but we uh we mainly wanted to make this video just to kind of clarify this whole topic of registration and how much misinformation and pure ignorance there is out there and it's mainly just from being uneducated about the topic you know it's not like the the media out there is is spreading the facts about gun ownership you know they're only spewing what they want you know to fit the narrative of getting guns out of citizens hands you know but if we just be fair a lot of gun owners also aren't that much engaged either i know so it's also on the responsibility of gun owners to be well well engaged and informed about what their rights entail i mean rights come with responsibilities uh and and you know as much as sometimes i hate it we're a nation of laws but at the end of the day it's like it's our responsibility to know what the law is right so it's like ignorance is no excuse right you ever heard that heard someone say that yeah i mean it said in law enforcement and the courts quite a bit so it's a two-way street yeah you know just there is a giant indoctrination camp in front of you on this thing right we know that uh but it's also you know just because you're being misinformed by somebody else doesn't mean it's still not your right and responsibility to you know have uh informed consent on your part you know make sure you understand but uh anyway i didn't mean to interrupt i know you're good yeah um but like speaking of like registries and stuff like that we wanted to talk a little bit about this this whole firearms frame and receiver deal that's going on right now if you guys remember we did a video a little while back on a proposed rule that the doj put forth and there was a comment period open for a while the comment period is now closed but numerous individuals companies all you know gun owners from across the board commented on this rule and what it would entail is changing the definition of firearms frame and receiver okay to include potential like glock type like striker fired uppers you know polymer 80 kits 80 percent ar receivers things like that and just recently there was some news that kind of popped up with the atf seeking some information from dealers regarding you know how this proposed rule would affect their business overall but also like how long it would take for them to mark inventory that they have in stock with serial numbers and such uh you know how much it would cost them and how much time it would take to implement those changes so that's the first thing that we've seen recently but eric found an interesting article on ammo land i'll let him go over since he read it i would um i would like to just share a few excerpts from this article from our friend john crump over ammo land if you're not following ammo land make sure uh you're checking out the site it's great john crump does some great investigative reporting and he's always really like kicking over rocks and looking for every little tiny thing going on so uh this article literally dropped today uh from john uh the atf's been caught red-handed fabricating a bs reason for a new gun rule all right so the synopsis essentially this article i'm not going to read um all of it but the atf claimed that numerous federal firearms licensees contacted the bureau and asked how to handle privately manufactured firearms that they take into inventory the word numerous can mean many different things to different people and this is john crump's words here some might consider numerous to be three or more to others it starts at much bigger numbers such as 300 what can be agreed on by most logically honest people is that the number must be greater than one all right the merriam-webster dictionary defines numerous as consisting of great numbers or units or individuals all right so how many requests do you think were made to the uh to these alphabet agencies from ffls uh regarding these frames right all right how many would you think right all right well how about one literally one request that's it okay the response shows that the atf received one request from one ffl sent to one industry operation inspectors also known as ioi for some of you in the industry um about what privately manufactured firearms in august uh of 2020 but it just goes to show you the level of you know draconian you know let's let's just say dirty politics that they're willing to play they're willing to weaponize these alphabet agencies in a way that will hurt people they disagree with politically and that's a very scary area right i mean is the doj fbi atf cia all of these alphabet agencies do they exist to be a weapon of the state so what happens when you know the power changes hands right when the balance of power shifts into a different area right and then these people go oh well we understand this is a law but we can't be dealing with these pesky laws we're going to need you to interpret it the way we want you to interpret it so i think that there's probably two very distinctive realities that we are facing in regards to not only this frame and receiver rule but also something like the brace rules i mean you look at how um the bump stock thing is still being fought and the court's right there's two very distinctive realities that chad and i discussed a few days ago but i'll just lay those realities out maybe you agree with me maybe chad disagrees or agrees but these are the realities that i see that are in place in regards to these alphabet agencies a is that the government at large let's just say biden or biden's cabinet or whatever has directed these people to weaponize in every single way uh their powers and bypass the legislative process in order to basically get things done that would that would normally and typically require legislative you know girth right you know we have checks and balances for a reason so he's either utilizing these alphabet agencies to knowingly and willingly bypass uh the balance of powers that we have for how laws are passed uh in a very non-traditional law making process right you you know you know what i mean like it's easy for them to go well we are not just we're not gonna change the law we're just reinterpreting it so that's a really easy way for them to go oh we'll see we didn't have to go through congress so that's one very distinctive possibility or two all right the amount of let's just say um political girth that is being applied to this situation on the part of the actual alphabet agencies all right the other distinction b is that maybe these alphabet agencies are tired of being drugged through the mud by everybody right i mean imagine being the hallway monitors of the gun world and knowing that everyone looks at you and despises you maybe just maybe all right this is another distinctive possibility maybe these these alphabet agencies are tired of being drugged through the mud by the government and they're going you know what we're just going to do this by the book y'all we're going to go through here we're going to do our due process even though it's one request we're going to go through our due process we're going to read the comments we're going to make a decision based on every amount of goodness and logic that could ever be in somebody's heart now my thinking process is that we're closer to a than b but there's a part of me that maybe maybe foolishly wants to believe that maybe there is still a shred of honor in these alphabet agencies somewhere now it might be deep rooted and they may have they may be like the guy from office space that has the office in the in the janitor's closet but there's somebody there that's got a conscience and i really do want to believe that they're trying to do the right thing but i guess time will tell but i mean what do you think just call me milton um what do you so my whole issue with this this news breaking is it's not you know it's not the ffl's fault all right for having the due diligence to make sure that they are doing everything in you know in their business by the books all right because ffls are looked at through a microscope all right if you don't dot your eyes and cross your t's then you know you could have your license revoked and then there goes your business all right just like that so this ffl who reached out to their ioi was not doing anything wrong all right they were just inquiring as far as how to handle a particular firearm bringing it into their inventory and putting it in their books right so for the atf to take that and it being the only request pertaining to that topic and blatantly lie about it in order to you know satiate further a political goal literally they're they're just satiating joe biden's request that the agency look at these frames and receivers and create a new rule you know to encompass them into the modern eras the whole the whole gist of it yeah don't don't piss on me and tell me it's raining yes but i i really i want to feel like like as eric mentioned i want to feel like this isn't going to go anywhere but the thing is the more things like this that the alphabet agencies try to push down you know our throats as far as bypassing the legitimate processes of altering laws in this country you know through the legislative process the more that they do this the more the courts are going to look at it and as long as the courts are allegedly you know in the favor of the right side of not only history but also logic and reason right as long as the courts take a look at this and deem this sort of activity unconstitutional then as i've mentioned before it will set precedence for future activity like this to not even become a thing at all it's also worth noting that and look there's a lot of people are not going to be happy with what i'm about to say but you know what it has to be said all right it started with trump right dude i mean what did trump do he banned bump stocks and so what do all these people do they go oh well we never thought about just you know telling the atf oh this is what i want you to do and and bypass the legislative process that's what that's what trump did when he banned bump stocks he bypassed the legislative process and he set forth as we said previously a very dangerous president and we told you already that when an anti-gun president comes in he's going to use the same exact thing oh wait a minute well dang we don't have to go through the law making process we don't have to bother with these people we can just tell them to do what we want them to do and they'll do it right so and and think about it the bump stock thing is still in the courts like it has not out of the woods yet right so once that mound of crap starts to roll downhill there ain't going to be no stopping it right so first they're going to say that this bump stock thing is unconstitutional hey guess what you you can't do this crap right and then look at all the other things that they're setting up to do they are prepared and willing to waste the people's time the court's time numerous thousands of millions of dollars of taxpayer money on all these studies and all this crap and all the people have to hire to conduct these research i'm gonna tell you it's real simple just look at the constitution right the second amendment it shall not be in fringe man like how hard is that to understand i can save you all the research and just show you the constitution it's just that simple well they go we're a nation of laws but our laws are bound by the constitution the only bad thing is the people like the doj and atf they have to please the powers it be you know so they have to go through this process and there were over 300 000 comments submitted just on this particular proposed rule so the reason we wanted to bring this up and i know we've dove into a lot of different concepts in this particular gripe but i'm glad that we did this because i think it kind of is in that same vein there's this traditional um wisdom old school wisdom that oh well there's no such thing as a register or you know oh i have to register my guns uh where do i go register this and now we see that even despite all these years later and all this time and all of this weird crap going on with all the different states and how they handle this that even now they're trying to push for more and more this type of stuff now one would ask all right on this framing receiver rule what's the issue right well the issue is it's it's not illegal to make your own firearm okay you can you can make your own firearm as a citizen okay yeah and i know that a lot of people go wait a minute don't you have to register it don't you have to put a serial number on it now it behooves you to serial number so you can keep up with it for your own you know purposes but it's not illegal under you know our laws to make your own firearm what this does is adds an extra layer of legislative headache and and regulatory headache uh to the to the exercising of rights by honest citizens everywhere and increases the burden that ffls have to go through in terms of taking care of this stuff at what point does a gun store stop being a gun store and start being some regulatory department of of an alphabet agency right is our job to sell guns or is our job to enforce your laws right there's got to be a point where you know after a while you'll need to just back off and let people engage in commerce and engage in business you know as long as there's not a bunch of stupid paperwork errors or issues with the books and inventory let people do what the heck they want quit adding all this crap to the list for people to do you know it's just it's just a burden on the people that run gun shops it is so i'll say one more thing and just kind of lead back into the original topic but so you consider what the atf recently requested of ffls right and my first thought was okay well how can a normal gun dealer who doesn't have a manufacturing license how can they serialize and manufacture right there if they serialize these items then they're manufacturing them and then they're putting them into their books as a newly manufactured firearm because as they sit on the shelf an 80 percenter is not a firearm it is just a block of metal that is unfinished right so that was my first thought was okay well how is it a 01 or an o2 going to serialize these items uh you know without manufacturing they can't okay it's not it's not possible under the current laws all right so that's number one but the the reason that we discuss this too is just leading back into the the whole topic of registration you know if these rules these rule changes are allowed to continue then there's no there's no saying that there might not be a rule down the line that bypasses federal law in some gray area that allows the the you know doj or the atf to start collecting registration data on firearms across the board or particular categories of firearms even though you know there's really no like provision federally for it i mean it could happen you know it the precedent could be set in either direction really depending on who's in power at the time and the the way the the culture is moving and the way that the people of this country feel about the political spectrum which right now is is pretty you know they have quite a bit of animosity toward what's going on in politics as we can clearly see but you know it's just a little food for thought and something to think about totally this could lead to bad things in the future you know if it goes the wrong direction that is a fact that is a fact and i i can't imagine anybody wanting to give uh these people the key to pandora's body no we don't need any more interesting the last thing we need is to give them more power over our lives period right i mean this ain't a gun thing guys i don't know if y'all figured that out yet i hope some of you have but you know i know we talk about guns a lot on this channel but you know it ain't really just about guns this is about your life right this is something that affects your life in many many ways right you know if they can abuse this bit of power here in order to you know take down a political opponent that they just want to take a low stab at and bypass the the rules right well what else are they going to do what what else would they do with that power so and i don't think it's wise to give them the key to pandora's box i really don't so negative keep it in the back of your mind you know think about it a little bit make sure you're staying engaged at local level the state level you know those battles are important right do not ignore the state's battles when it comes to the second amendment or really anything that's going on stay involved in your community period if it's something that's important to you you need to be vocal about it need to get out there and run for those local offices right run for your state uh seats right you know get in there and change it from the inside and that's that's how it's gonna happen and it is happening and i think that you look at all the states with constitutional carry now and more growing uh more adding to that list it's only a matter of time where they're going to wake up one morning and realize that they were wrong about what people really wanted when it comes to the second amendment they were wrong about it and they will certainly see that one day hopefully but it's our job to make sure that we're we're trying to let them see the light you know see what people really are about so have a great day many more videos on the way i really appreciate you guys watching um if you want to support the channel directly there's a few ways you can do so you can become a patreon or you can go over to ballistic ink pick yourself up it's nice and new t-shirt we've got hats and beanies and jackets and shirts and all kinds of cool things that will fill your heart delight those are the most direct ways you can support us a huge thanks to all of our patreon supporters you guys are amazing thank you for being a part of what we do many more gun gripes on the way have yourselves a great day we'll see you soon see you guys [Music] you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 266,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, ar15, ar, ar-15, ar 15, 2a, freedom, liberty, gun rights, gun control, top 5 guns, top 5, meltdown, guns, gunsmithing, gun gripes, life liberty and the pursuit, gun registration, no your gun isnt registered, gun registry
Id: Fhe2rHglhGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 53sec (2153 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 17 2022
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