He wanted revenge...

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[Music] um there's a question play levy rosman question mark i played levy hundreds of games online you can search youtube for our various matches [Music] okay fine i'll open just.com but levy house to start the game or make a challenge if he really wants to play [Music] how do i see who's challenging me no we're playing okay i knew he had the power to start a game though his ra he's yeah he retired from chess and then like gained a ton of rating and now he's 200 points higher than me is this rated no it's unrated i wanted to farm him okay are we playing increment or no no increment okay okay it's time to play levy um i'll play this uh funny thing f3 e92 [Music] i score 35 against it frown against english oh yeah i could but um actually i have a video on my youtube channel it's an old video but it's called lesson with tam english opening or something and uh i show a tricky approach my bishop should be on g5 i don't know why i did that uh okay yeah i shouldn't be trading verse 4 bishops when there's a pawn in e5 okay so i want to play this move bishop f2 [Music] i'm a little bit underdeveloped that's a great move queen b4 maybe queen d3 and this bishop found a nice home i was trying to play the cool pierce line that i was showing earlier but it didn't really work so much in my favor so f5 is coming i think i just have to roll with the punches should be two and like queen d1 wow he's being aggressive i'm somehow holding on trade with me i want to play queen d3 takes takes bishop d7 d4 it looks questionable [Music] wow [Music] i want to make d4 work yeah if take six ticks i take on b7 i mean got my heart rate monitor going it feels like my heart rate is increasing currently takes and i wanted to take king of one i wasn't sure what to do there a 92 [Music] b3 um i feel stuck in this move weird move but i want to do this i'm in trouble how do i not lose what happened to my time and all my hope oh no my king well played yeah i got under pressure later in the game there oh i'll play my fun rapper tour against english who is asking is craig craig a okay this is what i show in this old video [Music] on youtube uh it's a reverse grand prix attack and it requires a slightly different player than usual grand prix but it's same kind of attacking principles okay king h8 bishop here um i wonder if i can like move the knight there's some weird ideas here because of knights are superfluous i want to play this and then retreat again and then play c6 and then redevelop yeah it might make sense to to play c5 now [Music] close things down a little bit we trade in night of seven interesting i wonder if i can take and the bishop bishop's going to be strong but the knight can hop around i want to play knight f6 a lot of night maneuvering do my thing rooks are only good if there are open files though so i don't mind this oh that's a good move though or is it that's a good move uh takes takes and knight h6 i know sometimes levy gets nervous in these things wait what is this prediction the winner of the game or winner of the match oh but probably the winner of the mat of the game i got the focus here um even though it's really bad at this point takes takes maybe i can take and pawn takes i take on c4 rook takes there's knight f5 the light wants to travel to d4 this horsey wants to turn into a giga horsey okay gigahorsey achieved but does it do anything d5 ideas g5 ideas let's slow play a little bit i'm just more comfortable being down material against levy for some reason how to do this take take gigger horsey beat the batman's please oh no my queen i didn't even have time to say oh no my queen oh it's a funny stalemate i wasn't expecting levy to fall for that i would understand if levi wants to rage quit right now how do i see levy's reaction levy where's my levy that's i don't know how the i don't know how oh sorry for the language looks like he's handling it okay though okay uh i'll play e4 oh i forgot i i um yeah this is my prep let me see if i remember my prep bishop h5 bishop e2 it's been a while since i looked at this i prepared this for uh jovi ivanka houska but it's been a while i should really play this and understand the plants for white uh okay so that's why a6 was played am i already worse here maybe it's not so bad in that a4 ideas that's an interesting type of structure allowing another five um it's still interesting though i like this uh i have another gig of horsey on b6 if he doesn't take i'm ready to reinforce there's also lingering potential of knight d7 like if queen f6 knight d7 is a quadruple fork wow what is this position [Music] yeah rook f7 is a good move this probably makes sense b4 is a type of move i end up playing eventually i'm not sure if my rook wants to stay on f1 maybe this move idea b5 remove the knight win the pawn and this might just kind of stuck i mean it could move back to g7 wow okay so i'm keeping the rook defending the pawn bishop will find a new home b5 i think i'm winning the pawn or the knight yeah because now there's two attackers and queen d2 will probably be played so like 97 takes queen d2 queen e3 looks solid [Music] i should win oh e6 isn't hanging in that line uh up a lot of time though eu6 is tender hmm i guess i'll play bishop b1 kind of a sad move but now g6 is also tender oh i blundered or did i funny line stop it there we go okay got the ladder meet levy's fast i i had enough time there knight f3 ah playing b3 i prepared this for him in our match but what did i prepare did i prepare this now i'm just forgetting i'll just play a reverse london looks reasonable [Music] now yeah this move i sometimes play this as white i mean as black i'm kind of down a tempo but maybe it's okay uh interesting play this move trying to understand what's going on here i think it's okay to give away a dark spot bishop because i can get a structure where most my pawns are on dark squares ideally i should have my pawn on f6 take with this knight probably put this knight back and then f6 yeah it's some kind of marathi bind structure the problem is if i play f6 too soon there's f4 and bishop could be undefended yeah this looks to be okay i'm an id4 idea are there takes in queen f3 wow i have queen g7 [Music] like everything's defended and you just gave away like a important bishop too uh oh die blunder i have to be really careful here i want to take with pawn but knight of fix i take with other pawn [Music] which may be okay yeah positions a little bit delicate should probably play half six at some point like move the bishop i want to transfer over to the c file uh yeah knight's rerouting put the bishop on d5 threatening this now maybe even this and also this plan [Music] he really wants to play f4 oh my rook is trapped or is it this move and then this move was it close it's going to be a time scramble wow he has a night piece this move first draw no draw i'm down in time though i can probably end up forcing a draw if i want i should probably play for a win yeah there's some back rank issues for whites oh for me too there we go i've had similar cases in puzzle rush where the the king is sheltered from the rook checks okay gg uh what else can i play against carol khan oh he wants to play the schliemann let's play ponziani yeah i know schliemann uh is one of his pet lines he played against nemo yeah if only this were raided [Music] my rating has taken a dip recently is he gonna play bishop c5 yeah oh this is a funny line so i have to take and then the key is to take in bishop b6 and queen d5 yeah this got super super sharp oh neil was asking about ponziani earlier in the chat wait b takes i thought there's a reason why this isn't common i have knight d2 92 bishop a6 c4 and this is one of like the more critical lines in ponziani it gets super super sharp it's risky for both players black stacked a piece but i've been forced against my will to bond cloud yeah if i didn't have c4 then i was almost getting mated but thankfully thankfully there's no pawn to ambassador me um on poisson meet me um okay so i could take the bishop or the knight probably the bishop and if takes i can play queen e2 [Music] or maybe queen a4 okay for certain does that i did not see that move the king e1 or king g1 king g1 i guess put the bishop on e3 e5 is still attacked i want to play c5 sneakily hitting the knight blocking the bishop too [Music] i should change the stream title playing levy okay title updated rook improved okay it's a nice positional pawn i mean all pawns are positional in some sense but this pawn is extra positional develop the bishop allowing this oh but then i take play this move rook b8 i'm taking c6 and just try and confuse him a little bit because the knight can't be taken be a b3 okay now he does want to take or does he takes takes rook h3 confusing position [Music] hmm oh my thing is pinned oops oh no [Music] how about is this oh the final position is winning too i just didn't have enough time oh it's a little bit too slow there good game though okay we're repeating some lines that we had in our match although i don't think we played into this this early a6 line hey it's open mind simon appreciate the raid yeah i really appreciate it if you're just joining i'm playing a match against gotham chess and we're having some fun games trying to figure out what to do in this position actually not sure what to do [Music] could play like b5 maybe b5 i mean he wants to play e4 though and bishop d6 okay i'll try bishop d6 it's a risky move because i'm allowing e4 but maybe it's not so bad because i can take and then move back oh oh he's so clever [Music] or is he yeah it's kind of clever this could get really bad really quickly young children close your eyes so after it takes takes takes takes check knight f8 i am threatening bishop e6 there oh fancy i play bishop e6 first lose a couple pawns i can't take it i have to pray that this works and it probably doesn't work but let's try it yeah this does not work at all [Music] but maybe it will confuse them enough to get me less down on time oh thank you cmy gz something something ah well played king hh oh king aj rook takes while i have to play this i mean everything's losing though uh for this move i have no time man not thrilled with the position [Music] my only hopes does a stalemate trick uh let's play play this move first no oh i want to try this still me trick okay we'll go back to e4 how about i'll play d3 d3 knight d2 how about i'm curious what he does against this he's probably gonna play g6 or this line i wonder if he prepared this for me this is a old opening prep 97 there's some gambit where i play e5 i think i can castle first yeah levy's fast so if takes there's queenie one key move unpinning and then regaining the pawn yeah my prep is like gradually coming back to me even though i'm probably already out of prep we have a totem pole d file [Music] probably want to play c3 c3 bishop d2 looks like a solid move and develop trying to develop naturally i'm also just trying to stay up on time too oh can we trade yeah box in the position where the bishop has a hard time developing like takes takes i'm controlling the light squares we might see bishop d7 yeah bishop d7 can i exploit anything here another five maybe like maybe i'll get a slightly favorable bishop versus knight end game oh he offered a draw doesn't that signify fear i thought generally like these endings are slightly preferable for the bishop i could be wrong though c4 maybe to be careful putting the pawns on light squares though because the pawns should complement the bishop and not disrespect the bishop a4 okay he's setting up this cheesy fork this move looks nice not here ooh it almost looks wrong like this do what did i do i got forked it's still interesting though it's actually still interesting oh it's still bad for me though or is it what are my chances to not lose this oh i feel so broken can i dirty flag him no he has so much time oh it's so sad uh yeah all i had to do was not get forked ah what to do okay i'll play the english line again uh yeah he wants to play d4 i prepared this for him in our match i'm trying to remember what i prepared though i think i prepared e4 i'm okay going into this and takes and [Music] f6 bishop b4 yeah we played some game in uh new york that featured some kind of position like this fight c3 actually is probably a good move did you ever wake up in the morning and think you were meant to do something extraordinary uh sometimes like today i woke up and then then the extraordinary thing i proceeded to do was snooze my alexa and then even more extraordinary i went to brush my teeth every day starts in some extraordinary fashion eventually i want to trade and then trade some more and then use a b file is e4 coming wow i should probably take not pretty white's got the bishops but i got i got a knight i'll probably end up playing f6 i maneuver the knight i mean e5 might come eventually so i want to be prepared for it but he's also preparing for it does it work e5 takes e6 wow it might actually work let's go world in less than 4 vs 3k bits oh i'm a little bit preoccupied now but later i'll be less preoccupied or just less occupied maybe it's not so bad [Music] or is it so bad yeah i should have i should have had more danger levels takes takes okay let's survive how to survive down material this is maybe not even so bad like rookie seven the light squares are weak bishop's undermined by my giga pawns i have this and this doesn't quite work uh maybe this move i didn't want to trade queens but what else to do [Music] oh bishop a5 could hurt me rook c8 takes takes really queen h6 here i just want to go for meat and he also wants to go for meat am i getting mated queen e6 king h8 it's close but it's also close for me meeting i'm also attacking a bishop allight swords are very very vulnerable yeah plenty of time okay man he like he squeezed me and then he won material and then somehow i counter punched very tricky game eric feel free to respond whenever you are not focusing but what are your thoughts on making multiple premoves like in chess.com what would you think if they added that feature to leech s2 um yeah it's a different feel i don't think it makes a huge difference i'm also trying to remember my theory here i think i'm supposed to just defend i play the similar line as uh [Music] bishop g4 i've definitely played a similar line as black in the past oh there's c5 c5 a move takes takes it's interesting there's one way to try and undermine black's pawns yeah i think the the bigger difference because there's two main differences between leachates and chess.com when it comes to like time scrambles and especially in bullet is the multi-pre moves but then also like pre-moves still take 0.1 seconds on chasse.com and it may not seem so significant but it makes a big difference in time scrambles because on leachates you can play you can play infinite moves with one second left but shots.com you can only play a few before you flag yeah i think in general i feel a little bit more comfortable on the chest but that might be because like it's it's a bit smoother like the the pieces move a bit more hey eric who is your favorite supporter or all time when it comes to twitch oh haha what was that guy's name what was the um [Music] i mean i can't pick favorites first of all i think should just be grateful for all the supporters but there's definitely some some ogs and uh yeah there's a lot of there's been a lot of supporters over time the um i i can't even give an answer to that because there's been so many if i even if i mention like one then i feel bad not mentioning everyone else but i do appreciate your support dirty harvard and also half loaf thank you half love gifting five what is a6 a6 seemed like such a random move i guess it makes some sense in this position [Music] play knight t5 here 95 interesting i'm threatening to take a knight in bishop b6 queen a5 i think i might is b4 working i don't think b4 is working [Music] yeah the king of two is my original thought a lovey is really down on time i wonder if he's also getting distracted by generous support in his chat wait did i just trap the queen my intention was knight c7 and fork but the queen is it's almost trapped i mean it's simpler just to do this and this yeah like on leachates i think that this would be a maybe closer time scramble but here it should be like easier to flag easier to go for the flag and it's also just winning too okay uh we're tied four and a half four and a half okay i'll play i'll play back to my roots i had a line in this uh earlier i think takes an e5 was it yesterday yesterday's title tuesday i was trying to improvise oh levy's dog was bar oh shout out to benji i saw benji recently benji loves me so much i think h5 a4 is sometimes played with intention of bishop a3 but uh a4 is also weakening to b4 f3 wow so if i take take take queen c8 interesting interesting if knight a6 takes knight before queen b1 hmm let's go for this i'll suck upon hmm spicy move yeah i lost the key center con and now things are kind of sad the only reason i came to this channel was because was up in the air with you and the pilot got sick you took over the plane and i really don't know how to show my gratitude uh you're welcome i know that that's nothing to sneeze at but um anytime i play this move wait what happened to my time okay let's castle and then i have to go all out to try not to lose i'm controlling b1 and things are getting messy here and this is what i want wow thanks again eric yoga you're the hero we all need not the one we deserve my pleasure but can i be heroic in this position the game is really turned around d2 almost works c5 may be coming c5 i take it i want to play this and this oh he's such a kind person not going for the flag ah what a wholesome finish to such a dirty game that was a funny game though what a game [Music] should we call it a draw i s i told levy before we even started playing i i told him no more than 10. so he played 10 games yeah chess is a draw hence uh the draw finish and the five to five were just equal strength even though he's over 200 points higher rated than me now okay that was nice ending ah it could have been nicer if we played one more move uh if you're watching in the future on youtube i might put this whole match on youtube because i think it made for pretty good youtube content have a fun stalemate trick had some fun openings anyway yeah this this stream started with like a chill q a and now we're here calming down after a somewhat wild match [Music]
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 119,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial, Chess.com, chess game, chess video, lichess.org, chess explained, Checkmate, slow chess, rapid chess, chess 2021, gotham chess, levy rozman, stalemate, rosen gotham
Id: P04s4j3471U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 5sec (3605 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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