Food Theory: Can Eating Too Much POP Your Stomach?

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i'll have what he's having i wouldn't recommend it sir your stomach might explode whoa stomachs can explode well first but yeah how much food would i need in order to do that i don't know maybe you should make a food theory about it one step ahead of you my man hello internet welcome to food theory the show that's bursting with information theorists over the past year this channel has given me the opportunity to try lots of different foods some more enjoyable than others i've also found myself eating huge quantities of food by the end of the diet soda tournament episode for instance steph and i felt like we were ready to explode which got me wondering could we like is it possible to eat or drink so much that the human stomach actually bursts and i'm not alone in wondering this either for months the food theory channel's been inundated with comments asking if overeating can pop a human stomach and the short answer to that question is yeah it's not very common but stomachs have been known to rupture as a result of overeating why is it so uncommon well contrary to what you may have seen on say mythbusters this very first episode when they attempted to blow up the stomach of a deceased pig using colon pop rocks bodies of living organisms have a bunch of ways to prevent that level of overeating and stomach pressure so let's pretend for a moment that some total weirdo out there wants to eat enough to make his stomach burst let's call him uh i don't know clive with a k my apologies to anyone out there named clive with a k anyway if clive wants to eat so much food that his stomach bursts he's gonna be in for quite the battle not only against his own stomach but also against his own brain so get ready to fill up on some food facts friends cause when it comes to stomach capacity all food is food for thought so let's start off with what we do know about the rare situations in which a person's stomach ruptures as a result of overeating case reports have found that these types of ruptures often occur when people eat about five liters of food if that sounds like a ridiculous amount to consume well yeah you're absolutely right in fact it's more than three times as much food as you or i have likely ever had inside our own stomachs at one time in our entire lives see typical stomachs will stretch to hold approximately one and a half liters comfortably however going past that point gets really uncomfortable really quickly thanks to satiety signals that get sent to the brain as our stomachs stretch and ultimately result in us feeling full and this is why overeating to the point of rupturing your stomach is so rare usually when a person feels like they're so full they can't possibly take another bite well they can't take another bite at least not without vomiting and yet somehow a small percentage of people are able to push through that feeling of being full and continue to eat without puking it all up typically these people fall into one of two camps a they suffer from some type of neurological disorder that suppresses the urge or b they have trained very very hard to intentionally suppress those urges that's right friends we're talking about the crazy world of competitive eaters like the world record holder joey chestnut 13-time champion of the nathan's hot dog eating contest who is regularly able to consume an estimated four and a half liters of food and water or more so what does this mean for our idiotic star of today's episode clive well as someone who actively wants to pop his own stomach there's a lot he can learn from professionals like joey chestnut both in terms of what to do and what not to do what he'll want to borrow are the training methods that professional leaders use to push through the brain satiety signals so first things first clive is probably going to want to fast for up to three days prior to his stomach popping attempt this gets his appetite ravenously high just like the pros do clive would also be wise to train himself to suppress his gag reflex vomiting after all would reduce the amount of material in clive's stomach and lower the pressure of his stomach lining the exact opposite of what we're looking to accomplish how exactly do the pros train themselves to do this as competitive eater yasser salem explains quote a lot of the suppression training has to do with brushing my tongue really far back every morning and night it's part of my daily routine yay being a competitive eater sounds so good however clive isn't going to want to borrow every aspect of the competitive eater's training regimen competitive eaters focus a lot of their training on stretching their stomachs by say drinking a full gallon of water very quickly for clive however this is counterproductive ripping his stomach is the name of the game so he's gonna want his stomach as small and brittle as possible and speaking of small stomachs our stomachs can get very very small when completely empty and at rest our stomachs shrink down to only hold about two and a half ounces that is .074 liters as our body prepares to eat and digest food it goes through what's called cephalic phase responses these responses result in a variety of changes to our body increasing stomach size and also increasing the production of digestive fluids and here's the craziest part friends these responses don't wait for the food to actually hit our stomachs they begin the moment that we even start thinking about food so if clive wants to take advantage of his stomach when it's at its absolute smallest he's gonna want to surprise himself and his stomach with an impromptu food binge kind of like how i surprised myself with an impromptu taco bell fourth meal last night and now i'm regretting that tremendously sono clive whose terrible decisions have led him to this moment when he's attempting to intentionally pop his own stomach has just one final bad decision to make what food should he pile onto his extra large plate and he will need a massive plate in terms of everyday foods 5 liters works out to be 182 ounces of steak 143 chicken nuggets or a spaghetti noodle that is 1.7 kilometers long but of all the foods available to him in the world which will provide clive the absolute best chance to rupture his stomach well he should probably look into foods that digest very very slowly slower food digests the slower it's gonna exit the stomach and the easier it's gonna be for clive to build that food up inside his stomach to the point that it pops what are the slowest digesting foods out there you ask meat and fish which can take up to two days to digest completely so i'm gonna recommend the fish with the bones left in that's because fish bones when swallowed often puncture the organs around our gi tract and that includes the stomach again and i cannot stress this enough do not be like clive friends swallowing fish bones is not safe and clive is well aware of this he just doesn't care because he's an idiot anyway if clive can manage to puncture his stomach wall with a fish bone that's only going to make it that much easier for the stomach wall to rupture completely from all the added food pressure now some of you might be wondering what about foods that release gas inside the stomach would be a pretty effective way to build up the pressure inside clive's stomach immediately right blow the whole thing up like a balloon after all mythbusters successfully popped a pig's stomach which as they explained in the episode is quite similar to a human stomach using the carbon dioxide released from baking soda so would gas be a more effective way to pop clive's stomach than using solid food and liquid well the answer to that is yes if and only if clive has done his training and is able to suppress the urge to burp and mind you that is a big if think about it this way competitive eaters train extensively to prevent the contents of their stomach from escaping back up to the esophagus for the most part they're able to keep solids and liquids down no matter the circumstance but as for gases those naturally escape as part of the eating process so if clive wants to use expanding gases to help him in his quest he absolutely can but he should do it right at the end of his meal as he feels fit to burst because that'll provide a final push as his stomach is already at capacity pushing him well past the point of satiety as chemical reactions happen in his gut whether he wants them to continue or not that train has left the station friend so with all of this in mind i'm gonna suggest clive take a two-pronged approach to his meal selection he should focus on eating fish with bones included first he should then follow it up with a couple spoonfuls of baking soda just like mary poppins always recommended wait did mary poppins not say that a spoonful of baking soda helps the stomach rupture cheeky and then wash the whole thing down with a nice tall glass of vinegar a chemical reaction will occur that ultimately releases carbon dioxide gas if he's able to keep that gas down clive's stomach should rupture just like the mythbusters pig stomach did however in the likely event that some belches occur and that gas pressure gets relieved roughly five liters of fission fish bones will be his best bet at achieving his incredibly stupid stupid dum-dum stupid goal while also answering theorist nation's incredibly stellar question but hey that's just a theory a food theory bon appetit theorists if you enjoyed today's episode i highly recommend that you check out the grocery store thumbnail on your screen yep food theory went and answered the age-old question how long could you survive in a locked supermarket using only the food that's in there okay so maybe it's not exactly an age-old question but a theorist posed the question to us in the comments and we went all out to figure out the answer by the way if you have any episode ideas that you think would be great for food theory to tackle always feel free to toss those in the comments i am eager to hear what you theorists are hungry to watch and again do not be like clive do not attempt to eat so much food that your stomach ruptures okay instead why don't you uh watch so many food theory episodes that your brain explodes that's a way more productive use of your time and effort anyway punch that subscribe button harder than you wanna punch clive in the face and i'll see you next time just a spoonful of baking soda helps the stomach pop the stomach pop
Channel: The Food Theorists
Views: 3,492,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pop a stomach, stomach pop, can you pop your stomach, mukbang, overeat, overeating, competitive eating, stomach capacity, maximum stomach capacity, can a stomach explode, can a stomach burst, stomach explode, stomach burst, food stomach, eating until you explode, can my stomach burst, can my stomach explode, food, recipe, food theory, food theorists, maptat, game theory, film theory, eat the menu, binging with babish, delish, food tik tok, tik tok food, stomach
Id: YsIQF1mEmj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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