Can You Beat Pokemon Shield as Gordie?

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this is Gordy the rock type gym leader in Pokemon Sword and the one trainer voted most likely to become championed by the people of galar this guy inspired the entire series and I think it's about time I find out if Gordy can actually live up to his fans expectations can Gordy become Champion if you've played Pokemon Sword you know that the answer to this question is undoubtedly no but that's because his rock types get crushed by bees fighting Pokemon in the Champion Cup finals so instead I decided to test this Theory out in Pokemon Shield the alternate universe gather where B does not exist to find out if Gordy has what it takes to become Champion I played through the entire game matching his Champion Cup rematch team as best as I could plus a few other rules to add some challenge to this run one problem I ran into right away was stonejurner although this pure rock type Pokemon looks like it could be found wandering around the monoliths of turf field it is a sword exclusive Pokemon that you cannot even find until after you've collected all 8 gem badges so it transferred over an egg and that stonejourner act as Gordy started a Pokemon fine think of it as a gift from his father or something where these other early game Pokemon is roly Coley a pure rock type lump of coal commonly found on Route 3 right outside of the Galler mines this Pokemon will eventually evolve into Gordy's Ace and to keep things canonical I will not be allowed to use it until the very end of battle veteran Pokemon players might have noticed something concerning about Gordy's team both of his early game Pokemon are pure rock types which are very weak to grass in water type attacks and guess what the first two Gym Leaders use yeah we're gonna have a very Rocky start to this run aha very funny well it is true the first two gym leaders are very tough to be when you've got a low-leveled Pokemon with a type disadvantage perfect what you want to struggle not exactly no one wants to struggle but taking on the challenge is what helps you grow as a trainer and I have a lot of growing to do how come it's a long story perfect hey fine my mom is the ice type gym leader in sir Chester and ever since I can remember she's been training me to take over as the next gym leader as a mother she's very kind and loving but as a trainer she's harsh and cold it didn't take long for me to begin hating the idea of being a gym leader but she wouldn't let up eventually I got sick of it and challenged her to a battle the winner would get to decide my fate and I you lost no surprise there I couldn't best an ice cold expert with some random ice type Pokemon that I didn't even care to train wait a second if you lost how come you're out doing the Champion Cup I think my feelings must have gone through to her during that battle because instead of making me take on the role right then and there she handed me an endorsement letter for this year's Champion Cup and said too bad I can't make the champion take over my gym I haven't spoken since wow you've been through a lot right I didn't used to take battle seriously now I kind of have to is that why you changed over to using rock type Pokemon no Arch types just happen to be very strong against ice after all I'll need to beat her in battle to get one of the gym badges I see alright enough chatting let's go train up a bit in the minds challenge the first gym he wasn't kidding about the training part is we made our way towards her field Gordy made sure to challenge every single trainer along the way from BDS to Evie's Gordy took each of them down and did the same when we got to the gym at first I was a bit concerned about how things would go but stonejourner turned out to be super useful against these gym trainers even though they do have a type advantage which lets them deal double damage Pokemon like gossip floor could only use Leaf a physical grass type move the cool thing about stonejurner is that it is a literal physical wall packing very high defense and HP stats which allowed it to take these super effective hits as if they were a root 1 tackle it also has a pretty high physical attack stat allowing it to easily stomp out the weeds in our way all of these victories help level up Roly Coley and evolve it into a Car Quest um car Cole which is a rock and fire type Pokemon this is great news because fire can easily burn through these grass type Pokemon having cleared the gym test it was time to face off against Milo stonejurner easily takes off the gossip floor and both through a Max overglow from the giant Con Ball however its second attack lends a critical hit knocking out her pile of rocks cargo is out next dynamaxing and using Max guard to style the third and final turn turn of Milo's Dynamax then it uses Max Flair to finish off the eldergos I guess Milo wasn't much of a challenge maybe NASA won't be either never mind she uses special attacks which will shred through stonejurner good thing is we have a lot of HP and a rock type move that reduces the speed of its Target when it hits and since speed determines who gets to attack first we now get to move first the following turn and finish off the Goldeen sadly we weren't bulky enough for the arakuda it also uses its Whirlpool attack on karoko which triggers our ability steam engine when hit with a fire or water type attack the cargo speed stat will be maxed out except NASA can just use AquaJet which is a speed priority move and just finishes off I can finish off the fish but that Turtle Gordy tried a second time sending me out to defeat the arakuda and weighs two whole turns of dreadnought's Dynamax carbinker just that bulky unfortunately cargo was not and since we lost both tries I think that means that Cordy can't I can't huh Gordy wait where are you going ah there he goes so we're in Florida lady what are you doing here a reporter lady that's Jillian to you sir talking carving sir and as for why we are here we heard that Gordy was in town for one of the gym challenges and wanted to try and get an interview with him he is one of the viewers favorites but by the looks of it you missed our chance what do you mean oh anytime he loses a battle Gordy goes to hide in the locker rooms for several hours some might say he's a sore loser but most find it endearing he just needs some time to compose himself and put on a genuine smile for his fans at home I don't blame him I wouldn't want to be seen crying on camera either aha well then I'll go check on him take care I should have tried to interview that talking Pokemon oh well sorry about running off after that battle I just can't risk my fans seeing me get all sad and upset you really care about your image huh well yeah I've grown up with my mom always frowning and scowling at me during training and it really brings the mood down you know I don't want to give off that kind of energy to the people that like or support me so if I ever feel like I can't smile I just find a place to hide and cool off might be a bad habit I picked up from hiding in all the holes at our gym back home but hey it works no wonder do people like you so much you mean well Gordy thanks and now that I'm back with a level head I need to come up with a plan to win against Nessa the only problem is that there aren't many rock types in Gallup hmm I think I remember seeing a Rogan roller back in the mines that might help stall out the Dynamax if it's dirty enough but rather not how come I hear right hand uses the Rogue and roll of line in his team and he always struggles to win against mom besides I don't want to seem like I'm ripping off his team the only other rock that I can think of is Bionicle I'm pretty sure you can find them in the mines near hellbary too bad the mines are closed for inspection at the moment ugh think Courtney think well then if you can't find one in the minds let's go out to the wild area I'm pretty sure you can find one in those raid ends you know you're on to something it's worth a shot let's go the trouble with Raiden Pokemon is that they spawn at random and after checking every one of them and failing to find a single Bionicle our only other option was to buy a Wishing Star and use time skips until we find one except we are more broke than a YouTuber who barely got past 100K subs and don't have enough watts to purchase a Wishing Star so Gordy had to wander around the wild area looking for a merchant that might sell them on the cheap this one sold us experienced candies this one sold us a big pearl and this guy is a real homie he sold us a wishing piece for just 100 Watts from there we went to the den where Bionicle spawns and threw in our wishing piece and just like my luck with genshin we got something we did not want or need which meant it was time to exploit some clock features basically if you go to invite people to join your raid then hop over to your switch's clock and move it to the next day and then back out of that raid the game will shift forwards by one day resetting the wild area shops and other Dynamax stands however it will keep the then you were trying to use active and re-roll a new Pokemon by Nicole just the one we needed the good thing about binoco is that since it's part water type it cancels out the rock typing's weakness to water so instead of taking double damage we take single damage That's my kind of damage that means Bionicle has plenty of time to spam ancient power which will occasionally boost all of our stats by one stage and taking out Goldeen with ease a rakuta can't do much either leaving NASA with just her Dynamax Dreadnought by Nicole tanks the first hit and since it was so buffed up by ancient power Gordy decided it was time to use our one time heal allowing binoco to bulk through a second attack and getting knocked out with a third but since Dynamax only lasts 3 turns that puts Gordy at an advantage as long as we can also stall out the rain which boosts the power of water type moves to the point where NASA can easily One-Shot any of her Pokemon good thing I know protect that left the rest of the battle to Cargo who dynamaxed and attacked with a Max rockfall but we're too slow so Nessa did hit his first with a water type move activating cargo's ability and allowing it to attack first on the next turn knocking out Dreadnought with a second Max rockfall maybe NASA shouldn't take us rock types for granted never mind she gets topaz since Dreadnought is part rock as well we shall leave it at that but Gordy wasn't done just yet since the mines were open to the public again he ran inside to keep on trading his team we did run into a shackle there but since Gordy Shuckle has a hidden ability contrary these exposed shako just won't do so after winning against every trainer along the way Gordy decided to go and challenge kabu the fire type gym leader this battle should be pretty easy since rock is strong against fire should kabu starts with his usual willowist strategy setting Bionicle on fire which does between turn damage and lowers our physical attack stat by one stage good thing ancient Tower is a special attack Arcanine is out next using its intimidate ability to lower physical attacks that by another stage its bite attacks also did a lot more damage and combined with the damage from burned Bionicle went down after a couple turns stonejourner was out next getting burned by a willowist while it finished off Arcanine and since stonejoner is a physical attacker that burn made it so that our igneous rock attack wasn't able to one shot the giant Santa Scorch and since Cabo sent the Scorch used yet another move that does between turned fiery damage for stonejourner got melted away but Center Scorch had taken so much damage by that point that carco could easily swoop in and finish the fight not as easy as I had expected but still a win with three gem badges at hand Gordy now has access to 3 star raids which meant we could go into the wild area once again and look for another Pokemon to add to our team Larvitar a rocking ground type Pokemon exclusive to Shield version and the only Pokemon Gordy adds to his team for the Champion Cup rematches and since we finally have enough watts to buy a full price wishing piece or two we can go hunt for one as luck would have it a rare Dan appeared on my first wish and after several resets we found a Pupitar the evolved form of Larvitar that's good enough Gordy's team struggled to get through all the trainers on Route 6. since many of them had fighting type Pokemon and this was a good reminder that b would absolutely destroy Gordy's theme good thing B is an in this version of the game instead we get Alistair the shy guy ghost trainer who uses some very tricky techniques like disable a move that essentially makes our Pokemon forget how to use its most recent attack for 4 turns which was a bit annoying considering water gun was our only effective move instead we took turns spamming ancient power and hexed each other until watergun came off disability and finished off the fight curzilla decided to place a curse on us which did knock out Bionicle but also chopped off half Crystal's Health that left It Wide Open to Stone junor and its Rock to attack mimiky was another Troublesome Pokemon thanks to his disguisability which allows it to negate one attack per battle at the cost of 1 8 of his HP thankfully the AI decided to stack home claws to boost mimikyu's attack in accuracy but didn't actually attack us now Gengar he did attack us but barely did any damage the real trouble with Gengar is that its ability cursed body disabled our only damaging move on the first turn of Dynamax so we were once again stuck there trying to stomp a ghost which was not very effective until it eventually knocked us out out since his Dynamax was down Gengar could now use hypnosis to put her Pokemon to sleep then attacked with hex a move which does double the damage if we have a status condition sleep is a status condition a status condition I need more of in my life thankfully Pupitar is a light sleeper like me so it woke up on the second turn and used earthquake to One-Shot the Gengar I guess you could say it slept on that fault line but once again Gordy did not let the victory get to his head and instead continued to battle every single trainer along the way all this battle experience got karco to evolve into a colossal making Gordy's team that much stronger but even then I could see the doubtful look on his face I could tell that he was taking things very seriously even during oppo's silly gym test that doubled as an audition for the next fairy type gym leader he did not want to be a gym leader if he faced every Gym trainer as if being a gym leader is what he had trained to do his whole life I mean I guess he has lucky for him that wasn't enough for opal who simply judged him as not pink enough but he was not here for that he was here for a gym badge Oppo starts the battle with wheezing a Pokemon with strong physical defenses so we go for these special attack ancient power instead on our second turn Bionicle got the all-around stat Boost from ancient power which gave me hope for this battle except Oppo got a critical hit on us and shut that hole down stonejourner was out next to set up some stealth rocks an entry Hazard which does damage depending on how weak the Pokemon is the rock type moves next up we set up a wonder room if any attack which swaps the defense and special defense stats of Pokemon on the field this is extremely useful since wheezing has a really high physical defense and stonejourner has an abyssively low special defense but now the tables have turned Fairyland barely does any damage to us while our Rock tomb easily finishes off wheezing malwa will be problematic since it lowers our attack with intimidate and is a part Steel type meaning it can resist a rock type attacks oh and it is also a physical attacker and due to wonder room we currently have like zero physical defense Pupitar can easily finish off Mawile with an earthquake attack and the stealth rocks do a bunch of damage to that means it's weak to rock this just leaves opal with her giant cake it takes major damage from our Stone Edge but uses g-max finale which helps restore some of its HP it was time for colossal to make its first appearance using mag's guard to start a turn and let oppo's cake get very stale then it set up a sandstorm with Max rockfall and finished off the Alchemy with another rockfall we had won another gym badge but Gordy was not looking too happy our next opponent would be Melanie his mother and something tells me that he might be feeling a bit anxious about the upcoming match so anxious that he once again challenged then defeated every single trainer on Route 8. I was also a bit confused because there are two rock type Pokemon that show up on this route right on and crustal yet Gordy didn't catch either of them for his team sedimentary my dear Watson he was simply too focused on refining his team so he didn't bother adding more to it when we finally got the sir Chester Gori put on a smile once again and walked right into Bob's your uncle for a hearty meal apparently they served a special soup there that would give colossal the ability to change form when dynamaxing as well as give it a new rock type g-max move then it was time for the dreaded battle our newly evolved barbarac who uses Rock tomb to One-Shot Melanie's Frost moth then did the same to darmanitan who taunted us to prevent the use of shell smash since his HP was below half their manitan's unmotability activated to change its form into this fiery snowman which is faster and stronger it uses moves like icicle crash which might not do much damage but often cause us to Flinch preventing action for that turn anyways we eventually do get to move and finish it off with the rock too out next is Ice Cube with its ice face ability which outright negates one physical attack then changes the Pokemon's form which reduces his defense stat but increases its speed this gave Ice Cube the opening to finish off barbaco fubotar was out next but since Ice Cube's new form had a ton of speed it got to move first and set up a hail storm which lets this Pokemon make a second ice face negating yet another of her physical attacks it was not going to make it another that left Melanie with just her Dynamax Lapras who one shot her poor Pupitar and set up some rain meaning that all our rock types were in big danger realizing that the rain would allow Lapras to one shot colossal I asked Gordy to send me out next I might not be much of a fighter but I can defend well and even though the Lapras got to knock me out I managed to stall out the rain now Gordy can finally shine he dynamaxes colossal and instantly gets hit with a powerful sir which would have one shot in the rain but not this time it survives with a few HP activated steam engine ability and attacks with the new g-max vocalist attack instead of setting up a sandstorm this move deals between turn damage to Lapras and since steam engine makes us ridiculously fast we can attack on the following turn and win the battle you did it Gordy I did but it's not over yet this battle is just to get the gym patch if I want my mom's approval I need to collect two more and win the Champion Cup remember still you managed to pull quite the victory there it was all thanks to you offering to help out during that battle yeah without me you would have lost that fight ouch but true I suppose I'm a bit curious what made you decide to do that you've been very clear year that you didn't want to take part in any of my other Gym Battles it's a bit of a long story perfect this conversation seems familiar anywho I'm not just a random talking car bank but an interdimensional talking car Bank aha you're starting to sound like a very imaginative talking carpet hey I'm telling the truth here I'm something like a rock skipping over a river each skip is a trainer I've traveled with and well after a while you tend to pick up a thing or two about how battles work and strategies people use now you're more of a secret spybank when you put it that way I can see why a certain someone asked me to change form every Universe you can transform two like into a Diancie no no no I guess I could if I wanted to but more like transform into a Pokemon that fits well with the trainer I travel with I see this also means you'll eventually leave doesn't it I try not to think about that part but yeah a portal appears shortly after the battle for Champion it sucks me away into the next Universe along my journey it doesn't matter how much I like the trainer I'm with or how long I want to stay I'm just a rock skipping through the river of universe viruses well then I thank you for your help Mr guidebank but if you'll be leaving my team I think I need to strengthen up my other Pokemon that way I can remain Champion even after you're gone see that's exactly why I didn't want to take part in the battles ah it all makes sense now well then let's go to the wild area and train the team some more also I hope you can tell me more about your Journeys it sounds like you've been through quite a lot well out and about in the wild area Gordy began to Challenge Pokemon in various Dynamics dance he was after some very powerful TRS like liquidation for his barbacoal and Stone Edge for colossal we also try to find the Shuckle but since they were locked behind Five Star raids we'd need to collect all eight gym badges first so after that training is free Gordy made his way over to spycraft to battle Piers the battle starts out with intimidate to lower our attack any fake out the flinches on the first turn Gordy set up a shell smash which lowers our defense stats but boosts our speed and attack then tries to liquidates crafty only to fail and get knocked out with a brick break stonejourner is out next setting up some stealth rocks and using its newly learned body press attack to finish off crafty piers instantly goes for his obstagoon which will use its obstruct move to block out every other attack Gordy got a bit greedy there and tried to use body press back to back only to hit one of the obstructs which also lowers our defense by two stages and since body press deals damage based on the user's defense it was no longer powerful enough to win the fight Piers had a very good counter for our team unsure of what to do next Gordy send out Pupitar and how to use earthquake even though it is a physical move as long as it doesn't make direct contact with obstacle and we will not get hit by the defense debuffing effect could call would obstacle and out of the way Malamar comes out to play and we miss our Stone Edge attack meaning the rest of the battle is down to colossal good thing it also knows Stone Edge having sustained loads of damage from the Malamar Gordy had to use his one-time heal and colossal before finishing off the scan tank with several earthquakes with 7 Gym badges in hand Gordy made his way over to hammerlock for the final gym battle against right hand unlike all the battles until now right hand does double battles which is a good thing for Gordy since we can finally take advantage of stone Turner's ability power spot which increases its Ally Pokemon's attack by 30 percent where do you decided to play it safe and had Barbacoa and stonejourner both team up to attack Flygon to knock it out and then to attack silly Cobra and knock it out and finally gigolith and knock it out that left right hand with just his dual udon who finished off Stone Jordan with a Max Steel Spike boosting its own defense by one stage then did the same to Pupitar gaining another defense boost once his Dynamax ran out the dualodon began attacking with body press and if you remember that move deals damage based on the user's defense and he just doubled his defense stat in the past couple of turns Gordy attacked with Max vocalist to set up that between turn damage which he was going to need because we're all physical attackers and can barely do any damage to tyrolodon since it was a double battle Gordy had to send me out as well but I got instantly knocked out although that did buy gordian X return to attack with a Max Quake which did a lot more damage with one turn of Dynamax Love Cody decided to risk it Colosso managed to bulk through the ramadan's attack and land a finishing Max Quake he finally had all eight gym badges and that means we can finally go into the wild area and find a 5 Star Den with a shackle but of course this hunt wouldn't be an easy one since the hidden ability is not a guarantee the first chuckle we found had sturdy the second one also had sturdy but as the saying goes third time's the charm we finally found a contrarian chuckle for Gordy's team and since both shaku and I are quite the bulky Pokemon you could say that all the battles where Gordy had to use me as a father would have still been one had he just caught and used a chuckle back in the mines I guess this means I'm getting replaced already but that's okay since I'll leave Gordy soon anyways with the team finally complete it was time to make our way to Windon the Champion Cup was split into two parts first were the semi-finals where we had to battle other trainers who've collected always gym badges trainers like hop and Marnie both of which lost the Gordy's Team without causing him too much trouble even bitty got turbo swapped by the exact same strategy of shell Smash and liquidate the second part of the Champion Cup finals was where we had to face off against the other gym leaders in order to proceed NASA was up for is that leads with a similar strategy to our own while we set up a shell smash Nessa sets up a Swords Dance the only problem with her strategy is that we have a super effective Stone Edge attack there is scooter is out next and since we missed our first attack Gordy decides to go for the guaranteed hit with an earthquake to one shot her Speedy fish Sea King sees the same fate and the peloper gets one shot by a Stone Edge and yes this is exactly how the semi-finals went as well nessa's Dreadnought managed to bulk through one earthquake and finished off barbarako then proceeded to sweep through stonejourner shaku and Pupitar but then the rain stopped which meant it was safe enough to send out colossal Dynamax and finish off the fight with a Max Quake Alistair was still as tricky as ever using Thunder Punch to paralyze Barbara rackle and then disable to stop us from using Stone Edge he also healed up dust North so that an earthquake attack couldn't finish it off but our second one did we then easily finished our polti guys with a liquidation but were too slow to touch the Chandelure Shuckle was out next to set up some stealth rocks and sticky web which is another entry Hazard move that lowers the speed stat of incoming Pokemon since we have the HP despair shackle did some chip damage using Rock tomb which also lowered Chandelure speed that meant pupiter could come in and safely finish off the spooky lamp Ursula happened to be very weak to our dark type Crunch and instead of attacking it tried to buff itself up with amnesia I think you forgot how to fight that left just Gengar who got one shot by an earthquake seeing that we were starting to struggle a little bit Gordy decided it was time to use those experience candies from The Raid dance and leveled up pivotar a bit to evolve it into its final form Tyranitar and since it finally has arms we can teach at ice punch and move with its particularly useful against dragon types anyways right hand the dragon type expert was going to be our final opponent historical triggers a drought which lowers the damage from water type moves so we go for Stone Edge and Miss meanwhile the turtle tries to put us to sleep that knocks us out with a single solar beam since it did take major damage from her second stone age right hand decided to heal up his lead while Gordy used this opportunity to set up sticky webs and some stealth rocks right hand repeated the strategy of putting us to sleep and attacking with solar beam but Shaco is a lot more bulky than barbaracle after waking up from its nap Shuckle took turns attacking with Rock 2 and while tarko struggled to take us down with a series of body presses it was time for Tyranitar to shine or storm since its ability causes a sandstorm when he enters battle we finish off the torko one punch the Flygon two punch to go draw a new stone age to one shot the third donator leaving right hand with just his Dynamax drowled on sadly Tyranitar could not One-Shot this opponent and stonejourner did even less damage but at least its doll through the Dynamax the diralodon had taken so much damage that a single Max Quake is all it took to finish it off and just like that Gordy had made it through the Champion Cup finals but since there was some down time between the finals and the battle for Champion Gordy once again decided to go and train his team a bit even defeating this very angry dragon on top of the hammerlock stadium and as the days went by Gordy began to mentally prepare himself for this final battle could he live up to the expectations of his fans could he be free to decide his own future could Gordy become Champion there's only one way to find out Leon's edgeslash uses King's shield to protect on the first turn which was good news for Gordy who can now safely set up shell Smash and then attack with a powerful earthquake but Edge's life survives with a few HP it strikes back with a flash Cannon but did do enough damage which means Gordy can take it out the next turn Haxorus Hollows up the sword but just like his predecessor manages to bulk through a stone edge attack and this time actually finishes off barbaracle Cordy isn't phased at all and sends out Shuckle next to set up some stealth rocks sadly hacks vs Iron Tail was too powerful so Shuckle couldn't set up its sticky webs as well stonejourner is bulky enough to take a hit and then finished off the first dragon however intellion is not the second dragon he's just good at countering a rock type Pokemon Tyranitar came out storming and Leon uses a tearful look to lower our attack stat by one stage then does it a second time but it wasn't enough to save intellion ah there's the second dragon it is able to bulk through one of our attacks now thanks to those tearful looks but just can't dish out enough damage to stop the ranitar and just when we thought we were on on a roll Mr Ryan manages to freeze Tyranitar preventing it from moving then knocking it out by spanning freeze dry the clown also confuses colossal which has a 33 chance to cancel her attack and make colossal punch itself instead thankfully our first move did not fail and we managed to One-Shot the clown that meant it was time for Charizard to come out and lose half of its Health to Shuckle stealth rocks and then dynamaxes and hits us with a Max Rock bow and here I was worried that he might One-Shot us and now for the Moment of Truth unimpeded by confusion colossal attacked Charizard with a g-max vocalist winning the battle in a single blow yes you did it Gordy haha I did and I must thank you for helping me get this far yeah no problem at all now let's hurry to the locker room huh why well you said a portal will pop up and take you away after the battle for Champion I don't think I can keep on a smile when a dear friend goes away Gordy just because I have to leave this world doesn't mean I'll be gone forever I'll still remember you and you remember me besides each step I take means I'm getting closer to home maybe you should think of it that way and feel a bit happy for me I guess you're right that doesn't change the fact that I'll miss you we've been together through the whole gym challenge we shared stories of our past and now now I'm realizing that this friendship cannot last hey now you're starting to make me feel sad as well but I guess you're right let's go to the locker room one last time so now that you've become Champion what's next for you well I think it's about time I go patch things up with my mom even though I hated the idea of being a gym leader I realized something very important during the gym challenge oh what's that I enjoy a good challenge and all the gym leaders have an important job to use the typing they specialize in and create a challenge for those who wish to be the very best when I eventually have to step down as Champion I think I'd like to go back home to search Esther and take over his gym leader wow that's a complete 360 there but I'm glad to hear you found something you're passionate about as long as I can keep using rock types ice was not my forte we do rock and what about you what do you think you'll do when you finally get back home hmm I haven't thought much about it to be honest in fact I don't really remember what home was like well that's concerning but again they say home is where the heart is so I think if you follow your heart just like I did you will find it eventually thanks Gordy speaking of going that's the portal I take it Yep looks like it's time any last words before I go hmm don't lose heart my little friend and if you ever feel down I hope you can remember this Bright Smile of mine safe travels thank you Gordy and goodbye subscribe sub subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe sub subscribe subscribe subscribe
Channel: Vasko Games
Views: 175,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Can X become Champion, Vasko Can X become Champion, Pokemon Gordie, Gordie, Vasko Gordie, The Barry Gordie, Gordie vs Melony, Can X Become Champion Woolooverse, The woolooverse, Can You beat pokemon Shield as Gordie, playing as gordie
Id: cmKiYY6dOZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 24sec (1704 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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