Could Iono Actually Become Champion?

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this is a Yono the electric type gym leader in Pokemon scarlet and violet not only is she the biggest streamer in the entire region she's also an extremely powerful trainer who will likely end many in those lock run with her levitating electric Miss magius but is she powerful enough to become champion and does she even care you see unlike the gala region where everyone wants to become the champion and powder anyone can become a champion it's just a rank here but it's still a rank you can only get by defeating all eight gym leaders the Elite 4 and Gita and in an effort to make sure that this rank is held up to the same standard as in other regions La Primera will occasionally go through all the gyms to see if they're still on top of their game unless she's busy with something else like say a bully outbreak at the Academy where every teacher suddenly quits and now she has to find new staff ASAP in situations like that she will sign the assessment to someone else and this time that someone else is none other than me and iono so in order to see if these gyms are up to standard I'll be playing through Pokemon Scarlet using ayono's team I can only use her gym team before the second gym badge after that I can evolve or catch the remaining Pokemon from her rematch team as they become available along the way I'm also restricted to only using ayano's in-game moveset abilities and strategies which means I cannot switch out Pokemon I can't use held items and I can't use any items during battle like revives or X attacks none of those there are only two exceptions to these rules first if I cannot access a move yet either due to a level restriction or TM location I can fill its slot with any move that is currently available although I'll usually go for something that is very similar just less powerful second I can use a once per battle healing item because as it turns out these games can get pretty difficult if you give yourself so many restrictions anywho ayano's initial team has a Miss magias who can thrustolize into an electric type in a Shinx with intimidate with this team ayono can easily take down the Titan cloth who for some reason locked itself into spamming vice grip which has no effect on us because we're ghost we're literally incapable of catching these hands also the Titans are not a required part of becoming a champion but I had to come to this area to catch the shinks so I figured I might as well do the battle for fun the real gem challenge begins in cartondo where iono has to participate in the olive roll this is the only gym test in the game that has optional trainer battles but I ended up doing them anyways since Shinx really needed the extra experience points you see if I go to battle Katie with just Shanks and mischievous Shinx can handle her first two Pokemon by setting up a charge which doubles the power of our next electric type move and then Sweep with thunderfang however Katie's Teddy Ursa can easily One-Shot our electric d-line and unless we get extremely lucky with confusion the status effect Miss druvis can't really do much here and since I give these battles 2 attempts before declaring a loss extremely good luck is not something we can count on what's even worse is that there's really nothing else we can try to do here no other moves or Pokemon are available this early on and for some reason Shinx didn't evolve after the battle so I went back in to try my luck as second time and failed wow this is just like the time I took the GMAT well looks like Ayano can't beat Katie so she can't become Champions so uh video's over thanks for watching don't forget to check out the sponsor okay bye whoa whoa whoa friendzo you can't just give up on me like that well you lost the Katie twice and there's nothing else we can try did you forget your mission Mr shocky sheep you're supposed to see how I do against every gym leader not just the first one true but if you can't even win against the first one I'm pretty sure the rust won't go too well either hey now no need to be a hater or should I cast a little curse on you for being so mean curse absolutely not wait a minute you're a streamer what do you know about curses mama was a hex girl so I know a thing or three hmm now let's see no no you win you can have a third attempt at the gym battle just please don't put a curse on me geez Mr Shockey sheep you seem really spooked about curses it was just a joke well yeah I might not be able to get home I have a curse on me so I need to steer clear of those fine I'll let you off the hook this time but you better subscribe to me once you get home close enough already now what can I do to win here aha the solution was to evolve Shinx we did hit level 15 during our first attempt at the gym battle but since we lost the match the game never triggered the evolution I'm not sure if this is intentional or some sort of a bug but it unfortunately meant that we needed another level up to actually evolve this does make us a bit over leveled for the battle however it is not my fault that the game does not work properly if it had we would want the second time around because Luxio absolutely changes how The Battle Turns out we can easily take out the first two bugs and we don't get one shot by the teddy Ursa meaning we can deplete most of its HP before getting knocked out now miss Traverse just has to hit Teddy Ursa with confusion the move to win the battle so I guess aiono is still into running for Champion having claimed the first gym badge we can now catch two more Pokemon for her team both had both and watch roll spawn near the secluded beach which is technically on our way towards Artisan Ayanna also wanted to stop there to make a recording for her 10 sides of paudia video this area is most likely based on the donana national park which happens to include a lot of marshes and streams just like the area where Tad bulbs spawn the not so good news was that all the water and the area were level 23 and brassius caps at level 18 so we really should not try to use this over level super effective bird for that battle it would not be fair but since I didn't want to risk another major loss so early in the game iono and I kept searching for a lower level water in the area according to Serebii they're supposed to spawn between levels 14 and 27 but after several hours of looking and one shiny love disc the lowest we could find was this one at level 19. close enough so anyways this thing sweeps through brassius's first two Pokemon but it gets instantly knocked out by pseudo widow's rock type moves now next was tadbob using my favorite early game attack mud slap to lower the foe's accuracy then Luxio could just come in and spam bite to knock out the fake tree which flinched not once not twice but five turns in a row never tell me the odds having won against brassius we evolved tadbobuatro and miservous and then we made our way up north towards the mines to grab a Voltorb for the team and also to do another recording for the 10 sides of paudia this time it was the million volt Skyline which I'm pretty sure is just supposed to mimic the city of Arts and Sciences man doing the research for this video kind of makes me want to go on a tour of Spain now I know right anyways our next stop will be all the way in kaskarafa where aiono decided to hit up the shops for a cool new phone case and when she finally made her way up to the gym we were informed that kofu was currently out of town on a shopping trip but since we knew him the league rep asked if we could go and deliver his wallet to Puerto maranata it may be a cute looking wallet but it's got nothing on today's sponsor the ridge wallet is an amazingly super slim wallet with loads of different colors and styles to choose from it can hold up to 12 cards plus cash and it's not the size of a hamburger like regular wallets I personally love how compact it is since I tend to go jogging a lot and the best part is it's not just their wallets Ridge also offers a key case that securely holds your keys and prevents you from jingling like a donkey when you're running at the park if you aren't super sure whether the ridge is right for you the they do offer a 99-day risk-free trial however I really don't think you need it when I first got mine my brother was a bit doubtful of how nice the ridge wallet is so I let him use it for a couple of days and now I'm having to borrow his Ridge wallet to record this segment if you use my coupon code Vasco you can get 10 off your purchase through September 30th and for every dollar you do spend you'll get a chance to win a brand new Ford Bronco upgraded by Hennessy performance or 75 000 cash if you aren't in the mood for a new car plus to get your own Ridge wallet now just go to Vasco or click the link down below and even if you aren't in the market for a super cool new wallet or key case you can still get one free entry for the car by using my link so it's definitely worth checking out thank you Rich for sponsoring this video after delivering his last wallet kofu agreed to battle us when he got back to kaskarapa but maybe he should have taken some time to train up his team a bit because this poor Chef did not stand a chance kilowattro easily took down Volusia 3 couple of Electro balls then got in one last Quick attack before web Trio knocked it out out next was bellyboat who got hit with a chain of headbutts making it Flinch multiple turns in a row until it was finally able to land a thunder shock and finish off the gooey rock that just left krabamonable who was way too slow to defend itself against electrodes Electro balls this ended up being a pretty fair match since both of us only used three Pokemon for the battle what wasn't fair was aiono making it sit around and wait for an hour while she recorded another segment for her 10 sides of paudia video you could have just watched my videos while y'all waited true but I would have rather done something more productive with my time instead of just sit around I don't know about that relaxing is pretty important too do I tell her let me guess you do this sort of thing too huh how did you know pass me okay then oh great iono give me some advice my channel has been struggling lately and I don't know what to do only if you leave a like I would but I don't have thumbs at the moment it's the thought that counts everyone thinks being a YouTuber is easy but the reality of it is quite shocking exactly there's a lot of work that goes into it and most people actually fail roughly 10 percent of creators quit every month I know my pal was such a wiz but you're right I've lost many friendos who had to drop out entirely they just start earning enough to make ends meet and had to go do other things me too A lot of the creators that were around when I got started and friends I've made along the way just aren't around anymore but it is what it is so anywho my advice to you is to just keep trying and have fun with it until you get lucky right which is why I'd rather be working for an hour than sit around and wait for you no Frindle you got it all wrong it's not about working harder well I guess it helps a bit but you really don't gain much from pushing yourself too hard unless what you're trying to gain is burnout but I thought skill is all that really matters yeah I mean if your video sucks people definitely won't watch it but having a good video doesn't mean that people will watch it either to be successful you gotta make something that's good but also something that a lot of people are currently interested in or just something shocking enough that they can't look away he he you've got a point but there's no way I can figure out what everyone's interested in at the moment and even if I do it's usually something I don't care to make meanwhile it almost looks like the bigger creators can get away with making whatever they want so why can't the little guys it's not fair you know sometimes I spend weeks working on a video only for it to flop harder than a Magikarp see what happens when you overwork yourself shocky sheep if something 's bad it's I do want to help you out but I don't guess the answers for you seems like no one does and that's why you just fun with it if you're making the stuff you want to make some folks will also enjoy it and you can be satisfied with what you created but what if I never end up getting lucky enough do I just live in poverty and starve or do I look for another job even if that means I'll have much less time to work on the videos I do want to make sometimes I wonder if I should just do more mainstream content that I'm not interested in personally seems like I lose either way I hate this shh what was that noise what noise you didn't hear it only thing I heard was little Mr shocky sheep worrying about his YouTube channel a little too much listen friendo it's definitely hard to find success but I believe in you get another job to make ants meet if you have to and just keep making the things you're interested in making do what you gotta do but make sure you have fun with it okay okay now come on Vasco cheer up we got another gem to do and I heard there's lots of yummy foods there our next stop was the town of medalli which was packed at restaurants on every side of the street and students looking for hints to the treasure eatery's secret menu item but instead of trying to battle them and steal their Clues Iona was smart and went on the little bluebird app to find all the info she needed she also got me some grilled rice balls from the ice cream standard to try and cheer me up I was a bit suspicious but they were delicious then we made to place the Secret order at the treasure Eatery and got the battle gym leader Larry kilowattro used air slash against his Sleepless komala and we managed to make it Flinch two turns in a row the little guy couldn't even try to attack us the dance bars didn't Flinch so it spammed hyperdraw to finish off her bird then drill run to beat up electrode with his own HP got dangerously close to zero that just left Larry's staraptor which terasterized into a normal type so there goes our electric type advantage but at least it managed to paralyze itself thinks the bellyboat static ability but that paralysis ended up working in Larry's favor since facade doubles the damage if the user is under a status condition this would mean major trouble had we not chipped away at most of its Health when it was too stunned to move so luxray could just come on in and finish the battle with ease there was only one problem iono's belly bald is not supposed to have static it's got that annoying electromorphism his ability that triggers every time you hit it that I got so distracted looking for a low level watch row at the start of the game that I completely forgot to check if the Tad bulb had the right ability so instead of running towards the next gem we took a huge detour to the tag tree Thicket where a bunch of high level Tad bulb and belly bolt spawn to look for one with the right ability thankfully luxury made the search easy since his intimidate would trigger the correct ability at the start of battle the next problem was that we needed the materials to make another reflect and water poles so we had to run down a random Beach and beat up a bunch of Magikarp and weasel as well as to some random ruins to collect drowsy fur and then we had to do a bunch of raids to get enough candy so that the new belly bolt isn't under leveled once the new Belly Ball was ready to go we made our way up the mountain towards another one of the 10 sides of paudia glasito's grass first of all it's pronounced glaciado and second have you heard of the rumors about this place Randall rumors oh just kind of looks like a hand to me but who is it the main theory is that the entire region of paldea is one giant poke I've heard about that one before but isn't glaciado Mountain supposed to be part of that Pokemon's tale why would there be a random hand all the way out here I knew you were with sprendell that's why there's also another Theory what if it's not just an entire region that's a Pokemon but the entire Mountain maybe those giant Pokemon from Gallagher were also roaming all the way out here and one of them got buried under g-max hail storm sounds like a very unfortunate way to go so which Theory do you think it is honestly neither I think it's just a rock that happens to be shaped like a hand dang friendo here I thought you gave me a super effective option three instead you use a reality Type move yikes I don't think that's a thing anyways which gym are we going to next the closest one is in Mountain Nevada I've heard they got a new gym leader since the previous one got scouted to be a teacher by Gita she can do that right you don't want to be on her bad side anyhoo what's wrong Mr shakishi Boss told me to stay out of Monta novera boss you mean Gita not quite can't say remember how I was a bit scared of having a curse placed on me yeah well since the new gym leader is a ghost type specialist I need to steer clear of her just in case right I did hear a rumored that she can raise the dead oh no are you dead I don't know you're just being silly at this point of course I'm not dead I don't know you seem pretty dead to me dead serious that is haha anyways I'm not going to Montana Vera I'll just wait by that Pokemon Center over there all right friendo suit yourself just promise you won't lie about having to wait this time I won't but please don't take too long oh I know how about I stream my battle that way you have something to watch while you wait that's a great idea actually yeah yeah boom and just like that ayono and I went our separate ways anyways her battles at rhyme's gym were pretty interesting since they were the only double battles in the entire game boss was also right to warn me about Montana Vera since one of the singers definitely used curse no thanks after hyping up the stage with her streamer skills aiono finally got the battle rhyme she led with kilowattro and luxray whose intimidate helped lower rhyme's physical attacks and then it used Vault switch to break mimikyu's disguise and swap out with belly bald Ryan went for an icy win which lowered our speed but it also triggered kilowattrolls when the power ability it works exactly like belly bolts electromorphosis but only if hit with a wind move too bad kilowattro got knocked out before it could actually attack ayano's next choice was electrode who could barely do any damage and this time she did not hold back with belly bold unleashing a powerful discharge which nearly knocked out our own teammate the crowd got so hyped that they gave us an attack boost and when Ryan finished off our electrode they gave her team a speed boost instead I kind of want one of the speed boost luxury came in to finally finish off the mimikyu and belly ball did some chip damage with mudshot but Ryan was done playing around she sent out her Ace to rasterize it into a ghost type and let out a powerful hyper voice meanwhile houndstone vanished Into Thin Air this got the crowd even more excited giving rhyme steam a boost to each of their stats so yeah things were not looking very good for our friend though it is a bit funny how Ryan turned her electric type into a ghost and now aiono is gonna turn her Ghost type into electric this helped Miss magias tank a hex and then return the favor to rhyme's Ace that got the crowd cheering for aiono giving her team a Boosty to every stat as well but miss magius had taken too much damage so iono had to use her one time heal to survive Hound Stone's next attack the crowd approved giving us a speed boost which allowed aiono to get a hit in before the doggy vanished again but what now that last attack did 55 damage and iona's Miss magius only has 54 HP left here goes 2 Hp and that means she can attack again and win way to go I don't know after the battle was over she came to pick me up from the Pokemon Center and did a quick loop around Casa Royal Lake to record the waterfalls and some rocks near the shore which were apparently more of paudia's sights anyhoo our next stop was all the way down to alfernata where iono got to do a fun workout and then challenged gym leader tulip to battle we tried the air slash strategy but only got the giraffe to Flinch once so electrode had to come in and finish off tulip's lead for gardevor got paralyzed by a discharger tag however our fake Pokeball couldn't do much in terms of damage bellyboat was our next best choice because electromorphosis although that buff was not strong enough to take down his Panther in one hit so iono had to send out luxray next and went for the vote switch strategy on his pathra allowing us to retreat just in case and opening up the stage for miss magius her Shadow balls weren't doing much damage and floor just managed to lower our special attack with its Moon blast that meanted that we were not going to be able to hit hard enough to win but that's why we saved luxury for last after our Victory Ariano rushed off to record some footage at the leaking Tower of powder and uh pretty sure that one's supposed to be in Italy the next site we went to was the very top of glaciado mountain I would say the view was nice but we were too busy trying to dodge out Pokemon that kept trying to run into us and on the way down we challenged the final gym Rush's Frost moth was an easy KO thanks to our flying type moves but the bear would be trouble yep trouble at this point luxury had finally learned wow charge instead of Vault switch so we could do even more damage but lost the ability to switch out the other downside to this powerful attack is that we take recoil so the Titan could easily finish us off good thing we have electromorphosis oh and volleyball now knows thunder so we really get to shock out terrius HP we don't even need to use Miss Magus for this one and with that we've collected all eight gym badges in the paudia region our next order of business was to level up our team Rouge capped out at level 48 but Rika the first Elite Four member caps at level 58 the best way to level up her team before the DLC drops is to go up and North near team Stars Ferry bays and make a sandwich that boosts normal type encounters then we can just Farm all the chances that spawn in the area until our team reaches the desired level typically I just go for the ham and pickle sandwich but Ayano had another idea she went searching for an even better recipe online and found this one by rated user kelps06 it was a very weird recipe that had a stacking 12 blocks of tofu 5 leaves of watercress as well as a double serving of salt and pepper not gonna lie Gamers this recipe is hard to make especially since some of the tofu can just topple over and look I'm a germaphobe and even I wouldn't throw away perfectly good food just because it fell off the sandwich wow I was making it but this game not fam the tablecloth is lava anyways we did eventually manage to make this tofu Tower sandwich it vaguely resembled the skyscrapers in lavincia and that gave us the normal encounter bonus as well as an exp bonus from normal types although I'm not sure if the extra steps in complicated setup was worth all the hassle anyways ayono and I are gonna go punch some Chansey then make her way to the Elite Four her first opponent there would be the interviewer Rika and she's going to be a very Troublesome trainer since she is the most grounded of the four so grounded that her entire team has a type advantage against ayono thankfully her with cash missed its blizzard attack so that's one less Pokemon to worry about but then Don fan rolled out and said no birds belly boat was out next and this time electromorphosis wouldn't help us so we go for water pose and no chance electrode is fast enough to set up a magnet rise which will negate all ground type moves for a couple of turns and then spams Foul Play While holding on for dear life until it finally knocks out the dawn fan thankfully the Dugtrio isn't too bulky so while it is trying to set up a sandstorm luxury can finish it off with a nice bang I always forget about the camera since there wasn't much we could do Iona went for these psychic fangs in hopes of a Flinch but the giant camo just yawned at us instead and once we were to sleep it was game over for luxury thankfully Miss magius has no weakness so we can come in and finish off the camera interrupt then face off against rika's Ace her Shadow balls barely do any damage but for some reason Rika decided to just Spam protect instead of attack or poisonous or you know try we did end up winning but it did not feel deserved Poppy and Larry were the next two elite four members but neither of them posed much of a threat to ayono magnazone was a bit of a challenge due to its light screen and resistance to electric type moves but we had good coverage for the rest of her team and Larry yeah Larry uses flying types he has zero chance here now hassle this guy was actually a challenge mainly due to haxris I mean this thing was a Champion's Ace Pokemon and those are usually pretty strong usually luxray could easily sweep through his first three dragons but it's too slow to touch Haxorus I thought electrodes Foul Play would be useful here since Haxorus is jacked but we weren't able to do enough damage to two shot however it was enough to get a knockout with belly bald Sucker Punch now on to the next Super Jack dragon and this time Sucker Punch did nothing since Hassel absolutely obliterated Miss magius on her first attempt iono asked me for some assistance but all I did was apply paralysis and pass out however since Beck's caliber used Glade rush to finish me off Miss Maggie's could now one shot it with dazzling glean the main difference between the first and second attempt was the back's caliber used Glade rush to knock out the Pokemon before Miss maggias and its effect allowed us to do enough damage to win paralysis did nothing so the real outcome of this battle just comes down to luck iono could have won it without me but wanted to play at safe and since she did win against all of the Elite Four it was time for her to fight Gita for the title of uh wait no for the champion rank except Gita does not hold back she destroys her kilowattro earthquakes are electrode that gets to face the power of electromorphoses not once but twice and just when we thought we were in the home stretch she sends out the go-goat since it resists Water and Electric type moves we go for Sucker Punch but fail she sets up bulk up and then knocks out her belly bolt luxury comes out to intimidate it removing the attack both she just got and then hits it with a super effective ice thing but it barely dents its HP GoGo uses another bokeh then horn leech all the damage we did healed luxray dead no problem right smack is nose mystical Fire doesn't one shot horn leech bam all the damage we did heal don't make fun of gita's go-go this thing is the reason ayono can't become Champion well at least on our first attempt the nice thing about this game is that once you've cleared the Elite 4 you can just go straight back to Gita this time we play it smart and set up Tailwind first triggering kilowattro's ability and knocking out gita's bathroom before it commits any funny business she follows up with King Gambit but we know this guy is weak to electromorphosis and so is avalog the bad news is that we attacked first so electromorphosis wasn't active this time around but that's okay because now we can set up a magnet rise and take it down a discharge the Go goat is back again but now we have Foul Play So when it uses bulk up it makes our move stronger too see I've learned a lot since that Marty video her Volusia did get to finish off Alex troll thanks to its AquaJet but it's weak to electricity so down it goes that leaves Gita with just glamora who does have a ground type move anyways this means it's time for Miss magius to shine literally and since it's got plenty of special bulk she can easily tank through gita's attacks and finish off her toxic Rock flower apart from a few small hiccups on my end at the first and fifth gym aiono's team could actually win against all the gym leaders and most of the Elite Four her only real challenge would have been hassel's back's caliber and gita's go-goat both of which could be beaten with a little bit of good luck so I think it's safe to say could aiono become champion in Pokemon Scarlet yes absolutely I got a super cool Rank and you completed your super secret space mission yeah good job iono so now you get to go home right but you came out of the sky so like How's that gonna work should I choose Electro explosions so we can blash it back into the sky uh no a portal should be opening up any moment and it'll take me home oh that's pretty cool mind if I record it sure go ahead boss didn't say anything about keeping the portal secret great great so uh uh do you have to have to oh they never did tell me the details but they did say not to worry about where I am so boss probably has a way to locate me before activating the portal this boss of yours sounds like a real whiz I think I could snag them for an exclusive interview uh probably not boss is pretty busy and told me not to tell anyone who they are so those darn ndas unnecessary evil the boss calls them anyways while we wait got any advice on sponsorships I got a really cool one this time around but I'm curious to hear what general advice you have listen closely machine so here's my absolute bestest advice I could give you on this hey Mr Shockey sheep didn't you say that portal was supposed to appear any moment now I did and I'm starting to get worried it definitely should have appeared by this point well I've got stuff to do today so I can't just sit around and wait but you're welcome to tag along if you like yeah I think I will if I stay here by myself I'll get too anxious besides if we're apart you won't be able to record the portal true true and it's a plan friend though now let's go record the last of the 10 sites it's time for the Ayana song today we're here to check out one of the 10 sites of paldea the fairy Falls some say that this area was an ancient Battlefield While others speculates an extinct volcano and me I think it's just a nice hot spring what about you aiono I don't know about the hot spring part the water is pretty warm but look at all the giant spiky looking rocks in the area me thinks there was an epic battle here I'd rather enjoy the nice warm water than do battle besides we've seen plenty of other pointy rocks before what makes these ones so special I'm glad you asked Mr shakishi any of our viewers from Galler would instantly recognize the pattern of these spiky rocks they all look like the aftermath of a Max Steel Spike attack how do you know what that looks like I am best Buzz with right hand so of course I'm gonna watch all of his matches and I've seen his unevolved route on win so many battles with these kinds of moves I guess influencers do tend to know each other anyways don't Max attacks this appears shortly after being used why would this one stay here for so long great question grab yourself a zoom lens and lock on to the top of these spikes see that shiny black stuff that's called obsidian it's a special igneous rock that forms when lava cools super quick like could it be that the cool max steel spikes were counted with a bowling hot fire type move that turned him into stone hmm I guess that could happen but what would a Dynamax Pokemon be doing all the way out here I thought that phenomenon existed only in galar the Magics in the mystery What epic battle took clear what volcanic Pokemon could have petrified a Max attack and why did it disappear from history I don't know but I sure would like to so if you got any leads be sure to comment down below catch you later friends that was fun see you gotta have fun with it otherwise we'll be all out of adults by now cheers more stuff to do after shoe but of course although this one is more of a chore who the heck is giving you chores not Primera who else is she still busy with the school thing she asked me to deliver an important package to our acquaintance in area zero when I get wild gold transport to do it apparently the last couple of delivery guys they sent down there were all attacked by a mysterious psychosard looking Pokemon since it's too dangerous for the wild bulls to deliver keep ascending Champion rank trainers instead and I'm the lucky one today well think on the bright side now you can get some exclusive footage of area zero I like your attitude now let's go Frindle area zero definitely had a mysterious vibe to it most of the Pokemon we saw there looked like regular old Pokemon to me but we did run into a couple of paradoxes on our way down Iona also accidentally sent out her kilowatt throw but then couldn't get it back into its Pokeball for a while it almost felt like the pokeballs got locked up and wouldn't open the worst part was that this acquaintance was supposed to deliver to was in a lab all the way at the bottom of area zero so we had to Trek through a bunch of mysterious looking Crystal Caves and look for the right way down because nobody left any signs or torches like in other worlds but we eventually reached the lab delivery for Professor soda one moment I'll be right out thank you for coming all the way down here to deliver this package no problem no problem sorry it took so long yeah it was a lot more walking than we expected oh my did that Pokemon just talk so what I'm hearing is you haven't seen any other talking Pokemons down here either no absolutely not I've heard rumors of such Pokemon existing but I've never met one until now I don't think I'm that special but hi I'm Vasco nice to meet you oh no the pleasure is all mine say would you two like to come in the lab with me for some tea sounds like you're both very tired from your long journey yes please my legs are so sore from all the walking great just give me a second to bring in the package okay uh was it just me or did she seem a little too excited I don't know she's a professor who loves to study Pokemon so she's probably just gonna ask you a lot of questions but take your time cause I want to see all the cool science stuff she's hiding down here you two can come in now and Miss iono please refrain from sticking your nose where it does not belong we've got some toxic chemicals in this lab that might melt write off you hurt me but she does make a good point anyways let's go so tell me Vasco was it are you by any chance interested in helping out with my research you mean like the terrestrialization stuff that might be what I'm known for but it's not my current project then what are you working on now so you are interested good first I must ask you and Miss iono to sign this paper is that an NDA Yep looks like it must be some top secret stuff you're working on Professor correct if this project succeeds our world will be fundamentally different for the better and now that we've got a talking Pokemon with us we could make some major strides follow me you keep seeing we but it looks like you're the only one living here Harry's hero is quite dangerous not many researchers are willing to risk their lives in the name of science I do however have a very trusty assistant helping me out but they like to keep to themselves and aren't too fond of strangers now then mind your step as you walk in Louise crystals are not just for show using their special properties I was able to develop this a console can you play games on it I'm afraid not miss iono this is no ordinary computer this is a time machine so you can travel to the future the past and I unfortunately cannot organic matter has been unable to make the round trip pokeballs however nope not a chance I am not going into a time machine anyone would be reluctant at first but I can assure you it's perfectly safe we've sent many pokeballs to retrieve Pokemon from the past and we can send Pokemon from the present to the past as well as long as you're inside your Pokeball no harm will come to you yeah as long as I'm inside the spaceship I won't suffocate in space either but it's not something I'm willing to risk all I'd ask you to do is take a peek at your surroundings in the past and then report on what you saw there would be no reason for you to leave the confines of your Pokeball um no I don't think I will miss ayono this is your Pokemon correct yeah I've got his pokeball right here then how about we play a little game okay I love games perfect then I propose that you and I have a Pokemon battle if I win you will lend me his pokeball so I can run this experiment and if you win I will give you permission to record and publish everything about this lab does that sound fair and I don't know exclusive on the hidden labs in the depths of area zero my viewers will love this wait I all know I think this is some kind of a setup come on Mr Shockey sheep I'll be fine I am a champion ranked trainer after all and so the stage was set however the professor immediately began playing dirty using an unknown Pokemon from the past against ayono we got lucky and hit it with kilowattro's hurricane which turned out to be super effective and knocked it out in one shot next she sent out something that looked like a mischievous and it also had a pretty powerful special attack we tried to hit it with a foul play but didn't do much damage thankfully volleyball managed to knock it out with an electromorphous Thunder but even this strategy could barely do anything against the brute Bonnet luxray managed to intimidate it and Chomp off half itself with an ice bang then it broke through an earthquake and finished it off Al next was a feral Magnemite that obliterated luxury with another ground type move leaving us with just miss magius who to rasterized and attacked with mystical fire to lower its special attack then finished it off with a Shadow Ball the professor followed up with a Jigglypuff that hit us so hard we had to use their one time heal and then it missed his attack so we could just finish it off that left Sato was just one last Pokemon which looked a lot like a mega salamance and even though we had a super effective move it got to attack us first and one shattered for Miss magius and that left just little old me who got destroyed by an earthquake we definitely got tricked I hate it when people do that here's that noise again how could I lose that is the power of the past Miss iono I can use Pokemon I've never met or studied before to defeat a champion ranked trainer with ease which is why I'd like to know more about them and their environment and that is where you come in hold on a minute I have rights you can't just send me through a time machine hmm I'm afraid you don't dear once inside a Pokeball Pokemon belong to their trainer and your trainer agreed to lend me your Pokeball for this experiment if she lost our battle which she did there's no way this experiment of yours isn't violating some major rules if it were a cruel or unusual one sure but all I'm doing is sending your Pokeball through time to you it should be no different than being sent to the Pokemon box there is nothing unethical about it even Gita is informed about this project and has given me express permission to continue that's really messed up now then Miss iono May I Pokeball please I I I'm around here and I really thought he could win I'm sorry too Ayano I wasn't able to help you turn the tides of battle and now I've got this thing to worry about so dramatic you two it'll be over before you know it now then let's begin [Music] foreign [Music] and now to bring him back what did you do nothing this process has worked flawlessly in at least 1 000 randomized control trials then why is why I don't know let me check the time machine's tracking data see we've got his exact coordinates so why isn't the retrieval working move aside please assistant back up all data on experiment [Music] tm020132092 emergency protocol launch and retrieve [Music] Mr shocky sheep I'm afraid not attempt number three failure the retrieval process works just fine and we have his exact coordinates but for some reason the machine won't bring him back what do you mean it won't bring him back get the chairman on the line right now your machine is not working he's stuck in there well how did you get him out last time but there hasn't been any curses we've been observing him ever since he set foot into iono's world I'm Miss tulip we have a problem what now the signal is gone foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Vasko Games
Views: 183,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Iono, Pokemon Iono, mareep, Pokemon mareep, Woolooverse season 2, Vasko Woolooverse, Vasko Mareep, I played pokemon scarlet as Iono, Can you beat pokemon scarlet as Iono, Playing as Iono, Pokemon Scarlet Iono, Pokemon Violet Iono, paldean winds, pokemon paldean winds
Id: 0qL3HFkPZbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 28sec (2368 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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