Could Opal Actually Become Champion?

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could oppo become champion in pokemon sword after all she's got a lot of years of experience in pokemon battles what with being a gym leader for 70 years now although my sources tell me that oppo has been focusing on holding auditions for a successor to the fairy type gym and recently scouted jim challenger bead for that role effectively retiring from the pokemon league so why would this old lady bother trying to become champion all of a sudden to help a little lost wulu of course quick pause to let you know that this is episode 3 of a multi-part story so i highly recommend you check out the previous two episodes linked in the icard and description below you don't need to have seen the previous episodes to enjoy this one but some of the lore in conversation will make a lot more sense if you have also be sure to subscribe if you enjoyed the series now back to the video little loss usually go to milo not me but since you seem to be a chatty one perhaps you'd care for some tea that sounds great opal but after that could you take me to see jim challenger bae hm maybe you're more than a little lost bae is the fourth gym leader in the galar region i do remember her trying out the gym challenge several years ago but things didn't go for several years oh no he's really done it now first he turns me into a wulu then he sends me too far forwards in time he oh you must be talking about alistar you know alistair you could say that but there's not much i can tell you about him why is your memory starting to fade in your old age or something that's quite rude little wulu or should i say vasco wait how do you know my name when you fell from the sky into baloney a little letter came along with you it was signed by an alistar and told me all about your journey and why he sent you here why he sent me here this was intentional can i see my apologies but the contents of this letter are confidential don't worry all will be revealed to you soon enough for now let's enjoy some of this tea before it gets cold mmm it smells really good could i get some snacks with it too oh maybe cookies or a cake or one of those puff pastry things that looks like a heart you got quite the sweet tooth don't you lucky you i've got some lumia skelets baked fresh this morning thanks oppo you're the best tea sweets what more could a wulu ask for but more indeed bon appetit hello hi there so uh where did oppo go she hasn't moved an inch are you sure i swear she was standing right there a few moments ago still standing in the exact same spot right now hmm figure it out yet little wulu hobo what happened to you nothing happened to me the question is what happened to you me wait did you put something in my tea just a little bell only magic you poisoned me come now i'm your friend here little lost wulu i just added some local red bambi honey for extra flavor then why do you suddenly look so different oh that that's probably from the sinister cup so it isn't poison but a curse oh mighty arceus i don't know which one is worse and here i thought i was a drama queen opal please give me the antidote i don't want to die calm down it's just tea you're fine i am you am you am looking kind of sad though well first i got turned into a wulu then i got sent way too far in the future and now my vision's all weird nothing seems to be going my way oh come now it's just a silly prank i played on you for calling me old no need to beat yourself up well you definitely don't look old anymore right thanks to the combined powers of the cinesie cup and ribambi honey you can see the true colors of my soul but only you though i may look like my young self to you but to anyone else i'm still the same old opal the true colors of your soul so because you're young at heart you look young to me correct what's wrong you're still looking a little sad hi miss milo i wonder if he still remembers me would you like to go see him that would be nice but i doubt the champion has time to worry about the lulu that left him all those years ago champion milo was never champion park hit doesn't stand a chance against leon but oppo i saw milo become champion well i was knocked out when he did but he did become champion i'm not making this up i swear hmm seems like you won't believe me so let's go to turfield you can ask him there yourself i'd like that let's go on our way to turf field opel made a quick stop by the cafe and stowe inside to place an order for more sweets apparently milo was away from the gym tried to catch and return and run away wulu so we had a picnic on route 4 and oppo caught a cute little mosery who wanted to steal our cake she felt bad for the little one so she gave it a flower sweet and accidentally evolved it by spinning it around in circles eventually this staff from turfield sent oppo a text message to let her know that milo's back i was a bit surprised to find out that she had to battle him before getting to talk she easily won with just the all creamy from earlier although something tells me if she tried to take him with that unevolved mosery things would not have turned out as rosy now that the battle is over milo i've missed you so much did that wulu just talk i told you i'm not a wulu and my name is vasco oppo did you poison me i did no such thing milo what happened after you became champion did you poison this wulu then why does it talk and why does it think that i'm champion i poisoned one guy once as a prank 20 years ago and now everyone thinks i'm over here poisoning everybody just let it go people well then what's going on this talking wulu is saying some very bizarre things me champion but like my flapple could ever stand against leon's charizard level no no you had an appleton and what's with the this talking wulu don't you remember me milo all the time we spent together i don't think i could forget a talking wulu even i wouldn't forget something like that and i'm almost in my 90s oh this poor delusional wulu oppo i'll take care of him for you that's why you came here right what no why would i want that well that's why most people tend to bring a wulu to me after all drink this really quick is that poison no but i can make it poison if you ask about it one more time what's it gonna do we're kind of low on time here drink it now ask questions later but i don't want to be poisoned noble it's not poison just trust me please look i even have a lumioskelet to go with it okay you know how to sweeten that there's been some hey milo look over there is that one of your fans waiting to take a picture ooh pictures i love taking pictures would you mind taking an opal not at all now say moo moo cheese moo moo cheese thanks opal and good luck with your matches milo i'll be rooting for you thank you now about that wulu what wulu that woo huh wow opal you really are some sort of wizard aren't you never thought that i of all people would think of swirlix for a wulu i guess i'm just that good that you are opal well i've got some farm work to get back to and wulu's to wrangle best of luck with your exhibition match against nessa thank you milo see ya now then vasco we've got to get to wholebury for another exhibition match let's talk on the way okay you're looking sad again i can't believe milo would forget about me hmm i don't think he forgot he clearly couldn't recognize me though true but take me for example even though you look entirely different now i still recognize you what do you mean look entirely different oh uh that potion i had you drink it turned you into a swirlix a swirl elbow not poison not a curse either and look you can float now whoa floating does feel kinda nice but opal could you please stop being all mysterious and tell me what's going on here ugh you're no fun okay okay i'll explain after your grand adventures with milo alistar sent you over to a neighboring universe where he knew i'd take care of you while he gets everything ready for your return so this isn't some kind of prank not at all if anything it seems to me that this alistar really cares about you little one he did the best he could with his ghostly powers even though they weren't enough uh oh uh oh indeed but he also knew exactly who could help you out the most so that's where he sent you next you me all you've done so far is poison me no poison involved i'm a fairy type specialist after all so the reason milo doesn't remember me is because this is an entirely different universe correct the milo here has never met you in the first place not only that but his team has different pokemon since the ecosystem is a bit different here as well does that mean no angry legendary pokemon either sort of that's where i come in with my so-called poison i knew it the potions i had you drink are imbued with fairy magic which do wonders on the soul i thought only ghost types could mess with the soul yeah you're right there but ghost and fairy just happen to be two sides of the same coin ghost powers are great for manipulating the physical aspects of the soul they are the strings which move the puppets on the stage meanwhile fairy powers work behind the scenes like a sudden wardrobe change so that's why you could make yourself look young and turn me into a swirlix correct although that begs the question who turned you into a wulu alistar right as i said i don't know much about this alistar but if he is a ghost type specialist his powers would only extend to things like putting people to sleep or wiping some of their recent memories he wouldn't be able to transform you so then who did there's also the question of who sent you over here ghost powers can't transport physical bodies over long distances to be quite frank this letter would make for a wonderful mystery screenplay wait a minute if your fairy magic can change my form why not just turn me back to normal i can't i thought you were the fairy type specialist whoever turned you into a wulu also place some seal on your soul and it's a pretty powerful one at that i think i remember alistar saying something about a seo stopping him from sending me back to my world i guess it's even more powerful than i imagined not only can you not get back to your home world you're stuck as a pokemon so you can't change me back i'm afraid not then why did alistar bother sending me here that i do know i am to make you a potion that can change your form whenever you move between worlds not sure exactly how you're supposed to move between worlds but when you do fairy magic wardrobe change how's that gonna be of any help that's the fun part according to alistair when you traveled with milo as a wulu you started to attract the attention of the legendary pokemon guarding galar he had several theories as to why several all he told me was that i had otherworldly knowledge so he would wipe my memory seems like he failed though i very much remember everything that had happened correct sort of his powers over your memory only work inside his universe you won't forget anything until you return in the meanwhile i'm supposed to test the other theory could it be your appearance that signals the danger my appearance milo cares for zulu way too much to bring them into battle so to have one follow him around and participate in almost all his battles that would raise some flags no so being a wulu is bad not bad but it would make you stick out just like if i who's only ever used fairy type pokemon for 70 years suddenly started winning all my gym battles thanks to a wulu it would feel like i was going against the natural laws of this universe but what if instead i had a swirlix that makes sense i guess so now what now i do my pre-retirement run of the galar gym challenge with you on my team and we see if any angry legendaries come our way now on to face nessa we go i was a little worried about oppo going in against nessa with only one pokemon but as it turns out alchemy has this very useful move called draining kiss which is basically fairy type absorbed sure it didn't hit super effective on the fishies but it kept all creamy at full health while nessa's first two pokemon went down she decided to dynomax the same turn as nessa who tried to slow us down with a max strike or two but all creamy bulked out all three of its dynomax moves and finished off the fight with a max starfall easy win against nessa i take that as a good sign where to next opal to the moto stoke outskirts i need to go catch a coffin what you need that for for the poison of course poison yeah we're going up against kabu next and fire types are too volatile giving them resistance to ferry type attacks so i'll need a little help from something that isn't pure fairy cavu starts the battle with his typical willow wisp strategy while coughing slowly throws sludge after sludge finally poisoning the nine tails as his hp runs low oppo uses this opportunity to heal up coughing and watch the fox succumb to toxins that could have been me arcanine is out next trying to intimidate our ball of gas only to get poisoned right away don't intimidate opal got it here's what happens if you do [Music] might have gone a little overboard with that performance although it looks like kabu santa scorch still has a few hp left would you finish it off for me please as long as you promise not to blow up any more stuff you got it good job now let's get out of here before kabu gives us an earful after running out of stowe inside oppo decided to take a quick rest near the daycare in the wild area and captured a togepi and bridge field which she immediately bonded with and evolved all the way thanks to a gift from one of the digging bros playing around with togepi got us carried away and we were still out in the wild when a sudden snowstorm hit the area which oppo was very elated about since that meant malwa would be out and about having caught one for her team oppo headed back towards balini or so i thought what are you so confused about if you'll be tagging along the b and alistar's world the b in my world should serve as a good point of reference on what pokemon you could be i thought i could just become any fighting type not quite if b had too much hands that would raise some flags wouldn't it not if she went to kanto well she's not going to kanto now is she so we'll battle b to learn more about her team and then see what pokemon would fit in the most correct now let the show begin oppo holds nothing back and leads the battle with her newly acquired togekiss meanwhile b starts out with a hitmontop it seems to know quick attack and revenge but couldn't do much against an air cutter next was pangoro a fighting dark type pokemon who also knows bullet punch thankfully togekiss is pretty tanky sir fetched is next in q and he's quite the challenge to evolve but not a challenge to defeat and finally her ace machamp this one actually gave oppo some trouble which earned it some poison opal decided to be funny and just stalled out his health without dynamics so learn anything useful hmm he will have a really hard time battling against your gym then good thing i won't be around now what about her team anything catch your eye they all have weird evolution methods hmm you seem to be on the right track keep thinking about what would fit in and not draw in suspicion maybe a grab locked no no she gets one of those later oh perhaps a glade or archifu you keep thinking on that now on to the next battle we go gordie was not an opponent that they would face in alistar's world but i suppose i could learn something from the guy since he supposedly voted most likely to become champion while he sets up a shell smash oppo does what she does best and poisons his poor pokemon she then uses a turn to protect while the poison's effects spread then attack with a strange steam and protecting to win up next is shako who also goes down to the poison stalling strategy oppo even managed to poison stone journey a living rock no wonder people think she can poison just about anyone or anything eventually stone joiner manages to land a body slam on wheezing meaning we're all saved from the poison go corgi go uh i mean no gordie no toge kisses out next attacking with dazzling gleam while gordy sets up some stealth rocks but the giant rock isn't stealthy enough so it gets replaced with an even gianter rock thankfully tohikis had enough time to set up a reflective wall allowing it to tank out two giant stone slabs to the face after his dynamax was done oppo brought out her cake and finished it off with a max mindstorm mind storm storm storm storm storm you might be thinking a little too hard there little one come on off to hammerlock we go you won't go battle piers no he's still mad at me for poisoning him 20 years ago you poisoned peers when he was a young lad he used to come to my gym and challenge our fairy types to a prank off dark types are the rowdiest pokemon in existence he'd say and then have his pokemon use some moves like knock off and taunt i think he was just bored of the proper posh life in spikemonth so i offered him the role of gym leader and balanly after all he had plenty of pink in him he got quite frustrated at me for suggesting he'd leave his hometown and tripped over one of our stage microphones on his way out the sound spooked one of the klefki at the gym and it used fairy lock on the little boy so every now and then he'll go to speak or sing and all you'll hear is a microphone reverb that explains a lot about him but also it doesn't sound like you poisoned him that's because i didn't but he was convinced the kiwi drink earlier had poison in it so that's what he told everyone that opal poisoned me he got hurt in my gym and it was a funny story so i decided to just go with it sounds to me like you enjoy improv a bit too much sometimes it's easier to just go with the flow onwards to hammerlock little one there we battled right hand in a double battle which turned out to be quite the challenge for opal wheezing went after flygon while manwhile went after gigolith although that rock is a lot bulkier than a dragon santa conda came in to take out malwale but oppo was smart enough to focus on the gigalith with both pokemon right hand followed up with his dynomax to ralodon while opposing togekiss do damage to both his pokemon at once saying the condom gave a terrifying glitter opal dynamixed all creamy and went for the protect strategy while togekiss kept chipping away at the enemy's health oppo managed to finish off the reldan which means all creamy also gets the death stare from santa conda not a problem though since we took it out with the g-max finale after the battle we made our way towards windham for the champion cup finals first up was gym challenger marnie who unfortunately specializes in dark type moves just like her brother pierce a ratman poor little girl's team was about to experience the might of our strange steam all except for her grim scenario which we had to protect stall and then venoshock to win up next was hop the champion's younger brother he tries to set up a heavy defense but gets poisoned right away and then fails to do much damage with zen headbutt and then is drenched in even more poison yikes seeing how bad the situation is hop uses up his one full restore while oppo persists with her toxic strategy knocking out the double snorlax follows out next and you guessed it poison but then it heavy slams wheezing so the toxins are no longer a worry now i'll set up some stealth rocks for later than deals decent damage with an iron head should this be iron hair in her case unfortunately snorlax takes her down with a high horsepower before the poison gets to him now the real fun begins as togekiss faces off overnight with a mystical fire hobb should have been more worried about his defenses than our speed incarceran is another troublesome mon since it's rather bulky and knows thunderbolt but togekiss is bulky too hop dynamaxed his monkey but things did not get funky and togekiss burned it away having defeated all the gem leaders before oppo had one last challenger standing between her and leon her protege lead bidet beatty bead two meows giving each other the cold shoulder but our malwal knows firefang so you already know who wins this duel next up is gardevoir facing off against wheezing she uses her psychic powers to prevent any toxic nonsense from happening leaving oppo with just her dynamaxx you might be wondering what happened to togeki kiss tokikis was sitting this fight out so that it wouldn't get over leveled like with cynthia anywho two g-max finales finally finished the gardevoir and did major damage to rapidash who was not as scary as i thought it was since last pokemon would get powerful max moves opal decided to go for the safe recovery strategy stalling out the giant mon by healing itself from all the damage it had taken on the previous turn beads final turn of dynamaxx was used to hit us with a g-max might which confused all creamy 1 turn of bad rng and we were done for knowing the risks oppo used up her one-time healing item to restore her ace's health and of course that's the turn the beady lands the critical hit on us he basically just pressed ctrl z on our healing item oppo had to play it extremely safe so she used up one turn to recover and then one turn to drain and kiss the enemy over and over meanwhile every mystical fire reduced their special attack more and more eventually oppo ran out of recovers and used the last reigning kiss which failed to pull off enough hp all creamy was defeated looks like young bead is well prepared to take over the fairy type gym but for now we need to win this battle so if you wouldn't mind could you help me out a bit little one i thought helping out in battles wasn't a good idea you helping out as a wulu wasn't a good idea we don't really know if you helping out in general does anything to upset the local legendaries but what have they come for me we're in the middle of windon surrounded by a bunch of powerful trainers if worse comes to worse you'll have plenty of protection you've got a point here goes thank you little one now if that letter from alistair was correct the chairman should be waking up a pokemon called eternities any moment now this thing keeps showing up everywhere i go i wonder if it has anything to do with my seal no clue however the letter did say that capturing eternitis is a must apparently it plays a crucial role in transporting you between worlds i'm still not sure who's responsible for doing all the transporting but off we go as per usual leon failed to catch eternitis leaving us to do all the hard work wheezing is still in the lead and since it can't poison the poison dragon it attacks with strange steam meanwhile return this is being a dummy and tries to attack us with a dragon post three turns in a row silly bean eventually it caught on and attacked us with a cross poison but it was too late oppo had won oh no angry wolves i'm dead opal angry wolves they're here i knew it i warned you help don't worry they aren't here for you eternity is a much bigger threat at the moment thankfully she was right the wolves didn't even notice i was there i guess being a swirlex was a good call however eternities was very focused on attacking opal's team this gave zashian and zamazanta the opening to take down the dragon hand before it could pull any of them into smash ultimate having captured alternatives oppo went back to windham to battle against champion leon this would be her last battle before retiring so let's hope it's a good one eh wheezing faces off against aegislash and it can't do anything against it steele is immune to poison and resists fairy so the sword takes us down in an instant malwa is out next meeting the same fate as wheezing togekiss at least knows a fire type move so it might be useful but only after sustaining heavy damage from a steel type move leon's haxaris outspeeds us and finishes off the flying egg with an iron tail that leaves oppo with just the giant cake which one shots hacksaws with a gmax finale it does the same with dragopold but barely does any damage to the clown after losing the dynamaxx mr ryan finished off out creamy with a psychic and leon heals it right up before i get sent out on the field as a last resort people often ask me who is my least favorite pokemon i think my official answer is this guy who gets the pleasure of knocking me out during two major battles in a row i'm gonna get my revenge on you one day stinky clown although i suppose this means that oppo can't win against leon and can't become champion i never confess that leon although in my defense he is the strongest champion we've had in the past 70 years who was the second best why me of course your champion you didn't know that i held the role for a while after mustard left but my heart belonged to baloney so i rapid dashed back home not too long after you abdicated your rose champion the chairman at the time wasn't too happy about my decision but it also got them to come up with a procedure for appointing a new champion should the current one wish to retire or resign i won't bore you with the details learn something new every day speaking of something new what in the world is that i believe that is your cue little one my cue when entering the next world concentrate on the pokemon you wish to become the pokemon which will fit in well with the trainer you'll follow the baloney tea will do the rest this is so abrupt i need more time to think ah what pokemon would friend would be i don't know where you're going next will be with me what do you mean that's what it said at the end of the letter the path to be is likely not a straightforward one expect the unexpected all will be revealed to you soon enough so then where does this portal lead i don't know oh just come on through already oh i'm scared yeah no that was kind of creepy creepy it's all right just try and keep a calm mind did the letter say anything about the creepy talking portal only that your path forward is through the portal that appears after the battle for champion although although i can faintly sense the presence of my fairy magic from that portal i guess i'm not retired there either if the creepy voice gives you any trouble you come straight to me the me there might not recognize you but if you come asking for help she will help you'll be all right now go oh paul here i even wrote a letter and sealed it myself just give it to the me there and she'll know what to do i'll miss you too little one but you've still got a long journey ahead this play is over it's time for me to retire and for you to hit the next stage so go please it's it's hard for me too all right that's enough it's time to go telekinesis [Music] [Applause] ha
Channel: Vasko Games
Views: 296,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Opal, Pokemon Opal, Vasko Opal, Pokemon Sword Opal, Pokemon Shield Opal, Pokemon Opal Young, Young Opal, Vasko Young Opal, Vasko Milo, Pokemon Wooloo, Pokemon Swirlix, Vasko Swirlix, Vasko Wooloo, Can You Beat Pokemon Sword as Opal, Can you beat pokemon Shield as Opal, Can you beat pokemon playing as Opal, Playing as Opal, Can Opal Become Champion, Opal vs Leon
Id: 6TE97cBK62k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2022
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