Could Avery Actually Become Champion?

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this is avery our rival in the isle of armor dfc exclusive to pokemon shield sword gets clara he comes from a prestigious line of psychics that lead the psychic-type gym in the gala region but there isn't a psychic-type gem in the gala region at least not amongst the main eight and that's because he got kicked out of his position for and i quote levitating anyone who defeats him in battle talk about being a sore loser now he has gone to the isle of armor to train up his team and more importantly learn some manners and i'm here to find out if that training worked out i'm here to see if avery could become champion to do so i played through the entire game matching his team as close as possible and only allowing one use of a healing item per battle that's not entirely correct now is it well neither is pulling someone through a portal when they're trying to say goodbye but here we are avery oh right i should mention that this is part of a more narrative based series where you travel along the video's trainer as a pokemon on their team you don't need to have seen the previous parts of the series to enjoy this episode but if you're interested in the concept do check them out link in the description also please consider dropping a like or subscribe if you enjoy this type of content now back to the video the blame is not entirely mine you and that opel were chatting up a storm ah fine you're right i just got kinda lonely so it was nice to have someone to talk to well now you have the wonderful opportunity to talk to me i'd rather not you're a bit creepy and your team's kind of bad creepy bad the nerve abra are the strongest psychic types that show up near the dojo and slowpoke happens to be my favorite pokemon my team is anything but bad i don't know avery i might have to go follow a better psychic type trainer for this one preposterous i'll just have to show you who the strongest psychic type trainer is then won't i fine if you can win against bead i'll consider giving you a chance then we've reached an agreement also weren't you supposed to turn into something not wulu oh right it's morbid time at the start of the game avery only has a slow poke and an abra which was quite hard to capture even with a quick ball but back on the mainland avery found another pokemon to add to his team you see to get the turf field from moto stoke you have to go through the galler mine and there's lots of woobats there especially around the little bridge area having three pokemon on his team every challenge beat the battle he started off the fight using underhanded techniques like yawn to put his enemy to sleep which to be fair is his only hope of winning because this slowpoke is barely doing any damage by the time solaces woke up it had taken too much damage from the confusion spam and it got taken down bead sent out hitena next and finished off avery slowpoke before it could use yawn again woobat is out next using even more underhanded techniques attract and since hitana hits pretty hard avery also used andivore instead of actually attacking the little hat was too infatuated to do anything else and got blown away by a series of gusts that left just gotha though which if i recall correctly knows a rock type move but that didn't matter since it also fell in love with swoobat and decided not to attack and just like with the hat swoobat blew it away with a series of gusts winning the battle yeah the evidence is clear i'm the best psychic type trainer here i don't know if using yawn in a track counts as a proper window am i wrong for using the moves my pokemon happen to know i guess not although speaking of moves your pokemon know i noticed your abra only knows teleport teleport is the only thing opera do yes but no your abra is also supposed to know confusion had that gothita knocked out your swoobat you'd have lost the battle since abra can't do any damage are you implying that you wouldn't have lent a helping hand no i'm still kind of suspicious of you and this one was basically a fluke why is there anything i could do to gain your trust then hmm how about you defeat milo without my help alright i will go and claim victory with my own two hands have fun you won't come and watch not a chance besides i got something else i need to do what would that be your abra i need to teach it how to use confusion oh so you do care well it's not like i care about you i just happen to like the abberline and i don't want to leave this poor pokemon defenseless for when you eventually slip up and send it out to battle very well you can stay at the daycare while i go battle milo perfect now go break a leg finally it's my time to shine and show that wooly what's for milo uses grass type pokemon so i should lead with wuba and sweep his whole team looks like i can take down the gossip flow with just two air cutters and since it managed to do quite a bit of damage on my lovely little woober i'll use endeavor to psych out his dynamaxx i wasn't quite part of my future site you did well wubat now it's slowpoke's turn to shine i'll dynomax and stall out one turn just in case his overgrowth isn't that powerful but looks like neither is my max ooze well at least it boosted my special attack a bit now that my dynomax is over it's time to take him down oh i suppose i'll heal up first ah blast it i lost but i can't go back and tell him that i should first go to the isle of armor and ask master mustard for some advice i don't think he realizes that i have telepathy and since mustard knew avery was fond of slowpoke the master had his disciple chase and battle three of his fastest slowpokes this was not an easy task for avery at all since his slow poke couldn't do much damage although he did gain the upper hand by putting the fast slowpoke to sleep avery also realized that he could just use his swubas and devore to quickly weaken mustard slowpoke and then take them down a lot faster after completing the slowpoke training avery got sent out on another quest this time to find some mushrooms for a soup i'm not too sure how this was supposed to help him defeat milo since all he did was spend a lot of time running around the local forest collecting a bunch of galerica twigs and a bunch of other random items eventually he did find the right kind of mushroom got to enjoy some soup and then decided to finally head back towards stirfield but before hopping on the flying taxi avery captured another slowpoke from the beach near the station i guess he didn't lie when he said it was his favorite pokemon once he got back to turf field he went straight to milo's gym to challenge him for a rematch just like before he started out the battle with his fulbat and took out the gossip floor with two air cutters but since he didn't take much damage this time around avery didn't use andevore on the dynomax pokemon okay now he used end of war on the autogas after wubat went down avery send out the low level slow poke he had just captured since it was very much under leveled aldegas was able to knock it out in a single hit but the slowpoke did its job installing out milo's last turn of dynamax now avery's main slowpoke can dynomax and have enough hp to safely attack eldergas and stack on special attack boosts with max ooze this is a strategy that alistar used a lot as well and well if it works it works i guess by the last turn of dynamax slowpoke was in the red but it managed to deal enough damage to defeat of the goss good job avery now will you trust me enough to come along and help out i don't know if i trust what did i do wrong this time i didn't rely on luck to win like i did against beed true but you'd basically used your favorite pokemon as fodder to waste milo's last turn of dynamax makes me worried what you might do to a pokemon that isn't your favorite i was just in a hurry to win so you wouldn't complain about having to wait too long now that i have some down time i'll train up this slow poke so it won't get knocked out as easily how did things go on your end did you teach my abra how to use confusion about that what happened well you see i wanted to do chapter confusion but abra just wanted to play around so we did a couple games of teleport tag and uh and well uh this egg kinda showed up out of nowhere this egg have you no shame wait wait wait i promise i didn't do anything we were literally just teleporting around having fun an egg doesn't just happen it wasn't me actually we may have recorded the whole thing it wasn't me they even have you on camera it wasn't me all right enough of that i've got to go train up a bit before i challenge nessa are you coming along or not i decided to go along avery made some quick work of a couple of team yell grunts who were blocking the bridge the champion's younger brother who was also training in the area and then decided to take a cab down to the wild area right below the bridge for even more training i guess he was pretty serious about keeping his new slowpoke and the rest of his team leveled his abra who i guess is now kind of my wife ended up evolving between the many battles and the egg we got from the daycare also hatched while we were running around the wild area since it was technically my kid i decided to name him abro i also learned that even though avery is quite pretentious with people he is very kind and caring towards pokemon he went as far as setting up camp to play with abro and familiarize him with the rest of the team even though there's no way i'm letting avery use my son in battle and after a very very long training session avery finally decided to go challenge the water type gym his new slowpoke was still a bit under-leveled compared to nessus goldeen but that just meant avery would have to rely on status moves like gian for the battle with the fish asleep avery assaulted it with a barrage of confusions sadly goldeen woke up a few turns later and finished off her first slow poke with a water pulse it barely had any hp left so sulbat could easily pick it off as soon as it came out the arakuda will be a huge problem since it's very fast and nose bite a dark type move that could easily sweep through avery's entire team but this guy decided to go for the attract strategy again and i hate to admit it but it worked that left nessa with just a giant dreadnought which was fast enough to end woobat before he could use endeavor she's not going to be as easy to defeat as milo cadabra is out next and sets up a reflect which should reduce incoming physical damage from dreadnought's dark type attack should avery stopped out the last turn of big turtle with max guard and then attacked with max mindstorm oh look i guess the reflect really did work sadly two max minestorms were barely enough to get the turtle below half health and our dynomax ran out of course this meant that avery could go back to cheesing the battle with yon since our health was so low avery used his one time heal on slowpoke to survive an extra turn and then let dreadnought go to sleep then he attacked with confusion but barely did any damage once the psychic terrain wore off liking him the turtle just kept sleeping and slowpoke was able to finish off the fight i can't believe avery of all people managed to win against nessa on the first try ah so you finally recognized my strength as a trainer nah you're still panzer battles if it wasn't for good rng with that sleep stat you would've lost why must you refuse to acknowledge my victories do i need to remind you that i am the superior psychic type trainer by defeating that beat again even if you do i still won't acknowledge you you're way too weak my goodness you are a fake one perhaps a show of strength is the best way to convince you i think it's about time we found out which of us is truly superior oh if it's a battle you want it's a battle you'll get avery since it's one against three i need to calm down a bit and think carefully my psychic attacks won't be able to do much damage against any of his pokemon and his whole team relies entirely on special attacks to do damage thankfully his move pool is kinda lacking how come you aren't taking this battle seriously all you've done so far is used calm mind you see avery i don't do well under pressure and to be quite frank with you i struggle with anxiety from time to time so in situations like this i just need to take a couple of deep breaths calm my mind down and recover now let me show you what a true psychic can do i am not weak i cannot lose but you are it victory still eludes me what is it that i lack what do i need a better moveset if all you have are psychic type moves and status effects you won't be able to win against trainers whose team have resistances to your typing that's also probably why you lost so many of your battles when you're a gym leader you do make an excellent point in that case would you be kind enough to help me train and balance my team a bit since he asked so nicely i couldn't say no so instead of running towards the next gym we went back out into the wild area and continued to train against dynamaxx pokemon and dens he used the experienced candies to level up his team and the trs to improve their movesets for example his slowpoke learns called instead of water pulse which as you can see still doesn't do much damage against ninetales but he still kept the useful moves like yacht to help him take out the bulkier opponents kadabra also replaced confusion with a more powerful sai beam and since all of avery's team use only special attacks status conditions like burn won't be much of a problem moves like bite on the other hand they're quite problematic cadabra also learned tri-attack in hopes of potentially inflicting a status condition but that didn't happen during the battle against kabu swoobat's moveset hadn't changed yet because i was hoping the cheesy status moves would be useful here i was wrong but at least we managed to stall cowboys dynamaxx and have two turns to try and do some damage kabu tried to reduce her accuracy which has no impact on her dynamics moves and we set up some rain then finished off the battle with a max kaiser that upgrade this called was well worth it after the battle with kabu i decided it was time to let go of the cheesy affection strategy and replaced zubat's attract with energy ball then we made our way towards stone side the bridge was blocked by another set of teemio grunts whose dark type team made every psychic attacks useless and since these battles were happening on the sunny route 6 our water type moves would also be weaker thankfully skull managed to burn the stun key and its faint attacks weren't doing much damage so slowpoke managed to attack a bunch what's called until it went down to poison zubat finished off the skunk with an air slash but got one shot by a night slash from lineup cadabra was out next and since a new try attack it could do some damage the lion thought it had the upper hand and decided to sharpen its claws instead of attack leaving it open to cadavers barrage of attacks the second run tried to be funny by throwing pocket sand and my wife but she wasn't faced by these petty attacks and easily won the battle with a few try attacks even managed to inflict burn this time around and just when i thought we were finally in the clear oppo showed up hello there avery opal what are you doing all the way out here oh you know just out for a little stroll and then i send some of my fairy magic magic i don't remember casting oh she must be talking about the letter what letter this letter the one that the other oppo gave me before you yoinked me away may i have a look here you go opal i see young vasco do you need my help hmm avery is kind of creepy but he's also pretty kind towards this pokemon is that a compliment i hear glad to know he hasn't been causing any trouble it seems old mustard has been a good influence actually there is one thing i might need your help with elbow oh and what might that be well you see those two ended up getting chatty again so i'll fast forward this a bit after opel left i made my way through route six which was quite the breeze considering most of the imbecile trainers here use fighting type pokemon that one artist waiting at the end of the route was quite troublesome with a self-destructing coughing and bulky suit of widow but it was nothing i couldn't handle now if all you had were psychic type attacks you wouldn't be able to defeat this guy and get through to stone side that's why having some coverage is good and considering how well avery was doing so far especially against nessa and all the team yell grunts i was expecting to see another swift victory in the fourth gym but alistar turned out to be a huge problem his ghost type attacks were too powerful for avery's team even i didn't stand a chance here having lost so many times made it obvious to me that if we kept avery's team the same as his in-game team there's no way he could win against alistar no matter what we tried alistar would always win so canonically avery couldn't become champion but this is why i'm here to change avery's fate and find a way for him to win the first major problem with avery's team was that both his slow poke use special attacks but their physical attack stats are significantly better so we paid a visit to the cafe guy and replaced confusion with zen headbutt since aleister leads the team with a mask we also needed a hard-hitting water type move and so we were placed called with liquidation the new strategy was pretty good and we were able to make it all the way to the gigantomax gengar i managed to solve two of his turns and slowpoke guarded through the last but just when i thought we had victory in the bag alistair put our last pokemon to sleep and then crushed our hopes of victory i guess it can't be helped perhaps your assumptions about me were correct after all don't worry avery we'll get through this battle there must be something i can do to help you win this one did someone say help oh hello again opal are you here to talk with him for another half an hour oh come now i'm here because you need my assistance that's all how exactly are you supposed to assist will you cast some eerie spell on alistar i see why you aren't so fond of him little one anywho i've done what you asked now let's see how good your future sight is what does she do you see now let's go battle alistar again slowpoke starts off the battle with a zen headbutt survives a hex with 2 hp and attacks with liquidation except yamask also survives with 2 hp swoobats hoops in to finish it off and then goes back to its early game roots and uses a tract on cursula our charming bat then proceeds to air cut down the enemy's health but then gets one shot by a hex i guess he wasn't charming enough and definitely not as charming as me my wife enters the battlefield to do some major damage to ursula and then i use psychic to finish off the cursed coral and break mimikyu's disguise then avery dynamax's slow poke number two and uses max mindstorm to defeat evo2 instead of protecting we take a risk and attack alistar's gengar but failed to knock it out thankfully slowpoke survived with just a few hp giving us an extra turn to max guard and using up alistar's last turn of dynamax to finish off our slowpoke this is where we typically lose but now we have a trump card avro who's been raised by oppo while avery and i struggled against alistar over and over but no more abro outspeeds gengar and takes it down with a single psychic i didn't even have to ask my son is winning our next opponent would be oppo but since avery realized he needed more pokemon in his team can't just have two kadabras as well as two slowpokes he spent some time in the glimwood tango looking for a new team member a gallerian ponetta and for a pokemon that has a 10 spawn rate it sure took a while to find one just like with abro avery decided to set up camp and spend some time with the new pokemon eventually we got out of the woods and into baloney and went up against oppo avery sloppo got poisoned right away and was still not fast enough to attack first even after getting a speed boost from oppo's quiz kadabra was able to finish off the floating gas ball with a powerful psychic and then tried to use tri-attack on the mao aisle but was powerless against her crunch zubat flew in to get the defense boost from opposed quiz then infatuated maw and used air slash to slowly cut down its health it was so slow in fact that it got the attack boost question from oppo as well then togekiss came out avery decided to play it safe and also used the tracktown at first i guess he didn't want to take any chances with a stat boosted bat although i'm starting to feel kind of salty at how good this attracts strategy is working zubat even got oppo's cake to fall in love with it but this time the infatuation failed and zubat was knocked out ponito was out next to start oppo's last run of dynamaxx and then slowpoke 2 fought through three turns of confusion and finished off i'll creamy with three turns of max mindstorm good job you two you've come a long way since i ran into you on route 6. thanks oppo i guess running into a roadblock was all we needed to reassess our strategy and power up our team well persistence pays off as they say now before you go is there anything else i can do for you i'm afraid my old bones can't carry me to cerchester or wounded hmm there is one more thing you could do for us opal and what would that be well uh cadabra needs to be traded in order to evolve and i don't think avery's matters are gonna help us find any trading partners later on so uh that's quite rude but he does have a point all right avery let's trade your cadaver over so it can evolve and after that let's walk together to hammerlock i have some business over there and this might be my last chance to talk with the little one after we parted ways with oppo and hammerlock avery and i made her way to cerchester and challenged melanie another trainer who proved to be a major roadblock for avery's team her lead pokemon frost moth knew a powerful bug type move that could easily sweep through our team we on the other hand lacked enough powerful moves to knock it out quickly the other problem was melanie's last pokemon lapras because once again we lacked a strong enough move to counter and if that wasn't bad enough she'd also set up an aurora veil to decrease our damage even more the outcome of the battle would come down to my ability to take on lapras but to do that i needed a move that could actually do some damage against her lucky for us i remember that there was a guy who lives right next to the pokemon center and is all too happy to hand out his favorite tm rock tomb to any trainers passing by and rock tomb is a move i can learn so we went back to rematch melanie and this time started off the battle with swoobat who could do some decent damage with air slash barely survived an ice wind and then finished off frostmod then we send out slopo who tries going for a yawn but gets taunted by their manaten and must stick to damaging moves alakazam is out next and also gets taunted by the dominant hand then she boasts through an icicle crash and finishes off the hype snowman with a psychic ice q has a fun gimmick but it doesn't protect it against her special attacks so ponyta slowly takes it down slowpoke 2 comes out and guards to stall out one turn of dynamax melanie uses her last turn to set up on aurora veil with g-max resonance which means we'll be doing not much damage for the next couple of turns and that means it's also my time to shine unlike the battle with alistar i'm able to use com mind without getting destroyed this way i can not only boost my stats but also stall out the pesky aurora veil everything was going according to plan until melanie put me to sleep that meant i had to rely on avery's judgment and thankfully he decided to use a healing item on me so i could survive melanie's attack while sleeping i guess he does have my back after all i managed to use another combine right after i woke up and thankfully that boosted my defenses enough to survive another turn since i was awake i could now recover my own health and then attack with a psychic to win the battle guess rockton was there just for moral support having earned her sixth badge avery and i agreed that it was about time to evolve the rest of the team starting with ponyta then he defeated another set of team meow grunts in part because they were using a pangaro that was easy to blow away with a flying type move and then took a cab to the isle of armor thanks to the water bike we could make our way to the remote island near the station to find a girl who frequents the island with her rotom to weave us a gallerica cuff with this we could finally evolve slowpoke 1 into slowbro and also teach at focusblast for extra coverage the girl also told us about her grandmother who could be found in the crowned tundra in a cave near the sea the first spot we checked was near a huge tree with some legendary birds we didn't find the old lady there but we did manage to collect a bunch more galerica twigs which we'd need later the second spot was much more icy and the cave looked pretty empty too but as it turns out the old lady was sitting behind rock she weaved together a gallerica wreath which we used to evolve slowpoke 2 into slow king and since we were still wandering all over the place avery decided to pay oppo another visit he wanted to teach his rapidash a fire type move and since oppo used to be champion in the past she happened to have the tm on hand having finally completed our team we quickly swept through marnie's team to get into spike myth with slobo's focus blast and rapidash's dazzling gleam once inside av had no trouble taking down any female member that tried to come his way pierce had heard all the commotion and was ready to counter avery's team we got hit with a fake out then missed their focus blast and got knocked out with a payback thankfully rapidash was too fast and didn't have to deal with scrappy's shenanigans pierce must have gotten really scared because this is my first time ever seeing him send out obstagoon before malamar he tried to obstruct her attacks but since rapidash uses special moves it had no negative effects on us obstagoon did land one shadowclaw but it was too weak to knock out rapidash i see why he didn't send out malamar first now skin tank tries to poison us but rapidash had pastel veil so the toxic failed this was a problematic situation since avery's rapid ash is supposed to have run away instead of pastel veil but i didn't want to spend another 5 hours trying to find a ponytail with the right ability or farm the crown tundra for an ability patch not to worry though since this is the only time pastel veil came into use and skuntag knocked us out anyways with its sucker punch nothing to worry about though since we still have the rest of our team uh oh never mind that was a crit but just in case i'm gonna set up a reflect how did the ai know to use screech here that's kind of studs anyways since neither psychic nor shadow ball could do anything we attacked with a try attack while skuntang set up a toxic and then sucker punches alakazam into oblivion i bet she would have tanked it if it weren't for that screech i was a bit worried leaving everything to slow king but as it turns out is quite the bulky pokemon and it finished off's contain what he's called with piers defeated it was time to see how well our team holds up in double battles against ryhan we've got slow bro and soul bad in the lead both of which focused on giggle at first which took two super effective hits like a champ must be that sandstorm defense boost flygon nearly knocked out zubat with a crunch while gigalith set up stealth rocks zubat used its last turn to finish off the rock and slowbro blasted flygon with hot water alakazam is out next to take out santa condo with the slow bros hell but not before getting crunched and paralyzed and sandstorm can't forget about the sandstorm right hand's dynamaxx is out next but since i know it's weak to special attacks i had slowbro attack it with a focused blast right hand's flygon wasted a turn finishing off alakazam and then used g-max depletion on slowbro to reduce how many focus blasts we could use the real problem was how much health slowbro had left and rapidash was quite vulnerable to the rally on steel type attack things weren't looking too good all of a sudden but no time to give up so avery dynamic slow king and attack to rally on with a max hailstorm and once again a first for me right hand has something to say if you set up a storm but no other weather only hail that's the only time he reacts right hand decided to use his last turn to attack me with a crunch but that left fly gun wide open to a second max hailstorm allowing avery to secure his final gym badge from right hand having defeated all the gems avery made his way to windham for the champion cup semi-finals first he had to battle against top but i failed to realize that it wasn't recording until halfway through the battle when alakazam finally defeated hop snorlax a special bulk pokemon that gave avery the most trouble the rest of hops team wasn't much trouble at all like his pink urchin would did some minor damage to alakazam and his corva knight that nearly lost alakazam despite being very bulky because it was too busy wasting turns on moves like scary face and swagger and by that point there was no way it could both through a mystical fire as well on the other hand observable was quite capable of poking through three mystery fires and knocking out rapidash but since its dynamaxx turns ran out with the horse he was powerless against avery's giant slow king the other trainer avery had to battle with the semi-finals was bead the no longer psychic type trainer b's malwa was a bit intimidating especially since it could use crunch but it wasn't bulky enough to defend against lobro's hot water gun and even got burned near the end gardevoir was out next but had a weakness to our side shell arm not weak enough though i suppose lucky for us alakazam knows shadowball which is exactly what it needed to finish off gardevoir and also take care of beads rapidash his dynamax haderine quickly took down alakazam and swoobat but it wasn't as strong against rapidash which wore down its special attack with mystical fires and then finished this off as soon as the dynomax ran out avery was on a roll so much of a role that i won't even go into too much detail about the champion cup finals since both nessa alistar and righan were easy trainers to defeat at this point although i must admit that i lost the first battle against alistar mainly because i forgot that shadowball was super effective against most of his team when the darkest day arrived avery finally got a taste of defeat not from eternities who was easily taken down with our psychic type moves but from chairman rose the problem with rose was that his entire team was way too bulky and we lacked enough move coverage to take any of them down with ease not only that but he would use max quake with his copper raja which boosted special defense to the point where super effective moves such as mystical fire were hitting his heart as a route 1 pokemon and unlike the battle with alistar i couldn't find any cheesy way to defeat rose instead i decided to pretend rose didn't exist and avery got permission to face eternitis after defeating olyanna who was also quite a challenge but lost her edge when alakazam took down her melodic anyways having captured alternatives it was time to go grind because we are very much under level at first i was planning on doing a whole bunch of raid thens but then i realized it's much faster to just run around the aisle of armor and take down the chansey which can spawn almost anywhere on the island two percent of the time two percent might seem like a low rate but trust me when i say this it is a lot more reliable than hoping the npcs don't all get knocked out during 5 star raids having properly leveled up our team 3 days later it was now finally time to go and face leon by this point i didn't even know what to expect from avery he ended up winning most of the battle spectacularly but when he lost hitler was very fast and very hard knowing leon's team i was a bit anxious but here we are let's go let's see if avery can become champion battle starts out with age slash vs slow bro and first thing leon does is protect next turn slowbro's ability triggers allowing it to attack first but our attacks barely do any damage meanwhile leon's sword one shots us with a powerful shadow ball remember what i said about failing fast alakazam was out next and i guess leon really wanted to try and get an attack in because he didn't protect next up was dragapot somehow alakazam tanks a shadow ball and hits the dragon right back but doesn't do enough damage to knock it out meaning alakazam is out of the battle rapidash is out next also barely surviving one hit from dragonfall and taking it out with a dazzling gleam that means it's time for haxarus who knows iron tail thankfully leon's dragon misses leaving it wide open to a dazzling gleam why can't any of our attacks do enough damage and here comes the iron tail thankfully sulbat was somehow fast enough to finish off the dragon before it could do any more damage to my hopes of winning the fight but then the world's most evil clown shows up and uses freeze dry on our bat does this mean it's my turn not yet the game's not over till the king falls the slow king that is so cheesy but i'm all for it leon tries to confuse us but slow king will not be stopped so easily squishing the clown like the pawn it is leon's bishop tries attacking us with a dark post but we've got bulk for days and a mindstorm so powerful it'll blow you away and with one turn of dynamics left leon's charizard enters the field this fiery dragon has ended many trainers dreams of becoming champion but not avery's that rockfall barely did any damage to us and now it's our turn and this is where i must admit avery you aren't weak anymore leon's charizard goes down in a single hit i didn't even have to do anything during this battle out of all the trainers in galar i did not expect avery this conceited self-centered but also kind and caring guy to be able to defeat leon with such ease we are both disciples of master mustard after all and unlike leon i stayed to train there much longer and much harder yeah but still that was pretty impressive you should be proud of yourself avery naturally although i must say having you along did help me get through some roadblocks but now that i've become champion it is time time time for you to go of course wait but i have questions considering your commendable aid and helping me become champion i shall answer them you only get free three okay okay let me think are you the one that moves me between worlds your assumption is correct but how i thought you were a failed psychic or something failed what a rude question to ask i do come from a family of renowned psychics yes and in their eyes i am a failure because unlike them i can only use telekinesis i have no telepathic or teleporting abilities but somehow you can pull me through a portal careful now do you really want to make that your final question thing is about my telekinesis is that it's several levels of magnitude more powerful than anyone else's which means that even though i cannot teleport things i can move them between large distances although not just things i can use my powers on people pokemon and even holes in space time left behind by the appearance of legendary pokemon like eternitis okay that makes sense now no wonder the portal was moving as if it was talking when i was with opal your powers are pretty impressive avery but i'm still a bit confused why are you helping me travel between worlds that is my familial duty even if those people decide to disown me my duty to gala now the world remains your duty you're out of questions my dear friend but i'll answer this one free of charge i come from a long line of heroes in our world stemming all the way back to the ancient sino region where my ancestors single-handedly defeated a calamity that attempted to fell arceus itself he was also the most powerful and renowned warden the present-day equivalent of a gym leader who could summon up storms and hordes of powerful pokemon just by singing sounds kind of made up why would the descendants of someone that powerful and prominent move all the way out here to galar after he saved the ancient sino region my ancestor fell in love with the sister of a fellow warden and they came to visit the region on their honeymoon however their joyous vacation was interrupted by the original darkest day my ancestor used all of his powers to protect the gala region while the heroes that became kings worked out how to end the calamity they show their gratitude the people of galar asked him to stay to protect the region even giving themselves the status of high nobility oh that explains why you're so snobby snobby your prolonged presence can bring forth another calamity and this every avery and every world can and must send you away including me right now oh man i was just getting used to your personality better late than never i suppose now off you go where to next avery you are out of questions does that mean me out of questions but avery i want to know where i'm going next blast it why must you make this so difficult are we sending you in the direction of b's dimension but can only use telekinesis i cannot see nor sense if there is another or many other dimensions between ours or hers now please quiet down this is quite the difficult task even for someone with my abilities thanks for answering my questions avery you're always kind to her pokemon i might not know where i'll end up next but the one thing i do know is that i'll miss you goodbye dear friend may our paths cross again goodbye avery [Music] goodbye dear friend may our paths cross again goodbye dear friend i mean our paths cross again [Music] oh my god i think i'm done i did it
Channel: Vasko Games
Views: 412,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Challenge Run, Vasko Games, Vasko Hazzaa, Vasko and Hazzaa, Vasko Pokemon, Vasko Wooloo, Vasko Avery, Vasko Elgyem, Pokemon Elgyem, Pokemon Wooloo, Pokemon Avery, Pokemon Rival Avery, Can Avery Actually Become Champion, Can you beat pokemon shield as avery, playing as avery, Pokemon Playing as Avery, Pokemon Psychic Type Trainers, Pokemon Psychic Only, Could Avery Actually Become Champion, Can Avery Become Champion, Avery vs Leon
Id: iqaiuiLYHcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 9sec (1929 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2022
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