I Attempted a Pokemon Nuzlocke With ONLY PSYCHIC TYPES!

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psychic type is home to some of the biggest brains in all of pokemon and the smallest psychic is useless against dark types and the gala region has a dark rival dark team and dark gym so i decided to try a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon shield with only psychic types but before i start only 10 of my audience has a big alakazam sized brain if you're one of the 90 with a slowpoke brain who is not subscribed already there's still hope do yourself a favor click the subscribe button now and your brain will quadruple in size the results speak for themselves do it now anyway the full hardcore nuzlocke rules will be in the description but in short if a pokemon faints it's gone for good i'm limited in the pokemon that i can catch and i won't be able to level my team higher than the next gym leader's ace the starter that i choose is mostly irrelevant so i make the base decision and pick groukie grickygang in the comments i never noticed it before but both hop and leon are wearing wool do they sheer wulu oh god that is cursed over in wedgehurst i'm able to catch my true starter pokemon for this challenge slowpoke some people have book smarts others have street smarts but slowpoke has a nice smile i decided to give him the nickname pokerface it's kind of weird that the professor has a statue of hop in her house isn't it over in the wild area under my rule set i'm able to get one encounter now and one additional encounter for each gym badge that i obtain by heading over to the rolling fields under the right weather conditions i'm guaranteed to find a rolls it's a male one too so i'll have the option of whether i want it to evolve into ulgardevoir or gallade who would you choose let me know in the comments i gave ralts the nickname wally it's a really valuable pokemon as its secondary fairy typing will help me deal with those deadly dark types before leaving the wild area i'm able to grab the leftovers and give this to slowpoke to complement its natural bulk now in motor stoke for my first real challenge of the run three consecutive battles against team yell and their dark types i'm reliant on rolls to do most of the heavy lifting here but fortunately disarming voice hits pretty hard the double battle with hop is a little scary but my orenberry keeps me healthy and i make it through my first encounter with team yell unscathed a quick outfit change into the psychic type uniform and this gives me some strong white rabbit vibes the gala mine gives me my next encounter bruce wayne the wooback bead is an interesting rival as he also uses psychic types he leads with a very passive soloist so i can put it to sleep and set up a few double teams from here beads team can't hit me and i clean up the rest of his team after catching trinity the evening on route 4 i furiously shake a stick at my pokemon cook some curry and play fetch until they love me this lets my woobat evolve into swoobat and evie into espeon it's time for the first gym but milo's grass types shouldn't give me too much trouble i lead with swoobat who is able to rely on its flying type attacks to overpower milo's team giving me a very quick win over on route 5 i'm faced once more by team yell but they're much more dangerous this time the first grunt has a feevel which lays down some huge damage with snarl fortunately my espeon is pretty tanky allowing me to land a few sand attacks before finishing thiever with quick attack after the battle rolls evolved into a curlier look at those little feet taps this made the second team yell grunt much easier a single dazzling gleam was enough to give me the win i'm also able to catch a war with him i give it the nickname uno reverse since its whole gimmick is deflecting your own moves right back at you my next stop is hullbury to tackle the second gym led by nessa and her water pokemon i lead with curlier who i've taught magical leaf i take a large chunk of damage in the process but two of these attacks lets me finish goldeen arakuta is fast and hits hard i counted this by switching into slow poke and making use of protect to increase my leftovers recovery a yawn puts arakuta to sleep allowing me to switch back into curlier who falls just short of taking it down with magical leaf luckily arakuta stays asleep and a quick attack from espeon finally finishes it off dreadnough is last and it knows bite which will rip my team apart i get around this by using charm lowering dreadnor's attack by two stages after some oronberry recovery i risk a crit and go for another charm just hanging on slowpoke is bulky enough to stall out the last dynamax turn and a few counters from wobbafete lets me eventually finish the dreadnore i had to risk a few crits in that fight but luck was on my side that's the second badge the second gala mine has me rematch with beed but this isn't too much trouble curlier can overpower the first two pokemon and since beads last two were special attackers wobberfed's mirror coat helps me handle those the next battle however is a very different story i came up with hop to battle team yell in a double battle this is high risk and you never know what hop is going to contribute and team yell could both attack me and that's exactly what happens in one turn curlia is reduced to low hp i'm forced to switch and go into swubat but they do the exact same thing again switching once again i send out my tanky slowpoke and hop finally makes the right call finishing lanoon with a double kick but on the next turn feevel lands a big snarl finishing my poor slowpoke in one shot espeon and wobberfet were able to finish the fight without any extra casualties but that's a devastating loss i had such high hopes for our dopey little starter pokemon rest easy face with death comes new life and a short time later in the motor stoke outskirts i'm able to catch a hatana that i nicknamed hermione it's pretty weak at the moment but it'll be more useful once it evolves but my troubles weren't all behind me next is a battle with marnie who is undoubtedly my biggest challenge so far her more peco could decimate my team so i'll need to put together a strategy to counter it i've toured espy on a few support moves and lead with it against krogunk krogank will try to sucker punch me but this move fails unless i'm also attacking i take advantage of this to land a charm for free from here two swifts take it down this brings out scraggy who's another physical attacker some charms lower its attack while leftovers and protect help keep me healthy once scraggy is at -6 and low health espeon sets up reflect just before scraggy goes down with reflect lowering more pekko's physical damage espeon can land two charms then with the little health that it has remaining espeon sets up another reflect with more peco significantly nerfed a switch into curlier is pretty safe and two dazzling gleams give me the win that battle was insane soon after it's time for the third gym battle against kabu and his fire types this is going to be another challenging fight as he's got three fully evolved pokemon and i don't have much to work with against his nine tails i send out curlier and put it to sleep with hypnosis after chipping away with two side beams i switch into espeon who finishes nine tails with two side beams of its own since arcanine is a physical attacker a few charms tames that big puppy and i can start landing some hits the residual burn damage starts to add up though so after setting up reflect it's time to send in the batman he too is burned but finishes arcanine off last is center scorch and since it's a part bug type my plan is to dynamax and take it down with a super effective max airstream sadly i fall short of taking it down in two hits and center scorch's g-max move prevents me from switching this combined with burn and fire spin damage ultimately spells the end of bruce with the dynomax now over one counter from boba fett finishes the fight i'd gotten my third badge but with two deaths in quick succession the team was starting to fall apart fortunately with three new badges since my last wild area visit i've got a few encounters up my sleeve to find some new troops first up is baltoy who i bestow the nickname of clay station 2. my next catch is faro the sigilif and my final wild area encounter for now was a bronzor that i nicknamed frisbee you might have noticed that they all had a serious nature that's because my espeon has the synchronized ability which has a chance to pass its nature onto the pokemon that i catch it's not overly vital or anything i'm just happy with the neutral natures after arriving in hammerlock curlia reached level 30 and evolved oh poor gardevoir the internet has ruined you team yells step up for a rematch but my newly evolved gardevoir can handle them without much trouble while on route 6 i had a clefable used metronome and rolled blue flare under harsh sunlight that could have been deadly other than that route 6 was pretty clean bringing me to stone side pop wants a rematch and hits me with multiple crits but it's still not that close of a battle so let's move on while training i was able to evolve a few of my pokemon giving me a nice stat boost just in time for the next gym but before that i had to get past this gym trainer who gave me a lot of trouble his driftblim no shadowforce which is really threatening luckily the ai went for a shadowball and sigilyff barely hung on and could finish the fight with sybean with that scare out of the way my next opponent is the ghost type gym leader alistar ghost is another type that's super effective against psychic so this fight is a huge concern my plan is to use his yanmask lead to set up after putting it to sleep with hypnosis i switch into clay doll and begin using cosmic power to buff both of my defenses pairing this with the leftovers and substitute turns my clay doll into a tank i then use power trick which is basically the shield and sword yu-gi-oh card flipping my attack and defense stats with this setup janmask goes down with ease this is where things started to go wrong i wasn't expecting kirsler to be next and while it koed itself in the process clay doll was afflicted with a curse i can't keep it in anymore and will need to shift my strategy but switching to espeon and a few charms lets me bring mimikyu to -6 attack and break its disguise this gives me a safe switch into gardevoir who finishes mimikyu off with a moon blast last is gengar and we both dynamax but fortunately as it's weak to psychic moves one max mindstorm finishes the fight and gives me badge number four that ended up being a little scrappy feed commits some crimes against the arts and it's my job to enforce the law thing is bronzong is a defensive tank with a great typing to counter bead i can spam heavy slam which does more damage the heavier you are and in case you haven't noticed bronzong is a big unit he weighs 187 kilograms which when converted to the imperial system comes out to about 64 caterpies squashed him but sadly i was too late to save the wall oh yeah into the glenwood tangle where i find a ponyta which i nicknamed mabroni but lonelier is my next stop where i'll be taking on opal and her fairy types this fight is another bronzong slam fest a few iron defenses to set up followed by a heavy slam and opal's team just can't keep up i squashed her lovely cake and for that i'm rewarded with the fifth badge it's a clean knockout ring the bell back to hamlock hop has had an absolute gut full of my psychic types and has tweaked his team to be my worst nightmare he's included a bolton with a strong durability and crunch that combination is chaos for my team i needed a plan and in search of wisdom i headed into the forest of focus and then i found the answer right in front of me the guru if you don't know much about arangaroo he's awesome and i'm about to show you why hop's new lead is a trevenant which is dangerous in its own right as shadow claw hits hard my plan is to lead with espeon and use multiple charms to nerf its attack after setting up reflect it's guru time first i set up a few nasty plots to give me a huge special attack boost i'm then able to set up trick room which reverses the order in which pokemon move for 5 turns this means that for a short time my slow heavy hitting guru becomes a fast powerhouse to top this off i've also got the move stored power which increases damage based on your stat boosts since my special attack is maxed this move has a base power of 140 this combination destroys hops team and i'm able to sweep without letting his dangerous bolton lay a pawl on me thank you guru we are truly not worthy on my way to the next city i've got a few encounters available on route 7 i caught a meow stick followed by a lunatone on route 8. these routes bring me to cerchester city for the next gym the puzzle has me navigate some pitfalls and this trainer gives me a huge scare his avalog landed a critical hit crunch and i think my heart skipped a beat that was close melanie's ice types are threatening but lunatone is a huge asset for this gym i've given it the choice scarf and can one shot melanie's frost moth with a four times effective power gem darmanitan deals some big damage with icicle crash but a second power gem takes care of it with lunatone low i switch into bronzong who's bulky enough to render ice q useless and a few heavy slams take it down last is lapras and my goal is to stall out the dynomax a few max guards help me do just that now back to regular size i start chipping away at lapras with heavy slam bronzong's hp starts to dwindle forcing me to switch i go with gardevoir who comfortably tanks a few serves to finish the battle with a few moon blasts pretty clean overall badge number six is in the bag route 9 gives me the chance to catch an ink which will be huge for the next gym i then farmed some culber berries in the wild area to help too but before that marnie wants a rematch she was really dangerous in our last encounter gardevoir quickly handles lypad with a moon blast bringing toxic croak out it's only attacking moves at poison type as well as sucker punch the former doesn't affect steel types and i can dodge the latter by not attacking this can be abused by sending out bronzong and using iron defense to max my defense while draining toxicroak's sucker punch pp since manny's team is highly physical bronzong can then sweep the rest of the fight with heavy slam that was way easier than our last fight this lets me enter spike myth to tackle the 7th gym piers uses dark type pokemon which is very scary and i've made sure to prepare for this fight by loading up my team with culber berries i've also subbed in hatram who evolved into hatterine as well as inkay who evolved into malamar by flipping my console upside down malamar is my secret weapon for this gym its contrary ability means that any stat changes are reversed this can be combined with super power a 120 base power fighting move that lowers your attack and defense with each use see where this is going each time malamar uses superpower its attack and defense will be increased this combination makes very light work of pisa's gym turning one of the hardest fights into the easiest that's busted straight after i'm free to head back to hammerlock to take on the final gym right away a double battle against reihan is always scary but i've got a plan in mind to minimise the damage his flygon knows crunch which makes it a huge threat to overcome this i've given gardevoir the choice scarf allowing me to out-speed and one-shot flygon with moonblast clay doll is my other lead and i use power trick to flip my attack and defense my plan is to fire off some powerful earthquakes this would normally hit my second pokemon too but a switch into my levitate lunatone prevents this earthquake chips away at reihan's team removing gigalith santa conda is a pest paralyzing both of my pokemon with glare as duraladon emerges my plan is to stall out the dynomax with lunatone on the second dynamaxx tone however both of ryhan's pokemon target lunatone and i'm lowered to red health i decided to take the risk and fortunately wasn't paralyzed allowing me to stall out the final dynamax attack after a few turns of paralysis claydol finally lands another earthquake finishing sandaconda it's a two on one but doraleon is tough since it's increased its defense with max steel spike i ultimately decided to switch into malamar who can tank an attack and lands a superpower on the next turn to finish the fight an extra paralysis turn would have spelled the end of lunatone but fortunately i made it through and have earned the final gym badge route 10 awaits and it's here that i find a mr mime but for whatever reason i used gyro ball which very quickly knocked it out i was really tired at this point in my run as further evidence of this during the last trainer battle i forgot about togo namara's iron barb's ability and knocked out my own malamar that was so dumb at least i didn't forget to slap cabbie jeffrey around for a laugh i will slay your flygon each and every time that i step up on this hill mistakes aside i'd now made it to wyndon for the champions cup ah the most iconic gala pokemon rillaboom cinderace and ball guy what marnie's up first but this battle is a carbon copy of our last fight her toxic croak is still rendered useless by bronzong and a few heavy slams takes out the rest of her team you were a good rival in the early game marnie but that toxic croak has got to go next on the chopping block is our old pal hop besides that one battle i haven't really shown hop too much as the battles against him have been pretty trouble free and this one is no exception espeon charms dubwal as well as uses calm mind before baton passing this to a rangaroo i can then use psych up which copies double stat changes giving me the huge cotton guard defense boost after some nasty plots i'm paralyzed by body slam but my lumbery heals this off with trickroom now up the guru's stored power is able to demolish hops team let me tell you it was not pretty after making my way past an absolute sea of macro cosmos grunts i'll have to tackle rosa's sidekick oleana she's really scary not a team or anything i'm talking about those eyes this battle isn't too dangerous i lead with lunatone and quickly remove frostlast with power gem oleana sends out milotic but this is exactly what i wanted a switch into espeon lets me stack a bunch of car mines before baton passing these to the guru once trick room goes up the rest of the fight is a very familiar looking sweep why does this battle even happen leon isn't in any danger and they're just talking anyway beads back for another beatdown and who am i to deny him unfortunately for bead ronzong is still too much of a wall for him to overcome heavy slam can remove his first three team members without any trouble last is hadarin and it even hits me with a critical hit max flair i tank it comfortably due to my heat proof ability and a second max steel spike wins me the battle i embarrassed bead so badly that he became a fairy type trainer yikes those last few fights were very free but the next ones are a little more challenging the first gym leader rematch is against nessa her golisapod lead is troublesome as it knows first impression a priority bug move that could be dangerous it can only be used on the first turn though so protect from gardevoir countess this nicely a single thunderbolt puts golisopod below half health forcing it out thanks to its emergency exit ability seeking isn't too threatening that is until it landed a critical hit smart strike i can finish it off with a second thunderbolt on the next turn but that's really annoying golisopod returns but applying the same strategy as earlier lets me finish the job my leftovers recovery is starting to accrue so i feel confident enough to stay in against baroscoda i do tank a throat chop and one thunderbolt electrifies that fishy i could take pelipper out but need to use it to set up before ness's ace first the switch into bronzong allows me to stall out the rain with protect this will stop the boost to nessa's watertight moves i then switch into espeon intending to boost my stats with car mind but a poorly timed critical hit from peliper really jeopardizes my plan despite this i'm still able to set up a calm mind and by timing my baton pass perfectly i can bring gardevoir out just as tailwind ends from here a thunderbolt cleans up pelipper and the single four times effective max overgrowth can finish dreadnaught instantly the critical hits made that a little messy but i got there in the end the next fight is against alistar and this one is much cleaner his super passive dusk gnaw lead is very exploitable this lets me use my standard oranguru trick room setup to decimate alice's team with no worries the guru is just the gift that keeps on giving the final gym leader rematch is against raihan and this team is a real mixed bag first is torkol who sets up the sun but i quickly have espeon do a rain dance to change the weather i get crit by body press and put to sleep by yawn however i'm still able to set up two car mines and baton pass these to gardevoir it should be a clean sweep with moon blast from here but i forgot to relearn the move ugh with my boosts i can still remove torque with sidekick as well as turdinator goodra goes down too and flygon follows soon after but it's deraldon who's the real problem with both dynamaxx and i'm max guard to try and stall i don't want to risk a crit on gardevoir so switch into bronzong who thankfully can stall out the remaining dynomax turns with its huge bulk my only attacking move is heavy slam though so bronzong won't be able to deal much damage to duraladon i pivoted around to try and find an opening but an earthquake from clay doll still isn't enough running out of options i switch into the guru who survives just long enough to set up trick room this gives me a pretty safe switch into hadereen who moves first thanks to the trick room finishing duraladon with a choice specs dazzling gleam that fight was really messy solely due to my own forgetfulness shock villains reveal and the bad man is doing bad things so i must do good things to stop the bad things i think that's the plot after securing the help of everyone's favorite big red dog i'll be tackling rose in a showdown if you've seen my other gala nuzlockes this strategy should be pretty familiar bronzong is holding a heat rock meaning that sunny day will bring about a harsh sunlight for eight turns i then use weatherball which becomes a fire type move to sweep through his first four pokemon but can't take copper roger out bronson falls but i've got espeon in the back who can take over with a weather ball of its own to finish the fight ronzong is a huge loss please rise for a 10 bell salute out of respect rest easy frisbee but we can't stop to mourn just yet because eternitis is loose and looking to conduct some criminal activities anyway eternity knows three special moves and one physical move it should always use one of the special ones as these will do more damage to my wobber fit as such a mirror coat should give me a clean win are you kidding me why my plan was foolproof but i guess eternity is a fool i pivoted around to try and find an opening but it's when eternity tries to use a dragon move on gardevoir did i realize this ai is completely random how do i play against this thing after seeing that i throw caution to the wind and keep gardevoir in and land a psychic but of course on the next turn it lands a cross poison i'm done claydol finishes the battle with an earthquake and i can't even begin to digest what that was help the mighty morphin eternitus goes into its extra large mode but fortunately my plan works this time wobberfet successfully lands a mirror coat to send eternity back to the shadow realm with everything else taken care of the champion leon was the final hurdle for my big brain psychic types to overcome leon's age slash is deadly but it goes for king's shield on turn one allowing espeon to set up two calm minds i can then baton pass these boosts to a rangaru the switch is entirely free as leon uses shadowball but a rangaru's secondary normal type makes it immune after setting up nasty plot and trick room the guru is in his element with stored power in my arsenal i'm able to quickly remove aegislash haxorus cinderace and seismatode my trick room expires but thanks to my buffed special defense a rangaroo can tank an attack from dragopal to set up a second trick room with the guru at max power i can clean up the last two pokemon on leon's team while under leveled and without dynamaxing i had a lot of fun with this challenge the psychic type has some quirky moves like trick room and power trick which made my strategies pretty unique if you want to see more monotype nuzlocke challenges check the playlist that i've linked in the description if not jump into one of these videos but before you leave click subscribe for me below it's completely free and really helps me out take care and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Keegan J
Views: 946,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Hardcore, Nuzlocke, Challenge, Sword, Shield, Monotype, Psychic, Extreme, Keegan
Id: g8GqW3rEGFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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