Can you beat Pokemon Red with just a MissingNo.?

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if you ask people what is the most famous glitch of all time almost certainly at least one of the first answers you're gonna hear is missing now missing no which stands for missing number which I pronounced missing no thinking it was a Pokemon and like all Pokemon had a bit of a pun to it nah it's just a mistake red and blue as we've learned aren't the most stable games and if the game has a missing number it's trying to look up you get a missing though we're gonna try to beat the game with just that however beating the game with missing no is actually a little more difficult than you'd think for reasons you probably have no idea exists because typically what I do to change my starter and I'm doing this at single speed on an actual game boy with a game shark to show you how this works you put in a game shark code that changes your starter and then when you select a Pokeball whatever Pokemon you pick will be this new different Pokemon because the game shark just changes the starter into a different index number and Missingno does have several index numbers because some Pokemon were taken out of the game you can just change the index number to correspond to missing though which is what we do but when we go to select missing no it's a ride on not a missing no and while I do want to do a ride on solo run I want to do missing though today and I kept doing this again and again I put the code in again I double checked everything and yet even though I should be getting a missing though I kept getting right on thankfully there was an article on Bulbapedia explaining what was going on and it's actually called the ride on glitch anytime you catch a glitch Pokemon that makes a pokedex entry appear which seems to happen when you get a starter Pokemon that Pokemon will be transformed into ride on unless certain conditions are met one of the conditions is that if you have seen a Cubone the Pokemon will stay as its original glitch form in our case Missingno unfortunately since we're at the very beginning of the game we don't have a Cubone so I decided to do something a little different instead of using the game shark code to change my starter into missing though I use the code to change my starter into Cubone I also learned how to change color palettes in my editing software so yeah this looks perfect for the ominous and mysterious run we are about to do because after we get a Cubone we're not actually done with the game shark yet we're gonna have to use it two more times Well really one more time but we're gonna use it two more times the first is to change the items to Pokemon cells to give us a master ball because missing no actually has an exceptionally low catch rate and we just want to catch it because we basically want to use it as our starter and then we're gonna go to route two run around for a little bit and catch ourselves a missing no because we have Cubone in the Pokedex it will in fact stay as a missing no and we are ready to begin and I just realized in case it wasn't obvious the other cheat was to make Missingno appear in the grass but now we're gonna remove the game shark and just play this game with the same rules we always use no glitches no items no excuses we're gonna try to beat the game if it's possible now missing no is actually a terrible Pokemon on see a lot of people don't catch missing now because you're gonna see at least to a lot of glitchy side effects but missing no does work like a normal Pokemon well I say that but these base stats are well pretty random just like missing knows pretty random back Sprite I mean it's got a lot of attack in fact it has the most base attack of any Pokemon in quotes of the entire game a real Pokemon Dragonite with its base 134 is actually the best in generation one so missing knows 136 is great everything else is I mean it has got base zero in defense and base six in special this thing is a glass glass cannon that is also very slow it's slower than almost every Pokemon in the game at least it has a really random but cool move pool I mean we start off with water gun another water gun and Sky attack which will help us versus the bug catchers and water gun will help us versus Brock our six base special attack is probably not going to make Brock very easy but you know that's nice and in terms of TMS we get sword stands we get some pretty good physical moves this is gonna be fine but there's one other thing you should know about missing now one thing I had no idea and probably a lot of you don't either you see in generation one there are four experience groups that tell the game how many experience points it's gonna take to get from one level to the next starters are in medium slow which is usually the fastest at the very beginning then it gets slower fast which is pretty fast like Jigglypuff slow Magikarp legendaries and medium fast other Pokemon like Pikachu are in that group missing no isn't in an experienced group missing knows a glitch missingnose group I would call broken in the very beginning of the game it takes an unreasonable amount of experience points I think it took like 600 to get to level six the slowest in gen 1 is 114. now I had read that it takes about 300 000 experience points to get all the way up to level 100 which of all the experience groups which existed in Generation 1 is less than half of the fast experience group so it looks like the early game is going to be the worst thing ever as we struggle to level up and at the end of the game we're going to be leveling up every other Pokemon that's what it seems wonderful that's going to be great for badge Booth glitch and if you're mad that I'm using badge boost glitch I'm using a missing note glitch is literally the theme of The Run although we aren't going to be using major glitches to skip things or otherwise so I kind of take that back but it is kind of funny anyway well I've been playing for about 10 minutes I'm playing it four times speed like always and I battle Brock I get outsped by Geodude and water gun does like nothing so we're gonna have to go back into the forest and level up a ton thankfully Sky attack is base 140 power and one shots the Kakuna and the Metapod really easily it being a two turn attack isn't great but better than using water gun which doesn't even do much to a Geodude but it's gonna take a really really long time in order to get the levels we need to beat Geodude I mean one tackle nearly knocked me out with my base zero defense with that said because it takes an unreasonably long time to level up I try again at level seven This Time geodude's Tackle misses I then out speed so it's a speed tie Geodude hits with tackle it's almost knocking me out but it goes for defense curl we actually don't knock it out with water gun but speed tie we out speed and knock it out now Onyx goes for tackle and misses that's crazy good luck by the way two five percent misses Screech which hits somehow we hit with water gun and then it goes for bide which lasts a minimum of two turns we don't level up which just goes to show you how ridiculously long it takes this thing to level up at these levels but we have made it past Brock does that mean the game is going to be easy no this part of the game was probably the most tedious thing I've done in a very long time the bug catchers are okay because we have Sky attack we can one shot every one of their Pokemon but they do have two turns to attack us and that means they often will knock us out within three attacks which is kind of common I realized a good way to gain experience points also missing though sometimes reverses the Sprites it looks cool but I realize that just not resetting when I lose and gaining the experience points would be helpful however because there's a one and two chance that the bugs go for String Shot it is possible to win and of course we are going to beat the rest of the trainers it just took a really long time it's taken me seven minutes of four times speed so 28 minutes assuming I played at regular speed and I was able to get the TM for Mega Punch now this is huge Missingno is normal bird type also look how much Mega Punch dies at one shot's a pair address which is pretty decent at the early game but like I was saying Missingno is normal bird type bird isn't a thing in the game bird was I guess a beta for flying but there are no bird type moves that means effectively missing no is just a normal type Pokemon and that means Mega Punch gets the 50 same type attack boost which is good because we can't even beat this hiker almost always when we get a water move he's just a joke but even though we're at pretty much the level we should be he's still not very easy so we're gonna have to battle just a ton of Zubat other things and we can't even out speed them this was a really really lengthy stay in Mount Moon so what level were we at when we finally got to Cerulean City well as I battle rival 2 you're gonna see it's taken me two hours to get here Mewtwo was almost done Kanto at this point and we're battling rival 2 at level 16. and that's how easy it is so it might look like all hope is lost but it actually isn't as bad as you might think we will have to level up a little bit but if we get decent luck Mega Punch is almost one-shotting so I think what the right play is is to go to Misty's gym and to battle the trainers there because if I can level up just a little bit more with my crazy base attack I will be able to beat rival 2 eventually now if I lose that's okay I will deposit Spiro and Paris usually I don't bother but anytime I lose from now on I'm not going to reset we need every experience point we can get at this point in the Run not great for our money but whatever you also might be wondering by the way what's with my weird name and for that matter you probably only saw it briefly but what's with the rival's name I'll see if any of you know there is specific reasons for those names it's a little bit of a Pokemon Easter egg so I'm curious if any of you caught what the significance of those nicknames were because I thought it was pretty cool anyway I can try battling Misty and Misty isn't going that badly I mean it went badly but not that badly so star U is gonna out speed but it doesn't one shot with water gun and we do one shot with Mega Punch then Starmie misses and if I didn't miss right there we would have won now of course that would have been really lucky but I'm not too worried Misty is not gonna be that bad it would be easier if we beat rival too and I want to see whether Mega Punch will one shot as it turns out not yet but we're really really really close so there's a very obvious strategy we could do since we know we one shot Staryu and we should beat it every time we can just battle star you again and again and again gain enough levels hope hopefully defeat Misty in the process but even if we don't we should level up enough to One-Shot Pidgeotto as it turned out I wasn't able to defeat Misty that first battle was lucky and yet we lost I was however able to beat rival 2. we're obviously knocking out speed but sand attack is a one in four chance of missing the second one did hit but I'm at full HP for the final three Pokemon it's just a matter of not missing too many times Rattata almost knocks me out but now we just have to hit versus Squirtle and we lose what I told you I beat rival too I didn't say I beat him right now that was you assuming don't blame me I do beat rival too I promise there's more to the video but yeah I came really really close and so I just have to go back to Misty because obviously if we one shot Squirtle the battle would have been over so we're close not quite there yet the next battle though we do in fact beat rival 2 and no this time I'm not misleading you once again we get hit with sand attack but actually boosts the power of Mega Punch enough that they can knock out Pidgeotto and then Rattata uses tail whip boosting the power of Mega Punch again we do miss a couple times but thankfully our special is slightly better than our defense well infinitely better because it's base zero well that's not completely true anyway we won what what can I tell you we did win finally and that means there are tons of Pokemon here that are pretty slow and pretty terrible and even though we still level up really slowly we can beat these Pokemon in fact we can even lose and then battle trainer twice which is really good and by the time we make it back to Misty we should be a little tankier and deal a little bit more damage making star me actually plausible although it of course is possible just a little bit more consistent which would be nice but speaking of consistency there is one person behind the scenes that has allowed these videos to come out at such a consistent Pace me no I'm kidding AJ AJ has been an absolute editing machine but did you know he actually has his own YouTube channel he's got 2 000 subscribers I think we can get him to three thousand and if we do maybe I'll make a cameo in one of his videos you ever want to hear me talk about Castlevania I had a video on that way back when maybe that'll happen go subscribe to him if for no other reason his videos are actually quite good and he's is a huge reason I've been able to put out so many videos and such high quality videos just like the one you're watching now also he had to hear an extended version of the rap and two other unreleased j-rose singles that were so bad they were cut from the I believe Machamp and Poliwhirl videos so while you guys head over to AJ's channel to drop a subscription I'm gonna go head over to Misty's gym and get the Cascade badge hopefully alright so what does star you do X defend we steal one shot Starmie tackle uh oh a crit and X defend we win we needed a little bit of luck definitely we always were gonna need a little bit of luck but now we can delete one of our water guns and we have a valid move set by teaching bubble beam awesome unfortunately despite the fact we're a normal Pokemon we cannot learn body slam missing nose TM lift is probably just random so we're gonna have to beat rival 3 with just Mega Punch but considering that rival 3 isn't too much more difficult than rival 2 and we beat rival 2 like 20 minutes ago we should be fine are we gonna be fine I don't know well the Rival is inverted and my Sprite has seen better days quick attack we miss quick attack we hit one down level 26 hyper Bank well okay I'm not going to actually keep losing on purpose there's no reason to I think we could win let's just maybe Miss less okay gust Mega Punch one down we level up quick attack Mega Punch all right can we get teleport yes and now do we outspeed Wartortle yes we do it did have the highest defense I figured it would be the best I mean I think Blastoise arguably is the best of the final Evolutions I don't know it's always a little difficult deciding which starter I should give my rival but I find Blastoise tends to be really good I don't know anyway you know who isn't really good Lieutenant Serge but we're really slow and our special's really bad there is an actual chance surge wins not just once but several times that will make me quite sad so hopefully we first try Victory because then missing no even has a glitch is still just like every other Pokemon has no issues with Lieutenant Serge alright surge leads with Voltorb it goes for tackle doesn't do all that much to me and we Mega Punch it so hard Voltorb Sprite just goes to the shadow realm or something and we knock it out Pikachu quick attack well it gets sent to the shadow realm and Raichu we mind Crush it's I don't know what the heck we're doing hand of Fate which is funny because it's more of a fist of Fate now I'm just naming franchises that aren't Pokemon do you know which one that one's from fun fact as a kid that was my favorite franchise I just thought Pokemon had really good games funny how things have changed but yeah getting back to the run in question I think Missingno is actually gonna have a relatively okay time because at this point the broken level up stuff has started to level out we're leveling up at a normal Pace meaning we're right around where we should be we have access to a good physical move and once we get to sell it on which we aren't at yet we'll get try attack which can't miss so that's really cool I don't anticipate anything being too difficult in Rock Tunnel the one thing I'm concerned about is the famous hiker with two Geodude and a Graveler we do a bubble beam but do we one shot Graveler well hopefully we one shot Geodude I mean we should right we use bubble beam okay we want to draw Geodude and the other Geodude and not Graveler but we survive a rock throw yay go missing no all right cool now normally when we go to Celadon I say never go to the mark first it doesn't make sense for missing no it 100 does I mean none of its stats really matter other than attack because they're so bad but we need to go to the top floor or the roof I guess buy the lemonade and get try attack unlike in later generations tritak does not have any additional effect in generation one it's just a normal base 80 power move I meant normal as in regular but it is normal type and because it can't miss it is a massive upgrade over Mega Punch which misses 15 of the time so with that we can go into the Rocket game corner and hopefully beat Giovanni but I'm not sure well Giovanni leads with Onyx missing no I go for bubble beam thankfully it went for guard spec so we knock it out ryhorn we don't one shot and it hits us with a horn attack that's what I was worried about we do knock it out and now Kang is gone rage is actually enough to defeat us oh so if Kangaskhan goes for guard spec we could win but okay Onyx win for guards back again Rhyhorn horn attack again we need either a crit okay guard Speck is fine and rage actually we needed rage because Comet punch I guess Comet punch could have missed that was pretty scary I think things will get a little better as we get towards the end game because like I said I think missing no is gonna level up way more than I expect but as of right now it's it's gonna be a little difficult oh I forgot to buy fresh water lovely anyway as I go to the Pokemon Mart which I actually have to go to anyway I'm gonna go buy some proteins and I'm gonna get the fresh water and then I'm gonna go battle rival four rival four leads with Pidgeotto we don't have speed and it deals 30 damage growlots we do out speed in one shot execute we outspeed in one shot cadaver we won't but it goes for teleport let's go and we'll have speed Wartortle okay so here's the thing the ghosts are actually going to be really bad for me right now the only move I can hit them with is psychic and I have Basics special so that's not going to be fun that's not gonna be fun at all I also forgot to use repel now these ghosts I can run away from but this trainer over here there is no way past them so all right well there's Cubone now I can got you missing no but if you already have one you can catch one anyway I'm gonna go over psychic Nightshade that's fine special dropped lick because I'm normal okay very good come on Nightshade yes special fell no all right so we're gonna have to try this like a lot of times thankfully come on this is the only Channeler with two Gastly and I actually think I have a hyper potion so I can heal so yeah this might not be the attempt we win but all right looks good special dropped all right come on I wish it was a 2ko we're at full HP oh yeah but I guess base 130 plus attack and base zero defense will uh we'll get that result oh I forgot to heal no uh okay well you know I can I can already tell you we're gonna win but anytime we're confused going forward and we hit ourselves in confusion that happens so something to look out for well I can keep showing battles as we oh yeah I can go for Sky attack wait a minute I still have Sky attack okay I I you know what I didn't even think of that but where do we go next we have to beat the Pokemon Tower but from there we have a lot of different options we can go to self company we can go try to use skytech oh my God I missed oh my God all right we could try to beat Erica with Sky attack but I think that would be a bad idea what do we do it's kind of a tough call okay I said I stopped showing these battles but here's a really good idea instead of Sky attack we could actually teach fly I don't think this move will be very useful going forward so it is a bit of a waste of a move slot but it will knock out grass Pokemon so maybe we can use it against Erica and unlike Sky attack it doesn't leave us completely defenseless on the turn it's not in use and now that I have fly will I go defeat Erica no I'm gonna go to self company but not to battle rival Fievel there is something I want on the 10th floor I'm gonna go use fly thankfully we outsped a knockout Machoke but the karbos is kind of good there are candies kind of good but most importantly tm-26 earthquake it will deal more to rock Pokemon than bubble beam it will deal more to ghost Pokemon than psychic unfortunately we weren't able to use it in the Pokemon Tower because you need to rescue Mr Fuji before you can access self company but with that we could probably defeat Koga if we want to but if I don't battle Erica right now I'm gonna forget so hopefully we out speed rap oh so we don't out speed and now we're asleep oh we woke up still app oh it's a speed tie interesting that means we're gonna out speed everything else and we're gonna one shot our attack is crazy high let's go so that was pretty bad luck that we lost the speed tie what three four consecutive times but we'll take it right now the run is finally starting to feel a little bit more consistent we're leveling up faster and faster and it's getting to a point where we're leveling up way faster than what a normal Pokemon would at this point in the game any Pokemon even part of the fast experience group so that's gonna both help us and hurt us but for now let's go battle Koga he leads with coughing and I use earthquake you might have noticed I got a second move from inside self company but that move isn't needed yet we knock out coughing with one hit we outspeed a knockout muck we outspeed a knockout coffee number two but wheezing uses sludge and knocks us out so the other move we got is Swords Dance but we're not just gonna use it for attack after we defeat Koga it also will inadvertently raise our speed a little bit unfortunately for now we just kinda need Koga not to use sludge or self-destruct and we will win two for two on sludge that's great and that's okay missing no is one of the statistically worst Pokemon in the game I believe there's only five Pokemon that are worse and they're like Magikarp Kakuna and Weedle and Metapod and Caterpie that's it so the fact it might take us oh there's an X attack oh no oh okay well we would have leveled up if that happened but we won hooray also I know the text says it raises defense that's another thing that's incorrect I don't know if that's a wrong translation or if it's just untrue in the Japanese version too but it's untrue it gives you speed and that's really important for a Pokemon like Missingno which is really slow because we come to the problem of the four Alakazam there is an Alakazam from rival 50 Sabrina rival six and the champion they all have super high special and are super fast so we either need to survive an attack on base six special or out speed with around base 20 speed hilariously it's out speeding that is more likely but to do that we're gonna have to set up Swords Dance and the problem with leveling up so quickly is if we level up in the middle of the battle those inadvertent speed gains we get from using Swords Dance are removed so so this is going to be a problem going forward and might make rival 50 really really really tough so Pidgeot is gonna outspeed us we go for one Swords Dance and unfortunately Pidgeot still out speeds us we need to go for a second Swords Dance I have to go for tritax I have no more HP and it's quite lucky we outspeed and of course we're gonna one shot Pidgeot prom is we level up and while we will out speed growlith and we're obviously gonna out speed execute we don't outspeed Alakazam so how many experience points do I have uh only 366. I could leave silf company in battle wild Pokemon but I actually think it might make more sense under the circumstances especially because speed is going to become a real issue here to go and battle a bunch of trainers and just level up twice so that's exactly what I'm gonna do so now I'm level 46 setting up against Pidgeot is a very bad idea so I try to see if Tri attack will one shot hot it doesn't and at this point because I might need at least three sword stands to outspeed Alakazam I think this is a good point to use our rare candies with fully evolved Pokemon this would be a mistake but we're not using a regular fully evolved Pokemon heck we're not even really using a Pokemon at all now that I'm seven levels higher we are probably gonna one shot Pidgeot does it as first we have two-thirds our HP left now I'm gonna set up Swords Dance take down all right another Swords Dance takedown misses all right we gotta go we knock out Growlithe another swords dancing noses no all right we're still asleep reflect is fine leech seed is fine and now we're awake we knock out execute there we go three Swords Dance and we naturally out speed Blastoise we still have three sword stands even though we're not faster and we have defeated rival Fievel and it's time to take a nap because we're gonna need that to defeat Giovanni all right once I get on the teleporter there's not that much left to do there's Sabrina there's Blaine and there's giovanni3 and the truth of the matter is we can't beat Giovanni 3 first so it's really a matter of Sabrina or Blaine and Blaine is typically easier I do have to beat Giovanni 2 first so let's go ahead and do that I'm gonna use one Swords Dance just in case and we get Focus energy so I can just use earthquake and with our Massive Attack stat we did out speed Kangaskhan that was worried about that and that means we're gonna out speed oh we level up oh we still have speed needle Queen and we even sent it to the shadow realm and Giovanni although he's gonna make it back somehow alright so like we discussed battling Blaine makes more sense so let's go do that I think this can go okay for the record missing no is one of the few quote unquote Pokemon that cannot learn mimic so we can't mimic agility what we can do however is use Swords Dance Growlithe goes for Lear and I'm just gonna go for earthquake one one down two earthquakes we knock out Ponyta we level up Rapidash goes for tail whip but it misses and our canine Ember that was Amber yeah it was a critical hit but this run is ridiculous I can't believe that just happened all right so if that's how much Ember did I'd hate to see how much psybeam or psychic do we're gonna need to level up or at least make sure we out speed or pray that Alakazam goes for first turn recover so yeah this is probably not going to go very good but what can you do it's too risky to set up thankfully cadaver goes for disable and it misses we knock it out Mr mime we actually out speed and knock it out I mean we are 20 levels higher but that's kind of shocking venomoth I'm just gonna go for fly we knock it out and now Alakazam sidewave I forgot about Psy wave that move is so bad it's the TM you get too alright so we only have one trainer left before what we consider to be the end game Giovanni 3 really shouldn't be that difficult because his Pokemon are relatively slow except for Doug Trio hopefully this goes okay let's see Giovanni sends out Rhyhorn I can set up a sword stance it goes for guard spec I set up a second Swords Dance it goes for tail whip and now if it attacks me it could knock me out so I just go for earthquake we don't level up and thus we outspeed Doug Trio we outspeed Nido Queen Neato King May out speed us no it doesn't and earthquake's gonna one shot everything else gets into the shadow realm and notice how much we level up now we seem to level up once or twice per battle it is absolutely absurd and that unfortunately is going to continue we're gonna have to keep that in mind going forward but there's really not much we can do about that use a glitch Pokemon glitchy things are gonna happen at the very least if any of the final six trainers are difficult at least we know we can level up extremely quickly but first things first let's see how we do against rival six all right well he leads with Pidgeot and Tritech will one shot it goes for agility so we one shot Rhyhorn I can set up sword dance but I just go for earthquake and I level up so now I go for tri attack against Growlithe I can use Swords Dance against execute it goes for leech seed it hits which is fine I go for a second Swords Dance it goes for a second leech seed and a third Swords Dance it goes for solar beam but it takes two turns so I can use fly knock it out but I did mean to use try attack Alakazam we don't out speed but oh my goodness because of the Swords Dance our special was raised to the point where we tanked it and we win let's go the sword stands didn't allow us to out speed but they did allow us to tank the attack the base six special was enough and now we've gotta beat the Elite Four I have actually zero clue how this is gonna go Missingno is just so bizarre it levels up really quickly it's moveset's Immaculate but it has no speed and no defenses to speak of the Elite Four is either gonna go way better than I expect or it's gonna take me hours upon hours I don't really see an in-between here but because I'm just so unsure of what to expect the only thing we can really do here is just battle and find out alright well Laura Lee leads with dugonger at level 64 and we actually out speed I didn't mean to use earthquake I meant to set up sword stance and it goes for growl so I set up Swords Dance and it goes for a second growl and this is boosting my speed a third growl a fourth growl wait no that was just a roar beam that lowered my attack but you know a fifth okay what am I doing I'm gonna use try attack we knock out dugong try attack again we knock out closer but see we level up so it's not worth setting up badge boosts because yeah Jinx is just gonna out speed and even double slap shirt got a critical hit it's just not a viable strategy we can use sword stands to raise our attack and to out speed maybe one Pokemon but anything more than that isn't gonna happen so I set up one sword stance and growl misses try Attack One shots dugong I outspeed Cloister and because of the Swords Dance I'm pretty sure I'm able to One Shot The Cloister so next comes out slow bro I go for Swords Dance it goes to withdraw a second Swords Dance a second withdraw we are gonna knock it out and now hopefully ah we don't have to be Jinx but thrash we do survive we level up though but we outspeed Lapras on our own and for the first time we have beaten a member of the Elite Four with this whatever it is and we make it to Bruno who is probably gonna be easy I use Swords Dance it goes for rage I use earthquake we knock out Onyx but we level up now I'm worried I use fly and it does not got Hitmonchan but this is what I was worried about Hitmonlee a out speeds and because I'm a normal type jump kick well even if I wasn't my defense is so low so we need to set up our levels in such a way that we outspeed Hitmonlee so what I think I'm gonna do is just play through the Elite Four and not reset when I lose because if I do that we should have a different configuration with our levels hopefully one where we can set up against Onyx or Hitmonchan so that we outspeed him on Lee I did forget not to not reset that's a weird double negative but it is muscle memory just to reset it losses actually you know what because we level up so fast I can use my rare candies like we only have 2 000 experience points to level up what if we use rare candies and once we get to level 68 we can see okay see it only takes 4 700 experience to get to level 69 which is not nice anyway I'm gonna set up hmm nah I'm just gonna go over Tritech and I outspeed dugong but I don't one shot so we need to be a little bit of a higher level I can set up a couple Swords Dance So we one shot dugong we one shark Cloister but no we're gonna level up after slow bro now we don't want that because jinxed out speeds body slam alright we're fine and we still have to be Lapras so now the problem is trying to out speed Hitmonlee we were close before 3700 I don't know if we will out speed we're gonna try to set up a Swords Dance I don't know exactly how many experience points I get so I'm gonna set up one rock throw is fine a second one and now earthquake's gonna one shot onyx try attack's gonna one shot Hitmonchan we'd all level up all right we won we level up here that's fine oh okay I didn't mean to do that I didn't mean to do that again there we go earthquake sorry I pressed down one too many times and then kept hitting a because that's what I do during these runs I just hit a very fast and extremely furiously uh something something Tokyo Drift anyway we have now made it to Agatha and Agatha actually won't be that bad Nightshade can hit us because of the way gen 1 works but her Ghost Pokemon only have one attempt each and if they don't use hypnosis or confuse Rey so actually it's gonna be pretty bad but it's a 50 50 chance for Gengar and Haunter and then her final Gengar doesn't know hypnosis so I think it's like a 1 in 10 chance we never see those moves which isn't that bad and who knows maybe we'll have to speed or something I don't know okay so first Gengar we're gonna go oh withdraw okay so we missed earthquake but that's okay Haze isn't a huge problem we're still gonna one shot goal bat the crit doesn't matter and because we level up Hayes actually takes away our badge boost but we get them back ah there's hypnosis but we woke up right away that's good night shade is fine okay now Haunter we don't have speed but dream meters what we want we should out speed our box see another level up yes yes it's swapped oh and it does not speed us but that's okay we did it oh my goodness we've made it to Lance and Lance's Gyarados is probably gonna be unbelievably tough I'm gonna use an Elixir here because I'm hoping this is gonna be the only time I need to battle Lance but my hopes they're not that high all right so we're gonna go for try attack hydropunk misses oh oh it's the dog eat out no Hydra bum now hits and it knocks me out but you know what why I've only used one Elixir why reset we could use these experience points we really could I'm Gonna Save after a loss I mean I don't think we're gonna out speed Gyarados but there is a chance eventually we can survive a hydro pump and I mean we gain levels so quickly if we do have to make it all the way to level 100 so be it right I mean it's attacking moves that are exceptional but statistically it's about as bad as a Magikarp like I've never heard of a Pokemon with stats like these because you would never intentionally make one like this so we're gonna keep battling and eventually we should get another attempt that goes pretty deep unfortunately this run that you're seeing is not one of them because as we talked about Agatha can easily defeat me and while it is a good sign that we tanked a hypnosis Dream Eater it's still a loss but I have a good feeling since we are leveling up we are gonna make it back to Lance sooner rather than later so I haven't commentated Laura Lee in a while we're at level 78. we now one shot dugong without a Swords Dance but not Cloister Spike Cannon gets a crit which is bad but we're able to knock it out in two hits I then can set up Swords Dance against Slowbro it goes for one water gun one Amnesia and one growl so I go for a fourth Swords Dance and that was being a little greedy I actually think we have what it takes at this level so I'm going to reset and try once again so we're gonna one shot too long just like last time try attack Spike Cannon but this time no crit but it hits three times so at 99 HP now 101 we're gonna use one Swords Dance withdraw two Swords Dance Amnesia three Swords Dance growl so that's four badge boosts we knock out slow bro four means we outspeed Jinx and we outspeed Lapras already so we're at level 80 now we're leveling up left right and Center by the way if you do decide not to reset between encounters make sure you buy full restores one time that really annoyed me anyway I have them here I'm gonna go for swords dancing games Onyx a ghost for X defend and now we can sweep through with earthquake we don't level up after Onyx or Hitmonchan meaning we'll outspeed Hitmonlee and I should probably be switching to try attack but that's okay I switched to it at Machamp and we've swept through Bruno all is right in the world Agatha we need to get some pretty good luck of course hopefully we get it so ooh confused right ah wait wait we don't knock ourselves out anymore no it put me to sleep no and now I'm staying asleep confused Ray and Dream Eater no we're so so so so so so so so so so close this is a good time to mention that in this challenge I forbid saving between elite four members I mean there are two series on my channel the Kanto challenges like this one and the quote unquote impossible series which is more that people will say oh it's impossible to beat the game with this Pokemon and I try to see whether that's true or not so for these runs because it should very much be possible I would think at the very least I want to see if it's consistent and the easiest way to test that is not to save between five of the toughest trainers in Pokemon Stadium 2 that's how it works so it's how I prefer to play if it gets tough enough that is just not happening I have no problem and then it'll just go at the bottom of the tier list because I mean it would be one of the worst so far every single Pokemon that has completed this game has been able to make it through the Elite Four without saving in between but for a battle like Agatha certainly it would be a lot less frustrating but you also could beat the game a lot earlier because you could rely on Ultra lucky strategies that might only have like a 1 in 20 chance of occurring our strategy is about a one in eight I think which isn't that bad so Nightshade is fine earthquake hits Gengar we level up Golbat ooh we outsped but we're not gonna have to meet Haunter we do no way so that means we're gonna have to meet Arbok and we're knocking out speed we level up again confused right now yes we make it back to Lance for the first time in a while I don't know if we can defeat him I don't know if enough has changed I do know that at least we get another opportunity and that's a good thing okay so what are we gonna do let's just go over we outsped yeah a lot changed we're level 84. just gonna go for try attack I'm not gonna set up just go for try attack oh wait Aerodactyl we've nothing to hit it bite no way I don't know if the crit mattered that means we should out speed Dragonite and you no oh my gosh wait if it didn't go for barrier we would have lost but at the very least we knew we were really close but hey we weren't close we won okay that fight really gave me a scare and the champion should be really really tough the biggest issue is Alakazam Alakazam is almost definitely going to out speed and one shot of it hits with psychic there's almost nothing I can do about that if I can make it past Alakazam we're probably okay but the chance I can make it past even at level 85 it's just not very high but we're already here so we might as well try alright so against Pidgeot let's just go for try attack oh my gosh we outsped I can't believe it we knock it out I knew we were gonna level up so that's why I didn't bother setting up and now here's Alakazam it went for reflect I don't think that's enough let's go yes okay wait wait wait wait I'm gonna go over Swords Dance tail whip all right that's two badge boost wow right on looks pretty silly another sword dance another tail up all right let's not get greedy earthquake that's three down our canine we're gonna out speed now that's four down all right we level up 87. we're gonna outspeed executor try attack and now we outspeed Blastoise we win we win in with a glitch we win that Sprite at the end just encapsulates everything with this run and what a bizarre one it took forever just to get by Cerulean and then honestly while there were some parts that were a little scary Missingno performed much better than I expected still at 5 hours 52 minutes I don't think it's officially gonna get ranked on my tier list because it's not one of the 151 Pokemon but that would put it towards the bottom for fully evolved Pokemon considering its base stats though that's actually not so bad because the other Pokemon with similar stats I mean Pidgey for example took 10 hours in the end I'm very happy with this result this was a fun run to do and I hope you guys enjoyed maybe next video we'll use another Pokemon from this similar tier like Caterpie surely that will be I'm kidding or am I you'll have to see take care
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 490,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Catch 'Em All, Glitch, red blue glitch, Pokemon Glitch, Missingno, Missingno glitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 17sec (2777 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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