Top 10 Interesting Glitches in Pokemon Red/Blue

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hey everyone how's it going so generation one was the generation that started everything in pokemon but nowadays at least for me it's the generation known as being full of glitches don't get me wrong i still love the games and i love exploiting these glitches in my glitched magikarp run i used a lot of these glitches to make the run possible but there's a lot of other glitches i didn't get to talk about so i figured why not make a list of the top 10 glitches i find interesting and funny enough there are so many glitches i feel like i'm going to be leaving off somebody's favorite so if i left off a glitch you really like let me know and also let me know how many of these glitches you've actually heard of before this list so yeah that's all i got to say without further ado let's get to the top 10 most interesting glitches in red and blue number 10 we have a glitch that i don't think is very useful but i find pretty hilarious so in celadon city there's that one building that looks like a pokemon center but when you talk to the guy in the front he's like oh this is a hotel for humans well if you go to the top right uh corner where the pc would be in a pokemon center you can walk over it but if you try and access it like a pc it'll work so obviously they just cut and pasted the code from the pc deleted the hitbox of the pc but didn't delete the fact you could access a pc from there i can't imagine why you would need to use this pc ever but it's just kind of a funny oversight and that's why it's here at number 10. moving on to number nine did you know you could access the ssn after it's already departed the way you do this is really easy actually you just save on this very specific tile just one above the sailor and you have to face right then when you soft reset you can hit surf and you'll just surf over him it looks really ridiculous but you can access the ssn again as if it never left and i don't really know why you'd need to do this but you can but the other thing you could do and i would have loved to have known this when i was younger is you can access that truck that was supposed to have mew fun fact it doesn't and there's nothing there but you can actually explore around this area and it's a pretty cool area a lot of people tried to do this by getting surf before cut and this is possible but hey with glitches you can do it even easier at number eight we have a glitch that i find pretty funny and one i actually used to use all the time mostly because i forgot to get the bike a lot so yeah you can get the bike voucher and talk to that guy or you can just rent one you didn't know that well it's not quite a rental it's more an ignoring what the person tells you if you keep hitting b and pressing left eventually they just give up and they give you a bike that's neat i mean you won't have access to this bike after you leave cycling road but you can access cycling road without a bike moving on to number seven we have a glitch that i would have loved in gold and silver but unfortunately we only got in red and blue and this is because red and blue is really bad at storing information you see everything in the game has an index number a way the game can look it up locations pokemon items they all have one and sometimes the game is bad at keeping track of which index number they're looking up or it shares some of the data case in point pokemon that evolve with evolutionary stones don't actually need those stones you can actually just use a pokemon whose index number corresponds to the item index number in more simple words you want to evolve your nidorino simply have your nidorino level up in a fight and then end the battle with exeggutor in some way and hey your nidorino is going to evolve you can do this with every stone for thunderstone it's growleth waterstone it's onyx and leafstone it's psyduck firestone you need to use a very specific missingno and yes different misting no are like a little different but this is a pretty just kind of weird glitch i don't know why you'd ever use it maybe if you ran out of evolutionary stones but in gen 1 you can just buy them except for the moonstone so not sure how useful it is but pretty funny nonetheless okay number six we have a glitch that probably we all would have liked to have known when we were kids trying to catch them all and that's the fact that the safari zone can be completely bypassed well for the most part at least you don't have to catch pokemon using those safari balls how do you do this you might ask well you just bring them to cinebar of course you can bring them to cinebar well yes with glitches okay so cinnabar is really poorly programmed and this glitch takes advantage of that basically all you have to do is fly the safari zone um walk for like a second leave fly directly to cinebar and on the rightmost edge of the island just surf up and down you'll see all the pokemon that should be appearing at the safari zone appear here but due to other glitches you can just throw an infinite amount of master balls or even if you're not using other glitches just put it to sleep or you know get to use an actual pokemon and because this glitch is so useful and one i would have loved to have known years ago i felt it warranted the number six spot on this list okay so moving on to number five we have a glitch that is super easy to demonstrate but very difficult to explain without getting too e if that's a word which i know it's not so bear with me basically here's the deal with experience underflow pokemon level up at different rates meaning to get from level let's say four to level five different pokemon need different amounts of experience points to get there now each group and there are four of them have a formula they use so dratini for example is in the slow group and squirtle's in the medium slow group and it's actually this medium slow group where there's a problem you see the formula wasn't really intended to be used at level one because you can't catch level one pokemon but if you somehow get a level one pokemon something kind of funny happens the formula will end up telling the game that your pokemon has gained negative 54 experience points now the game doesn't like negative numbers so it just kind of rounds up to oh about 16 million i don't know if i'm using the right terminology that's basically what happens so if you don't get that back into the positives the game's gonna check how many experience points you've gained and it's going to be 16 million which by the way is 16 times what you need to be at level 100 and thus will warp you directly to level 100 okay so at number four we have maybe not just the most famous glitch in pokemon but probably the most famous glitch in video game history and that's the old man glitch otherwise commonly known as the missingno glitch we all knew about this glitch we all knew about what happened when we used this glitch and nintendo power told us we caught missing know where game would crash which was a lie but let's explain everything surrounding this glitch so part one is performing the glitch which is really easy in red and blue because this was fixed in yellow you talk to the old man in viridian city and get him to show you how to catch a pokemon what's going on here is your name is being stored in the wild pokemon data if you encounter another wild pokemon there's no problem we're going to be using cinnabar island again and it's very similar to how we get safari's own pokemon here but instead of the game taking data from the safari zone it's taking data from our name and let's just say our names are gonna give the game some pretty wacky pokemon data the game looks at the third fifth and seventh character in your name to determine what pokemon will appear and the second fourth and sixth character to determine what level the pokemon will appear at so let's use an example so i looked up j-rows and capital letters i would be getting a clefable at 145 a snorlax of 146 and of course m and missingno the reason why they're so popular is that m corresponds to a null character so jarrow's only five letters which is why m would appear and the signal also corresponds to an end of name marker which all our names have now i recognize this is a separate glitch but i'm still counting this as part of number four and that's the item duplication glitch because we always use these glitches together and i want to talk about the other three glitches separately basically when you encounter the signal something really weird happens but it's actually kind of simple to explain the game's trying to do what it normally does when you've seen or caught a pokemon and that's modify your pokedex but it doesn't have a pokedex entry for enter missingno so um it uses your sixth item slot and it adds 128 if that would make it less than 255 and that indicates scene if you actually like would drop two items let's say you had one drop two to make it 127 you can actually catch it and it'll duplicate again by 128. so the game's doing exactly what it should be doing you just shouldn't be encountering this pokemon then again they probably should have not had it so easy to encounter and for yellow this was eliminated at number three we have the glitch that made the glitch magikarp run well possible and that's brock through walls now i've tried looking up exactly why this glitch happens and unfortunately i can't find the information so if someone could fill me in that'd be really helpful but at this point i'm just going to explain sort of what the glitch is and kind of why it works but i don't really know myself basically what the glitch is is by talking to the trainer that's supposed to take us to brock's gym from the right which you're not supposed to do the game can freak out and usually we'll just soft lock meaning the music will play but you'll be locked in place and the game is pretty much like you can't do anything you have to reset but if you have a bulbasaur at level 8 with three moves in the order leech seed tackle and growl and leech seeds pp doesn't matter but tackles is at 16 and growls at 36 you can bypass not just pewter city but you can just walk through walls until you enter a building but yeah this glitch is pretty nuts come on you're walking through walls without a game shark that looks pretty darn cool and that's exactly why it's in the top three now number two we have one of the craziest glitches in red and blue but also one of the best for speedrunning and that's item underflow so we talked about experience underflow and item underflow works kind of the same way basically the way you set up item underflow is by using the item duplication glitch and you want to get exactly 255 of an item 255 is a very interesting property in that it's the property of the cancel button so basically what you're going to want to do is toss items above the new cancel button which is really just another item and the game's going to think you have less items and you can end up swapping items by doing a really kind of weird thing where you toss all but two and swap items together to get the game to think you have negative one items and like with experience underflow the game doesn't like negative numbers so just like it gave you all the experience points it gives you all of the items many of which correspond to vital game data using this glitch you can do a ton of cool things like manipulating what pokemon appear going through walls um warping from map to map it's just the possibilities are endless and i don't even fully understand everything you can do with this glitch the way the glitchy item menu works is that the item names and numbers correspond to different bytes of the game's data and by knowing what you're doing you can just make the game do tons of cool things like in speed runs they make nurse joy revive fossils kinda cool but it's not the most interesting glitch at least in my opinion and finally at number one i felt like i had to put the glitch that let me finally after all these years catch them all and that's trainer fly otherwise known as the mew glitch nobody thought you could really get mew everyone thought these were just myths but no using trainer fly you can not only just get mew but any pokemon in the entire game and a bunch of glitch pokemon basically here's how it works you first need to find a trainer with maximum sight and you need to have a way to escape from them which is why it's called trainer fly but teleport works just fine you teleport away or fly away and the game kind of goes crazy which is a recurring theme in this video the game thinks you're in a trainer battle but it doesn't know what the pokemon is it's looking for data so what you're going to do is give the game the data and that data is going to be read from the special stat of whatever trainer pokemon you fight you actually can fight a wild pokemon afterwards and that wild pokemon can be a ditto so you can manipulate exactly what the special stat is of your opponent then finally head back to the route where you originally flew away and there'll be a pokemon waiting for you like i alluded to earlier the pokemon that appears will be the pokemon whose index number corresponds to the special stat of the pokemon you last fought now index and pokedex numbers are not the same so you might want to look up a useful chart to find out exactly how to get the pokemon you want but you can do even crazier stuff by using growl and modifying their attack downward you actually modify their level so the default level is seven and by using growl six times you can get that precious level one pokemon and hey if you wanna get a perfect pokemon in sun and moon with bottle caps really easy way to do it only warning make sure you have a spare spot in your party the game won't let you withdraw the pokemon it actually will crash but that's all for today's list this has gone on way longer than i thought it would unfortunately there were plenty of other glitches i didn't get to talk about so let me know if you knew about these glitches before and if i got anything wrong i'm not an expert in these glitches but i did try and look them up as best i can but i'd love to learn more and yeah thanks for watching take care
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 745,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Gen 1, Pokemon Generation 1, Pokemon Glitches, Top 10 Pokemon Glitches, Ten 10 Gen 1 Glitches, Red and Blue Glitches, Red Glitch, Blue Glitch, Brock Through Walls, Missingno, Item Underflow, Old Man Glitch, Mew Glitch, Trainer Fly, Exp Underflow, Experience Underflow, Missingno Glitch, Fight Safari Zone Pokemon, Skip Safari Zone
Id: Bf4rpLU6EKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2017
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