Can you Beat MASTER MODE Terraria with only Pre-Hardmode Gear?

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today I'm being to master mode while using exclusively pre- mode gear in other words all of my weapons armor accessories Buffs and mounts must be available before Wall of Flesh so before entering har mode I gathered the best gear available to me for weapons that me the star cannon and knight's Edge however for first boss fight in AR mode I actually won't be using either of these instead as I went with the Phoenix Blaster but why isn't the star Canon just better well yes but it also needs stars and this being Master mode we would need quite a few of them what about the knight's Edge being a melee weapon it doesn't have such restrictions well when you take into account our PR mode defense and Mobility even against Destroyer arguably its best matchup the attempts were not even close so I changed gears and focused on the twins first because I like to keep my distance for this fight using an accurate range weapon like the Phoenix Blaster made the most sense to keep that distance I usually use the inocor mount its horizontal speed allows the player to stay at a safe distance and completely trivialize the fight however as with the rest of the Haro mounts it's off limits fortunately Ely there's still a way to reach comparable speeds while they're a little more restricting mine carts are more than fast enough to keep you at a safe distance from the boss or at least until you need to turn around and now we go now we go up and over I didn't think about this I didn't think about this I you have to be very particular with your timing when you turn around cuz if he's not dashing you can't turn around go go go go I didn't think this through I I think I think we just got to admit to feat with the mine cart as cool as it is it's just not working so I just went with the horse Mount it's a little slower than I like it to be but with some careful maneuvering it might just get the job done I wouldn't be surprised if this was the first time any of you have seen somebody unironically using party bullets in a load out but to my surprise the party bolt is actually optimal here they have the highest base damage out of all PR bullets uh by one damage point but hey that one point of damage really adds up when you can consider just how many shots it's going to take to bring this boss down wa oh my dude the brain is goated I love it goated accessory yes okay go up now uh we we might be able to do that properly actually yeah we can wow okay and yeah let's go dude yes so remember how I said the star cannon wasn't really viable because of the scarce ammo well if I could AFK for the stars that would no longer be an issue with the twins defeated I could do just that I quickly made a house waiting for the steampunker to move in and bought enough conveyor bells to span across the entire world now yes this is definitely a Haro block but I wouldn't say it classifies as gear or part of her Loadout so it's fair game after leaving TR open for a few days and nights I was able to amass over 5,000 fallen stars while AFK farming and yet I I still wasn't confident these would last as such I made my way to the jungle and fished for double cod with it I could make some ammo reservation potions to hopefully cut down on the AFK time and with that we ready for Destroyer which as you can see was no trouble at all for the star cannon oh and by now I'm sure many of you have noticed we have over 400 life thanks to a life force potion which may be confusing because prismite a hard mode fish is clearly a crafting ingredient however life force potions can actually be found in PR mode through Shadow chests located in the Underworld oh and while their supply is certainly Limited in Pre mode I decided to allow myself to use any means of acquiring items provided there's some way to obtain them in prearm mode so the hard mode crafting recipe is above board while we're on the topic of exceptions to the rules I should probably talk about this pickaxe I needed this to get the har mode envil to then craft Mech summons knowing full well that these mechs could take several attempts I couldn't be bothered to do the alternative methods to get the summons as that's not really the point of this challenge like it was in say the no tools video so if you're curious to see see what those methods are and how that works uh feel free to check out the video yeah this is just for convenience with Mech summons don't worry you won't see a whip out any har mode tools against bosses and it's done with just one Mech left I figured we might as well try and get some use out of this Mine Card dra and to my surprise it worked pretty well however I was a little nervous about despawning the boss so near the end I just ditched the track okay I think we fight it normally I think we might use some of this that zombie oh my God you're dead for that one holy one of the big struggles that people often Overlook it's one first thing about this run is the lack of movement options available to the player the absence of wings alone is a huge blow to the player's maneuverability and yeah there's feling wings but those barely count which is why I'm not using them instead I opted for the bundle of balloons unlike the fledging wings this accessory still allowed for solid vertical speed and when paired with the amphibian boots very respectable distance as well and of course for horizontal maneuvering the shield of Kulu will be heavily utilized with some careful play this setup was more than capable of dealing with prime however we had a problem for those saying we had a lifetime supply of fallen stars after two bosses we're down 1,200 so yeah and well the next one wouldn't be any kinder to our star Supply luckily I had the foresight to prepare the pler arena in PR mode because dealing with armo jungle with this loud out didn't sound fun we'll just we'll just star cannons got it star cannons got it okay this is totally fine we can easily Circle here and with the right setup Pont is really not that difficult of a boss fight so even with prar I was feeling really good about this all right phase two until I realized I forgot a vital component of said setup oh the feather fall I miss I cannot believe I actually still forgot something what is wrong with me there's no way I guess I could always do this but that's going to get me killed anyway there goes a few under fallen stars but hey we got the next one did we go down too early we did we went down way too early chat way too early but that's okay or is it so much to dodge oh don't fall down here ah I didn't even see it while planta really shouldn't be this bad I also should not understate this challenge every time we move on to the next boss the hill we have to climb gets steeper and steeper and normally the player can acquire New Gear as they progress through the game to deal with these increasingly difficult challenges in this challenge however we don't have such a luxury even permanent upgrades like the demon heart and life root are ban here so the more you think about it the worse this challenge gets but I wasn't about to give up wow we don't even have to go back up I don't think wow I didn't think we'd have this much DPS we I this should not have taken that many attemps we did it though hey we did it we did it what do we do about Golem do we think there is any possibility where I can beat that in the temple uh no absolutely not ah this is a lot harder than I thought somehow should we try a grav H it's pretty quirky let's try it this might be like actually really good chat we don't know yet we don't know yet I mean hey he doing great right now it's doing great oh right now no no what am I doing get to face two get to face two yeah turns out Golem is brutal in this challenge with his large Health pool high damage output and and the Close Quarters Arena our odds of beating it this way seem slim we just didn't have the sustainability or damage to take up the bots in time while I couldn't do anything about the boss of damage or health I could make a larger Arena so I spent the next hour clearing out a much larger area just outside the temple and after a few more nights of AFK farming we jump back in and I quickly realized it was just a matter of needing more space while it still took a long time and over 1,000 fallen stars I was able to survive long enough to take down the boss with no trouble at all while I could go straight to CST now before that I wanted to try do fish run we don't get anything at all from this fight obviously and we'd be burning tons of ammo but I thought it would be cool for this challenge uh fish rounds might be a really hard fight though I I won't lie this it's going to drag on for a while and uh my Mobility is a lot different than what I usually have oh that's not what I wanted yeah this was going to be difficult we do 200 damage per second to a boss with 100,000 000 Health additionally we die in just two to three hits and with just pre movement options dodging cthulu bubbles sharks and of course fishron was an arduous task come on not cool whoa what happened there I actually got confused I actually got confused we actually got confused by fishon I think that's Happ to be like once prior so after the next few attempts we added in an additional platform and tried out some different movement strategies eventually we started to see some very solid progress while fishron dashes are still relatively short in phase one I found that the combination of the golf cart and shield Dash were very effective at dodging this boss you can drive from one end of the platform to the other balloon up Dash past the boss and head to the other side while also carefully avoiding the sharks with a star cannon just do this for about 5 minutes and you reached phase two this is where things get tricky the longer and faster dashes make it difficult to get away with the same strategies before especially with the more frequent Nat and Bubbles so it was time for the grab pot start heading up and if fun get a little too close be ready to dash to the side once you reach the top trigger the slime out to head back to the bottom the hard part is doing this wall voting the many hazards present in this fight so keeping a mental note of where the NATO are placed goes a long way after a few minutes of this it's time for phase three and theoretically if you make it here you've already won with a shield of cthulu Dash this is definitely the easiest part of the fight however it's also the most tense and thus prone to mistakes which is really bad because with our pre- Aro gear we can't afford too many of those I'm just going to do this I need the hearts oh thank you bra I think I'm dead here yeah because it takes 10 minutes to get here we needed multiple sets of Buffs so quite a lot of downtime between attempts which is unbearable after such a close run but next time I would not make the same mistake one one 2 one 2 3 one one 2 1 oh my God we almost died we almost died now I initially had planned on also doing empress however after seeing how many stars that had cost us I figured we'd just progress to moonl Lord now how do we kill ctist that's going to be hard for no reason that's going to be really hard well it turns out I was wrong it's not really hard just very annoying and tedious cus is a super smaller box and because all the preot Homing weapons are pretty low damage compared to the star cannon we have to manually aim the whole time we can't really Zone it either in this fight because of the Clones but in the end since it wasn't really difficult than thankfully I only had to endure this for one fight although the pillars probably sound Dreadful in this run by employing every cheese technique in the book it wasn't too bad the hardest part was actually taking out the pillar once the shield was down or at least until we realize that you can just shoot it from really far away and not interact with any pillar enemies at all and with that we've made it to Moon Lord the only boss in this run that made me question if it was possible if we wanted any hope in beating this we had to be able to prevent moonl Lord self heal now the question is can I oh that's hard oh jumped into that ah my God one of those clots got by it's cuz the angle we took I guess okay so you can get over you Tim right you can do it that's good no no no no oh my god dude we're getting picked off by the laser so hard right now no oh man I don't know chat I don't know this is so bad I can kind of Dodge things at least while I was starting to get the hang of this and things were looking better it wouldn't for long because the topy is the most health and small damage Windows naturally the hands are going down first which is a problem because the TR eyes ruin me now of course I could stop damaging the hands as they get low however that's not really an option with a star cannon because in order to defeat the clots we have to fire straight through the hands and even if we had some way of popping all through at the same time we'd have to somehow survive for an extended period of time with all three of those on us yeah I'm not going to be able to dodge both there there's no way that's just with one things were looking Grim it looked as though this was was as far as we could push this Challenge and to be honest it was I could not see any way of defeating this boss with just pagar or at least not with an above board method I really didn't want to do it but with no left to turn I embraced the beach boss with enough beach balls active on your world projectiles just fail to spawn we could take this once insurmountable boss and turn it into our armless pet for those unaware Beach bows are classified as a projectile in Terraria and with enough projectiles in your world the game fails to spawn any new ones in moonl Lord's case that prevents just about every attack he has thankfully it prevents the boss's self heal too however there's just one problem this also applies to the player so we can't use our star cannon but the limitations don't stop there if the beach balls count as a projectile you can expect there to be many other unorthodox examples everything but true melee weapons will be rendered ineffective with this cheese the knight's Edge technically spawns a projectile so that's off the table additionally all Spears flails yo-yos and boomerangs don't work either so it's really just a handful of swords that you can use and of those the volcano seem to be our best option how much DPS does our best option do about 100 to a boss that has 277,000 Health we were going to be here for a while as such I figured I should probably go for legendary on the volcano and of course menacing on our accessories after nearly an hour of holding down left click on the boss's hands it was time to go after the top high to damage it I went underneath the Skyland and used slime Mount to reach it with volcano which worked great but it still took about 30 minutes to get it low now you may have noticed that earlier I said it prevents just about every attack that Mard has which is because there's still one thing that can damage us when these true eyes pop they'll deal contact damage and unfortunately they have an attack where they charge towards the player so we need to be extremely careful we're now approaching nearly 2 hours of of fighting this boss I really can't afford to lose here after quickly restocking our Buffs we pop the ice as you can see it's quite easy to evade them but it's not a test of skill it's a test of endurance a third of that health bar remains and we can very rarely get hits in because we have to jump every time to lure the core of the blocks imagine fighting a boss for 2 and 1 half hours straight only to choke just before the end and have to restart the whole thing four hits is all it would take for that to happen all right 50k just about buff are going to be running out soon we only got one life force left but we still got a bunch of iron skin rage bacon so hopefully that is enough to clutch Hey listen listen I bet you never seen somebody fight this boss like this before though say what you want about the game play but hey it's Unique you ain't never seen a 2 and 1 half hour long Mard fight never again either I hope not for your sake I hope not I hope this the last one under two come on one more there we go how long that take I don't know I'll put it on screen ballpark about 3 hours well we had to resort to some unsavory Methods at the tail end we did still be ter Master mode using only preo gear subscribe for more challenges like this one peace
Channel: Gungnir
Views: 470,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gungnir, terraria, pre-hardmode only, Terraria master mode, master mode challenge, can you beat terraria with only pre-hardmode weapons, can you beat terraria with only pre-hardmode gear, Terraria pre-hardmode only
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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