Can I Beat Terraria Master Mode Using Only Summon Weapons?

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terraria's Master mode is a difficulty that requires the utmost skill to complete and Summoner is a class that provides such little protection immense Talent is required now I'm not skilled or talented and sure I've never even attempted Master mode or played as a Summoner but I can already tell you this challenge is going to go flawlessly I enter the world and immediately realize how much harder this is going to be than regular mode world and being restricted to only using Summoner weapons means that in order to make any progress I'll first need to find defense staff so while I explore the world in search of one here's how the challenge is going to go first I can only use whips and Minion summoning weapons there will be zero centry usage in this video second accidents happen so Damage Done by a pickaxe bomb Etc that is not on purpose doesn't mean I failed and finally I have three goals I intend on completing one defeat every boss in mini boss two defeat daytime Empress of light three defeat the moon Lord and the game along with him after an hour of searching through worlds I finally managed to find the finch staff with it now in my possession the journey has officially begun and it goes south almost immediately when I have my first death to a couple of literal bees I think I'm starting to realize why they call this master mode I continued to explore the world but night soon arriv so I frantically begin to set up base camp I died to a zombie and build myself the roomiest of mud Huts throughout the night I expand into a cozy wooden Shack while just letting my Finch staff do all the heavy lifting the night ends and I head right into an ice cave in search of Flink fur which would not only allow me to craft a summon but a piece of Summoner armor as well let's just say I did not make it very far well hey now I know there's a trap there surely I won't fall for it again I finally make it past that Menace of a dart trap and begin the hunt usually finding flines is the hard part and killing them is easy well not anymore Taco is only able to do around two damage per hit and flines have 210 Health meaning it takes nearly two full minutes to kill a single flinx thank goodness I only have to do this two more times I collect enough fur to make the staff and start mining for platinum which I also need I find myself a pair of dun rider boots finish collecting platinum and craft the Flink staff a massive damage upgrade from the finch staff sorry Taco you serve me well buddy I return to the ice caves and force my new pet flinks to turn on its own kind I finished collecting all the fur I need and craft the flinks for coat allowing me to have two minions at a time doubling my damage output I explore the world a bit more in hopes of getting my Beast area to 10% so the zoologist moves in and would you look at that with the zoologist here I can now buy my very first whip I've never really messed with whips but dude this is awesome I spend the next few days mining for platinum and hunting for Life Crystals I make a platinum helmet Platinum pants a diamond toilet and build an arena to fight the King Slime and I have culu on leaving only one thing left on my pre-boss checklist into the horribly hellish jungle I go more death than I care to say later and I have everything I need to make the snap Thorn it's the second best prehard mode whip so it's naturally a huge damage increase I now have everything I need to face the King Slime meaning it's boss time baby I summoned my very first ever Master mode boss ready for the most intense fight of my life I only get hit twice the entire battle I kind of thought this was supposed to be a difficult challenge the King Slime is defeated earning me my very first Relic next up is the I cthulu I summon it in and I immediately get hit I am so sorry that joke is really cornea I'll ride I'll quit it with the eye jokes aside from that initial hit the rest of the fight is really easy and soon enough the eye of cthulu is defeated I start preparing for the brain of cthulu right away I built a basic arena in the Crimson caverns and collect a few more Life Crystals I have no idea how is going to go but I break through Crimson Hearts Awakening the brain of cthulu the fight starts off decently well until the brain teleports and I get knocked back into it within a matter of seconds I'm down to less than one heart of Health I somehow manage to escape and drink a healing potion using my whip I take out the rest of the creepers leaving only the brain left to kill for such a massive mind you think it would be a harder boss but the rest of the fight ends up being a complete joke the whip leaves a targeting Circle icon on the boss that apparently doesn't disappear when the brain itself does letting me always know which three are fake and which one is real a few cracks at the whip later and the brain of cthulu is defeated I craft up a nightmare Pickaxe M some obsidian snag a hell Forge and craft myself a full set of obsidian armor which massively upgrades both my minion and whip damage but that's not the only upgrade I make returning to the depths I drink an Obsidian Skin Potion and mine hellstone I'm able to quickly get enough and make the final prehard mode summon weapon the Imp staff and with all that out of the way it's time to prepare for Skeletron this task would normally be simple except for the fact that the meteorite land directly next to the dungeon causing one of my least favorite enemies in all of Terraria to spawn and since I hate myself instead of just removing the meteorite I suffered through the entire construction of a basic Arena while constantly being harassed by meteor heads I finally finish it Brew up some potions and curs the old man Skeletron awakens and I know I am screwed within seconds Skeletron deals out insanely heavy hits and the meteor heads are out to get me I'm killed before even removing skeleton's hands this is going to suck I make the arena quite a bit bigger but get invaded by goblins before I can give the new Arena a test drive it turns out the Goblin Army is still super easy in master mode so I quickly take care of them meaning that after adding a few sunflowers to the arena it's Skeletron time again attempt two goes infinitely better than before I don't get screwed over by meteor heads and I'm able to destroy both of Skeletron hands barely but it still counts it's blatantly clear at this point that I am not ready for this fight so hoping to fix that I look for and find the goblin tinkerer I buy a pair of rocket boots upgrade them to lightning boots and reforge my weapons already feeling way more confident I curse the old man for the third time the fight starts off rough I take tons of damage right away but by this point I've learned how Master mode Skeletron works I'm able to destroy both of his hands before accidentally dodging right into Skeletron spinning skull yet after a quick heal I'm back in it and soon enough Skeletron is defeated allowing entrance into the dungeon I enter it looking for a few different things the bewitching table which I'm able to quickly grab the alchemy table that I also find easy enough and a crap ton of Bones it takes a few minutes but once I have enough I'm out of there with a handful of Bones I'm able to craft the final prehard mode whip the spinal tap and thanks to the bewitching table I can now have an extra summon I now pretty much have the best summon gear possible pre hard mode so I head right into the jungle to begin Excavating a queen bee Arena unfortunately and also not unfortunately I never get to excavate anything because while trying to cover up the queen bee lava I accidentally break it with my grappling hook despite being completely caught off guard and having hardly any room or preparations I decide I might as well give the fight my best shot with only 60 Health to my name and in complete shock the queen bee is defeated that was insane and quite frankly saved me a lot of time and effort progression wise the deerclops is up next so I build a single platform and spawn him in and since my imps aren't great at hitting moving targets I use my flink's buddies instead I wish there was something interesting to report about this fight but in no time at all the deer clubs is defeated leaving only the Wall of Flesh blocking us from entering hard mode I start getting ready for the fight by building a hellbridge I really don't know how long to build it so I get it to what I think will be long enough then add things like heart lanterns sunflowers and campfires hoping my preparations will be enough I toss the GU voodo doll into the lava simultaneously killing the guide and Awakening my Doom the fight starts off phenomenally I do get hit a couple of times but I'm able to heal it back yet as time goes on things begin to worsen the wall speeds up the amount of lasers increases and the hungry reform I try to hold on to life but I'm bested by the Wall of Flesh before it's even at half Health not knowing how in hell I'm going to defeat that Beast I decided I need to change something about what I'm doing and that thing is my armor while my current obsidian armor provides lots of whip damage I would rather rely on my minions to do the damage so I can concentrate on dodging that's where B armor steps in it has less defense but increases both minion damage and gives me an extra minion slot allowing me to have three minions without any Buffs rather than the two I got with obsidian armor returning to the Jungle I summon in the queen bee on purpose this time time but this fight is no piece of cake I'm on the brink of death the entire battle and just barely managed to defeat our first try second try then I Forge a set of beat armor and sticking with a theme at impulsive honey for extra regen with that I awaken the Wall of Flesh once again my new armor works like a charm I make it through most of the fight relatively unscathed but man this boss gets so chaotic the further and you get I lose everything within a matter of seconds dying with the Wall of Flesh down to only 741 Health remaining that was such a close fight I get into attempt number three using the massive range of the spinal tab I'm able to efficiently kill the hungry while adding my imps do all the damage to the wall itself I continue this pattern of killing the hungry dodging lasers and getting hits off on the wall until after only 2 minutes of battle the mighty wall of flesh is defeated releasing upon the world the spirits of light and dark and throwing me into what I will soon realize to be one of the most grueling and difficult chapters of the story but while I relish the final prehard mode Relic and consume the heart of a demon if you're enjoying the video I would seriously appreciate it if you consider subscribing I have some positively wild projects in the works that I guarantee you won't want to miss now that I'm finally in hard mode I jump right into the hard mode or grind I break a few altars and head for the caves the only reason I'm even doing hard mode ores at all is to make a myal Anvil which I need to make spider armor I mine for a few minutes until I'm able to make an anvil and a pickaxe then return to the mines to collect spider fangs how is this Fair they do so much damage it's ridiculous I die a total of four times before eventually collecting enough spider fangs allowing me to craft my first hard mod weapon and armor set I can now have four minions out at a time without any Buffs and that's when it hits me I completely forgot to buy the pygmy necklace from the witch doctor I finally buy it increasing my Max minions by one but I still don't feel quite ready to take on a boss so while I wait for it to rain so ice gems can spawn I do the following sleep for several days on end oh uh let's just move on to the next one next one next one please build a basic ocean Arena and learn that the blood moon mini bosses are no joke it eventually rains so I rush to snag myself an ice core which I can use to craft my first Cool Whip no I mean it's literally called The Cool Whip It does nearly twice as much damage as the spinal T which I demonstrate on another Frost Golem who kindly drops an ice feather a few minutes of WN farming later and I make myself a pair of frost Wings I'm feeling pretty good about my new equipment so I decide it's about time I fight the queen slime I head into the hallo jungle in hopes of getting a gelatin Crystal instead I die about 100 times to each and every jungle creature I eventually find one and build up an arena on the surface and with not much confidence I awaken the queen of [Music] slimes hoping against hope that this fight was just a fluke I spawn her in again attempt number two goes a bit better but I'm once again dead before she's even at half Health there are just so many random projectiles and enemies thinking that I might not be able to defeat her with the gear I have I find the Shimmer transmute my sorcerer's emblem into a Summoner emblem and while doing some reforging get this message meaning that the twins are rapidly approaching I don't have a proper Arena setup so I try to get to my jungle platform but don't make it in time forcing me to fight the twins in the desert the fight goes about as well as I could have hoped with no preparations and having never fought the master mode twins before I'm able to get greeny past half Health but get burned to a crisp by its flame attack immediately after despite losing the battle I'm surprised with how far I got considering the circumstances so I decided to make a whole array of potions and at my ocean Arena I summon the twins I really wish I could say that this fight went well and the twins were defeated but unfortunately I cannot clearly I don't stand a chance against the twins in my current state so instead I decid to take on the [Music] [Music] Destroyer I have no words to describe what just happened the sheer amount of lasers and probes was like nothing I've ever seen in utter shock I decide that the Destroyer is definitely off the table leaving me with only three options left Skeletron Prime Queen slime or the dread Nautilus deciding I have the most to gain from defeating the dread Nautilus I go for it next I'm able to fish the Nautilus pretty quick but get wrecked even quicker without any more bloody tears to use I turn to the one Avenue I have not yet to go down Skeletron Prime I summon him in and it actually starts off really well I'm able to consistently Dodge his attacks finally I'm going to defeat a boss and make actual progress and then I realize a massive problem my spider minions are doing little to no damage with the way that Skeletron moves and the way I'm forced to dodge my non-flying minions are almost never dealing damage a huge issue for a boss with more than 53,000 health I press on but such a lengthy fight at some point something is bound to go wrong and that thing for me was One Singular harpy after doing a bit of math I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have done enough damage to take him out before day anyways I have now attempted every route of progression and none of them have worked I'm essentially trapped in early hard mode but the feeling of defeat is what finally knocks some gears into place I've been playing the game like it's normal mode small Arenas only a few buff potions and not full tryhard commitment to the boss fights if I really want a chance at success I need to completely change the way I play the game starting with my summon weapon my spider staff doesn't do nearly enough damage so I start a pirate inv kill a Flying Dutchman and get the pirate staff it's unfortunately not a flying summon but it does have a higher base damage next if I'm going to be playing the game differently I got to look cool doing it oh and this doesn't really have anything to do with playing the game differently but I randomly get my first hallowed key out of nowhere getting back on track my queen slime aren is in desperate need of a makeover so I more than double the platform's length cover the entire thinking heart lanterns and campfires as well as two heart statues and some honey pools finally to make the transition into the master mode mindset final I create an artificial corruption biome so I can fish for eban Koy to make wrath potions I have done it I'm finally playing like I'm in master mode I'm ready to take on the Queen's slime yet again but of course not before getting my second and definitely not last hallowed key I use a gelatin Crystal and the queen slime awakens something really must have changed my mind because this fight goes so much better than before I'm able to actually Dodge most of her attacks while dealing out semi-consistent damage unfortunately however I make a fatal mistake that traps me and tears off most of my health inevitably I fall to the Queen's slime once more but I was close the queen slime was down to less than 4,000 Health this is a very doable fight so I spawn her in again and just like last time the fight starts off great I get her down to 3/4 Health without getting hit once she makes it to phase two and things get really dicey when she was in her first phase she took damage at a pretty quick rate but during her second phase she's constantly in the air where my Pirates can't hit her slowing down the fight substantially I continue fighting for every extra second of Life playing harder than I ever have and finally after 10 full hours of making zero progress the great and gelatinous queen slime is defeated I immediately open her treasure bag and inside find the blade staff exactly what I was looking for it does so much more damage than the dang flightless Pirates things are looking up literally because it's about time I show those wretched twins who's boss I use a mechanical eye Awakening the twins the fight is a piece of cake I'm not only doing tons more damage but I also decided to wear a platinum helmet which more than doubles my defense I Target greny to start and destroy him pretty easily leaving only red the far easier of the two and in only a matter of moments my once great enemies are defeated using my new hello bars that make the dur doll a not too shabby upgrade I do also craft the optic staff but it sucks real hard so I never end up using it continuing on my boss rcking Rampage I change out part of the Arena to Asphalt and summon in Skeletron Prime but apparently it did not go well as all I wrote in my notes about this fight was oh jez please don't show this fight and although I should probably listen to that advice here's the clip end [Music] anyways well that was hard to watch in an attempt to distance myself from that train wreck I changed direction to taking on the laser Lord himself I do so much freaking damage the blade staff ignores immunity frames so I'm able to consistently get more than 1,000 damage per second hitting even higher numbers in the 2000s range but that doesn't mean the fight was easy there are still a ton of lasers and probes keeping me decently low the entire fight yet as the fight progresses it does get easier and easier and the destroyer of worlds is defeated which brings me right back to Skeletron Prime it starts off pretty well until I get knocked into Skeletron spinning skull taking off the majority of my health I amazingly enough make it out alive and ever so slowly heal it all back but of course terrari just has to throw a wrench into the mix I now have to simultaneously Dodge Skeletron five appendages and maneuver around a 30ft dragon I somehow some way managed to take out the wyvern and can focus on Skeletron again and with a completely full health bar the final mechanical boss is defeated with planta being the next boss I plan on dueling I figure I might as well get something extremely grindy out of the way I want the desert key so that once planta is defeated I can immediately get the desert tiger staff with all that now explained I'd like to formally welcome you to the rather quenched show starring rather quenched I woke up this morning knowing that today was the day I was going to farm until I got that blasted key I arrive at the desert and start slaughtering the innocent I continued this for half an hour when bam well tickle me pink that isn't the key I've been looking for and besides how in tarnations did I get a jungle key that makes about as much sense as a screen door on a submarine in hopes of appeasing the desert Gods I changed my outfit then then get right back to it well would you look at that after a mere hour and a half of murdering the long sought after key finally drops well ain't that neat okay then moving on there's nothing left standing in the way of fighting planta so I head to the jungle and start Excavating an arena it goes horribly I started dying so much that I even took the time to set up a hollowed pylon for easy access after countless deaths I finish the arena and decide it's time I break a bulb Awakening planta the steamiest of terraria's Boss it's an incredibly easy fight if I just circle her I'm practically Untouchable this might just be a one attempt kind of deal oh boy I could not have been further from the truth planta enters Phase 2 and Chaos Breaks Loose I hold out for as long as I can but after only a few seconds it's over knowing that I just about have the best equipment for this stage of the game I go right in for attempt number two I break her bulb and just like before her first phase goes off without a hitch then comes her second phase but this time I'm ready for the madness I'm able to actually Dodge her pretty well and as her health wains my confidence gains soon enough she's down to 20,000 Health 10,000 1,000 health I'm so close and yet so far with only 1,81 Health remaining I die once more to planta if only I could have survived another 2 seconds I would have won while attempt two didn't go quite according to plan it did let me know that this is a winnable battle so after increasing the size of the Arena I go in for attempt number three then four then five at this point I'm furious I was so close on my second attempt and have only been getting worse ever since why is this fight so difficult then for the sixth time I awaken my greatest opponent SL lover but whatever I make it to phase 2 and I'm actually making progress the fight is going well for ones and finally after five failed attempts planta is defe 47 I was 407 Health away from beating the mighty planta I do do over 500 damage per second meaning that if I could have survived for even 1 second longer I would have been free from this seemingly impossible task now clearly knowing that every bit of damage counts I decided an inferno potion might just be worth making so after lava fishing for a while and topping off my other potions I head to my planta arena for what I hope to be the very last time and finally the Great and Mighty planta is defeated rewarding me with a temple key and my most prized Relic yet with planta gone once and for all I can now purchase a set of tiki armor and a Hercules beetle from the witch doctor as well as unlock the desert chest I make my way into the post plara dungeon drink a spelunker potion and after only a few minutes of searching find the sacred desert chest I unlock it and grab the desert tiger staff man it is awesome I'm able to deal over 1,000 damage per second unfortunately my time in the dungeon isn't over yet Morning Star is my next whip upgrade so I set up a mini dungeon Farm after only a few minutes and a couple deaths the Morning Star is mine it's a ridiculously massive damage boost and thank goodness I got it when I did because the first postplan Terra solar eclipse begins it turns out to be a pretty standard event pin heads do an unfair amount of damage mothron is super easy and I get my hands on a deadly sphere staff which I now consider to be the third best summon in the game I tend to still use a desert tiger staff for tight environments but if I'm in the open it's the deadly spear staff all the way I'm basically at the end of Summoner progression so I decided to take on one of the final events that will actually upgrade my gear that being the Pumpkin Moon I use The Medallion and get ready for my favorite event ever I make it all the way to wave 10 deathless as well as defeat both a Morningwood and a pump King the event ends and I find a NEC romantic scroll on the battlefield I craft the Papyrus scroll and finally receive the advancement you and what army I still need a few things from the Pumpkin Moon so I start it yet again and only a few waves in yet another gosh dang hallowed key drops what am I supposed to do with three hallowed Keys the event ends but I'm still a couple of spooky wood short and spooky wood is one of the main reasons I'm doing the pumpkin moons at all as I wait for night to do the event again a fourth freaking hallowed key drops from a slime one Pumpkin Moon later and I finally have enough spooky wood to forge my final set of armor which provides me with a grand total of 30 defense only five more than molten armor despite the absurdly low defense I'm as geared up as I possibly can be right now so it's time to take on the Golem I make my way into the jungle temple and being the pro that I am make it all the way through without so much as setting off a single trap trap I build a Bare Bones Arena collect my second jungle key and summon in the Golem I'm using my deadly sphere staff for the fight and I'm able to do tons of damage unfortunately however so is the Golem there are quite a few close calls but as per usual it's not too bad and the Golem is defeated moving swiftly on the next boss on my list is Duke fishron but I'm honestly a little bit scared of that fight so I'm returning to boring old events wow look I'm doing a frost Moon so cool it takes a few tries but I'm able to take out all three mini bosses the next event I'm going to be getting out of the way is the old On's Army I place the crystal beginning The Invasion I get absolutely destroyed not even making it to a for Guess that one's going to have to be a future me problem still going on my event stint I start the Martian Madness I genuinely don't understand how on Mars This is a fair fight every single enemy does so much damage and that's just the tip of the crater the pure lud dioc of the Martian saucer third phase is out of this world seriously how am I supposed to survive an attack that does all bit 80 of my health I unfortunately don't end up being able to to destroy a saucer so I add the marsh Madness to Future me's plate not being able to put it off any longer I changed my outfit collect a few truffle worms and fish out the Duke this has always been one of my favorite boss fights and somehow in master mode it's even better I'm making my way through his first two phases and R at Phase 3 which is something I've never had to deal with it is terrifying I honestly didn't expect to make it that far in my first attempt so without any hesitation I summon in dukon again I make it to phase and I'm positively rocking it until I make a fatal error and die with the Duke down to only 656 Health remaining no not again please not again with the fear of another plant teror situation I find the source of my inability to defeat dukon which is clearly my outfit it's completely throwing off my vibe so I harness my inner Rune Wizard and change into this positively fire new getup knowing now with 100% certainty I can win I return to the Sea and see that the Duke is reawakened I dodged my way into his final form having only been hit twice but the unpr predictability of Duke Run's attacks wears down my health yet in a moment of pure awesomeness Duke fishron is defeated I get the Tempest staff but after a quick test on planta I deem it to be utter garbage only three bosses now Remain the Empress of light being next on The Hit List this would normally be great news as she's my favorite boss but alas I have foolishly decided to take on Master mode Summoner only pre-moon Lord daytime Empress of light what is wrong with me I have never beaten daytime Empress before so this is very obviously going to be quite the challenge meaning I have a lot of prep to do I build a set of beach homes get master ninja gear change into my final and greatest outfit get all my accessories in order mostly and spend a few hours collecting tons of Prismatic lace wings and just like that I'm ready to begin what will surely be an excruciatingly long journey to defeat one of terraria's hardest bosses without getting hit a single time so without further Ado daytime Empress of light attempt number [Music] one what a truly incredible start on to attempt number [Music] two by attempt number 20 I'm starting to get her a text down and make it to phase two for a second at [Music] least by attempt 50 I'm able to consistently make it to our second phase I make zero progress from attempt 56 all the way until I get a new PB on attempt [Music] 121 [Music] by attempt 15 I've gotten the empress's second phase attack pattern down now it's just a matter of doing it three times in a [Music] row after over 12 hours of work 207 failed attempts and more empty Dr Pepper can than I care to reveal the almighty daytime Empress of light is defeated rewarding me with the best summon weapon in all of Terraria the Terra Prisma I not only spent a full day on the empress but in between battles quite a few Shenanigans took place so I figure it's about time we get you back up to speed in hopes of getting the Zeno staff I started another Martian Madness between fights and this time I actually managed to kill a martian saucer unfortunately no staff another thing that happened is with how many attempts I was doing each day I was forced to stay up each night to click Prismatic lace wings and randomly during one of those nights my fifth hallow key is dropped then only a few nights later I somehow get not one not two but three hallowed keys in a single night sometimes I am genuinely scared of how lucky I am back in the present I still want the Kaleidoscope from the empress so I spawn her in for the 209th time I'm able to kill her without taking any damage and the fight is extremely quick thanks to my new Buddies she drops the Kaleidoscope meaning that I've officially gotten the best Summoner gear pre Moon Lord after such a mad chain of events I keep the progress coming by summoning in the Old One's Army once again waves 1 through six are super easy with my gear and soon enough the final wave approaches it is absolute chaos I'm not only trying to kill a dragon but I'm also trying to keep the crystal alive long enough for me to take Betsy out it's an extremely close call but bets's defeated and I immediately die finally earning myself the Victory and fully completing my mini boss Relic room with that complete I have now finished everything I want to before beating the game so it's time to get ready to face terraria's final boss Moon Lord I'm coming for you bro to start I built a giant skybridge complete with tons of buff blocks and a decimated Sky Island next I brew up a bunch of potions for the cultist the pillars and for the moonlord himself and not knowing at all how the final chapter of the story is going to go I summon the lunatic cultist even in master mode this is a pretty simple fight and quick Pro tip if you have a hard time identifying the real cultist fight them at night it makes it way easier to tell the difference but in no time at all the cultist is defeated bringing chaos down with going left to right the solar pillar is up first why is everybody always saying that the solar pillar sucks because I complete the entire thing without dying a single time and officially deem it the second easiest pillar now onto the nebula event unlike the solar pillar this one is rightfully labeled as a harder pillar I die a few times and rank it as the hardest Celestial pillar The Vortex pillar is next and is a complete joke it's so ridiculously easy that all you need to beat it is six blocks the enemies spawn right above you making it really simple and quick to complete this is by far the easiest pillar and last but certainly not least after making sure all my items and Equipment are in order I take on the Stardust pillar I do die a few times and would rank this pillar is the second hardest and once it's destroyed impending doom approaches I frantically Brew up a few super healing potions book it to the moonl Lord platform and wait I'm terrified What if after all this time the moon Lord is too difficult what if I simply don't have what it takes to beat Master mode after what feels like hours of waiting the great and inevitable Moon Lord awakens [Music] spe [Music] while I obviously wish I could have won the fight on my first try part of me is glad that Terraria has won final challenge for me I make a Celestial sigil and once again awaken the moon Lord in a matter of moments the hands are destroyed yet after dodging a fantasmal death ray I get caught in the low gravity of space taking several devastating hits sealing my fate getting right back into it I summon him for a third time after so many failed attempts I have completely run out of pillar fragments so guess who gets to do the pillars again yay now this video is already really long so I'm going to rush through all the pillars in less than 10 seconds starting now the solar pillar is the easiest thing ever I literally don't get hit a single time y'all are just bad I die once to the nebula event but it really isn't very tough and during both the Stardust and Vortex pillars I don't die at all with all the pillars gone impending doom approaches once more but instead of using the sky bridge I decide to use my Empress platform which I quickly learned to be the right choice I'm able to maneuver so much better it almost feels like cheating that is at least until I get absolutely slaughtered it's at this point I pause to think about what I can change to give me the upper hand against the moon Lord I look at my armor my weapons my accessories and then my defense I have every single one of my accessories reforged to either warding or armored giving me a total of 60 defense yet it's undeniable that it's not helping me very much against the moon Lord's powerful attacks and that's when it finally hits me it doesn't matter how much defense I have if I get hit by the moon lord it's going to do a lot of damage no matter what if I want to emerge Victorious I just need to get hit less with that in mind I reforge all my accessories to either menacing or angry it's honestly terrifying how much damage I do and for those curious here's my final Loadout I use a Celestial sigil letting the mighty Moon Lord know that his impending doom approaches [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] I place my final Relic upon its Mount and look back on just how far we've come and finally in a world now free from Evil free from chaos and free from the clutches of its many now defeated tyrants I crack my whip for the final time and leave the world fulfilled making this video was some of the most fun I've ever had playing Terraria and I have you guys to thank for it y'all make the 75 hours of recording days of scripting and weeks of editing possible by watching these videos so seriously thank you I have some wacky projects in the work so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss them I promise it won't take nearly as long this time with all that said thanks again for watching have an absolutely wonderful day and see [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Rather Quenched
Views: 2,481,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XVnJJYa-7kA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 48sec (2088 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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