3DS Terraria is BROKEN (in the best way possible)

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I played terrer for the first time on Console nearly a decade ago my first memories of the game included unique content like dragon armor and oam content that was lost to time after 1.3 came to console unfortunately I never got around to trying out mobile exclusive content like turquo or lepus before the platform updated but what if there was a way to relive my first memories of the game while also trying out the mobile content I never got to experience well look no further than Terraria for the 3DS now unfortunately this means I have to play Terraria on the 3DS but hey how bad could it be to get the true 3DS experience I grabbed the game off the eShop before it went down back in March of this year which means this is being recorded straight from the 3DS so you'll have to forgive me if the video looks rather scuffed anyways you start by creating your character just like any other version of serraria the first big difference is when you get to world creation there's no expert or Master mode yet so we're stuck on normal you also can't choose the world evil your only options are normal or expanded world and I know how crazy this is going to sound but after briefly trying out the controls the game felt really good it makes great use of the two screens you get this cool build mode the inventory works well and you can utilize both the touchscreen and your typical controller layout right out the gate I much prefer this to mobile which was a welcom surprise after using the build mode to create some houses we were off to mine which is when it became painfully obvious that there was no quick select button for torches something that I heavily rely upon that being said we seem to have a Bargain Bin shine potion permanently active on our character so I suppose it could be worse who look at this I forgot the houses were like this look how scuffed the houses were back in the day oh we can get Water Bolt wait wait wait wait wait we got to go the other way back in the day one of the best ways to Kickstart your playthrough was the rush dungeon for the Water Bolt if you got lucky you could find it above the dungeon guardian spawn unfortunately we saw no such fck oh yep however there were several ways to sequence break in these older versions I was debating fishing up the Reaver shark which pre 1.4 could mine hellstone but I didn't really feel like fishing so instead we set our sights on acquiring some meteorite which is as easy as destroying one Shadow orb no world eval boss kill required oh meteorite wait that's huge oh did we just skip to we just skipped a space gun and before long we're able to craft meteor armor and a space gun after which we found our first gamebreaking xplay okay I want to try this so apparently potion sickness goes down if you're in your inventory unlike the new versions of Terraria when you go in your inventory on the 3DS a separate menu obscures the screen and the game pauses so you don't die while you can't see what's going on which would be totally fine if everything paused if you have enough potions you can't die in this game and with that in mind I figured there was no reason not to just rush some bosses I spent some time searching for an eye summon but couldn't find one so instead I got started on a Skeletron Arena which was way more annoying than it should have been okay this is really annoying to build I guess I'll have to do this this make it easier it's so annoying cuz you don't you can't go too far down oh my God I guess I have to do this I can't move and do it at the same time so we have a torch I'm going to try and place it oh my God that's so bad ew oh I guess we're doing the eye maybe we can do both if we have enough time for Skeletron we should it should die quick all right here we go oh his blue text for is awoken all right so this is going to be very easy oh okay so this is uh oh no I can't wait oh no chat I can't grapple away cuz I'm targeting the boss the grapple goes towards the boss okay that's very annoying that is extremely annoying our movement would have been so clean had that not been a thing okay uh let's do both there's going to be no skulls right oh look how how little Health it has it's been way too long since I played oh and look how slow it is too oh my God yeah no skulls super super slow if I somehow lose this I have to retire I don't know why I buff this all right I'm no longer worried about this playthrough at least until like post Mech probably well maybe even mechs maybe even twins would be hard but with Skelly out of the way we could enter the dungeon an area that was very annoying with 3DS controls luckily I didn't have to stay long because all we needed was a shadow key and the Cobalt Shield which by the way looks super different in this version after exploring the dungeon I defeated the brain with no trouble at all and acquire the deathbringer pickaxe to use for our elevator normally you'd head down to Hell anyways after Skeletron but in this version there are two extra reasons the first of which is the draxx Yes you heard me correctly the post all Mech boss's drill no this is not a ner verion for some reason this just exists pre mode in Shadow chests so how does this affect her playthrough well in pre- mode this thing just casually does double the damage of our Mirza and in hard mode once the chlorop fight spawns we can mine it immediately which means we can get turtle armor and a shopo preex and again this is all in normal mode the second reason I came down here was for the shanga this is or I guess was a mobal exclusive and an almost equally broken item by combining two molten Furies and somewh elstone you get a bow with higher base damage and the ability to transform normal arrows into spectral arrows 16 base damage arrows that apply the cursed Inferno debuff with this in our Loadout it made much more sense to focus on Ranger so I spent a bit of time farming in the dungeon for the NEC armor it was during this farming session when twitch chat informed me of heart arrows heart arrows are now 3DS exclusive content since mile moved out to 1.3 additionally they are only available in February for the Valentine's Day event and across all the versions and updates of ter that I've played they are without a doubt the most broken item I have ever come across but you'll see what I mean a little later in the video for now it's time for a different seasonal event on the 3DS and this time it's Thanksgiving now at the time of recording this it was well before November however we can circumvent this issue by simply changing our system time to the correct money with that out of the way the merchant would now sell the summon for turkor an old mobile exclusive boss okay oh what the hell I've seen the fight I didn't whoa this thing is crazy wait what do you do here I'm so dead what this thing's cracked I'm going have to do a little cheese chat how far can it reach wait I don't think I can go this far oh it despawned that's hard there's no way I'm beating that but yeah it feels like it feels like a arm mod boss like you I would need much better maneuverability to effectively Dodge some sort of Dash cuz holy that's fast and the range on it crazy too so we were going to bring out the big guns for this next one there it is look at that The Holy Hand Grenade dude oh my God by combining five Dynamite some gold bars and some bottled water you get the highest base damage item across all iterations of Terraria okay it's just kind of chilling and I'm okay with this I don't like when it goes over top that's so scary that's so fast holy I think I have to preemptively move I don't even know if I can like react and move in time all right that's that's one I think that's one I think I go for it I think I go for it holy hand grenade wait for it that's so funny dude oh my God that is awesome let's go hell yeah horn a planty dude look how broken this is restore 120 life it's not consumable we have infinite healing truly infinite healing right now it's so broken also look how fat that blast radius was that is insane all of all all of that dude why am I actually enjoying the 3DS version of this game I I don't get it this is supposed to be oh super painful like worst way to play funny video but it's genuinely like good there's all these goofy things uh you know what I think I will take this no oh my God that bug is so dumb I've lost so many potions this was another game-breaking bug but not in the good way in 30s Terraria you can hover over usable items like potions in your inventory go back and they'll be on this pseudo quick select menu this saves you from having to transfer the Buffs to your hot bar every time you want to use them but every now and then the item will just get erased from existence as you can imagine this is incredibly annoying and it seemly happens at random so if you try this version out for yourself do be careful of that all right chat what do you think the odds are that we can do queen be like right now why are there two why are there three can I put a campfire down at least we should we should like kind of do something especially if there's going to be multiple I don't think it'll let us do multiple but we should probably be somewhat prepared I think we must have oh I was why why did I grapple oh you you can spawn more than one you can spawn more than one I feel like there's no way we can kill three not with the Rocka boots time to fight three queen bees easy right chat holy they do so much well actually not that much but like considering there's three of them that's a lot that's a lot of damage oh and there's going to be so many bees too I love how you can just spawn multiple that's kind of evil like for a normal playr you're just doing your thing and you know when you accidentally spawn queen bee imagine accidentally spawning like multiple like damn okay that's one good thing we got the shanga though so broken armad Drax the last one there we go got him got him easy with queen bee out of the way I figure it was about time to hop back in that time machine so if we talk to you hard arrows so these only do four range damage but it stuns now before we try them out on leas the Easter boss I needed to get the molden bow because the shanga will just convert these to spectral let's do this Gamers we win these free all right so we have we have the hard arrows it should stun it yeah look I just can't move wait is this just a stun log that's so broken okay I'll stop using these in like a little bit but it's also very funny we're putting those away we're putting those away I wouldn't realize it for a while but this was a huge mistake all right pretty easy so far is that egg going to blow up that looks like it's going to blow up oh uh this is awkward oh wait what oh no I see I see okay why is there one down there dude oh no so they all have the same Health please tell me they at least don't have the same Health Oh wrong bow uh this might be GG chat this might be GG I'm starting to think that we should have used the hard arrows I'm not at risk of dying I'm at risk of just getting overrun by too many bunnies to kill I'll run out of arrows like I don't think I'll die as soon as you let the first one spawn it's just GG especially when it doesn't destroy I think I just lost as soon as I let one spawn in oh that's a fun fight though that's funny and even after realizing how the fight works it was still tricky to keep track of all the eggs how much health does this thing have it's got quite a lot we're doing lots of damage but that health bar is not really moving that much wait what oh oh no so after several minutes of frustration I said enough is enough okay you know what I'm just going to stun lock it so I don't know if it can even do anything now I think it just straight up can't who thought this was a good I mean to be fair it's a one one day event but still oh my god oh and by the way this boss has a 1% chance to drop three Souls of Might why what you see with three souls of might in prearm mode you can't actually do anything they're all hard mode recipes so just for fun I guess could be wrong about this but I think we don't even have to build an arena for wall flash because of how broken this is like I bet you we could just sit there and and just shoot it wait genius idea throw down holy hand grenades stun it with the hard arrows and then GG so again take on hungry step one and once that that happens I think we're good I guess the blasts would probably take them out as well um okay we're going to do it so we swap this on very important we switch to this bow we target the mouth so now it's stunned so we throw one of those and we stun it please hit yes okay okay I'm going to do this again and then stun it and then freeze that worked way too good that sound effect dude it's so funny it's so funny dude with wild Fletch defeated we could put our Drax to use and Skip straight to chlorified gear I then made a quick farm for turtle shells and ended up also getting an Uzi which was pretty cool too as if we couldn't get more broken we Gathering some chlorop FY I noticed that life Fruit was already spawning wait what life ruit okay we have not killed any mechs still but that's a thing awesome so with our 71 defense shopo and some life Fruit we started taking on the me and use that okay wait is this hard arrows did that just do four damage to me please tell me I I saw that wrong okay so the hard arrows do absolutely nothing ow okay we're actually taking damage we're actually taking kind of a lot of damage wait wait also how do holy arrows work these are not working how I thought they did am I going to lose to Destroyer like what dude I thought that' be this would be so free but for some Unholy reason the probes hit so hard like the probes hit harder than or just as destroy face like why is that a thing who did that how much contact damage we take we take up with six actually maybe I just do this yeah we just do this cuz that'll protect us from the probes yeah I think that's our best Strat cuz the probes just do too much but the contact damage is [Laughter] nothing I mean there we go we did it all right we did it everything's okay which actually I'm curious to see what would happen if we just hard Arrow say spazmatism like how does what happens then all right so if we just hit spaz there okay maybe we can prevent it from transforming you guys think yes you can it's trying to transform right now see how it's spinning oh my god dude I'm dying that's so broken okay I'm not going to waste any more arrows on this cuz we totally have it and it should be just about dead there it is I think we're ready to just get in here now we just do this damn we've already done so much damage and it is oh my goodness jungle grows restless chat we've done it I don't know what it has to load here it isn't it just planta bulbs being able to spawn all right so now we just got to find the plant Bal and then we see if we can just do kind of do what just did again but a planta like just turbo cheese it and call it a day okay it's begun chat it has begun wait wait wait I got to like get back though cuz I can't be right close to it for Phase 2 transformation now I of course could have done this normally but I was feeling really lazy and didn't want to make a proper Arena also for some reason in this version of Terraria one Dynamite costs one gold and 50 silver and since that's usually how I clear out these Arenas I figured I'd just do the cheese that that should be yep mhm there we go good fight so yeah back in the day for those who didn't know there used to be key molds uh nowadays you just get the key and then once plant a is defeated you can open it used to need a temple key The Souls of fright might and sight plus the Key Mold to make the key I'm still not quite sure what happened to here because the biome chest is supposedly guaranteed to spawn on your worlds but I just couldn't find the Crimson chest in her dungeon in fact I couldn't find any biome chests so I made a new world this wasn't that big of a deal however as we actually need to do this anyway before we can fight oakam because for some absurd reason you needed specifically Adam anti bars to craft the suspicious looking skull oakam bossome and of course ours had titanium as you may recall we get next to no options when creating a new world so we just had to hope we got a crimson which unfortunately we did not however there was still a chance for some Adamantite so I dug down to Hell waited until a Voodoo Demon spawned killed wild flesh and checked up the hard mode or okay cross your fingers chat if this is not Adamantite we got to do another one it is not Adamantite okay we have padium we have oh is it are they they're sets of three right we already know we got it no they are not no they are not what the hell that's three okay here we go here we go here we go we have padium we have me and you guys ready for Adam ante bro bro bro bro bro we did get Crimson though so I quickly got the Vampire eyes before moving on to the next World now I'm cutting through all this so it may not seem that bad but again let me reiterate that every single time we want to check the ores we have to first kill wild flesh because the altars cannot be destroyed until you do so so we have to repeat this tedious process of going down to Hell grinding a Voodoo Demon and killing wall every time before we can check the ores it does exist right like it does it does does exists that you can get at a Manti cuz like right now I I I'm starting to think maybe maybe not that's what is that six seven times in a row we've gotten titanium and if you only had to do it a couple times until you win the coin flip fair enough but when that coin refuses to land your favor it gets rather frustrating and Adamantite dude dude are we sure it exists are we sure cuz right now it ain't looking like it the desperation was so bad that I even tried to reset my game to right before I destroy the Alters to see if the results would change which of course did not work okay we have Cobalt or Calum wait hold these are new dude goated in the end it took nearly 2 hours to find a world without atite but with that we could get all the necessary ingredients for the O cramp summon which of course just had to be incredibly annoying to craft as well now in order to get this skull we need five Souls of light five Souls of Night two why two Mech eyes bro that's so annoying so painful so painful and with that we can get our suspicious looking skull finally dude okay's awoken oh hi oh right yeah he's got lasers and then little servant things so yeah it's like brain it's like Haro brain kind of looks really funky too I don't know when you're supposed to fight this thing to be honest cuz I mean even even without vampire knives like how much damage would be we be taking right now okay that it does a decent amount of contact second phase bullet H wait there's a phase two oh there's a phase two oh yeah right right yeah pares are so broken like I don't actually have to move here I don't think so back in the day on Console versions of Terraria they were three post oam sets that the player could obtain Dragon Titan and Spectral armor and just like with everything to do with okram they were ridiculously tedious to obtain to mildly help with grind upon defeat okam is a one in three chance to drop on armor piece from one of the sets since I'm looking specifically for dragon armor I will then have to hit another one and three chance again to get a dragon armor drop combine that with how difficult the summon is to obtain and this method of farming didn't seem too practical or at least not initially like we could we could spawn this again but it takes 10 out of Manti bars the only way that would be worth is if we got a dragon piece wait did I see something no why couldn't you be the other one don't get it just reload dude you're so smart dude you're so smart oh don't save don't save close close dude thank you this is a dragon or drop this actually is this actually is it I can see the future yes it actually was That's The Mask honestly the one I wanted to see the least but I will take it all right we're H for the the chest piece but the legs would be amazing too and nine oams later we got our griefs that's um yes we got the boots that was the first drop yes we did it okay with just one of our piece left even with the reload idea it didn't seem worth it but I needed mythal because again the recipe calls for very specific hard mode ores and with no Shimmer in this update to swap these hard mode ores I had to again make a new world fortunately this time it only took one try we did it this is huge but here we go Dragon breastplate so we lose a few points of Defense okay let's take this off replaced damn dude look at the drip darkam mode oh we're so cool now we're so cool now okay but here's the thing I kind of should should probably get the toiri thing I think that's all we need oh and then s a light but that's probably already on us all right so I can get upgraded there it is it does look pretty sick 67 damage actually pretty good we upgraded holy the speed on that holy wait that's pretty quick I think that's cuz of our dragon armor what is you guys see that under my character when I'm anyways let's go I go him check out this damage right now that're about to do check out this damage it's it's doing something I mean yeah this is before the G Buffs but it's it's pretty good it's pretty good don't don't look though don't look at what's happening right now this this weapon doesn't exist this one doesn't count and look look that was all with the toiri so strong such a strong weapon glad we got that yeah it's just it's just fishron that's all that's left which I am very very scared of fishron is usually my favorite fight but that's only when I feel as though I have good control over my character and while the 3DS has played much better than I thought it would fishron would really put these controls to the test here we go chat the final fight and you guys will see why wait I just duped the iron skin you guys see that either I had two iron skins but I'm pretty sure I didn't or I duped it cuz I just buffed with it it's down there on the bottom left we still have it anyways let's go there we go please no bug please spawn it does okay holy that did a lot okay the these wings are kind of crazy though I I'm a little scary for phase two phase two seems very scary but yeah and I never got ninja gear which is you know probably a mistake you could say but uh we'll figure it out we'll live why is that iron skin depleting so fast what what happened to that iron skin compare look compared to the regen we sit it at the same time uhoh oh no wait this is hard wait this is actually kind of hard okay wait we still have it though so we can just use it again dude I got infinite iron skins it's buged for some reason I have infinite iron skin it's not using it just like that okay we're going to oh get hit by the shark but that's okay that's a okay oh my God that did so much if I get below half we got to pull out then you know what oh scary so scary it's got to be close to dying though it's got to be close it's got to be close we have this we win these I swear it's dead dude I swear it's dead my health bar you guys see that okay we're going to sit here for a bit that was bad positioning on my part so what we're going to do is we're going to go back heal and then come back in here and not mess up so like that boom now Duke fish Ron's about to hit us which is very scary that is extremely scary so hopefully we can get a heal off before that happens okay ready it didn't work oh cuz it's not on this oh that was so bad we might be dead how much health did the boss have can I think I can kill it quickly it's got to be so low I just need to get out of here but we're in such a bad spot here that's selected oh that's the wrong button we're so dead I think the Sharks on their way too all right I'm just going to go yep turns out this is pretty tricky to do optimally Under Pressure I probably should have just used the cross necklace because then even with the Miss inputs we would have had plenty of time to get the heal off but hindsight is 2020s so it was back to the mushroom biome for me and to make matters worse this is well before the made truffle worms more common so I wouldn't get back to this fight for another 30 minutes something I haven't really emphasized enough in this video is just how much The Limited Vision impacts the game especially with such a fast hard hitting boss now it certainly doesn't help that I was too lazy to grind for the ninja gear but I mean this is normal mode I would even need the gear to take out vishon if this was PC oh I didn't think that would be here okay well we might be dead yeah well uh that's that's how that goes oh big damage here big damage here big damage here huge damage okay we'll stay in the top row stay in the top row tell now it's almost dead almost got him a little more go left and we'll drop now and we got him and it's so free and it's it was so free it was so free GG's we did it 3D completed like honestly pretty fun actually really cool and absolutely worth a play through not even just for oh hey it's got all this cool stuff that you either have a never seen before or haven't seen in a very long time but it's also it just kind of works good it it works pretty well it's definitely no PC Terraria but it's for what it is it's pretty sick so yeah that was 3DS Terraria thanks for watching subscribe for more videos peace
Channel: Gungnir
Views: 698,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gungnir, terraria, 3DS Terraria, Terraria on the 3DS is broken, Is 3DS Terraria good, Heart arrows, holy hand grenade, sharanga, infinite healing glitch terraria, terraria bugs, terraria glitches
Id: jLzBVgxTbC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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