Can You Beat Halo Infinite Tank Only Challenge - Halo Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Daehock 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
oh [ __ ] right let me blow this bad boy up right one shot and that chip is very wobbly two shots and it just disappears sorry did they not have an animation for the ship crashing it just turned into dust what the heck was that ah halo a competitive shooter set in a world where the greatest universe ending threat is none other than a fungus that was probably created by some alien dude leaving a cheese toasty on the sideboard for too long now of course as this is a competitive game you would imagine that it is of course perfectly balanced and has no bugs glitches or exploits for us to abuse and to the developers merit they have done a decent job in making a fun game the only issue is that one poor intern has cut a design corner or two and created the most powerful gun in the game and of course left it available for the player right at the start of the game and i'm 100 certain that you all walk past it now you see halo has many iconic weapons from the spartan laser to the gravity hammer and yet today we will be eating all of those rubbish weapons out of the pelicans window and instead using the null weapon a weapon so powerful it doesn't exist it doesn't have a physical form and it doesn't even use ammunition so without further ado i'll show you how to secure this source of power and then we'll go on a rampage as we banish the banished back into the shadow realm with the cheesiest of weapons so make sure you sat back relax you have a nice warm cup of tea in hand you might have even liked the video and most importantly you've saluted the picture of the queen but i'm sure all of you have hanging above your computer now let's begin so okay what you've done is you've of course finished the first two quests you've come all the way out here and now we're going to enjoy the interns mistake all you need to do is simply walk up to the bottom grapple hook your way up which is lovely and easy then you get to these lovely two turrets from a crashed ship now of course the interesting thing about video games is when developers need to say add in i don't know a turret or a cannon that shoots at enemy things that needs to actually be a weapon in and of itself but usually developers go okay it's a weapon but of course the players can't use it otherwise we'd be handing the players an a cannon in their hands which is of course too powerful indeed but sadly one poor intern has failed to do their job and if you go over to this final turret here climb up and simply walk to the end of it you get a prompt to pick up something what do we pick up we've picked up a weapon a weapon like no other because this right here is a tank cannon now this weapon is just like any other weapon in halo that you can pick up it stays with you when you die it does damage and it kills enemies there's just a few critical differences namely this weapon doesn't use ammunition so we can fire off a shot and good lord is it loud it also doesn't even have a model as you can see master chief his shadow is buggered he's not even moving his legs he can move his legs with a normal gun but as soon as he pulls this bad boy out he just becomes a square uh which is fine it looks a little bit dirty but we love it now this is effectively a tank cannon as you can see it takes a little while to reload but this bad boy hits like a truck it will one hit every single damn enemy in the game and as you can see it's got a nice little bit of an explosive radius so what we're going to do is just simply blow up all three of those enemies in one shot blow up all three of those enemies in one shot there's another enemy at this point we don't really need to aim we just kind of vaguely gander in the direction of the enemies and well they'll just blow up it's okay so there we go this tank cannon is now ours and good lord is it bloody overpowered oh yes you figure a nice strong enemy but i'm afraid even the strongest of enemies aren't going to stand up against what is effectively an entire bloody tank now remember ladies and gentlemen this tank doesn't use ammunition it's not the most accurate and you might have to jump on your shots but otherwise it's damn perfect so there we go we've just completed this little mission and now our friend is gonna come in and pick us up but good lord we have a cannon now ladies and gentlemen yes we do a bloody powerful one at that and it also can't even kill us that's right we can just shoot the floor and it's fine anyway let me just quickly secure this landing zone now this tank cannon is gonna be pretty darn good because guess what ladies and gentlemen we're gonna be able to blow up most vehicles in the game using this bad boy and here comes my pelican lovely let's continue this mission and wouldn't it be a shame if we kept the stupidly overpowered weapon and it just never went away for the entirety of the goddamn campaign you wouldn't let that happen halo would you no you wouldn't you wouldn't except you would oh lovely we found a bandage structure uh it's apparently heavily armored but luckily i have a cannon strapped to me my body is a weapon in and of itself so let's go ah oh it is very good to be back goodbye pelican friend oh there's some enemies down there and uh jump and a jump ahead oh yes like an artillery strike oh this bad boy is good oh this bad boy is good oh look there's some big old broody boys down there uh he got eated that one just hit the floor yeah you kind of have to aim up or jump when shooting it really is designed to be jump shot which is good i love jumping let's kill these little grunts bless them they don't want to die but they always just keep dying oh go you're dead and floor shot there we go floor shot always surprisingly effective that was actually ridiculously easy right let us capture this fob all right and what i'll do is i'll also set my waypoint to go and help some of these unsc squads uh so uh let's go do that now there's a squad up there that needs help so i'm gonna go and help them with my tank cannon all right so there's a friendly squad over here let us go save them yes with our glorious cannon oh fantastic oh you're bad and you're dead hello there humans you're dead and the humans are now free we've saved them right you're dead you need to die you're also dead i don't think i can kill friendlies with this which is good because um okay no maybe i can yeah i don't think that guy's getting up okay so i can kill friendlies with this i just need to be careful where i'm waving this tag cannon there we go i've saved some people and now what i'm gonna do is just um jump down here because i can see some big old broody boys standing around what i can only presume is yes it's a vehicle ladies and gentlemen perfect right so we're going to just uh rain hellfire down from above using an artillery cannon and um yeah pretty much do a fantastic job oh that one overshot and we're bam one broke that looks like some stuff over there let's blow that up just blow up all of that stuff fantastic why even being the same postcode as your enemies when you can just blow them up from afar alright now there is a distress signal coming from over here so we shall go save from unsc uh units but actually oh no there's some evil dudes and a shoot and dead and a jump and a shoot and a jump and a shoot hey hey stop shooting that laser gun at me okay you're dead now oh hello there jackal yep i'm sorry the shield it's not enough it's never going to be enough this thing's designed to puncture starships okay now uh we've arrived at the tower and so we're just gonna clear it by simply blowing our way through the front gate here shouldn't be too difficult uh just jump and shoot and then jump and shoot and then jump and shoot and he's dead oh hello there little alien boy and you're dead oh and there's two of you here as well and you're dead terribly sorry oh now that's some kind of sniper boy such a shame he does not survive but there are a lot of dudes here a lot of very powerful dudes maybe if i didn't have this gun this game would be moderately challenging to some degree might even die on occasion imagine that couldn't be me well i saved some marines i might have killed a few of them in the process but um that's okay uh humans please stay away from me because you may or may not die to the tank cannon and that would be dangerous and jump and kill and jump and kill and of course a jump and kill now that was a high-powered enemy he even had a little shield on look at all of these angry enemy boys all right i'm gonna free even more humans that's how great i am and just free all of the humans there we go you're free humans we've equipped the humans with weapons of mass destruction now i need to make my way into this room which is full of enemies which is completely fine there we go we'll just blow all of that up and also you you're dead and let us end the lockdown of the tower i'm making my way in right so we now get to go probably kill that elite in some kind of boss battle in a little while which is good because i want to see how many shots of a tank cannon he can take oh hello there friend you're dead i'm just gonna walk up to them and blow up because i can that's exactly what i can do at the gravity lift is active i shall go through the lifty time and have a fun old adventure all right i need to make my way up this facility oh wait there's some enemies and dead and dead and dead oh dude the enemies are just rounding a corner getting just blown up by a tank so i do feel kind of bad for them oh hello oh you are one angry boy one angry dead boy and so are you and so are you you're dead oh hello there high-powered enemy who is dead in one shot and you tiny alien oh now you're looking good and dead oh this is just fantastic all right and up we go again to the third floor and let us open this door and probably have a fun boss fight yes here he is ah boss fight time yes perfect i was excited for this oh there he is right one shot second shot third shot and i accidentally blew myself up on a bit of scenery okay this is the one problem with the tag cannon whilst it can't kill me uh definitely scenery objects can let's let me blow up half the scenery so i don't have to worry about it right hello there you can die and there we go duty shootie shoot and damage to you uh angry alien boy versus tan cannon what can you really do i have splash damage like no other right there we go and you're dead okay that was surprisingly anti-climactic once your shield dropped you were uh pretty much dead instantly oh dear dear oh [ __ ] right let me blow this bad boy up right one shot and that chip is very wobbly two shots and it just disappears sorry did they not have an animation for the ship crashing it just turned into dust what the heck was that oh look at that ship look at that ship one shot and two shot and that's another ship dead they really do just disappear in the most derpiest of ways right now in order to test my prowess even further i'm going to try and do an assassination quest which basically involves me crossing 500 meters this way to go murder someone oh and i guess i have to go and help with another distress signal from these puny humans oh wait no they're they're actually still alive oh and there's an enemy ship right so i guess that's what they want me to destroy oh yeah it really does just die with one shot well that's it dead uh have i just saved the day oh no there's another one right one shot and oh that one looks like it's crashing and it's dead guess i also need to kill this one yeah okay right this one also needs to dive one shot and two shot there we go save the day that was um surprisingly easy just destroy planes as they slowly land oh dear dear jump down wait go this way kill alien dude nice and simple oh there's the guy look at him pose if i can stealth my way around i might be able to um do a little bit of cheekiness so i'll just quickly sneak up on here and well bam it's time for me to kill ignovis the devourer there he is he has got a shield which means that he will take more than one shot okay he will take a grand total of two shots well that's the end of that two shots two whole shots yep that was one hell of a vip i had to murder oh no there's a communication tower there there's also some kind of fight happening between peoples down there which i guess i could probably help out with like there's some humans and some badminton so um i'll do my best by quickly clearing up these boys oh no that was my feet so jump and shoot oh and there we go we just killed a tower okay that was a propaganda tower destroyed ah don't fall off the map don't fall off the map don't fall off the bat beans yeah um this is death this is what death feels like well luckily even though we die i still get to keep my stupid overpowered gun and now to make the crossing jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump grapple hook and we did it smoove oh look there's even a vehicle why not i haven't tried driving a vehicle this would be fun or when there's an enemy fight going on down there yeah vehicle is definitely not the best weapon for the job but hey it will do oh dude now the vehicle is mostly just good so that you can run stuff over which is um always good fun who doesn't like running people over uh please do not clip that and send it to the police oh wow it's an enemy vehicle let's see how long it takes this thing to blow it up too long is the answer this one however much better one shot one shot that's good i think that's that's all clear wow look they even have an rpg here but the rpg here's the problem sure it can bring down a ship like that but it takes probably about two to three shots this bad boy only has like five rounds of ammunition that's completely useless oh here's some enemies right bam you're dead and a jump and fun you're dead and so do you and we're bam you're dead come on there's a spartan core around here somewhere and i'd like to get my hands on it is it in here perchance but hey that's a spartan core upgrade which means i can finally upgrade my lovely grapple shots that has a much shorter cooldown lovely now i can truly be the spooderman oh hello there evil enemy that is dead hey little grunt tag you're it and by it i mean completely evaporated hey little jackal roses red violets are blue i have a bullet and soon it'll be inside of you ah lovely now one thing is for sure this game is uh bloody beautiful and actually surprisingly fun devs if you're watching this i know i've stolen a very super secret gun that i shouldn't have you've done a good job with the game and also thanks for giving me the stupidly powerful gun because it allows me to see tiny little grunts off in the distance and do that to them now that is what i call an enjoyable gameplay experience and just to prove how stupidly powerful this cannon is i mean this is a sentinel beam of course it's quite fun but if i were to say try and shoot this enemy here it takes ages it hasn't even got range so it can't even hit that guy right over there and it uses up a lot of ammunition has a long reload like look at that i can't hit that guy that's impossible this guy can't hit that building over there definitely can't hit switch to this guy suddenly yes i can hit that i can also hit this guy that building over there no problem bam that's a hit it's blown up now it's not happy the other ones they're shrinking into the ground that's how concerned they are that huge mountain over there you bet your teabag i can hit that bad boy look it's magical now this is a ranged weapon this is a sniper rifle an explosive 75 caliber sniper rifle but a sniper rifle which i don't even think it's 75 caliber what is the caliber of the cannons on the side of the ships now given the fact that it uses the same reticle as the scorpion's cannon i'm gonna has the guest and say that it has the same properties which means that this bad boy is firing a 90 millimeter round pure tungsten at the enemy which as you can imagine it's pretty powerful it's a good shot it's gonna blow stuff up and good lord is it loud and proud and beautiful and majestic and vastly superior than all other forms of weaponry and well ladies and gentlemen there you have it that's how to get the most powerful weapon in the entirety of the halo franchise if you want to get it yourself go back onto the map to where you started and go collect it just all the way over here on the crashed chip and trust me it's worth it you're gonna love it anyway ladies and gentlemen i've been the spiffing brit playing as the legendary master chief who is now even more powerful than ever before if you've enjoyed today's video then make sure to give it a like and hop on down to the comment section and tell me if you're playing this new halo genuinely i quite like it i'm interested to hear what you guys feel about it and actually i'm even interested to hear if any of you have ever played halo because i know my channel is largely pc gaming people but even as a pc gamer myself when all of the halos released onto steam good lord what a fun time i had playing them so nonetheless thank you very much for watching if you sat there and want more then why not consider subscribing if you want to see even more games broken and played in very stupid ways and as always a huge thank you to each and every one of my amazing patrons and youtube channel members oh my goodness these amazing people who make these videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much and to each and every one of you hope you have a merry christmas and if you want to see something just like this then why not watch this video on screen right here which i think you're going to absolutely enjoy anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have a lovely day my friends and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 75,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, Halo, Halo Infinite, Halo Infinite Easter Eggs, halo exploit, halo infinite exploit, halo secret, the spiffing brit, halo infinite campaign, halo infinite gameplay, spiffing brit, halo easter eggs, halo infinite secrets, can you beat, can you beat halo, can you beat halo infinite, can you beat halo infinite tank only challenge, tank only challenge, tank only, halo tank only, perfectly balanced game, halo infinite tank only, halo tank, halo infinite challenge
Id: koqoe89NAYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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