Red Dead Online is Ruined.

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Freaks me out that he says things like "earning good money" and "doing honest work" in reference to gameplay and without a hint of irony

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/madeamashup 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm so happy my buddies and I played the HELL out of the MP before they nerfed gold. We bought everything and bought everything, said "wellp, this was fun," and never played again. Wonderful experience. Doubt we'll play it again.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BLSmith2112 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Good grief. Unnecessarily long video. Clickbait title. Unironically uses the word "cuck" in 2021. Complains about greed in the multiplayer section of a Take Two game, as if this hasn't been noticed by literally everyone.


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/QuestPirate 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Its fine since the meat of the game is on the campaign, MP is just an extra.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/8bit60fps 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

would you like to talk to a manager karen

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KimCharlesMD 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] we're talking about radiated redemption 2 today huh i'm going to kick the accent but red dead redemption 2 is hands down one of the best games i've ever played like my favorite games being last of us one red dead redemption 2 and doodle jump no probably like breath of the wild or something like that every aspect of the base game of red dead 2 was made with a labor of love that collectively forms a god to your game especially just the emphasis on detail in the game like to a ridiculous degree you can watch an npc eat an entire meal realistically why is that a thing it's amazing now this video isn't going to be a breakdown of what made red dead 2's base game amazing there's been a million videos made on it i even found my favorite youtuber through his video on reddit redemption 2 naked jakey i'm a cowboy named arthur morgan i thought i was the ceo of apple aka bill gates if you haven't played the red door option 2 single player do yourself a favor set aside like a week worth of time get like 20 cake cuisines meals because you don't want to have to worry about food pour yourself some hot chocolate sit down put like four or five pillows behind your head take it slow and enjoy the ride [Music] now i probably spent close to 80 hours in red dead one's single player campaign i enjoyed it so damn much i wanted to live in that era if there wasn't all the death tuberculosis and lumboygo going around so after i finished the game and experienced it for what it was worth i naturally moved on to the online game mode to join my friends cowboying it up and oh when online first started things looked extremely promising you're put into some story missions that turn into a chain storyline and you and your friends can make a ton of money completing the missions killing a bunch of bandits and overall completing a pretty satisfying story but it's only nine missions long so after we completed the story i took my money and went to the gunsmith and bought two guns and spent all of my money naturally i needed to get more there was a ton of stuff i needed to buy so thinking the game behaved a lot like red dead ones online i was just gonna go kill some gang members in a gang hideout and grab some cash you know the fun way eventually i found a gang hideout i killed like 30 people including their leader and i started looting and i quickly realized you guys have like seven cents on them that's like pennies at a time so after looting all of them i had three dollars and twelve cents and then my freaking stable charged me for the day and now i have a dollar sixty-two it's like a dollar an hour you end up kind of finding out the hard way the way to make the most amount of money in red dead online isn't through killing bad guys it was mainly through hunting and fishing which fortunately red dead is not at all a bad hunting game it's actually a really fun hunting game holy sh but unfortunately they still have ridiculously long skinning animations around that time i began noticing a pretty critical issue the main source of credit in this game wasn't earned through the most fun part of the game being a gunslinging outlaw and once we got enough money to buy more equipment guns outfits ammo you started to think like what are we supposed to do now go kill lawmen endlessly go try to find a gang hideout and lose money doing it there was basically nothing to do and people quickly realized it and started to bail out of red dead online very quickly so it's been three years since red dead online's official release i've stopped in here and there to check out updates and sit in valentine watching people destroy the town but recently i got fully involved playing again to do a deep dive into the current state of red dead online i literally went in with the mindset of is it possible to have fun in red dead redemption online and let me answer that question right away hell yes [Music] so [Music] [Music] you can have a ton of fun in this game for a longish period of time however even with the content that they've added over the years huge problems still remain and the game is still far away from its true potential let's start off at the source of what's ruining this game the economy the economy in red dead online has been an ongoing issue since the beginning you know how i can tell right away that their system was still absolutely they just added their fourth currency into the game that's right they have cash gold roll tokens and their newest currency capital you don't even need to worry about these two because you don't even really need to save them and they barely affect anything now cash and gold this is what every gunslinging cowboy is after here's what's frustrating about this money first of all still bodies only have 7 to 15 cents on them please for the love of god rockstar add more money on bodies grows the economy benefits everybody hurts nobody next the cost of items and payments in the game is absolutely whack you can murder someone in broad daylight in the center of town and get a bounty for killing that person in cold blood how much does that bounty cost 10 cents that's two nickels maybe that's a lot for somebody's life back in the day but hang on you can buy a can of beans for 60 cents what that's six people's lives worth of beans you're eating there bub [Music] damn it this joke isn't gonna make any sense item prices range from literal pennies to thousands of dollars and the issue mainly lies in the confusion around why items cost what they cost 60 rounds of ammo 40 cents okay that makes sense a new decent gun 125 that's steep but it's not terrible how about a new ammo pouch to put your bullets in that'll be 2 000 are you out of your mind here's a new jacket for thirty dollars here's another one for three hundred here's a horse for a hundred dollars here's a slightly better horse for a thousand dollars there's just like no consistency and let's talk about gold bars for a second gold bars are the micro transactions of red dead online you can buy gold bars with real money to shortcut purchasing items clothes guns and such you can buy 25 gold bars for 10 and 55 gold bars for 20. and if you spend more than that you're a cuck now you can earn gold bars naturally by playing red dot online but you get them fractions at a time like possibly in the hundreds point one gold bars is the typical reward for a 20 minute long basic mission i mean they're taking a cheese grater to these gold bars here's what's frustrating you need gold bars to get access to the main content in red dead online like rolls and the moonshiners storyline not to jump ahead but think of roles as a job for your character like a bounty hunter how much that cost oh probably free because it's a job and there's nothing really else to do in the game wow you're a really smart guy thank you well according to rockstar you're a stupid [ __ ] idiot hey cause most roles in red dead online cost 15 full gold bars now this might get a little math heavy and i [ __ ] hate math but trust me there's a lot of good points to be made let's say you get point one gold bars per 15 minute mission maybe it's a random event you clear a gang hideout whatever it is let's say you do four of those in an hour and round up you got .5 gold bars per hour so in order to get 15 gold bars you would have to spend 30 in-game hours viciously grinding to get you the cost of one basic roll yay now there used to be effective ways to get gold through things called daily challenges this involved getting online every day and completing simple challenges like picking a certain flower skinning a certain animal helping a stranger out earning bits of gold through honest work and that multiplied up to 0.5 gold bars depending on how long your daily streak was going so gold kind of stopped being a prevalent issue amongst players that actually put in the time but then in typical malicious rock star fashion they saw their dedicated red dead online fan base actually enjoying their game and they had to put an end to that they nerfed the reward system for daily challenges into oblivion cutting the reward value in half and sticking a reset timer on your daily streak up to 28 days so after 28 days you get reset down to the lowest amount of gold you can earn very well played rockstar that's what your gamers wanted that's what they deserve now let's actually get into the new content of what red dead online has to offer the biggest content update that they added was the roles update adding roles basically added jobs you can perform for much more money than selling salmon 100 times the roles are trader collector and bounty hunter let me ask this rafflebat which one actually sounds fun each roll you have 20 levels to level up through and i'll go ahead and break down each roll bounty hunter the fun one now this is the role that i think most red dead players are waiting for getting money for being a badass gunslinger it's simple you grab a wanted poster find your target bring them in dead or alive warm or cold i can bring you in warm [Music] or i can bring you in cold this is the kind of gameplay we're looking for but here's a problem with it if you complete the mission nice and quick let's say 10 minutes enjoy your reward of 7.50 and .08 gold bar shreds you might be thinking wait i thought you said you make more money with these roles you do but something that's really [ __ ] up with these roles and other time-based missions is you would think you get paid more for completing missions cleaner and faster wrong you get paid the longer you take capping out at around 30 minutes per mission what so let's say you do a legendary bounty hunter mission it's basically a special bounty that's a little bit more complex than the typical bounty mission based on how long you take your reward can go from 60 to 250 just by waiting next to the sheriff's office for an additional 26 minutes the logic for getting punished for doing a better job just doesn't make any sense to me so to be clear you are not promoting me because i do such a great job nowhere does rockstar say your goal is to complete this mission as slowly as possible so many missions have reward systems that just are not explained well tell us the rules of the game so we know what to aim for to do well at the game and earn the highest reward next we have the trader hunting and waiting the trader role is basically enhanced hunting the trader role allows you to donate animal parts to your camp and crips will start producing goods that you can sell on a delivery mission for a good amount of money the more parts you donate the longer crips can produce he really likes full corpses try to give him legendary animals if you can the hell was that noise mud runner buck it's that thing right there and it starts getting pretty complex when you figure out every animal is worth something different in donation points i mean there's literally spreadsheets for this stuff crips will stop production once you have the max amount of goods to deliver here we go the adventure begins [ __ ] on you'll deliver those goods and make a good chunk of money depending the size and the length of your uh of your delivery and let's get this straight across the board delivery missions dick grab something over here hold on a slow ass wagon all the way over here maybe kill two npcs that are trying to stop you and the rest of the time is just looking at the countryside and listening to your wagon wheels roll across the dirt for 15 plus minutes side note this is kind of a controversial hot take but i personally think that they should not have added the new austin side of the map it's a massive empty wasteland that's basically just used as a drop-off point for long-range deliveries [Music] the collector exploring and googling the collector is far and away the most profitable role in red dead online however it is at the expense for being the most boring role somebody could possibly think of here's an overwhelming number of objects to collect in the world spread out across hundreds of miles while doing it you will come across little to no threats go collect them by using the jean ropke map on reddit and once you have a set sell them to this lady for an absurd amount of money and that is pretty much the entire role i've seen people make literally tens of thousands of dollars doing this online which used to be unheard of so basically you can rig the game and make a lot of money you just have to do it in the most boring way possible that's a total grind now there is a couple more rolls and you're not going to believe this they're more expensive they're 25 gold bars each the naturalist lady herbert or harpy harriet she can get you high and turn you into a deer and last but least the prestigious bounty hunter license you can get now could you not think of anything else to add in the game it's 15 more gold bars there's 10 more levels you have things called infamous bounties which are cool except for the fact that they're like weirdly hidden in the wanted posters and the outfits that are added for the bounty hunter were like if you were to get the anime weeb kid in high school to design them oh yeah more belts and buckles and collars and spikes who was wearing this with pride i just feel like this roll update was a total cop out like you couldn't think of anything more attractive i came up with one while writing this video the llaman roll in free roam make all the gang hat outs visible once you purchase alarm and license and it should be [ __ ] free let's say there's 12 hat outs around the map each hideout has a clue to some main killer that you're hunting for you clear out the hideout and you get a reward of 50 dollars and a clue towards the killer that you're trying to find collect all 12 clues across gang hideouts and you unlock a mission to go take down the legendary killer for a reward of somewhere around dollars and three full gold bars you don't need to do this you can only do these big payout missions after you've found all 12 clues but along the way you're earning good money and it's fun and if you wanted to go the extra mile you could have like three to five variations of who the killer is that legendary mission boom fun engaging content that honestly you would barely have to make any adjustments to to get it to work and it would hook players like me that are constantly falling out of the game it would hook me right back in there's also things called blood money missions in red dead online this is where the pointless capitalist currency comes in look i wrote something for this section but it's just it's so boring and it's pointless just don't do blood money missions and you rinse and repeat like nobody's doing this why would you do that that covers the majority of red dead's content that they added and that might still not be enough that is definitely actually not enough according to me here's the deal with rockstar rockstar is making absolute bags on gta 5. i mean literally billions of dollars it's the highest second selling video game of all time and their micro transaction shark cards are just flying off the shelves so yes it does make sense that the majority of their team is focused on updating the multiplayer gta v but red dead still has so much left it could become he's got heart it's also the 12th highest selling game of all time it sold 37 million copies that's not anything to scoff at that's more than the witcher 3 that's more than last of us that's more than call of duty black ops 2 that's more than [ __ ] skyrim i know the cowboy setting isn't for everybody but the world the graphics the gameplay systems the potential is there for red dead and it's just waiting to be tapped into and i want to shine a light on the potential of this game but how they could fix the game and what they could add by the way some people might not agree with everything that i'm about to say but that's okay because i would rather have my experience look less like this and more like this number one thing to change obviously we've said it before timer-based rewards don't reward me for sitting on my ass put more money on dead bodies cut the food and energy bars besides dead eye i hate having to keep up with the food in the game i'm always buying beans and all this kind of stuff it's just like cut those and keep the energy bar because i think it's cool to smoke and drink to fill those back up let's talk about currencies roll tokens unnecessary cut it out of the game same with capitale cut it out just make the crime missions have gold and cash rewards add more fast travel posts and lower the cost the davies oh bit my tongue the daily stable cost cut it out why is that even a thing my horse poops too much the mower pistol is 600 change it get working physics for the poncho and longer coats even if it's just me that gets to see it fill up new austin with things other than foliage cactuses and dirt make hideouts worthwhile and something that you couldn't resist pulling over for give us more money and maybe there's a cool random factor like you can get a gold bar if you check the right chest this is something i haven't touched on random events in the game in single player some of the most memorable experiences were the random events that could happen just while riding down the road and red online has those but they're like way less unique and they're almost the same mission every time i feel like and there's almost zero benefit it takes like 15 minutes and the payout is four dollars who in god's name is gonna do that make it at least twenty dollars you're spending 15 minutes helping out the stranger now here's some stuff that they could add and this there is so much red dead online could add make train robberies a thing there's currently no incentive to rob a train and whenever you're on it there's no one there to stop you fill it up with npcs and have like a chest on it that has some treasure in it you can do the same thing to riverboat casinos and then definitely let us be able to rob banks and other storefronts first visit here i believe sir we should be rooting tooting bandits robbing dealing death all the time not hanging out with crips eating freaking baked beans all day a ship i wouldn't mind skipping this add more hats that actually look normal and not weird as sh please everybody on your reddit is asking for properties i personally don't really care about the properties because i'll probably never be at them but i think it is still a cool idea where you could have farm houses and maybe like be a cattle rancher and take care of cattle and make money off of your property by the way red dead's community is one strong but they are hilarious as [ __ ] too [Music] ataguama section of the map add a northern snow town and of course on a grander scale how cool would it be if they added undead nightmare too that was the most legendary dlc of all time i would love this game full of cowboys zombies and crazy people in this chock full of detail giant world or shake it up and maybe we do something different this time like cowboys versus aliens there's already a ton of lore about aliens in the game i think zombies would still be cooler in my opinion but but an expansion like that could breathe entire new life into the game i don't get why like big studios like this they made this giant world and they're just kind of like what abandon it after it's finished like why don't you just make another universe out of it like spider-man they just made an entire new spider-man game that was pretty much based off the first one like could we not have a red dead universe that's just undead nightmare or cowboys and aliens like all the assets are there use them i just hate getting stringed along with these half-assed updates that either don't change much or make things much worse i just want to grab the rockstar execs and be like you just make the game better and maybe just because people care about your video game and they don't want to see it die there's a running joke in the community of red dead online about how the developers look at them which is we're more ghosts than people we really are we're freaking ignored every other weekend gta gets a new flying car update so ridiculous money money money money money we can't keep doing this bob give some attention to your best title but no rockstar is busy re-releasing every grand theft auto they've ever made yeah that's what we want zero attention to your best title and no news of granted.6 cool i still believe not only could red dead online be good i violently believe it could be the best multiplayer game out there period [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you so much for watching my video uh make sure to leave a like uh really helps out the channel growing right now and uh subscribe if you guys want to see some more sorry this video took a second to make it was definitely longer shout out to tony strong style i watched a ton of his videos to research this game thank you to the red dead online community they also super helped with this and shout out to seth lane this is a youtuber that just made a video about my channel made me feel good it was encouraging so go check out his channel and his video thank you if you watch the whole video i'm gonna go play some halo because that just got released and then battlefield 2042 is the next day after all right guys i'll see you later adios [Music] you
Channel: Jack Sather
Views: 2,351,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red dead redemption 2, red dead redemption 2 online, red dead online, red dead redemption 2 gameplay, red dead redemption, red dead redemption 2 trailer, red dead redemption 2 review, red dead redemption 2 funny moments, rockstar games, gta v, gta v online, gta 5, playstation 5 games, playstation 5 review, rdr 2, red dead, rdr2 online, new update red dead online, update red dead online, new red dead update, rdr 2 gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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