Can You Beat Glass Joe Using ONLY Your Voice? Punch Out!! Wii

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can you beat punchouts glass Joe using only your voice punch-out as game centered entirely around precise and well timed controls so today let's throw that all out of the window and try to beat the games first fight with only voice commands so the goal of this challenge is just to beat glass Joe whether that's by decision TKO or knockout and through that process we can only control Little Mac using very specific voice commands that we set up besides that everything else goes and we can get into it start hey there folks I'm skip the tutorial and here we get to the bottom of gaming's weirdest challenges and hey if this is your first time here then star punch that subscribe for weekly deep dives and do your biggest questions so out the gate I didn't exactly know what controls we would need so we've got a few basics saying left or right we'll do a left or right punch start select both press the a button left and right uppercuts are self-explanatory and finally we can dodge the various ways by saying duck move and guard and that's about all we got for a plan so it's time to jump in I feel good about this I feel like whatever that could happen select left select select start oh there we go left left right left upper that didn't work that's the left select move get out of the way go move save yourself okay left right left right oh dear even though we get a few star punches there's still plenty to improve on here and really this just teaches us the first lesson for the run which is that dodging is crazy important getting hit is a surefire way to throw off our rhythm and of course it can lead to us going down which is its own issue to tighten up our controls for next time we refined our dodges to be lodge for left dodge and ROG to move us to the right adding onto that our uppercuts were still pretty messed up so we treated the button order around for those before taking on the next attempt okay so I think we might need to change our controls instead of having left shift and then L at the same time we might have to have left shift just get held and then while it's doing that hit it with the left punch save that up and I think we're we're good hopefully we're gonna get somehow work start left ah left upper okay that's one way to do a left upper Lodge can't pause not much good came out of an attempt and our new controls still weren't working admittedly because of my stupidity oh it's a click we can fix this issue by actually holding down the left shift while we're clicking the punch it's a simple fix but absolutely critical for the run Lodge oh that's a lie left upper right upper right upper Lodge okay left upper ah left upper okay so here's an issue that was a pain to sort out because essentially we're not able to change commands one after the other the program just doesn't pick them up fast enough okay so when we say left right left right trying to get back up from the ground it just puts that in one command line and when you're doing that it only takes in the first command so that gives us lesson two we need to add in new commands that can do multiple actions for each prompt at this point we've got counter to let us dodge and then throw a left upper as well as recover which bashes our one in two buttons as quick as possible save that up and that should work attempt number whatever this is left upper right upper right right launched avoid avoid avoid Lodge Lodge let's asked out recover recover recover recover this did not go well for starters I kept forgetting that it's called counter instead of a void so lesson number three remember the commands but even if we figured that out our multi action controls still weren't gonna cut it for recover we hit the button so fast in the macro but it actually doesn't register with how we play the game so to that point we need to extend the click durations and add in many more punches oh boy start counter oh okay sure counter punch counter okay so counters messed up recover [Music] get up recover recover recover what lesson four has to be don't say extra stuff in between commands it just throws off the software but say we fix that and I shut up a whole rest of the time there's still a big a problem with our recover command so we juice up the number of button presses to 36 additionally the way that counter works is that it's just way too fast for the punch and it actually triggers the hit while we're doing the dodge animation so we've got to slow that down as well left yes start start select counter start select recover [Music] that's boy yeah a little excessive on the punches we made it to round two how was it pay attention okay sweet deal I don't think I have a command set for the candy bar let's change that real quick now if we said candy bar it presses the pause button and it allows us to get some health back between rounds left select all right I have to counter me punches he does out of this one two three four okay it is four so here four over recover recover works great come on recover recover what I'll recover just stops working counter Oh [Music] select look what recover counter counter counter oh my gosh since counter only hits once when we dodge we don't actually start a combo so we can remedy that by copy and pasting the uppercut commands over and over in the macro counter counter okay almost there counter counter oh no because if you mess up a counter it hurts way more now the painful truth is that even though multi-action commands are damn near required for the run messing one up can end it just as quickly we got a glimpse of that with just how many punches we through with recover but our counter command makes it so much more obvious misjudging the timing for just one of these commands can get us caught in a loop out of rhythm and that just about takes us down counter ok still not enough but that's fine the counter loop is one of the more painful parts of the process because it might work out fine if we still have some stamina but as soon as we turn purple we still have to be trying to throw punches even when little Matt can't there's not much that we can change there either since we still need that command it's more just a matter of don't be stupid left upper right yeah oh we did it we're gonna happen okay okay we don't even need it the Manson Weibull or health back counter [Music] counter not as good not as good dodge dodge Oh recover recover candy bar candy bar so you know what my problem is is I forgot that we changed the command from Lodge to Dodge so I'm just gonna add in another command called a lodge and see if it works right oh my gosh double in a row Dodge okay okay that's something that's something dodge dodge candy bar I think we're I think we're fine start this is the first time we're getting change controls between rounds I think we're on to something left select select counter select recover Dodge okay we have one on him dodge counter [Music] new strategy recover dodge counter [Music] counter counter uh-oh we're neck-and-neck stay down [Music] counter over so close I think we're both one away I think we're both one away dodge dodge counter counter counter don't do it did we do it recover I think we did it recover yes yes oh we got a no-kill we did it we did it and with that folks I've got this one up in the top right to see us take on punch-out we using only one punch per fight or counter in the bottom right to see another voice trans video this one from Doug Doug if you want to support the channel and get new uploads every week and knock out that subscribe button till then take care and you have a good one all right [Music]
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 653,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skipthetutorial, skip the tutorial, can you beat glass joe using only your voice, punch out only voice commands, punch out with voice commands, punch out using voice, punch out using only voice, punch out, glass joe voice commands, can you beat punch out glass joe using only your voice, voice commands punch out, punch out using voice commands, can you beat punch using only your voice, can you beat, can you beat without, punch out can you beat, can you beat punch out, glass joe
Id: e_3gpcgZRkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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