We Can Beat Punch Out!! Wii Without Dodging - No Dodge Challenge

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and to my research there's no way to beat him dodge lists well it's possible initially releasing back in 2009 punch-out we continued the series trend of highly telegraphed attacks and an underdog angle but if there's one thing to say about this game it's a lot less patient here we saw the rise of interception punches which meant that we got more star opportunities and there was more of an incentive to even try the strategy no longer was this just a one-off tactic for King Hippo but rather a highly viable option for speed strategy and a lot of high level play combos from here the notion of the challenge run was inevitable and really it only took a little over two months after the game had been released before the question was first posed in the game facts thread Game Freak 1000 asked thee is it possible query on July 28th of 2009 and as is the pattern with the internet who was immediately shut down with a resounding no but in all seriousness there were some interesting points brought up out of the gate users Mac the attack and Magnum child brought up concerns over the title defense fights with von Kaiser bear hugger King Hippo and Aaron Ryan as well as bald bull Sodapop and macho man for both versions of their fights but from here the OP goes down the list and proves von Kaiser bear hugger and Aaron Ryan are all possible and from here the conversation grew with new members joining the thread and discussing it within the same month but the contender fights still cause their fair share of problems due to a lack of counters at this point though we get a particular newcomer in the no dodge scene that really changes things up Cain Hyman one better known as zallard one from his YouTube channel which is packed to the brim with Star Fox 64 videos or the more likely notch in his belt his role as a punch-out speed runner extraordinaire I mean this guy beats the games blindfolded on agdq it's crazy stuff and from his first post in the topic he already delivers affirmation that contender bald bull is in fact possible and as more of the specifics are settled out in the conversation Game Freak one uploads his compilation of attempts on YouTube this time though under the alias of dude 1690 which happens to be the one that I personally knew him under when I was researching my no dodge contender run and it was a pretty comprehensive compilation of the fights but sodapoppin ski and macho man were still virtually impossible at this point but sure enough enter mr. el 1193 and what happens here is that we get a detailed representation of what it's like to fight contender soda pop without dodging and what's fascinating about the strategy here is that it reads just like the one we're using to this day it really goes to show just how beat by beat this fight is in particular and with this discovery we got down to just one contender left super macho man was now the only target on the docket and for good reason from the start super macho throws a huge wrench in the runs primary strategy at first glance we can't interrupt any of his attacks now worth mentioning is that as mr. el and zallard dug into with the thread his pump it move can be hit for a frame perfect moment but what's disappointing here is that these don't score any stun time or the ability to combo him see macho man at high-level strategies has a combo lock which can deal some massive damage but we can't exactly get him into that phase without dodging even with that so many of his moves cut through little max tactics his heavy and largely uninterrupted damage output wears away at our health bar and stamina meter with little we can do partner this with little chance of scoring any stars with the only apparent option lying in the photo ops both come together and mean it's pretty tough to stay up for the first round let alone to a decision even using the headgear we can only feasibly get macho to the mat once per round none of which is gonna cut it and that's why for just over nine years the rat went dormant the challenge just didn't seem possible especially by human input and contender had to stay with just the one roadblock that being said something interesting happened come 2019 and oddly enough here's where we come into the picture on January 11th of 2019 I posted my personal attempt at the no dodge run in The Contender career and while necessarily it didn't reveal any new ground I got stuck at macho just like the rest the support on the video did bring the question back to light with the challenge back in the community's mind we saw the return of zallard one to the space in a recent stream he sat down for two hours of attempts and while in his own words it might have been a very bad idea we did see an interesting swing to the right direction much as he explains a successful attempt would have to use headgear for damage reduction and had a couple of frame-perfect cancels for his various spin punches since those cut right through our protection and honestly that little bit of interest would have been pretty crazy to see in it of itself but the community came back full force and this time we were going for results less than a week after I posted my video punch-out Speedrunner frame by frame animation through the ultimate hat in the ring filming the tool-assisted speedrun this new video finally answered the questions we'd been sitting on since 2009 and wow if this is a way to go about it sure enough we'd be using the special headgear we get after 100 losses but not just for the damage reduction but also for the fact that it reduces stamina lost per hit from 3 hearts down to 1 a crucial distinction so we start off round 1 with nothing too complex all that needs to happen is lowering macho's health while pocketing a star for the next round but while that's easy to say it does require several frame perfect' interceptions to cut his various attacks which easily delves into humanly impossible territory and if that scene is tough then in round 2 things heat up like crazy started off the round with a star punch the task from here has to an exhausting amount of frame-perfect cancels all the while riding the line just with the stamina only barely missing turning purple to reiterate this is very much one of the reasons the headgear is absolutely necessary because without it we couldn't get to this opportunity an opportunity which already leaves claustrophobic room for error and as a painful finish to the round we can't realistically do enough damage and the time given for a TKO so we just have to keep him standing until round three and we get our hearts back luckily enough the final round lightens the load a little bit kick it off with Doc's chocolate bar and we dive right in from here it's just a matter of getting his health that little bit lower than ours which we can do by going for a star opportunity and with that we land a couple more of those frame perfect cancels and set up the grounds for the key part in any victory a glitch now this was already a familiar trick from the title defence version of super macho man if we intercept his clothes line with a star punch he just kind of dances in place and we can take the victory the same concept apparently applies here in the contender bow but there's plenty more frame-perfect inputs to worry about but lo and behold frame by frame is an absolute savant with this stuff and we can take our victory with a decision win every contender fight in punchouts career mode can now be beaten without ever going defensive and let me say ladies and gentlemen that's great to say and honestly I just think it's so crazy cool to see the community come together with this one and a huge thank you to all of you folks out there for the support and making us come together so a shout out to zallard and frame-by-frame as well as the entire punch out community here and if you want some more dodge 'less content then star punch this one up in the top right from my personal attempt and make sure to subscribe because next week we're taking on title defense but until then take care and you have a good one all right
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 463,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skipthetutorial, skip the tutorial, stt, no dodge challenge punch out, punch out without dodging, punch out no dodge, punch out wii no damage, is it possible, punch out wii, punch out is it possible, is it possible to beat punch out without dodging, punch out no dodging, punch out no dodge challenge, little mac punch out, punch out little mac, challenge run, punch-out, we can beat punch out without dodging, no dodge punch out, punch-out!!, can you beat punch out wii without dodging
Id: N77mH2frQHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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