Can You Beat Doc Louis's Punch-Out!! Without Dodging? - No Dodge Challenge

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can you be doc Louis's punch-out without dodging alright folks we're back last time we took down both the contender and title defense fights without dodging heck we even took down DK but we've still got unfinished business plenty of you wanted to see if we can take down doc and honestly I'm curious too so let's wrap our hands and put on the gloves one last time for the Dodge let's challenge first off if you weren't a club nintendo member back in 2009 this whole idea might sound a little bizarre but sure enough next-level games put out a special spin-off to Platinum members only roughly a decade ago and in this version specifically we get the chance to go toe-to-toe with former heavyweight champion himself Doc Lewis and after all that he's done for us trained us through the world circuit and cheering us on from the corner we as the player finally get the chance to show our appreciation with a couple of right hooks to his skull but hey it's not like he's the most helpful trainer in the world grapefruit growing from my skull so you know what he deserves it let's do this for a quick refresher rules here are just the same as our last few goes in no case can we do absolutely any dodging to either the left or the right and for the extra challenge we won't be ducking or blocking any punches defense is out of the picture folks counter punches are the only way out but with that all out of the way we can get to work all right so what exactly do we need to be looking out for here well for one let's see what makes this so different from what we're used to although we're using the same engine and mechanics as before this game is a prequel of max training which means that we've got a whole lot more instruction which would seem to make it a lot easier but these teaching moments provide a weird conflict the moves are supposed to teach us the evasion tactics but we've gotta stay on offense which can get kind of confusing when he tells you to do the literal opposite that's just it folks we can't get thrown off by his mind games if we're gonna take the victory here it's prime time to keep our wits about us and while we do have to deal with a lot of the same from earlier challenges such as no stun time and a heavy reliance on star punches some of the other changes here should actually make it easier biggest of all we only have to knock him down once which is a relief when taken in contrast with the countless TKO wins we needed in the earlier runs at first glance that seems like a luck ow but old doc still got a few tricks up his sleeve and we can see those come together as early as the first of our three matches so with that let's get to the warm-up Alva Gate it's clear these doc fights have a real unique rhythm because for one he'll be talking a lot after every single punch and you better believe these little asides eat up some precious match time there are fun lines dialogue and I enjoy them but they sure do slow everything down a fair amount and to partner with those distractions since we're purposefully disobeying him this round doc doesn't reward us with any freebie punches which is something that even world circuit fighters would give us most of our damage will come from interception punches in his attacks but the flow there is bizarre as well to get any star opportunities here we not only have to keep our eyes open for timing but also use a correct punch which might sound pretty basic we couldn't just throw any old punches and the last few runs what's different here well let's take a look at this example with this clothesline to my knowledge hitting the left uppercut here we'll only intercept but using a right punch at that same proper timing wall not a star so not only do we have to learn from the specific star frames of his attacks but we also can't mix up which specific input that we need for that star and apparently that little distinction was too much for my brain to handle because I made plenty of mistakes from here so dealing with all of that how can we take our first victory all right so we'll want to star farm on his delayed uppercut making sure to counter with a left uppercut after his voice line I think this is the most reliable opportunity of the fight which is good because I couldn't get the timing of his delayed jab attack for the life of me and I would always end up hitting his gloves instead which is a real tough break since tuckered out of hearts and going purple is still our biggest threat rendering us completely useless even letting him block us can leave us on the mat but placing a couple of stars on his noggin we eventually get him a couple ticks away and while things start looking good my bad timing kicks in and he lands two more punches to turn us purple exhausted and unable to move we have to drop to the mat but unlike some of my earlier attempts where I reset after going tired we bear this one out and hey it pays off we net one last star off of his uppercut and take the win and now that we've loosened up the joints we didn't get to proper training for this one doc throws in a healthy bit of confusion to the mix now we'll get multiple versions of very similar looking attacks and since these can have different timings countering here can be a real pain sure we'll have our practice from the warm-up match but getting just a little too confident in our ability here is all that it takes for us to purple out but that's not even the strangest part of this fight after beating doc within an inch of his life bar the match looks to go our way but while we prep for our last haymaker coach instead steps to the background and Chou's down on one of his classic chocolate bars but while that might seem a little grim after snagging the timing here we can make sure to research exactly when he'll pull out his chocolate bar and using that we can take the win here in round 1 granted I personally let myself get knocked down a bit more than usual here but the results stand the same and we've only got one challenge left after taking down our first two matches we unlock sparring and this time Doc's teasing new tricks but surely it can't be anything we haven't seen before this is absolutely our toughest vote yet and now we've got plenty more to worry about for starters the frames between star windows are way tighter in my case this particular attack right here really threw me off we need to hit right when his elbow reels back to a certain point but a misfire will send us right to a restart but if there's one move of this whole fight that's a real issue it's his quick left hook seriously get used to it because when he says that's the call of reckoning if hit by this it means the dog gets a star punch and with that he'll end the most devastating attack possible oh and you better believe that every single time he'll be happy to let us know that he's the one that invented the star punch it was him only him don't you forget it but like all their biggest punch out foes before there's a clear pattern for us to memorize and we'll have to study hard because missing a star here or there will become a huge problem and here's why you see after weakening his health around halfway doc goes for a chocolate bar once again which is no big deal he's done that before and we're used to it but this time with a well-placed right hook we can actually swap the thing out of his hands which must be a good thing yeah bad call doing this will cause doc to get very angry and rip out of his classic red jacket to reveal a leopard print shirt that fits just a little too snug and with a warning label and alarm sound from the world video boxing Association this whole thing gets a lot more serious from here he'll be doing everything in his power to give us way more difficulty and worst of all he still eats the chocolate our efforts were for nothing huh but hey we made our bed it's time to line it from this point we'll need to nail our star punch timing to the tee to get them back down and we've got to watch out or else he'll pull out another health powerup so speed here is ludicrously important to finish off this fight my best advice is to wait for a point in his rotation where you can reliably score a triple star punch even if this means taking a couple of extra hits it'll be critical for our next move after one of his famous star punches knocks us down we've got him dangerously close to the end and we can luckily snag an easy star from the uppercut but then as he steps back one more time you're really familiar to what happened before it looks like we'll have to do this whole thing over again but right before he takes the bite we place a star punch and beat the battle before he munches on the candy bar as it turns out damage done with a star punch counter actually impacts his health bar before he heals and we can knock him out even before the calories kick in so okay that's interesting and you know what I think we need to embarrass doc one last time after all he is the kind of guy to knock us down let us get back up and then floor us for the star punch all the while having the audacity to tell us to keep it clean yeah doc I learned my coach is a huge jerk all right folks it's time to take it one step further using our knowledge from the first sparring victory we're gonna try and beat doc Lewis before he can even pull out his non brand-specific chocolate sweet and no surprise a lot of the technique to do this is very similar to what we just did with leopard-print Louis but here star punch timing is the only objective after landing our preliminary triple star punch we've got to make sure that our next hit and that's a star if we don't then the whole opportunity is off the table as he steps back for a chocolate bar that means taking more than our fair share of smacks to the face even if it puts us down to the mat a couple of times but getting up he tossed us a softball with a fan-favorite uppercut and here we can place the final star punch and beat him before he even goes ballistic and a cool thing to note about doing it this way is that it actually means the end cutscene will change and we'll walk out with him dressed appropriately and there you have folks with Doc down for the final time we can finally call every fight and punch out for the we completely possible without dodging hey there invent the star punch on this one up in the top right to see how we took down title defense or potshot down in the bottom right for another video if you want to support the channel and get new videos every week and knock the chocolate bar right out of that subscribe button till then take care and you have a good one alright
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 789,507
Rating: 4.9276667 out of 5
Keywords: skipthetutorial, skip the tutorial, stt, punch out wii, can you beat doc louis's punch out without dodging, doc louis, doc louis fight, doc louis no dodge, punch out, punch out wii doc louis, doc louis's punch-out, doc louis chocolate bar, doc louis punch out sparring, punch out doc louis chocolate, punch out doc louis, no dodge, without dodging, punch out without dodging, title defense without dodging, punch out no dodging, punch out no dodge run, no dodge punch out
Id: GUXt6FwIuxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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