The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Happened in Baseball

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in baseball there's a ton of ways to mess up but did you know that somebody actually messed up so bad they had to evacuate the Capitol building and that's not even close to the dumbest thing that has ever happened on a baseball field these mistakes have lost teams games may have cost a team a World Series caused actual riots gotten Games canceled and have even led to people being arrested but most of the time these mistakes just result in people booing and laughing like when Milton Bradley got a Fly ball in the eighth inning with one out and Bradley plays it off to the side and he better he doesn't know how many outs there are he just throws the ball into them Bradley through the ball into the stands with only two outs allowing one run to score and another to go to third this happens more than you would think like when Anthony goza made a running catch and for some reason just kept on running the runner scored from second and he felt extremely dumb usually this just causes players to look dumb for a second realize they messed up then laugh at themselves with zero consequences sometimes it actually screws the team over like when Benny agbayani made this play while winning one two zero the Giants tied the game on a Sac fly but Benny thought there were three outs gave the ball to a kid realized there were only two outs took the ball away from the kid but it was too late the Giants scored and we're now winning 2-1 when a player makes a stupid mistake that cost a team a game people are pissed when the grounds crew makes a stupid mistake that costs a team a game there's a good chance they're all gonna get fired that's what happened to the Marlins who during their first season ever made the extremely stupid decision to hire employees by going to a local high school and hiring high schoolers to be in charge of the tarp this is according to one of the members of the crew who says that this was the first time they had ever had to put the tarp out during a game and for some reason rolled it out into the Outfield they started dragging it all the way into the infield but the tarp got stuck so the ground screw had to start over they tried to drag it out again but it got stuck again they tried it again with even more speed it got stuck again they tried for a third time with even more speed and it got stuck again it got so bad the Marlins manager came out to help them they tried another attempt with even more people and got stuck again it got so bad that Marlins manager quit trying to help them the grounds crew tried a new strategy by moving the tarp all the way to left field they tried again succeeded but only covered half of the infield but finally after six attempts in over 20 minutes they were able to drag the tarps onto the infield unfortunately at this point the rain had already stopped and the field was covered in water which should have been a 20 minute delay led to an hour and a half delay and after the game the entire ground screw of high school kids was fired troubles with the tarp are bound to happen during extreme weather like when the pirate's grounds crew got the tarp stuck and literally had a member of the team swallowed by it he had to be saved by the Pirates players who ended up having to become the grounds crew and hold down the tarp in pouring rain this Crown's crew member got swallowed by the tarp nobody realized it and had to crawl out while fighting for his life in 2014 the Yankees grounds crew messed up so bad the field was soaked to the point where they had to cancel the game in the fifth inning but since the Yankees were winning by a run at the time the grounds crew messing up actually got them the win in 2018 the Phillies grounds crew forgot to put the tarp out overnight it rained the field was soaked they tried to use a flamethrower to try to dry it out that didn't work and the game was canceled even though the weather was fine which begs the question why don't they just invent a tarp that rolls itself eliminating the need for grounds crew members and unnecessary delays actually they had this in the 80s and it almost ended a player's career Vince Coleman was Rookie of the Year and led the league in stolen bases the Cardinals were relying on him heavily during their run to the World Series but in game 4 of the NLCS he and his teammates were hanging out on the field before the game when for some reason the automatic tarp started rolling out on the field Coleman had his back turn and the metal tube that weighed a half ton crushed him and fractured his leg ending his season before the most important series of his career automatic tarps have pretty much gone extinct ever since while the number of Stadium employees have gone up and up they usually do a great job but not always like in New York when the grounds crew made the sprinkler system go off in the middle of a game in Arizona JJ puts was a about to throw a pitch when this sound guy accidentally pressed a button which played the most random sound ever heard fat boys are constantly making some of the most amazing plays while also making some of the worst plays ever but this one made the worst mistake a batboy can by catching a ball and throwing it into the stands even though it was fair a few moments later another ball came to him it was foul but he was so scared of messing up again he just stayed completely still but perhaps the stupidest decision surrounding batboys is the Giants who insist on hiring senior citizens to do it on one hand this is a great gesture it was originally part of their senior involvement program giving older people a chance to get involved and do something they otherwise would never get to do hundreds of elderly ball boys apply every year and dozens are picked to attend a ball dude tryout where they practice catching grounders pop flies and answer trivia questions the Giants then pick the best elderly ball dudes and dudettes to do it in real games the problem is this has led to a ton of falling face planting extremely long delays as they try to travel long distances and probably creates an opportunity for serious injury but it may also be the best and coolest stupid idea in baseball history this other stupid idea sounded cool at first but ended up being so stupid it might have actually cost a team a game [Music] [Applause] during the 2010 World Cup the Marlins did a vuvuzela giveaway the same horn that blared throughout the tournament in South Africa was given to 15 000 fans who showed up to a Florida Marlins game the stadium was maybe a third full but the horns were so loud and annoying players put in earplugs umpires put in earplugs and according to Dan ugla it was the worst promotion he's ever been a part of in the bottom of the ninth in a tie game Brian Barton got a lead off walk but the Umpire realized he wasn't supposed to be hitting apparently the Marlins made a substitution that put Brian Barton in the ninth spot in the order they told the Umpire he was batting ninth but for some reason the Umpire put him in the third spot in the order even though the Marlins clearly put him in the ninth spot the Umpire card which said he was supposed to bat third is official so when he batted ninth like he was supposed supposed to he was automatically out and there's a very good chance the loud vuvuzelas led to this miscommunication what represented the winning run was now automatically out the Marlins didn't score and in the 11th with the vuvuzela still going the Rays scored four and won the game afterwards the Marlins still deemed this promotion as a success and compared to these other promotions it was for example in 1997 the Charleston River dogs did a free vasectomy night a promotion that allowed any adult who bought a ticket the opportunity to enter a raffle the winner of this raffle won a free surgery that made it so they could no longer have kids unfortunately many people including the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston complained and the promotion was canceled as bad as this was the Dodgers once said a promotion so dumb they had to Forfeit the game they gave away 53 000 toy baseballs this seemed like a good idea until a couple bad calls happened and people started throwing the baseballs onto the field after a delay to clean up the balls there were more questionable calls and two ejections so Dodgers fans threw thousands of toy baseballs onto the field the umpires decided the game could not go on so the Dodgers had to Forfeit because they gave away 53 000 toy baseballs the Red Sox wanted a promotion that seemed even more innocent when they gave away free posters of their closer Derek Lowe the problem was Red Sox fans were not Derek Lowe fans he ended up blowing a save on his own poster night so as he was being taken out of the game fans started throwing the Derek Lowe posters onto the field causing a 15-minute delay but this is nothing compared to what the Nationals did which was so dumb they actually had to evacuate the Capitol building but before we get to to that a quick word from today's sponsor raycon has the most affordable and reliable earbuds I've ever used I've been wearing them for months while exercising and they're perfect they stay in your ear they don't break when they get sweat in them and the battery life is amazing these things have eight hours of play time which is more than enough unlike other earbuds I've used I have yet to run out of battery when I need them they're also extremely affordable at half the price of other earbuds you can get the same quality so whether you keep losing your earbuds and hate having to pay hundreds of dollars to replace them you just need a backup pair for when your other earbuds run out of battery or you just want the same quality earbuds for half the price raycon is your best bet especially now they're offering two years of product protection insurance for only a few bucks they have free and easy return guarantees and right now they're offering 15 off to anyone who clicks the link in the description box or go to buy baseball dozen this is a great deal and an amazing way to support the channel so click the link below and buy raycon right now every year on opening day teams do opening day ceremonies this year the Brewers did a flyover with fighter jets unfortunately for the fans they didn't see it because for some reason the Brewers did a flyover with the roof flows the Nationals did something even worse in 2022 they had service members jump out of a plane and parachute onto the field for Military Appreciation Night the problem was they never properly communicated this to the Capitol Police who tracked the aircraft on their Radars couldn't identify it and sent a message to Capital staffers that they identified an aircraft that caused a quote probable threat to the U.S Capitol building the building was evacuated before they quickly realized it was just the Nationals luckily this did not affect anything that happened on the field but that can't be said for the White Sox who made a uniform decision that was so dumb it caused a player to cut up his teammates uniforms with scissors 40 years later in 1976 as a funny publicity stunt the White Sox became the only MLB team to wear shorts during a game during this game they set their season high with five stolen bases they won the game had a massive increase in attendance and believe it or not the players actually seem to love them but after only three games of wearing shorts the White Sox felt the joke was overplayed and never wore them again however these jerseys became notorious so in 2016 the White Sox announced they would wear the jerseys again and give away free jerseys to fans as a promotion even though they were paired with baseball pants pitcher Chris Sale found them extremely uncomfortable he begged the White Sox to let the team wear their regular jerseys during his start but they said no because they had already made thousands of them to give away to fans this pissed off Chris Sale so bad he went around the clubhouse with scissors and cut his and his teammates jerseys hours before the game since the jerseys all had holes in them the White Sox were forced to wear different jerseys and also suspended Chris Sale but as mad as Chris Sale was no pitcher was more mad than David Cohn after this play he was so angry he started arguing with the UMP even though there were men on base so while he was screaming at the Umpire another Runner came in and scored Cohn got even angrier and kept screaming at the UMP problem was there was another runner on base who scored all the way from first base as Cohn continued to scream at the UMP Nigel Morgan got caught screaming at himself after he almost made this amazing catch but for some reason he thought he hit the ball over the fence it didn't go over the fence so while he slammed his glove and started yelling at himself Adam Jones went all the way around the bases for an inside the park home run because Niger Morgan never picked up the ball Tommy John probably should have been even angrier after he fielded this ball made an error the right fielder was about to throw the runner out until Tommy John cut the ball off for no reason another error then proceeded to throw the ball into the Dugout allowing a run to score setting an MLB record with three errors in a single play that sounds like the dumbest record of all time it's actually not because Lloyd Mosley said an MLB record by stealing the same base twice in one play he was safe the first time and when the catcher threw the ball into the Outfield he for whatever reason got confused and started sprinting the wrong way around the bases they tried to throw him out again and there was another throwing error so he was able to go back to the base he had just stole seconds earlier Javi Baez did something similar and it actually it worked he started running backwards to avoid the tag problem was there were two outs and all the Pirates had to do was throw the ball to first to get out of the inning but for some reason they tried to throw it home but still only had to throw the ball to first for the Run not to count nobody was there they threw it anyway and Javi Baez was able to make it two seconds these plays were dumb but they didn't affect the outcome of the game tremendously plenty of dumb plays half like when the Giants hit a ball to right in the bottom of the ninth in a tie game the outfielder missed it meaning all the runner had to do was run around the bases and the Giants won he went the wrong way realized he went the wrong way went the right way missed the bag then had to go back the wrong way to touch the bag then tried to go to third anyway should have been out by a mile but a bad throw allowed him to be safe then he tried to go home and was out by 20 feet but no dumb mistake in history screwed a team over more than this one in the eighth inning of a tie game in game seven of the World Series Terry Pendleton hit a double which should have easily put the Braves up 1-0 however Lonnie Smith got tricked by the second baseman who did this thought the ball might have been caught and stopped completely instead of scoring easily he stopped at third the Braves failed to score and the game went into extras tied 0-0 meaning that this could have been the difference the twins ended up walking them off and won the World Series but even this play doesn't come close to the dumbest ever that award goes to this guy who did the age-old trick of running onto the field during the game despite knowing you're going to go to jail earlier this year this guy attempted it so he could propose to his girlfriend as he got on one knee security destroyed him this guy might have been the smartest to do it he ran onto the field Juke security jumped over the Outfield wall avoided another guard climbed onto the batter's eye and jumped out of the stadium without getting caught this was an amazing display but even he was reportedly arrested outside of the stadium shortly after the dumbest offender was in Philly the day after another fan became famous when he was tasered on the field while running on it this became national news spark debate around the country and increased security at Citizens Bank Park despite all of this negative attention the very next night another fan did it he apparently ran onto the field tried to run away but got tired and gave up as he walked off the field he was booed and even heckled by Jason worth after the game it was reported he was charged with defiant trespass disorderly conduct and possession meaning in all likelihood this guy ran onto the field knowing he was going to get arrested while also probably knowing he had illegal substances in his pocket and it doesn't get much dumber than that
Channel: Baseball Doesn't Exist
Views: 4,679,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BrYRrld0sm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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