Can You Beat Genshin Impact Only Using Lynette??!!

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with the release of Fontaine came a brand new gift from hoye it was not a 10 pool nor was it three wishes in the span of 5 days but rather a new guaranteed character given to those who have reached ar25 lyette we've struggled through Barbara and we've tolerated Ki so let's see how Lynette will do in her attempt to solo the game here are the rules we can only use Lynette and all swords are allowed including five stars now let's see if we can beat ginin impact or only using [Music] [Music] lyette we start our journey with a little bit of magic after $15 mysteriously left my bank account we got a 10 poool and managed to get the character we needed once we equipped her with ka's favorite weapon we made our way over to Amber's Temple seeing as how all of the guaranteed characters so far are medium women they all had the exact same issue let me in let me in but once she reached the top she was able to Glide over and miraculously reappear at the top we then entered ka's domain and struggled to jump over the spikes but once we finally made it over we broke the Crystal and noticed something weird about Pon yo her eyes wo lastly for Lisa's domain Lynette established her dominance over the rest of the guaranteed crew because she was actually able to Glide over and climb up the edge I guess we now know who is the tallest short queen and that makes me king see see but out of all the characters we did I actually wish I did use the invisible platform here because because it would have been like a magic trick but yeah she suffers from success with Act One completed it's time for us to grind up to AR10 and discuss the highs and lows of this character let's look at the highs first Lynette is a sword user which means she gets a guaranteed fourstar weapon in the Prototype ring Corp and since we only use one character we are going to be normal attacking a lot throughout this journey so the physical damage bonus is always nice to have plus her charge attacks have a very large hit box like seriously this thing is huge for no reason that's quite big impressive the next positive for Lynette is the fact that she's anoo is the jack of all trades working well against most elements but not excelling against any of them and as for how well it does against Gio we don't talk about Gio another positive would be her burst The Cat in the Hat it taunts enemies Swirls and gets a massive damage increase when combined with other elements this is the best burst we've had so far and I think this cat deserves a treat lastly Lynette's skill does a surprising amount of damage and it's really good for moving around medium females are the fourth fastest character types in the game but because of Lynette's ability we don't really have to worry about speed that much now for the negatives Lynette's ability this ability has its strengths but it does have some drawbacks to it this ability is just a worst version of yons in almost every way lynet is slower doesn't last as long and targets just one enemy but even that last point is iffy because this move likes to miss for some reason huh I don't know how because it has a targeter but somehow this move manages to find a way to not hit whatever it's going for like how in the hell did I miss this ruin guard this ability also drains your HP but at the same time if you hit an enemy you recover some health back so essentially it accomplishes nothing the next downside would be her normal attacks they just feel off I don't really know how else to describe it they just feel so weird to me overall this character isn't great but she's not bad she's on the edge of mid leaning into good but that's fine because she was still able to get us to start act two of monat in Just 4 hours 4 hours we ascended our weapon but not lyette because that would require us going all the way over to font Tain just to get her materials and I'll be honest I did not feel like doing that our first obstacle for act two is the eye of the storm and lenette fared off a lot better against this thing than the last animal sword character we had to use I mean just look we were able to hit this thing when it was barely on screen I told you this move's vertical hit box is absurd next was The foule Hideout which we were able to successfully infiltrate and deal with the agent we put our cat down to use his bait and since it completely TRS the agent's location he just got hard countered this was not his after that we head over to the ruing guard to collect the tears when we have our abilities up we do a surprising amount of damage but when they're on cool down our normal attacks feel pretty lackluster and yes I know the ruin guard has physical resistance this sentiment still applies to other enemies following the ru guard's defeat we picked up the next two tiers in the forest and domain then finished act two of monat once we slowly took down the hydro magees shield we began the fight against de Lynette did not do great against Ain mainly because her ability is on a fairly average cool down and her normal attacks do not do much damage however she was able to land a chief shot on him with this punch attack after 2 minutes Lynette beat devalen and we were finished with monat at 5 hours and 40 minutes on our way to ar23 we encountered many a wacky hij Jinks the holy liar whoa I think I feel a song coming on the main point of note was the journey to the Ascension remember earlier how I said no I don't really feel like it well that issue was fixed because hoye gave us a wayo to teleport to after monats our Conquest ain't that swell we were now finally able to send our Lynette up to level 40 and unlock a passive that is completely useless to us at just under 9 hours we hit ar23 and started the First Act of leeway ronquest to begin we Traverse over to Moon Carver and take on some goons with his power after finishing The Last Enemy with a nice little combo we went over to Cloud retainers domain Lynette must not like being compared to Barbara because once again she Towers over Barbara with her verticality by making it up the tree on her first try then we make it to Mountain shaper and just to pour salt into the wound Lynette breaks the Amber without having to resort to any outside interference Rex lapis assassinated at the right of dissension lastly we had Xiao in the ruin Hunter the main thing we learned about this is the damage potential of Lynette's skill because she actually hit 1K damage here which puts her among the elites of our solo characters at this point in the run with the end of this fight we were finished with act one and could begin our journey to ar25 after about an hour we reached ar25 ascended our weapon and entered the original Ascension domain this gameplay was recorded in 4.0 which means she was The Last of a Dying Breed of characters who had the honor of fighting aith so how well does Lynette do in this environment can she handle the heat or does she need to leave the kitchen I get out well for the most part she does pretty well thanks to this pyro Archer on the outside we were able to infuse our burst with fire which is much much better than using the plain animal burst she was also able to Corner trap this foule agent and our little cat in the hat only made it worse for the poor guy this cat has done a lot for us in here we should give her a treat but wait haven't we already given you one did you eat a treat from right here oh oh no so why why they saying you ate a treat if you ain't eat a treat from did you eat I'mma ask you again did you eat a treat from right no all right but now it's time for the main event the real test how well does she do against aith in terms of dealing damage she does perfectly fine but she struggles a lot with the resurrection phase her skill does very little damage to it and it's on such a long cool down that we can only use it twice during this period so that means we have to use our burst by combining our burst and skill we are just barely able to squeeze out one of the prisms so essentially we can only damage it with our skill so that way we can get particles because if we attack with our normal attacks the Revival phase gets triggered and we can't do anything to it just don't I don't want to play this any i f with little under 2 minutes to spare Lynette was able to bring down aith and as a reward we get a constellation for our Lynette not from the wishes of course but instead from the event tab that gives us one for reaching ar25 and let me tell you out of all the constellations I've seen this is definitely one of them once we leave the Ascension domain we head back over to Fontaine and use the public transportation so we can actually fight lynnette's boss the first time I did this boss battle I actually died and I thought that this boss was going to be a pain in the ass dude this boss is a pain in the ass until I realized that all you have to do is stand here on the edge when it does this move and you'll be fine it is pretty boring but hey it works and to spare us from the pain we got two drops out of this yes after leveling up Lynette to level 50 we finally started leeway Act 2 we made our way over to the cooking pot but something was off our Elemental skill wasn't warming up the pot this is not supposed to happen and I know this because animal traveler was able to work on this section so I knew for a fact that Lynette should also be able to do this my gamer senses started tingling I knew something was up I was able to make my burst pyro by using the fire over here but it barely warmed up the pot so there was no way that strategy was going to work but then I remembered something when I started this Quest it was raining which put out the Pyro flowers underneath the pot and since they weren't lit we were not getting the Pyro swirl there was only one solution by resetting the game thankfully the Pyro plants underneath the pot turned back on and we were able to light up the Rocks next we entered the teapot and almost got screwed over by these platforms again what then we took out some treasure hoarders by the ballista and finished act two for act three we started off by activating the animal device then we infiltrated the back line it'll be fast in and [Music] out on our way to the next section I encountered a very strange coincidence someone named ether without an A and A lumine without the e coincidence I think not those people were in cahoots trying to conspire again after conducting a federal investigation we sang to some flowers [Music] next up was the battle against child now this is a pretty big deal considering we're going against one of our superiors let's see how this goes on up with the child defeated it's now time for us to defend the city even though she doesn't have pyro or cryo Lynette fared pretty well in this battle because her skill hits like a truck and combined with the Epal Buffs she might as well be an actual Tru as the fight Drew to a close Lynette finished leeway at 15 hours and 34 minutes putting her only 15 minutes behind Bennett and I got to say that's pretty impressive impressive very nice let's see Lynette's daniff run once we started the D lift Quest we came across two Hydro Abyss Mages that Lynette quickly dispatched of now this is efficiency but can she keep up this momentum the answer to that is Yes actually while Lynette doesn't do well against the hydro Herald she made pretty good time with the abyss Mage fights this section taught me that Lynette actually excels in fights with multiple enemies because of the swirl she can use from the skill and the burst which is why we could easily destroy Abyss Shields aside from the herald Shields those are still a pain in the ass after finishing the domain it was now time for Lynette to face oosile in which she chose to end this quickly with an allout attack this is a hold up beat him up and with these results we were able to start inauma at 17 hours and 40 minutes as we began the transport Mission I was reminded of what our first constellation actually does Jarvis enhance you see if you pay just close enough attention you will notice that this person was actually pulled towards us yeah we got it after doing the ar25 domain but this was actually the first time I noticed it next we cleared out the prison and started Act Two by taking on the almighty Ren this fight wasn't too hard the main thing we had to look out for was our own skill we couldn't just Spam it because of the health drain I also learned that for her burst there is in fact a little Spotlight on the cat so it does match her voice line here a spotlight once the fight concluded it was time for the archery demonstration now can Lynette break the targets yes but can Lynette break all of the targets uh pressure getting to you yes to that also because of magic you know because her brother uses a bow and you know that old saying about twins how they can read each other's thoughts and they also share the same archery skills it's a saying that goes all the way back back into the medieval times it's a it's a crazy world out there next was the fight against sar's men nothing interesting happened here I just wanted to show you this dodge because it was pretty [Music] cool it reminded me of bull fighting that's my son with the end of act two comes the beginning of act three and the electro puzzle Lunette could do this puzzle if there was no time limit that time limit that mother sucking time limit it's it's not even like there's a counter it's like the game just pulls the plug like oh you're going to win her cat can become Electro but it can't get all three of the pillars in the time needed without using a little bit of magic after making tee disappear we make our way over to the delusion Factory we've been consistently hitting over 1K damage with our skills since ar25 but in this area we managed to get a new high for Lynette at this point with 2K damage I'm not trying to burst her bubble but it still does not compare to Ben it's 5K earlier overall the factory was not difficult for Lynette since groups of enemies are to her what bosses are to chii those who watch that video will understand and for those who haven't yet you will once we finish off the last of a bloodline we reach the next obstacle in our path Senora let's just hope this Harbinger put up a better fight than the last one she did after about 5 minutes it was time to fight the s Mighty sh what the SC and the noi I'm not going to lie she was putting the hands on us for the first half of this fight but you know how these things go it doesn't matter how strong you are if the plot is against you thanks to Faith being on our side we finished Ena Zuma at 21 hours and 33 minutes the next thing for us to do is the chasm Quest huh before we enter the depths we had to take down a hydro abis Herald and at this point Lynette is just out for blood against Barbara because just like barbs Lynette also used the electro Mage to her advantage in this fight which let me tell you it did a lot more for Lynette than it did for Barbara so much so that Lynette finished this bout in a tenth of the time it took Barbara but now we can start the dlift quest and what a show of blatant disrespect put on by Lynette towards Barbara again she continues to establish dominance over the hydro Herald as if she's trying to signal to Barbara that she is an ant beneath her boot you're an ant beneath my boot but when it comes to the electro Herald it seems that Barbara is still showing some life after beating it 3 minutes faster than Lynette Barbara's Joy doesn't last for long though as Lynette returns to her forte with the double Abyss Mages and to top it off she is able to destroy the batteries please just stop Barbara's already dead that was the last Barber comparison once we finished the quest we grinded out both our boss and and Scrolls until we reached ar35 and could Ascend our character which gave us a pretty okay passive as for the ar35 domain it went largely the same as the 25 one however we did lose more time dealing with a if in this run because I messed up on one of the earlier prisms are how garbage is this game are you kidding me and this next part isn't in the script but I just realized this this will be the last time the old Ascension domain is ever in one of my videos so I just want to take a second here and thank you for the Memories like spending 4 hours trying to beat aith with Lisa and spending over 2 hours with the level one characters that's it's gone after this thanks for [Music] watching at 25 hours into this play through Lynette began the First Act of sumaru which did put her an hour behind Bennett as well as falling behind Kaa but she has done very well in this journey in the withering Zone our sharts attacks came in very clutch against these flying fungi especially since our skill could not hit them when it came to act two I usually don't show anything here besides aim ignoring it get this guy out of here but the only reason I'm mentioning it here is because of lynnette's Death Stare towards dunor OD this is the face of a killer in act three we once again got reminded that we do in fact have a pool now then we took on the wolf Clan the whole gimmick with these enemies is that they do damage over time but little do they know he's never fought me she loves to live in pain so these fools didn't realize they were only making her stronger yes you can hurt me as much as you want the pain will only make me stronger okay that's a pretty creepy thing to say following one of the worst sentences I've ever said in my life we began Act 4 and made our way over to the hospital after dealing with some biggie TRS it came time for us to face the dindr pillars we use the same strategy as every Nono character for this but since our truck mode makes us go Zoom we never had to stress about the 30second time limit the next thing Lynette needs to do is the pyramid domain and as we've already established when it comes to enemies that fly they fly now they fly now Lynette has no problem knocking them back down to earth now that we finished act four it's time to begin the original Final Act of sumaru Lynette suffered her first death in combat thanks to a three member team Wombo Combo from the Pyro sniper Electro hammer and our stupid ass skill that hurts us why Wow the next stop was the factory inside we had to play Ring Around the Rosie with the cry Gunner because he would not move out of the way in this platform take so long to get here as we made it to the last of the enemies I started to notice that Lynette's damage was beginning to fall off she was still hitting over 1K damage but she never really grew past that phase it was weird she stagnated after watching a Christmas episode during the initial recording date of September it came time to fight Scaro come it went the exact same as everyone else's but as we got to the nuke part of the fight Lynette unfortunately could not damage the turrets of course she could hit it because just look at this move but she could not damage them so she got struck by awen as for the polluted Zone we came across the wolf enemies but little do they know well he's never fought me yeah he has he's never fought me twice so they still haven't comprehended that we enjoy the pain but not that much because when we landed on the ship the burn combined with the damage from our skill hurt like a waa whoa who whoa whoa wao wao wao hey hey hey hey hey hey 31 hours into this playthrough blette finished Act five which puts her on track for Kirt the tricky part about this Quest is lighting the bonfire Lynette is similar to animal traveler in the sense that whenever they get hit by an element they become that element or in this case the cat becomes that element because of this relationship we were able to bring a pyro Whopper flower down the hill get shot by its artillery and use our pyro body to make our cat a fire cat then light the bonfire let's go the other noticeable part of this Quest is the old domain with the cryle herald since we only haveo Lynette only did okay against it like I mentioned earlier ano is okay against everything so this fight still took longer compared to other characters thou has reaped what has been sowed with the domain done we were finished with sumaru at 32 hours and 33 minutes and I got to give Lynette her flowers because she is doing the best out of the guaranteed characters so far she is zooming right past the competition in order for us to reach Fontaine we did didn't do anything special just grinded bosses and did the trial ground of thunder until a couple hours later where we reached ar40 act one of Fontaine required us to dampen some flowers which Lynette had no issue doing because of the cat so that was a [Music] lie during act two we did some [Applause] diving and wished for the first first time on beginner Banner looking back this made me very happy because I have so much love for B after doing the no healing challenge you'll learn more about that in the next video As for the combat here we use the same strategy throughout this entire playthrough get hit R into the burst profit to start Act five we Ascend up to level 80 then head to the deps the hydro Rogue was actually our Ally in the battle hello Zuko here it turned this into a two on two because its Hydro Powers turned our cat into a water cat hey guys did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding Vaporeon is the most so the ruin guard was probably pretty pissed about that you're are you kidding me lastly was the whale in which Lynette got a new damage high of 2.5k after declining an invitation from one of my spare accounts we were finished with Fontaine after 42 hours 11 minutes and 45 seconds we beat ginin impact only using lyette back in September when this was first recorded I was pretty excited to use Lynette and for the most part I'd say she did pretty good not bad kid solo wise this is a very solid character I've never used her in a team so I don't have any comments regarding that but let's go ahead and give her a rating to see if she is the best guaranteed character so far spoilers it's yeah damage I would give Lynette a four for damage her skill hits like a truck in the earlier portions of the game but she seems to stagnate around the ar35 to 40 range the burst is really good for AOE but I was still waiting for her to reach that next level exploration I would also give Lanetta four here normally being a medium female would give her a two but since her skill is a movement speed increase and she's Animo she can do a lot of things in the open world while also moving quickly sustain I think Lynette gets a three for this she can heal but it also comes at the cost of losing health so it's just fine but the ult does have a taunt which helps her survivability boss fights lyette gets a three she's just is solid doesn't do horribly nor does she overperform she is perfectly all right I'm perfectly all right ability SL utility I'll give her a four the skill is good for moving around and the UL can add another element which is good for damage and exploration while also taunting enemies overall Lynette gets a 19 out of 25 giving her a b while ending with an unbuffed damage high of 2.6k and buffed being 3.4k as of now Lynette is the queen of solo guaranteed character characters she has shown that she is more than capable of staying in the kitchen but we've still got one more person who thinks she can handle the [Music] heat I am here [Music] I
Channel: MistahFeet
Views: 548,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, lynette, genshin lynette, mistahfeet, mistah foot, can you beat genshin, how to beat genshin
Id: U6GMAe97uX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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