Can You Beat Genshin Impact Without Doing Damage??!!

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how do you beat enemies in ginin well duh damage you idiot but what if we didn't do the damage and by that I mean we let other creatures do the work for us oh God today we are going to beat ginch and impact only using summons here are the rules damage can only be done by summons for this challenge a summon will be defined as either a creature or an object that is placed onto the field this definition covers pets turrets and geoc constructs lastly Elemental totems can only be activated by summons and if you want to argue and say that we are still technically doing damage since we summon these things you can do that but I'm going to go ahead and start the anime [Music] [Applause] opening to catch them is my real test to train them is my got toch me I know it's my destiny you're my in a world we [Music] must we start our journey at the Statue after gaining some powers that will be as useful as basketball cleats we were met with some pyro slimes but since we don't have a proper summon for this what can we do well if you've seen the comment section on my level one characters video you would have learned that you can actually push these slimes into the water so all we had to do was just walk away and use our e and C Outlanders your journey ends here after making another account we got our powers again and push these slimes Into the Water by definition we didn't do damage to them but at the same time if you push someone off a bridge did they commit suicide or did you kill them once we leave the forest we come across our first playable character Amber you thought you'd never see me again didn't you well too bad unfortunately for me Amber will be a prominent character in this run because of her ability Baron bunny which can actually harm enemies it's going to be a long challenge upon realizing that I did not want this to be our only damage we quickly went over to the Knights of fonus to unlock wishes and since this account was made during the anniversary event I was able to obtain the same rewards as a day one player a free tin poool from this summon we received official and a Lynette but we're not done yet I still wasn't satisfied with this account there was another character we needed during the next Banner phase we got adori and after that I made the decision to pull for finina now before you get mad at me for spending money let me just say this she was not an instant win for this challenge for reasons I'll explain in a minute with our wishes complete our team of trainers were now ready to begin we started at Amber's Temple Baron bunny did have the opportunity to burn the vines but we also had the opportunity to just simply jump over them so we took that one instead inside of this domain we got to experience our first bit of combat it went about how I expected Baron bunny was useless Oz did his job and fina's goons took over the place following some gliding the goons broke the crystal with style and we finished the domain next up was ka's Temple farina's goon squad just completely no died this entire area as soon as someone showed up they were gone reduced to Adams and since we had our goons out we were also able to just walk over these spikes so that was pretty neat lastly was Lisa's Temple for the first time in forever we actually did this domain in the intended way kind of we put our creatures out there left to go get a chest and by the time we came back there was only blood left after 3 minutes we made it to the Crystal and almost messed up then we finished the First Act but at this point I added an additional rule to the challenge finina was performing very strongly a little too strongly her goons were just way too advanced compared to the other creatures available in our party so I decided to make a change I didn't want this to turn into a finina only video so I decided that until we finished leeway's Aron Conquest her goon squad was banned and we could only use the healing stance but in order to reach leeway we still need a grind to finish out monat cry out my illustrious name fish oh springless huzzah huh that looks like a string to me let's take it deeper look into our party we'll start with finina since it'll be the easiest one finina summon is called the singer of many Waters it's pretty simple she calls it out and it heals us its duration is longer than its cool down so it can be out permanently which is pretty cool the only thing I dislike about this skill is that I wish it made enemies wet upon summoning oh and by the way in the event that you see finina and her black outfit that's because whenever you enter or exit a building SL doain with her it resets to that next is fal's ability Oz Oz is another simple yet effective ability you bring him out and he shoots out Electro damage the only downside is the cool down which I definitely felt throughout this challenge but it's it's not that bad because if you use the burst that always brings out an oz and you can play around that pretty well to allow for a consistent up time with them and yes I did allow FAL to use her burst since it is Oz doing the damage but even then it's kind of weird because it doesn't hit Shields and I think it might be bugged against samles we can't use Amber's burst and Finas can only be used if people aren't close to her since it does damage around her but last and certainly least we have Amber in her summon Baron bunny I didn't even try to turn this into a joke segment talking about how quote unquote good this ability is because it's not it's so bad I hate it so much let's talk about the positives it can break rocks and when it blows up it burns the grass which can make overload for ficial also the energy regen isn't that bad because once every blue moon you'll hit an enemy which generates four energy particles but it's hard to hit enemies because this ability is terrible this ability takes about 8 Seconds To Blow up only for it to do basically no damage during this time enemies can just walk away or hit it away from them and we're left with only one option push it but that doesn't even work half the time because this ability doesn't have any range please hit both please hit both oh there is no worse feeling in this game than having to use Baron bunny to solve puzzles when it could have taken 3 seconds to do instead of the minute it took to like these three totems I genuinely don't even know how else to describe this ability everyone's used it before you know how bad it is I don't get it there's three things about this ability that blow my mind one someone thought of it two another person saw the design and approved it and three they both got paid for it was it too much to ask for by just having it to where if you press the skill again it detonates is that too much work for you to make such a simple change who are you Mo and yes I I know about the second constellation but it shouldn't be that way so you don't have to comment about it and tell me about how you one-shotted dealin but I mean seriously what is the point in this ability this is the first character that they give you in the game and they thought this was a good ability for people to see who thought of that is this ability an insanity test because I failed this ability is so bad and so difficult to use that I added another optional rule to this challenge yeah another one I made it a goal for myself that for every enemy that has a health bar at the top of the screen in the archon quest Baron bunny had to hit them at least once yes this ability sucks so much that just Landing it I deemed worthy enough to be a challenge so let's see how this plays out at the 5H hour mark we began act two ascended our characters and fought an eye of the storm after completing our new mandate we let Oz handle the Dirty Work and Enter The foule Hideout my main worry going into this place was the foule agent one because we had to use Baron Bunny and two its invisibility I thought that its invisibility move would trick our creatures but no Oz saw right through all of his tricks with its Keen Eye yes okay we got it next up was the ruing guard fight and since our Pocket Monsters only do Elemental damage we didn't have anything to worry about here we then collect the second tier and enter the domain which holds the final one this domain was not particularly Troublesome until the second to last group of enemies we were met with the bane of my existence throughout this entire playr Electro slimes these slimes are completely immune to Oz which leaves us with one form of attack left Baron bunny go go Baron bunny I had encountered moments like this earlier and let me tell you it doesn't get easier after 5 minutes we got our teardrop bought some mist flowers and began act three a hydro Abyss Mage was our first obstacle in this Quest and it fared better than most of the other enemies because it actually made an attempt to dodge no next next we solved the puzzle and began our first boss battle once Oz broke the shield we climbed up its head and hit him with everything we had which was just Baron bunny because Oz was still on cool down yeah this was probably the longest devalen fight we've had so far primarily because of Oz Baron bunny could not break his shield so Oz was the only one up for the challenge but if fal's burst wasn't up we couldn't get good damage on his head thankfully we made a totally calculated play with Baron Bunny and Oz was able to secure us the victory thank you you our first job after defeating the monster that nearly destroyed the city was to clean up the mess made by other monsters who tried to destroy the city I'll just show you this clip and let you interpret how it went for the other 12 barricades we also got this pretty raw image of Ka and the singer back to back and yes you can screenshot this if you want after 7 hours we obtained our animal badge and began our journey to the next city oh did you think we were going to leeway no you goof we're going to travel over to Fontaine so we can grab fina's essential materials like most of the other fights in this challenge there's a lot of interactive gameplay we just summon Oz throw out Baron bunny until the monster eventually dies damage doesn't really matter here because of the singer this thing is basically another statue of the seven like seriously the healing on this move is nuts this character is bloated but let's get back to the grinding nope come on Baron Bunny come on yes yes well I guess we're not doing abyss and don't worry dear viewer our Electro slime battles are not done yet because we still have deluke domain to do go bunny bunny this Quest is also the reason why I bought those m flowers earlier I would happily give away Mora in exchange for a minute and 10 seconds of waiting on Baron bunny to explode next to some flowers oh and I did hit the wolf with Baron bunny so on to the next archon quest which is leeway act one at the deer sanctuary we are gifted the ability to permanently have our Pokémon out by our sides which means that there were a lot of explosions after the battle our creatures return inside their balls and we head over to the mountain shaper we need to help this man by breaking his brother out of the Amber but what's this our summons don't hurt the crystals so it seems like he's on his own for this oh I know why don't we just use Baron bunny [Music] oh next was Cloud retainer and thankfully this cooking pot was already lit because if I had to wait another 8 seconds for this ability to do something I might jump out of my room inside of cloud retainer domain we did allow Baron bunny to activate the Pyro pillar but do you see that yeah we're not doing that instead we'll just let the short girl squad take turns climbing up the tree and finish the domain lastly we had the Xiao Tower got it this battle against the ruin Hunter was nothing to worry about and it just made made me wonder how my past self would have viewed this I wasn't in it I wasn't in we've come a long way since those times which concludes our adventures in act one after farming some bosses we Ascend both Amber and finina up to level 50 but not official because at this point we can't beat aiff since I added the rule that bans the Goon Squad next we head inside the new Ascension domain yeah this is the first time we've seen the new Ascension domain on the channel and how is it easy as why hoil verse you can take away the ruin guard you can take away the optional Hydro Mage at the beginning and you can take away the cryo and hydro Mage Duo but you can't take away my aith why must you do this who is the Lisa May at hoye that saw my video and resonated with it so badly that they just had to make this change bring back AI you cowards once we completed the domain we got another stringless and began act two to start we need to heat up the cooking pot which we have to use Baron bunny for well I guess I have to do it now it takes six of these by the way after the cooking pot we head inside of the teapot and encounter more Electro slimes but also an even more annoying enemy an enemy that I don't think I've ever mentioned before now because they're just so irrelevant but they were way too annoying in this section the spiders summoning Oz did damage but Oz himself could not Target them which means we had to rely on Baron Bunny and I'll let the footage speak for itself it it didn't it didn't kill the the SPID it it didn't kill the spider it it couldn't kill a a spider next we take on some goons while it's raining and let me just say that in combat I would much rather prefer having rain as a partner than Baron bunny seriously electrocharge did more in this fight than Baron bunny could ever hope to accomplish and that's the end of act two after pushing a hilly churl into Baron bunny we began act three of leeway and come across Theo device but oh what's this we don't have anyo characters is on our team so it seems like this is our first can't except it's actually not because we have a lyette yeah the one we got from our fishal tin pool is still here and while her skill can't be used her ult can be classified as a summon so we charged her burst and activated the device you might be wondering ah Mr feat you're so funny and attractive but if you can use her burst why don't you just keep her on the team the answer is because of dramatic effect I did use her earlier for KA story Quest though next we fight some guards at the ballista again and the game seemed to agree with me that rain is a better partner for oz so it poured down on everyone again after that fight we sang to some [Music] flowers the penultimate battle was Against Child which means our Baron bunny mandate is back in action and I decided to one up myself because I was able to hit it in all three phases of the fight plays like these are the reasons why I'm the four time back to back to back to back gamer of the Year winner the battle itself gradually became more timec consuming since child kept getting Electro resistances which meant that Baron bunny was actually doing more damage than a single Oz shot and yes that is an accomplishment following 10 minutes of interactive gameplay we beat child and began our fight against OS this was just another Oz sweep to be honest and that ends act three which means we can use the goons again the first thing we did upon this re-inclusion was fight the Electro hypostasis and as I was using them I immediately remembered why I banned them they couldn't harm the Revival prisms but that's why lyette and Amer here bar money could take out 2/3 of a prism and Lynette's cat in the Box could finish it off with this strategy we took down aith ascended our official and entered the spiral Abyss goon squad and Oz just absolutely shredded whatever came their way and after clearing floor 3 we were given a new team member jangling we ascended her gave her an R4 Dragon Bane and began dli's Quest Jang Ling's ability is guoba which is just a better Baron bunny it has a shorter cool down does more damage and it gets more range with the Ascension passive with this team comp our creatures were very strong almost a little too strong after finishing act one we began Act Two by fighting a hydro is Herald we didn't use goon squad here but I mean even with these three at the helm they still held their own damn even Baron bunny got a hit in Gooba completely changed the game of this challenge pyro is such a strong element and when it can actually be used it helps Oz out a lot this Duo swept through all of day Act 2 the only thing that slowed them down was the shield but they still got the job done we got it next we start the J chamber Quest hit ar30 Ascend finina and enter the domain our first obstacle is mining which almost went horribly no as we continued further into the domain we used the Goon Squad and oh that's 2.8k damage from a summon this early into the game after crushing a Geo bishop and two ruin guards we began the fight with Bas this fight was interesting everyone got their licks in on based and our damage is actually kind of good right now this challenge was starting to ease up on us so that's why after we finished the J chamber and started inauma I reinstalled the ban the goons are just too strong and some might call me a m IST but deep down you and I both know that it would not be satisfying to watch the Goon Squad just solo this game following Jang Ling's Ascension we walked to the Alor and sailed over to inauma to begin we are tasked with escorting the transport along the beach our Pokémon did not have any issues here mainly because the water gave us two useful reactions electrocharged for AOE and vaporized for big damage natural water supplies once again proved to be better than Baron bunny as we entered the prison I came to the conclusion that Oz was no longer an Electro Raven once guoba put pyro onto these enemies Oz was now a B-52 bomber the explosions destroyed the guards here and that's how we finished act one for act two we have to fight the almighty Ryden Shogun let's just get this out of the way Baron bunny did get it HD in aside from that attack guoba was our main offense here which didn't result in much but he still did more damage than Lisa when she put the Vision Hunt decree into Force we could not do anything well I could have done one thing but we'll get to that later good thing this is a time based boss because we were able to survive the and head over to the resistance which holds the part that some of you may have been curious about the archery demonstration now can summons like Oz do this kind of but they're very unreliable I tried to use the Goon Squad but they share the same issue so it seems like these two are out of the question which leaves us with guoba and baron bunny guoba can't do it because he doesn't have enough range inside the box and if we deploy him early he disappears before it starts so from this group we only have Baron bunny to use strap yourselves in because this is going to be a while the first plan was to place Oz over here and baron bunny on top that way Oz can get the first dummy and baron bunny can get the ones that spawn up there there were two issues with this plan though once we clear those dummies we have to worry about the ones that spawn over here and we can't do anything to them Baron bunny has too big of a radius guba can't reach them and Oz as well as the Goon Squad could easily Target get one of the red dummies the second issue was that Oz sometimes attacks the red dummy instead of the one that's directly in his face what happened here was that as soon as the target spawned Oz hit the red one which immediately caused us to fail so that plan was out of the question the next idea involved using a new character one who gave us more control in this section I decided to replace jangling with geot traveler going by the definition for summons I said earlier geot traveler's ability falls under two of them it is a geoc construct and rocks can also be classified as a pet but it wasn't going to be just as simple as placing our rocks on the target to destroy them or standing on the Rock to get a better angle oh no no no no no we had a new strategy to develop because we completed leeway's archon Quest we had C2 geot traveler which makes our rocks explode once they disappear and since you can only have three rocks out whenever you deploy the fourth one the first rock blows up so it's kind of like a detonable bomb H what a useful concept the first plan was to place two rocks in the middle to get the three blue targets then we placed a Third Rock On Top here to get the fourth Target but that didn't work because the Rocks could not hit the top Target plan two we place The Rock in the middle here so it can hit the second and third target then we put the rocks on the back of the wood here so that way the explosion can hit the blue targets but not any of the other ones as for the first Target we summon oz to shoot it it seemed ingenious until Oz shot the red target up top I hate this game's AI Plan Three I replaced Oz with Baron bunny because we have more control over its targeting and so far this plan was working we managed to get five targets out of 20 all right so what's next on the west we have two blue targets to hit the rock can destroy the top Target without harming the Reds and for the bottom Target we can just use Baron bunny that's wave four decided but what does wave five have for us wave sinko contains 10 targets four on the left three in the middle and three on the right the four on the left are actually the easiest because one rock destroys them all on the right side we can deploy a rock there so it can take out the top and right target as for the middle we can just use rocks to finish another two Targets and for the leftovers we can just use Baron bunny or spare Rock if we have the cool down once the final wave shows up we only have three targets left one on each side the one on the right was the easiest since we can just place a rock in front of it the middle one was trickier but could easily be solved with a baron bunny but the last one was the issue Baron bunny caused too big of an explosion so it would hit the red ones at the same time as the blue one oz wouldn't work because he kept aiming at the wrong one and the Rocks also couldn't work because of the same issues as Baron bunny this one target proved crucial towards the run this one target was the difference between a failure or a success let me show you these clips and I want you to really look and pay attention to the numbers in particular now if you think you've noticed the trend hold on to that or comment it down below because it'll help the video out but now let's put this plan into action to begin we put our first rock on this line that way it can only hit the targets on top and in the middle of the bench next we head over to the east bench and place two rocks on the back after we place the Third Rock down we immediately swap to Amber throw out Baron Bunny and run over to He Who Shall Not Be Named so we can start the challenge once we begin we immediately look to the left and aim our Rock for the middle by doing this we set up our Rock for the fifth wave and destroy the first Rock to remove the second and third target then we time our Baron bunny throw so that it goes out as soon as the targets hits four out of 20 that way when this ability is ready to go off it'll explode and hit the six Target as it spawns in then we aim our skill On Top of the Rock so that way it'll hit the blue Target that is currently inside of the rock and avoid hitting the red targets with wave five started we can leave the rock there because it'll hit all four of those targets and now we have a minute to get off two rocks and two Baron bunnies we turn back east and aim our Rock for that second Dent which perfectly lines up to hit those two dummies as we line up our Baron bunny for one of the northern targets our Rock on the West Side eliminates four targets while we wait for Baron bunny we use our skill to remove another two Targets then we make a very tactical decision I quickly swapped my traveler in and out of the party because we need his skill for the last Target of this wave but if we had used it this rock on the side would have exploded and hit the red target this is why I swept the traveler in and out by doing this the Rocks currently on the field disappear and more importantly they don't explode meaning there were currently no rocks on the field so we could throw a new one out at the Target to finish off wave five and now we've reached the final wave wave six we threw Baron bunny towards the center and placed her Rock on the Eastern Target then we were met with the final obstacle we took aim ready to place our Rock but we were focusing on the red target to its left why would we do this those clips I showed you earlier shared something in common a common Trend that I caught on to after having done this for almost 3 hours for some reason the damage from this ability comes out from the left first I have no idea why but that's how it works all those other times we were hitting the Target on the blue one's right side first which resulted in failures because of this development I chose to aim our Rock to the right resulting in the damage hitting the furthest left Target which just so happened to be wait yes yes yes finally oh my God you and after all of this you might be wondering why I didn't use geot traveler earlier throughout this journey and the answer Remains the Same as earlier dramatic effect also because this character is low key a little boring and I did not feel like aiming to finish off act two we defeated the best that a country has to offer with our creatures and began act three cool for act three we need to solve the electro puzzle but our official can't do that at least not all three summoning Oz activates the pillars but Oz himself does not Target the structures so we need at least two other Electro characters with summons to do these good thing we have two of them in the form of Lisa and Dory Lisa has a lamp that she summons while Dory has a genie within the lamp the thing is we just need to give them energy so after charging our two new batteries we walked over to the pillars and activated them successfully we then watch the sweet Embrace of death take over the darkest pit of Hell has opened to swallow you whole so don't keep the devil waiting for friend next up on the to-do list was the delusion Factory at this point in the run I started to appreciate how much of a blessing it is to be able to use more than one element in a domain I mean for the other challenges we were just stuck with one element and we couldn't do anything about it but now we have two elements since the singer can't make things wet but you know what they says two is better than one afterwards we met up with Yi to do the anti training and we actually failed yeah our Pocket Monsters did not destroy the final move in time the next time we put him out early and that worked next we go inside to do some more indoor bombing and we listen to the almighty Ryden Shogun and the mus no toachi following the best voice line in the game we begin our fight with Senora Gua and Oz chewed through this lady Baron bunny got its hit in but this was was the globa in odd show and if you're curious about the Ice Crystal yes the moth attack does Pro from ability hits as for the Pyro phase it was still pretty tame we just stood in between the thermometer and the singer while the bootle Goon Squad did their thing and that gave us the victory but now we can begin the fight with thanks to pushing we were able to meet our Baron bunny quota other than that I don't really know what more to say about this fight it went the same as last time toss out Baron bunny toss out guoba Baron bunny misses an electro summon does more damage than Baron bunny would have done rinse and repeat and it's over after 28 and 1/2 hours we were done with Ena Zuma and collected our Electro badge to start the dlift quest we get to do some mining again also I discovered here that Oz can shoot out the Rocks huh as we progress further down we come across a hydro Abyss Herald and an electro Lector even though this enemy basically stands still for the entire fight Baron bunny was only able to hit it once and just barely when it came to the batteries we just destroyed them using Baron bunny simple as that with d slift now completed we collected our wishes from the guide book and pulled on weapon Banner we gave our new team member the favonius Lance and leveled her up to 20 because we don't have any green crystals and I didn't think to use the crack dust at that time after farming materials we ascended fishal finina and jangling which gave us new passives the important ones though were jangling and fals guoba now gives our creatur sword stand while Oz gets an additional bit of lightning when he attacks with thundershock next up was the Ascension domain and this is where I'll talk about ya Yao's use on the team she's only level 20 but her summon is still useful her ability is called yugu it's a little green rabbit that throws out radishes that either deal damage to enemies or heal the team she's also the second character that we can use their Birds consistently with during this run though I began to call yugu the painter because her only use was making these enemies green the damage nor the healing Matters from this creature it its job was to make them green so Oz could do more damage and she did it well once we cleared the domain we started act one of sumaru and yes the baron bunny mandate is still present there's just no health bar enemies up until act five to start us off we need to clean out the withering Zone we dealt with the enemies here just fine but there was one issue in order to actually clean out the withering Zone we have to destroy the withering branches with either charged attacks or aim shots which are moves that our Pokemon unfortunately cannot learn so it seems like this is the first can't unless we had a character that used a summon for their normal attacks remember earlier when I said there was another character we needed that character was Dory I just wanted to play finina there's probably a good bit of you out there that have never played Dory before and I envy you but her normal attacks are special in that she sits upon the genie who is swinging the Claymore this counts as the genie attacking not Dory this is also what I was referring to at the Shogun fight earlier and because of this Genie was able to destroy the withering branches and we could progress and you're probably wondering if I could have used the Genie's normal attacks throughout this entire Journey why didn't I because it's simple I don't want to play Dory afterwards we beat the tree domain grab our airpods and interport ormos all right this is just a quick editor's note here in regards to the tree domain when I said there weren't any health bar enemies until act five I was wrong inside the tree there is a hydro Abyss Herald that does have one so I didn't complete the Mandate but if it's any constellation I did land a baron bunny hit on the spare Hydro Herald in the chasm all right back to Port ormos at the harbor we come across Dory who sells us some rare candies we go out back with Al haam only to discover that these are not rare candies but rather today's sponsor Reese's a peanut butter chocolate combination that's not a sponsor segment but I wish it was instead we just got dored act three really didn't have much going on we took on some mercenaries and the Wolf Clan but they weren't much of an issue because of the singer for act four we have to make our way to the hospital which contains a plethora of hilly churs and ding pillars we are prepared for the dingo pillars this time thanks to the painter it's just weird if you throw it at the pillar the structure does not activate also it doesn't Target the pillar after it missed multiple times I assumed yugu just could not do it so I swapped in ki whose burst could activate the pillar as a result of this threat to the establishment the painter learned how to aim and shot at us which caused a splash of dendro to land on the pillar turns out all we needed to do was experience pain inside of the pyramid no troubles were found because both yugu and Oz could hit the flying enemies so they went down easily to start Act five we were given the opportunity to use a new type of summon I was curious to see how this fight would go if we didn't do anything at all here's what I picked up on the enemies will not attack you and the Spearman struggle to fight the dendro Bowman because he couldn't reach up to get to his platform the big guy was able to go up there and he rapid spin the enemy big guy right in his mouth after 4 minutes our new summons only managed to defeat three out of the nine so we brought back the original Squad to finish the job next was the fatou agent fight which was also easy then we started the factory which means we had to bring back and Bunny so we could follow the Mandate for the scar Moosh fight kill me come normally for the first part I just waited out and enjoy Peak but since we have four characters that was going to take a while so I just chose to send out the creatures but this fight does get challenging for us once scar mush gets legs the difficult thing about using Baron bunny is that you have to have foresight you have to know where the opponent will be in 8 seconds and all you're rewarded with is little damage but it's hard for us to land a baron bunny here because he keeps moving and because of this little turret the turret basically puts us on a time limit this thing will beat the boss whether we like it or not so we had to try our hardest to get Baron bunny to work after many attempts we completed the assignment by using Baron bunny during its multi-dimensional laser attack move thing whatever let's just move on next was the polluted Zone where we didn't struggle but I did have significantly less fun because my painter was no longer on the team with Act five completed it was now time for kber there's two check boxes here and they're both pretty simple we can light the bonfire here because of our fire type globa and we can't complete the domain because of both globa and Oz it's getting harder to talk about our interactive gameplay when it just consists of three buttons got it and with that we completed kert collected our dendro badge and could begin grinding the ar40 our journey to ar40 was more interesting than Chi-Chi's because we actually did a lot for starters I felt that our little painter had been putting in a lot of effort so I rewarded her with some dendro Cube drops afterwards we did three story quests CLE Jean and Mona to begin C's Quest we just had to like this pillar before entry once inside I was able to use CLE because jumpty Dumpty would count as a summon and since we're using the titular character of the quest she was pretty good next up was Jean's Quest inside of Jean's domain we ran into a trip mine even though Jean insisted that we use her dandelion Breeze we couldn't accept her offer so we let the singer take over the rest of this domain was almost exactly the same as CLE so there's not much else to talk about about lastly was monus we just escorted her into monat's borders and that was it we got to jump around with a painter and that that was pretty fun I'll give it that once we finished Mona's Quest we entered Cecilia Garden to do some Tower Defense and we hit ar40 what what what what to start we walked over to the harbor and began act one to collect these flowers I chose to use the Goon Squad and we went through basically the same EXP experience Baron bunny had earlier with the Pyro posals next was the underwater domain and at this point our creatures just did so much damage and were so coordinated that these meccas stood no chance against them normally in act three I wouldn't show anything in these vids because it's just story but this section does require normal attacks for these boxing gloves that was a lie it's not required it just helps out a lot this was actually the reason I wished for Dory by the way I was got to have this whole big reveal about how we didn't use this character up until the last Nation because it would have been like all cool and dramatic but I I forgot about the withering thing so the reveal happened earlier than I would have liked it to have been yep as for the work shift our creatures were still able to do the job for us just like they've been doing this entire playthrough to begin Act five we walk to the ruins and yes I keep showing the walking on water because finina just needs some screen time since she's been relegated to healbot inside the remains we come across a ruin guard and two Rogues but they just need to give up at this point nothing can stop us and we're not even using the golden troop set yes I know it exists but I chose to not use it you don't have to comment about it unless you want to help the video out to end this off we come across the whale Kyogre after Baron bunny got its Lick in we got swallowed and that's the end of the Run GG it's not instead we have to fight this enemy that I don't know how to describe regardless I learned something neat that being that Oz can activate Net's attacks which helped us destroy the shields very quickly and obtain our Hydro badge after 48 Hours 18 minutes and 30 seconds they beat ginin impact since this challenge involved multiple characters we can't do the character analysis so it'll be back to the tier list for this this challenge was not very difficult to be honest if we include the Mandate it could maybe go up a tier but this was a very laid-back challenge aside from the demonstration that was a leanin kind of moment but let's look at the hall of fame and rank our Pokémon from best to worst best was goon squad it's not even close their AI was too good and they had to be banned to make this challenge somewhat hard next is Oz the Undisputed MVP of this challenge its only downside was his cool down but that could sometimes be fixed with the burst following Oz will be the singer of Min Waters who gave a wonderful performance throughout helping our trainers stay alive GE rocks also go here because of the short cool Downs to start B tier it will be a tie between Gua and yugu the painter gave better reactions but Gua did more damage and gave us an attack Boost after those two it will be lynnette's Cat in the Hat it was a pretty good summon the only issue was that it was a burst and lastly is Baron bunny I have nothing else to say about this ability but alas we are done we've collected five badges so far and we're going to have to wait for other nations to come out in order to complete our journey of becoming the very best like no one ever [Music] was I wish
Channel: MistahFeet
Views: 1,016,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact challenge, genshin impact, genshin impact gameplay, genshin damage, mistahfeet, mistahfoot, genshin, mistahfeet genshin
Id: U6lp_sS-tRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 12sec (2292 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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