Can You Beat Genshin Impact Only Using Level 1 Characters??!!

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kitchen impact is a pretty easy game you level up the enemies level up but it's not really even you still just kind of One-Shot them so let's make the game a little more challenging let's tip the scales in their favor by not leveling up our characters we are going to try and beat Genji and impact only using level 1 characters here are the rules we can only use level 1 characters characters over level 1 can be used to walk around but that is it they cannot do damage to enemies or solve any Elemental totems I'll show you the reason why this rule is in place in just a minute the second rule all weapons are allowed and we can level them up and the last rule we will be free to play only for this account oh and we're only going to be doing pools for standard banner and character Banner so let's see if we can beat ginshin impact only using level 1 characters foreign [Music] we start our journey by uh immediately losing a character by resonating with Animo the game automatically levels up your traveler to level 2 which means that aside from this mandatory fight we cannot hurt any more enemies or do any Elemental puzzles with lumine but that's okay we're still in the game because after seeing the big dog we get our next character Amber we clear out the hilly trout camp and swap back to lumine because of this yeah monster quests like to give out a lot of character XP even for simple tasks like walking from point A to B this is why I added the role of allowing characters over level 1 to be used to walk around we head inside the knights headquarters and unlock the reason while we all play this game [Music] our first objective is Amber's Temple and we're going to be using lumine in this Temple because it is possible to clear this Temple without doing any damage to enemies and I really did not want us to lose one of our two characters this early into the Run yes Boom at the end of these domains we have to damage these things but the game doesn't consider it to be an enemy so as far as I'm concerned this is okay the next task is Lisa's Temple which we also use lamine for because you can skip all the enemies in this domain and as a reward we get Lisa who we actually cannot use because she starts at level two so we're still stuck with these two but not for long because next is Kaya's Temple and we will have to make a sacrifice any meanie miney you this decision wasn't even close so for Kai's Temple we do have to damage enemies which means we had to give up a character I chose Amber because she's Amber that's not entirely true except for it is the situation was more like I would much rather explore the open world with Noel because she has a shield and can heal so giving up Amber was just the better move for us and with the end of this domain we can no longer use Amber [Music] but we get to use Kaya now oh wait never mind mind now it's time to grind out some Adventure ranks and by Grind out Adventure ranks I mean follow the series and open random chest because we can't really attack anything eventually we head to Dragon spine to unlock the tree which allows us to make another Temple [Music] we'll take that we'll take that that's good that's good that was actually not good literally any other four star beside these would have been better you see Zhang Ling is a guaranteed character for every account all we have to do is clear four two three of the Abyss which is very doable but since we got her here we essentially lost out on having another character later on so this was pretty unfortunate for us actually we equipped Jang Ling with the Slime killer 9000 and we let her take over for Noel that way we can actually defeat some enemies without worrying about Noel getting too much xp after 15 minutes of exploring we hit AR10 and we were given a temple ah thanks Hoyle verse you're so kind let's see who we get [Music] we level up our slime killer replacement give it to Zhang Ling and follow some more sealies after an hour of grinding we tell Timmy that his dad's never coming home and the game rewards Us by giving us a wish give me report star character just don't feel welcome please don't be a weapon yes perfect that's actually perfect this was the best thing we could have gotten on this Banner besides kazaha animal is one of the three required elements in this playthrough so if we can keep him at level one we can be guaranteed to pass leeway he also allows us to do Kaya's story quest which is very useful for us now we're back on the main quest for this part we have to fight an eye of the storm and for completing this fight we get almost 3 000 XP which is gonna put someone past level one so it's time for another sacrifice let him go bye mother told me to pick the very best run and you are it pencil was not an option because we need him for later on and he also literally cannot touch the eye of the storm I chose to sacrifice Shang Ling because of basically the same reasons for Amber she's not Noel Noel's shield and healing are very useful and she has access to the debate Club so there's no real reason not to save her no stay with me but another sacrifice is nearing because after this Quest it's time for The fatoui Hideout which gives 2000 XP so we're gonna have to make another choice well this is it the character that will be chosen to level up is Rosario [Music] originally I was going to clear this with hazel but I remembered I need animal for later which means I need Hazel because I can't guarantee that I'll get lucky enough to get another animal character in the future so I decided to go farm up some Primo gems and we got a Rosaria unfortunately I do not have this footage because while recording a squirrel decided to parkour off of a tree into a power line which gave my neighborhood a power outage I chose Rosaria instead of Noel for the simple reason that Rosaria cannot use The Debate Club stay with me next up is finding the tears for the liar the first tears in the forest which we were able to get with lumine since no combat's required to get the tier but for the other two the other two tiers require combat and they both give 3 000 character XP which push are only two playable characters out of range so it seems like the end is near the second tier we chose to go after was the one with the ruin guard I chose Hazel for this one because he only does Elemental damage and I really did not want to use Noel against an enemy with 70 physical resistance I also chose Hazel here because it really didn't matter we were gonna get the XP for both of our characters so this challenge was essentially over or so I thought because it turns out the quest is over when you get the chest not when you defeat the ruin guard so once we defeated the Rune guard we quickly swap to lumine so she could take the character XP Tazon was still level one and the challenge was still possible but we still need to make a sacrifice in order to get the last tier we had to give up Noel her efforts will not be forgotten and as we collect the last tier Noel is no longer level one I'm sorry little one Stay With Me [Music] it's time for the Final Act of monstat and we only have one character Hazel but there is one positive now the main quest from now on do not give character XP which is great we might actually be able to get a full team now the major downside to this though is that the question enemies are only going to get more difficult we head into storm terror's Lair and we were actually able to take down to vollen with relative ease Hazel did a surprising amount of damage in this fight and we only got hit twice after 7 hours and 23 minutes we completed monstat and our prize is the one and only tada Barbara is here and the first thing she does is do our dailies because I don't want to give my Hazel any more XP but Barbara kind of struggles with damage and by kind of struggles I mean wow this sucks we reach World level one and go inside the trial grounds of Thunder this domain will be a reliable source of Adventure rank XP and it thankfully does not give character XP so it's probably the only reason I'm still sane from this challenge after spending about 30 minutes in that domain we made some more wishes or star is not Hazel yes [Music] I'll take it we'll take it from our much prefer Tomah but will take me long it was actually better that we did not get Tomah lady ninguong was the MVP for this challenge she did the most consistent damage out of all my characters but most importantly she had this barrier this barrier is good for two reasons number one for some reason it does a lot of damage even at level one and number two it blocks projectiles this ability was the best thing to happen to us in this challenge after three more hours we talked to Huffman and he makes us ar-23 which means we can finally start leeway we talk to the child and head over to mooncarfa's domain with his power we were able to throw a lot more rocks than usual and we walk over their Cloud retainers domain which does not actually require pyro it just requires parkour which is very good for us because this challenge would have been over then it's on to Zhao and thankfully ning Wong was able to completely destroy the ruin Hunter because she can actually hit it when it's in the air lastly we head to Mountain shaper but before talking to him I decided to do a a single pull four-star Bowl character four-star bow character yes four star bow character four-star boat characters we free the Amber and then it's time to get some more XP we do some dailies which are slowly starting to creep up on our Barbara and we attend a domain that we cannot do soon after we hit ar25 into the Ascension domain which really wasn't that bad our good friend alif wasn't able to put up much of a fight against our Hazel so we beat him pretty quickly and now our world level has gone up again yeah now it's time for the main quest again we go to the cooking pot to heat up some rocks which we can thankfully do because we have Hazel we clean the teapot out with all of our characters then throw some people off of a cliff and enjoy a relaxing dinner with Zhang Lee never mind we attempt and failed to defeat the Primo Bishop grind in the domain and make some more wishes special or Sarah official or Sarah official or Sarah official is our bow character at least this is not real is this a joke wow so happy we really needed gleeful songs after doing a lot of dailies with ning Wong we hit AR 28 and we can finally finish leeway we activate the Animo device with hazo and head up to the chamber we talked to ninguong stealth through the fatoui because I want to do as little fighting as I can and we sing to some flowers bonus these flowers were actually a lot stronger than I thought and they almost completely wiped us out now it's time for the next boss fight child the main strategy for this fight is to keep them at range because his projectiles are pretty reactable and ning Wong is our main source of damage we can't really use Hazel for damage here because Hazel has to get close to child which is basically just putting him in range to get two-shotted and we can't use Barbara because yeah then it's on to the defensive leeway and all I can really say is thank you madam ping gone you and Zhao because without your Buffs there was no way we were gonna beat this mission after almost 19 hours leeway is finished never mind because we need to rebuild the J chamber we head into the domain with shinha and our lack of damage is really really really starting to show we find the Rock and give it to ninguang which allows us to fight the wife of the man we just killed now it's on to the daneslift quest which went smoothly except for this one part [Music] oh no wonder Barber socks no shot of course of course that hit me never mind I can't please me please of course oh damn what happened what happened once the dance left Quest is over we start doing the deluke event which gives us enough Primo gems to make some wishes all right Four Star Electric get electric or a boat character oh my God then it's time to start Inazuma our first objective is to do the transport Mission which was a lot harder than I had anticipated we do approximately zero damage to them and we have a five minute time limit to defeat all of the enemies I failed a couple of times but after changing our build and leaning forward in my chair we were able to complete this Mission just barely though we joined forces with ayaka and we agree to help her free a felon out of prison after becoming an Enemy of the State we make a wish today yes yes yes character what characters after 24 hours of gameplay we finally got a full team of level one characters we give her the fevonious Lance and her first objective is to fight the almighty right and Shogun who seems a lot more intimidating than she actually is it is very easy to choose this fight after doing this battle on six different accounts I've learned some things to help make this fight a lot easier I know a thing or two because I've seen a thing or two our win condition is basically to make the Shogun do this one move because it sucks this move is very reactable and it makes her stand still for a couple of seconds all we need to do is just play it around a medium range and she'll do this move if we can keep her away ninguan can just keep chucking rocks at her from a safe distance and we can win this fight after our encounter with the Shogun it's time to go to the resistance and do the archery section which is a problem with our team it might actually be possible to do this part ning Wong's passive works on the dummies so we could use that to our advantage but even if she did the archery section we still have another problem coming up remember when I said this animal is one of the three required elements in this playthrough the next required element is Electro which we will need for these pillars coming up so I had two options either spend possibly hours on this archery demonstration with ning Wong and hope to get an electro character soon for the second option try and get an electro bow character but there's only two of those in the game and the chances of getting them are extremely low if only there is a way we could get a guaranteed Electro bow character so after doing Klee and Mona story Quest we get access to the golden apple archipelago and after three hours we finish the main story for the event which means we can actually start doing the side events to unlock visual the side events I chose to do were the Mona and Xin Yan events because Mona's event gives us a buff that insta kills anyone near us which is the only reason I was able to kill these guys and Jin Yang's event gave us a plunge attack buff that almost one shots everyone after three hours we finished the last jinyan domain and we can invite Fishel to join our party official princess and dare vert uh just get here all right official was a great addition to the team she was someone who could provide damage off the field and she gave us another swirl reaction for our Hazel we equipped her with the vivonius warbow and some attack artifacts which allowed her to complete the archery demonstration without any problems come on I'm so close you're getting to you I'll skin you alive [Music] then it's on to the battle of the ship which we were able to dominate pretty easily afterwards we had the watatsumi island and fight off some Ronin that took a very long time to kill we really do not do any damage anymore kokomi rewards Us by giving us a puzzle to do so we head off there with our official thanks to official we can get past the electro pillars and take down the big Eternal Tepe dies and it's time for probably the hardest part of this challenge the delusion Factory this part is hard for a couple of reasons reason number one this guy God damn is this guy annoying on normal accounts this guy's never really a problem he's kind of a joke but he is an absolute Menace on this account his shield blocks Animo and Geo damage which is the majority of my damage I can't really Target anyone else because he just rushes over there and blocks for them but even if I trigger The Shield by using hydro or Electro he just sucks me up and punches me it's like fighting doomfist but instead of getting stunned and one-shotted I just get one shot so I guess there's one upside to fighting him over doomfist he's a good support and that's why he's such an issue but the biggest problem is the next floor this floor has a pyro sniper animal dude and the electro witch she is a problem for two reasons first reason this move when she gets a shield and just ascends towards me whenever she does this move I basically have to swap to whichever character I want to die the most since I don't have a character that can really damage her Shield the second reason is her bats her bats are only a problem because my damage comes from ning Wong and for whatever reason ning Wong only wants to attack the bats instead of the enemy standing right in front of her with my current team comp this part seemed basically impossible so I went back to the golden apple to gain some more Prima gyms so I could make a wish praying that I get one of these two pyro characters so we can deal with the electro witch and my prayers were answered do not be you Jim this after Hoyle vs decided to screw with me because God has a sense of humor okay pyro pirate pyro thank you thank you we got jinyan who was the other best thing to happen to us in this challenge I know that probably makes all five jinyan players happy to hear with our newly acquired Jin Yan and her brain slasher we were able to defeat the animal guard with no problems hit the electro [ __ ] consistently and finally complete this domain let's go finally we do the anti-riding Shogun training and we defeat the Cujo Clan which went a little longer than I would have liked it to then it's on to Senora who was my personal biggest worry going into Inazuma mainly because of her weather gimmick and how much health we have the strategy to deal with this walking bipolar thermometer was different from the other boss fights the cryo face was the biggest problem mainly because we have Barbara on our team no no no no no no no no so the strategy was to stay close to her and one of these things I have no idea what are called after dealing with the cryophase it was time for the Pyro phase which wasn't too bad it was still more or less the same strategy just stay next to these things with ning Wong and keep throwing rocks at her eventually we threw enough rocks and Senora Was Defeated damn my biggest fear was gone and the only thing left between us and completing Inazuma was the almighty right and Shogun and the Musso no hitotachi the strategy here was still the same as before get her to do the range move attack repeat success eventually we threw enough rocks and we moved on to the second phase but in this phase I stopped caring about strategy and kept running at her because I thought I was invincible I was not I did not know that if you died four times the buff would go away so we failed but we immediately came back and kept throwing rocks at the Shogun which led to our Victory after spending 36 hours 34 minutes and 30 seconds of my life we beat gentian impact only using level 1 characters or it would have been at least but then somewhere came out so we have to continue the quality but hey at least we get some of those post patch Primos let's see who we get we used to be a character we don't have [Music] literally no way honestly I don't even know what to expect you know what that's fine that's cool I'm not even angry we get C1 Hazel and that's pretty good so I'm not even mad it's time for the chasm and all I can say is why are Geo Bishops tankier than some of the bosses I faced earlier it's okay though because I was able to cheese them what a great game but when I called this a good game he got angry and started attacking me so I guess he doesn't agree with me then we can actually start the dangerous quest which wasn't too bad mainly because we can actually take down the shields since we're using different elements we are now AR 35 so it's time to do the next Ascension domain or as I like to call it the difficulty Spike remember when I said this and it's time for probably the hardest part of this challenge the delusion Factory I wrote that line before I did this gameplay oh my God I want to die first things first we officially do no damage I know I've said that before but it's really on a whole nother level at this point we also can't really take any more damage now so this challenge has basically turned into can you beat the game without getting hit the second problem is this room I would like to wish the person who designed this room a very pleasant go [ __ ] your the archers in this room do not move they stand right where they are the entire time so I have to walk to each and every single one of them to kill them individually which is hard to do because of this tanky bastard following me around it took me so long to clear this room but after an eternity we were finally able to beat them but we're still not done the last problem is our good friend Ayla he heard that I was talking some [ __ ] earlier so we decided to get a lot more Health this room was a [ __ ] I almost quit this entire playthrough because of this one part I didn't have any more eggs to give our team members so if one of my damage dealers died I had to reset the strategy to defeat alif was extremely forehead just don't get hit once I had to get basically a perfect run I couldn't get hit and I had to maximize the little damage I did as much as possible and we did with almost a minute to spare oh no we lost our ninguong and we still had to do more damage so it was full gamer time I did the most damage that we possibly could and we were able to get to the final Elemental prison we only have less than seven seconds left and Hazel is our best option I mash as fast as possible on the keyboard and gamer lean all the way onto the floor and we did it yes with little time to spare plays like that are the reason why I'm the three time back to back to back winner of the best gamer award and here are our rewards their names are Jack and [ __ ] now it's time for sumuru we reached the mainland and help out kale after cleaning the statue and seeing some uh High mind gets upset and knocks Kali out whoa forget this it's time for some time so we get to go help tainari with the withering Zone which was a lot harder than it should have been mainly because whenever my official shot the plants they would also shoot back in one shotter the next obstacle on our path is the domain that sends us to the inside of a tree I I guess I don't know what this place is this domain was like a child taking a Band-Aid off slow and painful but not the worst pain in the world now we can leave the small village and head into this crazy noisy bizarre town we obtain the airpods and start looking for the grass gone but we can't find her anywhere so we talked to the NPC of this region Junior's on she shows us around the city and we get to see nilu hanilu Dia then takes us to asfan who tells us that the Divine knowledge capsule is in the hands of mercenaries at the Port so we need to go there once we reach the port we make a quick pit stop to do this event so we can get a free character kale we go back to the main story and things go smoothly we meet with Al hay them get some stuff from Dory and test out our new official replacement then it's time for the big fight of act one and we get to use a strategy I like to call the Minefield you take kali's burst add Barbara skill and combine it with hazel and you get enough bombs to make an eight-year-old happy act once completed yay so it's time for act two yeah we spend the day with Junior's odd and see a man talking to nilu [Music] nilu tells us that the man who was talking to her introduced himself as yoshikage Kira [Applause] foreign we spend the day with Juniors on and the next day I think we both know where this is going so I'll just get to the one combat part in this entire act which was easy thanks to the Minefield strategy Act 2 is finished thank God and to celebrate we're going to be getting some Primo gyms so we can unlock a new character but I mean it's not like we're gonna get a five star on this 10 pool right [Music] we'll take this though I was actually pretty happy with this pool since we got two characters that really aren't used too often after that pool we leveled up our weapons and we start act three we do one of my favorite hobbies of gaslighting a woman then we head to Apple so we can apologize to her the doctor then sends his army of fans to attack us which leads to us retreating into the forest inside the forest we come across some mercenaries which means it's time for another fight this fight was easier than the last one mainly because we had access to these dendro things that also work on enemies which was amazing because they did a lot of damage and they applied dendro which works well with my Fisher only one problem half the time it wouldn't hit its Target now it's time for the desert and for this area I decided to change my team comp other content creators don't want you to know about this team comp because they're trying to gatekeep it they don't want you to clear abyss and they've been hiding this from you Barbara Fishel cyu Candace or as I like to call it ball sack what more could you need in life after trying out Candace's ability for the first time in my life we had up the hill and fight off some Bandits so you guys will get to see this team comp work in action the main thing to note is that Candace's Shield ability is actually pretty good in this challenge it absorbs a lot of damage and it does a fair amount of damage it's like playing junglee but I have to put in a lot more effort without getting anywhere close to the same results once that fight's done we go to my place of birth an old mental hospital outside of the hospital we have to fight some hilly Turtles and the biggest turtle who would one shot me repeatedly seriously even Candace's age of Shield could not hold off against this enemy eventually with a little bit of Faith trust and tears we were able to Smite this foul beast and move on for this next part we need to use the last required element for The Story So Far dendro but it's okay because we came prepared we get to use Kale again which means it's time for Minefield 2.0 which did not work as well as last time but we can't be too mad Hydro saw you tried her best now we get to roll over to the pyramid to enter the Temple of Anubis we swapped off of ball sack in favor of using Jin Yan official Barbara and Hazel everything was going fine up until we hit this room wow so let me paint this picture for you so I can describe what happens in this room you enter the room here right and there's like four enemies one two three four you get close to one and the other guys go like pew pew pew and he two in the back and since you're a little soy who can't eat their vitamins you die in one hit even when you run away like this shoo they still catch it because it's like running away from your responsibilities eventually they catch up I realize that this team comp was not gonna work for this area what we really needed was a character that could block projectiles without having to get close to them so after rearranging my team comp and making some food we went back in as I stated earlier this barrier ability is one of the best things that has ever happened to this account we still died a couple of times but we actually had some room to breathe now because of this wall with the pyramid and act 4 being completed we can start Act five and work with the Apple employees to take down some criminals this fight felt a little weird to be honest like a ginshin player sitting at the cool kid table at lunch I felt like I didn't belong mainly because it was just the Bots fighting while I just threw rocks at one side until they eventually disappeared now we get to go to Party City to fight some fatoui agents or as I like to call this the first episode of I should have used Xin Yan because I could not destroy these Electro Shields it's honestly a little weird to think that I'm probably one of the three people on this planet who has unironically said the sentence I should have used Jin Yan after doing nahida's trial run we enter the factory from robots or as I like to call it the second episode of I should have used Xin Yan because these Electro enemies were turned and they brought the cryova to a gunner alright John Hoyle first you gotta level with me why does Geo hurt Clio Abyss made Shields but not cryo fatui first it was physical damage now this why I just want to know why I just I just want to know I just want to know I just I just want to talk to him Dad this is ridiculous we are almost done with this area but we have to defeat this enemy who is honestly low-key one of the most annoying enemies in this game she's just not that common which is why people don't talk about her if you don't believe me go to Dragon spine right now and fight her without a pyro character just just do it after that exhausting 50 minutes we start the scar mush boss fight and it was kinda underwhelming this floating pick thing does close to all the damage we could ever need to do I panic and swap to nahida when the nuke happened but even if I swap to another character this still would have been very easy Scaramouche couldn't even One-Shot us but we still have one more obstacle one more area that is stopping us from completing this challenge this area that I really don't know why is here to be honest the wolf enemies really aren't as annoying at level 1 as they are on normal accounts because corrosion does percent damage and since we don't have a lot of HP they don't have much to work with corrosion can't really hurt us but you know some of their other attacks do One-Shot us so they do have something against us there's also this Electro biggie trail that wiped my whole team but after utilizing some patience we defeated this monster and we are done with sumeru after 50 hours and 10 minutes we beat ginshin impact only using level 1 characters nanguang Barbara Fishel Hazel Xin Yan Candace kale sayu and yunjin these were our survivors but we cannot forget those who crawl so that they could walk and what better way to honor them than with a wish all right give us garbage give us garbush and it looks like we're not getting Starbucks uh just give us a new character at least give us a new character that that's just poetry [Music] I'll live with you you wish that I would say
Channel: MistahFeet
Views: 2,857,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the backrooms, genshin impact, genshin impact gameplay, mistah feet, mistahfeet, mistah foot, genshin impact guide, genshin impact tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 29sec (1949 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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