Can You Beat Genshin Impact Only Using Collei??!!

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ginin impact is a game about elements there's seven different ones to choose from but the game wasn't always like this for 2 years this one symbol taunted everyone during their loading screens but with the release of sumaru came the final element dendro and a guaranteed dindo character kle since we've already covered the starter characters and have begun the guaranteed characters today we are going to play ginin only using Ki but before we get into the rules in anime opening I would like to give a quick shout out to to today's sponsor Opera GX it's their third time here and for good reason because I use it all the time one of the main features of Opera GX is their mods you can go to the store and download hundreds of mods that come with themes keyboard sounds wallpapers browser sounds and customize them to your heart's desire or you can make your own but my personal favorite feature in Opera is the video pop out this might be my second favorite feature in anything ever besides gambling I use this basically anytime I'm gaming except for those leanin moments I got to be serious when I'm fighting Sor without healing normally when I play games by myself I look like an idiot because I'm just sitting there with my mouth open brain dead but with the video pop out I can enjoy watching something while playing my favorite games and when I die it's my fault not BL if you're interested in Opera and are worried about losing all your settings and bookmarks and all that jumbo well don't worry you goober just go over to this little gear icon scroll down to synchronization and click on import bookmarks and settings select your old browser and you'll never have to worry about losing your badtime simulator bookmark anymore download Opera GX using my link in the description thanks again Opera for sponsoring the video now let's get back to the rules in anime opening here are the rules we can only use Kay and all bows are allowed including the five stars now let's see if we can beat ginin impact only using Ki [Music] we start our journey the only way we know how by gambling since these guarant characters are not guaranteed until later in the game we have to do wishes to try and get them I made three accounts for this challenge the first ttin pool gave us a wiu and was later turned into a benett account the second one gave us a Forza Horizon and was later turned into the Pokémon account and the final 10 pool gave us a flute my hot streak of receiving things I needed in the first 10 pool has now ended I had two options at this point either keep making accounts and hope I get her from the free fre 10 pool or I play the long game and stop Google from thinking I'm running a pyramid scheme by getting a 10 pool from the anniversary and pulling on a banner that has her which one do you think I did Outlanders your journey ends here no I'm just joking bow character Kay it's like poetry it Rhymes thankfully we received our Kay from the summons and we could finally start this Challenge three months since this account's creation to begin we go to the first domain OMG hi Amber looking back it's kind of crazy to see that the first Elemental reaction they encouraged you to create was one that wasn't available in the first two years of this game's life aside from that fun fact our goal here is to climb and glide since we can't activate the pyrro pillar this took much longer than it should have to be honest and I won't mention K's height too often since it's basically the same as Barbara's just know that they share the same pain let me in let me in but thanks to Amber's emotional support we were able to climb climb on top of the domain and glide over to the Finish which means that this bird is now ready to leave the nest our first flight takes us over to Kay's domain the only thing to really talk about here is that we walked on water for a little bit whoa lastly was Lisa's Temple where we once again had to use the invisible platform in order to reach our destination with act one complete we need to be AR10 to continue which means it's time for character analysis going into this challenge I was actually looking for for to it she was the character I was most interested in primarily because she's a dentro unit but the last time I was excited to use a character it didn't work out too well for us he's horrible so is K better than electr traveler yes K's positives her abilities and bow K's skill is the boomerang which I'll be honest I didn't know was a boomerang until this playr I always thought she threw her bow but then I saw the idol animation so yeah in my defense that is a comically large Boomerang compared to the one she shows us the boomerang is neat it can hit multiple enemies the damage isn't bad and the cool down is fine also it can hit Shield enemies reliably which is a very useful thing for characters that are not pyro in these challenges its only downside is that it travels in an oval and not a circle so Ki would not be safe against a wild seab bear attack don't touch me now for her burst it's very good probably the best burst out of any characters we've used so far she throws down her puppet that explodes in a circle around her the damage is good the radius is good overall it's good as for the bow archers have an advantage in these solo runs because they don't always have to be in the enemy's face to hit them since they can play like a they also get access to the sharpshooter's oath which might just be the best early game weapon the only downside is that it means we have to do charged attack gamep playay and speaking of downsides let's go over them exploration there's two things Ki struggles with regarding exploring the first is mining she's a bow character which means that her only way to break rocks is through plunge attacks I'd still much rather have this in the C Squad the next issue Ki has is one that isn't her fault but it still has to be addressed since dendro wasn't in the game for 2 years there's a lot of things in monat leeway and Ena Zuma that Ki cannot do again it's not her fault that hoye didn't Implement dentro stuff earlier on and from their perspective it makes sense but I still had to say this and this issue also correlates with her biggest downside her element as a solo element dendro is not very good it's down there with Hydro honestly but a little ahead of it since D does well against Hydro enemies and there is a lot of those in this game djo does horribly against pyro cryo and Geo burn helps against smaller enemies but it does absolutely nothing to pyro Shields djo doesn't have any reactions with cryo and Gio well everything does poorly against Gio dindo shreds through Hydro Shields but that's kind of it against Electro enemies it performs fine better than Hydro does but not better than any of the other elements things were starting to look rough for us in this run but then we received a sign in our tin poool a message from the gods telling us to persevere if not for us then for her you do it for her at 4 and 1/2 hours into this run we started act to by partaking in some illegal activities we had to use this substance in order to get green crystals since these places don't sell them for some reason this gave us a new Ascension passive which is the perfect definition of all right if we get a reaction with our Boomerang we get a ring of dingo damage around us cool to begin we fight an eye of the storm which just consisted of charged Attack gameplay afterwards we completed The fouille Hideout then fought a ruing guard Kay may not have had the fastest time against this enemy but I can almost guarantee that Kay was the ruin guard's Le least favorite adversary we shot it in the back and it became crippled my perfect ass all I could do was sit down as we kept shooting its head why are we still here just to suffer after we collect the second tier we hit ar18 then head into the domain and fight a pyom mage thankfully klie was able to push this Mage into the water because burn was just not going to cut it I got to be honest with you Ki after we blew up a hydro Mage we began the fight with dealin I'm going to keep it real Ki did not do too well in this fight she can hit him when he's not on the stage but that's the only thing she really has going for her in this fight it took her a while to break the shield and once we attacked his head we only did about a third of its Health which means that after two more Shield breaks we beat dealin and finished act three so we need to get ready for leeway fight smarter not harder wait [Music] what as probably probably like the are you kidding me oh yeah boom ready go oh my God please record at 9 hours and 27 minutes kle is ready to begin leeway which puts her almost 2 hours ahead of Amber this bird has already retired and had grandkid since it's left the nest to start we have the deer's place and we basically always had something to throw at these enemies whether it be the boomerang or the puppet something was getting tossed at them thanks to the cool down I also would like to start something new here which is keeping track of the highest damage number that our characters have earned throughout their Journeys at this point K's highest damage is 714 next we went to the Xiao Tower and fought a ruin hunter in the last video we saw our growth from this fight compared to the first battle with Goku and I can now say that Kay has fully Avenged him because she was able to shoot that right out of the sky blow that piece of junk out of the sky afterwards we had Cloud retainer domain at this point Ki started to take this challenge personally she believed that anything Amber could do she could do better and for her first obstacle she proved herself to be right because she glided over faster than Amber did it looks like there might be a new gliding champion in monat lastly was Mountain shaper I'll just keep it blunt Amber had colie beat [Music] here finally Rex lapis assassinated at the right of desion that ends act Uno to grind up to ar25 we are actually going to make our way over to sumaru following a long treacherous walk through the chasm we made it to the Homeland after another long treacherous walk we made it to our boss disregarding the death I experienced this fight wasn't difficult once I learned the key to defeating it charged Attack gameplay these clashes just turn the game into a third person shooter to be honest dose the game speaks Spanish after we came across someone using one of my accounts we crippled another ruin guard and hit ar25 once we Ascend Ki We Begin Act Two by going over to the cooking pot this was honestly one of the most disappointing moments I've encountered throughout the character only challenges Kay's innate abilities were not enough to heat up the cooking pot I tried burning ourselves that didn't work I tried bringing pyro slimes over but they wouldn't come far enough nah I'm going to do my own thing for some reason our reaction called burning cannot heat up a cooking pot which makes this something that Amber could do but Kay could [Music] not next was the teapot Kay did pretty well against most of the enemies in here except for the Geo slime normally for this part I just try and knock the Slime off the ledge but kie can't do that because she's a bow character so she just kind of had to Thug it out why you hear thunder while we grind up to ar28 we do the newed Ascension domain and head over to Cape oath so we can fight aith since they took away our boy I decided to implement the AI test basically we just fight aiff and see if the character can beat it in 8 minutes and yes kie could do it as well as add a new damage high of 1,229 another thing we did during our XP farm was collect our Ascension mushrooms and hot take these are the most annoying materials to collect out of any character they are so spread out from each other they don't always come in a batch and there's not many of them to begin with that number also drops by 20 if you don't have everything unlocked in suu it took me about 30 minutes to collect 20 of these things I hate this material so much and it's the reason I don't have kie leveled up on my main account so congrats rava mushrooms you have the title of most annoying level up materials in a challenge video and before the Sino man say anything I don't have that character so you don't need to comment about the scarabs unless you want to help the video out no it's not it's DIA to begin act three we are met with the Animo device and just somehow Ki heroically found a way to even up the score with Amber I mean you just have to applaud all those hours of training she must have done to get to this point next we take on some guards and thanks to the rain we had a budget version of the Minefield team comp from the level one video These bombs are so good and they make me so happy I love bombs that was satire feds after clearing my name we sing to some flowers following that performance we are now clear to take on child the main thing I want to talk about here is his head because for some reason my arrows were not hitting it here huh normally this wouldn't be much of an issue but since I'm using the Sharpshooters oath I felt wronged for not being rewarded for my Dead Eye accuracy I Want to Be Free of this pain OS was up next and just like Amber Ki also died on this part other than that I just want to say that Kaa might have some comp competition when it comes to rain combat dendro does pretty well with consistent Bloom at this point dendro might actually be far more effective in the rain after 17 hours and 52 minutes Ki completed leeway maintaining her 2hour lead over Amber with the end of leeway came the beginning of Dane and a new weapon that we can't use aside from my keyboard mouse functioning our journey with DNE felt Tamer than other character's Journeys since most of the enemies in this Quest are Hydra and that's what k a is best against the Jade chamber Quest however was not nearly as relaxed as D's for starters we had to mine yep and we also ran out of food which means I had to fight two ruin guards with 2,000 HP we did manag to survive though after playing around this little water ring to bloom those guards up the ruin guard Community truly hates the Kay Army for God's sakes just give me the gun I'll do it myself next is based but do you see what element that thing is yeah grass gang prevails we then Ascend our K and change our weapon out for good I decided to swap our Sharpshooters oath for a slingshot look I'm going to hit you with this slingshot since we can no longer send the Sharpshooter and it's crazy to think that this is the second time we've had to swap a weapon when we start inauma if I had a nickel for every time I had to stop using a weapon before Ena Zuma I have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice during the transport Mission I missed three horrible shots on this enemy okay but how did that last one miss following the escort was the prison and a special shout out here to this Electro Arrow from the wall it gave us a reaction which is very crucial to dendro success we couldn't have done it without it up next was the battle against the after somehow another missed head shot I still can't can't tell if that one was on me or not Ki took the Shogun down to a little under 2/3 HP I believe that Chi-Chi still holds the title for this section but that may soon change and lastly for act two we have the archery demonstration this sucks now let me ask you dear viewer since I am using a bow character do you think I was able to accomplish this in one go the answer is yeah the lightning didn't mess me up so why did I phrase it like that dramatic effect as for act three we come across Electro pillars which K sadly cannot do after placing a bomb on a teepe we make our way over to the delusion Factory this is when I started to dislike solo dentro dentro was not effective against any of the shields present in this domain which was surprising to me it didn't do well against the hydr Gunner but the one that shocked me the most was the electro Hammer that's written as a pun but I'm also being entirely serious here I thought djo was supposed to be good against Electro I wasn't angry with Kay I was just disappointed during our preparation for Senora we finally obtained our first dindr damage goblet and yes I mean the first one this is including one and two star artifacts this game was praying for K's downfall the Senora fight was different from the other battles normally we have to go to her but since we have a bow she has to come to us which is exactly what happened in the cryo phase but for the Pyro phase no no we played like a bit I'll just be honest cowards do that and that is you I was not going to play up close to her because I just did not feel like dealing with the temperature and the constant tick damage with the character that does not have a heal so I chose to engage in charged attack game play despite us using a weapon that does not encourage it now all that's left for us is the almighty Ryden Shogun and the M no after missing somehow another head shot there's no away it was my fault that time we were able to deal 5K damage thanks to our puppet and the inazuman Ambitions that might have also played a factor into it 24 hours into this run and K is finished with inauma which still puts her about 2 hours in front of Amber so I think this might just be a done deal next up was the chasm which was not fun I'll show you a picture and you should be able to recognize the problem the entire upper section of the chasm was based around plunge attacks we have to use plunge attacks to mine and plunge attack to shoot now I want you to take a wild guess as to how many plunge attacks it takes to break these rocks based off of this clip I'll wait if you answered 20 you would be correct it takes 20 plunge attacks to break these and there is a combined total of 17 rocks which means the final amount of plunge attacks we had to do was 357 since we had to do one for for each of the shooters once we made it into the depths it was a lot less annoying we took down a hydr Herald and an electro Lector who were both weak to dendro so far so good after some long grueling battles with Abyss Mages that unfortunately are not all Hydro we have to destroy these batteries which we need to use plunge attacks for oh thank God these only take four attacks so 16 in total you don't know how good this feels and that's the end of dli's Minecraft adventure so we got a new unbuffed damage high of 2.9k when we hit ar35 we Ascend our slingshot but not K because there were not any more mushrooms inside the Ascension domain I actually almost failed the challenge perhaps I treated you too harshly all right let's start sumaru now we're back in the motherland so let's see if HomeField Advantage is real can kle complete sumaru faster than the other characters tinari forces us to do his bidding by having us clean the withering Zone and the tree wow literally 1984 I'm going to use that joke again for the lighthouse section because that's all there is to talk about in act one get this guy out of here when act 3 began that's when I started to feel sad about this run not because of Kay but because of the bow this was the first time since the Noel run where I've had to use a three star weapon and it really shows at this point we did receive a favonius waro for free but just like the Sharpshooters oath we can't Ascend it in act four we went over to the hospital and this part was a little awkward after having a near-death experience what we had to activate the dingo pillars which we can do but my unconscious took over I was being brain dead at the moment and teleported with dendr just like I had done for the past 6 months hey instead of just using our charge shot embarrassing but let's let's just not talk about this moment anymore hey look a distraction it's me my Bluey fit and speaking of Bluey it's time for sumaru act 5 our first major battle in sumaru was the fatou agents fight we had the same problem that was present in the delusion Factory dendro does not do very well against these enemies it was a long intense battle since we were at 1 HP and still didn't have any food next was the factory and it had basically the same issues as the last fight at this point I just found it to be funny because it essentially just halfed our damage come when we encountered Scaro I threw our Boomerang and quickly remembered wait I don't have to do anything here Bingo what then the actual fight began and Ki joined the elite club of characters who were able to destroy the four Nirvana engines with the end of Act five comes the arrival of kert and the bonfire in the past I said that there were no pyro enemies here but I've got some good news my ly I found one if you climb up here and pick this sweet flower a pyro waapa flower will show up I tried for a very long time to get this to work because once again I really wanted a reaction called burn to be able to light a fire but unfortunately we could not do it I had it to where it mortar strike us right next to the bonfire but that still didn't work it would burn the grass right next to it but that still just didn't reach it I did this for about a half hour and I think that for now this cannot be [Music] done as for the old domain we come across a cry Lector called 's reign of terror over Abyss Herald SL lectors has now come to an end we now had to rely on our String Shot to do damage to its Shield which resulted in our death so we got more food and we still [Music] die after a 10-minute fight that felt much longer we finished act six Ki finished sumaru in 8 hours and 48 minutes so is she the queen of sumaru the results are in and no she didn't even beat Chi-Chi for our grind up to ar40 we did the trial grounds of Thunder but also collected our mushrooms so we could finally Ascend up to level 70 act one of Fontaine has us collect some Hydro flowers our dingo doesn't work here so we had to teleport and use the hydrogenous and for all those people who said that I could have just collected the flowers underwater I was not able to so H I was right now watch me waste 10 minutes of my life teleporting back and forth are you kidding me now we could to do the underwater domain with our level 70 Ascension we got a new passive but it's unfortunate because we can't utilize it at all in Fontaine since every enemy is a Mecca it's a shame because it's really not that bad of a passive it's actually pretty good we start Act five by revealing that I just lied to you not all enemies in Fontaine AR Conquest are meccas just everyone besides these three Rogues this was also another area where Kay unfortunately died B ho B bo ho bo bo bo we went back inside and did a shortcut and by shortcut I just mean we targeted the ruin guard since that's all you have to do to beat this domain when it came to the whale fight I was just watching our enemy try and chase us down and it just made me wonder how annoying we must have been to all the enemies in this game why are you running why are you running like seriously we just played like a and got rewarded for it whether it be from the slingshot or charged Attack gameplay we completed Fontaine by being a coward coward after 45 hours 33 minutes and 3 seconds we beat genin impact only using Ki I was looking forward to this run and I was a little disappointed TBH honest I was excited to see how dingra would play into this game considering it wasn't in it for 2 years and it didn't do too well but now let's do our character rating for damage kie gets a four she gets a four for this because she has solid AOE her abilities do good damage and the cooldowns aren't that bad also the head shot from charged Attack gameplay helped a lot throughout the early in Middle game exploration Ki gets a two the lack of ding pillars present early on in the game is no fault of her own but it still plays a factor into this consideration this alone would get her a one but since she's a bow character and a medium female it's a two she's faster than the children and the bow allows her to do certain stuff in the open world that most other weapon types can't when it comes to sustain Ki is a one she doesn't have any healing and she has two Elemental reactions that damage her next is boss fights and Ki gets a three dentro doesn't really shine in any fight in particular she mainly gets a three here because she can play from a distance finally are her abilities which get a three like I mentioned earlier they are solid abilities with good damage and good dingo application but they don't really offer anything outside of the damage and the Dinger application is only good against enemies in the rain overall K gets a 13 out of 25 barely putting her over the halfway point so I think we'll give her a d additionally she ended with a damage high of 5K unbuffed was probably around the 3K area but now that we've done the guaranteed character of both monat and sumaru I think we might just stay in fontain for the next character here and what's the reason I am here today call it was you you wish that I would stay
Channel: MistahFeet
Views: 472,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, Genshin collei, can you beat genshin, mistahfeet, mistahfoot, genshin feet, beat genshin, how to beat genshin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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