with this simple trick I will make your enemies DISAPPEAR (lynette building)

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welcome back to another video today I want to keep the intro very short because I know it's going to be an epe boy meaning thick in French so I'm gonna get to it now we're building Lynette we're doing two bills and there's a lot of me discovering Fontaine in this as well as you can imagine it's our first like actual gameplay video so hope you enjoy sorry it's so long and let's get into it level two friendship with Lenny Lynette is this one I'm not sure what we're gonna farm for yet I think we might just Farm the new set because I think she just wants to run for reticent and veridescent is the set that we have an abundance of so we're probably just gonna be farming the new set for fun I've seen her eat it's very fun I'll see you at the Domain where you can farm for stuff and I will do nice transition with this let's see what this domain is all about first clear ever holy [ __ ] a crane okay this is a crazy thing I feel like you would see this in the chasm you know it fits it fits the vibe what else another one of these cool things it is very steampunky I like it first clear and I'm gonna get a great piece of gear see I said it like a poem it was actually kind of clean look at this is this a mustache on the face piece it's a little monocle with a mustache nah hey look at that I think it's good I don't see how to keep this already I wouldn't give that though neat one three four we're missing a two but that's because these two pieces will be amazing right hey yeah no mercy no mercy as they say please please it's so close I'll take the biggest L we've ever seen she's so scary stop stop I don't know if she has range that is exactly what I meant I don't have range though but watch this dub I'll take as double crit em not probably not look at this it's like a comb and it's kind of bad I'd keep it because I'm a cop gamer that's awful crit damage attack energy recharge I would keep this crit rate last wonderful piece 10 out of 10 Banger I didn't even see this one not on the field Elemental skill damage will be further increased well that's kind of nuts you're right for like official or a yai that's wild very intrigued at what the lore is gonna be obviously having seen that underground my guess would be that it's related to that the poor Uprising against the rich but I don't see how that ties into like an archon to your problem these artifacts are so pretty golden knights bustle oh man it's the wrong set if it was the other side I'd be very happy with physical damage with crit damage and attack it's kind of copium but I say it always I don't have a lot of good pieces for physical hello is he enjoying this or something it's going in his crotch why is it not even damage I don't even I give up that's three that's also three oh that's five one two three four five all right I think I'll look at chat just you guys you're not happy you're not happy at all what are you knowing are you trolling me oh my God no no it's because we didn't play the Bingo music a man with a dog busted them sorry dog I just want to get the loot this looks cool like a hot spring do you think I will die or heal in this oh baby pigs it looks weirdly painful but they always say hot springs heal you I'm dying I'm dying I died but Hot Springs supposed to heal this is counter-intuitive sorry it's for the meme you know of egg but do you know of boiled egg just standing in the water boy oh it does no way bro wasn't the boil that's a boiled egg now but my pinky toe was in there that was actual bologna I did not deserve to die for that okay I can't complain we got one whenever Boggle cat box summoned by magic trick astonishing shift fires a vivid shot it will fire an extra one that's pretty good that's pretty good we'll take that this dude's standing here is like which is more valuable unlimited tomorrow time you smell like Squidward Catherine give me those Fontan commissions what a quest 21k Maura for speaking to Catherine Fontaine baby I don't want to do no Inazuma kamimis they're pain they pain me I'm so excited our conquests are good I love them hey everybody how's it going let's have a look right here I need to get some Talent ups for Lynette I've started farming a little bit on the day I discovered the area and I'm now going to see if I can Farm some Talent books I think it should be open today people were saying it was two days after release Wednesday or Saturday it was open on the day of release they lied to me well then I'm gonna need a lot of lumido's bells and I'm gonna need some more icewind sweet sweet sweet I'm just gonna say it French way I love how everything looks here here you go first voice line taking a sip honestly I'm more British than anything Emma okay level 40 and then this ice wins sweets so sweet the position has not been unlocked on your map guys where do I go to unlock the boss we need to spend this resin we're full he's the female robot I don't know I don't know what we're talking about good progress we need this oh hey this looks like something is this one of the two now you guys are telling me to go way higher I think yeah that's the Boss look at them go they're ice skating that's actually so cool I don't care it's my Throne now they don't even know I stole their Throne there's an achievement for sure I'm sorry Milady all right this will influence our luck for Fulton for the rest of the year do we get two or do we get three pieces here we go my soul a year of bad fortune it's over I won't play anymore oh rainbow rose that's beautiful teleport Waypoint love it very pretty Place honestly what's so cool about this they just dance they're just hanging out I think it's very cool it's actually kind of a scary boss you need to not be too close or too far and we are going to start with three pieces love to see it garbage artifact we have 11 I'm not I'm not sure how many I used maybe two so we'd need another 25 oh yeah I'm not sure if I added this in a video yet but I did lose my 50 50 for Lenny and I got it Rhymes Lenny and she is just really rhyme yeah we got unlucky I'm saving my 50 50 for my absolute favorite Navia and and her two little goons as well I love them so much I can't wait for it to be out I'm going to predict she gets a Summer Skin with a summer hat she heals I want to tap ishi heals I'm not I haven't read through what exactly she does yet so I don't know but I do know that ow that that hurts and that I might die here but toppings for E definitely heals I like it I like characters that do that there we go hey she's already doing work she's not even maxed yet three pieces because she grabbed him for herself she's strong independent Queen and never mind man just running around doing this boss right now I that was so quick as well I noticed that I feel like those procs from the hat from a burst are really really quick uh not great I don't think only two as well we're not getting very lucky so far until then I lost a 50 50 and I'm getting mostly two pieces it's not a blessing yeah we need these gears give me the gears whoa whoa horse dog thing with camera face gun very accurate very dead also thanks for the cogs I think this guy I think this is a meat enemy I'll be honest I don't think it's one of these oh flat Crest former yo that's cool oh whoa wait I'm not paying attention and dying right now ow and staying in point blank ow it's not a good idea either I'm going for it saved can we get three this time please oh three let's go let's see it oh only two only two and an awful artifacts give me the three p's again let's go man big dub picked up ten pieces total now let's see can I start another one right here from the start coppellius copium copium is his name oh my you actually have to wait for a respawn still bold Madam the data samples are power Clockwork machines will take some time wow can't believe it you have to talk to get it started and you still can't insecute I'm sorry buddy I need the cogs but still no flowers whatever it was I was gonna start speaking full French that's not the idea here hello how how what are why do you need to Glide there maybe what more dogs slain look at that pretty chicken um chicken I wonder what kind of drops they have just normal chicken only one chicken they are way bigger than just one chicken with all due respect look at how pretty this little house is I'd live here this actually looks like where I live no chased out of the garden by an angry old man naughty children what are you breaking about I didn't mean to I did what it is to your chicken oh this is crazy the Explorer is gonna be crazy in this place look I'm getting plenty of cogs I just need the balls now are they even balls can I make that joke I mean kinda ah yeah that's that's normal that's nature terrestrial it's not underwater seen in damp and wet environments I mean this is wet but not very damp no way there's there's actually some here I the tutorial helped it makes sense a coastal Berry it's like a clam it's like a clam but then a plant it doesn't make sense whatever it feels like there should be a lot of lumidus around here now this looks pretty moist and damp moist and damp is awful I'm not a fan I guess nice Face-Off you're having luminescent spine followed by six lumido spells another two we are not lucky in this place we are not lucky it's fine because for now I'm I'm having fun like I'm still in the in the honeymoon phase with fonten you know they can do anything they want to me they can make me get two chichis okay don't do that no throw you can actually never mind you can't do that I would not like that yellow already has stolen some more identity quick little run in between it's midnight oh midnight is my lucky time that's what I'm doing next time I'm pulling at midnight I want the last hit hey power of science is staggering okay it looks like we were pretty unlucky we need another four I believe we are currently at a total of we have 20 of them and these two together are 20. this by itself is four so we need four more we have the perfect amount of not good we need two runs no matter what give me another Champ here we go run number one and then we go farm artifact soon we get three pieces a very nice Head Start no matter what we'll have one extra and maybe if we're lucky two extra boom I am feeling a I don't know I love the how this artifact set looks though I don't love what it's giving me I don't I really really don't over oh yeah that run was not close at all nah that was an easy run no stress no stress none never stressing around here three pieces and a purple and a bad artifact but we're done with farming for chunks so now we need to find a bunch of lumidus bells ah this looks so crazy watch this watch this gold though in my first run in fonten this shows my luck in domains is gonna be great it's only one my brain isn't functioning after this gold dang it gold oh no no ocean man we got some confetti I saw it bro it started with like gold and it felt nice and then after that it's just been awful okay so this is because we're not limits I will change we'll get some friendship XP and it'll be great after oh let's get the two hats and the cats and the cat's hats together look at them they're just vibing I'm actually so useless cats in the Ocean true that's probably why we're not getting good loot we have two cats in the ocean oh finally it's been so long three barbers in a row no Lynette or Benny man no gold again sad I am still on a wonderful journey to find more lumidus but I finally finished act two it was amazing and uh yeah I just I don't know so many cool things oh you don't even fly away lovely we have 26 I need another 50 do I need 95 more quite a few it's quite a few I'm gonna have to scavenge in some other people's words worlds I feel but I'll try and find the ones I can find in my home first new entry big ball I defeated the big ball alien life core you know what nuviette's from here I have officially given up wow I was gonna say they're really rough to find and I open the interactive map there's only 25 of these for now and this really reminds me I I know I complain about it often but you guys know knockweed you need it for um your meat wait why didn't they wake up oh never mind I'm not gonna do that it's expiration when Inazuma just came out and in the first area there were barely any knock weeds so he has to do the runs every day or every three days it was kind of wild and it feels the same with this probably in the new region there's gonna be a lot more lumidus but yeah there's six right there some more Mech pros and Mech sissies my dude with the machine gun missing absolutely every single shot what I will do and does count as expiration is grab a waypoint hey here's some more I may have been wrong maybe on the map it only shows one Bell and it means a plant right so you assuming if there's 25 plants that there's it's three per plant so 75 lumidus in the end would be a bit better it would be a bit more bearable I'm also picking up a lot of markets I'm not sure if it's used for anything but I will know if there's recipes or something so it's actually not as bad it's definitely that there's three per plant so there's 75 so Naka weed still the MVP as far as painful uh Crystal marrow or the bone marrow whatever it was also pretty painful remember when you have to pay that guy like 30 bone marrow and Inazuma I didn't do that I saved if I saw you oh what a cute dog playing in nature sorry oh I was gonna say oh why is the music still popping off but it's because it sent its friend the Beyblade slope slow Beyblade with no attack whatsoever it's only giving one it feels as bad as when you have to kill kairagi for the uh the sword handles they were also so rare they never gave any blues I can't wait to explore this it's super pretty another dog running into Prairie it's got a Cannon as a head die evil dog look at that I'm back to full dude you thought you were hurting me hell no I'm Hydro lumine actually we should well Talent her up as well you guys want this to be a specific video this is open today but let's focus on Lenny first yoink three more limitus there's so many up here we're gonna get rich it's so funny that all the fruit trees are just kuiha wood always means bubble bubble fruit it makes so much sense okay I just found out the meme it's called Bubble fruit because the fonten Fanta is called Fanta because Fontaine Fanta and the fruit it's made of which is oranges are called Bubble fruit because there's bubbles in Fanta they want like 16 layers they went like Shrek Shrek amount of layers for this joke gameplay tutorial about a dino what Hydra monuments do what and look at all the holy moly the Holy Grail of lumidus why am I whoa I'm nilu hello that's unexpected this is very unusual this music though I feel like I'm fighting for for my life the biggest boss fight ever but it's just a bunch of slimes chasing me there's some more to Muse let's see how far are we into it now we have 71 okay well that's a lot more impactful how much did I say I needed 20 for this level 30 for this level so that's set and we have 20 into this so we only need about 24 more for our next moment and we need some cogs in the meantime but that'll be fine when I do this run again in three days we'll have everything we need in the meantime Let's Farm some artifacts I'll see you back there hey everybody how's it going it's time for me to level up Lynette a little bit I think I'm able to do my first Fontan dailies today it's hard to pronounce it the right way every time so I'm gonna level her up so that we can actually use her I do need more of these cogs and I don't have enough of them so I'm gonna use Stardust I can I can't one time one time one time we used Stardust I might have a couple of the blue ones as well level 69. it's been a while I think we're looking pretty good Let's Farm some of those artifacts again it's been a while whoa level 69 transition to the artifact domain I think I've done that three times this video it's it's it's all over the place because I haven't really farmed for a character in so long so I'm just doing everything at the same time I'm kind of loving it though you know what they say the sneezing Fontaine is a uh which definitely means something it means that I'm guaranteed to get spiced all right all right I'm feeling something good today I'm feeling like we're about to get the Suri sole ghetto you know what that means there's a cherry on the cake that's what I'm that's what I'm talking about although this is the wrong set that's what I'm talking about it's also the wrong set but they're not even that bad I can't complain wait it might be the right set physical with this it's the right set I think yeah it's good because her HP does increase or decrease frequently and she does it to herself I don't know I want to build it anyway it's just fun to do stupid artifacts that besides about the artifacts losing health is something I do so often anyways I just get punched all the time so it's always a win no oh we must try something new I left the scene I'm so far actually I asked the mechanical comb looking absolutely awful I'm not putting that through my hair and this actually isn't too bad but it's early let's not cope you know what else is fun getting these amazing pieces on the right side oh you know what it's going to be filler I made all the noises of the planet there uh Academy sounds reward for me it is on the right set as well I will use this as a main onset piece this is whack this is whack hey you're super annoying she's so quick she's out of there wait am I blind was she standing there or was she not it doesn't look like she was these are awful these are excuse my French literally De La Mer which means they're [ __ ] anyway I'm having a lot of fun farming this domain hopefully we can get a good set by the end of this if not whatever we'll keep farming it in the future I'm sure as there's gonna be new characters and characters I wanted so I'm excited Boop something I can show you guys and as you saw that healed so much is that Lenny has a passive Lynette has a passive now I'm gonna butcher this lokai locai based minimum looks like base monomics and basically touching one of these orbs increases the HP and sound you get by 25 I haven't read the rest yet but I saw that yesterday I thought it was pretty cool and she can dolphin dive doing a flip hanging out with all these people my guy destroy all the bullet Barnacles how does one do that give me give me give me you how do I do that ah an eye for an eye look at that and for our first fountain commission ever I'm gonna miss but this time I'm gonna miss again yay I'm not sure what I did differently but I did do it and what I'm also going to do is get this Waypoint e e yoink yoink easy first try whoa boom the small ones are so cute how did that not Bop you click Bop click underwater combat Lenny is so good learn that I keep calling her Lenny there's underwater sealies the bro this is insane I can't wait to explore it's gonna be soon I think it might be next video in comparison to this one catch up with the strange lights nah nah nah nah don't do this to us it's fine look I got Tech I'm gonna fly over that's how you cheese it damn it maybe it's not where'd it go oh it is there I did cheese it but then I didn't know the next PATH would take oh God it looks go easy so I'm not going to test this much likely so let's do an e on them so we got 45k average right if we swirl with Lenny here and then we do another E on them quietly now 57 but obviously Lenny helps with that but it's mostly just because she's on reticent now I will say the rate at which she applies the elements and the fact the hat takes aggro is really good so I think Lenny's actually one of my favorite animal supports but I do want her to be a damage dealer keeping in mind that she has no Talent UPS yet I'm it's looking promising yo how's it going everybody today is a new day and I think it's time for us to level up some skills and talents now I think what my ideal is it's the level up the main attack first because that new artifacts that we've been farming that we're gonna farm right now actually increases normal and charge attack damage when you lose or gain Health if you order if we were to build her the Verizon way you'd probably just want the burst I don't even know if you would level the E it's really just damage it doesn't matter at all it's just this and even then I don't even know if it's worth it as a support I don't even think you level anything you don't even care about it the reason I was checking talents is because I think the domain is open today um not amazing but I would cope with it if I have to and that's really bad let's get a a small start going at least we'll see how far we can get up to level six perhaps and I am starting with the main attack I know you guys are gonna be pissed that's okay they're good level six it wasn't too expensive I think it can I can probably get most of six if not straight up all that's the one downside so we're gonna have to go on a farming spree of these in a second I'm just going to start by navigating to them already and then we'll Farm them after we're done doing our artifact runs today I really I just keep trying to do something it's angle even this looks like a little flask what's in the flask huh what's in the flask it's a goblet it's not that good unfortunately if this was physical I'd be so happy um but it's not it's bad no I'm so far I think it's Gonna Cancel maybe never mind wow I'm so far away I think it's a wrong set yeah settlemental skill one em with only flat Subs oh my that was stinky loot oh I forgot to do the E-Tec because I was flexing but do we get a Mustachio man what is this a circlet it has to be crit damage Oh no you're so nasty no ah in french you would say and this means I'm salty I'm sad first bit first batch maybe I should say of cogs get we're gonna be hunting for cogs for a while I feel but I don't mind because I have some commissions that are very close as well as this little area is so pretty I don't mind being here at all I don't know what's happening I'm one shotting everything it feels amazing feels really good I don't mind it I wonder if treasure hoarders are going to be a bit more common in this region I feel like in samaru they were not really there because it was mostly air mites right I wonder if we're gonna get a variant of them here as well or maybe it'll just go back to treasure Hunter's hoarders I don't know oh big guy garbage loot for a big guy oh hello my name is dupiri and I am a painter most pleased to meet you oh that's where you're painting oh ew wow the fighting music is so pretty here what a great commission to get actually triple bot here's the music is popping off again whoa commission's done and they gave us little cogs can we get some Talent upgrades without Miss clicking it's only level two oh I'm Oh Lordy I mean we're gonna need Blues not even tylertips are looking good though I don't think we need much more yeah I love how the Hat's distracting them boom taking a look at her current gear now keep in mind I haven't farmed for this in this video this is an old set that I still have but it was boring to farm for Edison in another video right so that's what we're going for the new set and instead we're going like full damage veridescent and I want crit damage on this let's go this we're 50 to 190 now okay it's a 50 50 with the crit which isn't great but the 190 crit damage is very satisfying and I'm gonna level up this black lift just a little bit more this is my best sword because I don't have any five star one I've never been in this water and the music is incredible all that for three week cogs never mind we got we got one green as well 10K exactly 10K Flats I'm not that happy about it yet I want more I'm not satisfied after defeating an opponent so if we defeat a stack of people that's exactly 10K how how clean does that look though I don't think I've ever hit exactly 10K whoa dude don't go drifted out here fast and furious French Edition it's very satisfying anyway I have enough cogs to level up once more we have enough to level up again I don't think so I need four of these pillars do I have a 10 chance to get double ayaka ayaka slay for me please nice that's fine because the only one that matters is this one slay for me please ayak has a real good helper guys 10 sucrose you've always served me better than ayaka I know you pain I call them cogs apparently they're called gears one bonus that's an absolute we got absolutely scammed fonten the city is scam never crafting here ever again but that does mean we can get this to level six as well now uh we won't be able to get it much higher I can get this a couple levels as well until we need the blues and then we're completely broke which is okay let's see for the weapon now enhance yep I did get everything I needed there we go and here we go it's only three percent and a little bit of flat attack it's it's not much but it's honest work it's finally 90 I've been using that weapon in like the original main series I already used that on like essential video I'm pretty sure let's see if we can get a set on a character that's not built yet just for them to hold the artifacts we've been farming to see if we need something in specific to a double crit not bad feather I can cope with this but I'd rather get something else we can equip it for now though Circle it we have absolutely nothing in the gold department and I kind of don't even want to look through purple there's nothing there anyway here we got the animal damage as I was afraid of so we want this to be physical physical main uh we can have one filler piece of course and we have attack with crit damage here hopefully we get something better than this but we can cope if we have to but I'll see you tomorrow when I have more resin holy [ __ ] with Tula net burst this looks insane funnily enough one of my commissions today is right in front of the domain we're going to be farming still a bit underwhelmed by my current state of damage but uh hopefully we can fix it today we will try and 80 her I think my lumidus should respawned as well so after farming this we're gonna go get some lumidus yeah I mean it's it's no yelling but we knew that we knew that 13.8 it's it's you know you know oh my God calm down crazy little crab that's what they call that one crazy little crab this is so broken this is why I'm not taking any damage in this domain ever whenever Lynette burst is up it just is taking all the focus if you watch my story videos as well you're aware of how much I absolutely love Nadia I'm so excited to see what she does and I'm so scared she's gonna be just generic Geo character 57 does absolutely nothing except for look nice we'll see I really hope she's good though um I hope so zero one zero one now you know what that is that means secret code Morse code for Bangor P Banger who I'm basing this totally on the fact that I think I'm gonna get garbage but I really want to introduce more French memes but the thing is it's hard to introduce them without too much context right so one of my favorite ones is this guy called the nibonia he does a show called kolanta where they just send a bunch of quote-unquote Adventures it's TV reality they just send them on an island and then they have to survive there there's no contacts needed because his reaction is like ah so every time I'm like oh let's look at this and your reaction is just ah you know you mean you know what it means because it's just raw emotion oh no oh I got sliced that's the first time I ever died as Lynette I'm sad her burst is still there as well unlike some characters I know because I die a lot unlike some characters their things disappear when you die not Lynette though death endorsed all the police give me a good mustache man no that's not a good mustache man we could go healing the net they're nah we're not going healing the net nah we're not doing that it's just gonna be her e it is probably like percent max HP it's never even scaling off healing bonus I don't think I don't know whatever imagine Navia fits in perfectly with my yalon egg comp ah okay we reached the cup that's great because I actually was intending to have a bunch of artifacts so we could level some pieces this one has a lot of potential grit damage to start it off very nice very good we get a lot of crit rate from the set itself so just crit damage actually isn't that bad right we get three stacks of 12 which means 36 crit rate no matter what a bit of HP maybe it's HP scaling like depending on how much HP it takes from you I should look that up because it's important at times five some crit rate it's actually still good like this piece I'm happy with it so far another thing right they do this with weapon weapon level UPS they should make it so that like this it just happened perfect example another crit damage rule really good very happy with this piece when it goes into like the times four and you have excess artifacts why don't they just give us little vials little jars you know I feel like that's it would only be fair they do it with weapon stuff as well anyway our Luck's been pretty good let's see what we get on this one crit damage really important okay but back to this already I didn't point out for nothing it always happens when current HP increases or decreases does this mean I can heal myself or like when I get punched this also works because that's kind of insane and also can you refresh it all the time there's very there's a lot of conditions that can make this set either really good or really really dooky it'll restore Lance HP based on our Max HP so that's what I was saying I don't think healing efficiency would increase it because it seems like it's just a flat amount of Max HP just using the E will make us proc the full set so you heal as much as you give away essentially I guess you hear one percent more if that really matters we can finally claim please be physical damage damn it damn it that's also a lot of defense and I don't want it but maybe it'll be good on Navia it was probably defense scaling let's be honest her sword in that cutscene was a defense scaling weapon so there you go uh have these girls always stood here maybe I'm just crazy there's stent what they are extremely pale I think they're vampires I think the next Arc this is the next Arc it's two vampire girls they're like extra pale aren't they they are ghosts because there was a little donut I was like what why what or maybe I'm just tripping and it wouldn't be your surprise either one minute exactly number one is what that means ah Circle it you know it's the wrong set you know cryo damage that's what I'm gonna be doing crying is there any cryo damage character and you know I think I'm gonna keep this no matter what maybe there's one that's gonna come out eventually that will be good with the e that's not on field I don't know I guess energy recharge and attack is really all you want maybe em on a set of a character that just wants to be off field probably just reactions you know so em ER 48 seconds we are speeding it up right now are we speeding up the getting pieces process this is three pieces we might need physical why is it always defense I'm gonna say defense next time maybe it'll be physical attack I'm gonna say defense next time maybe it'll be attack defense it doesn't have defense but it's not great oh absolutely bald on that was a bad run and still sub one minute somehow oh I heard friendship up friendship friendship with Lynette means we can throw a fat effect is a party so that means it's gonna be good peace no but man good um twirl on this holy [ __ ] why is that so close my machine gun the mean for zero one zero one it still feels so underwhelming for no reason please mustache man yes it's I don't care I don't care it's crit damage we are gonna get a lot of crit rate I know the subs are ass it's a filler piece that we can use very good in all honesty the odds of this becoming a video that was like 40 to 50 minutes long was very high because it kind of feels the same as when Bob's set came out and I had no pieces on that set prior so I had to farm it from scratch and I really wanted to be at least decent I will try and make it not too long because we did have two huge story act videos so I've been I'm talking and I'm making it long enough for no reason Robin hooded I don't know if Robin Hood did that it's just my reference what I think of archers as the wrong set but we take those we take those definitely gonna be good in the future this hey who knows Navia I'm you know what I'm optimistic color copium I don't care I'm optimistic this time around it's such a Sinister reference but she looks like Camille a lot a character that I used to play on a game that I used to play give me some good it's the wrong set again so uh yeah bye man it's been 40 degrees for the past three days and I really want to grab a little coconut snack like if you relate oh man that's some awful content keeping it in press like if you also want a coconut snack crazy that we're matching on that lovely some coconut snacks no I wouldn't know what am I doing I zoned out I was thinking about my coconut snacks no no first no I won't have it for the next try it's gonna be slow run man but you know what I will have La chance I'm sorry excuse my French literally Miss [Music] wow sick aim man zero one zero one again this is this is happening a lot the double double doubles double doubles I'm gonna try and get 22 minutes 20 to where you can't I will fail just like that piece oh okay it's the heat it's the heat I promise I'm not well I'm okay I am usually this crazy never mind you know there actually is a stereotypical little French paper boy in the middle of Montana let's go check him out after him maybe he'll bring us some luck the little Paperboy Tech has worked so far it is our new fontanian tech and I'm so excited about it ah stop killing egg eggs common breakfast in France actually not even that true actually not even that true I don't know a single French person that I know personally that eats eggs for breakfast in France catch [ __ ] catch one of the catch one these let me out can't believe these people we don't even need the prison the prison is here already hey it's me little paper boy it didn't work it's the wrong set attack main HP Main and let's cook them done some more hey it's Maple boy I'm so excited because I'm about to get some quick pieces what what do you mean stop role-playing it's that's not that's not me I'm just I'm just looking at these flowers I'm just standing here that's just a little paper boy he's just happy I didn't I it wasn't me wow these flowers smell wonderful pale of love and hate from the Isle of ireneers well that's not where I'm farming I'm forming in Emma even is this God person or Barrel region I think this is Erin yes any Nest never mind where is Erin yes is it up here I have people been mentioning it all the time but it doesn't really have a name on the map I don't think wait I didn't get more resin I got distracted by The Paperboy speed this guy's griefing me I'm bringing I'm taking you to court I'm taking you to court for sabotaging my world record run intentionally stop it attack percent with a lot of crit subscriber boy it's got double defense I don't care you can call me cope master I don't even care I'm keeping it someone drew me fan art I think their username is pronounced Azo I've been using it on my Twitter profile picture for a very long time I'm refusing to call it X it'll always be Twitter as poopy as the side gets anyway is it super tidy it's super cute art I really like it I do that I also feel it's almost a little Paperboy Vibe hey speak up a little paper boy Paperboy oh that's a that's a sub 40. that's a sub what the hell paper boy look at it no no no no what does The Paperboy curse you know you know I you know maybe eventually imagine though oh my God wait this might be insane for like a imagine Navia has like I'm so coping defense scaling but you want to deal damage so Chris Subs but defense main oh my God I can't wait oh my God physical damage it was physical main I would have screamed I don't know if the French worked or not it will give me a whole new universe to explore that I can say a lot of new things in French and just subtitle them but it'll be a lot of work and you know me I don't like work imagine this also showered fired galon shots I really combined all the words imagine this also showered points at a gamer anyway this might be our last run I'm gonna level the pieces in a second here that's a broad moment if I've ever seen one Let's Get Lucky crit rate last or energy recharge would be decent just attack actually am I really leveling this tomorrow's one more day of farming I will I will commit to leveling that piece of dookie you see in your screen right now if we get nothing better tomorrow energy recharge it's not too bad I'll keep leveling it for now bruv bruv how nasty they're both kind of ugly anyway crit damage please I know what it's Gonna Roll yeah yeah no surprise here how did you recharge again it's all I'm getting I won't kind of I want damage guys I want to be a damage dealer I don't want to be a support I said I don't wanna ah man yee-haw 22 energy recharge for 10 defense whatever I'm keeping it the flower is the only good thing so far the rest is just sadness at least if we do get a character that scales off defense on this set we're gonna be hella happy let's level this one give me the plus 16. oh yeah oh yeah watch this crit rate roll bam it actually went crit damage with the smallest 5.4 poopy roll keeping it I kind of want crit damage mostly this would be good how is this plus 20 how it looks like it's plus 12. and this piece which is absolutely all funded rather not level but haha look it's so funny on my face wow yeah the crit rate is underwhelmed but it makes sense we're gonna get 36 extra watch us get an upgrade from this domain right I forgot we were in the domain at all to be honest physical damage oh no I wish but wait Geo damage the dream is coming alive if Navia actually needs this set I'm gonna be I'm gonna be ready I'm gonna be ready when she comes out and em I think this is really good on this set I'm happy with both those pieces I'm keeping both of them all right let's go farm some lumido spells looks like it's right the limitus has respawned and these fish still are spawning on the beach I don't know why but I'm I'm happy it's all Chop Suey material I'm keeping all of it got some well I did one two three four with my normal punch whoa we hit a 10K and a one two three four in one video I think that's kind of cool we're done we're actually already past how much we need no that was quick they give a lot not gonna lie and three cogs we can definitely just make only three this time sucrose will spare me of being sad sucrose and I we're a great duo in this pretty little field we are going to ascend to level 70 out of 80. Boom level 80 over 20k HP now another Pool how many do we have eight make it nine should we do a ten pool we'll do a ten pool talents oh right we need golden ones and the week wait how do you get this oh a pep really oh no that's pretty achievable though I think so I'm gonna use my e right now and then we can definitely craft a bit more hello oh perfect uh let me apply some elements to you guys wow 13.2 it's not better yet but also I didn't level up the talents it's just a little bit of animal damage although I'm still disappointed I still wish I did more look at me go bang Bang I'm critting so much how's this 50 how is this 50 we didn't create like six times in a row I'm pretty sure we're 50 46 I mean it's a 50 50. I'm not winning those just like my pools honestly what's my dude doing over here why are you laying flat like come on your lazy ass get up you dead hey get up he didn't care line them up yay [Laughter] triple kill quad hey look he doesn't care he's still singing I honestly I'm going sin show I I hope you can bring me some more luck than the other Crafters so far yeah we got a little bit of luck I need four perfect we can do one more Talent up look at that sencho popping off my king how many do I have I have two you need three I think we I think he just actually aced it I think he just clutched it for us you beautiful boy oh yeah cogs I love I read a lot no way there's all your in your alang Yuta for you of course it's not historically over accurate my guy's name is literally short Guillotine or whatever nah I can't no no that's too much that's too much give me some cogs and get me out of here sucrose give me luck one time sucrose actually despises me despises my whole being thanks a pep level 7 anymore no that's cringe and criminal alright I believe that's everything done so tomorrow first of all we spend our resin we see if we can get some upgrades to our pieces if not we level up that disgusting crit damage piece we got and following that we test out our new artifact build that we've been farming this video it'll be great bye-bye video very long we must go quick I only show loot we move on what a run I noticed only pieces but that was sick 48 seconds I forgot to condense I'm an ape I'm an ape but it brought luck sick but this time I did condense my resin I hope we get a wonderful wrong set but wonderful this is all for the future future proofing the next building video 14k there it's increasing slowly but surely 48 again and here we go HP main kind of whack HP main kind of whack last round of the video no upgrades So Far So based on this we might level that awful awful artifact and it looks like we will in fact these are both bad too I also promised we'd do this a while ago and I forgot but I was editing the clips and noticed that we haven't done it yet so I went for it anyway there's only time of the video people people don't want to okay great dude sacrificial bow that's what I'm saying I'm sacrificing time in this video for stuff people don't care about wow Lynette's transition in this screen is so nice oh that is one of the nicest I've seen so what I'll be doing first is testing one more e at final E I don't think it's gonna nice change anything especially if I miss you know not optimal not optimal for sure stop running after me I just want to hit one with a crit see how much it does it's double for Edison's or 14.2k honestly bit underwhelming we can use the burst as well uh keep in mind not leveled a whole lot but 800 about with the swirl it's swirling height right now it's doing quite a few ticks and if they're always critting you know 2.5 k 2.5 k it racks up I'd say it does a solid 20K if you crit every time not too bad I got some good news this e should do 15K there you go that's because of my sword as you can see it has two little floating orbs of Doom around it I think 20 attack per I'm not opening the chest expiration next video Let's uh switch up the gear I'm wearing and try out this physical build it's probably gonna stink here's our stats if you wanted to know 46 crit rate 190 crit damage and a grand total of 1.6k attack I'll spare you of this pain okay I'll spare you but I'm gonna level this don't look don't look stop looking it's only hurting you don't look so our stats are 14 crorade for 200 crit damage but do keep in mind the full artifact set does give us 36 crit rates so essentially we're back at 50. we're 50 for 202 Let's try her out lose the health gain the health Mika Schmidt Rose for the crit losing Health gaining Health 12K e my e is doing as much as with the animal Build that's awesome that's embarrassing I think the build's just fun that I missed I need to lose health I'm missing my crit rate right now I have 12 okay I can't say that was a very optim optimal optimistic happy it wasn't great but you know what important was having fun I'm having fun this dude again we're this guy's already in the video oh oh God it's a commission I have to shoot Mika Schmidt nice shot oh my God Mika Schmidt I can't I in fact do not have anything to pop the balloons it's okay I will fix I love this it's so good it's so good and now we punch 4K I'm honest I want to do damage I need a bigger pack I need a reoccurring pack of enemies Bing hey it's not it I do want to see though we have 1.9 K attack 9 50 crates see so it does work like statistically it looks right it looks like it it should do more than it's doing everything is being set up perfectly and yet I see Mufasa on top of a rock that's how delusional I am uh yeah uh you know I've always said this and I'll stick by oh got a blue the goal of the game is just to have fun and if you like Lunette Builder however you want just have a good time this build sucks this build sucks and I think lynnette's a really good character when you just player as a normal support it's just more fun for me to do new things because building around the supports just all right we know she's she's gonna work well it's just an animal character doing what an animal character does but this is spicy and I kind of like it so I'm Gonna Keep it this way not a lot else to test Let's do an outro run see you in the outro goodbye again thank you so much for watching today's video I hope you enjoyed it I had a lot of fun building Lynette I like that there's a new set of course the video was very long because of this but you know it's discovering hey we can do this once a year I feel like we're allowed to make a crazy long video it doesn't really matter at that point right and I kind of want to build lumine as well so that might be in the near future too all right lots of love take care skill damage is gonna be awesome on there I can feel it all right lots of love take care bye bye
Channel: RednasYo
Views: 247,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funny, Gaming, Memes, 2018, Gameplay, LOL, Best, Editing, Montage, Tryhard, Relax, Chill, Achievement, games, genshin, impact, rednasyo, rednas, send this to, friends, main, memes, .exe, teyvat, mondstadt, inazuma, liyue, sumeru, fontaine, honkai, exploration, 100%, meme, explore, neuvillette, lyney, lynette, hydro, archon, quest, explained, lore, new, childe, tartaglia, furina, focalors, clorinde, french, translation, pronunciation, underwater, commissions, achievement, farming, patch, 4.0, 4.1, leak, navia, callas, commentary, kaveh, glitch, delete, how
Id: d3QJ3thrGds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 50sec (2810 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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