Can You Beat Genshin Impact Only Using Lisa??!!

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the main focus of gentian impact's gameplay is using a variety of different characters and their elements to defeat enemies this is a pretty fun and simple formula but having four characters that can just one shot everything can make the game feel a little too easy so let's change that instead of using a full team with different elements let's just use one character but not just any character we are going to use arguably one of the worst characters in the game Lisa the rules are simple we can only use Lisa and all catalysts are allowed including 5 star weapons like the Skyward Atlas which would be very useful for this run but I mean the chances of that happening are way too low so there's no point in worrying about that oh in the main Banner we're going to be Wishing on is weapon Banner so let's see if we can beat ginshin impact only using one hand I mean only using Lisa let's just play the anime opening time is up there is no place to hide fear won't keep me from becoming a gangster [Applause] [Music] we start our journey similarly to what started the downfall of my last marriage gambling now you might be wondering what we could be wishing for you get a free Lisa by doing her domain and her C1 really isn't that important so what do we really need the answer to that question is the eye of perception and my previous character only challenges a common issue has been dealing with enemies of the same element pyro Mages were really annoying to kill with Amber since she can only hurt the shield with her Auto attacks here's the difference between Lisa and the other characters so far they can do physical damage Lisa cannot she literally cannot hurt these guys with her attacks unless she has the eye of perception so we are gonna have to keep re-rolling accounts until we get the eye of perception so we can actually start this challenge but I mean the odds of us getting it are so low like this is gonna take so long to do five perception [Music] no way thank you [Music] I was fully prepared to keep making new accounts and listening to Outlander but thankfully I did not have to you could say this was the beginning of the golden win after picking up my jaw off the ground we head up to Lisa's Temple so we can actually start the challenge we swapped to the trial version of Lisa and parkour our way through the domain and since we were satisfied with the demo we now have access to the full thing we kick everyone else out and equip Lisa with the eye of Sauron so now the real test can begin we head over to Amber's domain and like Lisa's Temple we were able to parkour our way through this place but unlike Lisa's Temple this took over 20 minutes but we can just kind of ignore that fact and lastly is Kaya's Temple which is just pretty easy you just Zip Zap zop and you're basically done [Applause] Bravo now we have to grind up to continue the main story and I actually broke a new world record I became the first person in the history of this game to land Lisa's Health skill on a group of enemies this will be my last juicy after fighting some enemies we head to Dragon spine and come across a small problem with Lisa Lisa cannot mind at all plunge attacks don't work electro ball doesn't work and even the hand of Zeus does not work this isn't a big deal now in the dragon spine area but later on this is going to be a big problem for us then it's on to more grinding let's go she's tall why does it have that why does it have the Chinese but I mean it's not like we're gonna get a five-star weapon Banner no way bad word I can't even use it but YouTube I guess you could say that was a golden experience we Ascend Lisa and her weapon then it's back to the main story we fight the eye of the storm and Lisa by far had the easiest time with this enemy compared to everyone else we didn't even have to move to beat it then it's on to The fatoui Hideout where we get to fight our first Electro slimes yeah yeah these things and a couple of other enemies are the reason why we needed the eye of perception next is the tears for the liar first up is the ruin guard which Lisa was also able to beat really easily then we go to the second tier in the forest and we head into the last domain that holds the final tier which includes large Electro slimes now done cannot be undone then why do I see sadness in your eyes yeah communicating now we can head into storm terror's lair in order to confront storm Terror we need to undo the parental locks that are set up around the tower the first and second locks were fine there was no problems with them whatsoever but the third lock remember when I said this Lisa cannot mine later on this is going to be a big problem for us it's later on and we cannot mind this big rock seriously we cannot destroy it and the last prism for the lock is in there but I had an idea we were going to bring this fire ax guy over to the Rock and cause overload because overload actually works on mining but the problem with that was that this biggie troll did not want to come over he would get to around this point and would just stop and turn around why so I just went back to the Rock and got on top of it which gave us the prism uh okay we take those I guess now we can actually take on Devon which was a pretty simple fight but the ending was a little weird because I tried to defeat him with Kirin but it missed somehow what after that I experienced probably the worst example I've seen of someone trying to interact with something only for your character to read a sign what what what that dog after six hours we completed monstat and we need to get more experience for leeway some of you may be pretty familiar with the idea of forming the trial grounds of Thunder for adventure rank theoretically we could still do that but that would take a lot longer than usual because so we're going to use a new domain to farm Adventure rank but it's all the way in sumeru am I really gonna walk to another country so I can get XP faster so after some track and field gaming we reached the domain and start grinding we also buy some core lapis from this lady which is going to come in handy later after 30 more minutes we hit AR 23 and start leeway Moon Carver gives us his power which was actually pretty cool because we were able to have two lamps out then we go into Mountain shaper which requires us to do some Mining and this is an issue for non-dominant gamers I found a way around this I noticed that there were some pyro slimes by the Amber which means we can cause overload and break the Amber so I gave Lisa's artifacts to yunjin so she could do less damage and not kill the guys in one hit and we managed to break the Amber this was actually extremely lucky for us because there was a chance that the guy was not going to be there so we actually would have had to reset the game until he spawned close to these slimes afterwards we go to Cloud retainer which we were able to skip past completely lastly is Zhao scram scram once again Lisa was able to take out a very Troublesome enemy with relative ease just look at her go and now we get locked out of the next Quest after spending more time in the summer domain we become ar-25 and head into the Ascension domain some of you keen-eyed Gamers may have noticed that we have a visitor with us but but I thought this was supposed to be a Lisa only challenge why why is Amber here Amber is only here for one reason which you'll see in a little bit it is completely possible to do this domain with just Lisa up until this point hey alif Ali's fight was actually doable with Lisa up until the last section we were able to defeat alif with just Lisa thanks to the eye of perception but it could only take us so far for the Revival portion of this fight Lisa can do essentially nothing to alif she might as well be throwing paper at it this is why Amber is here thanks to Amber and her Amos bow we were able to defeat alif and Ascend to the next level somewhat we can Ascend our weapon thanks to the balls from The Trial grounds of Thunder but we can't descend Lisa any further because she requires purple geometry from a-lift normally you may be thinking if you're using Amber here why don't you just use her outside of the domain to form a lift the reason why I didn't do that is because it's not mandatory the A-list fight here is mandatory to progress in the main story but fighting alif outside of here is not required I want to see how much Lisa can do on her own in this game aside from the times in the main story where we will have to swap but when it comes to the open world we're gonna see how far a level 40 Lisa can really get us in this game back to the main story [Music] why this is weapon damage for this part we have to warm up the Pyro pot which is an issue fun fact of the day Lisa is not Pyro so this part was a little tricky I tried getting the enemies to burn the grass beside it that didn't work I tried to use overload and that didn't work so the only option was to use another character unfortunately we had to use sucrose to heat up the pot next we cleaned the teapot with Madden ping and then we go to the ballista to zap some people another test subject no instead what was that and now my fan fiction of lingley can come true or not because gone you decided to [ __ ] block us my apologies is there a chance that volume why does he look so shocked and why is she so pissed what we are now ar28 so let's finish leeway is this grass what what is this supposed to be so many jokes can be made with this so I'm just not even gonna try then we have the Animo device which requires a bit of magic to use winblade afterwards we electrocute some people foreign and talk to the inferior Purple Lady after that intellectual debate we sing to some flowers oh and now we can take on the child this fight got progressively more annoying mainly because he gained an electro resistance in phase two which got stronger in phase three this made it hard for us to crack triple digits with our damage aside from the physical orb then we have to save the city from this monster but thanks to the adeptide Buffs we were able to stand on this platform raise our hand and utter the words by Odin's beard which created a massive Thunderbolt to strike down this beast and that's how the city was saved with leeway over we can start the danger Quest and do another 10 pool but I mean it's not like we're gonna get a five star on this 10 pool right [Music] a bad word [Music] what weapon is this [Music] once we finish the danger lift Quest we start to shinha Quest which is an issue for reasons you can probably guess why other than the required mining this area is still possible to complete solo with Lisa we also get to fight the now Widow but she didn't play Pokemon so she doesn't know that water is weak to Electric needless to say it was a pretty easy fight after some more grinding we hit AR 30 and make our way to Inazuma kazaha wants to test our skills by having us fight slimes which of course include the electro slimes gee thanks hoarders they're here get them what excuse me now we can start Inazuma who's pulling his [ __ ] out our first obstacle in Japan is the transport Mission which was made easier thanks to the surrounding water we then go inside the prison which allows us to be recruited into the gang next up is the fight with the almighty right and Shogun this fight basically went like Raichu versus Pikachu in the anime we are essentially the budget version of the Shogun she is completely immune to Electro which means that all of our damage had to come from the eye of perception after three minutes the first Shogun fight was over we get some more balls Ascend the eye of perception and it's time for the archery demonstration can Lisa do this yes but I gotta be honest with you I messed up here at the time of recording the gameplay I thought that this was not possible with Lisa but after looking at the footage this is completely doable Lisa can hit the targets on the front row but not on the top there are four targets located on the top row in total and instead of being patient and relying on the lightning to get them I got too frustrated and used Amber to hit the targets on the top row I usually don't have much patience when it comes to dealing with this lightning but because of this lapse in judgment I messed up the results of this run this is something Lisa can do by herself but I messed up here and I will take responsibility for this at some point in the future I will redo this again to make up for this and as punishment for now I will walk around Nina Zuma but let's get back to the challenge and I promise you there are some fights coming up that I was extremely patient for introducing the two lingo family plan oh did I do my streak we can start act three and do the electro puzzle to defeat the biggie Turtle Tepe dies and it's time for the delusion Factory the biggest thing to worry about in this domain was the electro witch so the strategy was simple kill the animal guy so we can deal with her one-on-one we were not gonna get a fair fight with her so I thought the best course of action was to get rid of the animal guy first so we don't have to worry about his block with the animal got down this fight is basically a 1v1 the Pyro sniper has moves that are easily telegraphed so he's not really an issue we basically just had to keep following the electro witch but keep one eye focused on the sniper so we know when to dodge once we were done with that room we didn't have any more problems and we completed this domain the next major objective is Senora who was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be we did not do much damage and since we were only level 40 I couldn't take many hits either after failing and watching the Senora cutscene four times we hit the cold cut platter to increase our physical damage and we were able to defeat Senora bad word bad word bad word now all that's left is to defeat the almighty right and Shogun and the Musso no hitotachi there's really not much to say about this fight to be honest I I really do wish I could say more but I can't it was literally just me dodging for 17 minutes and doing around 3K damage every 12 seconds but in the end just like Pikachu we defeated the superior version of ourselves after almost 26 hours we completed imazuma and we can celebrate with some temples but I mean it's not like we're gonna get the Skyward Atlas on this 10 pool right [Music] bad word two to make clubs but I mean it's not like we're gonna get it in this Temple there's just no shot oh it was close it was close all right be a good weapon yeah yeah it's time for the chasm and the dangelove quest and we have another problem I'll just show you a picture and I'll let you guess what the issue is Lisa cannot break these rocks what a shock so we had to bring out our acai to help break these rocks Lisa could actually shoot the Rocks though it was just kind of weird you have to plunge attack in order to shoot the crystal out we were able to break one Crystal on our own as Lisa though we just had to use the Pyro Geo bishop and cause overload so that was pretty cool I guess we head into the lower part of the chasm and make a wish let's see yep four star give me Lisa oh uh for some reason I thought that was a for some reason no bad word in order to reach the dangerous part of the dangerous Quest we have to make some bombs which require core lapis which is something that Lisa cannot mine oh but wait take that never wind it back we also buy some core lapis from this lady which is going to come in handy later I bought those core lapis for this moment so we actually did not have to mine any for this part and we were able to meet Daniel who brings us to probably the most boring fight I've done so far yes this was worse than Goku vs cryo fatali Gunner after half Dan's Noble sacrifice we get to fight an electro Abyss Herald the first phase is fine nothing special but the problem appears when he gets his Electro Shield I had to take down that Shield using the physical orb from the eye oh my God this fight took over 40 minutes 40 minutes of me waiting to get physical damage all while dodging its attacks as we circle around half Dan's corpse last orb there it is Victory after that experience we get to take on Abyss Mages and of course there's an electro Abyss Mage which admittedly wasn't as bad as the Lecter since we could attack the cryo Shield to add a little bit of damage to it but there's another problem take a guess seriously I want you to take a guess this is another thing that Lisa cannot attack yes for some reason Lisa cannot hurt these things I don't know why hoilvers hates her so much but since Lisa cannot hurt these things we had to bring out Lisa to help us and now the chasm is finished Canada [Applause] [Music] but the worst part is about to come because after becoming ar-35 we unlocked the Ascension domain the domain itself was more challenging than the last one we were still able to solo everything with Lisa up until the final part this battle perfectly embraced the spirit of this game RNG our orb did not do much damage even at Max Ascension we had to crit in order to get any good damage out but there's a chance that we don't crit on every attack and there's only a 50 chance that our attack will come out about every 12 seconds needless to say this fight was very long plus when I had to leave to make food I had to do the whole thing over again it was basically like having to do a Boss run into Souls game but more annoying because I can't run past animes like I can in Dark Souls pain is the best way I can describe this I tried this for so long failed so many times ate so many crit rate and physical damage food even though I didn't know that attack Buffs did not stack at that time this part genuinely seemed impossible I was so close to quitting this entire playthrough but on one run I got close to winning this is definitely possible then and I wasn't even angry because that one run taught me that this was possible so I kept trying and we kept failing but now I can say that ladies and gentlemen this fight now holds the record for the longest fight that has ever been done on this channel because after four hours we brought down ayla's Health only using Lisa and we were able to destroy the prisms with Amber yes who is this God who is this guy oh [Music] finally oh my God my hands are numb my hands are actually numb right now and now we can go into sumuru I prepared a nice portable dish that boys we go to clean out the withering Zone and we enter into the tree domain after defeating the hydro Abyss Herald we get the airpods and head over to portal and head over to port or almost almost I I can't say it at the Port we meet Al hate them and he agrees to fact check our canned knowledge that we got from Dory but according to his Intel gatherers this is fake since we did not get any stronger which means we got doried [Music] then we head out to the lighthouse to fight some Bandits and act one is finished we start Act Two by spending the day with Juniors on which leads to us fighting these Bandits that couldn't do much to Lisa I dedicate this to our God the dance of subseries [Music] act two is now finished for act three we fight some bandits in the forest and then we head to the desert which isn't good for us since we have an electric type we fight the electric wolf enemies who are actually weak to Electric for some reason this isn't how Pokemon Works what and that's the end of act three act four involves us going to a mental hospital to check up on everyone who plays this game we come across a Geo biggie Trail who gave me a lot more trouble than it should have then I'll hate them does the gentro pillar for us oh thanks man but there's like three other ones that need to be activated can you do that for us okay then I guess not uh kala you can come out and do this next up is the Temple of Anubis but unlike OverWatch these enemies don't one shot me so that's another thing this game has against OverWatch these flying enemies weren't much of a problem since I used the famous strategy called play lame win game by playing at range this fight becomes a lot easier with that done we can start at five and help out Apple security fight off these Pirates then we go to Party City to fight some fatou agents and look what enemy they decided to bring there's another Electro enemy with an electro shield now this is fun and interactive gameplay right here oh look and now there's two of them that's good that's twice the fun but that's not the last one because inside of scaramouche's domain we get to fight another one and another one the cryo for Tui Gunner was also an interesting experience because we both ended up out here I know how I got here but I couldn't tell you what he did to get here after that battle we made a wish while waiting for the elevator [Music] I guess you could say that was a golden experience wait I already did that joke shout outs to all the e domains who didn't get this weapon after fighting yet another Electro fatoui guy thanks again by the way holyiverse we were able to finish this domain and take on Scaramouche which was awful [Music] foreign [Music] oh we go [Music] powered up by feeling so intense this is it golden experience no chance nothing can stop me from playing evil lines [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um next is the polluted Zone this time the Wolves were actually a ground type but that still didn't help them and then we take on the electro biggie Trail and why died too way too many times so I had to leave and make food and start this entire domain over here even body part bad word you suck bad word you suck God after spending 40 hours 40 minutes and 22 seconds of my life we beat gention impact only using Lisa kinda not really out of all the characters so far Lisa definitely struggled the most the lack of Mining and the Reliance on weapons like the eye of perception Skyward Atlas or even the frost bear made this playthrough more challenging than it needed to be it's for these reasons that I believe that Lisa only might be the hardest challenge I've done so far level 1 characters was easier simply because I could use multiple characters but for Lisa only you just have one character and not a very good one to beat but now we only have one more starting character left to try and beat the game with foreign [Music]
Channel: MistahFeet
Views: 1,419,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact game, lisa, Genshin impact Lisa, Mistah feet, mistah foot, genshin impact can you
Id: NOrmCZMt7zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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