Can You Beat Genshin Impact Only Using The Traveler??!!

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all right so i have been playing gentian impact since mid-july of 2021 i'm currently ar 55 and i've been doing commissions expeditions and artifacts every single day and i've started to get somewhat bored so in an attempt to fix my boredom i decided to make another gentian account but i didn't want just another genshin account i wanted to test out an idea i'd like to think that besides the temples with trial characters the traveler actually just solos the game so i wanted to see if it was even possible to actually beat genshin with just the traveler but then i started pondering even deeper according to the in-game cutscenes the traveler's weapons of choice are the dole blade and the silver sword the two worst weapons in the entire game so is it possible to beat gentian impact from the traveler's perspective let's find out outlanders your journey ends here or ether a question that will define our entire challenge and so i felt the best way to decide that was to flip a coin heads lumine tails ether we get heads but since i like ether's design more and i think he fits the story better i pick ether and since we are going to solo this game we will be known as goku [Music] wait don't go give my sister back before we start the challenge let's go over the rules first rule we can only use the main character trial characters will be allowed because i think they fit the story and you cannot progress in certain dungeons without them but for the outside world we are only allowed to use the main character second rule we can only use the dole blade and the silver sword third rule no co-op the main character doesn't have people randomly transport into his world to help him so why should we fourth rule we can only use the corresponding element for each region until that region's r conquest is complete so for example i cannot use geotraveler at all in monstat until i beat the monstat r conquest i already have the leeway portion recorded and it follows the same rules i've established here so if there are any other rules you'd like to see be added comment them down below and hey while you're already down there why not subscribe if you're enjoying the video [Music] we start our journey and open our first chest a reward on the road i heard that a lot of times we equip our first artifact and level up our prized possession we explore a little bit longer and trigger the cut scene from beneath the actual objective point somehow and we get to see the big cinematic moment that loses some style points because of the 2d birds in the background we start the main quest line for monstat obtain the power of the animal and test out our new skills is he talking to a dragon we pick up the crystal that the dog left behind and head outside of the forest outside the forest we meet amber and we get to say the funny line hey that's even worse than being a mascot we unlock amber and the game forces us into using her [Music] but she remains as useful as she is in everyone else's party we open the chest and obtain our biggest power spike the silver sword but since we don't have any resources right now we'll stick with the dole blade after we do amber's work for her we level up the silver sword head over to monstat and obtain the best item in the game [Music] not long after we get sucked into a hurricane and we have to fight the big dog we saw earlier [Music] you've actually got the power we head into the knights of favonia's headquarters and find out about the three temples we need to enter in order to weaken storm terror but more importantly we unlock wishes [Music] i don't really know what i was expecting we'll just use the fodder to level up our six star weapon we make it to the first temple and we do use amber a little bit in order to burn down the vines but don't get too attached because we will not be playing her ever again know your [ __ ] place trash dragon's breath is that hey cute you're going to help me don't hesitate to come to me in the second temple we meet up with lisa who actually found a way to be less useful than amber was in the first temple but after some hard work and determination we clear the second temple break it and we can head home [Music] the thought of putting my feet up and relaxing has me all fired up we meet up with kaya who gets stuck on some rocks and we head inside the temple but before we clear the temple let's do an artifact review we are running the two-piece traveling doctor set with an em sands em goblet and attack percentage circlip since we are currently using animo traveler i felt that em would be the best stat to build for right now that way we can get the most out of our swirl reactions water we can use this to put out fire good idea that's some keen observation we should get gene to give you a title and make you a knight i can see why deluxe hates the knights of vivonius seems problem after leaving the temple we get ar locked out of the next archon quest so we have to head out to gain some more experience we big brain the ice pillar puzzle fight our first abyss mage and then we move on to the second worst enemy in this entire challenge the eye of the storm i would rather have a baseball be thrown at my adam's apple than fight the eye of the storm ever again once we hit adventure rank 10 we head back to hq and are given the title of honorary knight of favonius which looking back at the water conversation does not seem like much praise we head outside to look for the femme boy eventually we find him at the windrise tree he tells us that stormterror's real name is divalen and that the animal archon has been away from monstat for a very long time but we are then interrupted by another eye of the storm so you know what that means after two days we defeat the eye of the storm and continue talking to the bard he says he was helping devlin with a curse and that he would have cured him if we didn't interrupt him so in order to pay him back we have to go to the church to take the holy liar we sneak into the basement using stealth mechanics that would make the batman arkham series cry and we find the holy liar after the failed mission we meet up at angel share to discuss our next course of action deluxe says he knows a guy whose third cousin's brother's girlfriend's father knows a guy who told deluxe where the liar is and asks if we are ready to go with him we head into the hideout with de luke and i do use deluxe some because i don't have dilute on my main account we go through everyone's room and eventually find the key and go straight to the elevator to find the liar we encounter the first fetui agent and fight him off during the battle goku dies but the luke is able to revive him with the dragon balls and we finish the fight [Music] on the way to the next objective i stopped to do one of my dailies one of which included a shield enemy that took way longer than it should have to kill we make it to the first location of devlin's tears but we have to go through a ruin guard first was the fight long yes was it fun having 20 being the highest damage number no was it more enjoyable than fighting the eye of the storm yes we make our way to the second tier and proceed to walk past all of the enemies but since i was curious about the three barrier side quests and da dwapa gorge i decided to fight all the mobs here but tragedy struck goku had fallen in battle but goku got back up like always and surpassed his limits and by combining the forces of animo and fire from a pot we deleted the first barrier seal but we can't do the other ones right now because it's simply not possible why isn't it possible it's just not why not you stupid bastard we can't do the other ones right now because they require cryo and electro but i'll see what i can do and if i'm able to accomplish it i'll let you know in the future but you gotta subscribe in order to see it i'm sorry i don't make the rules after that side quest we head to the location of the last tier and walk straight past the eye of the storm because no we go through the dungeon the old same old same old the only big thing of note is that our lack of damage is really starting to show on the large slimes we make it to the second to last floor and clear out those enemies and then a pyro abyss made shows up normally it takes about an hour and 33 minutes to take down an elemental shield but since there's water nearby we are successfully able to make the pyrobus mage wet and obtain the last tier we meet up with the gang at the dawn winery purify the crystals and repair the holy liar then we head up to the best suicide cliff in the game and listen to vinty singh devlin's song [Music] we found out that the person behind all of this is none other than we get ar gated again but that's okay because we can unlock a lot more things now the first of which being our first constellation which makes us budget gene we can then buy our second constellation which is in fact a constellation after that we collect our essential materials and max goku and our silver sword up to level 40. for artifacts we have evolved to a two-piece berserker set and two-piece instructor set so that way we can increase our crit rate and elemental mastery while grinding for more ar we made some suit by burning ourselves and using the power of the wind later we attempted a time trial challenge but quickly realized i could not do that in time after making it to ar 18 we head into the final act of the monsted r conquest we clear out some enemies and head straight towards storm terra's lair we make it to the entrance only to get interrupted but we were successfully able to blow them away if you got the joke you should like and subs we make it to the top of the tower and we learn how to work the puzzles which do something i i don't know i wasn't paying attention [Music] after one last team meeting we set off for the final battle with de ballin we start off the battle in the air so that we can take out the first of divalen's blood clots and after four minutes we gun them down we take the battle on land and i do use venti some because i don't have venti after two weeks our chance shows up and we successfully calm down de valen it's been a while since we flew like this together honda fallen [Music] we head back to the church and give the holy liar back to barbara [Music] she gets upset and vinti fixes the liar and we angrily chase after him for some reason [Music] at last monstat's rodents ruler in the flesh [Music] should have held your tongue [Applause] after we got smashed by senora we meet up with the femme boy at his favorite place for one last talk he talks to us about the next nation leeway and tells us that it's not always about the destination and with that final conversation we obtain our last constellation and our journey in monstat is finished but the real challenge is in leeway hey everyone thank you for watching the video i really hope you enjoyed it i know this video is very different from everything else i've posted so far so if you made it this far i appreciate you the actual gentian video is over i'm just gonna take some time here to thank you guys and tell you about the future of this channel first off we recently hit 100 subscribers which is honestly amazing i never expected any of this i'm just a board college student who wanted to make some videos and it's actually crazy to think that over 100 of you guys want to see more of these stupid videos from me i enjoy reading your comments and responding to them i usually read them during class and breaks at work editing and when i first wake up so thank you all for your comments and even if you didn't comment on those videos i still thank you for even watching them so here is where we are at right now i'm currently a sophomore in college i work a part-time job at a sorority house and i make youtube videos but there's some good news and bad news bad news is that both the college and job are big time commitments my days usually look like this i wake up at six o'clock go to campus at 7 20 stay there until 3 30 to go to work and come home at 6 30 so i'm really only able to get footage and edit from this time span but here's the good news i am currently finished with my finals for the semester and my job is only open when the school is open so i get to use this chance to make more videos i already have some videos planned out some of which involve the microphone because i paid 120 dollars for this mic i'm gonna use it i would like to have the leeway video out by mid-january the leeway portion took me about 13 hours of gameplay to get and i've trimmed it down so far it's about an hour of footage but i still have to write a script do more trimming and edit the video so that's probably going to be a while but yeah that's it for the video hopefully i'll see you guys later and drive safe so tell me [Music]
Channel: MistahFeet
Views: 623,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #genshin, #genshinimpact, #Aether, #Lumine, #traveler, #genshinmeme, #venti, #jean, #mondstadt, #challenge, #diluc, #genshin impact, #genshin impact gameplay, #amber, #kaeya, #lisa, #genshin story, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact, genshin impact game, genshin impact dark souls, genshin impact hardcore, genshin impact guide, genshin impact no element traveler, genshin impact no element, genshin impact tips
Id: 0g4kSKeFd3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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