Can You Beat Genshin Impact Only Using Bennett??!!

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in most gotcha games the four stars tend to get overshadowed by the five stars they do the big damage they give the big heals they have the flashy animations and generally they just perform better than the rest but then there's Bennett a character who has been here since day one who quite literally has everything so let's see if he can do everything it's been a while since we've used a good character so I think we deserve this today we're going to play ginin only using Bennett this is going to be a happiness defeat video here are the rules we can only use members of Benny's Adventure Team all swords are allowed including five stars and lastly no healing food now let's see if we can beat ginch and impact only using [Music] Bennett then should Time come on grab your friends to [Music] very we start our journey fittingly with some bad luck after dropping 30 D blooms to try and get this guy we were first met with a rain slasher and two other fourstar characters so after doing a little bit of freet to-play calculations we scrapped together enough wishes and thankfully got our benett with our champ Champion now selected we stripped away his last opportunity to make friends and began our adventure to start off we have to make our way through Amber's Temple since Bennett is pyro we were able to complete this the way God intended rather than defy him just like almost every other character once we destroyed the crystal we made our way into ka's Temple even though there were some pyro slimes there was little to worry about in this place after destroying the rock we made our way over to Lisa's domain despite benett uh not exactly the tallest our short King was still able to do the shortcut without resorting to underhanded tactics like some other characters I think Bennett might just be able to do everything in this challenge for Bennett is an honorable man once we completed Lisa's Temple we learned about hatred well because of hatred hatred hatred for hatred drove but why would hate the hatred and are finished with act one but we have to reach AR10 in order to continue this time with a highlighted font oh no Benny's Adventure team I have failed what are you kidding me let's take this opportunity to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this character we'll start with weaknesses because it's a pretty short list that sentence was actually a pun because one of his weaknesses is his height and when I say weakness it's honestly not even that bad Bennett is a medium male which is only inconvenient in very few sections but when it comes to speed his type are the third fastest and there's nothing wrong with that my ex-girlfriend always told me it's okay to be the bronze medal benet's other weakness is also another small one that being he can't consistently heal back up to full his burst heals your characters up to 75% Health sometimes it'll go beyond that but other times you might be out of luck and just barely under that threshold but now let's look at his strengths basically everything this character is so good I'm so happy to be doing this he's a sword user which means he gets a guaranteed good weapon in these challenges the Prototype rankor he's also pyro which means he can do most of the elemental totems in the early game and whenever it rains he gets a big damage bonus because of jokes aside how does he get a better benefit in the rain than Chi-Chi does well let me answer my own question with the next strength is ability this ability is so good it's insane it's called passion it has three parts to it the smack the uppercut and the explosion you don't even have to worry about the last stage it sole existence is to make my outro look funny the smack where do I even begin this ability is on such a short cooldown does good damage and gives good energy that last part shouldn't be surprising but since I've played two characters who basically have no energy recharge having this up so often is a blessing the uppercut is honestly Overkill if this ability was just a smack it would still be like the second best ability ability we've done so far but this uppercut is seriously the most underrated skill in the game I Amo opinion it does better damage than this smack has only a slightly longer cool down and it can knock down big enemies I didn't even know this was possible with this move I thought genan was the only character with that privilege you tripping bro you tripping this skill is also just a lot of fun to use mainly because I would always yell tornado uppercut whenever I hit someone with it this ability is so bloated and benit first Ascension passive just reduces the cool down by 20% this character is actually squirrel set and we haven't even talked about the ult yet you guys are already probably pretty familiar with this burst so I'll keep it brief it is the king of DPS showcases it heals gives a massive attack buff and for some reason does a ton of damage I mean seriously we hit 1K damage at level 40 the only thing this character is missing is a way to group up enemies to begin act two we have to take on an eye of the storm and despite all of the praise I just gave Bennett he did not do well against this enemy it took longer than just about anyone else besides Animo traveler that guy in the back afterwards we went inside The fouille Hideout to establish our dominance over the other pyro character in the party and we began to collect the tears for the ruin guard it seemed like this was going to be an annoying fight but since our ability has a 4 second cool down we we basically always have pyro damage up whenever we hit it with our normal attacks as for the last two tiers we just walked into the forest and entered a domain to dominate everything in there the pyom Mage could have potentially been an issue but since we could just push into the water we hit our vape and moved on to the end of act two no listen to me that's not what he said that's not what he said once we started act three we hit our VAP W ascended our weapon entered storm terror's layer hit 1K damage again and started the fight with Fallen surprisingly Bennett did not actually one-hot him here yeah I was devastated when I couldn't do it no once we broke his shield the second time I tried to end it with the funny move but the first two hits killed him so we couldn't watch Bennett fall you're just going to have to wait for my outro in order to see that at just 5 hours and 8 minutes we already finished monstad and just to put that into perspective Kaa completed monat at 6 hours and 10 minutes he was still in act two at this point after close to 3 hours of grinding we reached ar23 and started the leeway our Conquest again just to compare with Kaa it took Kaa 9 and 1/2 hours to reach this point and we are currently at 8 hours to begin we fight at Moon Cara's place which was just a one-sided Affair thanks to the cool down buff the enemies just stood no chance I'm going keep it blunt some of them just straight up gave up next we freed a guy out of the Amber then we entered Cloud retainers Temple since we are a pyro character normally we could just carry on and complete this domain the intended way but I'm a genetic freak and I'm not normal so I decided that we should do some Parkour instead which resulted in a little bit of mixed signals being sent to us it's like freaking talking to my freaking wife guys am I right fellas lastly was the ruin Hunter with the ruin Hunter defeated we finished act one and began our journey to ar25 help when it comes to the Pyro Regis Vine V's fight is pretty similar to Chi-Chi's in the sense that they can both literally stand right next to the boss the entire fight as a result of this brainless aggression we defeated the flower but only got one drop from it how fitting at least it was easier than the Amber fight oh yeah past me how many arrows did that take again I shot 1,340 arrows I wish I could tell him it gets better but hey that one boss drop is definitely some bad luck but it's not as bad as being named Lucas with a k spell your name right then maybe you can join my world next time you egomaniac once we hit ar25 we sended Bennett and our sword then entered the new Ascension domain free my man a he didn't do anything wrong after only 3 minutes we finished the domain and began act two of leeway for act two we started by using pyro to heat up the cooking pot and I must say it is definitely a nice change of pace playing as a character who can actually do this next we enter the teapot only to get screwed over by these platforms what then we got sniped by a hilly turle with the best aim I've ever seen in my life what how did he hit me second to my own of course we defeated some treasure hoarders and finished act two once we fought the flower and grinded the trial grounds of Thunder we reached ar28 and started act three this character continues to impress me with all that he can do I mean somehow he found a way to activate the Animo device does this man have any limits afterwards we fought guards on the platform then sang to some flowers I'm a tough to baby I can punch your buns punch your buns I can punch all your buns if you're an evil wisht I will punch you for fun next it was time for the child boss fight and what a poor bastard this man got stun locked for almost the entire fight this was just bullying at this point and please hop your ass off the Grand Canyon don't nobody give a about in life following that very one-sided fight we began the battle against OS this was literally the kest situation but change out cryo with pyro I mean just look at this damage how pyro is always far more effective in the rain and the kayak comparison still is not done because once we finished this fight we completed leeway at 15 hours and 17 minutes which is actually only 14 minutes ahead of Ka so ka's been catching up to Bennett let's see if if Bennett can hold this lead and I know it may seem like I am zooming right through this video but I can't help it this character is just too good next up was the DLI Quest we had the opportunity to avoid the cryo Mage but in a cruel twist of fate we were forced to fight a pyom mage this time without any water oh no anyway with that out of the way we could start dff Act 2 we're going to make it we're going to make it oh no we actually lucked out here because for 2third of the Pyro bis mes we had water on our side the first fight had rain and the second one had a puddle you best believe that I will use even the smallest bits of water to drain these shields away as for the hydro Heralds it is definitely a battle we don't do great we don't do horrible we do mid and after a pretty normal battle we finish the danli quest and started the Jade chamber every time I do this I get reminded of how blessed melee characters are because of their mining ability the other thing that was blessed in this run is benett physical strength because how the hell did tornado uppercut knock this big ass dragon on its ass this character is so whack after the domain we hit ar30 but instead of going to Ena Zuma we're going to keep writing this out this may seem like a Time loss considering we're not starting Ino Zuma but this is going to help us out in the long run we Ascend Bennett then begin our fight with based which took twice as long as it did with Kaa because we had horrible luck with its heads C fitting with the end of the Jay chamber Quest comes the Ascension of our Sword and the beginning of Ena Zuma's archon Quest at 17 hours and 21 minutes which actually puts Ka back into the lead it's not shown in the footage but I have it in my notes that Kaa made it to this part at around 17 hours and 17 minutes after almost being burned to death by some pyro slimes we made land onto inauma eure R for the cargo Mission we know how well freeze bloom an electrocharge do against these enemies but now we get to properly see what all Vapes can do in the hands of Bennett it oh my God I think that might have been the most damage a character has done in all of these challenges uh Bennett I think you might be going a little too hard on these Vapes enough I'm been addicted I can quit my addictives anytime I want he might have broken that record but Kaa is still ahead of him so if he wants to break another one he's going to have to pick it up next was the prison and this is where I really started to notice how insane our damage was at this point we were consistently hitting close to 1K damage with our abilities whether it be the B smack or tornado uppercut we were chunking once we finished the prison we got to test our skills against the this was a battle done without fear even though we could have just waited the 3 minutes for this fight to end we did not we stayed on the Shogun like white on rice up until she took our vision away that then we just chilled out as the battle concluded we had ventured Westward so we could take on the archery demonstration benett surprised me yet again by accomplishing something I just did not think was possible but he somehow found a way to complete the demonstration and start the Final Act of Ena Zuma where Bennett yet again did The Unthinkable by activating these Electro pillars it really seems like this man can do everything except safe Tepe that guy following another celebratory moment we enter the delusion Factory our strategy was simple kill the AR guy whenever we get the chance if we can kill him before he gets his shield we can make quick work of him and everyone else because all of the other elements here are weak to pyro Hydro easy Electro not as easy and yes even this Geo agent cannot withstand Bennett's viral male energy when he goes boom did somebody say boom just like that embrace the anger embrace it the Wrath of the Gods fills this Factory and it feeds on your anger after leaving the factory we made our way over to the anti- rden shog training which sets us back a little bit because the game is bad my guess here is that since I burned the grass it took damage the game thought that I got hit by the final move silly game I'm going to kill you after beating down the Kujo clan we listen to the funny line say the line Bart the Mighty Ryden Shogun and the muso noit toachi Y then we started the battle with Senora the first phase was extremely easy to put this into perspective we played multiple rounds of rock paper scissors she picked scissors every time while we kept picking rock thanks to the mobs and our pyro we were able to three-shot her icicle which leads into her pyro phase now it's an even matchup Rock versus Rock but we actually died at this hard because of the stupid Dum dumb weather I have to do this again but when it came time for the rematch we still chose Rock but for this attempt we had extra tough ones I didn't really know how to make that still relate to rock paper scissors we just played a lot safer and that got us the victory now came time for the final bout with the it went about the same as last time except we didn't have to retreat at all during the fight we could just keep running up and smacking her which led to our victory in the end of Ena Zuma at 21 hours and 21 minutes this actually gives Bennett a six-minute lead over Kaa and that's made even more impressive when you take into consideration that Bennett failed the training and died against Senora let's see if he can keep this lead up heading into the chasm on our way to start the Dane Quest We suffered yet another setback thanks to the pyom Mage teleporting it got stuck in two spots this one on the slope which was located in the perfect position because the there was literally no way I could attack it it is amazing it is the other location was this corner and this was dangerous because if it did this move when I was attacking it I would have died as a result of faulty teleporting our progression was slowed down but we did manage to reach dlift at 22 hours and 20 minutes after knocking down some enemies with tornado uppercut it is so much fun I encourage you to use this ability more we came across a hydro Abyss Herald and an electro leor compared to Kaa vett lost against the hydro Herald but he was able to make up some good time against the electro Lector largely because of his short cooldown the next challenge was the abyss Mages and even though there were two pyrro Mages Bennett was still able to maintain his lead and finish the quest at 22 hours and 48 minutes once we finish spending time inside of all reliable we reached ar35 and ascended our Rancor but more importantly we ascended Bennett this is more important because we unlocked our second Ascension passive which shortens the cool down of our skill one inside fantastic this buff is actually insane it puts our skill on a 2 second cool down the B smack might as well be a part of our normal attacks with this change after finishing the fraudulent Ascension domain we were able to start sumaru less than 24 hours into this playthrough Kaa is currently at 24 hours and 48 minutes so unless we troll this should be in the bag after committing arson in the forest we made our way inside of the tree and took the road Les traveled by I bet you didn't even know about this path people can say a lot lot of things about my videos but one thing they can't say is that they didn't learn anything we then get our airpods and head out to the port so we can take down some goons and finish act one for act three we took on some so-called freethinkers who think burning the forest down is bad then we proceeded to fight some reasonable enemies in the form of the wolf clan on paper these enemies might seem like a problem because of corrosion but since we get our burst so often because of the tornado uppercut we almost always have a reliable source of healing he broke his promise to me once we started act four we journeyed over to the hospital and I I just got to ask how strong is been it because the fact that he knocked this biggie turle on its ass I just have to know how is he this strong how many push-ups did he do how many situps what kind of juice did he drink I'm not even going to play the clip this move has transcended being a meme afterwards we activated the dingo pillars thanks to the denda then we made our way inside of the pyramid upon entering Bennett did not struggle whatsoever just like K Bennett was able to knock down these flying enemies and I just don't know what else to say about this at Act five we took out some more goons and foule agents the strategy used here was basically the same as the one used in the delusion Factory Target the Pyro agent then work our way around everyone else we did almost die to the electro Hammer but after a couple of bit smacks we got our burst and healed back up when it came time for the factory Bennett just did not not care anymore we do not care he saw an enemy and they were dead he spared no prisoners he could have skipped this Crow Gunner here but he didn't why because he doesn't care he has nothing to lose what more does he have to prove come I should not have asked that because once we reached Scaro Bennett did two more impressive things if you want to learn another thing about this ability then check this out he somehow managed to join their novana Club I just don't get it but I'm not done yet the second most impressive thing Bennett did here was break the damage record again as well as one phasing the boss man it's so good to play a great character and he still got one more in him after knocking The Wolf on its ass we no di the electro Biggy turle and finished Act five next up was the kber quest which was just made for Bennett firstly we lit the bonfire then made our way into the old domain everything here besides the one Pyro was weak to fire yeah fire is everyone's weakness it'sing fire which made the fight against this cryo Herald the easiest out of everybody and allowed us to finish the quest at 31 hours and 14 minutes vinett was able to beat all six acts of sumaru before Kaa could complete five we have a new Champion but our journey isn't even over yet we must reach ar40 to continue the process to ar40 took about 3 hours mainly because most of the XP consisted of me doing dailies and dumping resin on either the flower or the domain I wish I had more time to explore but I just couldn't I had to play like this because I did not have much time after finishing kber why you may ask because I did all of this in three days yes three days three days I had all day Friday Saturday and Sunday to do this account and Bennett got it to ar-38 in 3 days this says so much about this character or in actuality that says a lot about my social life at 34 hours into this run we hit ar40 and we're ready to begin Fontaine Bennett once again continues to ascend to godhood because despite being a pyro character his skill was still able to unlock these flowers can we just give this man a round of applause when we reach act two we have the underwater domain that's the only zero this character's getting inside this place I mean do I really need to say anything you know where this is going to go we have a burst that does 2k damage without a crit is AOE and it heals us what more is there to worry about and 2K damage doesn't really sound like a lot but compared to everyone else I've had to use some of them probably couldn't even dream of that number all right act three doesn't really have anything for Bennett but there is a bug that should be addressed here if you do acts one 2 and three of Fontaine Al together without getting off Net's door will not open let me in let me in you have to exit to the login screen in order to fix it and I don't think this is a onetime occurrence because this has happened to me three times I'm not sure if it's been patched but it should be fixed it ruins the flow of the story kind of like this segment did for the video as we hit Act five we Ascend benett up to level 80 and head inside of the ruins we were definitely playing with fire here get it no but we actually came pretty close to dying here I went after the ruin guard since it's the only enemy you have to beat here but that's a difficult game to play when there's two other enemies trying to hit you and they both do around two K damage with their attacks thankfully we defeated the robot and made our way over to the theater I would be so pissed if I was one of these meccas if I saw a dirty boy run up to me and start upper cutting me with the sword so often that I start tweaking and cannot move I would probably cry myself to sleep and leave the country the next day as for the climactic battle this was the complete opposite of the Ki fight we were the ones chasing this thing down and we didn't even need Net's help we were already a god compared to this soulslike enemy and alas we are done with Fontaine after 40 hours 38 minutes and 9 seconds we beat ginin impact only using Benet this run was a breeze it was so nice to do a challenge where I could do some Lean Back gaming and this made me appreciate Bennett even more thanks to tornado uppercut now let's do our character rating damage Bennett gets a five he has two damaging abilities and one of them gives a damage buff plus his normal attacks do good this is an easy five exploration Ben it gets a four medium males are the third fastest but there's still a pretty big difference between them and fourth place additionally pyro has plenty of pillars and chest that are exclusive to them as for sustain Bennett gets a four I want to give it a five since he gets his burst back so often since his Ascension stat is energy recharge but it's honestly like a 4.8 I just can't bring it up all the way similarly to how Bennett can't consistently heal someone back up to full boss fights I'll give benett a four there will be times where he can't always get his burst up which can be scary if you've already taken some damage other than that if the boss is always right next to you then you can just stick to them and there's nothing they can do about it lastly we have ability SL utility and Bennett gets a five both of his abilities are incredible big damage damage buff healing knockdown the only thing this character is missing is a way to group enemies overall benett gets a 22 out of 25 giving him an a which is the highest rating any character has gotten so far additionally he now holds two damage records with buffed being 6K and unbuffed being 5K Bennett has found a way to do it all in this journey he currently holds the record for the shortest time and is easily the best character we have done so far he is ready to ascend to godhood but it seems like there's going to be some strict competition waiting for him up there here what the reason I am here I was you [Music] wish tornado uppercut
Channel: MistahFeet
Views: 276,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, bennett, genshin bennett, can you beat genshin, mistahfeet, mistahfoot, how to beat genshin
Id: WUHtAixC80g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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