Can You Beat Fallout: New Vegas With Only A Companion?

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companions are one of the best parts of the Fallout games they accompany you on your adventures are sworn to carry your burdens and can be the only thing standing between you and a bullet whether they want to be or not but what if you wanted to essentially make a companion do all the work can you beat Fallout New Vegas with only a companion up first as always is the character name my initial thought for whatever reason was to name myself mister least but that's dangerously close to copyright infringement so I named myself mr. yeast instead then I created my princess and used the vigor tester the main stat tied to companions is charisma it affects their nerve which gives a 5 percent boost to damage output and damaged threshold for each point in charisma the rest of the points went into luck intelligence and agility the spills I chose were medicine repair and sneak and the traits I chose were Wild Wasteland and trigger discipline because nothing matters and existence is paid oh and because some people have asked here's my mod list and a load order for this playthrough an MCS texture pack is installed but it doesn't show up in the plugins list with the formalities out of the way you may be wondering what the hell I mean when I say with only a companion well it's similar to my BB gun only playthrough in fallout 3 or my Fork playthrough in Skyrim but instead of only being able to attack with one weapon only a companion can attack I myself cannot attack or deal damage to any living creature for any reason whatsoever after raiding doc mitchell's house I went out into the wasteland to begin my adventure the first thing I did was get the varmint rifle from sunny smiles so that Joe Cobb could show up and unfortunately not kill trudy on sight i convinced sunny trudy chet doc mitchell easy pete and the rest of the town to go to war then sat back and watched the battle begin it didn't matter to me who won i was actually hoping they'd all slaughter each other leaving only easy pete and Cheyenne alive but the citizens of Townsville prevailed over the wannabe rowdy rough boys I got paid for fighting at the frontlines found Cheyenne's corpse tried to take it with me but she's [ __ ] heavy so I took her skin and was on my way to this trip as I took my leave I got the opportunity to change my name and I did to something much more appropriate like pinhead I got chased out of Goodsprings by a riot scorpion passed through Hidden Valley Park horde over a few bark scorpions and arrived at Black Mountain to rescue my main squeeze Raul squeezing him is probably a bad idea though I have a feeling I'd be like squeezing a big [ __ ] scab as [ __ ] up as I am the idea of being covered in several hundred year old pus does nothing to get my trousers moving I stuck to the cliffs of Black Mountain to avoid most of the super mutants and nightkin but there was a locked gate and I couldn't jump the fence so I had to go through the main entrance which was guarded by two invisible nightkin and it was also in the slime zone for the super mutants with a missile launcher it's worth mentioning that earlier in this playthrough I had decided that I would only wear my volt 21 jumpsuit and a stupid hat believe it or not with my endurance at one impractically no armor I got [ __ ] hard by annabelle after a few attempts I made it inside and rescued my darling Raul I gave him some armor and one of my stupid hats then decided that me not wearing any real armor was a stupid idea so I armored up gave all my weapons and ammo to Raul and he's already unconscious the upside here is that this unfortunate circumstance allowed me to discover a new cheesin technique if your companion is unconscious and you enter a building they regain consciousness I used this [ __ ] technique to enter and exit the prison building multiple times Raul and I would leave he'd get a few shots off get [ __ ] by the missile watcher and I'd return inside to bring him back to life after nearly wearing out the door hinges the super mutants at night cane in the immediate area were defeated I distracted the big ugly one with a missile Roger while Raul killed it we entered Tabitha's hideout Raul killed her I looted a few boxes and was off to Boulder City as I mindlessly wandered towards Boulder City I ran into a deathclaw Raul saved my life I performed it ancient Michigan mating ritual and I knew he was the right companion not even a minute later I got annihilated by another deathclaw and regretted every decision in my life that led me to this exact moment I reloaded a save put down the turkey Fenster voodoo doll took to the cliffs again survived an encounter with the powder gibraltars because there were hostile for some reason and entered repconn headquarters I was hoping to get the Brotherhood of Steel holotape so I wouldn't have to do it later but without a weapon the only way to get the mr. Handy's to attack is to ignore their warnings to leave raoul mopped the floor with them all including the Sentry BOTS and the maintenance robot that had that he started having some kind of episode watching his brothers die probably traumatized him not only was he having some sort of seizure but Raoul seemed sympathetic to the [ __ ] and wouldn't attack him with no way to get the hollow tag I left passed through 188 trading post got ambushed by that [ __ ] stain Malcolm Holmes sat a new map marker for bolter city turned a corner and arrived at Boulder City it was a good thing I had that last map marker not sure I would have made it to Boulder City without it in Boulder City I took the diplomatic approach to dealing with the great khans by having Raoul kill them all with the day saved Raoul and I began making our way towards the strip and then Raoul murdered a whole family of big Horner's for no reason at all I enjoyed watching it so didn't bother me at all but robbing an innocent animal of its life is wrong unless it's threatening you or if you're gonna eat it or if it gave you a weird look if it's in your way or if killing it would be fun or if it made the poor decision of being alive instead of being dead calm down vegetarians I'm talking about animals and video games animals in real life men are much less on my way to this trip I found an assortment of dead bodies that had some nice combat armor mrs. Hostetler was very rude to me after I broke into her house so I had Raoul kill her closer to the strip i stoled a bunch of stuff to the gun runner's and decided that this would be a very murder heavy playthrough when I picked the lock to the gun runner's gate Raoul opened fire on my behalf and killed the guards then we went inside and killed all the workers he killed all the workers inside free side I bought some naughty night wear from Mick ventured inside the king's headquarters and initiated combat by stealing one of their mugs to replace the one I lost leading to Raoul pill in the mall including Rex and the king thou shalt not consider any companions besides Raoul with the Kings gone forever I wanted to do the same thing to the van Raph's in order to get inside you must relinquish your weapons even after stealing a few weapons off their shelves and giving them to Raul the fight did not go in our favor at all so I charmed Gloria van graff with my beautiful face and got the job as their guard then i took about a dozen steps in the wrong direction and all hell broke loose first Raul killed Simon that everyone inside the building the real problem was deciding which of their weapons I should steal and sell because I could not carry them all but her mother's work is never done so we went to the atomic wrangler because as gerald from hate arnold used to say there's nothing like a drink and to [ __ ] after killing not only was fist owned nowhere to be found but James Garrett was exceptionally rude to me you know what that means they dead by this point I was carrying far too much stuff I thought it a good idea to return to McCann Ralph to sell what I could Mick and Ralph are not fans of fun it would seem because they refused to sell to me as a sign of me working towards forgiveness in the eyes of the Lord I had Raul killed him both a thug then violated the sanctity of the law by breaking into Mickey Ralph's store and threatening me he'd have been killed if I was faster than a turtle walking through a field of peanut butter after about an hour of non-stop death I went back to the gun runner's to sell a good chunk of the weapons I'd found and bought most of the ammo that I thought would be useful then it was off to the strip for realsies this time and right before I opened the gate old Ben told me that I looked anew to Freeside I should have killed the [ __ ] for that and I did I've described a lot of massacres in the last six paragraphs and there are a few more terrorist attack level onslaughts to take part in so I'll be brief my first stop on this trip was Gamora to have Rahul kill all the omertas I couldn't tell you how many people died I lost track after the third body hit the floor then we did the same thing in the ultra lux the overwhelming majority of the white gloves were deceased by the time I left including butters who only died after she got a face full of crotch before advancing to the tops I decided that I would not be siding with the NCR in this run and to make sure of that I had Raoul share his light with the military police at the NCR Embassy on this trip the tops the Chairman tried their best not to die but it didn't work didn't work for Betty either with the platinum chip in hand I completely ignored yes man finally put Victor to rest entered the lucky 38 and dealt with mr. house I know what you're thinking you can't kill him well you're wrong I can I did not attack him I merely left him out in the open so the earth germs would get him I didn't kill him unsanitary living conditions did my options are now pretty limited so I figured I might as well side with Caesar I spent a lot more time than I should have swimming in the river towards cottonwood cove took a ride to the fort let Caesar cover me in his thick warm praise went down to mr. houses sex chamber and destroyed the generators contrary to what modern-day Scientologists will tell you electrical generators are not alive and feel no pain destroying them was not attacking any enemy once I informed Caesar of my success I was given a new mission deal with the boomers I had Raul kill George I rather easily dodge the Boomers artillery strikes let Pearl die but the rest of the boomers died and upgraded Raul's armor to a set of airforce power armor but the boomers gone forever except for the stupid [ __ ] children the Brotherhood of Steel were next on the list they were the first real challenge in this run Raul even with power armor in the best weapons I could afford or steal off corpses was not much of a match for several paladin's with boss rifles and advanced energy weapons I had to go back to my Chi's technique from earlier but even that wasn't as effective as it was previously I had luckily stockpiled about 25 stimpacks so I was able to use them along with my cheese to keep Raul alive long enough for him to kill the Paladins advancing further into the bunker there were several more paladins to deal with which were just as much of a pain in my ass as the others were but once they were dead the remaining scribes and other products of incest didn't put up too much of a fight I had given Raul aghast rifle but it turns out that he sucks with it when the elder head scribe and had Paladin were finally dead I set off the self-destruct sequence left and returned to Caesar who is suffering from being a little [ __ ] can't just use Tylenol or something he needs surgery according me wait what the [ __ ] does that even mean uh moving on I got the surgical supplies from a doctor performed the surgery and was ready to show my unwavering loyalty to Caesar by killing president Kimball I failed that mission really mr. Milan was not thrilled with my mistake but the past is the past and it's time to go to war with the NCR once and for real the luggage informed Raoul and I of the plan get inside the dam and deal with general Oliver the initial assault on the dam went about as well as it could I guess Raoul had enough of my [ __ ] because he ran off to god-knows-where I found him standing on the beach looking out at the river worthless [ __ ] he'd do what I say whether he wants to or not I pushed onward advancing towards the Hoover Dam offices by myself once I got inside Raoul was by my side again I ignored the NCR troopers and got to Lee all of his compound things have gone pretty well so far all things considered but as usual things are about to get [ __ ] up in a way nobody could have predicted Raoul fought valiantly and killed the Rangers corn in the olive but for some reason he went down to the main floor and knock down a wall the thing to know about unconsciousness is that your companion won't wake up until the agroed enemies in the area are dealt with but that is irrelevant at the moment because when I confronted Oliver he was happy I arrived and told me to take care of the leggett this was the first in a comedy of errors I couldn't leave the compound so obviously killing the Luckett wasn't an option in this circumstance the only way to a growin NPC is the pickpocket that men get caught that doesn't work on Oliver it just engages dialogue then he gets word that the legate's forces are attacking the dam during that conversation you don't have control but this isn't the way things normally happened so Oliver disappears before he can tell you what to do leaving you stuck in place this is effectively a soft lock I spent 30 minutes in this [ __ ] nightmare so I'll quickly go through what happened after some trial and error I got Raoul to fight Oliver on the main floor but that's not supposed to happen so Oliver can't die another softlock then I got past all the Rangers and traps on the second floor and confronted Oliver where you're supposed to he died but I lacked the supplies that would allow Raoul to the remaining heavy troopers I'm not sure exactly what it was that caused it but I broke the game when it comes to stupid [ __ ] though I am NOT easily perturbed for [ __ ] sake I've replayed fallout 3 as a baby without taking any damage because I couldn't use any buttons as a child this is nothing anyway there was a fail-safe a key I can turn to make this all go away and I turned that key I went back to when Caesar gave me the order to go to the legate's camp to learn of his plan I went back to the tops and found my ace in the hole yes-man I did the usual song and dance for the ass-kisser I met the great khans on Red Rock Canyon the other factions had already been dealt with I let yes-man take over the void left by mr. house I installed the override module I stormed the dam with Rahul and two securitron I avoided all the enemies on the surface by running straight for the offices to install yes-man I hit a button to render the damn worthless made the final push towards the legate's camp leveled up one final time and decided to go all in on speech to end this [ __ ] as quickly as possible fate had other plans though my speech skill was at 99 so I must kill the leggett the Stover lining is that I had enough points in speech to convince the leggett to fight me one-on-one Raul did some damage but was nearly killed by the leggett who ran off for some reason then as the leggett was fleeing Raul's poor old heart gave out from this dress luckily the lugnut was far enough away that Raul could regain consciousness and finally kill the leggett I took the legate's mighty blade gave it to our rule Raul killed general Oliver with it and I beat follow new Vegas with only a companion and that's gonna do it for this video about whether or not you can beat Fallout New Vegas with only a companion if you enjoyed the video or learned anything leave a like leave a dislike if you didn't enjoy in the video or didn't learn anything follow me on twitter at mitten squad my name is poll of Mitton squad have a wonderful day
Channel: Mitten Squad
Views: 2,447,971
Rating: 4.9313312 out of 5
Keywords: can you beat fallout new vegas with only a companion, fallout new vegas companions, fallout new vegas companion, fallout new vegas companion only, fallout new vegas companion only run, fallout new vegas companion only playthrough, fallout new vegas only companion can attack, fallout companion, fallout companions, fallout challenge run, fallout new vegas challenge run, fallout new vegas challenges, iammitten, mitten squad, mittensquad, can you beat, can you beat fallout, raul, tejada
Id: gVLdOUA27xE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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