Can You Beat Fallout: New Vegas By Killing Everyone In The Game?

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It would be cool, but Jon doesn't do many collabs and Paul is MIA for the time being while he gets his personal life sorted out (edit) back now, awesome :) (edit again) back but only for this video :|

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/drink_bootysweat_bby 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 đź—«︎ replies

They are 2 of my favorite youtubers, but even though they play a lot of fallout I don't think that their styles would match for a collab. I too wish Paul all the best sorting out his personal issues.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/westkendaia 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 đź—«︎ replies

I watched a few of this persons videos before and he makes very interesting content unbearable to watch. his humor and personality are really hard to listen to for me which is a real shame because his content looks really interesting. I really can't put my finger on why or what it really is but it just rubs me the wrong way.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Fyre-Rose 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 đź—«︎ replies

No, Mitten plans out and does highly condensed edited stuff showing only the absolute highlights, whilst Jon's content is lets plays with editing but showing the entire game.

Their styles absolutely do not fit to each other.

... but if say Mitten did a game plan that Jon then tried to execute... hm. I dunno.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/librarian-faust 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2021 đź—«︎ replies
There are a lot of characters to meet in Fallout New Vegas. Some are helpful, some are annoying, and some only exist in your heart. But more importantly, none of them matter. Can You Beat Fallout New Vegas By Killing Everyone? We’ll get to the funky in a minute. The first thing we need to come to an understanding of is what constitutes killing “everyone”? There are several ways to go about this. There’s the kill everyone you see route where you look down at the ground everywhere like a sad loser who doesn’t know to point his giant nose proudly towards the horizon like a sentient sundial, but that’s boring. There’s the kill literally every single thing that exists route. Go to every location and wipe out thousands of creatures, which of course becomes a problem when enemies start re-spawning. Then there’s the foolproof approach that I created by myself. You kids aren’t gonna know what I’m talking about, but I printed out a list of every named NPC in New Vegas onto paper and stapled it into a bundle of paper that’d been stapled together by someone with a stapler. That’s basically it. Every name on the 17 page pamphlet has to be crossed out for the challenge to be a success. My stats were based around being an effective killing machine. 9 Intelligence for points when leveling up, Luck for critical shots and the casino if necessary, charisma is a dump, speech is for nerds, and the rest are spread out evenly. Guns, Lockpick, Medicine for skills, I’ll come back to this in a second, I chose Bruiser and Fear The Reaper as my traits, and was let loose into the world. Those traits are from a mod. I installed quite a few for this playthrough because of course you can’t beat New Vegas by killing everyone. Kids are like members of my discord server, they’re now allowed to die and Yes Man respawns infinitely. So, if this was gonna take a long time, I might as well install a few mods to make it more interesting. Fear the Reaper is, from what my beautifully marbled brain understood it to mean, supposed to give you a perk every level at the cost of your health dropping to 10% when you level up. Didn’t do that, I fixed it with another mod so I got a perk every time I leveled up. And Bruiser adds 2 points to Strength while reducing melee attack speed by 20%. I took that one because the strength will help with weapon handing. After stepping out into the darkness, I made a decision, kind of a big one. If everyone’s gonna die, there’s no reason to talk to anyone. And there’s only so many ways I can describe killing people, the Paul writing this right now is unsure of how he’s gonna handle that. Just to give some context, this is a spoiler so mute for the next 4 seconds if you care. [cut from script: “I made Grandma Sparkle my companion”]. Early on, the name of the game was stealth, I had to make James Bond look like a p*ssy. It’s on par with continuing to play your Gameboy after your bed time after your mom already caught you with it once and you promised you’d go to sleep. At level 2, a special perk called out to me, there was not a ing chance in Hell that I wouldn’t have taken this perk. Collecting forks finally has a physical benefit to go along with the spiritual benefits. I know that for a fact. In my old apartment, when I moved in I found a fork at the bottom of the dishwasher left over by the previous tenants. I left that fork there when I moved out in early March. I also did a decent amount of damage to the apartment including but not limited to taking a chunk out of the bathroom sink, an elbowed hole in the wall, and 2 mildly broken doors. I say all that because the Fork was good luck. I left it to mind its business and in return it protected me. I moved out of that apartment on March 7 and as of April 4th I have yet to be contacted to pay for the damage. Took out an NCR Trooper outside Primm for his armor. Nothing goes better with blistering heat and a cloudless sky than thick black cloth and heavy trousers. In the cover of darkness I took off Liuetenant Hayes’ skull with a pointed stick, first person exploded on the bridge, it’s like being in the McDonalds play place in 2nd grade all over again. One second I’m minding my own business being covered in other kids leftover sneezes next second I’m unconscious on the ground. Weapons of the New Millennium weapons started appearing in Primm. Nash and his gang of soon to be spirits were the first of many large scale genocides Id commit. Naturally I had a normal human interaction with him before my inner psycho revealed itself. I managed to take out a good number of them, Main Man Nash who used to be among us included, with a silenced pistol before getting loud and using the power of technology against itself. The convict hut was my next stop. Luckily the Leader killed Beagle for me, I took the where’s my pants perk to instantly go floppy mode, blacked out, woke up just down the road with 22,000 caps, kinda felt like that was a few too many caps so I went back, picked Swift Learner, and cleared out the top of the casino with the good ol’ slap slap slap clap clap clap technique. My pathetic little cap gun pellets couldn’t penetrate the coma ED-E was in. Killed some ghouls, snake people, giant bugs, bartered, turned invisible, stealth killed a few of the large cheddars wasting their life at Mojave Outpost, used the same transparent stealth insta-kill skilled gaming technique on Easy difficulty to expertly end all life in the headquarters, and because nobody knew it was me, I took a job and headed for Nipton. Swannick got what he deserved and I realized that one of the mods I installed didn’t only make the Legion look like anything other than toddlers dressed as roman soldiers for their kindergarten play but they’re also now tough as . My mind feasted on a tsunami of experience as my body was showered in BigHorner blood, I forgot to point out that bullet time, like that mechanic from other popular first person video game, is something that can be done in with the mod. I did speak to Jerry-Ann in the lobby of the Dinosaur town only to have a room to drop off extra nonsense I might stumble across. Having successfully bartered with Brisk Cliffco, I did what had to be done. Everyone in that little suburb had to go to meet Jesus, except for the guy from comcast he can’t be hurt by mortal tools. Manuel refused to spill his guts after I refused to give him a chance to, I turned Andy’s dome into a decorative art piece, this Daisy refused to die with ease, I let her survive momentarily, took out the rest of the inhabitants, tried to deliver Boone the note from Johnny-May since I killed her already, he wasn’t havin’ it. I stuck the end of baby’s first chainsaw down his throat and let the dinosaur’s gums bleed. Haggerty recalled me from when I became her, she saw through my disguise, prompting me to put a spear through her. Inside the front entrance of Helios was a bit tricky even with my powerful powers. Fantastic theoretically got a death worthy of his name, I was ambushed my Legion assassin’s for no good reason, got even more hated by the NCR, but they don’t really hate me yet. This is letting your kid think their cat is on vacation at the spa for being a good kitty when really it’s was that extra bump in the road you felt on the way to school. Veronica filled a familiar role in being a worthless tool getting me inside the bunker, but she made me think. If I’m gonna take on the entire Brotherhood of Steel, I deserve a companion, but it can’t be anyone in the game because I’m not doing any missions. That’s where another mod comes into play. I spawned a clone of myself, paid me 2000 caps to travel with me as my personal bodyguard, gave him some toys, he refused to play with them I had to take a more hands on approach to parenting to make him do as he was told. We exploded Ramos with a grenade, I swaddled Paul in the skin of the corpse we’d made, The brotherhood chuckle- s killed me right before my eyes, forcing me to leave my body behind and flee the scene. Someone had to pay for that. Veronica’s people were lovely connected sort of, they’re pure blooded Americans, they got what they probably didn’t deserve just like everyone else. Before continuing my rampage, I attempted to improve the war memorial slab of cement with a hip and modern reminder of what we’re fighting for, to give maniacs like me the ability to kill with impunity because nobody can stop me. Not Monroe, not half a dozen soldiers, not Jessup, not the Great Khans, not the hogtied hostages who couldn’t fight back. Cleared out quite at the few areas on the way to the Strip. I got Spiderman (Captain Parker 46-ish), I got the Sell-ary, the farmers, lots of folks. To give some context for the killing, I hit level 12 just outside of Camp McCarren. Just like the other places, I began with suppository tactics, real undetectable, a silent killer, that is until I got the legendary scoped .357 rifle gun. It’s good even if it did take 3 shots to the teeth to kill an NCR captain. Now the grain silus was a pickle. I couldn’t leave him behind to live, so I clipped through the wall, brought a gun to a fist fight, swapped over to meat cutting gauntlets before firing a shot, I just wanted to know I could end it at any moment, clipped back to the other room, bought a bundle of ammo off this shady character in the back of an airport at McCarren, and ventured down into the sewers where I would spend far to much time. It was only about 12 minutes but I swear to god it really felt like it was at least 13 minutes. The whores died not long later. Back in the sun, I visited The Thorn’s upstairs part just to say howdy, did my Christian duty of ending a fighting ring by killing everyone involved including the animals, and entered a hotel for barbers only because a barber in training approached me with a blade. Cook-Cook and friends lived their last lives, the orange colored sky made for a nice backdrop as I weaseled my way towards the vault, not much to say about the Fiends inside. They all died. Not every named one though. See that was a problem throughout this entire adventure. Finding the NPCs. They all have usual paths they’ll take in a normal playthrough. Give them a startle and they’ll take off to who knows where. We’ll come back to this issue in a bit. As I’d gone around the bend, I figured I might as well see what the Great Khans were up to. The Bighorners would provide a bunch of experience and the deathclaw made sure my heart was still beating. I had this whole plan for the clubhouse where I laid down mines behind each sitting Khan and they were all gonna get up together and die as a family but it didn’t work out that way. After shopping at the Gun Runners, I killed Alice McLafferty and her flock at Crimson Caravan. Remember this, it’s important. I killed Alice. She’s dead. As dead as everyone trying to be annoying assholes who help people at the Follower’s Outpost. Kings too. Leather? In this weather? ing never. By this point I’d taken the same perk twice that increases my movement speed by 10%, allowing me to move at increased speed. I showed Caleb what happens when you screen-peep, faced off against everything the Van Graffs had to offer, they sent the disposable guys outside, they kept the real game inside for themselves. I’m not entirely sure what’s happening now because this naked Van Graff thug came running out of nowhere, and at long last, I arrived at the Strip. Dealing with the unpleasantries involved in killing hundreds of innocent people is not something one can handle by oneself, which is why I resurrected my clone, paid him off again, gave him what I thought I would like, and began my assault. It was less traumatizing for everyone else than I would’ve liked and when you’re dealing with these unprecedented level sizes it can be difficult to keep track of who you killed. Several times I had the brain firing to indicate that I remembered killing someone but I could never find their body. Swapped over to a fancy ass 10mm handgun around the time I wrote the Phebus’s out of their will, the NCR legless-Thomas interception station was fun because almost nobody had guns, I was nota llowed to use the monorail, I’d travel to the airport then get teleported back. The NCR Embassy paid for that, so did the artist committing identity theft, the gamblers played the ultimate game of chance, what are the odds they run and hide somewhere I can’t find them? Better than you’d think. I’m 90% sure I killed everyone down there and I spent ages going room to room over and over again, couldn’t verify it completely though. I’ll do a cleanup tour later where I visit every town and kill anyone unlucky enough to be so loved by their parents that they have a name. Tried to kill house, forgot I didn’t have the Platinum Chip yet, and set in motion the commotion that ended with 50% of all Paul’s down for the count, Big Sal being a big jackass, I died, the Gomorrah thugs always were a slimy bunch, they kept shooting me through the wall. Got Big Sal, couldn’t find the other guy or Cachino, bartered, laid waste to the Strip again, and handed out free holes to the Chairmen. One of the mods I installed has a hidden passageway under the Tops that leads to Vault 21. In retrospect, not getting the greeting card from Mario was a mistake, it would’ve made the assassination mission easier. But he’s Italian so he had to die. The White Gloves were frustrating only because I couldn’t find the dinner man in any of the freezers. I think you have to do some amount of Beyond the Beef before he appears and gets turned into a fake burger. Killed House with Benny’s gun for some poetic justice, finished off the Crimson Caravan Company, blew the redhead’s off in hopes the stalker in captivity will see it, and slowly and quietly, quickly and maniacally I made my way for the Boomers, executed their leaders, Raquel tried to hit me with Solar Flare but my special eyes are immune to such things, Doctor Paul administered some doctorly advice, threw all their corn on the floor, I’m not sure what happened to Paul but I revived him again, the naked idiot raced for the bullet guy who wasn’t hostile and killed him before I could call him back, I left him naked and borderline defenseless as a punishment for that. Ultimately it’s more of a punishment for me than it is a punishment for myself. As of a several minutes skipped forward I can safely say that not a soul remains in North Vegas Square and the unused sewers that serve no purpose to anyone have successfully been cleared of squatters and the homeless so they can go back to not being used, I’m a hero, and with Paul back in his drip, we once again stormed the Brotherhood Bunker. Only difference was that this time I had a missile launcher and I’m countless levels higher than I was last time. Couldn’t tell if anyone was in any of the stalls so I left a surprise outside each one just in case, I mercilessly saved everyone down in the bunker with the help of me, and imploded the bunker anyway just to be safe. My better half was unconscious down in the bunker when went whack and I was hoping after the implosion I’d see him running naked through the jungle. After everything I’d done to the NCR I foolishly thought I’d be able to turn in the quest for Ranger Ghost. It didn’t really work out that way. I was unconscious, who’s to say what really happened, nobody knows what killed all those people with a giant hammer. A certain someone has now lived too long. The light provided by an innocent soul was finally snuffled out. Just outside of Niel’s Shack, the unthinkable happened, I tripped on a rock and died. This forced me to only retrieve what I absolutely needed. As I went up Black Mountain I noticed that because of my level the common creatures were becoming tougher than . Super Mutant Masters are all over the place. Here’s the thing though, I have caps on my side. I have wealth which means they lose. Even Deathclaws are no match for me. Raul had an accident. And as the self appointment Princess of death, I took it upon myself to decide that being a prisoner in the desert in the apocalypse is not bad enough. I gave the gift of freedom to all those explosive freaks. I failed the I Fought The Law quest proving with the power of semantics that I did the right thing. Hit level 25, I’m pretty sure that’s the highest level Ive ever gotten to legibly. From there I meandered for a while. I explored a cave full of sea men, played a rigged game of russian roulette with a family of bighorns, explored the remnants of the Enclave by clipping into their bunker, unfortunately to get inside proper you need a key and I already shut down Arcade with a hollow point healthcare violation. Marcus looked as lovely as ever, I tried to unfriendly persuasion my way out of talking to these NCR goons. Norton proved itself to be persistent to the point of being annoying, I had to play God just to get him to go away, Marcus and the Nightkin and Lilly, it’s sad what happened to them. If you feel bad for anyone, feel bad for me. I wanted to nail Jacob to his town sign. Like Twister meets a crucifixion. On the topic of freaks of nature, I finally got around to massaging Jason Bright’s beef jerky with a shotgun, got rid of the basement clowns too, Nelson and its inhabitants had to go just because of the name alone. Thanks to a perk that allowed me to turn into an oxygen octopus when I crouched and went slow,I was able to sneak into The Fort, silently take down maybe 7 people before I got bored of how long it was taking and used slugs, the worst creatures on God’s barely green Earth, to kill phase 1 of the best Casesar had to offer. Phase 2 I blew up violently, got a sweet ass helmet from a box, helped the slaves, and did something horrendous. I have that mod that let’s me make anyone a companion, that’s how I made myself my own companion. Anyway, I found Anders, paid him 2000 caps to be my companion, then left him on the cross and went about my business. I never went back for him. For my next trick, I decided to make all the NCR Camps disappear starting with the ugliest and closest. Not sure what happened as I approached the town, something got Anders, sadly our adventure came to an end. I’m at level 28 now. Guns, Lockpick, and Medicine are all at 100, stats are stats. I chose a perk that spawns a new friend, in my case a baby deathclaw named Paul’s Best Friend. I will continue to spread the legacy of myself on in my wake. Main menu guys proved to be a formidable bunch, it took a helmet wearing missile launcher, a muzzled rifle, and Russian trash to leaf blower their memories into my existential lawn bag. Do you wanna know what came next? For real? The matter of killing became a mere formality. If there exists a someone, a corpse of them can exist when I’m near. These are facts. I have a fully automatic .44 revolver that fires 6 shots in .6 seconds. I win. If you protected your weak little ears from that spoilers earlier I’ll tell you what it was because now it’s relevant. By the time I saw the end credits, I’d killed more than 1100 people. If you include creatures the kill count was over 1500. Now to provide some context, Many A True Nerd did a Kill Everything playthrough of New Vegas more than 7 years ago and not that it’s a contestt, but I killed more people than he did. I say this because this was where I started wrapping things up. You can’t beat Fallout New Vegas By Killing Everyone. You’ll be locked out of certain quests no matter how you do it and characters will become locked off. In fact, there’s no real reason to show much of the rest of this. Here’s what happened. I caused a minor disturbance at a few more NCR Camps, installed Yes Man, couldn’t get an interview with Kimball, killed the NCR and Legion at the Dam, used drugs and an anti-marital rifle to kill the Legate, got to wear his armor, spawned in one last Paul to have my back, Oliver did what he does best, thanks to that companion mod I got stuck on this screen for the rest of eternity, and I did not beat Fallout New Vegas by killing everyone.
Channel: Mitten Squad
Views: 2,743,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: can, can you, can you beat, can you beat fallout, can you beat fallout new vegas, can you beat fallout new vegas by killing everyone, fallout new vegas kill everyone, can you beat fallout new vegas killing everyone, fallout new vegas kill everyone run, fallout new vegas kill everyone build, fallout new vegas kill everyone playthrough, fallout new vegas kill everything, mitten squad, fallout, fallout new vegas
Id: 7mCJBotRYeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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