Can You Beat Fallout: New Vegas If It’s Randomized To Hell?

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[I just want it to be known before I record this voiceover that I just had the most perfect nasal strip application in human history. If there was an olympics for this, I’d have just won the gold] Every once in a while, you come across a mod for a game that is so unrelentingly absurd that you wonder how nobody made it sooner. If you’re familiar with randomizers in something like Pokemon, you know how weird the game can get when they’re used, and New Vegas is no exception. Can You Beat Fallout New Vegas If It’s Randomized To F*cking Hell? This is, without a doubt, my favorite mod of all time for Fallout New Vegas. It was probably the most fun I’d had playing New Vegas since my first playthrough. Before we dive nose first into the madness, I need to prepare you for what you’re going to see. I’ll take you through 3 events that happened in this playthrough that, in any other video, would’ve been one of the stand-out moments, but here, they’re ordinary. They’re a single injury in a thousand car pileup on a bridge that’s about to get hit by a tsunami on a planet being sucked into a black hole in a universe that’s just a simulation controlled by beings who are bored and about to reset and start it over again. First example. After a harrowing journey through the bowels of a randomized hell, I made my way to the Strip where I saw the entrance guarded by the usual assortment of robots and just before I’m about to start blowing them all away, this mother er dressed like the Lone Wanderer from Fallout 3 sprints towards the gate and gets killed. Next example, I was running towards the Strip, minding my own business, when I see Victor in the distance. I thought I’d be nice and say Howdy. I walk up to him, press E, he immediately goes hostile. It wasn’t Victor, it was some hostile wasteland creature disguised as Victor. The third thing, you’d need to see to believe. the Mr House performing in front of the curtain was literally a Brahmin’s ass. By now, you’re probably wondering what kind of a mod this is. Well, this is the Fallout New Vegas Randomizer, and it’s stupendous. I’’ll walk you through what it does. NPC heights are random, their inventory, armor, and weapons are random. The contents of most containers are random. Your starting stats are random. Inventories for most merchants are random. The creatures that spawn throughout the wasteland are all random as are their sizes. The weather is random. If there’s one mod you play in your life, make it be this one, it’s amazing. Okay, I think we’re ready to get started with the real game now. Into the game, the first thing I noticed was how large and laid back Doc Mitchell is, it’s unsettling, but if that bothers you you’re gonna have enough aneurysms throughout this video to wipe out your entire bloodline spanning back to the beginning of time. I left my SPECIAL stats random because it’s a set-up I’d never really use, took my seat, went with Barter, Lockpick, Medicine, Skilled, and Wild Wasteland as my Skills and Traits, got my back, and went outside to find Victor. At first I was sad, he was nowhere to be found, then I realized that he was just the littlest rat. Bartered with Chet but couldn’t buy anything useful, went back outside where I noticed I was wearing a radiation suit, Easy Pete seemed to be recovering from dental surgery, Sunny Smiles seemed to be having an interesting evening, Cheyenne was suffering from scoliosis, I blew a Settlers dome into the shadow realm to claim his weapon for myself, and abused Sunny Smile’s random generosity to claim the ultimate prize. The firearm she gives you is always random, so I went through it a few times until I got something I thought was worth keeping. In the end I settled on the Alien Blaster because you never know what creatures you’ll come across in this world, Joe Cobb was threatening Trudy which was odd given how she appeared to be a walking tank, and before leaving town I walked through Hell towards the schoolhouse to see what nightmares lie within. It was horrible. Even on Very Easy, with all the randomness from the mod, it was a lot more difficult than you’d expect. This mod is a work in progress, there are still some NPCs that are mostly vanilla. To make them more true to life, I killed them to make them like their McDonald’s ice cream machine counterparts and noticed the first and most annoying bug caused by the randomizer mod. Sometimes NPCs and creatures will be immortal. The only way to fix it is to save and reload. I killed a father and son as they inspected the corpses of their fallen family members, was lucky enough to have the opportunity to destroy another family in the overturned bus where two coyotes usually are, fixed Snuffle’s leg, and spoke to Chomp Lewis about the Deathclaws. There was a deathclaw but it was small enough to not be able to catch me while I inspected the abomination that was this protectron, I led the baby deathclaw to Quarry Junction Station in hopes of it killing them all, it didn’t, and I began taking out all the Deathclaws in the construction yard. There was a green ghecko, an elastic yaoi guai, a Lakelurk, an eye-bot, I fed lead to a Venus Fly Trap, heard the feral moans of a Ghost Harvester and used Dynamite to blow him to hell, and then I spotted it. The Deathclaw Mother, it was none other than Mr House himself. We still have not even begun to scratch the surface of everything this mod has to offer. I sincerely hope someone with the proper knowledge of how to do it makes mods like this for Fallout 3, Fallout 4, and Skyrim. Imagine if you showed up to fight Alduin in Sovongarde and it was a chicken. I spent a little while looking for the Great Khans lurking out in the hills, never found them, questioned my own sanity by wondering if they ever really existed at all, the vile scum that is Malcolm Holmes interrupted me, unfortunately I was unprepared to battle such a monster of a man and neither snuffles nor the injured quarry workers cared enough to come to my rescue. Then, it hit me. Everything on Black Mountain would be randomized as well, and I had to know what Tabitha would be, so Niell’s Shack was my next destination and let me tell you I was not disappointed with what I found. Instead of Super Mutants the guards at the gate were a Yaoi Goui and a pair of radroaches, killing them was hard on me. The young Deathclaw pulled a Young Sheldon and put up a hell of a fight. The top of the mountain couldn’t been impossible, it was filled with Sentry Bots made out of silly putty. A weird side effect of this mod is that some creatures aren’t naturally hostile towards you, you have to attack them first, like Sentry Bots, so if a Super Mutant is replaced with a Sentry Bot, it won’t attack on-site. Tabitha’s lovely friend was already awake when I entered the warehouse, and a new problem emerged. Let’s see if I can explain this. Her robot, Henry Dillmand, is supposed to be unconscious on the table, but it’s also an NPC, this mod randomizes it which is why it’s awake when I walked in. A Lakelurk has no “passed out drunk in a bowl of soup at christmas dinner” animation, I don’t either, trust me. My hunch is that it’s supposed to lead you to Tabitha, but it can’t which is why the door can’t be opened. Raul let me down, I was hoping he’d be some wacky and crazy creature, but it appears as though there’s a hierarchy of strangeness. Raul is an abomination and an NPC, but being an NPC takes precedence over being an abomination or a creature like a ghoul. After rescuing Raul, I had my first and only crash which is surprising as all hell considering everything this mod does. I cannot possibly overstate how much I love this mod, I had such a great time playing through it. Being high out of my mind probably only contributed towards that a little bit. That said, if you’re gonna play a mod while you’re not sober, this would be a fun one. Wanna know what Tabitha was? Have a listen. It’s just marvelous, isn’t it? Even with Tabitha’s keys, I still couldn’t escape the storage room, all the goodies inside are sealed off from this dimension forever. After informing Neil of Tabitha’s demise, I continued sorta towards the Strip. I wanted to get their eventually, but detours were welcomed. And on the way there I spotted Victor and went to say Hello, as you already know, it was not victor, Tabitha’s brother came by to feast on my corpse, I went around Victor’s line of sight, and spotted REPCONN Headquarters, a location filled with wasteland creatures. Off a Find corpse I scored two great weapons; a deathclaw gauntlet added in the Lonesome Road DLC and a unique variant of the 12.7mm pistol. One of the robots was a baby centaur, the tour guide was boring so I tore him apart, no squares allowed on planet cool. The little centaur kinda popped when his soul fled his body. The Giant Spore Plant talking to me was just as odd as you can imagine it to be, same goes for the Tunneler on the 2nd floor and the Ghost Harvester on the 3rd floor. I cardio’d my way all the way up here because I remembered a briefcase full of money was somewhere up here, what I got was even better than that. The Brotherhood Soldier died and went to heaven but the halo that was supposed to join him as an angel in heaven has a learning disability, it went to the wrong body and got stuck, but it’s okay, I found it, and I’m gonna make that work harder than it ever has in it’s entire existence since the beginning of time. It offers health regeneration and the timing couldn’t have been better, a giant Nightkin Master spotted me and took umbrage with my comments towards religion. The biggest rad-scorpion you’ve ever lurked down on the 2nd floor. Back outside, I scurried towards Camp McCarren to see what kind of class warfare kerfuffle would go down between the fiends and NPC, remarked to myself about how we could take this mod to the next level by making all the birds in the sky random creatures too, led the fiends and soldiers into each other and immediately lost track of who’s who. I was both impressed and repulsed at how the NCR finally started adding children to their armies. It’s a bold move. By the time of this fight I still hadn’t realized that the immortal character thing could be solved by loading, we entered the Glowing Sea, I obtained some Stimpaks from a traveling merchant which were a godsend in this unpredictable world, and was oh so worried that the robot vendor at the gun runners would be something so small that I wouldn’t be able to interact with it through the glass. Then nightmare became reality, almost. In a sea of irregular events, the Gun Runners offer refuge in the form of the world’s most boring bouey. The Vendotron has his usual assortment of items. It’s a nice thing to have. With all the different ammo types and different weapons available, it’s harder than you’d think to get ammo for weapons you have. I sold some stuff, bought more stuff, nothing in particular, used a Thermic Lance I’d gotten off street trash to buy myself a Service Rifle and a Silenced 22 pistol as weapons to fall-back on, returned to Freeside, met a cyclops, entered the Silver Rush, saw the smallest person I’d ever seen using a banana peel as a weapon, due to a bug this cutscene never ends so this part of this quest line can’t be played at the moment, saw some guy with a skin condition as a member of the kings, it’s good that they’re an all-inclusive bunch. Rex was a real let-down, I took a job from the big cheese and allowed Orris to escort me through Freeside. I realized about halfway through our trip what he was wearing. It’s the birthing skirt your mother wears during the opening of Fallout 3. It made me uncomfortable to hear a man about to give birth talk about how exciting the Wrangler is. I initiated a war in an alleyway, got the Courier’s Duster off a theater major, naturally I took the birthing skirt as well, reported to the King that there was a rampaging immortal giant causing problems, took a 20 ing thousand caps worth weapon off a king’s member who died, was uninterested with whatever the King was gonna have me do next, made my way to the Strip enterance, was greeted by the giraffe man, watched the Lone wanderer get killed by the Strip guards, and took the term extinction event to a knew meaning. Then, to get in, I cheated by giving myself the 500 caps I lacked, and I spoke to Victor to get inside the Lucky 38. Unfortunately, I could not speak to Mr House. Recall what I said back at Black Mountain about hostile NPCs. I think because the Centaur and possibly the floaty guy are naturally hostile, and if they’re hostile it means you’ve attacked them, you fail the quest because you just attacked Mr House’s guys, or at least the game thinks you did. I did take a quick trip up to the top to see what House looked like, got ed up, went outside where Victor was unhappy with me, then, after killing Victor, Victor came out of the Lucky 3rd 8 to avenge Victor. With Raul back by my side, I rode to the tippy top and battled against the robots within. It took some effort as I had very little in the way of healing items or weapons. Once the fighting stopped, I struggled to figure out what Mr House was supposed to be. Then, like a ing bolt of lightening, I got it. Mr House is literally a Brahmin’s ass. Can you see why I love this mod so much now? Because that Mr House cannot die, so too was the Brahmin immortal. From there, I found the Mr House I’d missed as a Securitron. You know what the absolute best part about this mod is? Nobody else is going to have a playthrough like this. If 100 channels all did playthroughs of this mod, everybody would have completely different experiences. Time to confront Benny. I had me a silenced weapon, but I didn’t account for today being his birthday. This changes things. I swapped to hollow points, then surveyed the landscape to calculate my plan. ing Raul pulled a Darlene and went after Benny. I had a quick save, I had to act fast before Raul ruined this for us. I got 500 caps from him, immediately forgot what he said we were doing, I went to his room, he sent his goons after me. He ed up, Huey, Louie, Dewey, and Bert are no match for an angel. Turns out angels are over confident. I retreated in time, had my weapons, forgot about Raul, bought a grenade launcher, and began my rampage. It didn’t go as planned. I put it off, went to do other things. I set my gigantic sights on Primm, battled Godzilla, bravely ran through the minefield with a broken leg, got a Tesla Cannon from an escaped convict and Father Elijah’s weapon from Benny’s brother, Johnson Nash appeared to be the town doctor, Prim Slim’s been hitting the gym. That’s such a ing good joke. Mrs Nash was ahead of me in wanting to break into the safes in the room, didn’t get any good out of any of them. Decided to see which of these freaks I could kill. Got a good few of them thanks to the power of God. Allistair Tenpenny seems to have had a gambling addiction, and with Father E’s gun I went to cleanse the casino of its inhabitants. Beagle was saved, next came the super gamblers upstairs. I was shocked to see another angel resorting to gambling. And just when you think this thing can’t get any better, it does. ing look at me. I wasn’t gonna playtime my way through this like some ing child, it was time to get serious. I put on my armor. Beagle was free, the town was in shambles after 40% of their inhabitants were wiped out by natural causes, Lilly was a synth the entire time, such a creature could not be allowed to live, another mole man attempted to take me on inside the gas station, Yes Man was in jail for war crimes, I found another wild Mr House and was almost able to attack him. I found his VATS outline. At Mojave Outpost, I took 2 jobs. One is to clear out a highway underpass and the other is to check on Nipton. Outside the weather started to get stranger and stranger, this is nothing compared to what comes later. Closer to Nipton I took on whole host of your standard wasteland creatures like Ghost People, Nickelodeon Gheckos, and rogue robots. The Nipton Pit Stop really showcased how annoying that immortal NPC issue can be. If you’re attacking group of people there’s a real chance one of them won’t take damage. The Jackal Gang Member was Actually an Enclave Soldier but the soldier was actually a skeleton. Sadly the skull cannot be worn with the mole mask but it can be worn with the halo, so that’s what I stuck with. And, I you not, Oliver Swannick was my brother. And I killed him. I don’t know what game Jackyln’s playing but the Jackyln I went to high school with was a so I killed her. The assortment of eye candy on the crosses was not as marvelous as I’d hoped, neither was Vulpes or anything he had with him. From there, I entered a portal to Oblivion and made my way to the Tops to confront Benny. It went about as well as it could’ve given how many Chairmen were rocking’ the full-on cripple suit. I went outside, dropped off what I didn’t need with Raul, killed a baby spaceman, found the matching skeleton suit in Benny’s room, we really were meant to be it seems, we complete each other. But the entire thing is heavy, if you’ve ever moved human bones you’d know that, so I gave it all to Raul, went back to my trust gopher hat, Yes Man was sadly only short, and the time had come to handle the other factions, strarting with the Boomers. Almost. Mr House needs to go. He graced us with his presence, the real mr house was a sad little letdown, the sun set, and I killed George with an infinity pistol before making it through the boomer bombardment. I always knew the king Boomer would be walking propaganda, she’s got a capitalism sign as a weapon, that’s why I killed her with the future. I got a Medicine Stick off one of the boomers, another was wearing Eulogy Jone’s outfit which makes me wonder if some Fallout 3 armors are in New Vegas by default or if the mod added them. Next came the Brotherhood of Steel and New Vegas turned into a ing horror game. I could barely see a few feet in front of me. Over time it got better, I had two rare occurrences back to back based on the probability of what just happened happening, had some visibility at least, then went back to Hell. I used a sniper Rifle to take out the Fiends staying in the destroyed ruins. Violet and her grossly deformed puppies were no match for me, not even Violetta, her namesake and most reliable show dog. With most of my weapons skill above 60, and a weapon belonging to the final boss of a DLC, none of the creatures I found myself fighting as I took the back entrance through the canyon to Red Rock were much of a nuisance. I didn’t tell you when it happened, but I found 4 Holy Hand Grenades a while back an I used them on everyone inside the Great Khans Meeting Hut. The two giants predictably withstood the explosion, but nobody else did. I didn’t get anything too worthwhile from them, though I embraced patriotism and got All American by killing a friendly soldier. Veronica was my objective, I’m trading one soul for another. She’s willing to through her life away because she already fulfilled all her dreams, she’s already got a dress. She got me inside the bunker, Ramos wasn’t taking any chances with outsiders, I found a gold bar in a footlocker, bought even more supplies from the vault doctor and checked in on the Elder. Wans’t anything too impressive. My work there was done. I bartered more, and began taking out everyone inside Gamorrah. The kids can really go to the moon when you blast them in the chest with a gun or hit them with a rocket propelled fist. The White Glove was a disaster. Someone inside was cursed, maybe it was one of the kids, because I just kept exploding no matter what I did. For a while it even transcended reloads. As I searched the corpses for toys, I noticed something, a little man blasting me. Wanna know why it was so violent? This white glove spawned with a debug weapon and I didn’t notice that it does 14700 damage per second. I basically got the Scarab Gun from Halo 2 and never used it. With the jobs done, Yes Man transferred his consciousness into the cow, the proper NPC appeared, he ran through the upgrades with nothing down there showing anything. Hadn’t properly yet wiped out everyone at the White Gloves to satisfy the quest. So I went back, I didn’t go too crazy with the number of people I killed, it was a very controlled and selective extermination. Kimball was of no concern to me, I used Esther to wipe out everyone guarding the power station, went to the dam, accidentally pissed off the NCR too so I had to fight both them and the Legion at the same time. One was a doctor cowboy, another was a lobotomite farmer, this one was special, he seemed to stand for everything the Legion despises. Inside the offices, I used the Alien Gun because I never really used it, and I can see why. This is the video game equivalent of playing kickball during recess in 5ht grade and having the teachers on your team. Like the ball kicked towards the face of a child, if my projectile hits something it’s gonna do massive damage and the corpse is gonna be unrecognizable. Mr House, because he’s not a computer, got a report on how the 2nd battle of hoover dam the old fashioned way by showing up at the dam in person. This reckless idiot cost me a few of my limbs, I made sure to disrespect his body for that, the world went boring as I approached the Legate’s tent, and I planned on laying down 9 bottle cap mines, a couple regular mines, luring the Legate into them, and blasting the entire stockpile with a holy hand grenade. I didn’t expect the legate to be so small. After giving him the Jesus treatment with a nail gun, Skeletor sent him to the moon, mole man took a bunch of drugs, Oliver tried to threaten me, a gigantic as Yes Man showed up with his most trusted securitrons and even brought Mr House along for the ride. I melted Oliver and his goons, Yes Man thanked me for my assistance, I shot the narrator, and beat Fallout New Vegas with it being randomized to Hell.
Channel: Mitten Squad
Views: 1,796,082
Rating: 4.9542899 out of 5
Keywords: can, can you, can you beat, can you beat fallout, can you beat fallout new vegas, can you beat fallout new vegas if, fallout randomizer, fallout new vegas randomizer, fallout new vegas randomizer mod, fallout new vegas randomizer gameplay, can you beat fallout new vegas with only, can you beat fallout new vegas with random stats, can you beat fallout new vegas with random weapons, mittensquad, mitten squad, fallout new vegas, fallout, randomizer
Id: dZ7GiP4vPts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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