Can You Beat Fallout 3 With Only a .32 Pistol?

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you read the title you know what this video is about no need to say any more than that can you beat fallout 3 with only a 32 pistol now believe it or not this video actually has quite a bit of history behind it i began recording for this challenge back in august august of last year before my first challenge video even came out why did i stop i don't know i was lazy i guess but nonetheless i got it done so let's get straight into it i got borned i got named and then i started choosing special stats they are what you'd expect from a shootie bang bang build a 10 in agility for a higher small gun skill and a six in perception so i don't have to shoot with the accuracy of a bat with hearing loss my mom showed me my dad's favorite bible passage i enjoyed my amazing birthday party gave beatrice the slip and failed the challenge i chose medicine repair and small guns as my tag skills choosing repair was a mistake though because unsurprisingly after level 2 enemies stop using the 32 pistol i made sure to play as many psychological games with butch as i could by telling him i wasn't going to help his mom and making him beg then agreeing to it just to run away i didn't help amata because it was clear she had the situation under control outside the vault i sold some stuff to moira to buy some stim packs talked to mr burke so i could get lucas killed so i could sell his gun in armor after taking the share of stuff and leaving the saloon i noticed something burke was following me and he did not stop burke continued to pursue me well after i left megaton anyway now i had to get my hands on a 32 pistol and i only knew where one was and it was in the hands of that [ __ ] silver i tried to ask her for it i even said please but it ended with her getting killed by the local raider population with the weapon now in my gigantic hands i tested it out on some of the raiders to say i was less than impressed would be a massive understatement it took at least five headshots to kill a level 2 raider this was going to be a nightmare after reloading a save because i didn't want to lose 90 of my ammo i headed out towards smith and casey's garage because i wanted to get this over with as fast as possible not only because the weapon was terrible but also because the scary mr burke was in hot pursuit after a brief fight with a cat i realized that fighting actually did more harm than good so for the remainder of the journey i would be avoiding a lot of the enemies i encountered that's not to say i didn't attack anything i took pot shots when i could but all it really did was waste my ammo another fun thing that happened on my way to smith and casey's i got one shot at by mr gutsy and had to walk all the way back because i forgot to save with my mental state sufficiently deteriorated i finally made it to smith and casey's i killed the bugs inside entered the vault got a jumpsuit and put on the oculus quest not having enough time for nonsense and really wanting to go get something to eat i immediately activated the fail safe and left [ __ ] you and your flower brawn apparently at some point my mom turned into liam neeson i'm not complaining after all it is liam neeson he said a couple syllables to me but the gist of it is that we're going to rivet city now i also leveled up and chose the black widow perk for a flat 10 damage bonus to all men the journey to rivet city was not interesting in any way because i didn't have any ammo how exciting is that but i did fail the challenge on purpose to kill grandma sparkle because i know a certain someone would have wanted me to the minefield was pretty annoying or the mind bridge road however you want to say it about three quarters of the way to rivet city i decided i was sick of not attacking anything so let me just explain myself getting 32 ammo is a [ __ ] and a half at the difficulty i was playing the game on it on average took around 10 shots to kill a single enemy and let's say best case scenario they have a 32 weapon on them they would probably drop 3 to five thirty two rounds in my experience anyway which would mean i would have to go buy ammo a lot and now we come to the second problem vendors stop selling 32 ammo at above level three at least that's what seemed to happen for me so we've hypothetically hit a conundrum now yes i could farm vendors for hours and hours hoping that they'll sell like 10 rounds but why would i do that it would defeat the point of the challenge if ammo for this really [ __ ] gun was so scarce and rare i would never attack anything and the whole point of this well challenge is to see how challenging it would be to use such a [ __ ] weapon so here's what i'm going to do at my character's barter skill it costs 1 cap for a single 32 round so from now on i will give myself the amount of ammo i want with console commands and then take away the amount of caps it would cost and all this does is save me time so anyway i gave myself 411 ammo in exchange for 411 caps trust me that 411 ammo will not last as long as you think it will so now with my newly found ammo i decided to fight a centaur and oh my god it took so [ __ ] long anyway after that a super mutant with a minigun hit my femoral artery i traded with crazy wolfgang and i was finally able to enter rivet city dr lee and liam neeson seemed to be talking about some pretty important stuff but i was more interested with the funko pop on the table omg look at it it's made of plastic and it's [ __ ] useless anyway pretty much what they said is i have to do everything and they have to do nothing and that everything i just mentioned includes clearing out the jefferson memorial also in the process of waiting so i could buy some more supplies burke showed up out of nowhere i just managed to avoid his evil grasp but i was running out of time i had to clear out the jefferson memorial and fast and once i got there it was a bigger [ __ ] show than i could have ever imagined not only did garza lose a strawberry donut the super mutants didn't even seem to notice i was shooting him that's how little damage i did after the outside was secure i entered the jefferson memorial for real this time actually not really i was in there for 30 seconds and then i left now in dire need of supplies i decided to start cheating well more using an exploit so i could steal all of moira's caps and with a cost money in my pocket i was able to buy 12 stim packs i thought that would be enough really i did little did i know how foolish i was i did make progress though i was able to fight my way to the brute and then i deemed it impossible with the equipment i had so i once again left to go shopping and after about 45 minutes of money glitches and waiting i had accumulated enough money to get 30 stem packs and full condition combat armor and for real this time this time i entered the jefferson memorial the fight with the brute was ironically very brutal i tried to find any way i could cheese the fight i tried using the barrels didn't work i tried using the pillars didn't work i tried getting down on my knees and begging him not to kill me didn't work when he laughed in my face and called me pathetic all it did was fuel my rage and i figured out quite possibly the most scummy way to get through this fight by using the door with my 2 million iq technique perfected the brute stood no chance he fell before me now in the basement i really started to get sick of this challenge and one thing that was really starting to get to me was how much the 32 pistol spreads and that you can empty the clip faster than you can reload it's not a fun gun to shoot nevertheless after a very very very very very very very long time i was able to clear out the jefferson memorial i told the oddly orange liam neeson that project purity was safe i did my chores like a good little boy and then the enclave attack and you're probably saying ben what the [ __ ] are you complaining about that happens every time well i didn't know that i forgot and i was not at all prepared i was lacking in stem packs and ammo so i once again allowed myself to buy ammo because this was already going to be hard enough and hard enough it was this enclave soldier was by far the hardest enemy i faced even though he did have less hp than the brute he did a lot more damage and not only that my weapon was quickly beginning to deteriorate now doing less damage and jamming more often so it's not unbelievable for me to say i was in a sticky situation and because of this i decided to be a [ __ ] bringing down my difficulty for now to normal and although i can't fully justify this i can at least leave you with this anyway after ever so slowly fighting my way through a few more enclave soldiers i made it to the rotunda where liam neeson bravely gave up his life for the cause you will be remembered wait what were we talking about again while making our escape madison lee did something that i've never seen before she actually got off her lazy ass picked up a gun and took the fight to the enclave soldiers and i can not tell you how amazing it felt to have an ally helping me in battle even if they were just about as useless as i was after leading me into the sewers i do a very poor job keeping the other scientists alive but no matter me and madison lee make it and that's all that counts because in bethesda games if the character can die they're completely useless madison lee convinces the elder to let us take refuge in the citadel i decided not to get power armor training because my combat armor is way effective and i received the location of vault 87 and instructions to go to little lamplight so after that i fast traveled to smith and casey's because it was the closest location to little lamplight i had discovered also fun fact it took me 22 times to say that last line right the short trek to the town of midgets really wasn't that challenging but the super mutants were pretty annoying after entering a little lamplight mccready told me that i had to help same and squirrel if i wanted to get in and not wanting to fight through paradise falls with this piece of [ __ ] of a weapon i instead decided to go level up so i could take the child at heart perk if you are observant you would realize the flaw with my plan and that flaw being i only had a one in charisma when you need a six to get the perk so pretty much i just wasted 20 minutes of my time doing chores around megaton and fighting raiders awesome i guess there is somewhat of a silver lining the extra points i put into speech did give me the edge i needed to successfully do the speech check now inside little lamplight i gained access to murder pass and in there is where i ignored most of the super mutants i was really tired okay i just wanted to get this over with i got lost an embarrassingly high amount of times met fox got interrupted by a couple super mutants while trying to free him after doing so he escorted me to where the geck was did most of the work on the way there i grabbed the geck even though fox said he would do it for me i didn't want him to get any of his disgusting super mutant germs on it fox ignored me around the same time i got abducted by the enclave what a true friend that guy is i told colonel autumn i didn't know what the code was i really didn't i guess that's one of the consequences when you skip through ninety percent of the dialogue the president told him to stop being such a negative nancy i put my clothes back on convinced president eden to blow himself up because it would be a super funny prank i touched his thing met up with fox because he told me he was feeling really guilty for leaving me to die we made amends and escaped the enclave base seconds before it exploded i returned to the citadel i'm all being briefed on the plan you're not gonna believe what happened burke he showed up at the worst possible moment i couldn't move there was nothing i could do no i refused to accept that answer i came this [ __ ] far without him talking to me and there's no way in hell i'm gonna let it happen now i reloaded a save and stood as far to the right as i could but it just wasn't enough i was sure i had met my maker here but then i had an idea i reloaded a save once again saw mr burke walking towards the entrance and then i proceeded to lead him to the other side of the citadel and after that i ran back inside started the cutscene and i was able to get through this section without mr burke talking to me with burke hot on my tail i began walking with liberty prime to the jefferson memorial this part was easy enough as it always is liberty prime broke through the invisible wall and me sarah fox and soon to be burke entered the jefferson memorial to take the fight to the enclave i will say when fighting the enclave soldiers with fox and sarah i have never felt like more of a companion in my entire life with fox and his gatling laser and sarah and her laser rifle they were just destroying these soldiers when i was just stuck with my little peashooter nevertheless we fought our way to the rotunda we destroyed colonel autumn and his butt buddies and then while madison lee was talking to sarah burke showed up again but this time i was not gonna run away i was convinced to bring him with me i was gonna lure him into project purity with me and then activate it killing us both putting an end to burke's reign of terror once and for all because dr lee and sarah were still talking i had to buy myself some time so i ran berk around for a while and then sprinted for the purifier i went inside and then i remembered that i didn't even know what the code was but it was too late because i spent too long playing ring around the rosie with burke and no one activated the purifier it exploded there was no waking up back at the citadel for me but i got what i wanted burke along with me sarah and fox all died at project purity and i beat fallout 3 with only a 32 pistol if you enjoyed the video consider showing your support by liking and subscribing and if you have any suggestions for what i should do next leave it in the comments and i'll see what i can do nevertheless hope you enjoyed this video i'm sebchu and i declare this video to be officially
Channel: Sebchu
Views: 1,470
Rating: 4.5813951 out of 5
Keywords: can you beat, fallout 3, fallout, can you beat without, can you beat skyrim, can you beat fallout, mitten squad, can you beat fallout 4, can you beat fallout new vegas, Can You Beat Fallout: New Vegas While Being Chased By Kowalski?, sebchu, fallout challenges, 32. pistol, Can You Beat Fallout 3 With Only a 32. Pistol?
Id: gmEZT4G5r2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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