Elden Ring - The Best Spirit Summons In the Game Tier List (You NEED These Spirits)

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what is up everybody welcome back to the channel and welcome to another eldon ring video now a couple weeks ago i made a video going over what i thought in my opinion was the best spirit summons in eldon ring and that video has since gotten over half a million views so i figured why not let's make another one i got a lot of feedback in that previous video a lot of people were recommending me some spirit ashes that i didn't have in that video so i've been doing a lot of experimenting to try to find out what the best ones were in all of elden ring so in this list i'm showcasing the top ones that i found based off of all my experiments that and i included a couple of the fan favorites that didn't make it in my previous video as well and this time i'm putting them in a tier list instead of just a straight up top 10 because it really just depends on your build and these specific situations some of these spirits succeed in certain areas that others might not and some of them can work really well with your specific play style and it just depends on the specific situation so that's why we're doing a tier list this time and just a heads up i leveled every single one of these up to level nine so that it was in equal playing field for every single one of these spirits and i had them all go up against similar bosses and i put them in 1v1 situations to see how they do on their own without my help to make it as equal as possible and so this video isn't like two hours long let's go ahead and just jump right into it so to start off this list the very first one we have is the ancestral follower they come in at 63 fp cost and this is a spirit summon that you can get pretty early on in the game and they are good throughout the entire game early mid late game they're just an all-around good follower unlike most of the ranged spirits the ancestral follower actually does a great job of actually hitting his target a lot of the archers will shoot their arrows and just completely miss which is one of my biggest pet peeves with the archers so the ancestral follower actually hits his target most of the time which is a huge plus if something gets up in his face he can pull out an axe and he can do a high amount of damage he's really good for the boss fights in those big open rooms he just does constant dps to the boss and he's just an overall really good follower to have highly recommend him and i'm putting him up at a tier so next up we have the fan favorite of the jellyfish i couldn't tell you how many comments i had in my last video about how my video just sucked because the jellyfish wasn't on the list and how dare i not have the jellyfish the jellyfish is the best one so for these experiments i took the best out of three boss fights i had each one of these spirits fight the bosses three times and i took the best out of the three to show you guys in this gameplay and what you're seeing here is the best out of the three for the jellyfish and the jellyfish got absolutely slaughtered now get my testing i had them go up against different bosses and the jellyfish just doesn't cut it the jellyfish might be pretty good early game because that's one of the first ones you get they come in at a measly 31 fp cost so they're pretty cheap they're pretty good in certain situations for example they fly over top of things so like they hover over top of lava and they're good against dragon aoe attacks because they sort of just hover over top of aoe attacks so they're pretty good early game because they do pretty good poison damage so if it was early game i'd probably put them in b tier but late game the jellyfish is just so bad i'm putting the jellyfish at deed here and i don't care if i get a ton of hate in the comments that's what i got for my testing results the jellyfish just doesn't cut it so putting the jellyfish at deed here so next up we have the ancient dragon knight kristoff they come in at 108 fp cost now the ancient dragon knight is actually one of my favorites i think they're pretty cool they have a shield so they can block a lot of damage they actually are pretty good at close to mid range because they have this really cool lightning attack if something's a little bit out of reach for the knight will just point his spear up into the sky and shoot this like lightning attack over and over and over it's really good against bosses and if you level up the ancient dragon knight i think he's definitely one to carry you through most of the game though i'm putting him up at a tier so next up we have the azula beastmen they come in at 102 fp cost now these guys you aren't going to get until later in the game these are one of the final spirit ashes that you can find so you're not really going to get the chance to play with them too much unless you do a new game plus and it's a real shame because these guys are really good they're really aggressive there's two of them and each of them have a high amount of health points and they can just take a lot of hits they can do a lot of damage and they're really good so i'm putting them up at a tier so moving on to the black knife tisch now the black knife tisch comes in at a 132 fp cost which is insane but the black knife dish is the first one on our list going straight up to est here because the black knife is just nuts she absolutely melts boss's health bars she's really hard to hit she's constantly dodging and bobbing and weaving and avoiding attacks and her special ability just wrecks things this spirit helped me in so many situations fighting bosses and i can't recommend her enough she is one of the best ones in the game by far she was actually doing so well that she ruined some of my experiment and she killed the boss i was having all these spirits fight the same exact boss that would be an equal playing field but then she actually killed the boss so then i had to go find new bosses for some of these other spirits to fight because she just did so good of a job that she killed the boss on her own and this was a late game boss this was a late game dungeon that you could go into so highly recommend the black knife tisch one of the best in the game so next up is kind of a two for one we have the banished knight involve and the banished knight oleg now they both come in at 100 fp cost a piece so they cost the same amount now the banished night involved wasn't available when i made my first video they didn't become available until the latest patch and they're about the same for my experiments they do about the same amount of damage they have close to the same amount of health pull and you know their attacks are pretty close to one another i couldn't really tell much of a difference between the two of them so i'm sort of just going to group them together in this ranking i really couldn't tell much of a difference between the two of them they really did about the same so i'm going to rank them both at a tier they do a great job of staggering bosses and knocking them down so you can get that special move off onto the boss and they do a good job at drawing aggro and doing a lot of dps and they're both really good to have and i highly recommend both of them so next up we have the battle mage either huge or oogs i think the h is silent now the battle mage was actually recommended to me by one of you guys in the latest video and i didn't know that this guy existed and once i got him he's actually pretty good he comes in at 122 fp cost he has a combination of just physical attacks and magic attacks he's pretty good i mean i don't really have any complaints with him i do think he's a bit expensive i don't think he's worth his fp cost but i mean if you have a mage build or something he might work good with you in that regard it really just depends on what kind of boss you're fighting but i think he's good enough to put up an a tier as well so next up we have the bloodhound knight now the bloodhound knight i had some mixed results with the bloodhound knight because the bloodhound knight can deal a lot of damage and it can deal a lot of bleed damage so if you have a bleed build he's really good at working in tandem with bleed builds because you can just proc a lot of bleed over and over and over but the bloodhound knight is a bit of a glass cannon if the bloodhound knight gets caught in any sort of combo or gets hit in any way shape or form he just has so little health he just can't take much damage he comes in at 95 fp so he's a little bit cheaper than some of these other ones but he just isn't as good as some of the other ones he's not as tanky in my opinion and i'm putting him at b tier like i said he's good with bleed characters but on his own he just was kind of meh so that's why i'm putting him at b now next up we have the clean rot knight finlay now finlay is apparently a female because in my last video i said that it was a dude and a lot of people were pointing out that this is in fact a girl so the clean rot knight is a girl and she's kind of meh you know she's one of the later spirits you get in the game she comes in at 127 fp costs so it's one of the most expensive in the game but in a lot of my tests in these 1v1 against bosses she wasn't doing that good like she kept struggling a little bit she's a good kind of support character she has some good scarlet rot abilities and she has some good ranged attacks but i'm actually going to rank her lower than what i did in the last video and i think she's just a b tier because at 127 fp i think she's just too expensive she just isn't as good as her fp cost requires and she just wasn't performing as well as some of these other ashes so i'm putting her at b so next up we have the crystalline ashes now this crystal statue girl she's really good if she's going up against anything that doesn't do physical damage she's good against like magic or fire or anything that isn't physical if she goes up against something that does a lot of blunt damage or something that can just bash her over and over she's going to die really quickly that's the bit of the downside but if you're going up against something that doesn't do a lot of physical damage this is one of the best ones in the game she can just take so many hits like i was just sitting back and watching her just truck all kinds of damage so she's a bit of a tank i've noticed that she misses a lot with her like little ranged attack she'll throw her little disc and just miss time and time again so she's fairly inaccurate but she can tank a lot of damage so i'm gonna put her up at a tier it really just depends on the type of boss that you're fighting so she's pretty good so next up we have dolores the sleeping arrow puppet coming in at 87 fp cost now i saw a couple youtube videos talking about how good this puppet was and how it was like breaking the game and it's like the greatest ever so i decided to check out the lures for myself and dolores is not as good as people are claiming to be dolores i think kind of sucks now dolores the sleeping arrow has the special ability of you guessed it firing sleeping arrows so if enough sleeping arrows make contact with a boss it can put a boss to sleep which is extremely handy the problem is one dolores can't take very many hits so if a boss aggros on to delores at all dolores is probably going to die right away two dolores is extremely inaccurate i couldn't tell you how many times i watched dolores miss a boss that was standing still and three i could only get her sleeping arrows to proc on a boss maybe one or two times out of all my experiments so when her sleeping arrows do build up and they do put a boss to sleep that's extremely helpful it just is very rare for it to happen in my experience so i think dolores is overrated and i'm putting dolores at sea tier so next up we have the great shield soldiers this is one of the ones that i got recommended to me time and time again now the great shield soldiers are really good at taking hits they are really tanky so if you need something that's good at just drawing the attention of the boss and something that's just holding aggro for a long period of time and they can just stay alive for a long period of time i highly recommend the great shield soldiers they're basically just good at taking hits so if you don't want something to deal a lot of damage and just want to draw the aggro of the boss go with the great shield soldiers i think they're pretty good i'm going to put them up at b tier just because they aren't that great at dealing damage they're just really good at staying alive so next up we have latina the albunuric now this is one of the spirits that i overlooked in my last video because i just didn't think she was very good but since i've leveled her up to level nine she's actually pretty decent now her arrows almost never miss which is a huge plus and she basically acts like a stationary turret wherever you summon her she's going to sit there and she isn't going to move which can be kind of handy it really depends on the boss now when it comes to this character you want to summon her in a spot that you know she's going to be safe and she's just going to do constant dps to the boss which in those big open environments is really really good to have and she does a pretty decent amount of damage on her own without your help so because she's so accurate and she always hits her targets and she just does constant dps and you don't have to worry about her running around and getting hit by multiple things like wherever you put her she is going to stay i'm going to put her at s tier i think she's probably one of the best archers to have summoned i think she's one of the best archers in the game uh and i think you guys will really like using her so next up we have luther the headless coming in at 104 fp costs now luther headless is this big beefy girl she can just take hits she can teleport around she can throw her spear she's just really really good if you want a tanky character that can stay alive for a long period of time against a boss something that can take out smaller enemies she's just an all-around well-rounded good spirit to have and i'm going to put her up at eight here i think she's you know she's on par with a lot of these other ones she's not good enough to be an ester i don't think she doesn't just straight up annihilate bosses but she is pretty well-rounded she has some range to her and she's definitely not going to let you down so next up we have the lone wolf ashes i had a lot of people recommending me the wolf ashes as well probably because the wolf lashes are one of the first ones you get in the game now i was a bit disappointed because i thought if i leveled them clear up to level 9 they would actually do pretty good now they are really aggressive and they draw the aggro of the boss fairly decently the problem is that they can't take very many hits if they increase the health pool of the wolves i think they'd be a lot better so the problem is that they're so aggressive that they get right up in the boss's face especially in the late game these big strong bosses will just wreck them in a couple seconds and they just didn't perform as good as what i hoped so early game they're a pretty good option to have but late game they're not the greatest so i'm gonna put them at sea tier so next up we have the marionette soldiers at 67 fp costs now the marionette soldiers are pretty good they just fire a volley of arrows which is pretty great they're doing just so much gps to the boss it's just constantly taking away at their health the problem is that they are like mid-range they're not long range at all which definitely sucks if they were long range i would easily put them up at s tier but because they have to get so close to the boss they often die fairly quickly anytime a boss gets angry at them so that definitely sucks but the constant dps they do i think is just really really handy i'm not gonna rank them as high as some of these others but i definitely don't think they're bad by any means i think they're good against like medium tier bosses i mean if you have these guys they're definitely worth using but i'm gonna put them at beat here so next up we have the mausoleum soldiers at 75 fp now the mausoleum soldiers i talked really highly about in my last video and i do think that they are really good these guys can take a lot of hits and they can do a lot of damage especially if it's like a 1v5 against a boss they'll just swarm the boss and all be dealing damage to the boss at the same time and they can deal a lot of damage fast the problem though with the mausoleum soldiers is that i've noticed that they don't really aggro well onto enemies like you have to get the boss to attack them or come really close to them for them to get aggroed on to anything i summoned them a couple times in different boss fights and they just stood around and didn't do anything so if you can get them to actually aggro onto a boss or onto something you want to die they're good to have but if you're not close to the boss and you summon them far away or if you summon them and there's a bunch of enemies all around then they'll get sort of confused so i'm going to put them down at b tier this time because they do get a little confused but when they actually work the way that they're intended to they would be up at eight here but i'm gonna put them at b so next up we have the mimic tier now the mimic tier did receive a nerf in the latest patch they cost 660 hp instead of f piece so summoning the mimic tier will drain from your health so if you're a big mage build and you don't have that much points put into your health you have a lot of points put into magic you might not even be able to summon the mimic tier which is one of the few downsides that it has but the mimic tier is just awesome i mean whatever you have equipped at the time is what the mimic tier will use so there's just endless possibilities that you can do with the mimic tier you can make the milk tier extremely overpowered if you want to put healing stuff in your inventory then the mimic tier will use the healing stuff if you put bombs or daggers in your inventory slots then the moon material will use that as well if you have time to prep before you get into the fight then you can like put on a certain outfit activate your mimic tier and then just switch all your clothes and your outfits to just have two different builds going on at the same time what i like to do with my mcteer is i'll put on all the beefiest armor that i have so that he's a bit of a tank and then he'll go in and just draw all the aggro and take a lot of damage meanwhile i have like a bleed build going on so we're essentially working together with two different builds simultaneously so the minimum tier is awesome endless possibilities even after the nerf i'm still putting them up at est here just because of all the different potential that the mimic tier has and i think they're just one of the best ones in the game so next up we have the night maiden and swordstress puppets at 97fp now these guys are actually underrated i don't see enough people really talking about these two these two are actually really good because they have some pretty good range to them from what i noticed they do a great job of distracting the boss i kept noticing that one would go in and fight the boss and then that one would back up and then the second one would go in and fight the boss so they kept sort of like alternating on the boss and it was really confusing the bosses and they have just a mixture of mid-range abilities they have that one whip that can like stretch out really far so they have some mid-range attacks they throw some magic into the mix and these two are just really good especially if you have like a mid-range build or if you're using arrows or a crossbow or magic you can sort of sit back and these two do a great job of drawing the aggro on the boss so i highly recommend these two and i'm putting them up at a tier as well so next up we have the omen killer rolo at 113 fp now the omen killer is a big beefy guy sort of similar to a lot of these other guys i have up here at a tier he's got these two big clubs that do bleed damage and he can breathe fire so i think that's pretty awesome if you have a bleed build you're just going to be working in tandem with him he's got these big axes he's straight up in the boss's face he's doing bleed damage you're doing bleed damage you're going to just wreck a boss together that in combination with his fire breath he can catch an enemy on fire so they can take burn damage he's just an all-around good character to have he's not as tanky as some of these other guys on this list but he is pretty good so i'm putting him in a tier as well so next up we have the red main knight at 106 fp now the red main knight is the best of both worlds he has a bow that does a lot of damage and he can also get up close and personal and he can hit really hard so if something gets up in his face he'll pull out his shield which can block a lot of attacks and take a lot of damage and he has this really big great sword where he can just hit really hard and he's just really really good if something gets too far away from him he'll pull out his really big great bow and he'll do a lot of damage with his special arrows he is a little bit hit and miss with his accuracy i have seen him miss a couple times with his arrows so that's not the greatest but i do think he does stand out a little bit more than a lot of these other a tier list so i'm putting him up at s here i think he's just great he's not going to do as much damage as some of these other ones in s tier but because he's just the all-around package of just range and close range and he can stun enemies i think he's just great i highly recommend him definitely not going to do you wrong so next up we have another fan favorite of the skeletal militiamen at 44 fp now the militiamen are really good early game and a little bit in the mid game i noticed that they do struggle late game though the benefit to the militiamen is that they can essentially live forever if they die they can actually reanimate themselves so if a boss kills them and then gets aggro into something different they can just come right back up to life the problem that i noticed is that yes they may come back to life forever but they just don't do enough damage late game i noticed that they kind of poke and prod at the boss and then get smacked once or twice and then they're already dead and i also notice that the big bosses in the late game stuff that have these big aov attacks they'll do something onto the ground and like a big slam or a big explosion and they'll essentially kill them twice they'll kill them and then as they're reanimating they'll just hit them with this big aoe attack and they'll kill them again and then once they kill their spirit they're sort of dead for good so the militiamen are really good mid-game and early game they're just not that good late game so i'm gonna put them at b tier so next up we have the rotten stray now the rotten stray is another recommendation from my previous video they come in at 35 fp cost and the benefit to the rotten stray is that they do scarlet rot damage so if they're up in the enemy's face they can't inflict them with scarlet rot which will do damage over time but late game content the rotten stray is really bad the ron stray can get killed almost instantly they're a little too aggressive for their own good the rotten stray is definitely a pain in the butt to fight against but that doesn't translate well to boss fights you know they're they're good early on in mid game but late game they just struggle so you know i don't think they're as good as people say they are so i'm putting them at sea tier so next up we have the dung eater at 118 fp cost now the dung eater is one of the ones i didn't know existed in my previous video and the dung eater is kind of difficult to get because you have to jump through a lot of hoops and do a lot of side quest stuff to get him but if you do get him oh my god he's like one of the best ones there is like i'm just going to tell you now he's straight up s here he's amazing he has ranged attacks he has this like explosion move that does a lot of damage he has this move that like buffs himself so that his next attack is even stronger so i've noticed him just take chunks away from boss's health i had to stop the boss fight early for my experiment because he was going to kill the boss so i had to actually stop him from doing so uh he does struggle against some of those big bosses in those big open rooms because his aggro distance just isn't that far so you have to keep him in mid to close range combat but he will just wreck stuff i think the dung eater could easily 1v1 most of these other spirits in this lineup and probably win i think he would struggle the most with the mimic tier and the black knife tisch i would love to see a fight between the black knife tisch and the dung eater that would be really cool to see but the dung eater is just s tier all across the board really really good highly recommend him go out and get him right away you will not regret it and he's just awesome so finally we have the warhawk ashes coming in at 52 fp now the warhawks are just as annoying to the bosses as they are to you i'm sure you guys have encountered those stupid hawks that have the little blades on their feet and that's what this is they're this hawk that flies around they're hard to hit because they're constantly flying they swoop down and smack the boss with their feet and then they fly away and this one breathes fire so it actually just does this big aoe attack and can catch things on fire so that's cool and they're just constantly drawing aggro because they do a great job of pissing the boss off and if you're attacking the boss at the same time it's just a constant dps of this thing flying down and smacking them and catching them on fire and it does a good job of staying alive too because they're just so hard to hit because they're just flying around up in the sky so if a boss or something doesn't have an attack where they can look up then this thing's going to win like 90 of the times so it's a great ash to have i think it's pretty good i don't think it's as good as some of these other ones on this list but i'm going to put it at b tier so that is going to do it for my tier list though guys let me know what you guys think down in the comment section down below if one of your guys's favorites didn't make this list just know that i tested like 90 of them in the game and a lot of the ones act very similar to one another so if there's a spirit that did make this list it's probably because one of these guys are very similar or they do the job a little bit better let me know your guys's rankings down in the comment section and that is going to do it for this video everyone hit the subscribe button if you're new here hit the bell for notifications and i will talk to you all in the next video [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SwanyPlaysGames
Views: 2,613,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, elden ring gameplay, elden ring spirit ashes, elden ring best spirits, elden ring best spirit summons, elden ring best spirit ashes, elden ring summons, elden ring ashes, elden ring spirits, elden ring dung eater, elden ring black knife tiche location, black knife tiche, elden ring best ashes, elden ring ranked, elden ring tier list, elden ring pvp, elden ring mimic tear, elden ring mimic tear summon, elden ring patch, elden ring best weapons, swanyplaysgames
Id: c-Mb1S1GSR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2022
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