Elden Ring: How To Get RIVERS OF BLOOD Katana RIGHT AWAY (Patched)

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hey guys crud frog here showing you how to get the rivers of blood katana right at the start of the game theoretically you could be a wretch to do this but i chose samurai because our stats are pretty close to what we need to wield that katana this this guy is going to be all over the place i'm going to be very add with my explanations just be ready rely more on the visuals of the video to show you where to go and because i'm going to be getting like because i'm going along with my edited video okay and i edit it way too quick like the the clips move way too quick we're going to get torrent okay head on the natural path till you get the torrent horse which is the beginning of the game okay talk to molina okay the finger maiden sounds like a dvd you'd find in your uncle's closet we're now going to get two halves of the deck this medallion the first of which is in a place called dragon barrel so we're heading to the church in eureka now i showed the map there you saw that you'll want to pause it and to see where we went on the map because this shit's moving so quick anyway that's where we are okay that's that's good we're heading out the window of the third church of eureka out back there is a portal that'll take you to dragon barrel okay so take this portal and we're on our way to get half of this medallion i like to get this side of grace you don't have to i like to talk to the beast man though about pokemon cards i'm gonna light it and then we're gonna head east all right just pretty straight along the path go past this he's not friendly okay straight along that path down this bridge past this dragon he won't hurt you okay now down we're going to go down to an earth tree and we want to go behind that earth tree okay so you come along around the back to a spirit spring i'm gonna come up the spirit spring we're going to fort fair off to get the i think it's the right half of the medallion i got the sight of grace okay head in there it's dark so just be warned um a torch or a lantern would do well i didn't have one so here we go rock and roll let's go in there okay just follow along with the video and we're going up this ladder care for the weird ass bats and the woman with the crown of thorns um up here and there it is guys grab it get your ass out of there because it's scary as hell up here when you're a low level runt we're going back to the third church in eureka and then now we're going to fort hate okay it is due south from the church on the path and you will naturally find a piece of the map on the way okay we are now outside of fort hate we've got a say to grace i'm gonna grab it okay and then we're gonna head up there it's a small fort pretty easy just avoid the enemies or don't they're not too high leveled for right now i wanted to that's freddy krueger that's me shreddy krueger i wanted to show you him i forgot i added that in there cinematic okay these guys are chucking stuff at us it's fine they're not that intimidating okay everything's fine we're going to come up here we're going to go up this ladder to get up oh he stuck that up i'm supposed to be the one shredding not him all right so we come up here to get this medallion get the off the popping ladder piece of fish ow there's no way this is going to knock me down goddammit uh i'm trying to make a tutorial all right we screwed up the video like it wasn't already screwed up in the first place okay we grabbed the deckless medallion left half and now we're going to oh wait we're going back to where we found tauren at the gate front we're then going to leonia of the lakes so head up this natural path we're going to i'm going to say the word natural path a lot of times head up crack that and hear the horns and then go here under this little bridge once you start getting close to the um morgot area now you're going to come to this kind of broken off bridge if you keep heading northwest now we want to come down here okay and then go up left up this little path take a right and follow this path okay this kind of western path come up here to the yearning of the lakes and we grab the side of grace next place we're going is the purified ruins which is right down the street here's the map this is where we are right now okay boom oh right we we need to get there we need to scale down the tombstones okay and i this is the wrong place i don't know why i kept it in the video we gotta turn around and go there you see those jutting out the side of the mountain guys this isn't some professional guide okay all right we're not a professional here okay we're coming down on the tombstone boom all right and boom just you know make your way down you guys know how to do it unless you just started the game in which case you know i think you can still get this all right we're coming up this little path that we come to here heading north all right another site of grace all right get that side of grace now the purified ruins is on your left okay this point time it's for real okay veer left as i do in the video i made a lot of quick cuts and i regret it but we're not changing it we don't have enough time in the day so you come down here okay i grabbed this mushroom just because i thought it was like mario where you could take it and you would double in size and strength but i was wrong so i come over here and this is the place we want to go to to get to the lion of the lakes now all right follow along with me here we're going up to the site of grace i'm gonna grab it and then we're jumping off the side of the bridge and heading to get the academy glintstone key so boom do a kind of a double jump tactic to hit this jutting rock and head i guess southwest more west like go straight from where i am right now you'll come across this little messed up town keep heading west okay now there's this little you know that now you'll eventually come to this jutting rock there is a sleeping dragon it is pissed off it's an we don't care about it we're just getting the academy glenstone key and the other if you want boom we've got it we're warping back to that grace but you need to get out of the vicinity obviously you can't warp okay back to the ernie of the lakes we now have the key we can get into this stupid puffin place i'm just kidding that's not stupid i kind of like it okay and through to the north another side of grace are you tired of them yet i'm not amazing grace all right real nice okay we're heading north through this one so we this is where we are we're gonna stick our finger inside of that symbol and it's kind of warm and feels a little weird but it's natural so just trust that oh i thought we're sticking our finger in i guess not here we are on the bell end highway we are heading north east up not after oh we got to get the side of grace what if we die i'm so unconfident well i'm playing we're coming up this um path and we're going to the grand lift of dectus i believe it's called so just just follow the path guys um i guess northeastern is kind of whoa careful for the rocks if you're level one at this point it'll kick it out of you so just be you know you'll be you'll be fine dodge around with torrent um it's not rocket science but it is rock science all right we're coming up the lift quicker than a speeding bullet and here we are oh it's oh my god it's another side of grace that's a good thing that there's another one we didn't have enough on the way okay hoist that that heavy piece of metal up and you will be favored by the gods and god knows who else we're going up this lift now get ready here guys this is where the kind of glitch this this is where the glitches and the technical stuff comes up um because i haven't mentioned yet we need to glitch the game to get this done okay that's naked freddy krueger real nice monetization taken off okay go northeast okay we are going to be making our way to a portal veer left when you kind of near that um night okay you'll see that left fork in the path but not after a sight of grace why did i put these in the video okay we keep going north and there's a map thing you can grab so that's cool boom and we're gonna just follow this and it'll eventually end um well you'll see what happens there's kind of a um here we go we're going east and we're taking the left and we see the finger maiden or not the finger finger keeper i don't remember what the hell that lady's name is another side of grace and we're going to warp up to the windmill village now for this next part it's a big time it's a prime time big time glitch just follow along with this video as i'm explaining here we're heading up to this tip of the mountain up to that windmill you see right there we're doing a glitch where you jump off of torrent while sprinting with torrent or even just riding and as you're in midair you quit out the game and you'll see what happens but you need to practice this a few times it took me a quite a while to get it down pat i suggest practicing it even without jumping off the horse and just getting that muscle memory down for quitting the game quickly but you can do it pretty quickly you can get it quick so i'm gonna show you what we do we're basically there's two steps to this glitch and i i show you some mess-ups um just because i thought it would be comedic like oh i messed it up this time and then oh here we go again i didn't do it right again this time i think we do it right i'm watching along with you guys as well right now boom we quit out we're loading back in and we are next to i just gave it away we're next to our horse okay that that's and that's nuts so we want to come far left up here to the edge of the cliff okay near these birds and now we're going to go to quit game but we're going to hover over a quick game shut up we're going to head over hover over quick game an inch off the edge and as soon as you go off the edge like inch off press yes and quit when your camera angle kind of changes ideally you'll load back in and you'll be on the tippy tip of the ledge without your horse you need to res your horse and go oh this there's no horse one more time does the trick and your horse is back but it's got mother powers this time this horse will gain altitude okay it will gain altitude like for whatever land you go on and then obviously you see um the proof is in the pudding here i chose to go up the entire mountain of the windmill the mount windmill or whatever the hell it's called um windmill village you might need to get a little higher but this is where i went we're heading towards a forbidden lands okay i came up this way so it worked but you'll see there's a little flaw in my plan head east this is where i was on the map okay just for reference we're we're heading east this way to the forbidden lands in front of us there now in areas where you can go to the edge of the cliff and die there's things called kill boxes or kill cams it's going to change your camera now the cool thing about this horse when you ride alongside of mountains and stuff it'll gain altitude and not lose it now i ran into a kill cam or a kill box here but the cool thing is you can still get up the side of the mountain even with the kill box it's annoying but you can do it and you don't have to get that kill box to happen but if you do it right you won't do the kill box but you still can if you want to just more annoying to get up there because the directions are all wonky now when we're sure we're on top which i am now okay you can dismount your horse or you can even just quit the game but we're quitting the game to get rid of that kill cam but you shouldn't have had to do that anyway if you did it's fine if you didn't it's better here is where i was that's where i ended up okay we are in the forbidden lands we are heading west to get to the site of grace because this is kind of a two-step you'll notice my horse is doing is normal again okay i think i yeah to exit it when you exit and stuff it resets your horse parameters get the sight of grace we're doing the horse glitch again by the way don't jump with your horse while it's glitched it'll it'll freeze you in midair usually all right this is a good spot to do this horse glitch again okay you're familiar with it by now it's way easier because there's a lot of height there boom now go to where i go on this video specifically this tip of this rock this is like an almost fail proof method for this glitch jump going off the edge again loading back in horse fell down the mountainside and now we're doing the call of the horse again all right guys this is where i was in the video um as compared to that sight of grace come back where the hell are you there we go now we're heading east along mostly the natural path of this okay so keep coming up the mountain just be careful because there's some high level stuff around this area that'll probably one shot you keep going northeast up the mountain and you can do whatever path you want as long as you're gaining height and getting up to this area now this is the part that's important veer right when you get to the black blade kindred and don't touch those mountain sides until you get kind of past them because there's kill boxes okay now there's not over here we can now gain altitude by running into the sides of the mountain okay you see sometimes you got to turn backwards sometimes you got to turn the other way it's really just nuanced and stuff and it's like you know you'll figure it out but do not jump i'll show you why right here that's what happens and you either need a quick game and you'll be on your horse effed up or you will die okay so keep climbing this mountainside it takes a while there's no exact perfect method to it took me a little while but you'll get the hang of it especially as you practice this glitch more keep climbing and heading east now you're gonna come to two kind of there's a crevasse here one on the left one on the right the one on the left is the mountain top of the giants area the one on the right is flame peak now what we're going to do is we're going to go on the left one and we're going to just climb and gain altitude okay eventually you'll come up here it takes a while i'm going to be honest it's and it's not that fun but it's kind of cool because the juice is worth the squeeze do not go up there further go to the other side to climb because there's kill boxes yet again or whatever the hell they're called i think they're called kill cam kill boxes or whatever now this one's not fun there i am on the map just to show you a reference this you know this isn't you know sunshine and rainbows this part climbing but like i said it's it's so worth it man doing this climb and gaining this altitude just think of it as like rocky on his runs okay regaining height gaining height rocky on his runs and on his fights we have now gotten high enough you know basically i'm saying the training is worth the fight when you get into the match because now we're flipping the game on its head and getting a really good sword early we're coming over to the um zamor ruins okay that's where we want to go guys as you see we need to make contact with the ground and then get off of torrent and we head to the site of grace which is to the north okay we're gonna grab that grace and i'm gonna show you on the map relatively where we're gonna head to okay you're gonna want to freestyle and do the horse trick to get as much altitude as you can okay there's the ruins here's where we are come around there we're going around there now this is kind of this is what you'll start to see when you get around that area you come to this chain and this big old mountain giant there's where i am in the video well i had gone north and then i kind of rooted back but however you end up and however you gain altitude and get to this point you can do it however you want it's not a specific science also i got really lazy and screwed up chopping the video at this point so i don't have like my exact method that i use but it's really convoluted and yours you can do it probably better guys okay i'm grabbing the map and then i'm grabbing the grace three days grace on tour with nickelback okay so we're going to the church of some i can't remember the name of it but it's right there okay i just marked it we're heading to that church we're doing our altitude glitch yet again go wherever you can to gain height guys okay wherever you can to gain height i got you know this is now i'm riding naturally up here okay careful this stuff will maybe one-shot you church of what's the name repose okay cool grab the grace you're gonna get invaded by the man who's given you the samurai bloody finger okina ancient samurai now check it out i got scared because i saw him and i thought this guy's gonna just cut me up like freddy krueger even though i am freddy krueger and i'm hiding from him trying to figure out what to do and i'm chucking stuff at him it's not even gonna hit him and then i realize you know what let's just cheese him off the edge you know no specific edge but if you watch me here in the video you can do this too bring him to the side of the mountain and then accidentally fall but the good news is we still got the weapon even though we died too and it's going to respawn us at our grace that's why it was important we got these graces let's check out this katana's action boom boom boom and the weapon art for this thing will kick the crap out of early bosses even at even if the weapon isn't even upgraded man yeah guys thank you so much for watching i know this guide was pretty unorthodox and and whatever but that's our style over here um go get it guys practice the horse glitch you can do it we will see you for another video and i'll put some info in the description of this video just to kind of maybe explain things further but you can do it it takes a while to practice and it's kind of annoying to get it down but you can do it if i can do it you can do it all right guys have a good one and go kick the ish out of those early bosses with your rivers of blood that you got right away
Channel: CrudFrog
Views: 962,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to get rivers of blood right away, elden ring rivers of blood guide, early rivers of blood guide, elden ring how to get rivers of blood right away, rivers of blood katana at start of game, how to get the rivers of blood right away, elden ring weapon guide, get the rivers of blood katana early, crudfrog elden ring, elden ring crudfrog, elden ring glitches, elden ring torrent glitch, elden ring bugs and glitches, how to glitch horse elden ring, get rivers of blood early
Id: AneK5koIur8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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