I played another 9 Souls-Like games you've never heard of

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jansteffen 📅︎︎ May 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
Dark Souls it's a video game I got proof but more importantly Dark Souls has become this sort of cultural touchstone in the gaming community where you can point out a game and say hey that's kind of like Dark Souls and people actually know what you're talking about if you've ever done this yourself you've probably been looking at a souls like now you may be familiar with some of the double or triple a Souls likes in the industry but what you might not have known is that the rabbit-hole actually goes much deeper so deep in fact that this is actually the fourth video in a series in which I look at souls lakes that you likely haven't heard of if that sounds interesting here is episode 4 of steam dumpster-diving real quick Thank You crunchyroll for sponsoring this video if you've ever thought to yourself wow I'd love to watch a short comedy skit where iron pineapple and soul air discuss anime make sure you watch the end of the video play is the cute little witch no betta and explore the magical adventure in the ruins all right so we're all thinking the same thing this definitely does not scream Dark Souls and I'm with you I'm with you however I did have a couple people comment and recommend this game and they insisted it is in fact a Souls like so let's check it out oh we got a jump button Oh is she gonna make that noise every time I wish you wouldn't put all right am I gonna get age-restricted just for these noises like holy [ __ ] LT to aim right trigger to launch magic Oh oh [ __ ] like a shooter okay hold on I'm interested now Wow when I get hit look at look what it just the [ __ ] graphics might hit Jesus the little black kitty is in dangerous Oh No I'm gonna wreck it there we go what do you like to take a break in my bag what all right he's in my bag why did I just rip [Music] oh wow okay oh wait what pick it up pick it up pick it up [Music] there we go Wow oh [ __ ] little kitty Tennessee Boyd Wow thank you very much for your play this demo version ends here if this is in normal mode reload after saving will unlock all the magic elements yo this is sick okay so this is what I had before and we got ice just like this fire yo okay here we go that's sick yeah honestly for a free demo the foundation for this is actually pretty cool that bossfight was surprisingly fun most these games do boss fights really horribly but that boss fight was a good balance of like telegraphing attacks and like having a cool variety of moves switching between the magic and the melee is actually really cool as well because you're forced to use your melee to regain your magic and then you can use your magic once you have charged it up it's like a cool like Evan flow my main critique with this game would be like the aiming with the the controller is pretty bad so I would recommend tuning that up a bit maybe add some more maybe add some more auto aim could be good but yeah solid demo February 1998 good 9 months before ocarina of time came out another game release to take a stab at 3d sword and shield combat and that game is called die by the sword a bunch of people commented saying I should try this game out and the main selling point is apparently that you have complete control of your sword without any pre-recorded animations kind of like examina this game is not on Steam how to get on GOG and I am also using a mod to increase the resolution have it run better on modern hardware so it looks a little less crunchy than it might have looked in 1998 let's do it alright we're in the game let's try moving the mouse around okay this is actually pretty cool I'm just moving the mouse around it's moving this is actually pretty sick 1998 damn oh man this is really hard to control I'm trying to swing so hard oh okay mmm I just healed with a breadstick that's the healing item this game a breadstick this game like an ad for Olive Garden let's go oh that crashed my game [Music] are you kidding oh my god yo I'm so controlling it this is cool as hell am i alive no I'm done I think I'm okay that was cool though oh my god this camera is wild why is the camera like this this is too hard man hey come over oh sorry I can't right now but my parents aren't home nice I got a score of 300 this seems like a weird game to have a scoring system but okay this is gonna be hell Oh get off my raft get off my raft oh no I throw in the water how do I get back on four I get back on get back on get back on [Music] Klim okay well this camera though this camera though what if I just stay on the elevator and don't move wait the body camera okay okay so this is like an arena mode where you can like change characters I think okay okay okay wow these are I got the ogre you guys already know you want some of this okay I'm very mixed on this game because it's such a cool concept the execution is just not quite there I know it came out in 1998 but like it's really tough to recommend today because the controls are so so iffy instead of like actually controlling the sword I feel like I'm just suggesting where I want the sword to go and it usually doesn't go where I'm suggesting for 1998 this game was insanely ahead of its time so far I've assigned in fact I think it was too far have it's time for the developers the tech was maybe just not quite there yet but man I would love to see this game get like remade or someone else take a crack at this concept because it's great really cool so next up we got rune to which I wasn't even aware it existed before this video apparently it's the sequel of rune from 2000 which I actually covered in the previous video in this series and the first game rune was actually pretty solid even though it's a 20 year old game I could definitely see why people liked it but back to rune to this game immediately started setting off some red flags for me before I even installed it so first of all it's an epic game store exclusive - it has like a 47 on Metacritic and lastly I saw this weird promotional image on the official store page for the game and what stuck out to me is that I didn't recognize any of these people quoting and one of the quotes stood out to me from William XMS and stood out to me because it seemed like the most positive of all these quotes I looked him up and this work it's weird this guy only has like 800 followers and I want to preface this by saying no shade against William at all nothing do with him but my point is that it's very bizarre that the marketing team would choose to include a quote from someone with such a small following generally with these promotional images you include you know big publications or people with very large followings like IGN or you know someone pretty famous and then it struck me that the reason they did this is probably because no one was saying anything positive about the game with any sort of following like if people aren't saying positive things about your game maybe just don't make an image like this but anyway I just want to point this stuff out I thought was funny let's jump into the game and see if my hunch that this game is maybe not great is correct we actually customized this time all right that's a pretty good-looking guy I do say so myself okay first impressions it feels like I'm playing a Skyrim mod with this like UI and also why is there a countdown in the top-left that's like giving me anxiety what is the what is this move why is this look so bad is there a hunger meter are you joking I just I just stepped on a lizard I think where's all this recipe ship hopping up on my screen am i playing like a rust clone oh my god this game has mining what is this oh [ __ ] my head's bleeding a lot is this a goodness is he gonna stop bleeding oh okay I guess I guess that's one way to stop bleeding please don't tell me I need to build a house you have to chop down trees what what wait hold on a second in the first game the coolest part was that you just take lizards off the ground just eat them raw this game you have to cook them I'm doing three damage what is this [Music] so yeah apparently I'm doing no damage because my sword ran out of durability so I think that's what like I met when he said it was like breath of the wild everything this game is just crafting this is horrible parried see that's how you know you parried someone is when the Times New Roman font pops up this is period look at this this is the worst bloody screen effect I've ever seen it again I feel like this game is satire legitimately I feel like this game is like satire of modern trends or something it has to be okay okay that was a mistake look at this look at this like this is satire right he's you just forgot about me the boss just forgot about me okay I just keep going around the circle he actually can't hit me police raft okay step aside winwaker there's a new king in town [Music] how do I do I park how do I park my parts okay I have to build I have to build another house I hate this game I can't handle this game I'm done let's hold down the Z button and see what that does [Music] best part of the game normally I would stop there but apparently this game has multiplayer so you know maybe the multiplayer is where all the resources once maybe the single-player shows like a little bonus you know I can't even test out the PvP because literally no one's playing it I paid $30 for this game epic game store exclusive baby the scene is marketed as isometric Dark Souls that has my attention so let's check it out IRA just doing the review for this one because there just wasn't a lot for me to say while I was playing isometric Dark Souls it's not a bad idea however similar to arguing with someone online who's not very smart the experience of this game was tedious and deeply unsatisfying what you have is a very bare-bones attempt at emulating Dark Souls combat without any real effort to be unique or innovative and sometimes you can get away with that sort of thing if you have enough charm or polish but for me this game had neither I wish on my best to be patient with these games and I played this game for about two hours just hoping that things would get better but it didn't it's a shame because I think the isometric perspective could definitely work for this type of game but this one is not it alright this next game is a ps4 exclusive and if you're like me when you hear those words you think blood-borne god of war spider-man all fantastic games so I have no doubt that this game whose name was clearly generated by an AI is gonna be among those well let's check it out so I'm just like in an open field I'm going in okay I'm in home sweet home this is as fast as I can go and I have to walk for like ten straight minutes just to like reach anything four hundred forty meters away let's go [Music] all right and made it enemy discovered okay all right finally something he hit me one time no it took me ten minutes of walking to get there all right round two my plan is to like lead him to like a tree he's gonna get stuck on this tree and then maybe I can do something okay never mind maybe he can get stuck on the wall maybe the tree he was just like should he he can face through walls god dammit I mean I guess I have to fight him I don't know okay maybe if I fed him on a hill he can't reach me whoa I've hit him like 50 times at least I'm starting to think I can't win [Music] really so he finally gets me and it's nothing he doesn't even swing yeah that's gonna do it for me I paid twenty dollars twenty dollars for this because I hate myself this guy acts as one other game and I think it came out before the other one so it's running at a horrible framerate but at least I can run your way and I have a health bar and a stamina bar hold on this is so much better than the first game whoa whoa [Music] okay okay my block my block button does nothing okay well yep I'm done I feel sick I feel like I need to lie down though next up we got malebolgia don't know how I'm pronouncing that right a couple people recommended I check this one out it kind of looks like a core game mixed with like some Souls combat or something it looks pretty low budget but you know that doesn't necessarily mean it's bad I've played plenty of interesting low budget games so let's check it out what wait hold on this is the first five seconds of the game I did not skip anything this is the first five seconds of the game I'm just I'm just doing this okay I'm this guy now I don't know about this combat man all right I'm just gonna I'm just gonna be you have fun am I supposed to be like finding things cuz I've been like walking around for a while I haven't found a single thing yet okay so I just realized it seems like the strength of my torch is related to how much health I have so unless how they have a weaker gets interesting idea for like a horror game interesting [Music] okay so this is trying to be like a horror game but ultimately it just seems like it's overly ambitious for what the developer is capable of it's just kind of a lot of wander around empty halls in the dark and then occasionally you'll fight a guy but like as you saw there's not really much the encounters yeah not much this one unfortunately below $25 is a little pricey but let's see if it's worth it all right let's jump right into the review for this one because it's one of those games that's a lot more interesting for me to discuss rather than just react to it so you got your sword you got your shield you got your little dodge move but there's actually not why I think this games of souls like I actually think it's a Souls like because of how the game makes you feel and I know that sounds dumb but hear me out you know that feeling you got on your first playthrough of a souls game where you're lost you don't know where the next bonfire is and you're carrying a lot of souls that you're afraid to lose that feeling is exactly what this game is but stretched over an entire game now when you combine that with a seriously fantastic dark atmosphere you got something special but here's the catch this game is needlessly brutally punishing to the point where it crosses the line and becomes unfun to explain basically you can create checkpoints at these bonfires and if you die you get to restart back where you created the checkpoint however if you die again before creating another checkpoint you're sent right back to the beginning we're talking losing literal hours of progress and a game with traps that will one-shot you look at this for example yeah I got depression from that one this system would be like dying to orange since MO and then getting kicked back to Firelink shrine with none of your gear so I was basically ready to write off this game as basically unenjoyable but I remembered there was actually a secondary mode on the main menu turns out that does added this mode in the beginning of April so almost a year and a half after release but it basically fixes all the problems I have with the game it lets you reuse checkpoints and traps no longer one-shot you playing with this would have made the game so much more enjoyable because the best part of the game is experiencing the atmosphere and the environments and this allows those to shine through while still maintaining the tension of the core experience also for the record I'm a big fan of permadeath in certain games like there are plenty of roguelikes that I love but this mechanic is just such a mismatch for this particular game so I'm gonna recommend this game with the caveat of make sure you play in Explorer mode trust me I'd even go so far as to say the developers will really need to make Explorer mode the default mode and hide the other mode in the options menu or something or at the very least explain the difference between the two modes in game because right now nothing in the game tells you the difference alright we got help point the thespian feast which um you know it does sound like it came from a random word generator but you know that's just how it goes sometimes this is another demo so yeah a couple people recommended this one saying it's like a sci-fi Dark Souls and from the screenshot that definitely does kind of look like that but yeah you know let's just jump into it the UI looks very similar to Souls deploy the Omni cube what the [ __ ] does that mean deploy the Omni cube oh it's just a flashlight whoa oh this is like a bonfire so bonfires in this game are tears and space time first impressions this combat feels very very clunky and stiff like it's not the worst combat I've experienced with these games but like it does not feel good [Music] what is this animation for the stairs [Music] combat you here look at that oh you've gotta be kidding me there's no [ __ ] way I can make this jump alright I [ __ ] do it I knew I could make that dude the jumping is so buggy [Music] what the hell is that I legitimately can't tell that was a bug or not there's a boss that just D spawns what oh wow where do I start with this one [ __ ] so bugs aside even when the scheme is working perfectly it's so boring it does nothing interesting or unique this game has no soul it's just trying to emulate dark souls to the book I mean I know a lot of these games are potentially inspired by Dark Souls but this the ones that I like generally they do something unique you know like whether it's it's the style or like some sort of mechanic this game it does nothing it just feels like you're playing Dark Souls but like a super bootleg version of it that feels awful yeah I'm not gonna recommend this one I'm sorry Solaire my man you shouldn't stare at the Sun like that if only I could be so grossly you gotta stop it's bad for your eyes if you really want to burn your retinas off there's a more fun way oh oh do you know what anime is oh yes really you'd find that strange honestly yeah I get that book all the time alright well do you know what crunchyroll is I'm gonna take that as a No but basically it's the place to watch anime and if you have crunchyroll premium you'd access to all the mau wants at 1080p II know as and you can even watch it wherever you want like PC mobile or even ps4 so you can use it for more than just blood-borne Oh magnificent so what kind of genre are you into I'm gonna guess like fighting maybe ah well in that case I'll recommend Demon Slayer just for the animation alone mob psycho 100 if you want something really wholesome and hunter x hunter if you're cool I am in oh really so yeah get a 14-day free trial of crunchyroll premium with the link crunchyroll.com slash iron pineapple Oh [Music] Dimmie pretend you didn't hear that anyway that's crunchyroll.com slash iron pineapple you've left me with quite an impression but yeah it was really cool getting sponsored by these guys because I've used crunchyroll in the past so it's pretty easy for me to recommend thank you so much for watching well I still do have more Souls like games to cover I would love to cover other genres as well so if you have any game recommendations from any genre I would love to hear them the main thing I'm looking for though is that it's like a somewhat hidden gem you know so like people recommending hollow light and stuff I don't think I really need to weigh in on something like that as an example but yeah I'll do it thank you again
Channel: Iron Pineapple
Views: 2,294,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soulslike, souls like, iron pineapple, dark souls, gameplay, funny, co-op, review, guide, commentary
Id: NmxnZd1gI_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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