Siegmeyer the Pretender | Dark Souls Lore

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aware sigma's story is a warning to us all everyone likes zigmeyer but do we want to be like him this video might make you question your opinion of the night the seeds of ziggmar's tragedy are revealed at the first moment we meet him yet everything seems so jolly we don't even notice tragedy can be slow as well as sudden what does looking deeper into his story reveal about his nature what does it say about dark souls lore and what are the artists trying to say through his character looking under the layers of the onion knight let's find out the true nature of zigmeyer and why his is a cautionary tale for each one of us meeting siegmeyer is a memorable experience unlike other npcs he seems to take no notice of us his voice echoes in his helmet as he um and urs about something after talking to him again he stops ignoring us or perhaps notices us for the first time we pull him out of his distraction and he starts us on his quest line a quest line that takes us all through lordran ziegmeier has a lot of charm and a lot of qualities that we all enjoy and remember he is quite literally wearing onion armor wields as thy hander and shouts battle cries before charging the enemy he talks of adventure he talks of honor and his last words are of his daughter he pops up in the most memorable places sends fortress anor londo firelink blighttown izalith and ash lake he seems to be a true adventurer like ourselves and we immediately take to him it is always the case in dark souls that characters have remarkable voices but ziegmire's is especially memorable i am ziegmeier of katarina booming and jolly in december he would be the lordran christmas party's santa claus combine that with his noble wit and nightly attitude he could be straight out of a king arthur book of legends he might just be an s on the dark souls popularity tier list as we play through zigmai's quest line we help him frequently until he eventually meets his end in ash lake the first sense we have of his story seems to be about a damaged pride of the emptying of an adventurer's purpose that through our help we cause him to lose heart as we slay silver knights and hordes of demon monsters do we marr the dignity of this proud onion knight he is of the order of katarina knights known for this trait are we truly responsible for his eventual hollowing or are we simply a passing event in the great pattern of zigmeyer's life and if so who or what is really to blame for sigmar's detachment from his purpose from his loss of adventurous spirit for his hollowing the first key to understanding sigma is we believe his family zeiglan tells us she is his daughter and on death zigmeyer says my dear little lynn the skeleton of zeeglin's plot is that she is looking for her father she guesses he is in lordran and is searching for him in order to tell him her mother's last words she does find him and passes on these words of course we do not hear that dialogue finally we find zeglind with the corpse of ziegmeyer she tells us that he is hollow now this is of course a very bizarre turn of events but so ends his story as a surface level plot this is rather odd but within the context of lordran and the undead curse it is conceivable that subduing her father may be justifiable and even a caring act let's look a little deeper at what zeglin says and just as importantly how she says it after all dark souls dialogue isn't a script it is meant to be heard on being released zeglin thanks us for her rescue introduces herself and then in all likelihood lies she says i don't know how i ended up in that crystal this goes against the evidence of dusk of oolacile who seems to remember and openly talk about her experiences before being trapped for a very long time i was trapped within the crystal golem from my home i was taken and banished to a plane of distortion in addition zeglin seems to go against her own words after claiming a memory lapse she then says it wasn't terrible in there but i could hardly move so she remembers being conscious in the crystal did she awake in the crystal how long after being trapped how much of her previous memory was lost certainly it is very likely that if a channeler put her to sleep before trapping her in a crystal golem she should remember what was going on before that just as dusk does if we woke up somewhere with no memory of how we got there the first thing we would think of is where we were last to try and make a connection zeeglin does none of this she wakes up in seath's lair and she in all likelihood remembers where she last was before her memory faded is it really likely she can't put two and two together or is it more likely that she keeps her lips sealed knows not to trust a strange undead and keep the explanation the secret to herself so straight away whether we like being lied to or not we believe she's a disciplined lady she doesn't bandy with idle talk she keeps her cards close to her chest and next she says i must think of some way to repay you she immediately talks of recompense and getting down to business a moment later she remembers her father oh have you seen my father this lady doesn't waste any time once we tell her we have seen him she immediately turns to the task at hand well then now i must find him remarkable she then independently and without any help from us gets to firelink shrine she jokingly compliments herself and us for finding our way around lordran so impressively we're both managing quite well aren't we she hasn't found her father yet and asks us if we have seen him if we say yes what does she say really then i must be off again she acts decisively straight to business she doesn't um and er about how hard it will be to precisely locate him in the region he is adventuring nor does she overstay in the warmth and safety of the firelink shrine when it comes to adventuring sieglin just does it she completes each mission and does exactly what she sets out to do in the cut content we find out from zegmeyer's dialogue that the poor girl's not even undead this if still true would mean she navigates lordran with the risk of really dying she is truly human with one life if dark souls trains maturity patience and competence then navigating the world with one life is a sign of those traits being in abundance zeigland is a remarkable warrior with a mindset we envy what does she give us at the end of her questline a titanite slab a gift that can only be used if we take things through to completion on a single weapon rather a fitting gift for her character what if we are foolish enough to attack this samurai of dark souls her greatsword will strike with no mercy once she realizes we are one of the bad ones on killing us she states clearly rest assured i will kill you as many times as it takes if we are an aggressive undead we would reanimate on death one death is not enough to get rid of us we would either have to give up after many attempts or have to hollow and she is willing to kill us enough times to hollow us however many times we go after her she will kill us and she accepts that she even threatens us with this understanding that's how disciplined and steely zee glenn is she always rises to the challenge with acceptance and confidence and finally the greatest evidence of her determination to do what is necessary not only for the small things but also the large is her father's death why she does this and for what reasons is a complex mystery we will address later but what is certain is that it is an exceptionally hard thing for zee glenn to do she shows concern and care for her father when we meet her now she'll just stay put and keep out of trouble on her death if we succeed in killing her her last words are dear father and on finding her standing beside her father's corpse she sobs over the death of her father dear father [Music] before and after this event she shows us she cares for him yet when she needs to act she does what is necessary no matter what not without emotion but certainly without hesitation the zeglin's nature have something to say about ziegmyers is it like father like daughter certainly the people around us can form us in similar ways but occasionally it can create the opposite effect when ziglin first asks about her father she expresses care and concern yes but let's listen to the tone to us it sounds like there is the sound of frustration in her voice just stay put and keep out of trouble did we imagine it she loves her father so why would she be frustrated maybe we are hearing things tell him that zeglin is on her way and that he ought to just stay put i'm sorry he's caused you trouble he has a knack for that if he just stay put he will cause no more trouble so we weren't imagining zee glen seems to talk about her own father like a child she cares about him but seems irritated at times it's as though she thinks ziegmaer can't manage to do things himself and the problems his actions cause weigh on her just like a child's actions do to a parent the worry the frustration all the work to fix their mistakes why does she feel this way why might diego cause problems when we have just met someone and a close friend or family member has a clear opinion about that person and they have years of experience with that person they might just be right about them now let's look at zigmeyer again and though we all love him let's try and look at his flaws at what might frustrate someone who knows him for a long time we meet siegmire outside the locked gates of sen's fortress his equipment is the armor of katarina knights effective and impressive but not unique like the kits of the adventurous solaire or the enigmatic law track when we approach him we hear him um and ah about solving the problem of this locked gate and yet he doesn't react to us he doesn't even notice us when we go up and talk to him in the land of lordran this is very risky what if we were aggressive or wanted to loot him even assuming we seem sane and safe he still doesn't notice us someone who might solve his problem two people working together might be able to open it we may have a key we have to talk to him again just to get his attention and what does he do he charms us he warms us to him with a hearty laugh and claims that he was absorbed in thought we have to take it on faith that he was thinking hard there is no proof of thought and certainly no proof of actions taken on these thoughts and then he does not seek help or teamwork or a solution he simply tells us his problems quite honestly i've run flat up against a wall or a gate i should say the thing just won't budge no matter how long i wait and oh have i waited so here i sit in quite a pickle weighing my options so to speak this may show us in one speech the essential aspect of ziegmeier's character and it is always a character's nature that brings about their tragedy he claims that a gate won't budge all right so it's locked not a totally surprising thing for a gate and he complains that it won't open no matter how long i wait and oh have i waited what does he hope to happen that someone comes out of the gate and leaves it open surely in that case as is always the case in lordran or the real world the owner of the gate has taken care to not leave it open so why would they walk out leaving it unlocked in the case of a locked gate waiting surely isn't the solution it isn't the solution for getting into disneyland when it's closed i'm pretty sure you can wait outside buckingham palace's private residences for a long time too it's not how you get in not to mention this is lordran once the place has gone to ruin very little happens these days he even confirms that he has waited for a long time doing nothing sitting and hoping for a gate to open and thinking hard to solve the problem so here he sits in yes a very complicated pickle indeed what great solutions has his thinking given him apparently nothing better than sitting on his behind it turns out that it is a complex thing to open this gate but zigmeyer doesn't know it and will never discover it and when he says quite honestly why does he invoke honesty is he overcompensating no we're not saying he is lying he has been stopped by a gate that much is true but what might the trait of honesty have to say about ziegmeyer it is self-honesty that is lacking the self-honesty to say i am not really thinking i am not really solving i'm not really doing anything ultimately i'm not who i say i am i'm not who i think i am still closed still closed hmm he wants fate to solve it for him fortunately fate in this case the player does solve it for him it allows him to progress so what do the rest of his adventures reveal about ziegmeyer in sen's fortress we discover zigmeyer once again he finds himself in his own words in another pickle sat down resting he is absorbed in thought he claims pickle is an interesting word he is an onion knight but more than this pun what is the process of pickling onions to have them stored sitting doing nothing suspended and have time render them down what is the pickle or problem in this case that which suspends siegmeyer in time the pickle isn't a boss or a drake no it is a rolling ball trap it is a puzzle for every player of course but what do each of us figure out we need to lower our incumbent and run up the ramp faster take off some armor not very complicated it doesn't require much thought it's almost like the student delaying their study any excuse is a barrier for ziegmeier now perhaps he can't carry unlimited armor fine he could simply remove his helmet and gloves run solve the problem and retrieve them later after all he is likely to be able to get out of this fix why zigmai is exceptionally strong he wields a zveyhander he has upgraded armor just think of the stats required sigmar is not without ability it is not the physical which he lacks it is the mindset miyazaki reveals that he isn't fat in the design works interview he isn't too plump without armor it is a problem but this is even more simple than the gate there may be other solutions perhaps but he has to at least really think not just feign thinking by making um noises he then says perhaps i could try some rolling ba no chance my head would spin the most vague of ideas rolling he doesn't even bother to test he doesn't even test it before finding some problem as an excuse and what's this problem in his eyes not injury death time no he would get dizzy it is here that we begin to feel that zigmeyer is not truly an adventurer no worries venturing is my life his self-honesty is lacking he is not who he believes himself to be and he does not behave how he believes he behaves perhaps sigmar is more of a talker than a doer he calls himself an adventurer he calls himself an adventurer could it be that sigma's fate is in sight even here his character and its consequences have started to reveal themselves we have yet to dent his pride yet even after talking to him in sen's fortress we feel our influence is minimal on his fate we next see him in anor londo once again he is passive and stationary his arms folded he seems to not notice us once again after we grab his attention he begins at once to lament the supposed lack the supposed impossibility of solutions whatever can be done well here there are even branching paths you don't even need to fight those silver knights there's no real reason to be in there it isn't the required route to anywhere but if someone has a passive mindset any mental work required leaves them stuck something as simple as turning back is a mental change and it doesn't enter the passive mind they don't want to problem solve they want fate to solve the problem for them when siegmeyer assumes that we were repelled by the silver knights he says don't be ashamed this is a little much coming from him he assures us that he will think of something and he doesn't of course he hasn't even been thinking he's been resting he vaguely says some general concept that we can overcome this together which is unclear and he doesn't become active after this comment he doesn't put forward a plan that is actionable indeed maybe in his mind it's worryingly possible that we do fight them together so what does he do zigmeyer comes up with a problem as a solution to avoid the silver knights just like rolling couldn't be possible because of his head spinning teamwork between us couldn't work because we'll need another three no maybe five bodies how fortunate we don't have to act yet we just need to wait for five strangers one after another to reach anor londo and reach this exact point none of them losing patience before all five extra have arrived this problem finding the searching for the reasons why things won't work seems to be a habit of siegmeyer's hmm quite a fixing deed we eventually have to fight the silver knights alone on talking to zigmeyer afterwards he refers to himself in the third person this night of katarina hereby commends you commending us which means to praise formally or officially like a judge or someone of high status is a bit rich when he sat on the sidelines he then thinks it is necessary to say but we warned gallantry entails great risks next time give me a chance to come up with a plan this again is an important look into ziegmeier's nature not only does he let problems stop his progress he isn't aware of it this again comes under self-honesty he wasn't really coming up with any plan he never came up with solutions or even tested a single action indeed we can leave sigma and he will never progress in his quest so no we shouldn't have waited he needs to stop waiting something else about his dialogue during anor londo is that it shows or at least he says that he is up for teamwork that he would help us if we needed it yet what is missing throughout the game during every time we are in a fix you can never summon zigmeyer considering he traverses the whole of lordran it is odd that he never has a summon sign for a boss fight one reason is we clear everything before him perhaps but it may just show his character we can summon solaire who adventures in lordran even law trek not everyone can be summoned of course but zigmar goes all the way with us somehow it feels to us that we should be able to fight alongside him but it is an experience we can never have he never puts himself out there and we think this is an active choice by from software zigmeyer always asks for help but he never gives it back at the firelink shrine he asks if it was us who opened the gate if we lie and say no once again his handy philosophy comes out is that so no matter stranger things have happened sometimes when only has to give it some time he was lucky not to go hollow just sitting there he then tells us he will continue his adventures then he assures us no worries adventuring is my life i'm prepared for the worst well let's give him a chance to see if he is self-aware if he has a fair assessment of himself and all he claims to be he starts his next quest going down below and that is where we find him in blighttown where do we find this knight who is prepared for the worst at the first safe stop out of the poison swamp with more poison swamp to go surrounded by poison if we talk to him he is asleep in lordran it is dangerous to not pay attention but to sleep and in blight town he's lucky that the mosquitoes haven't flown over and caused him trouble we go on to wake up this night and he claims it was the fault of his intensity of mind excuse me i was so absorbed in thought i just drifted away hmm it is here we felt his helmet audio design is symbolic the echo feels like more than just an audio effect his words and excuses themselves ring round and round like an echo on repeat you see i'm actually in a bit of a fix i've made it this far but i'm short on antidote moss for the trip back first of all this far is not far at all it's about as far as a reckless fool would get without any decent preparation or planning he has barely traveled one stamina bar of sprinting across the swamp so this is an exaggeration he should have got moss before running in if he had some why didn't he get more he certainly knows what moss is he says ant don't mask himself so it isn't ignorance that's the problem he is just so ill-prepared and has underestimated the distance so poorly he has trapped himself on this little island he could have safely doubled back and bought some after a step or two in the swamp but no siegmeyer launched ahead until he realized that he is trapped and might die if he goes on and finds himself pincered by his own decisions um by my knighthood i'm ashamed to ask but can you spare a few scraps of moss now this is a typical ask for help by someone who chronically asks for help it plays into our emotions acting that you feel so bad about asking but it's also necessary invoking our pity it minimizes the help being asked for with minimizing language in this case by calling the moss scraps if you make the help seem small it is more likely it will be given why should we feel pity he could see it was a poison swamp and how big it was and knew how much mass he had it is here that he also tells a lie i'm short on antidote moss for the trip back he tries to pretend to us that on experiencing blighttown that only at the end of this adventure he's just beginning deep down below into the unknown he estimates that by then he might need some moss for the trip back instead of honestly saying that he's already stuck and run out of moss at the very beginning of his adventure he doesn't come clean about his foolishness and pretends it is for extra preparedness most tellingly when we give him this moss what does he do wisely go back reversing the route he has made safely returning to firelink to stock up responsibly on a lot of mosques and start his adventure properly no zigmeyer takes the few scraps we give him and launches on into unknown territory straight down into lost izalith he knows nothing about lost izalith which could be full of poison for all he knows and takes his chances this is what happens when a person is in their zeigmeier mode everyone helps them so they never learn sometimes they will only change if you say no he's continuing directly into lost izalith is reckless behavior so reckless that if you cared for him it might become worrying irritating exasperating a life led so immaturely would be very likely to put himself and others in danger at any time and each time it goes wrong it will be up to others to save him if we say no to the moss request he again makes an equivocal statement i'll be fine i can make it without that silly moss think about it have i ever let a little hardship slow me down of course we know it's not a little hardship that he lets slow him down it is any hardship and the key word is let slow him down he lets it this shows it is often the mindset more than the obstacles that cause the problem indeed obstacles even if they are complex with the right mindset can yield great things let's look at how you the player approaches the impenetrable gate you leave it you go and explore other avenues that you understand that you can grow from and what happens in dark souls you earn souls defeat quaalac can now make her weapon you meet the fair lady you find a new entire land that eventually is essential for further progression and the gate way back from before opens things are like that sometimes no the right mindset doesn't solve everything immediately but it might just figure things out eventually so far the words and actions of siegmeyer seem to be showing that miyazaki intended him differently to how we have all historically interpreted him it seems that zigmeyer is someone who miyazaki would be frustrated to work with who would cause problems in the team or perhaps it is who miyazaki has occasionally been who we have all been delaying our progress delaying our life hoping other people will sort things out for us yet when looking at ziegmeier none of us noticed this aspect when we played through we liked sigma we still like him even after making this video we can understand now why zeglind may sound so frustrated with him but we don't feel this frustration why well simply because it is easy to help siegmeyer it is easy to get him out of trouble we are exceptionally strong in game a few silver knights isn't much opening a gate for ourselves isn't much it just happens to help siegmeyer handing over a few pieces of moss practically nothing some demons we can manage but what if we weren't so competent what if we were pushed harder under more strain what if sigma got in the way during the bed of chaos boss fight what if we actually cared for his safety and didn't just like him as a character in a game as a nameless undead we have few plans and entirely uncomplicated plans but what if we had complex plans intricate plans secret plans we might get very frustrated if sigma ruined them or leaked them knowing zigbee fully we might decide to not share these plans with him at all [Music] let's look at a different pool of information to discover ziggmar's true nature but this time in the cut content to see if the real sigmar and the ghost alternate universe sigma match do his patterns arise again in the design works interview we learn that miyazaki envisioned the helmet as opening but it didn't make it into the game he says i have a mental image of zigmeyer popping it open and hungrily guzzling down some food with the image we have of him sitting or sleeping this doesn't do much in support of his character of course he isn't fat and it's no sin to eat but it means miyazaki envisioned a character who on most encounters all we see is him eating and sleeping what about the dialogue of the cut content a cut sigma line delivered once the gate opens is first i hear a great raw and voila the path is open just goes to show good things come to those who wait this is distorting the merit of patience into an excuse to do nothing this was rather an example of luck not patience another moment reveals that perhaps his waiting and even his charm hinges on the habit of others getting him out of trouble trained helplessness when we free him from a locked door in the cut content he says i didn't expect you to show up although maybe i did so rather than push on and try himself after being rescued a few times he thinks oh that undead adventurer will pass by here eventually why take the risk indeed maybe his charm his manner that we all like so much is from years of being charming to get what he wants a perfect moment to show his nature and a moment that says something about all humans all of whom at some times in their lives delay put up with mediocrity don't seek change or growth in themselves or the world around them is after unlocking him from this cage in the cut content ziegmeyer doesn't move if talked to he explains this behavior i'm going to take it slowly here at least for now after all this time it's not so intolerable i've actually become quite fond of it [Laughter] he says he's become fond of where he has been locked up in miyazaki likely cut this as it was a bit too stereotypical for his taste in symbolism sigma being released from his cage is like so many of us in situations we would like to change after so long of accepting fate and listlessly letting time pass not pushing for change we begin to grow comfortable with the surroundings that once we wish to escape they earn our affection even though we feel limited by them they are safe they have nothing new sort of like a programming job when you dream of being a game designer all of us become so comfortable in these stale environments that when by a miracle the door opens we dance leave their confines and luck is what zigmeyer endlessly hopes for when facing the cursing lizards in the cut content he hopes for a solution not with graft or work or real thought instead wishing and assuming that any moment now and i'll be hit by an epiphany an epiphany is a revelation that flashes in like lightning out of one's control often viewed as divine intervention no one can control these epiphanies what you can do is work and learn and with time you may have more of them you cannot simply wait [Music] what are the wider world consequences of zigmeyer and his character in the world of dark souls well we can only guess as to all of them but why has he been separated from his daughter why did he not hear the mother of zeglin's last words are they no longer together does he even know she is dead presumably not zieglin knows her father is in the area at least so perhaps he has been adventuring for a long time sigma wears the blue tearstone ring from katarina and the only place we find this ring in game is on a female corpse near where havel is imprisoned guarded by a black knight perhaps in case it reanimates the plotters against the gods conspired here and havel was trapped in the tower the bridge broken behind him in a sudden attack ziegland gives her mother's last words to siegmeyer and what happens he goes down to ash lake he has roamed blighttown and izalith never finding the lake only to end up there after the mother's last words zegland is trapped in one of seith's crystal golems just after hearing the mother's last words seath has creatures from ash lake in his domain he has brought them up to protect the gaping dragon in the depths these creatures have swallowed purging stones of the earl of kareem in the battle the earl of kareem is a plotter against the gods himself ziegland after giving zigbee her mother's last words doesn't accompany him on his last adventure yet she knows where to find him how could she know where to find him unless she knew where ashley is she goes down to find her father independently and joins him in ash lake the plot against the gods ties it all together but zigmeyer was evidently out of the loop the mother's last words revealed enough and down he goes why didn't zigmai's daughter or partner or at least former partner inform him of the plot against the gods at the time is it that zee glenn is not as sigmar believes and perhaps as zeglin believes sigma's daughter she wields the bastard sword and zieglin's mother certainly doesn't seem very attached to ziegmeier zeigland also carries the red tearstone ring which is from kareem the same land of the earl of kareem a fellow plotter against the gods was sigma's incompetence such that ziegland's mother drifted away into the arms of the infamous earl this is all only a possibility of course what is much more certain is that ziglin's mother knows that zigmai can't be trusted to keep secret the plot against the gods he is too incompetent he might spill the details over a pint with a stranger in the local catarinian pub when it comes to the crunch when you're stealing the power of the gravelord harboring an ancient dragon and planning to bring down the gods themselves sigma isn't someone you want on your team this is why ziegmeier is a cautionary tale he is likeable but ultimately likability isn't worth the risk when things matter even his family keep him in the dark his wife dies without his knowledge she has to pass on her last words via their daughter a daughter who talks of him like a child he loses his life with every hour he sits on the sidelines yet to die would hurt those who care for him so they grudgingly step up to sort out things for him when they go wrong until until it's too much sigma after all does eventually die in peculiar circumstances zieglin mentions before going down to join her father that he is going on his final adventure why does she say this if adventuring is his life why would he stop he is undead time is not an issue why say this then it does indeed turn out to be his last adventure but does zigmeyer know that or only ziegland a few things about her dialogue come to mind if he goes hollow i'll just have to kill him again rest assured i will kill you as many times as it takes what if she knows he will go down to ash lake after hearing her mother's last words and knows zigmeyer won't be able to help talking about what he sees he will cause problems risk the future of the baby dragon or the lives of the surviving members of the rebellion does he go hollow on discovering what his partner has been up to how she died the scale of his own exclusion or does he glend know that a hollowed siegmeyer mad and unable to speak trapped at the end of the world will no longer be a risk to a dragon's future and her fellow comrades she may choose to kill him while he is fully sane and being killed enough times by the hand of your own daughter is enough to make any man hollow listen to the grammar of her line my father all hollow now has been subdued will cause no more trouble all hollow now the subduing may be successfully hollowing him not simply one death after all that ash lake bonfire is fairly safe there aren't any nearby enemies that might hollow you and after this final act of killing her father what does she say it's finally over i will return to katarina so now is when she returns to her homeland only now is the mission complete not after delivering her mother's last words in firelink in safety no after following ziegmyer down and killing him now it is over we don't know the inner workings of what exactly zee glind is up to but slaying him with a merciless strike of a bastard sword isn't without purpose it is more complex than it seems she will return home leaving her slab with us an heirloom of the nameless blacksmith deity whose skull lies on the sand what is certain is that his end was shocking a tragedy of mythological proportions but it was brought about by his character and behavior his own daughter though crying with sadness sums up his death as he will cause no more trouble he will cause us no more trouble that is no legacy to leave ziggmayer brought about his tragedy himself so what did we do to zigmar then what was our influence if we don't cause him to hollow well in the end we don't hurt zigmar by removing his pride or making him fail he was doing that anyway no we simply pass by and show what is possible with commitment and consistency and it is remarkable what is possible when zigbee sees it in us and knows all the wasted potential and wasted time in his past and the resulting weakness he feels it keenly we all feel bad we all feel envious in a way when someone enjoys great success but what feels worse is when we could have done it learnt it benefited from it ourselves when someone is no different from ourselves it's just that they made certain choices and we didn't that's when it stings this feeling is what begins to get ziggmayer motivated to step up to a challenge now we all know that eventually zigmeyer does act in a grandiose way we all love when he charges the demons in izalith with an epic war cry that many fans hold as their favorite npc moment in dark souls come on over here you fiends perish foul creatures i am zigmeyer of katarina and you shall feel my wrath although he doesn't survive without our help what a way to enter a battle we still can't help but like him but isn't this new motivation just another pattern of the zeigmeier character maybe we can understand this behavior by looking at ourselves when each of us have been acting for too long like ziegmeier when we feel guilty about wasting time when we feel regret or see the fruits of others labor we feel a stomach-wrenching frustration that can turn to motivation it is however a grudging motivation we still don't have a positive mindset towards the task at hand listen carefully to the sigh zigmeyer makes before coming to the conclusion to act we have all made the sound one time or another when a deadline has come around perhaps the time has come but what is something else every procrastinator every guilty time waster makes the mistake of the same mistake they've always done a lack of consistency a lack of mental strength and stability the guilty procrastinator finally deciding they're motivated gets off the sofa and charges into the gym to the study into the new habit they take on far too much injure themselves lose sleep can't sustain the work fall off the wagon and then immediately they're back to their old selves their old habits they over compensate instead of learning the real lesson which is that a true change of mindset is required sigma does exactly this of all the places to start a challenge it isn't a gate or a ball no it is a group of towering giant demons that he tackles solo who are also designed to swallow things that attack from above in the throes of emotional decision-making he breaks his own rule gallantry entails great risks in the world of dark souls such recklessness is very dangerous and we would say goodbye to zigmeyer here if we do not save him if we save him zigmeyer is disappointed that he couldn't complete this enormous challenge after all this time avoiding hardship and then he goes back to sleep why you didn't you get away well you saved me once again though don't you worry the ground below me is my pillow i'll recover shortly a view that we sometimes felt and has been voiced by many in the community is that while at first the player thinks sigmar is a fool for waiting not pursuing his goals actively in the end zigmeyer is the smart one zigmeyer simply waits and gets everything done for him but what about in the long run does being a ziggmayer open doors in life you might not get struck with a bastard sword but eventually people start to adapt eventually the charm doesn't work anymore and people notice and get tired of the pattern eventually you may be treated like a child by your daughter or excluded from the plans of the mother of your child left out from the plot against the gods like a liability or simply other invisible gates may be put up by everyone around you it is interesting that where zigmar finally decides to act to do or die is in lost izalith rather fitting considering it is the area where the from software team according to miyazaki had a lot of trouble themselves and learnt a lesson for the future miyazaki said the bed of chaos exposed a real problem in our production method we had no way to find a common goal and work towards it when things went wrong but miyazaki shows he doesn't fall into the ziegmeyer attitude saying next it's definitely something i want to correct in the future you want to make a dark souls there's your mindset we will end with something simple about zigmeyer to show how his story is not only a warning and a tragedy but something that should inspire what does zeigmeier wear and wield mostly the katarina equipment of course but his weapon is as veyhander not only is it as vyhanda it is a plus 15 bye-hander it fits culturally but more importantly it is a powerful weapon is this saying that ziegmeier kitted out so powerfully yet never succeeds in progressing has all the gear and no idea it could and to an extent it does but what it may say instead is that zigbee has great potential he has ability and he has strength according to otsuka in the design works he's even handsome there isn't anything stopping him ultimately the fable of zigmai is about belief about mindset about willpower it has nothing to do with strength strength physical strength is hard to change in large degrees it is limited the ceiling of the mind is much higher if sigmar wore only a little armor and a weak unupgraded weapon it wouldn't be the same story we would empathize with his behavior instead no sigmar is a lesson in mental strength in belief believe you're stuck and it'll be true see the problems as overwhelming and they may as well be because you'll never find out what does zigmai give us the tiny being ring this gives a small boost to health how is that useful as an undead if you don't fight if you don't struggle enormous or minuscule health is irrelevant if one isn't ever putting it at risk so he gives it away what is the next ring he gives us the speckled stone plate ring this ring has a stone that is the symbol of a true knight and the ring grants the strength to face various hardships the ring boosts magic fire and lightning defense but again this only works if you take damage from those sources you need to act like a true knight to receive its benefits to really roll up your sleeves with problems not just think about them so he gives it to us it will be useful to us and maybe not to him sigma has to dive in he has to get involved he has to engage with the challenges and not sit on the sidelines with time and work he may slay silver knights with ease he may trounce demons without a second thought because he is capable of great things but capability must be trained zee glenn knew this zeigland grew up around her father and though she loves him she decided that in some ways at least she didn't want to be like him she navigates the world with almost the same equipment but much more maturely she isn't undead she doesn't die once maybe miyazaki has felt like zigmeyer too it certainly took him some time before changing careers how long was miyazaki outside the gate of his own dream zieg means victory in german and he is victory by name but not in substance how many of us are idling outside life's gate how many of us are pretending to ourselves that we are living thinking hard when we are living half asleep after all we may all have a plus 15s vyhander if we stepped up and tried like a true night there might be a lot more dark souls quality in the world from art to business to science if more people believe that we are capable of resolving our own problems how long will we avoid the perils and rewards of the roads we want to take snoozing while there is so much potential out there how long will we stay in an unchanging safe environment becoming overly attached to it when zigmeyer dies he shows what he cares most about my dear little lim and he sacrificed time with his daughter for adventuring only to stall on his onion rind this is the true essence of procrastination we give up the joy that's right there in our lives in order to work to grow learn yet we fail to do what we intend to do and lose both the fruits of the work and the easy joy we gave up when can we become someone capable of doing what we wish instead of later wishing what we had done after all we aren't undead we only have so much time [Music] come on over here you fiends pettish fowl creatures i am zigmar of katarina and you shall feel my wrath
Channel: Hawkshaw
Views: 237,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Tju1rNzUi-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 44sec (3164 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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