Can you BEAT Breath of the Wild using ONLY Soldier Gear??

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[Music] following the defeats of the Hylian military one lone soldier is what stands between the kingdom and Calamity itself is it possible to climb the ranks by lending our services to The Travelers of the world and win the war by killing the Calamity for good the rules of the Run are simple one only Soldier tier weapons can be used two personal and horse armor must be obtained and brought to its max level which involves killing a variety of strong foes and three save all endangered traveler packs around the world there is 21 in total once and only when all this is complete we will rank up from the title of soldier tonight and we'll use those tier weapons to clear the entire Arcola Citadel in the finale at the castle which is only fair as the said it all is where the military officially perished to the Calamity a hundred years ago this run is going to require a ton of avenging against Monsters but luckily lots of Fallen Soldiers means lots of lost loot around the world including seven important pieces that can be found right on the plateau itself we got this whole Kingdom to protect over now but luckily the plateau has well the seven Soldier weapons on it will help us get a good start so it usually we get the paraglider up here but our first weapon boom this all Buffs out a lot the 14 damage is pretty good for the plateau whoa whoa sorry I'm a little disorientated from that 100 Year Slumber spell uh that's not as bad now that we have a bow we can already show these guys his boss two clean hits well these parts will be good because we'll need them for upgrading the soldier assassin but it's really easy these uh arrows that was after bye-bye there it was and this guy drops the arrows he wasn't even an Archer just kind of love him off the edge yeah nice but killing it was good for uh lots of free arrows yes one arrow for 10 fire arrows I'll take that okay that chest is what I needed uh can't tell me this isn't gonna work [Music] oh a little too much actually this is our way of poor went out for uh our fallen comrades okay [Music] yeah we should make it flat that way oh wait uh don't stick it too much okay and we get a cortical Edge Soldier sword there we go behind the bombshrine is uh soldiers broadsword again now we got two soldiers brought swords right off the bat next ones will be in the snow area so we'll be nice enough prepared oh wait a second I think we do need keys Parts too that yeah even stuff like keys and choo choo parts will need for the armor going all the way to even Lionel Parts but not yet Lionel sorry yeah that's totally fine [Music] oh it went on the tree that's gonna be a very rampy Bridge oh that friction on to the next one uh I thought I was gonna do it again okay yeah last four weapons are pretty much within this grinder area okay I recognize we just screwed that up do you know it's a good way to do this it's kind of fun you can call it a bit of a hack but uh we just roll the save to where it was just like that okay a lot easier that way and we get our first shield come on you can't blame me for that huh we're the last Soldier left we need a lot to stay ahead whatever it takes take down this thing yes please two for one this guy there we go again uh how do we disarm easily if you push him into the water I don't think that's gonna be good for us oh wait the metal we like metal metal is great for a lot of things but especially the bog yeah a lot of bunks there we go get over here [ __ ] oh there's the sword that's only neat oh wait wait that's not good metal here try to get your sword it's under there nope nope your sword's right there what how do you get it [Music] give it back you don't deserve the sword if you're nothing without the sword then you shouldn't have it it's fine okay flatten you because we get the sword now you know we're going to employ a similar strategy to this we are just uh just stop attacking me for a moment thank you okay wait that that didn't do too much oh and our coal resistance ran out here you do that that's it's fine it's fine because we need to take this and soldier's bow small bit of attack up but it's an actual modified one and those arrows too uh a little closer there we go there we go and then just safely take that to shore uh oh you know what it worked out thank you okay and here we are just in the ground the knights lost stash for soldiers that is the fourth Soldier sword Two bows and one Shield which makes up all the weapons on the plateau so just one more Shrine and then we can get off here till the next objectives and start helping people oh there you are hello chew there we go all right destroy Ganon uh we're gonna have to rank up quite a bit to do that um but we can do that by actually applying our skills we learned just to the world so oh what hi okay but it's maybe in the cutscene here hey hey yeah literally [Music] sorry I was just really hope we deserved it ah well we do need a steed and that one will Fed uh our whole look pretty well soon get on him go yes in the Kingdom which we will protect you'll skeleton business had enough of you all of you there's a lot of stamina nice strong horse for us with that we can uh start our adventure around the world and help out the people throughout like these people our first pack of Travelers well we prepared for this hit him aside horsey yes one and good start smack him around yes one final one guys you want to help no I ran out of stamina pick up the slack hit him it's up to a night now there we go first pack slaughtered I got hairier than I expected look apples don't have hairs well thanks for that it wasn't smart to go treasure hunting wait is there a treasure here this is oh oh there's bats that's not treasure oh wait there is treasure so close yet so far and far for me because I can't pick that up that's such a cool Shield though they have a similar Shield oh they have a design too collect all the patterns I see floating chest sure that's some treasure if you uh don't think so already [Music] put him over a bet bubble guts will be good for upgrading oh uh get him ah no get him away away [Music] far so we just kind of guessed it all deaths are just character Builders anyways okay don't let it happen again though [Music] there we go just get a critical there that's all we had to do there we go yep okay see that's more intended and just run him over a bit yeah there we go the horse Kill novel guts is what we need because that'll be helpful for upgrading Soldier armor as well oh and two shoes okay get back we don't want to traumatize you that much [Music] being bad very mad there we go he literally just jealous with these guys joust nice and then final shot blow up at the bomb and he's dead not always a gut though but joustic with this horse is so awesome you know they don't have a horse so it's not really a joust but uh it's fine and then go again sweeping run yes these runs are going amazingly very good joust horse ah don't want to the next one he's trying to fight him solo no don't do it you need your companion we do this together oh never mind he's like I'm bailing uh where are you going not to get wax again I I would hope uh-oh wow he's a death wish drive it into him yes oh and the jump at the end wow how many arrows do we have 36 is very good sorry Birds just keep taking that for the more arrows one one for five yeah really quickly we're gonna take a pit stop here because on top of upgrading the armor we do need the funds for the fairy fountain and uh well a lot of funds in here the topaz fund is very good the banana jump what else is gonna we'll get it if we know about it oh literally just trying to turn we kill two birds my horses have been dead up for these but I guess the meat's nice let's try and tell us something uh stop dying eat food now this is how we build character come on joust and he's gonna kill all the birds again so what's on that one and for you I guess we'll see who shock stuff is good this door's really fighting him oh well Soldier spear that's good with durability if we can Master a drill shaft we can Master off a puny spear like this oh hey the horse is still scared I don't know uh stop stop charging him oh whoa oh my God the shoes you're trying to attack them no match for joust dueling Peak stable uh we need to sell stuff Ruby easily just all the gemstones for now the topaz good 800 awesome okay there we go I'm sure he caught on to the name by now but uh I really gotta dig with this one joust come on joust and now let's joust away to ateno and get that armor for ourselves I think we finally deserved a donut fortiteno I don't know if my services aren't needed here though they seem to handle that pretty fine oh yeah we'll have to come back to that traveler they're knocked out already it's perch where all the survivors are in Hyrule and with the survivors well one of the former soldiers left behind they're here for us because look at that right there all of the soldier armor soldiers helmet this little matchy looked really nice Frontline soldiers that's what we are just charging everywhere solo the armor 250 not a problem being a soldier doesn't pay too well but luckily the armor isn't that expensive either and the Greaves of course let's put that all on one two and there we are we are now a fully recognized soldier of Hyrule and that looks so cool of the uh the weapons we truly are the front man there's gonna be a lot of people to save uh operation Travelers I see that cry for help it's just right here they need it bad oh no we were too late nothing a Reload can't help with I would like to help them alive you know that's kind of the point oh wow okay spin yes come on jealous with these guys yeah the soldier spear slaps one for you one for you come on beat it with the sword oh the Dodge and uh just for Uber Goblin special Bob oh you need another one okay he's being greedy take it take it and run [Music] sure showed them thank you I can't afford to hire me as a real bodyguard at least give you this always appreciate a nice warm meal you know combining your own business hunting for Truffles and then Wham Monster's out of nowhere is your truffles here [Music] first things first it'll be nice to also do some armor upgrades too because uh we've been getting a lot of those materials I'm just here for the ferry the first of four on the world it casually ignores the hurt person laying on the floor they can help themselves so chica you know they got the the fancy stuff the most part of being the military and Hyrule is only helping people that you're told to help we barely have the rubies uh tutionally perfect actually the common Department's what we need more of so I guess we'll just start with one but uh let's try to prioritize more kills going forward then we have something later stuff but uh not quite even the Boko yet let's fight we don't have to do it all now we can't do it all anyways until we have the four fountains so in the meantime let's just go around the world some more help out some Travelers get some more parts and uh see what else we can do the good thing about being a soldier is that uh you can find your weapons just about everywhere because there's a lot of remnants of the past military around Hyrule fortunately this guy is just one of many relics of that I think you attack one of my past friends oh not you that's a friend from a different region uh these ones there we go get that stuff but uh this guy really quarrels oh no knock him out oh wow there we go oh he's a big hit sponge I don't know how we're gonna fare didn't expect to fight all the battles here oh badly damage that's not good no attack up is not the most ideal ugh he's partying without me it's only a part if I win this one hey don't step on me good all right time to get fired here dance for me he's the Court Jester now oh there we go so happy I got the bombs he's literally completely knocked out from that come on more criticals and finisher yes I knocked down we need this bad because this shows the mark of a hero these guts cause we're gonna need the guts to upgrade this set at a future level but at least he had weapons at his neck to uh replenish so the fox is running alongside me yeah it's okay I don't have to be scared jealous is in here sorry bird [Music] nice little secret loot stash arrows sure of course we'll take that another Broad Sword there we go we can easily just drain our stamina just to go back up it's like a quick teleport up when you don't have the travel Medallion let's look we're back almost at the top the stamina drain method works wonders here's our horse there he is just let's go oh well you did something whoop there is another pack somewhere over there help ah well oh did he attacked back here we're gonna Prime the fight for you okay we'll freeze them though you do damage hit him yeah hit him out now for the next one there we go oh it's a it's a black vocabul I wasn't expecting that wait stealth strike ah come on hit him no you missed you're so close [Music] oh I sort of shatter sound effect behind me oh nice come on keep attacking blocking yeah do it you're doing great there we go hit him some more oh just went around too oh that wasn't good that's better though keep going you know what fine one finisher shock orb huge damage there we go killing these guys creatively also you drop like no dudes you're fine I Ty ooh more food we gotta actually use the food soon we're traveling in search of a flower known as the silent princess ooh your husband was kind of kicking ass honestly so that was pretty great for spicy peppers here for whatever reason usually it's only in the cold areas but to each drone okay before we continue though I think we're gonna go to uh well the place where we can get some armor for this guy and yeah where we get the armor is going to be a mini game that's just to the West oh we get the armor it's just uh well by reasons of winning it through these guys vaulted archery Camp oh hello okay I'm pretty confident a horseback combats I'm game uh I will buy there's actually a really good place to get arrows in the game 50 arrows for 175 rupees that is a steal I'm gonna buy the five bundles too I can only buy four of them though but still 92 arrows wow okay this is gonna be pretty tricky because uh a lot of the targets are pretty far and we're in a pretty tight time crunch break more than 20 targets and you'll hand over the horse gear okay only 20 targets we can do that [Music] archery say right wait why'd that play out differently in my head you can actually I really thought you could actually do that wait can you do this no that the balloons are very specific uh sorry I never tried that before I thought I was slick I really did [Music] oh okay first mess that it's about to happen eventually we have seven Seven's good off course for these guys oh my horse is freaking out I did not Max Bond you yet [Music] what 14 what only one way to do this three two [Music] one oh no 19. ah I didn't count that Max bought this guy you deserve a joust okay that should be enough apples it's raining oh it means I can't use my Barrel is great that sucks I could have got him all through his it was not raining why is that the rain during this challenge Bob arrows to Orc in the rain yeah got some fire in me uh but with that the night's Bridal there it is we'll put this on after the challenge because we still need to get the the actual armor piece we'll have to get a little more funds for that first I know it was meant for our bellies but it's helping our cause regardless sorry risotto I'm not feeling the rice today I don't want to get bloated you have to get too bloated we may not fit the armor so uh [Music] come on come on so close what oh you're kidding me just no ah damn it it wasn't it wasn't perfect damn it okay it's easy to choke up no other excuse just that if you get it that's legendary yes okay [Music] oh wait there's oh crap there's one's on this side what the what the hell [Music] what [Music] come on get it Bob Arrow do it for Bobby yes all 25. with time remaining awesome okay go Bobby go Knight saddle there we go we got it only the most elite among them were allowed to outfit their mods with that and now we get it we're not even the proper rake but for joust he deserves it agile says so much more battle experience than us so in reality we're just accompanying him so mate is good keep it organic the bridle gotta go off the knights there we go nice and nightly and uh for the saddle oh of course there we go full body armor matching us joust prepare for the full-on gel snow look at that we shine together let's talk about a glow up here there we go wow we can just do anything is that extra armor now which is funny because that actually the armor doesn't provide any like actual game armor it's totally aesthetic so but it looks awesome so yeah oh there they are or just the one I assume what's he doing traveling alone should never travel alone in Hyrule even me I got joust you know because being dumb he doesn't even see me what I just pushed him oh now he saw me where's your logic for coplin spear spin oh there we go gels kicked it right into my spear the Epic jouster I don't drink too much gerbil you know lonely but goblin we gotta let the environment have a hand at this nature do your thing get water-based yeah you guys don't like water you should learn from your friend but you're not that's why you're a goblin okay thank you there we go let's go get a reward are you fighting my reward hey it's you guys again the hearty truffle people they're Gourmet Treats they're still trying to find those truffles from a hotel Village there's no reward without risk right we just saved robots I don't even get a reward this time if you wait too long with talking to them they don't give you the reward because uh I guess he just forgot about the whole spiel you guys want to be here if it wasn't for me but I guess being a hero has its own reward it's not like we needed any more risotto and then I need an octo balloon for the platform oh parrot on the second there we go just the balloon works do your thing oh not that hey you busted my bubble okay there we go a nice shield from us and a nice sword for us too a soldier's Claymore a two-handed sword designed for combat heavy and hard to use but has decent build quality and durability there we go I think that's actually uh yeah that completes everything uh a claymore sword spear bow and shield so there we go the full sets with the soldier armor is very nice a nice power weapon of sorts let's get the stable because there's some bananas by there oh hi [Music] go okay didn't do a lot of damage fortunately okay let's take our bananas a lot of bananas on these higher reaches more banana each one of these trees is like a potion we can make do Three Bananas a belated rhino beetle so it's gonna be Elixir but we can mix that with uh I'm fine what they got we'll get more guts don't worry we did it this way it could actually be a bit better yeah there we go it's the same buff but almost double the amount of time because elixirs generally last longer yeah it's actually a good way to stretch the effectiveness there we go now let's take this into uh our next fight just up ahead [Music] wow good problem oh just wrapped around to dodge that how do we make it up there easily trick question we can't uh but eventually we we will make it up blue high knocks okay not as bad yeah we only got this one bow for it all right attack up go for a nice side surprise there we go badly damaged but uh oh there we go okay uh does he have Knight weapons on this thing he does that's not stuff I can take is it oh I don't like that one oh the fire go upwards hit up again yes I did something okay [Music] well and no it didn't drop a no high knock Scots uh why'd we even bother fighting it well I guess we can take the knights off now but uh we're just gonna stash it until we acquire the rank so that fight wasn't completely pointless there is actually a bow nearby we can grab so it's actually going to be like uh around here shock arrows and arrows and no not quite to I think it's that one actually nope uh right into it very very awesome give me my Soldier weapon no not you is it not here oh it's not here it's below it my bad uh well I guess we got a lot of fun arrows down here it is oh and that platform is about to get blasted nice oh okay good it's very dangerous but soldiers bow yeah important uh-oh ow already perished oh oh that's a silver hello just kite him on over it's pretty far ah double Parry nice that was good [Music] like that okay water's getting pretty close though come on just get over oh wait oh Bob's work now there we go blow it back yes water shots awesome sorry gems okay last guy we're just gonna use uh some Shock just uh just come to a shocking conclusion yes but unfortunately the best way to do this okay oh there you are tough elixir thank you Ty yeah they're on the other side of the Jungle we found him again they're making their way Esports with us too next things next uh there is actually a shield nearby [Music] that was more than I expected okay uh these guys don't deserve their fire arrows oh you should let's go eat the meat and again yes oh wait no wait oh my God I looked the arrow that was passing by on his fire that was very actually unintentionally cool I'll take the credit for it oh what I mean I'll take the credit for that I I just backwards Perry the OCTA Rock very awesome I'm not sure which one's uh the Soldier gear but we'll just take all these chests take that oh wow jungle loot is nice teared well to our stage of the adventure besides that maybe Ruby oh it's that thing okay okay there we go another Shield that'll be just nice to have in case we break it but it's abandoned cart come on we can do this not our first joust oh he's got a good lunge to counter yeah you're spitting get closer yeah what are you gonna do about it huh get mad oh yeah actually that anger is paying off very well for you yeah there we go shut up it's raining we're gonna take advantage of it stop being so annoying there we go is that all it takes Serena stunted us enough oh bye bye ready okay nice never seen anyone take down one of those things who are you flicks Reagan Electro fried egg hell yeah zap zap bag right away from Lula just up the road the whole place stinks of caught up bait and fish guts I'm gonna make a living as a scavenger fishing on hyrule's Rubble for neat stuff not much of a choice you can't swim all right Ryan well the cool thing about him is actually uh now that we've saved him from this encounter he actually sticks with the Zord and is gonna scavenger on Hyrule so now we can find him as a traveler or on Harrell because he actually hangs out around uh the Coliseum so we can just go up this road from the stable here expecting it to rain of course no umbrella oh look who it is again very good what are you doing it's funny because he wouldn't be here if we didn't save him before I mean did we really save him if he did Lourdes lesson hopefully that horse hit him yeah do you have more food for me Reagan an ancient screw I guess he won't scavenge he doesn't even recognize it's me okay there's our seventh a third of them saved which isn't too bad it just really is looking handsome yeah he is but also with all this killing that we've just been doing there's no way we can truly show off her skill without going to uh well the Coliseum itself oh you're shooting star there just pointing us away it knows we need to be here because here it's gonna be a lot of enemies but more importantly a lot of weapons from our fallen kind I don't feel bad at taking down this Lionel now we do need it's got sen it's only 60 chance dropping the gun but I'm feeling lucky oh see how many it takes oh don't like that one that much take it out nice okay adequate damage at best [Music] oh yep I knew we were gonna need another Shield soon you missed oh and I missed too okay God yes okay there we go halfway for sure [Music] we got this please drop a gut at the very least it's useless without the guts okay there we go oh just a headshot please I got yeah okay there we go we need that for the upgrade and who's two attacking play well there we go yep these guys are gonna have a lot of equipment a night coming in on the Coliseum let's take back his own weapons all right we can do this [Music] there we go [Music] oh [Music] what yucky okay anyway a good way of getting money and these weapons honestly I could just use shock but I'm doing it this way because getting the gems will be good for the fairy fountains lighter there we go take the weapon oh banana gems and Sapphire then we still have like spots for the night stuff for later perfect spitting spear or blueberries and bananas nice [Music] what no crap we messed up okay just drop her stuff there we go on to the next one [Music] yes body's all snaked around oh oh not good a little too early to start that oh I guess oh yeah fall damage helps quite a lot actually yeah that actually does help quite a bit okay yeah well let's finish them off no pain in that oh okay quick flurry Jabs I know we're using up the stuff but I feel lost guilty because it's literally just replenishing aha you know we can always come back after a Blood Moon not a bad idea in the meantime this is a pretty good selection of weapon I mean minus the night stuff we can't use uh it's still very good well just afterwards are killing uh well let's kill more things uh but we'll save people while doing that because the nice thing about Central Hyrule and all the danger is that there's a lot of people running for the danger including you guys let's go you Phil you attack from guy in the back get him hit him rubbish didn't work the way I wanted it to but spin to wins always do anyways come on we've worked way up to heavy weapons we use them well now there we go shock orb and then just lamb yes okay and oh he was trying to slime me can't repeat the same strategy you just learned sorry I have a backup oh it's Mel's and Mino again from outside the plateau still trying to treasure on huh well thank you for that mushy stuff it's funny because there's a lot of different uh traveler groups in the world but real quickly it's like the same few groups that keep being stuck in trouble really goes to show there's not a lot of people left in this world like this guy I got yep all right good again he never learns bye-bye oh got nothing to pay me back what pocket lens oh and this bread Wait no that's an excellent reward wow my favorite type of ration this will save us for the entire run well thank you for that Dragon you have struck gold for us one man's trash is another man's gold and now we have the hearty confidence we need bread is awesome I see up a goblin and he already knocked him off come on not even chance to react well looks like we gotta save a Reload knocked out already what we just rolled the save oh wow just happened that quick huh yeah you can really get knocked off that quick on this bridge um I guess so A props to a blue lizzle for one-shotting me I guess do it again there we go oh kicking the water and Skip like a rock oh you need to be safe from these guys too okay look it's shot again those guys are tough there we go better I think you want to think about where you'd be if I haven't shown up yeah on the ground like you were lost a few times ooh energy mushrooms we could just runs back okay next one is uh at a stable further north it's Lika again oh come on stop harassing the same traveler oh wow this one's vigilant I don't think that above can't fix no that does okay in the water [Music] nice oh a bee honey thanks Lika just the raw material this time I gotta cook the food myself I can't even offer a soldier a warm cooked meal not the idea I just eat raw apples anyways so aha both ready aim fire yes and then smack it on him yeah oh I'm the horse that works perfectly wow actually not bad oh don't regret that okay do some archery combat oh what what are you blowing up wait what blew up what is there here to blow up I don't understand what happened were you carrying a bomb on you I don't know okay keep going nice go let's critical after so just helpful [Music] crap [Music] well I guess we're playing it like this don't throw the tree at me what what do you have that's explosion are you pull out barrels from the ground he's pulling up barrels from the crowd what he has explosive barrels at his disposal I had no idea badly damaged spear stop region damn it get that ball boy get that bomb away from me wait stop hit him hit him don't snap me ah wait it's working it's working just get up so close yes we chopped on his belly fat and caught him wow I had no idea where those bombs were coming from that was amazing holy crap and I got the spoils now awesome charge hello the charge up animation for this looks so cool just nights at the running oh speaking of which oh spear cool nope it's Lika again what do you know some more for sure oh you're going in the lake we're close to it wait that's gonna be helpful bomb roll and right to you it's actually pretty good drop the bomb in the fluray oh and it gets kicked a thousand feet away cool please just finish off the Goblin a little too much effort for this guy whoop okay no more saves Lika just be safe at least I can do okay that'll be number 12. hello guys wait a second first detour Soldier weapons I'll take that thank you ow it's a nice little pit stop steal their stuff you guys aren't soldiers there we go throw their final battle here is it Nelson beat him again oh come on I better not catch you out here if you just keep getting into trouble there we go Oh in the water oh no it's actually kind of far just keep petting him on the side yeah sure in the water why not this point might as well oh I said might as well supposed to follow up with that last hit will be water or maybe not just your resting bed will be [Music] no ow wait actually that hurt oh food please actually yeah you do damage again okay you got this no where are you going come on let me introduced something okay you yep per K oh just a nice slide now let me make my reward yeah they're what doesn't return spicy curry rice ooh check it out with my congestion uh thank you I feel like relatively soon we should get the next two fairy fountains so that's kind of like the main objective but we'll still get some kills say some Travelers in between oh I think I know what this is the cut down trees you say that just seems like haynak's weapon fodder can't let that happen again oh oh wow that's not a sharper Awakening I don't know spear Jabs are funny between the legs look at his lips no don't eat me or joust uh oh that's even worse and that's bad for me no he's just got a weapon it's got his own sword here nice ah come on he blocked himself off I would say that's crafty but that was not intended oh wait did I hit the eye I'll take credit for that I need your guts he's doing a fit again it's okay throw a bigger fat when you're on fire there we go okay let's chop down the Beanstalk oh nice the jump okay joust is learning it's still good in horseback because we're getting all the critical hits it's ever hits double damage here we're stretching our weapon effectiveness oh don't throw the tree there we go we're doing great keep making our runs and goodbye High Knox the trail almost followed me but what a nice start yes require lots of guts to take on that guy another I know there's a stable nearby and uh I run a lot of these stables around the center uh a lot of Travelers that need saving you can hit up this oh nice okay we have other Shields what else is here oh wait it's The Shield for us we'll do like a big jumbo sized food [Music] that'll help for later more bananas I might cook another uh long buff [Music] there is a Lionel nearby if it's a high tier one then we'll get them yep it's always that light close to uh the path how about you no block it yes well it's a silver of course it is wait but he's alone better for me Isn't it nice got that first hat nice oh wait we kind of interrupted that what why still strike failed had the rock oh and a frog you're supposed to Shield me there oh come on okay just have it your way shock it we're gonna shock Loop them that's all he can do [Music] waste all of her weapons out of silver yeah okay and then backwards good oh that's broke a fairy my lucky day training's paying off always [Music] want to be oh ow [Music] oh nice the crack before he could crack us oh and double crack [Music] goodbye flip aside you have a food Roar for me I could really use the food more than ever now oh the one time we don't get food you're a bit far from kilton but oh well anyways I would like some food of my own thank you I really hated having to waste all those Soldier weapons can't wait to be a knight soon honestly but we must abide by the ranks here well most of the past nights in Hyrule didn't even get a kill lionels and high noxes okay another Lionel for another Lionel gut I know there's all stuff we need later but we start with this headshot oh we don't have a power weapon oops should have brought a claymore to this but screw it will be okay it'll just take extra long [Music] two yes okay he is defeated it's literally a white Lionel it's just a 14 damage weapon that's amazing and with that voila okay fire arrows are good yes we need that stuff give it all awesome that sucks we actually need Lionel who's too but uh not as many so we're okay so I do want to rush to the next fairy fountains nearest one in tabantha uh and then after that probably grew to one so you know they're expensive but we could just use the arrows so I don't have enough rupees oh wait we're gonna need rupees especially for the fairy fountains luckily with hole saw silver kills that we did earlier quite a few at least we'll Wipe Out the Colosseum again when the blood moon uh happens it's a good source of soldier weapons so besides the bows look how shiny this armor is so nice really the shine in This calamity filled world wait is that a free kill we do need our lizzle Tails which I kind of neglected to grab now more than never okay you can stop walking stop walking please I'm asking nicely no don't turn around I swear okay baby head much better [Music] soldiers are weak but we come in numbers but in our case the numbers are just the quantity of weapons okay 20 shock arrows but only one Amber but I'll take the 20 shocks I feel like that'll actually be pretty useful the others also had no idea what's going on just a pure death move that was just torture we love torturing monsters it's on this little Bridge actually it's all these moblins they're guarding one Watchtower Maybe just keeping the watch oh he's burning everything okay oh that's a good Dodge I guess here uh that will be the better draw and now we'll take your bow less dangerous there we go and another okay no more bows he's these are bows and three nice probably the best and easiest place to restock here sorry but this needs to happen oh damn it there's not that running out of ice now goodbye oh yeah go to your friends sending him a message here and goodbye to you yeah message sent and um bubble guts obtained along with her arrows oh he has a weapon too wait a second oh Rock okay rockers is flying through the sky I could use your sword anything else Yes actually one more Shield and bog for you just for the troubles oh lighting almost messed me up not this time oh blood moon restock coming joust let's go under the Blood Moon yes we're back at it charge it yes instant awaction okay broken um now we save the spears okay don't plug something out of the ground what are you gonna take a bobber what another Bob Barrel how do you keep getting them where do they come from go jump up there don't let him rejoin that much go spend yes oh multi-head what oh no no you killed joust if you're going to kill Jaws you have to kill me too so fine guess he just invalidated his death the world is truly a cruel place you hurt my joust I'm gonna hurt you way more Titanic there we go get stuck in that claw it's not an armpit it's like a like pets badly damaged hit the eye not even close oh very good I can't be mad at that oh no more bomb pickups what you just dropped that oh come on keep getting him these high nox fights are really awesome though no more bombs and finish our yes in the long pen got em another Beast Down we took down the Beast Titan that's what you get for hurry Manimal for more stray but it's the same person we just saved okay no more spinnies only hitties can you hit a second one nope having the person there always distracts them oh whoa oh my God joust yeah friend well seasoned bye bye yes those guys never drop Parts always in the similar areas with more monster truck okay we're gonna work back here quickly get the fairy fountain because that is long overdue free thing Great Fairy which we're heading to give me the money give me the money 500 rupees yeah we're gonna need exactly 500 for this so jumps pretty nice oh believe the passage is right in here little secret path to get to the fairy phone 500 rupees easy we can finally get some more defense points than this well we definitely have enough of this stuff for sure and voila but for our next upgrades uh we can do one more Goblin guts but we really need a lot more keys eyeballs we've been getting pretty unlucky with them but our next stop is gonna be uh the desert to actually get the next ferry and another traveler uh there we go 12. and after this we can uh you know eventually do the other upgrades which we have Lionel High nox and lizzle parts for those already saved up so that'll come pretty quick not the blood moon happened uh no shame in doing this on the hand please elevate a patient [Music] yes Soldier spear what I thought I throw what happened we were close it's okay we can battle this one out okay in the like pet there we go get up yes melt nice no finish me all right here it is the desert sorry jousta I believe you mine for a little bit watching people for me while I'm gone it's okay gels can handle it you come to think of it just as less deaths than us so go ahead oh yeah we have a lot of cool resistance uh the spicy curry it helps with congestion and the cold We're Gonna Save the side quest Travelers nah they can die look we only get paid to save the 21 packs of Travelers we don't make enough salary to justify extra work here hello eyeballs please [Music] no okay wait I saw the shot hey sorry you're more important get him spawns him okay eyeball good and I saw that happening in the back hey watch it buddy the battle oh it's two Silvers come on and expect to fight their toughest battles here who are you guys oh God they're scared okay uh when in doubt bow it out there we go bonus damage ah no this is a bad strategy okay wait we need to start with like a nice stealth strike or something that's not even gonna do too much how do we kill two thousand Health enemies like this is there easy way to environmental kill him magnesa snow oh wait there's a tree there's no longer a tree [Music] uh and that one too okay what are freaking shock trap something can we I have a plan it's gonna be a good plan is there water nearby no but I have some water on me water drop someone hit it you okay get the water it's your funeral buddy keep going yes shock orbs 40 damage a pop pretty good against these literally chain that damage still be wet for a while keep going yep been good use of all these shock arrows have him for a reason nice and that's how he saved durability [Music] awesome and then uh cracking with some ice don't have a power weapon but anything's powerful with ice so close and helps what yes okay awesome we got him spicy Meats do okay more desert duration heading for grudo Town whole city of Foxy the latest but the Treatise like fine studs like kings yep okay good luck with getting into Gerudo town uh they really think they're so slick huh see how they just tear you apart too bad about your as he's tearing me apart too bad about your face what an insult insecure guys are just willing to put on other guys that are actually cool so see Link's awesome he's a cool guy okay don't hurt me molduga please oh he's playing his belly uh sorry I need you you're very helpful right now okay now we're gonna ride into the storm get that fairy fountain oh what did we get ambushed did he outpace us there's no there's no way no no stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop how did we get our paced like that even from the sidelines interference make it night again eyeball nice oh wow that's good okay a thousand rupees that's not a bad one next one will be ten thousand though so we'll have to make a lot but I'm sure we can manage pretty soon yeah for this we can do exactly one more we have three eyeballs three guns we gotta get a helmet upgrade protect that brain of ours so just make p brain moves all the time it's fine as long as joust brain's protected so oh this one's interesting oh it's two little Tails and a two high knocks guts but for the armor it's three tails and one got I guess I forgot some aren't even like that so either way yeah protect the brain yep 12 to 18. it's more little Tails um key side balls and then eventually the Lionel stuff there's actually one pack of Travelers that we kind of skipped over on accident I'm gonna do that first uh ooh lecture keys nice eyeball yes okay the vocals are at it again come get some oh here we go and another one hey you get kicked off don't hit joust or shock there we go get stunned bye-bye kick back and hit him nope they don't have weapons okay well thanks for the rain the traveling couple yeah these are the people looking for the silent princess okay it's cool seeing the same like Travelers around the world though you know it kind of tells an adventure like where they're going and what their goal is so I still dig that but we really got to fix this weapon problem only these two this is later uh but Coliseum should be restocked now so that should give us a lot of good weapons and enemy guts okay back to these guys I would like their materials which will be nice and the weapons all right and finish them off good soldiers Claymore there we go some nice money yes the brake Edge for a new one yay okay and we'll keep going up oh almost in the mouth that was actually close goodbye nice okay maybe he'll stop after a while how high can we go to distract him oh we're jittering like stop it's too much for you uh you know oh perfect we usually get that little upper Edge there we go we are actually safe now goodbye soon please crap uh well I guess we gotta finish them nice oh no oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap damn it moblin guess we're fighting this one out wait weapons despair bet don't die either okay don't get your weapon he's still focused on the weapon not even me okay well I guess it's a fair trade Diamond two oh no way unbreakable diamond perfect oh no more Shields actually oh wow the trick is they're all facing one uh clockwise Direction so you can just go clockwise from the back good need that okay oh banana gems it's good because we do need the 10 000 rupees so final fairy fountain's expensive and goodbye to you and a diamond wow okay it's getting exponentially better almost like a thousand rupees out of crack okay three more okay weak drop I Jinx that but still we got the equipment quite a few more weapons got good bows Shields next let's just focus on the last few Travelers though we got four more and they're all pretty much in like the accoladish area so we can hit them all pretty soon and then hit up the kala fairy fountain Spears back awesome don't hurt them it's back oh no oh wow we both stopped at the right time okay actually you guys come over here uh that's not good because look I think there's some water down below right there is joust hey don't hurt my horsey ow and oh Jeff's got that kicking so nice oh crap wait and that should do the track Travelers come to collector reward never mind we were too late of course it's Matt and Megan again with the truffles these guys are stingy too they keep trying to go truffle hunting around the world well I guess I could talk to Beetle what's our total net worth from uh the minerals well it looks pretty rich uh two diamonds that's a bunch okay nearing six thousand 240. okay 6800 were a little more than two-thirds of the way there we need ten thousand for the fountain I will spend a little money on Arrow so we're critically low okay this way we go to a column oh you're doing it to themselves I swear you call us did it all off the head I'm waiting for this one have to observe the Calamity of the Hylian military with this guy my strike get him good oh yeah nice stealthstrike failed oh well he's really adamant okay didn't even turn around you can die yes look it's a tarnish Knight you know the story behind that castle there unfortunately was our last bash team do you call us that it all ruins the Army had no royalty to lead them they fell back to the Citadel to make their last stand the real sense the kingdom of Hyrule met its Doom here so it's only fitting that we have to avenge us the rule was properly ranked up to uh hold that title it cleared out with high status the place is just like so obvious it's it's really cool though but uh sad but in the meantime over here we go oh nice one I'll help with that back and forth oh some will that happen hey I don't tolerate that no death Keo no jail slander and final one for you goodbye but not more than you can chew it's chibi again from like the top area so naturally more Monster extract if only horse armor actually worked as horse armor in this game because it's just totally aesthetic like but well it looks cool and joust wears it well yeah 40 likes in defense he makes up four into strength nice stop that regen for me nice job oh and a good jump too keep hitting him it's okay you got this nice actually got uh back and forth my fellow Soldier nice okay good take team what shape he's been really stepping it up very proud of you because uh that is the last uh straight Traveler no reward okay heroism has his own reward so it does check out because with that that means all 21 straight traveler packs in the world are now uh cleared got the horse armor last thing is just maxing this out which we're close to doing we just got a ride to the final Fountain just over here just have to keep on with it okay get the shrine fairy fountains down there not gonna bother trying to go to it until we get the funds though so is there something else we can do in the meantime uh I think maybe our best bet is at least getting the final parts that we could use and in the process get money and out of everything that we need uh I would say for sure a couple more lateral kills and we have more than enough weapons and boats to do that so let's do it and then the process we'll get the rest of the money first one should be maybe the plateau guy this guy's got midi weapons look for the challenge okay there we go get on him broadsor will be good I don't have a good attack up do I I know it's not super good um nice damn it oh ouch no how many ferries do we have left none oh no I think the molduga for that one yep I shouldn't have checked if I had a fairy left because I choked it okay plan B we go back when we're actually prepared how about that how do we get actually prepared maybe getting a better Soldier weapon there was a master mode trust I'm not sure if we got it uh we could possibly get a soldier weapon with an attacker modifier oh you know we came over here but we didn't get this okay but in this chest will be so I'll just play more with attack up yes I I'm so surprised we forgot about it earlier this could literally be our Lionel Slayer okay this will make the Lionel stuff way faster now can't forget that one hit him yeah gel's doing his work what have you got you know they're more expensive but they're still cheap there we go buy that so let's quickly warp to the Jungle actually get some bananas bananas there we go three bananas Three Bananas another three there we go nice banana Orchard I guess this is a side quest take that off yeah no lightning rod yeah no more lightning striking the stable it was a metal axle we took it off rubber Helm we can't uh use that obviously you can sell it for 600 that's actually really good a nice Step Up more money in the account 26 bananas oh yeah let's also do some Endura stuff more bananas nice all right now with our more powerful stuff and a lot of attack food let us go refight that Lionel and make much quicker work of them easily [Music] boom get him bought them three-man attack buff all we need much better sword now wall of them oh yes okay compare the shock away feel more confident about that it's already going a lot faster [Music] The Soldier's been ranking up more just needs his last Trophies the trophies at the Lionel to prove his 90 worth they say nighty yeah I deserve that no no cheater I wasn't about to have that sorry [Music] yes okay it's okay just gotta do it this could be it I think this is that five more heads two three four yes there we go okay Plaza Lionel data he's a powerful guy though okay you're my stuff bomb Arrow's too nice okay plenty of those I believe it's six that we need I think it's six got six hoofs so they have three more lionels let's take this attack off to the next final because we have some duration yep the Traveler's back that's okay we're not saving you a second time everybody gets one look at this guy joust it's not a horseback battle there we go good line it up I can finish them off fire attack good well this is actually really good I'm getting my confidence back this is so well going oh yes the Perry worked I was really counting on that one okay get him first before he pops out his bow nice yes okay defeated another Lionel this could be our fourth cut yes and the parts of course plenty of Parts a lot of horns we actually do need more hoofs uh we'll get them it is sometimes they don't drop very well two Relentless we can do it yeah okay it's a sword one we got this come on bring It you think you are threatened but you're not because with a healthy diet anything's possible get um [Music] damn it last shield no they're breaking through these like butter there we go I'm just gonna pack them with the Broad Sword screw it a little bit of faster damage kill them fast we had the weapons to spare it's not a problem we're advancing tonight soon so perfect break it on him I don't care we're doing great spirited slow damage output you can do the spear we're leaving Neil really showing its uh its age here [Music] come on no come on I don't even see a health bar anymore yes barely damaged and we got him and we get the guts there we go okay second of the last gut but also why didn't we get any hoofs we still need two more hoofs so let's hope the next one drops it fire arrow Idols don't drop boofs but seriously that's such a weird thing I guess the drop to the drop table interferes but headshot please yes okay he's fired out of here get cooked Lionel and that is our guts and one final hoof which means that we don't have enough Lionel hoofs because these guys have not been dropping a lot I have to find another lion well I guess on the positive side we can fight uh week one right damn it no value okay I'm just gonna use the swap it regularly too break them down eventually so low now so close come on crack it at him oh arrows come on yes fire arrow for the win we did it again first the last of our soldier's stuff just about Ed there's our last hoof and the rest I knew we needed that last tooth and that was all that was important and of course we got three hoofs at time like it's always after we don't need it anymore we get tons of extras money-wise still need 3 000 more but we could sell some of these loose Parts because we have a lot of them let's go to the stable and do it oh yeah selling now I wonder we're gonna experiment first pack on your back okay how much does a high nox or toenail sell for 20 and a tooth is 35. now I want to see how elixirs increase the cell value here I think we can make some yeah we have parts for that let's do three toenails and uh or maybe four and then just like uh a lizard yeah okay let's see how we can milk out this stuff so yeah 20 a piece and we get 2 30. yes okay it is more exponential the more you have uh as ingredients and that's kind of like a multiplier to the cell value 230 that does milk it out quite a bit so let's make some more elixirs or Foods let's do four high nox teeth and a lizard t35 and 400. wow yeah that's the that's a big multiplier okay 7700 okay yeah always sell your monster parts and just unwanted stuff like this it's very helpful let's do four little horns because we don't need those a butterfly yeah so 40 is a little better than the high knock stuff we could sell it for 460. whoo okay 1400 left um you're not gonna worry about selling the bits and parts here wait we need more bugs to cook with first actually good thing about Beetle uh we just filed his books to cook with 50 rupees we'll make this investment back see this is what we call a business expense spend 50 rupees for five bugs we take one of those bugs and mix it with some nice horns and just like that we turned like 400 rupee profit let's go again 460. we're gonna be massively made it back 2 30. 320 460. and just like that another 460 already crossed 10 000 and we are set here we go wow we know how to gain the system that makes up for our low paying job okay let's go check out that fairy fountain and see uh how good we are then final Ferry 10 000 rupees we got it heading over a nice sub adventuring fees well I guess we'll see it's the Moment of Truth well all right uh start with the most basic can finish off the Greaves now we have just three more wobble guts [Music] Silver's griefs we have the guts do we have the Tails we're one tail short I knew we were short something crap uh nowhere to call it this was off of us we can do this oh yeah jump on here for sure [Music] okay please tail yes the tail we got it okay awesome wait I'm actually gonna add this chest really quick there's there's an important item I just realized whoop long throws yucky though no um I will never take long throw oh better better it'll be good to have another night's broadsword for uh the night stuff been sitting into this inventory very patiently uh let's do it and hands away perfectly enough we got to be decked out for this just maxed there we go and now the final tier the Lionel tier two guts two hoofs per piece but a ten increase gonna be the ultimate tank here 28th there we go too bad there's no step on this it's okay it's worth it for the Valor there it is wow fully maxed out silver sets which now makes us an official Knights of Hyrule yes with 84 defense yep we're not going down we can easily avenge The Citadel and the cannon and take it all on but first we need to look the parts and only way to do so is by obtaining the mark of a knight and to do so we must take our final parade as a soldier into hetano Village because there's one thing waiting for us there to really Elevate our game from Soldier tonight there it is come on joust let us take this all the way home to worry first became officially recognized as a knight [Music] all the way to the die shop this color works well for being a soldier but for being a knight [Music] black there it is the mark of a knight I'm gonna die the sets with the lionels that we killed earlier just to truly show that uh those are trophies in our journey to eventually obtain this it's okay like you got this been through worse just like that we are now a knight of Hyrule and that looks awesome I love the Seth died block so much so long to the soldier stuff now we're advancing to just Pier and nightly there it is we look awesome oh my God we perfectly match joust now we can just get the rest of our weapons charge an adventure set it all and then the big boss Cannon right at the end okay let's complete the night look with full gear Knight shield durability up nice and oh my God perfect that is the perfect piece of back gear for this look all right so now we are ready it has a full night to charge onto the Citadel take it on an Avenge the military we can go back here sure a little silly lizzle no more match we will get a night's bow with durability which is always going to be helpful yeah Master mode platforms just always had those modifiers so luckily for the night stuff there's actually a lot of knights equipment on masterable platforms that we can get through but also this guy over here he's a nice Shield salesman both Soldier and Knight he was collecting no military discount here just uh my entire wallet a good thing my pockets were lined earlier another Shield more pairing okay these moblins preluding the acid at all with night weapons yeah how about you come a little closer make it easy for me yep that's one and two take it all just some nice freebies and very powerful stuff with that we got two Shields Two bows and a decent selection of weapons to start with I will take that because there's gonna be a lot more to come alas it is time to avenge the military as the last lone night we worked our way into this title but I'm sure we can now do it clear out the sit at all and their first Contender is the Goblin you just let him crash yeah oh you left okay bye to you no it's going there's gonna be a lot of skywatchers too yep nice okay perfect whoa one and we got him right in the a okay and that's two okay perfect oh okay stop a little region oh not my Knight shield I just got you okay there we go and finisher okay oh down to Shield already I didn't want that it's gonna be tricky but this Knight's already taking down Guardians [Music] spin them around yeah just like that and off the ledge you go instant death we do a little stealth now there we go keep it up and burn the fire yeah wait yeah the fire shot that's what's finishing nice who's the next here oh silver that's how you want to be huh draw and I'll let you go okay we're chasing you down we're not satisfied until this is cleared charge and a couple hits okay oh the next one get to Perry range oh not Perry range there we go now I'm on your level oh he's not on mine uh wait wait wait yes sideways Perry we got it oh back off there we go keep hitting him doesn't do much damage damn it stop getting so high I can't pair you like that there we go and perfect okay another Sky Watcher down two more to go skywatchers really are the hardest Guardians and another already let's get a little higher up not too high up like that skywatcher what huh it doesn't even hit the eye so annoying oh that's two I'm finishing what no way cheater [Music] why there we go come on get him somewhat close we're finishing them off like this I don't care just die skywatcher nope get him Arrow melts this is why the soldiers lost we can't even take down these guys die okay man that was not good okay keep yelling at the dead Guardian sure do your thing just in case last stealth buff what huh oh my God they hear me that doesn't even make any sense okay yeah I don't know you know throw your marble again or the Goblin right here is good oh yeah okay that work not quite ah [Music] you have to do it come on roll off huge damage [Music] almost dead and he teleported away I have weapons but I can't chew up every single one not yet but first i'm gonna deal with you last skywatcher nice that didn't even work oh he shot through the wall I guess now get him yes oh that was perfect okay and again a what zero damage again it wasn't even a head it's unfair stop yep all these perfect ferries in a row doing nothing oh oh wow I guess it's our fault yes a lot of damage too finally he's playing Fair [Music] and okay fine two good parries that's all I need die for good please okay sorry not having any more just I don't care wait why am I attacking a guardian with bomb arrows that's not a good idea they're not weak to bombs what we hit him and it did what we hit him twice and didn't count for damage oh my God that is nauseating officially vote Guardian Sky Watchers as the worst enemy to fight normally this is why we usually ain't General I'm never doing that again wants a piece of me huh bye-bye there we go fall off nice the idiot he is and goodbye nice okay had enough games with the sky Watchers too bad all his Guardian Friends Are Dead now we can do it good again [Music] and yeah goodbye to you two more have at it okay and a diamond I'm gonna keep going up the last few enemies up here kala Tower and all right Knight versus enemy Knight and cracked [Music] let's give him hell beat down whatever happens happens stun lock this guy hit him more accounts oh make him fluff anything goes here but goblin the vocal brawl is done shield and sword again and so long deal [Music] easy and again nice okay making short work of the Silvers also good work of this room oh acorns more importantly the secrets of the said it all trust the room something we can still use it was my buddy's room in the past we'll put these arrows to good use get the walleye corn no more to you there we go last silver Boko here clear him out come on Avengers set it all ice arrows too bomb arrows nice gentle drop no it's gonna be a fight we can do it hey how about you go on the Fire or that too spin to win this guy because we are winning yes less picaplin dead that makes only one more enemy left in the set at all no not by this battery I wish I could use a battery but these cannons are pretty out of commission the last hidden protector of the set at all no other than you Bring It On Guardian come on said it all must be Avenged no and come on bottom Parry no unfair we got you this time yes all done every enemy and they said it all cleared and it now Avenged let's reclaim the victory hang the plague on top at the tower the battle for color was never over it was just prolonged kill the stamina okay up here the flag is being raised and of course the battle against kalas now won the knife has reclaimed and said it all so it's stolen ruins that's fine it's a moral victory for us most of all last objective is the source of the Calamity itself which we're low on weapons to do it but we can take one more stop around the world to get everything we need and uh and take on all the ganons all four blights and Calamity but first indeed there is weapons around even just here of course these guys would have it right outside the sit at all was he going to shoot me from there uh-uh your weapons are not earned Bo please Knight's bow yes the next one just below here well since jealous is in the air we can make good friends with uh our local animals you eat drumsticks right there you are provided by joust himself yeah puppy that's some more we have plenty yeah it's good stuff chicken wing hmm they have a reward for me I know I know you do there you go puppy chow I think he still requires more hey eat the meat I know it makes you happy he's scamming me right now but I know a chest appears when I feed you enough okay please eat it this is all the meat I have I gave you like eight pieces oh there we go he needed all to meet at my inventory and wait look at that aha the chest is here you really wanted it all he took the eight piece bucket but we get a nice Claymore so that's what he was hoarding well there's actually a lot more good ones we can get especially the uh the modified ones there's even a lot of those around just even the gray Plateau itself now we can finally get what's over here freeze for all I care or maybe not do we have cold stuff ooh spicy Meats too we do just down there and these nice steps down for this chest oh nice Claymore attack up seven that's gonna be our power weapon here good stuff next one's going to be off the gray Plateau tower now only the best stuff for Ganon and his ancillaries and yep you guys are guarding it but we can no no [Music] literally breakdowned off I couldn't bear that hey look we don't have enough to make it up be that way burn again we'll live oh and put there's the chest let the grass on fire where'd it go did it burn up fully oh right there oh it has durability up okay uh yeah I'll take that modifier the goal is to get mostly modified stuff I'll take anything I'm not gonna worry about re-rolling should be just over here which platform I don't know oh it's that one you messed up I thought being too close would make the bow be past me just whatever uh excuses and take that not the same mistake again oh he sees me long throw [Music] you what I think a long throw yucky okay re-roll whoosh okay durability hellbird I'll take it it's at least something oh wow that would have been a death that platform we can do this easily burn them all I wonder if it's gonna fall right nope that's okay we got him hope it's the long throw and oh wait no there's actually a really good one I didn't realize the attack on modifier is good for the hellbirds attack a plus 10. it's almost a double damage spear okay we're definitely keeping this oh that's a power weapon oh that is not over here it's another mastermo platform you still can't see me blind idiots [Music] I'll take a durability bow uh as long as they're durable I care about that because we use these as region Stoppers a lot so in that way I kind of prefer the durability oh there we go that's what we need protect it quite well though we got a foot soldier coming up on me uh oh any lost Focus strongest blue bookable moment nice there we go durability up we'll take it nearing full and Slots actually a lot of good stuff even modified stuff uh our next final stop before the castle wash should just be well the jungle for more attack food that fire arrow with plenty of arrows morning oh and there we go now the dragon has spawned we hit the horn yes the shocks the initio I for an eye there we go don't hit me again please awesome just over here this is Sharda ferocious horn we combine that with an attack boosting male and it becomes a 30 minute one so much better than just farming a billion bananas to get a three minute attack boost well let's cook all that stuff that we got now plop it all in 30 minute attack boost so that should be plenty but just in case so it never runs out after all it's four blights and uh again in all Max health yes okay plus 20 yeah it is Tinky but uh so will they be because there's gonna be in total 16 000 Health to hit through between the four blights which each of two thousand and Calamity Ganon who will have eight thousand and on top of that regen so that'll suck but I think we're pretty good now Shield's almost full Bo's almost full and weapons full but there is just a couple more things we actually can't NAB just on the way too one of which just being uh what kind of down here oh I see that chest I need some sort of machine I am a machine reward let's take it it'll be ours that's broadsword but this is where I have to swap stuff for better things uh so this sword is lowered now because we've been using it so we will drop it for a fresh one oh what is it startled by the sword above me or the chest love these NPCs and yeah we can do that to replace it with better stuff but okay now I'm just charging the castle and a few weapons around it but then taking on Cannon all right joust you're ready for this it's been a very great run been helping tons of people around the world helping ourselves we did a lot of stuff ranked up to Knights here Avengers Citadel with our night stuff and now Avenge the world against the malice this just looks too awesome too I will always appreciate this me and joust on the joust luckily we're in Prime night territory now there's gonna be some Lutheran I think our first one's in here another night's Shield this sounds right get inside stay safe try to shoot that chest for me huh well bomb arrows are good okay joust get to get out of the way okay Charles get on go no the jump Dodge night Style agile even in this armor the knights are known for many failures but it's the victory that truly counts close to the gate now a lot of Fallen Soldiers which also means the loot's gotta be here aha I see you fall Nights made its last stand [Music] that's a cool one okay anything that's damaged we have a damage Claymore so I will drop that for a fresh one we need it all fresh loot too we pick up after our fallen comrades but the last and not least one right where lone Knights made his final stand he leaves his gear sword and shield which we just actually may need the sword this one's damaged even if there's that modifier you know there's a damaged dust spear all fresh weapons now all glowing a lot of variety broad swords Claymores hell breads even modified stuff I think this is more than enough now to take on the finale it's good stuff a lot of stuff but reminder between the blights and Ganon sixteen thousand dollars to hit through so we will need everything to prevail we may be loned but we got the numbers now all these weapons you're definitely a lot more bows than we have uh arrows for but screw it reach the gates charge our soldiers rage sorry I have the mindset of a knight right now here it is get out of here fast yes okay very good our agility increase with our rank avoid that for a bit of course there's gonna be malice damn it uh is there miles up there there is sorry Tatum a bet there we go now make it work everything we got and then another yes okay perfect that worked very well the final one right at the end and just a little one yes glaze mushrooms always do the truck well it gets us up very high maybe another wind Bob look at that and that and boom yes oh wow that was really good lazy was coming for me too stupid Guardian pesk off Perry practice nice keep on going up go yes we're already there we're too vigilant for this oh now we gotta charge block him another Sky watcher not a problem today oh where my arrows don't land my moving skills though all right The Souls of the Fallen comrades are with us the sword in hand bow Shield and chugging our first attack buff let's bring it on blights who's our first contender pathetic blight they all will be let's start with a very fun attack but won't be parries aha just one fuel damage but I'll still take it more yes got him oh Arrow hits and beat down come on 2010 thrip through but tons of weapons now just don't Regen wow there we go again perfect headshots three in a row flicking up only so much we can take though more okay almost half off the pillar like that and just one headshot ended early yes okay night slam uh oh nothing ah wind tornadoes okay fire arrows are fine again nice perfect dead shots before we failed into skywatchers earlier this flying Ganon bow is a lot easier almost breaking this first sword at him oh come on [Music] yes okay oh a media Perry wow Point Blank no match there we go no I don't risk my Shield breaking only got four Shields though come on spear him down we got this dark sphere of Justice now there we go and one come on or two with us yes nothing you can do against me wind blight dead next Contender is spear blight sure yeah we'll start with that it's a nice barrage spear versus spear going yep good damage already [Music] oh that yes Perry back no spear for me only spear for you come on pathetic little peasants [Music] there we go keyboard up like that okay getting some good parries in there uh it's free damage don't take up any durability oh oh instantly very good it's really Gannon I'm worried about yeah what's that gonna do not even with the spear there we go so getting to our level there we go nice jump shots get the arm yeah wait come on yes heck down the arm come on hitbox it worked once and oh close enough nah I don't want to play games work your eyes fire blight pushover blight come on we lost 19 times this run let me win once there we go more like fob light one two good yeah okay don't mess it up oh yeah sure the real fight doesn't even start till thunderblight though that's like the actual good precursor to calamity [Music] go and again these jump shots are nice first ball breaking oh a lot of things are breaking right now but let it break they earn their retirement so great damage okay there we go and so long fight oh I never saw the corrupted solo wait oh don't fire me fire you fire versus fire blight not even a natural counter okay here's the tricky part we got metal stuff okay there we go perfect now with the broadsword [Music] and very good flurries really getting down yep nice Spin Attack Break The Shield no business just death business nope headshot oh he's on the stairs hope to Tumble down falling down the stairs that's a mood oh and the shield I fall into the stairs like every month that's not a joke uh I'm clumsy don't die now yeah literally I'm okay get him quick perfect right back down yep I don't care it's badly damaged ah yeah wow he is the hell Thunder [Music] ow no I'm just trying to get my weapons back holy crap all my hearts there we go okay well we're back to where we started there um not good but it's okay quick volleys to get him back down in health yep don't shock your gun I don't care that does good I don't like the shocks at all and in the eye eye please yes okay finish them off we can't have any funny lightning business yes and in the back nice oh we just wrecked his back you'll need a chiropractor all four blights that's only half the health we need to hit through those eight thousand Health another 8 000 coming up with Calamity Ganon we still have more than half our weapons left though okay let's do this Knight versus Ganon and Dodge yes okay we got plenty make account with some two edits though gotta start to use these all chip damage okay two hits yep okay okay first phase is gonna be easier it's the second phase I really worry about thank you very good start though we can keep doing it okay hit him twice please nice oh no that's us no I don't like this one hit him down we got some damage preemptive strike damn it he's gonna reach out at all no hit him please we didn't hit him aha bad Ganon that was not good there we go uh don't hit the fire though we didn't hit the fire very good cracking on him nice okay this could be a war of attrition if you rejects too much though oh spider Gans fast yep and hit him back that's pretty good damage free damage regen stunts we got this oh never mind got him [Music] I'm still so nervous this fight is going too slow nice good damage keep breaking him down to hit there not in the wall good fit there and there we go okay which we need at almost halfway come on somebody good multi hits this is so good though badly damaged okay this can break them halfway yes halfway okay no this is where it turns to regen City though It All Leads to this okay um yeah as you can see stuff's broken in a bit there we go more hits ah no we can do all right yep keep going I hate the wall though [Music] back at okay barely Regen again keep going for it yep multi-hit right there [Music] fine fine no wall no wall good okay we're gonna do a higher damage one I don't mind alternating just gotta see some higher numbers in there come on yes okay parable this requires perfect timing mistakes mean everything we can't make them very good almost Flawless for this first half of the hard section okay no actually very Flawless actually we didn't mess up anything yet we're trained more trained than any other run oh come on one more hit come on yep we hit him through God nice good always use them multi-hit okay please yes okay who's been nearly flawless I am so surprised everything's paying off you can't jinx it though it's too late for that yes the spirit didn't get its revenge okay yes okay overpowered one now time for overpowered spear I'm gonna go for it the Spear of Justice once again yes come on keep going this is incredible this is what proper training does get us ready come on that is so close you can't tell me we're not gonna get this oh come on no that was that was that was not good this is good though come on no I'm joking not anymore come on we got this slime down uh get rid of the regen health one more second you get back here do an attack no it didn't just do the cancel it didn't just do the cancel on me the most buggy attack crap oh my God that is not good that is too far from good come on foreign that one doesn't work it doesn't work in a second phase ever that did though hit him yes crack okay what do we got uh not too many weapons okay spear volley this can really get him down quite a decent bet there we go now we got the Claymore slams yes okay he was almost back where he was oh no way we botched that really not this one though okay cup did for this again at the last nature of Health wait the break actually did it I thought there's going to be another go we did it oh my God the critical saved us the sword breaking wow literally all of our past fallen soldiers and their weapons it took so many Ganon was really giving a result the end but we got him in the past he killed an entire Army but he left one behind and that was his biggest mistake the Knight showed his Valor up until the very end and Hyrule is now a much safer place because of it thank you all so much for watching this run of breath Wilde we're approaching a new era soon with this game sequel which will greatly expand the Horizon of Adventures to share with you all on the channel I'm very excited for everything feel free to leave a like And subscribe for much more to come and I will see you all next time goodbye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Croton
Views: 1,000,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda, Breath of the Wild, Stats, Shield, Damage, Bow, Lynel, Tips, Tricks, Help, Botw, Botw 2, Sequel, Level up, XP, Cooking, ancient, guardian, stasis, combat, run, special run, challenge, challenge run, amiibo, bokoblin, horse, gameplay, pointcrow, smallant, sheikah, stealth, Link, Guardian, Ancient, Scout, Sheikah, Tech, technology, Breath of the Wild using only, Royal Guard, Zelda challenge, halloween, Point Crow, Themed run, Tears of the Kingdom, Skeleton, Glow in the Dark, Radiant, TotK, Ganondorf, Green Magic
Id: 0XZoqeEvcPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 34sec (7054 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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