Can you BEAT Breath of the Wild using ONLY Sheikah Gear??

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the sheikah of hyrule are one of my all-time favorite groups in the game boasting a wide variety of sleek and tactical weapons to match your stealthy nature but just by using only their weapons and gear and excluding all their counterparts is it possible to then beat breath of the wild the rules of the run are simple one all divine beasts and the finale must be completed two only traditional shika weapons and gear can be equipped so none of their fancy technological stuff three the enemy eager hideout must be completely wiped out not just pass through and four forced mandatory items such as the gerudo set and zora armor are still okay when required as the quest will be literally impossible to clear without considering that this run is on master mode and chica weapons come very far and few in the world we're really gonna have to plan our tactics conservatively to ensure our victory over all obstacles and bosses so sticking to this style should all be rather interesting but without further delay here is my very first chica only run all right we cleared the plateau now it's time to get some gear we'll have to keep going east a bit any of the materials will be helpful for uh getting the chic armor and upgrading it oh okay those rocks always want to kill me we must be very very close yes we did it got the guard awesome opal and the arrows too might as well get it and yeah all that stuff there is a force it's the force right over there has a lot of good uh silent shrooms in it it's actually the best place in the world to farm them out oh reverse snails we need these for the chica to upgrade them get uh all these fireflies here silence rooms yes this forest has a ton another one firefly these iron jewels will be super nice too blue we missed it's okay bombs aren't very helpful for that bird bonk wait we can't miss we keep messing with the bombs yeah that was a pretty good hull uh seven challenge rooms 22 of those iron shrooms we got a lot more uh just some other random stuff no goats he's about to charge me there meat i know that i think of it um when the sheikah weapons is here i'm pretty sure i think it's the shield there's a sheikah shield he has it he's dancing with it that's mine that's mine buddy don't get too excited it blew up the chica no and it died i just won my chica chica shield ah this is gonna be the hard part because we have no weapons and we know it is stealth or anything he sees me yep no he blew his horn oh no ah i just want a shield it's that guard like if that guard didn't see me this would be so much easier oh i hate that lunge attack oh there's one thing we can do come on no ah it's not big enough i need a bigger crate a bigger crate yes a bigger crate this is not going to end well for them yes what's really nice about this crate is when you smack it infinite damage oh wait you know you can't get hit you can't get hit though that's part of it okay okay okay just like that okay black bokoblins this should be easy bonk oh got him come here come out come here for goblin going to throw rocks at me be crafty huh i'm the crafty one here come on a little closer bye bye we shield yes the shield oh no not the fox we got the shield yes oh our first chica weapon [Music] yes oh that's a bulk of horse i'm sorry horace i don't know what he did to you oh wow wow ah i want the horse come on make my day whoa my day is made horse yes i like this horse it's a cow horse yes don't attack me i want the chest not here for you i dropped in the water please spare me yes oh that was so close come on get the chest yes serpentine spear okay good let's run oh my god those are one shot arrows by the way these are all one shots i don't i don't want to die yet thank you for the arrows though okay we're good let's go stable now we can register it cow horse yes stealth is not going to be easy stealth yep we don't have shika armor yet give me a shield yes oh my god plus 13 off guard it has 29 that's really good i forgot that there's a lot of silence rooms over here too on top of this waterfall wow that's really nice and secret stash [Music] amber sapphire another sapphire wow ruby in that one yeah i forgot about this room this is really good hello buck hello stallocks bones hello bloopy run you over you can run over a bloopy for rupees what oh sorry i feel i feel bad for you but not just total roadkill right there wow double prompt yes ah help me ah well you know what i'm digging this no okay we made it safely one thing that's important is we need to get jesus maracas so we gotta take care of all of those one good bomb roll can do a lot they're gonna see me pass the street oh yeah okay yes that one fell off okay perfect oh there's an easy one and you my friend oh no oh oh uh nobody's close though yes bye bye sheikah bombing run woo bye-bye oh he's down oh he sees me though almost there nope put the bomb yes we got it he's down we can get the maracas maracas now i want the front expo that's important then we'll have a bow a weapon and a shield because it's it's that's the front boat trust right there oh come on trying to get the chest all right bo yes attack of 14 oh my god that's really good went from 10 to 24 more than doubled um shield slots we could still get some because there isn't too many mine's eye shields so we got a weapon slot and a bow slot okay let's go in all right [ __ ] rico village we're here we are now home i would like to join your kind officially with armor i'm sorry naked man just strolling through first i got to sell her some stuff i want to sell yes a lot to sell 300 rupees for the amber okay there we go another 300 there sapphires are quite a bit oh we almost have enough for uh the armor just by selling our oars we need more though right make some elixirs to sell all right that's 190 okay whoo 2 000 rupees let's go now we can buy it chess piece tights and mask literally perfect oh my god we can wear it wow okay we finally have the set the outfit the weapon the bow the shield like this looks so cool we're gonna upgrade the armor through the shrine get the chica weapons around here and then we'll go to the racetrack and nintendo because that's where like most of the lucique weapons are let's learn the sheikah tactics with even more chica weapons awesome another shield okay extra smooth i wonder if a quick spin will work for this one it does okay it does work that's cool on the top of there there's a blade we can get look at that though that just looks epic like wow what a scenic view eight full blade i will be taking that froggy thank you yes lots of nice shade perfect and this is why i need that shades to upgrade the shake armor it's enhanced yes three night shades apiece we can do that yes and another all right it's all upgraded we went from 6 defense to 12. oh sorry sword kill on car i know so yep there it is so that shrine right by him is uh luzofos with an eightfold longblade i believe you're the one i'm after don't worry this will be quick [Music] oh wait no he's gonna keep going there we go it's slippery do a couple hits stealth strike chain okay not bad we can't mess up a single one though quite a bit yes we got it okay perfect eight foot long blade 32 damage okay and some good loot wow that's quite a lot this is really good okay this is like one of the coolest looking ones if not the coolest like wow the nice thing about it is that look at that charge like that's just a badass charge i love that interrupted by qriket all right so there's the camp guy has a frontic boat on there is that you do you have my friendly bow what bow is it's looking mighty cool uh uh uh oops okay we gotta make it up happy we have the stealth stuff uh i'm alerted hear their horns oh no that's a lot of bombs run fronting boats one refrigerator give me the furniture no give me being my shield yes no okay we're good frederick bow yes that's up to this armor though it uh really take that one hit gotta make a night time wait one enemy has a spear one that enemies has mine's eye shield and then there's the chest with an eight-fold long blade oh they both fall asleep okay awesome thank you for the spear no need to kill ya he just kind of gave it to me there's a shield oh my god stealth is helpful pacifist stealth hello moblin he doesn't see me okay good i just want the loot that's all i'm after okay what is it long okay we're gonna reroll this one i don't need durability i need attack up long throw is what i think along for weapons yeah oh see these suck they're just bad let's see yes okay eight foot long blade attack up plus ten which isn't bad i mean i'll take a plus ten over anything else uh but that'll help a lot especially for like stealth strikes and whatnot yes this is the final guy i want to get your moblin bop wait he dropped the spear i wasted a few that's okay we got it awesome all right we have a lot of stuff we really stocked up okay so as you've noticed we've been getting a lot of chic weapons in this playthrough so far but if you're wondering how i know where to find them all i have a map made specifically for this run that details the location of every traditional item along with the details on which ones respond with blood moons and which ones are dlc exclusive so if you would like to attempt this run for yourself or perhaps just want to know where some of the cool shika gear is i suggest screenshoting this image or downloading it in the description i really hope this all helps i think we're good to finally take on our first divine beast let's do it nope oh you can't take ourselves may can you that's what i thought i was like wait a second and yeah more hearty food we're good it's all worth it so we're not getting hit i have no idea how i was really hoping for shotguns around here oh radish okay get him okay didn't want that to be an issue oh wait it's still going to be an issue ah nope no no no okay he's a bad shot electric arrows okay one two three four oh that's not four that's the silence room for me twenty uh five five [Music] six money we do have a stealth set but we're not stealthing it's okay oh wow okay just barely missing me trying to get the arrows uh oh not nope i'm dead you pull out the bow okay now we're good right oh teleporting vinyl ah you teleported to me no ah oh and he's gonna fall okay we're done barry 11. we're halfway there it's on the tree i need no cut it down i don't think he can there's an arrow i want it's fine be that way we're doing good ah what are we at 16. we can get the rest of the top to be honest i got lucky there i got lucky quit quit with the boat okay the drums are helping he's still being hunted this is non-game play well only wasted two fairies oops okay right there and then we got this death from above got it okay let's go let's do this quickly square bomb i heard you back there you can't fool me that was really sudden don't know how i did that one honestly i felt that beam coming towards me you're the one with the weapons i'm i'm gonna pass with you personally don't remember the pain of water blight in my amiibo run i do oh my god just everything in that run was so much fun though we are in the boss room let's save up let's defeat water blade let's do it okay i'm ready i think whoo oh wow true off is so far fast early flurry we got it you're no match for the power of the sheikah smack okay got him as you can see the durable is gonna be chewed up a lot though so fear we go got him get a few hits then wow let me get so many yeah okay gotta cancel the regen got it cronus using all different rooms at different times ah and that one goes straight at them [Music] oh we missed no it's disappointing okay we're good though badly damaged it's okay oh that's a lot ah no okay okay stop the regen [Music] there we go ah okay didn't want to change that laser it's full blade a couple more hits so close come on get him oh wow he just want to teleport out we got him yes first try too that's uh that's a first it really is so basically yeah we're just gonna take this left run and we're gonna go straight to the fairy fallen that's gonna be like the hardest thing like throughout the beginning phases around it's gonna be pretty easy but like near the end like the final bite will have a lot of health and then climbing again it's gonna like a lot let's go to the fairy fountain food thingies uh there's always silent princesses and dura carrots that these these will be helpful for stamina stuff yes here you go okay let's upgrade some armor stealth chest we'll do that looks like we don't have enough nightshade for the rest okay nice upgrade two points i'll take it where are there more nightshades i feel like they should be a bit more common i just got unlucky to be honest oh look at us some more all right okay so now we'll do uh the chic amiibo feel like that's fitting for um chica run so let's do it there we go see what we get a full blade okay yeah that actually does help us out a lot um so thank you i will be taking that okay has to get some more slots do shield stash for one because yeah we're already full and i think we may be getting another shield i don't know just in case all right there we go two full rows and another four 11 slots so that'll be pretty good for later hey buddy i'm over here that's the one and the two whoa okay let's go a lot of gears oh my god i instantly shielded that arrow thank you for the free arrow too oh another free arrow you're so kind ouch okay you're getting it ah come on he got kicked off anyways ah whoa okay he didn't distract me that much we still got it thank you loose parts that is a blood moon okay one at the two okay yes and blood moon okay well quickly get it before it responds core awesome up no just hit everything aside oh and he's back okay curse of the blood moon i'm playing chicken right now ah chicken i'm in chicken mode okay we got him yes that was good i still bested you even in the rematch ah come on that wasn't a fair fight taking the cleanse like a pretty big gold the chica so that'll be fun to do savannah boris next oh nice that backfired whatever was on there is definitely not on there anymore as we can see keep going this way i love our chica weapons like this can't be beat right now i love the way he looks let's go whoa you clan here we come we could get some melons along the way i see some others are going to slowly die of heat exhaustion you know what this beats running i'll take it it's not damaging our shield so that's good oh melons yay oh more boulders it's always these guys that get me not this time though coming for you you go there you are okay and there's a whole bunch okay this is where we run like a maniac yup just sprinting they're all so close let's get in all right hideout with the floating arrow oh went away oh all right eaga time to meet your match one shot there we go and three bananas feel like that's worth it got em number two that guy first don't see me out of the air though oh no well that's not good okay that was a fail i shouldn't have just paraglided i did not expect to be detected let's try this again one there we go get the bananas later as long as we get one then i feel a bit more confident about everything like he's walking that way there we go three where's that guy but we gotta distract that other guy that's gonna be the hardest part right there yeah he always turns like wildly they just hear you right at the end that's the scariest part always i know i've killed them all before but not like stealth kill what no i accidentally jumped up ah it feels like i'm cheating if i'm reloading to save i feel like i need to just die honorably yeah i might just do the banana method instead the bomb works easier okay yeah the destruction's a lot better so kill the guys that are like here first this will be easy there we go i can slow down right before we do that nope you didn't see me oh oh boy oh boy oh boy okay we're good bye bye perfect okay okay uh we got to pull this off in such a way if we break that banana one and drop a banana here simultaneously get him that actually worked yes oh my god ah my heart was frozen for a second there whew we did it yes oh my god oh that was a lot i've literally never tried uh killing them all before like that we just can't mess it up at the end bye bye all gone yes that was awesome oh okay that was good it was really good okay now koga right after this bananas now we take it all thank you funk flap look at this bomb right oh no we can't can't really see it with the fronic and get him oh just barely that was the easy way to finish him off oh my god a little too easy eating no more at least for now thunderhelm it will be returned yeah tower should be this way somewhere i think it's past that cliff there's the tower let's go whoosh oh it gave us a really nice vantage point that's the room there's that little cave right there that's where you want to go there we go nice little hidden room close enough there we go got a little crack and look at that another edge of duality just sitting right there along with all the salutes gold rupee yes bomb arrows opal okay we have a lot of gruder weapons if you want that too like a lot of them which one's lower i can't tell my depth perception is very off what do we have here i know what this is chica weapon i have come to repossess thank you now we have three wheat we can make bread we can make lots of bread wheat salt bread yes let's get this bread bread op okay we got the bomb arrows this is going to be hard with the fronic bows with the zoom because i feel like the zoom will be uh it will do more harm than good to be honest we gotta go for one leg at a time because the region will paint us got him get in there get in there hate this we had no patience we wasted a lot of arrows why it's so ugh we go we just ran right into him it's like a fairy i don't care that was worth it where's the first terminal i always lose my footing in this piece to be honest so seems doable no nope get it i hate that i really hate that ah no let me go it's like a treadmill i need to get up there that works nice here what are you doing open up present for you whoo oh he rejected my gift okay at least work that time i don't know why he went through that effort just there we go make it in the hole please [Music] uh mission accomplished close enough stealth strike he just doesn't see me we'll keep it that way oh my god he really doesn't see me that's kind of funny i love that this is helpful with that oh now he sees me thank you i'll be taking this bye-bye ouch no i need that i need that though wait we can still get it wow we can still get it drop him in yay no he keeps dropping it just stop dropping it put it in the this is frustrating quit kicking it that's what that's how it got off you just literally keep kicking it there we go get them few hits and one more got him okay let's go up hey dude still can't see me there's one way to utilize stealth well oh we gotta yeah can we just okay we can oh please move please thank you one more we got all of them now it's time for thunderblade this is going to be fun okay dodge that ah oh boy oh no this is not good ah come on no even with our fairies okay this is not going well there's gonna be a death oh no oh come on [Music] yeah we need to regain focus on this gotta be strong for the start that was a bad one but i'm going for a rematch and you know what i'm feeling confident i think we can get this gotta go into this fully prepared inventory eight full long blade temporary hearts and attack boost let's go we got this whoa breaking your shield now good way to start this no interrupting your fun [Music] shot right out of this guy okay this is going well it's going really well yeah there we go halfway we got this we're doing really well i'm like mega focused right now okay someone that worked yes work really early trying to get some bombs in there here we go you want to fight dirty so am i oh man okay he's fighting mega dirty immediately pick it back up back in the fight there we go got him i did do all his time we got to finish him off with this [Music] oh wow i hate when he does the parry [Music] okay take that only one hit oh my god whoa he's so fast so close don't mess this up don't mess it up yes we got it thunderblade's gone okay okay that was good you gonna he's gone fun that was an intense one happy it's done go for a little bit more weapon hunting because we're going to need even more because the blights are about to scale so i would like my frankfurt back thank you bye bye okay let's get these guys mine's eye shield i'll take that no okay good oh hello i'll just be taking this and bam haha and go around for a second oh oh wow we just perfectly dodged on that tree okay go back to bed night night bonk there we go okay got him for good whoo there we go like the only area where i remember them being that's close so fireflies where are fireflies i feel like it's a little too yeah it's four am now we're not gonna fire flies but if we go night time we might be able to pick up a couple at least hey chicken oh come on i'm just trying to sleep darn you suck oh also there's a little funny uh i want to say it's an easter egg it's just random but i'm trying to find out where it is yeah if you go under this bridge you will see there's an apple right there i don't know why it's there it's just funny easter egg or whatever but i always like getting because it's kind of abstract yeah bridge apple the legendary and iconic bridge apple the holy apple yes it is amazing there we go now we have the step bonus night speed up it's not night right now just dark out but we'll make us move a little bit faster so help us out right over there look at that it looks so cool though i love that mountain oh just hopped over whatever i guess that was janky oh we got it okay trick shot not really just kind of worked birdies cheap cheap oh what happened there uh i don't know but that's the chest i want oh he sees me weapon yes oh my god attack up 16 66 damage weapon this is gonna be our gannon killing weapon when the time comes i'm excited he just doesn't see me okay oh now he sees me of course wow ah okay a little too close there i love how he's looking up there i don't know he just menacingly flies around i always find that so cool especially right by the tower what a view thousand rupees well we have just barely enough here we go six to nine okay so we just rushed the fight range we can just win bomb over i don't know how we made it between that building i thought we're gonna hit it for sure just smack our head on that we're just gonna cook all five just for a long effect because it'll be like what yeah that's plenty of time for what we're trying to do this is gonna be easy what's with the like time limit like do we need this much time like i don't think so and then you pop it didn't even take us ten seconds i was giving three minutes i never understood that one to be honest windblade will have a lot more health but i mean you have quite a few bows you have a lot of arrows um i always can hop over the first one never take damage it's funny where's the malicious there we go perfect ready got it no let's go in yeah so these three are just so easy speed running this kind of take a shortcut uh okay don't hurt me it's kind of hurting me it's okay worth it shortcut there's so many different ways you can sell these it's really cool all right wind block ganon time there we go oh we got him kind of hard to see with these blasts there we go three hits good start a lot of health though you already regained all the back oh no it's okay we have the stamina food if we need it let's take out like node health let's stop need shots in you might need a sacrifice or cold resistance we need more damage [Music] oh okay hopefully get another one out gotta keep going there's a lot of health there we go okay i'm on halfway oh we're did we get halfway we got halfway okay good these guys are getting spongy we're gonna use bomb arrows because we can't use those on fireflight so might as well use them now good good yes now because we have a secret move we can use bye bye oh he fell straight off but also we don't need that i don't want him to regen all that back there he is oh oh of course he's doing that he's returning it back nope yes i needed a few in them okay probably one more round for this so close ah gotta finish him off with the bomb where is he i don't even see him he's up there come on one more yes we got him oh my god that was good but wow he really does take a lot wow okay making me a little worried for fire blight but i think we got it i think so so i know there's a salesman i don't remember where she is i think it's you right you go to uh goron city this outfit won't cut it i need your potions we need to take all three yes awesome now we can make it i could use this thank you getting death mountain we only need level one fire resistance but actually being there uh in the mine and in the divine beast we need level two because lizards i think you're gonna put five together it's only uh a tier one unless the criticals i'm pretty sure okay so this area just has a lot of lizards oh yeah because you can just run still lizards and cooking pot we can do guts and four lizard parts level two oh my god we got a critical yes we can keep doing that wow usually that only makes a level one but the criticals push it yes okay this is good this is really good level one okay that's gonna be more common here do one more come on yes another level two we're getting so lucky with the chronicles just with the lizards which would usually not give us level twos so i mean that's pretty good that's 39 minutes i think we'll be okay with 39 minutes it's that last cannon that we need that's important whoosh yeah ball i'm coming and blast off there we go getting up death mode will take probably a good like minimum 10 minutes uh let's head on over there is the drill shaft i see that sauce and comments about it uh this is the legendary room yes got a pair of respects to the drill shaft best weapon it's okay drill shaft we'll come for you another time oh no the rocks ah flame guard doesn't help against uh flaming rocks unfortunately just can't get up on the other one there we go stealth time oh he saw me though okay we got one let's pick up the drill shaft oh no i really like the drill shaft when it's not used against me well so much for stealth for this guy gotta go in brute force spin to win why not bye-bye uh whistle mind powers obviously we use mind powers to communicate on a bow push okay we tried uh push this one there we go imagine if that missed get him all the way got him passing through now we can kill everything okay yes come on give it a whack there we go just barely i feathered it oh bye-bye crate what do i do if i run out of uh the potions i don't know we have to go back so basically we just can't run our potions i haven't thought that far ahead you just can't do it this is the return of the most powerful weapon the chica crate right one shot it literally one shots everything these crates are too overpowered get em another one you know as long as we're not messing up the segment by getting caught i feel like that's nice because that would be really taboo for a shika run with stealth and you know all that stuff oh that was a hard hit that was mega hard um the beast is gonna be hard because we gotta find a way to transfer that blue fire uh which that's gonna be the trickiest part still trying to figure that one out i'm pretty sure you can beat this divine beast just a bow this will be tricky not gonna lie so we gotta use a bow for this which we can because it's not gonna ignite right away there nope i mean that is something and i wasn't very close five four three there we go okay so it's 10 seconds it will stay lit for 10 seconds so you can use that to my advantage okay five four going slow i don't know where we going i don't know wait i relit the blue flame by doing that i lit the blue flame off the arrow i can light it again i'm pretty sure that's just what happened okay so it is possible we have 20 combined minutes left between this buff and the last one there's this one there's three really easy ones just in a row it's the last one like the ball one that's gonna be the hardest every few seconds we gotta shoot off a new arrow and keep going there we go oh i keep firing one off and then pick up the arrow flame that and then again ah we need to do that first so as soon as we get there we're gonna have to turn it slowly as we're going up kind of but we can't take it up there can we hmm i gotta really plan this one out to theoretically take it and shoot it trick shot yeah it's basically gonna be out all right catch on fire there we go gotta hear the sound effect very hard with the fronic bow uh uh uh unequip that shield four three two one we got it oh my god yes [Music] wow that was really tricky okay go away go away uh don't wanna burn that up that was good okay that was like the one part that was gonna be like okay how do we do that how do we do this but we figured it out so i'm happy with that oh it was so close got it yes oh we can do it now this is going to take a lot out of us but if we are now ready ready for fire blake ganon beat him to death we have the strap one bomb two bomb knocks him down then we go in with the edge of duality that's a lot of damage actually i think it's gonna be well okay oh my god already a third oh you missed pathetic and go down bye-bye okay hit him with another oh yes feel these beefy weapons we're just being him to death shoot bye-bye got him okay wow this is going really well the power of the chica is too great for him boom oh oops it's okay get up oh no he's running okay gotta get a bow out there we go bow shots put it away over here regening and another there we go doing well come on what's this fury let's get to them final oh so close no fun and simple death okay bye bye yes got the slime down on him that was really good it was a lot better than expected and i think we're pretty prepared it'll be a nice cinematic victory nice and easy all right guys here we are two ganon let's go castle's right there we are more than prepared for this fight we can do it come on caught horse take me to him peacefully enjoying hyrule last peaceful thing of this run pretty much and because when comes in our upset i was having my moment you ruined it i had a lot of fun with that we're still being chased oh my god i'm coming archer he won't leave me alone he's always of a goblin there's always a chase he just won't stop following me it's been forever oh my god he's been following me for so long why does this seem familiar okay run okay oh crap guardian targeting us really run oh barely out maneuvering okay [Music] oh my god drew wow he double committed to that oh my god that was so close cow horse lived there it is ah and it's just looming this is revenge uh-oh got him in the eye let's go run it's the mad dash i'm still following me oh back off gotta beat him down oh cutscene come on intense right what that wasn't even fair he got us in the cut scene we have one ferry left that's not good the cutscene has ended many any percent runs i can imagine can't get me this time oh we just barely made it yes one more gale we got this gotta be quick gotta dodge everything too guardian's right there it's just lurking menacingly he doesn't see me keep it that way oh oh oh he sees me ah got a bomber that's okay oh no okay sanctum guardians are still being uh a pain but we got this we got our weapons we got determination and we got a helping hand attack buff let's do this let's go starting strong [Music] you're no match [Music] yes okay oh quick zoom badly damaged wait it's going to slime down it's a slime now that always gets me still can get back worthy cause okay well i think it calls for our ultimate ganon killing weapon 66. oh yes be on the wall here we go hit him off okay doing well there we go halfway points we got him yeah come try me whoa this can't mess i've gained too much power ganon okay back on the bed [Music] oh man oh that was so close one our last life no more fairies after this come on a little bit more we have to go with defense up on this can't risk dying okay we got that yes eat more oh slime down slam down oh so close whoa [Music] intense but we got this he's so close [Music] oh my god come on one more we're both to help me out here we got this wow yeah surposa we did it oh my god yes we beat cannon we had to finish on that note but that was it the sheikah emerged victorious couldn't have asked for the gun better and so the shika did manage to remain prosperous all the way to the very end and it wound up going way more smoothly than expected there were still a plethora of chic weapons we didn't even have to use or pick up and the stealth benefits of the suits allowed us to solve a lot of different things far more tactfully than before and ultimately this run was just a ton of fun and i want to thank all of you for watching this marks my second ever challenge run of this game with the first being the platform's first ever amiibo only run which i highly recommend checking out after this one as it was a very unpredictable albeit entertaining challenge but if you enjoyed this one please feel free to leave a like and subscribe if you haven't already for all future runs and videos to come also a huge shout out to my amazing youtube members who help support the content here if you would like to help out too for exclusive commentary and livestream perks i suggest checking out the info down in the description below but anyways thank you all so so much for watching and i hope to see you all soon [Music] goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Croton
Views: 3,031,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda, Breath of the Wild, Stats, Shield, Damage, Bow, Lynel, Tips, Tricks, Help, Botw, Botw 2, Sequel, Elemental, Level up, XP, Cooking, ancient, guardian, satori mountain, Hyrule Warriors, Age of Calamity, stasis, combat, run, special run, challenge, challenge run, special, amiibo, bokoblin, horse, gameplay, pointcrow, smallant, sheikah, stealth, yiga, Tears of the Kingdom, TotK, Tears of the Kingdom challenge, Yiga Only, Only run
Id: tX1n1thocPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 14sec (2954 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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