Can You Beat Bioshock With Only A Wrench?

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Even before watching it I knew bloodlust would be involved. That shit is op

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/IvanAManzo 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2019 đź—«︎ replies
While Bioshock is well over a decade old, it’s still a… the game is… you know what? I like Bioshock. I wanted to play it again. Let’s just get on with it already. Can You Beat Bioshock With Only A Wrench? After an unfortunate plane crash in which I’m sure all the other passengers got safely rescued and didn’t drown while suffering from 3rd degree burns, I found a Lighthouse, entered the magic bubble, rode that bubble down into the bowels of Rapture, and nearly got got from within my bubble. Luckily there’s mysterious revolutionary named Atlas to guide me through this subaquatic nightmare world. Unlike other similar weapon-restricted challenges I’ve done in other games, the Wrench is the first weapon you get in Bioshock, so you don’t have to try to get through any portion of the game without attacking any Splicers. Pick up the wrench, kindly break a small barrier, avoid a flaming couch, and combat is initiated for the first time. The Thuggish Splicer isn’t at all difficult to kill, especially on Easy. After being lucky enough to catch a glimpse of Mr Bubbles, I awaken with new found electrical powers which must be used to open a door. Allow me to make clear what I mean when I say “With Only A Wrench” in the video title. Plasmids can be used, but the only way I can damage an enemy is with my wrench. I can’t shock them, light them on fire, shoot them, or anything like that. My first thought was to drain myself of EVE every time I pick up a Hypo, but it quickly became obvious that that would not be practical to do throughout the entire game. Then Atlas explained what my goal is: Find his family in Neptune’s Bounty. I tried to leap off the railing to get a surprise hit on the Splicer below, but it didn’t work. He will always be known as the one that got away. I killed a loving mother and kidnapped her adorable little handgun, saw a ghost in the bathroom, entered the Footlight Theater, and got an up close look at how Big Daddy deals with those who wish to do harm to their Little Sisters. It might look brutal, but that Splicer actually got a pretty quick death. I pushed onward and fought a Leadhead Splicer. These are tough, as they take 3 solid wacks to kill. The door to Neptune’s Bounty closed, forcing me to fight even more Splicers. You’re supposed to electrocute their puddle, but I couldn’t do that. Andrew Ryan then introduced himself to me and sent some goons to end me. I wanted to see them try, but they couldn’t even break the glass. Then again, I couldn’t either and I just survived a plane crash. I had to go through the Medical Pavillion to get to find another entrance to Neptune’s Bounty. It was here I did the first hacking minigame. I hacked a Security Bot then immediately destroyed it because it’s not a wrench. After a momentary setback, I flipped a switch and was inside Medical Pavillion proper, where I saw another ghost, learned how to ring a bell, fought the toughest enemy yet in the form of a turret, then fought a Nitro Splicer that was even harder to kill, got the Incinerate Plasmid, and was off to kill Doctor Steinman. I used my fire fingers to clear a path, someone forgot to pay their electric bill, I almost got stabbed with a knife, found the Telekenisis Plasmid and was off to kill Doctor Steinman, for realsies this time. Telekenisis allowed me to catch a grenade in mid air, I’m not sure why grenades come in cans but whatever, and I saw Doctor Steinman. He seems like a nice guy. His art is a little out there for my taste, though. It took a little bit to beat him to death with the wrench, but he didn’t put up much of a fight. To prove that I’m not an animal, I put his body in one of the storage drawers for safe keeping and finally had the key to Emergency Access. On the way there I found a Little Sister. My options were to harvest or rescue her. Tenenbaum said it’d be “worth my while” to save the kid. I don’t know what she had in mind but I didn’t want to find out. First I tried to beat the Little Sister with my wrench, which didn’t work. Then I tried flinging a chest at her face. Didn’t work either. I eventually decided to just rip the slug out of her. With 160 Adam in my pockets, I could afford a few special treats. I got a Health Upgrade and the Armored Shell Combat Tonic. The health upgrade is self-explanatory and Armored Shell reduces the damage I take. Useful since I have to be a few inches away from an enemy to damage them. The timing couldn’t have been any better, because in order to proceed, I had to kill a Big Daddy. And let me tell you, that was not easy for a couple reasons. The first is that my Wrench does practically nothing to the Big Daddy. Nothing I’ve faced so far has taken 10 hits to kill, and 10 hits on the Big Daddy with the wrench barely did anything. The second problem is that when the Bouncer hits you, you’re stunned for a moment, which leaves you open for another attack, and then another, and then another. That works terrifyingly well with his scream, which slows you down quite a bit. Obviously in a face-to-face fight, I had no chance whatsoever. I tried running and hiding behind some objects, but Daddy don’t care. When Daddy decides its time for punishment, you can run but you can’t hide. I eventually made my way back to where I got the Incinerate Plasmid, because there’s an area that can only be entered if you crouch. But popping out to take a swing at the Bouncer wasn’t going to work either. I was low on health and was quickly running out of ideas, and then I saw it. A glorified baby gate. This small railing proved to be my saving grace, as the Big Daddy isn’t flexible enough to climb over it. After several minutes of luring him over to the railing and carefully taking a few swings before he finally died. It was rough. I harvested his Little Sister, saw another Big Daddy, said “Fuck that” and let the Big Daddy go about his lonesome business, stocked up on First Aid Kits, and entered Neptune’s Bounty. It was in Neptune’s Bounty that I got my first Wrench upgrade, sort of. It’s not an upgrade to the Wrench itself, but there are a few tonics that effect the wrench. Wrench Jockey, for instance, increases the amount of damage you deal with the wrench. I also got the Target Dummy Plasmid because it doesn’t do damage, it’s just a distraction for enemies. It ended up being waste since I don’t think I used it for its intended purpose a single time. I then spoke to Peach Wilkins, who’s a bit of a shutterbug. I wasn’t really paying attention when he was talking. Based on what I did, I assume he said something about talking pictures of Spider Splicers that were being a nuisance. Probably. I don’t care. I passed by another Big Daddy, found the Camera, and took a photo. I did think about whether or not I should use the Camera because it’s not a wrench. But it’s also not doing any damage to anything, so I figured it wouldn’t matter. I’m not gonna waste time talking about every single photo I took. I’ll just say that by the end of the game, I’d fully researched every enemy in the game. Contrary to what I literally just said, I took the three requisite Spider Splicer photos, passed by the Big Daddy I saw earlier, and got into a fight with that same Big Daddy. It was actually going rather well until a 2nd Big Daddy showed up because of course I had to fight 2 at once with a fucking wrench. The upgrades I’d gotten ensured that I wasn’t completely fucked in this fight. I could dish out more punishment and take more from them. I also discovered that I could be further away than I thought and still hit the Big Daddy. I still lost most of my health, but come on, I killed 2 Big Daddy’s. I then arrested another Little Sister and was off the find the Submarine Bay. To deal with Peach Wilkins, I had to enter an area with my weapons relinquished, except for my Wrench and Camera. With Peachy Dead, I found a Power To The People machine, which has no upgrades for the Wrench because why would it. I upgraded my Pistol because you get Trophies for upgrading weapons. I went back and swapped out one of my Plasmids for Incinerate, melted some ice, miserably failed at hacking a terminal, wacked some fish, entered Smuggler’s Hideout, watched Atlas get ambushed by Andrew Ryan’s Splicers, fought my way down to where he was, watched his stupid family die, and escaped to the Docking Bay. This place is called Arcadia, and it’s beautiful. Well, it was for about 11 seconds before Andrew Ryan decided to fuck the trees to death. My goal is to get to the Metro Station. But something always has to go wrong, as one second I’m excited to ride the bus and the next second I’m pretending to be the Lorax. Also I beat another Big Daddy to death. As time goes on, these become less and less challenging. The joy of killing a brainwashed child never fades, though. After sliding another slug into my pocket, I bought a few more tonic slots, bought the Medical Expert tonic to make First Aid Kits more effective, watched as pesticides rained from the heavens, found a pretty flower, harvested another Little Sister, watched as Julie Langford died a probably painful death, and was tasked with gathering an assortment of items to create the Lazarus Vector. That probably could have been done a lot quicker, but I wasted all the components I’d gather because I thought there would be a Trophy for creating stuff. To make matters worse, my last save was a while ago, so I was out of luck. The quest to find some stuff was both annoying and time consuming. The Farmer’s Market is an unfriendly place, filled with Splicers, Turrets, and Big Daddy’s. I found some distilled water, obtained Enzyme samples from the buzzing nightmare room, found more water, went down to the winery, killed another Big Daddy, found the rest of the water, at some point I found the Chlorophyll Solution, and went back to Langford’s lab to create the Lazarus Vector. It took a while to implement. Fending off all the Splicer’s is probably supposed to be a challenge, but at this point, getting pictures of the Houdini Splicers is harder than actually killing them. Once the Vector had been deployed, I was off to Metro Station. I took an office chair with me because why not, right? I mean, it’s no bucket, but it’s still a solid piece of wooden craftsmanship. Unfortunately, wooden chairs don’t like being in magic bubbles. The chair was gone after the game loaded the new area. It was probably for the best, as the next area is Fort Frolic. I love Bioshock, but Fort Frolic is like the Dwemer Ruins from Skyrim. Some people probably like it, but I find it boring. I had to get four very specific photographs for an eccentric gentleman with an affinity for bunny ears. The first photo was of Kyle Fitzpatrick, who exploded rather well. After Kyle’s photo was pinned to the bulletin board, I could complete the next three in any order. Supposedly they betrayed Sander Cohen, but I don’t know if I buy that. My first stop was Poseidon Plaza, which is now a frozen wasteland. I shattered a corpse before being frozen myself. Bird guy was rude to me, which is why I killed him next and destroyed his igloo. I then killed an Elite Bouncer. He had a spinning hook hand instead of a drill. The red paint looked cool, but lack of a drill made him look like an idiot. Plus I danced around him with a pole. On my way to kill the next chump I snapped enough photos to get Wrench Jockey 2. There was another Elite Bouncer, but I mopped the floor with him. Hector Rodriguez pretty much killed himself, and Silas Cobb made me wait around for him to show up. With the four photos posted, I wasted no time by immediately assaulting Sander Cohen as soon as he revealed himself. I got a trophy for taking a picture of his corpse, and was off to Hephaestus to take the fight to Andrew Ryan himself. Ryan sent an assortment of Splicers to stop me, which did next to nothing. He might as well have sent an army of dead hamsters after me. There was a room with corpses nailed to pillars. I tried to gently take them down, but they weren’t having it. Andrew Ryan sealed himself behind an electrically shut door. I searched the area for a way to get in, passed through the Hephaestus Core in which I killed another Elite Bouncer and harvested a Little Sister, entered Heat Loss Monitoring, killed yet another Elite Bouncer, continued searching the area for ways to get to Ryan, killed a 3rd Big Daddy, and found a giant EMP Bomb. The components weren’t difficult to find, mostly because the Big Daddy’s that had some of them were already dead. It took a bit of backtracking, but I found them before too long, upgraded to Wrench Lurker 2 and Medical Expert 2, but most importantly, I had the materials necessary to craft Bloodlust, a tonic that restores health when you damage an enemy with the Wrench. With this tonic and Wrench Lurker 2, the wrench is borderline overpowered. I returned to the little hidey-hole, and was ready to set off a bomb in a fragile underwater city. But before doing that, I turned a corpse into a yo-yo. On the way to the detonation site, I fought an Elite Bouncer, which was a joke. I can attack him much faster than he can attack me, so I can restore the health lost from his attacks before he can attack me again. I’m effectively a god. After fulfilling a lifelong dream of slowing turning a valve to release hot magma into water, I took an elevator to the Hephaestus Core, placed the bomb, and let it do its thing. There was nothing standing between me and Andrew Ryan. While Rapture was beginning to crumble thanks to Ryan’s self-destructive nature, I once again played with a corpse yo-yo, then I threw some stuff at this big electric thing, which did nothing, and thought that if I ever do another Bioshock challenge, a Telekinesis-only run would be a fun one to do. Finally I came face to face with the man himself. A man chooses, a slave obeys, and I am 100% a slave, which is why I beat Andrew Ryan to death with a golf club instead of a wrench, tried to disrespect his body to no avail, and discovered that there was no Atlas, it was Frank Fontaine all along, as if that name is supposed to mean something to me. Before all hell broke loose, I was saved by Little Sisters, was partially freed of Fontaine’s power over me, and was tasked with stopping him. With all my previous upgrades, this was in no way challenging. Even Elite Rosie’s were comically easy to deal with. I had to track down a serum to completely free myself from Fontaine, I played with a Big Daddy’s body for longer than I should have, searched a few apartments, got a clue for where the serum might be, tried desperately to stuff a Big Daddy into the elevator, didn’t work, found one-half of the serum which had the unfortunate effect of randomizing my plasmids, entered Apollo Square, fought my way through more Splicers and Big Daddys, fully researched Nitro Splicers which got me the Research PhD trophy, found the 2nd dosage of the serum, was completely free of Frank’s power over me, and the end was in sight. I had to fight my way through Point Prometheus to get to Frank Fontaine and finally escape Rapture. But, before I did that, I payed homage to the wooden chair from earlier by stuffing every conceivable object: dead bodies, suitcases, canned food, masks, poles, you name it, I stuffed it into the Bathysphere. It predictably did nothing. Unfortunately, in order to get my hands on Fontaine, I had to get my hands in a Big Daddy, specifically the suit. This was time consuming and annoying, not because it was hard, but because the way the Big Daddy helmet messes with your vision gave me a headache. After I got the rest of the Big Daddy suit and sprayed myself with perfume, I followed a little girl around while she defiled a bunch of corpses. I’m going through this portion rather quickly because I don’t want to watch the Big Daddy helmet footage for any longer than I need to. The Little Sister got the Adam from 3 Angels, I bought as many Gene Upgrades as I could from Gatherer’s Garden, for no reason other than to spend the Adam I had, and took the elevator to Fontaine. This was as stupidly easy as I thought it would be. It takes less than 10 hits from my Wrench to drain Fontaine’s health, then he teleports back to his apparatus, I stick him with my turkey baster, and do it again. The Splicers and Turrets he sends can be killed in 1 hit each. I continue to beat Frank with my Wrench, he gives me a good smack, and the sisters of the Little Sisters I brutally murdered came to my rescue. They stuck Fontaine over and over again with their Adam gathering devices, the screen faded to black, there was one last cutscene, and I beat Bioshock with only a Wrench. I knew going into it that this would be relatively easy. Bioshock on the easiest difficulty is not a hard game to beat, and there are multiple videos on YouTube of people doing Wrench-Only playthroughs of Bioshock. Still, if you’re looking for a new way to play through Bioshock, a wrench-only run is a pretty fun one to do. And that’s gonna do it for this video about whether or not you can beat Bioshock with only a wrench. If you enjoyed the video or learned anything, leave a Like. Leave a Dislike if you didn’t enjoy the video or didn’t learn anything. Follow me on Twitter @MittenSquad. My name is Paul of Mitten Squad. Have a wonderful day.
Channel: Mitten Squad
Views: 2,420,732
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Keywords: Can You Beat Bioshock With Only A Wrench?, can you beat bioshock with a wrench, bioshock wrench, bioshock wrench only, bioshock wrench build, bioshock wrench jockey, bioshock wrench lurker, bioshock big daddy wrench, bioshock wrench only run, bioshock wrench only playthrough, can you beat bioshock, can you beat, can you beat mitten squad, iammitten, mitten squad, mittensquad, mitten squad can you beat, bioshock, bioshock full playthrough, bioshock story summary
Id: JY4GfoqI2-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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