Can You Beat Fallout 3 With Only The Miss Launcher?

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There are many weapons in Fallout 3. Some are cobbled together by the average wastelander who’s just trying to get by. Some are hand crafted with hate to kill a loved one. But only one weapon is fancy enough to have a title in tis name. Can You Beat Fallout 3 With Only The Miss Launcher? Up first, just like in rehearsal, was my birth. Then Todd welcomed the lovely Paulina in the world, my mother flatlined, and the next thing I knew I was alive. Believe it or not, Explosives will be worthless because the miss Launcher is a variation of the missile launcher and the missile launcher family of weapons are in the Big Guns side of the tree while grenades and throwable explosives are on the Explosives side. That makes the SPECIAL setup for this challenge kind of a pain in the ass. There’s only 1 place to find the Miss Launcher and its locked behind a 75 lockpick door. And if you haven’t noticed yet, I’m playing on console for a reason I’ll get to in a second so I can’t quick save quick load through the door. Intelligence is a necessity for getting skill points when leveling up. Endurance is for Big Guns and to hopefully grow into an emotionless bullet sponge later in life. Charisma has to be at 4 to get the Child at Heart perk, of course Luck is a social influencer that affects all skills, the rest don’t matter. I made my HUD orange just like the default New Vegas color, hated it instantly but refused to change it back, and before I knew what hit me it I was 10 years old. Can you believe it? A surprise party all for me. Music, balloons, a floating clown. I had a great time until it was time to go kill the bug. In an effort to cause as many uncomfortable situations as possible, I stuck coffee mugs in everyones pockets thinking if I got the entire vault to hate me someone with a weapon would bash me over the skull with a party hat. When that didn’t work, I settled for executing the roach, pumped BB’s in the gaping hole where dads heart was before I destroyed it. With my father having just been pelted into unconsciousness, Jonas told me to think about how much fun a child could have with a gun, got a fantastic birthday picture, dad checked me for lice, and started picking skills. There’s more to this than meets the eye. My skills were Big Big guns, Barter, and Sneak. You should be concerned that the challenge involved a missile launcher and I’ve chosen to sneak. 3 years later, it’s the end of the world. The rad roaches I mourned in another life ripped Officer Kendall’s leg off and were moments away from eating Butch’s mother when I failed to convince him to leave her behind. In the Atrium I alerted the guards to my presence to save the lives of two innocent vault dwellers. Not sure where they went. One second they were about to make a run for it then they were gone. Also not sure why there were so many roaches. I didn’t question it. My dream of pretending to command an army of radroaches had become a reality. The only man they weren’t willing to assault was the Overseer. The vault doesn’t matter anymore, we’ve got a wasteland to save. With 19 points to spend at level 2, I felt stuck in my own shoes. Lockpick of 75 is a must, Barter’s needed for buying missiles, Medicine and Sneak are crucial, one level isn’t enough to raise any skills high enough to survive me out here by my lonesome and I’m completely incapable of hurting anything until I get the Miss Launcher located at Fort Independence. Compared to other places I’ve had to travel to, Fort Independence is a dream due to how close it is to Vault 101. Seconds after my body plummeted down from orbit like an ODST, Defender Morgan told me to keep my head down as if that’s not what I just d*mn near broke my legs trying to do. In order to get my hands on the Miss Launcher, a couple things will have to happen as I’ve already alluded to, starting with scrap metal. I’m playing on the worst game console known to man, the Series X, so I can’t console command hundreds of missiles into my inventory. I’m certainly not playing on an xbox because back in February drunk Paul did so much damage to his Fallout 3 install on his Mac that it’s been broken beyond repair for half a year. It’s unrelated to some commenters saying my New Vegas runs don’t count because of mods. Of course, just like with the Dart Gun challenge, when you actually need Scrap Metal it’s almost impossible to find. On the west coast I used Bean Bags to become God. Back here in the nation’s capital, I’ll be using recycled steel to accomplish the same goal. Together, hand in hand, we can rebuild this wasteland. All we have to do is recycle our plastic, turn off the air conditioner that by now should be a rotting corpse, and we can save our planet from us. I should explain what I’m doing instead of lingering on a bunch of nothing. I’m gonna use scrap metal to power-level myself up to the point where I can kick down any unlocked door. To not get to carried away early, I won’t spoil how this exploit works. Unbeknownst to me in the past, there are only 67 scrap metal in the entirety of Fallout 3. Megaton’s got like 2 of ‘em. However, sometimes if you search a pregnant metal box you can find a piece of scrap metal inside. On the topic of love, one of my eyes caught the attention of Mister Burke, the lovely Paulina convinced Burke to lie to Ten Penny Tall Tower regarding the bomb being worshipped in the center of town, went outside to risk it all. You only live once, my lungs have been on the verge of collapse since I was born, there’s no time for games. Colin wasn’t as into me as I was, so I broke into Billy Creel’s house, stole his CDs and his Teddy Bear, and continued the search for valuables in the women’s bathroom. Someone left a fork and knife in the tub, whoever it was figured out which utensil is the whore and too horrified to stick around to tell anybody about it. I’ll save you 4 minutes of frustration and boredom and tell you that I never found any scrap metal in Megaton. The Fallout Wiki’s got a list of places to find scrap metal, but the problem is that every location in Fallout 3 is in Fallout 3, so it’s a pain in the ass to get to. Subway tunnels, for instance, happen to be right in the pathway of you know who. From the safety of outside her render distance, I contemplated my move. The curse of Grandma Sparkle was sealed up just like the Doom Guy, impossible for it to smite me again. The cunt knew this. She knew Paulina was a being so far below her that she broke the negativity barrier and ascended into God-Tier status. Just before entering her apartment, I decided to put the challenge on hold. This b*tch dies. Killing her in her house will stop the curse forever. Unless she f**king vanishes out of thin air. In all my years, I never once expected her to leave like that. There are no exits, you saw her run inside and I was right in front of her f**king door, there was nowhere she could’ve gone. What we’ve learned here today is that Grandma Sparkle is not a person, she’s an idea. Anyone can be Grandma Sparkle. Any fool with a gun can dress like a slut and become Grandma Sparkle. Yeah she’s back. I’m not sure where she went or where she came. I didn’t see any meteors kiss the sky over DC. Regardless, there’s only room in this madman’s mind for one deity and I’ve already told you what I’ve got planned for me. I sat there with her all through the night, did a f**king sweet jump over this bush, reminded the kid that I’m still not helping him, exploded all 3 of my legs in a freak minefield accident, and entered the Hubris Comics Utility Tunnels. I still need scrap metal and am still unwilling to follow a strangers advice. Being the only girl Paul in a comic shop, I should’ve known I’d get mauled to death. Closing the door to the closet while I was in it wasn’t a safe choice either. I only came in here to find trash and was leaving disappointed. I went from one sewer to a dryer sewer to the bowels of hell. The Metro station I emerged from opened up to a train station. A single Brotherhood of Steel Paladin was on the scene and used his superior combat knowledge to best all the mutants ruining the train convention. At level 3 I put all the points into Sneak, returned to Megaton, bought 26 Stimpaks from the doctor, had 2 scrap metal and only needed 1 more and the Super Duper Mart is full of boxes ready to plundered. I hit the mother load but that load did not come easy. Raiders of every shape and size swarmed me as I tried to learn how to computer. The messiah rescued me when all other options failed, I was still mildly perturbed by the orange HUD, found a scrap metal, and with 3 scrap metal, returned to Proctor Casdin to begin the end, almost. I was still 1 scrap shy of achieving my final form. You know where they probably have steel out the ass? Fort Independence. And I just so happen to have lifted the key out of Casdin’s pocket. Down in America’s colon I found both the door to the Miss Launcher and an unbelievably 3 pieces of scrap metal. As we know from Fallout New Vegas’s Dead Money DLC, finding them isn’t the hard part, it’s getting out alive with them. The Outcasts have not yet learned that I’m one of them, which means I’m an outcast of the outcast, legally I’m normal now but there are some lines even I won’t cross. In place of figuring out which combination of words would trick them into loving me, I stole the metal, ran away into the night and waited a like Jesus for 3 days for Casdin and Friend to calm down. Through a bunch of trial and error I figured out the Brotherhood Outcasts will be hostile towards me if anyone catches any scent of me in the basement. After several attempts, I managed to not succeed a single time, so went to the one place I knew would have all the metal in the world: A Steel Mill. The dozen or so Raiders there attacked me on-sight, presumably they thought I was there to save the big orange princess they had locked behind an electric fence. Inside the mill was far more elaborate than I thought. There’s an entire community of people that you can’t interact with because they’re always hostile, except for Smiling Jack. I found him in the fields of misery moments after reclaiming my 4th piece of metal. Just before saying my goodbyes I had him repair a few things, and just like that he’s dead. Silver linings, I found the Barter bobblehead, found yet another scrap metal in a toolbox, and left Evergreen Mills to take my rightful place in the world. To make the exploit work, you need an even number of scrap metal and a stealth boy or a high enough sneak skill. Proctor Casdin will take some pre-war technology in exchange for wasteland supplies like Grenades or Stimpaks. Hand over all the stuff you’ve got, Save the game, use the stealth boy, and steal back all the scrap metal you gave to him. Now turn it back in all but 2 of the scrap metal, pickpocket him again but get caught and if you did it right the game will break. Fallout 3 now believes I have 2 scrap metal in my inventory when I really have none, so I can turn in an infinite number of them into Casdin for as much .556 ammo, grenades, or Stimpaks I desire. Alternatively, you can turn that endless scrap metal into Walter in Megaton for an easy experience infinity pool you can make at home without getting a permission slip signed. With this Fallout 3 infinite experience exploit 2021 still working, I went from level 3 to all the way to level 11 in a matter of minutes. What I didn’t tell you about was Walter’s insane wealth, he also forks over 50 caps for 5 pieces of scrap metal which put me north of 11,000 caps. Now, more than 10 minutes into this video, we’re ready to go get the Miss Launcher from Fort Independence. Once I was there I had to wait a little while longer, I got fed up with the f**king notifications and it took minutes for them to finish popping up. With my highest lock pick skill possibly ever in a Fallout 3 video, I unsealed the door, examined all the goodies, obtained the Miss Launcher, and thought about where to test out a weapon I’ve never used before this video. That cow in Whilhelms Warf is too unpredictable, ghouls in the comic shop are a better target. Talon Company intercepted me and forced my hand. As you can see, the Miss Launcher is not anything special. It’s a missile launcher with erectile disfunction. The missiles it fires don’t fly through the air, they plop out onto the ground with an arc that makes the Junk Jet look like a plastic propeller plane you get from the dollar store. Other than that, all the Miss Launcher’s got to its name is higher damage than the regulation Missile Launcher. That’s about all there is to the Miss Launcher. After wiping the floor with Talon Company, I came to the frightening realization that I picked the wrong system for this challenge. Ammunition for these kinds of powerful weapons in general is not a frequent find and no amount of money can fix that or the bigger problem: time. Merchants restock their items on Sundays and Wednesday. But in the irradiated hells cape that I call home, not many merchants have missiles. Moira isn’t allowed to after what happened with Carl, merchants like Lucky Harith and Crazy Wolfgang spawn to erratically to be relied on for anything, some merchants do sell missiles but you’ve gotta complete a quest for them first. Grouse at Paradise Falls is one of those pricks. That leaves Tenpenny Tower and Rivet City. The Raiders living under the bridge near the Citadel were far more ravenous than usual, I talked to stupid for a minute, made a massive donation to the church, bought out the entire hospital to spite everyone in town, discovered the Jefferson Memorial, was briefly distracted by my speed when power walking, and Shrapnel had more miniature nuclear warheads than missiles. From there I powered myself up to Level 13 with Walters help, became a cannibal, rounded out a few skills for no reason, waited a few days for vendors to restock, bought a single missile from Mick and Ralph, and checked in at Tenpenny Tower for more missiles. Gustavo at the gate thought I was the ghoul rambling into the intercom just before someone exploded, he had 4 missiles, so if you include the 2 I wasted getting in, I’m up 2 missiles in about 10 minutes. After one more session, I’d gotten up to 20 missiles and with that, the real game began right around the time the sun started setting on this challenge. Earlier in the day I checked the achievements for Fallout 3 and noticed that I hadn’t hit level 14 yet, Waltered up to that level, the achievement didn’t pop. I hit 15. Nothing. I hit 16. Nothing. 17. Nothing. That rubbed me the wrong way. Despite my xbox being worse than dog shit at doing anything other than crashing for no reason, I decided to push the f**ker beyond its natural limits. I’m gonna go straight to Vault 87 without ever entering Tranquility Lane. The child at heart perk granted me access to the caverns and I had a non-standard goal in mind. There’s a door somewhere with a 75 science terminal to unlock. I never found it and that upset something deep inside me. Knowing I was moments away from heading to Smith Casey’s Garage, I took a chance and the dividends this paid made what I would’ve made from not selling all my Dogecoin at 7 cents look like chump change. Maybe this is common knowledge, maybe not, I didn’t know about it until this video. You can use the quick-save quick-load exploit to clip through walls on Xbox. Sticky’s following me by the way. He’s unimportant. The real trick to this exploit is pulling it off with a controller. To clip through reality you need to be constantly moving. Then you save while moving forward, load that save while moving forward, maybe you’ll be a hair forward, save, load, save, load and you’re through the gate to Murder Pass. I sat there for a second, relishing in what I’d accomplished while also being sad because I’ll never have a reason to use this again, but the second Sticky mentioned Telody I swung the door to murder pass open hard enough to cause an F085 tornado, and actually used my gun like a gun on these goons. Super Mutant Masters were out and about, gettin’ in my way, acting like jackasses at every opportunity. A bit deeper I hit the fire alarm to set off the disco lights and release the hostages. The missiles I had left were near and deer enough to my heart to be named, I couldn’t send them to their death unless it was a glorious one. The radiation in the GECK room was an afterthought. Megaton doesn’t have a hospital anymore, remember I bought them out and left the doctor with the memory of medical supplies. Taking the GECK got me abducted by the Enclave as intended. The Orange HUD was also still as off putting as ever, one of my babies was a misfire that did nothing, another killed an officer, that left a single missile as my failsafe. President Eden gave me his virus, Sticky appeared out of nowhere and was never seen again. I unlocked the Deathclaw cage with my lock pick skill of 75, the beast was unleashed, I played in his box and when I came out he was dead. My last missile made the noble sacrifice of killing an Enclave soldier which got me one more missile and a missile launcher to improve my own. I’d say karma’s a b*tch because I forgot that the door to the Citadel is sealed off, leaving me with 3 choices. I couldn’t kidnap any missiles off this Brotherhood of Steel Paladin leaving me with 2 choices. Save scum my way through collapsed side of the Citadel, eventually getting under the map itself, or just walk around the one barrier the Enclave put up. Colonel Autumn waited for me in the heart of Project Purity. Picking the right angle to warp through the glass at required some thought. The more finicky the position you can jam yourself into before you start clipping, the better. I chose to climb up on the railing to deliver a message over the intercom. Keep jumping, keep moving, keep saving, keep loading, and you’ll get through the wall eventually. All that remains is Augustus Autumn. He cannot be reasoned with nor can he be killed. My sole surviving missile killed itself to knock out Colonel Autumn, I blanked on the code to set off the purifier, remembered it was 216, Sticky called it, Colonel Autumn lost it, and I beat Fallout 3 with only the miss launcher.
Channel: Mitten Squad
Views: 1,327,939
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Keywords: can, can you, can you beat, can you beat fallout, can you beat fallout 3, can you beat fallout 3 with, can you beat fallout 3 with only, can you beat fallout 3 with the miss launcher, fallout 3 miss launcher, fallout 3 missile launcher, can you beat fallout 3 with only a missile launcher, fallout 3, fallout, mitten squad, mittensquad
Id: R7au22YFdmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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